©illa moo It íjeablipltt T he C ounty O fficial P aper couldn't be elected for dog-pel ter, and the best of them are liable to defeat if they get to quarreling in in the convention. Trading or se­ cret caucusing is likely to produce bad results also. weight that its density exceeds that of lignum \ it;»-. ty (Mississippi Valley Lumberman.) Douglas fir seems to be destined to cut considerable of a figure in PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY car construction work in the north­ T kk T illamook H kadlioht C omp in y , west. A west coast lumber trade ( incorporated ) Governor Dan Bowers is think­ paper recently looked into the W. F. D. J ones , E ditor and M anager . ing that in case Rev. C. O. Brown matter and found that the great of San Francisco is expelled from car builders of the country had RATES OF S(’HS< KlPTION. his pulpit that he will invite him commenced to use Washington (HTR1CTLY IN ADVANCE.) «I Ml. to come and preach in Garibaldi One year lumber on a large scale, and lhatii . .75. Six months .................................. 50. and use Rooster rock for a pulpit. Three montlis number of the Pacific coast saw Miss Undermaii will not be allow mills are making a specialty of ADVERTISING KATES. ed to come however. looking after this trade. It is as­ |H-ry*ar|6 75 i inch, per monili tn 7-5 ...” ” 2o.oo » >5 serted that the car manufacturers L rol. ... " ” 3300 J 75 There are plenty of men who feel ...” 60.00 «>75 <-<>nhl very profitably locate their ” loo.oo 11.00 ........... ” Í* “ Local notic-s, loels. per line; and sets, after perfectly competent, who are will­ plants'on Hie Pacific coast, and the first insertion. Only sets per line for first ing to assume the responsibilities insertion for regular advertiser«. thus be able to turn out ears there Lost, Found, For Kent, For Sale. Wanted, and Special notices, in classified “ad” columns, at of the Clerk’s or Sheriff's office at . much cheaper Hum they now do the rate of one cent per word for first insertion 81500 per year. Yea, there are and halt rates thereafter. I in the east, The Limber for a box Legal notices, Nonpareil, locts. per line for first insertion and 5cts per line for each subse­ plenty who are anxious to get car costs 850 on Puget Sound; quent insertion. either deputyship at 8600 per £4^*AII notices or communications should laid down in Chicago it is worth be sent in as early in the week as possible. year. A great many will be ld by Druggist*. mid a split in the eomentioii. mid one of its sides is polished Oregonian |mid H eadlight , 12 BLY BROTHERS, M Warren SL. New York. We warn those 1 imlmikeroiis of- from the squeezing it has under­ per year. liee seekers Hint a nomination is gone. Yellow pint* from the lower WANTED-AN IDEAS»» thino t«-» 1^1 flHf • — . .V _ _ yon* idsuth* » mar not «■qiiivalent Io mi election by a levels of the Comstock has been so Ocean Wave ami H ka DLIGHT, thin< lo V*l*nt 7 Protect Wrtt* JOHN <«DI>«R- BL KN A (Y>.. l atent Attorney«, Waahlnaton oiig shot. Sime men who me out compressed by the enormous| only 11.75 per year. U C.. for Chair |l*M> prise offer. La Grippe! Sturgeon’s jtfeW and Select ¡&oclç. patent ^edicineg and Druggigt’g Motion^. A Fine Line of Jewelry T illamook , O regon . Truckee llle Alderman Direct from $. F. to Tiilamoolç. Reduced Rates! ÆLL-EJST HOUSE NEW H0USE-:-NEW FURNITURE $ailg Every 10 dayg, Weather permitting. Reduction in Lumber. GOUGHS and COLDS Henceforth until further notice the prices of lumber will be as follows: Rough Lumber § 8 per M. Shiplap 12 J Rustic 18 Flooring 20 After 30 (lavs lOper cent interest will be charged on all bills. i Tillamook Lumbering Co.