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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1915)
T he S ilverton J ournal j SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1915. VOL IV. ROTTEN ROME’S REASONS Forget” í FOUNDED ON PAGANISM A PROTESTANT TRAITOR SHOOTS WIDE THE MARK A Reverend Doctor of Wisconsin Talks Like a Fish and Apologizes For America’s Enemies arch could establish something which could be call«'«l a democracy among A so-called protestant minister, of iis slaves, and Catholics, even the Apph’ton, Wisconsin, In an attempt poor white slaves in the convent pens to crush out the sane and timt-ly cru can be forced into a sort of co-opera sade against the great evil ot Ro nan tion which some ignorant idiots might Catholicism, says thut "we muM* imagine proves that slavery is the neither anathemutixe or infallibleiz best kind of democracy an»! tho only "safe and sane’* freedom for the the past.” If our good protestant who doc » masses. Hut we must never forget not believe in protesting over much. that one of the beautiful things means to say by this that the Roihan »bout this old mother church is its Cutholic Church of the present is not iplendid method of sending her spies a menace to this nation, he has shot nto her enemies’ camp. And this wide of the mark. It is very goo i Rev. doctor of Wisconsin may be u to know what a person or a churcl Jesuit who has be«-n grille«l and drill has l>een in order to judge what it ed for just such occasions as the is now and what it may become if th»- present. At least he has all th«- allowed to got the necessary power symptoms and answers the purpose but the Roman Hierarchy, right now, very well. So well in»lee»i that hi- is not only rotten in its deceptive, article was copied in the great Cath fearful, stultifying and thiefish doc olic paper, "Our Sunday Visitor” trines, but it is actually endeavoring with a lot more of just such dope as for selfish motives to get absolute •he ignorant dupes like to be dope«! control of every government on earth vlth a d on which the “wolves in ■heep’s clothing” in all churches lov< where it has not been kicked out. This apologist preacher for the •o feed. We must demand facts and proof old "beast” says that “the real men- ace, the deeper danger, i» in the »nd not depend on rumor indeed doc- anti-catholic assuming that his neigh- or, and the facta prove beyond t bor as a catholic is not an Americun, hadow of a doubt that the Roman not a patriot; that he hates democ catholic Church is not fit to exist. racy and loves tyranny.” Now isn’f uul can not long exist, in a free ami that about the s‘xe of it? The pool «regressive country like the United dupe may think he loves democracy Stales of America. A mi-mber of a real Proestant but he doesn’t for he can’t if he is i church, or a protester who belongs imposti good catholic. It is i.n utter to no church but who protests ibility. And this “goody goody’ against all forms of monarchy,slav a man preacher is "assuming” that can serve two masters which is ab ery und tyranny can be a real, true solutely wrong according to very high American citizen, a patriot, love de authority. A government for and by mocracy ami hate all forms of civic the people is not Roman Catholic corruption, but Cutholics can not «Io ism and mill call vs no IIV good Catholic WMavaw can — at - the this unless they drop their most vital same time be a good American citi- doctrines of “the church”, If zen, nor a real patriot, nor even a " Jesus wiis ‘ here to day he could •>c a good ami progressive worker real, genuine Christian In the very best sense of the word. He must n this great country. He proteeted hate democracy for he loves a gov .gainst Romanism, an«l if he were ernment ruled by an absolute mon here now his words would neither be arch, the pope, an»l hir agents, and he words of Father O’Hara of Ore- preacher’s this is tyranny. President Wilson al- (on nor __ of „ the apologist _ -**• » « »_ so has said thut the catholic church is | ’gush” from Appleton. Of Buch he the greutest example of a democracy vould probably say, "Scribes and hypocrite» on earth, but this was said for a pur-1 I - dharasees, “ *■ ------- “*• ”, and so would — K— ----------------------------- . the poor, misled lay every well-posted, true patriot pose no doubt as was t.._ r preacher’s hot-air apology. A mon- of the world. A TRAITOR OR A SPY THE FATHER OF OUR COUNTRY ETERNAL VIGILANCE! IT IS WELL FOR US TO OUR AMERICAN EVER KEEP BEFORE THE YOUTH THAT OUR GREATEST MINDS OF STATESMEN “THE Church”. THEY DID NOT DID NOT BELONG TO LIEVE IN BUT RADICALLY OPPOSED THE DOCTRINES OF ROMAN CATHOLIC HIERARCHY. OUR LIBERATOR SLAVES BE- No. 29 While Workers are Toiling Day After Day the Pope’s “Inner Circle Are Forging Chains Í Í “The SUNDAY VISITOR” also -reserve. The State didn’t murder called “The HARMONIZEK” is a -hrut; it was “the Church” of his national Roman Catholic newspaper. ime which had become so corrupt Its manager claims that over two hut Christ criticised it—told the million people read the paper, and ruth about it and it used the Slate therefore its articles shoud be consid ■s a tool to destroy him. He pub- ered well up in Roman reasoning. ished the affidavit of “an escaped Read the following example of its .un” ami “the Church” didn’t like ability to justify its attitude toward t, and this so-calle»i church force»! a free government: he politicians of the State to impris “SENTIMENT VS REASON on this savior, feed him vinegar am: “Talk about the Church having rotten liver and finally to take his assumed civil authority! How abou life. The working people did not th_> State having far oftener usurps» murder the carpenter’s son. The., spiritual authority ? Germany, Eng ward him gladly, and when we have land, France, Russia, present concrete government such as Lincoln be- examples of it to day. On principle, ieved in, a government for the pec- the Church, which is divine and hu de and by the people “the Church' man, would have more right to as .top murdering those who oppose sume civil authority than the State orruption in high places. When the only indirectly divine, spiritual au :o-called Church was in control oi thority. he government, in every land undei “Are we to applaud bigotry when it he sun, it forbade the preaching oi assumes that the State was alway; the truth, resiling of the bible, an«, right when it opposed the Church even the exercise of a free conscience «nd that the Church was alway. It condemned millions of real Christ wrong when she opposed the State'. iana to death and forced the little 1 suppose the State was right wher aandful of the followers of Jesus to it allowed the people to murde. tide underground. When two op po Christ; when it forbade the Apostle, ng robber bands, one new called by to preach; when it condemned mill the above mentioned “J. ,F. N.”, the ions of Christians to death; when it State which wus under a tyrant forced the Church to live under ting, — other, ------ - “the Church”, _ and - the ground for several centuries; wher fiercely contended for the product, People of good sense who have greatest gang of unprincipled rascals it robbed the Church of its posses of the peoples’ toil,, first one was ii reached mature years know that we ever permitted to live on this earth, sions no less than one-hundred and control of the situation and then the have been humbugged. They know And they are here and flourishing seventy times; when it imprisoned in other, but when the American prin that the cards were stacked against1 liecause the great majority of the nocent men and saintly Popes be ciples of government were established them when they were bom. The really goo»l people have neglected to cause they would not be its tools t was the beginning of the etema« "generation of vipers” had precipitad unite in the work of rooting out the when it proscribed the Catholic re Jnd of this old robber controversy. a great war the very year before the erroneous doctrines of all kinds of ligion, directed the most infamow Therefore “THE Church” may go writer came to this planet, one of the Jesuitism. ;>enal laws against her people, wher way back and sit down. It can teach It matters but little as far as we it confiscated all Catholic institu most senseless wholesale murders the and preach and pray anu establish, world hod at that time known. And are personally concerned, but for the Jons and all the property which th» out it must forever keep its ha no- there has been trouble ever since and sake of the young people, for the Church had held in peaceable posses entirely off of any kind of author! t. it bas not been our fault either. And sake of generations to come, for the sion for centuries. I suppose thai The people can protect themselves now see what is going on and how sake of humanity let us do our part the Church was wrong when she op ‘rom barbarians, thank you, inside the human reptiles who care more in making this earth a better place posed the slavery of the state; wher .nd outside of your pagan “ th. for the "root of all evil” than they in which to live, let us “shout from she calle»! for the cessation of th< Jhurch”, there are no kings now in do for the real salvation of the hu the house tops, our desire for all gladitorial combats; when she pro \merica, dear heart, don’t worry. man race, are getting us into. The who believe in“ peace on earth”, who tected the people against barbariar The Church secured the Magn hell they have precipitated is burning believe in real progress, who believe aggressors; when she demanded jus Jharta? Eh? What’s that? If hot right now. You and I, dear in righteousness, who believe in jus tice for the innocent against the tyr she” «lid “she” certainly desene. reader, have lost almost all the real tice, who believe in equality before anny of conscienceless kings; whei ome credit, but who was “SHE’ sweetness of life by tha long strug- the law, who believe in liberty, tc rhe received an»l took care of the nyway ? Read other histories dear unite with us in a work of unselfish gle against the conditions brought many whom the State disowned be- about by such traitorous ideas as are ness and love for those who follow cause of their physical unfitness foi . F. N.”. Read a good “he” his- •ry and perhaps it will look differ now taught and practiced by the war; when she secured for the worlc nt to your leather- goggled eyes. the Magna Charta of English liber Our glorious constitution was not ties, on which our own glorious con ounded on “the Church” nor on an. stitution is based. In past history separation betweei hi ng like the idea of the church a.-- iming civil authority or of possess Church and State too often mean* ing any authority whatsoever. Th absorption of the Church by th» If the Pope is infallible he should State, persecution of the Church by lastardly institution known as “the Stick your finger in the water, fhurch” does assume authority ove. fix up some of his agents a bit Note the hole that’s left behind; the State. J. F. N.” nillions of lives even in this country, • • • It would pay for every patriot t< I And thus, in holy water, daddy, >ut it has no right to. We should read this J. F. N. article over severa The oath of poverty in the con- The good is “only in your mind.” «11 be free American citizens here ir. • • • vent even robs the poor girl of her timec and think about it carefully. What do you think cf “SPIRITUAI his great common-wealth and onl.. When Heaven arrives it wont b< I awn body. AUTHORITY ” in a country whost uffer involuntary servitude for th» • • like ML Angel we hope. unishment of real crime and not constitution provides for no spiritua • • • Most priests are fine specimen of authority? Our government he hatched up accusations of “th. was The Roman slavery has no mon eachcrs—if you don’t care what you founded for the purpose of getting Ihurch” or their Jesuits in office right to live in this country than tay. away from the humbug ‘divine right !ut your pagan institution has bee “Black-Slavery had in 1861. • • • authcrity which had destroyed th» given almost enough rope with whic • • • peace and happiness of mi’lions o' to hang its bloody self, and whii It is going to take something more As angry as were the slave-holders the best and most liberty - lovin; such agove rnment as ours could not -atiical th prayer to rid the world of the South, it took Roman slaves people that lived at that time. Th. absorb a church of any kind or per f Rum and Romanism. to murder Mr. Lincoln. • United States’civil authority is th« secute it, yet your criminal priest • • • cf the majority of our citizen- hood is becoming so obnoxious an rule In getting son.e of the antis ’ goat, If you want good advice regarding ’rossly un-American in its criminal wine and women, ask the pamp- red thj “Micks” are earning their mut- end it therefore has all authority ty to the knowledge of a majority o! ■u this poor ninnyhammer speak»- But ton. priest. He knows. • • • of “the Church”, “the Church”. >ur people that the time may soo> • • • There is no such thing in America a; •ome when they, the priests, and th« Where you find the most holy wa If a Protestant bachelor preacher other fakirs in the “inner circle” may “ ter there you will also find plenty of is not allowed to live alone with one THE Church”. There is more than here, and one has just as be made to again give up some o fire water. Get me Mike? ir more maidon sisters, why give a one church much right as another. In fact each their plunder and their confidence Roman preacher that privilege in a itizen has a right to be his own ?ames and their treason or move on Why should any one suspect white-man’s country? nest and establish his own church And this would be both sentimenta' foul play in regard to the disappear • • • f he choose., so to do. ‘On principle’ »nd reasonable to an Abraham Lir.- ance of Brother Phillips, the old An “ism” that fills the world with ‘the church”,which, judging from the •oln kind of an American and he di gardner ? oor, ignorant, superstitious slaves, ’ iftions of a great majority of its not belong to“the Church”. Tall • • • uts over them a bunch of drunken, 1 p-iests and apologists, is very little about “sentiment vs reason”! Don' If the Catholics succeed in destroy eartless, lying slave-drivers, is no 1 divine and most all human, but it has you know that true sentiment an ing our public schools, it might be ism” for America. no more right than any other church, reason are not antagonistic to eac’- well to turn over the post office bus • • • or any secular society, or any indi- other? But then how can you know iness to their wise management. Why are so many people afraid I vidual. It has no right to assume of these things when neithe has an • • • The fact that many think that vO offend the Catholics and are not • civil authority or any other authority. place in "the Church” where holy guns and ammunition aro store» afraid to offend other religious in- A good Roman may think the State water, bachelor priests, with maide: away in the basement of the monas- stitutions ? There must be some- or government only indirectly divine sisters, purgatory talk, all kinds of tery at Mt. Angel shows tnat some- thing wrong with them or with the ■ an»l he may imngir.e that he and his slaves, spooks, images, dead lan Romans. church is the quintessence of divinity guages and other dead things, and thing is wrong. What is it? but every true American knows that plenty of good booze are the main • • • ! “the voice of the people is the voice sentimentalities and reasons for ac the Any one who doesn ’ t believe as To be a political success you should belong to some Protestant church, priests teach is cracy or a very had I of God”, and our government is a tion and crowd out other things con join many secret societies, become a man and ought to be in the asylum i direct expression of the “voice of the sidered of minor importance such a K of C. and secretly work for th* or in prison for the taxpayers to > people”, and that is what the states the “stars and stripes” and the Hierarchy. But there may be a day support, of course. And then they men of ’76 trie«! to make it and what principles for which that glorious I the statesmen of 1915 are trying to emblem is supposed to stand arc out of the way. See? of reckoning. Save The Boys i Who Are You Working For?