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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1915)
and the religion of the people. The six inches since 1610. Moat i f the No Wheels I Uiiltixatea Deep 1 State must obey the legitimate au very large animals are extinct, No Horse in the fact which pre ents no small difficult} Garden thority of the Church, and be in Garden —- — «—r - - .....X. —r— - — ■ subordination to the Church. so that in the way of the survival of th« fittest. The Irish Elk vas huger than Published «very Friday morailK at Silverton. there may be no clashing of author BY L. D. RATLIFF THE FASTEST, BEST AND Oregon. by ities. or conflict of . urisdictions. Not the p’Vsent moose. Reptiles once ex (Continued) only the pope must have perfect lib isted which were of monstrous aiac. J. E. HOSMER, Editor. ÌV< The funeral was largely attended. The mammoth and mastodon are erty and independence from the civil At its do. e Ella made herself known power, but also must ‘he numerous gone, the elephant is fast going IN THE WORLD IS TRE great dignitaries of the Church, the Among birds the largest are extinct to Uncle mid Aunt Noble, and ac officials, ministers and employes of Man is dwindling constantly toward companied them to their home some every order, and of the institutions the pigmy. The sexual selection of distance ¡11 to the suburbs. As they which extend their operations over al) 'he wild is not governed by a refined alighted from the rig, two suspicion., taste. The young of the wildernes. looking iiK-n leape-.1 from a car u the world. bort distance away mid pushed for “The pope cannot sanction liberti are dropped by the way. Fang and ward in great ha. te; but true to some claw and jealous snarl are the order of worship, nor civil marriage, nor instinct, Ella pressed through the secular education, nor recognize the of that society. The cultivated plant gateway ahead of the others who, sustain a measure of culture, but be sovereignity of the people. Thj following closely, dosed up the pus- • Entered nt the poetUtice at Silverton, Oregon church has a right and duty to med yond a given point sterility besóme sage. l'he strangers moved on ir at second-cla»» rate». Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer the law. Unguided by the broader ^Subscription, 50c per year, ia advance. Single dle in every question in so far as It were picked up by the cur. the dog, horse, cat. fowl, revert nt copies, 5 cents. is in the moral order, trade, com Advertising rate» made known upon applica SILVERTON, OREGON merce, finance, military and naval ojge to the mong-ol type. Turne.1 tion. • There began to appear in the pa upon a common rang- the blooded matters. The priest must enter pol per# write-ups of li semi-slanderous No Tramping Down Ground Cultivates Fast No Lout Energy This paper »lands for freedom of thought, free such false prin horses would disappear and the poní nature about the life and character dom of the pre»», freedom of speech, equality of itics to extirpate would remain. opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It i» radically opposed to every form of superstition ciples as the sovereignity of the peo But as evolution agrees that gee of the late Mr. King. Suspicions and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form ple. A nation will assuredly plunge were voiced, and inferences were of evil. itself into misery as soon as it at logical time is but a yesterday of drawn from them, damaging to the tempts to govern itself. Freedom of past eternity, what explanation d< reputation he had made for honesty LOVE’S GREAT BLESSING worship or religious liberty is a false they make of their own life begin and integrity, His bu.-iness methods MOVING and pernicious liberty. It is relatively ning? Did living matter begin with were thought to have been question PICTURES The Devil’s onward march of “Might- g<Hxl in Pagan or heretic country to the first of the Eozoic period? Did able; his private life hud its shadowy obtain liberty of worship, or religious life begin with the first form of life, • pots; honesty and morality were held makes-right” Is sweeping back our armies of de liberty; but that choice no more such as the eozoon? If so, what loosely; hi- cold and indifferent at proves that it is absolutely good, and existed before that time? Where did titude toward his faithful mid loving i > mocracy. should be granted in Catholic coun matter come from? If the answer is wife had practically driven her from Ö ENJOYED BY ALL O. will our forces rally ’ere it is too CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS tries also, than your getting on a that life anil matter have always ex her home, — though, it would seem, late Instructive and Educative To triumph o’er the powers of gross raft in mid-ocean roves that every isted, what were they doing prior that as he saw death approaching, one in all cases should do so. Still to the Eozoic period? But evolution his austerity relaxed, to a degree, hypocrisy ? The gready priests of Rome and less does it follow that because lib ists agree that life can only colili' and it was thought he had provided erty of worship is demanded in Prot from antecedent life, and that matter by Will for his much-abused wife. politics. estant countries, therefore it should is eternal. But what were life and • » • The monster, glutted, heartless, sin- be granted in Catholic countries. To matter doing through all the stagger soaked money kings, John Bright hail found priest Do The pope, the would-be lord and deny religious liberty would be con ing lengths of past eternity before lan, and had fo’lowod him to the the eozoon appeared ? How do evol tradictory of the principle of Prot king of all the world. utionists account for the degenerate home of widow King. He had also Are awful, awful, and most beastly, estantism, which is the right of pri -potted two tough-looking men who vate judgment. But tne principle of beginnings which they seek to estab were at her hou e in waiting for the hellish things. lish, such as the parent cell from But. workers hungry, soon may Catholicism is repugnant to a liberty nor did lie let these two which we have all evolved? Why did holy father; of worship. To be Catholic with the learn the truth escape him, — in the crowd, and on not life and matter hit upon such a That “reaping ihere we have not Pope, and to be liberal with the gov the street, he followed, At ,he sn- ernment are contradictory characters; creation a few hiTion billion billion loom where they loafed he loafed. sown “will never save. And then, when “right quakes might.” they cannot exist in the same sub billion billion billion years before? H ■ witncsi’ixi the event at the home Whence came this lowly beginning ject” Sei. we’ll learn the golden rule. of a single cell without brain or in of Ella’s Uncle, followed the . trang- And “Love” will bless a world with- ers back Into the city, end thence to stinct? Who inaugurated this thing out a single slave. the priest’s home. "I am sure on the called evolution in the time of the right track,” he assured himself, “and Eozoic? Who has guided “Sponta this Jime 1 will not depend on the By Guy Fitch Phelps. neous variation” into all the countless THE WORLDS SALVATION civurt to punish the offender.” Then millions of perfect adaptations? The he drew from his pocket for the hun- The materialism of Darwin is well say Blind dreth time priest Dolan’s letter t In the fight between Americanism illustrated in his own case, for he evolutionists actually and Romanism many Protestant got where he could not endure music, chance has produced it all. But the Father Murphy, and read again:.... ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ churches will become Romanized, but had no taste for art, and even fell Theist looks up and acknowledges “Her name is Ella King; she is mcn- ■ • < > God. others will advance in the spirit of in.o excessive nervousness whet, the t: lly alert, quick of motion, plump \V£ Ml ST GROW OR DIE! It was Mr. Darwin’s cwnstant as- the Carpenter’s son and “seek first wind sighed through the trees. It and very beautiful, would be a most ■ ■ The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription List growing the kingdom of heaven” as he com- is needless to say that he had little sertion, and upon it he founded his pleasing addition to the collection. of or it will surely die. We need your help, but we want to give n anded. The aiwful struggle that capacity for prayer, or anything survival of the fittest theory, that any priest." Then followed sugges Lincoln clearly saw coming, is on in which pertained to ths soul or spirit. the horned, the strong, the hostile tion- as to how to pick her up anil • • even more than value received. Get us One nr More at Fifty Cents a Year. Use the following earnest, and no one can tell whether This is the tendency of evolution, and survive. But it has been well said make sure of success and secrecy; ■ • blank : the idea of the divine right of the such symptoms of moral and mental that such invite attack and perish. It then the clause written in the secret kings and popes of different kinds decay are manifest in all who be is the soldier who dies and is ex code, which Mr. King had by chance A F R I ! E P R E S S terminated. He also claims that will prevail or not. We hope, and come enthusiastic on the question. been able to interpret when he found < > while natural selection is preserving the letter, — "There is a big estate < > show our faith by our works, that Haeckel declared that "The Descent the right of the people to have a of Man” was anti-Gencsis, and he one form it is destroying other forms. involved in our success, We have < • government founded on the principles spoke the truth, and such is every This breaks down the ideal in nature, plans laid to get it. The mothc.- is of our Declaration of Independence view of evolution advanced. Between and reserves the theory on itself. For with us; the father will not last Ion; The Subscription Price has been Changed from $1.00 to will prevail, but at the present rate these and Genesis th^re never can be acording to Darwin all organs and he will leave a Will, but an other will 50 Cents per Year, forms are the result of favorable va ■ f of increase it will take but a short harmony. But if we cannot trust be substituted; we yill’get the court > time for imperialism, commercialism, Genesic—Moses—by what rule may riation established by natural selec and jury. Romanism, divine-rightism, and the we trust Revelation, or any of the tion, and if this is true it may be " Beseech the holy sainte, ar.d bles- ♦ EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, wqrs which they always bring, to Bible books? Jesus, who must have- asked why this law would destroy sed Lady in our behalf. For the ■ • SILVERTON, OREGON. those forms it had created ? k ruin the world. Honor and Glory of Holy Church, known, set his seal to Moses and the If we test evolution from the stand- The great liberty-loving working prophets in his discourse with the , for which Bend THE JOURNAL*to Enclosed find $ MICHAEL DOLAN, point of ths less and the greater it to the people need to be awakened the following: Priest St. Rodin's Parish. two who went to the village, for he breaks down utterly. It is a well danger. Every Protestant church “began at Moses, and all the nrcph- “P. S. We have used the saints Name should be really a place of protest ets, expounding unto them the things established proposition that the great and fielics with splendid effect; and against the onward march of the concerning himself.” To those who er cannot come from the lesser; yet our ‘No Temere’ has worked like a Address Scythian hoards of Paganism; every take Christ as something of an au- evolutionists ask us to believe that charm, for the mother now believes public school should be a recruiting thority on spiritual questions thi reason, a knowledge of God, condem berself a concubine, and her daughter Name office for the enlistrent and instruc aught to settle the case of man’s cre nation for sin, a religious nature, a bastard for want of the holy sacra- < • > > tion of new, young recruits, and ation, as well as the beginning of were given us by the apes which they ment of marriage, Then, our priestly < >> > Address ... claim were our forefathers. This favor that ‘Better is the carnal re <> • Patrick Henrys should spring up in plant and a brute life. cannot be because those things are Name every state of this great union and One of Mr. Darwin’s -joints was not in the ape. And the same test lation with the Lord’s annointed arouse the sleeping populace to the the claim that the human body is Father-Confessor than with a heretic; < ■ Address ... great value of liberty, Men and filled with rudimentary organs for breaks it down again when we seek yea, it is even meritorious in com women of America, the rest of the which there is no use. Man is said to find the instinct and nature of the parison’ — thus, when familiar re Name civilized peoples are at each others’ to have these because of reversion to ape in the vegetable. Here are abrupt lations are established everything lifts which no theory of variation can throats — the time has come which old types, etc. But the boldness of goes easy! (You are yet new to the A <id rest __ will try your souls, and on the out- such a theory may be seen when we possibly bridge. Mr. Wallace, who business, but in time you will get come of that trial depends the real are forced to admit our ignorance of was the apologist of natural selection, wise to all the tricks of the game. >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ said two years age before the Royal salvation of the whole world. the uses of organs. The presence Institution in Londonn, referring to F ’ut a relic in your pocket to take of the organ is sufficient argument Haeckel’s views: These unavailing away the sacrilege, and go it while that it has a purpose, whether we "*fforts seem to load us the IRRE you are young!).’’ • « VATICAN COUNCIL INTER argue for direct creation or for "spon SISTIBLE CONCLUSION that be From snatches of a phone con- Phone Black 1242 Coolidge Street PRETED taneous generation.’’ Tor by the very yond and above all terrestrial agen versation, ami certain suspicious - ► Lord Robert Montague, Roman claims of the survival of the fittest cies. there is some groat source of movements, it was evident that there • > Catholic Member of Parliament, in these organs must have been bene energy and guidance, which in un was a conspirator also in the neigh- .. 1874 published a translation of the ficial therefore they have survived. known ways pervades every form of borhood of the Nobles keeping tab ; ’ General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial Acts of the Vatican Council which The question for evolutionists to an organized life, and cf which we our on their movements; so, when our ■’ Building two familiar strange**, with three <> swer is: How could these useless decreed “Infallibility” to the popes selves are the ultimate ami fore and offered comments thereon. His organs remain in the body when they ordained outcome.” These are the other men and two drivers, boarded ;J EXPERT ENGINEER l‘‘ < ■ book was published under Papal have become useless? While at the words of the man wvio defended the two big cars anil gave orders; — < > In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes, “Drive toward the country,” John .. auspices, and with the highest Papal same time other organs have been dogma of natural selection, ?.nd he sanction. He says, in effect, — The developed all about them ? It is said them after he had exhausted said, "My motor-cycle goes toward Business Houses, Schools and Churches present spread of false principles is claimed that man once possessed a every avenue of information through the country, too!” After driving some j ■ ’ SILVERTON, OREGON due to two causes, Modern Civiliza tail appendage corresponding to the out his life. It would be. quite in distance on the country road the cars < > tion, and Freedom of Conscience, or ape, but that only an internal evi order for the lesser fry of the theory stopped and the men repaired to the ♦ the right of private judgment. Those dence of this fact remains. The to speak in whispers as to the dead shade, evidently in waiting. Bright dismounted, pushed his cycle to one who respect every religion are guilty question is how this was developed certainty of the theory. of formal apostacy. The Catholics through the. survival of the fittest Virchow tried to protect the schools side, moved up unobserved and The morning papers related how a saint who may wish to tackle the certainly are intolerant, and so they organ because of a real need of mao of Germany against evolution. He crouched behind a tYee. He ob ought to be, because if a Catholic is and then was worn off because man said: “I would teach evolution if it served that the cars had been placed party of pleasure-seekers was set job! So John spied upjn tt><> wid- not intolerant he is either a hypo formed the habit of sitting? What were only proven, hut it is yet in on the road that a rig in passing must upon by a bandit, probably with a ixw’s house, mil watched the priest crite, or else does not really believe was man’s ,way of resting before? the hypothetical stage. The audience Come on the near side, and pass over purpose of robbery, who shot and who came d'ily on his mission of what he professes. The Temporal What service did this organ perform ? aught to be warned that the specu some stones that would require slow killed three of the party and wounded "spiritual comfort. w authority must be subordinate to the Could he discard it through the prac lative is only the possible, not actual driving. He stole a litle closer; saw an other. The bandit, however, had “It is a good pay they offer, and I spiritual; the civil authority, and its tice of sitting? These are samples truth; that it belongs to the region tl.e placing of the men, and heard the ! been frightened away, and probably would like to do a good turn for the rights and powers, must be placed of the grist which goes to the evolu of belief and not of demonstration. plans of capture. At length the wounded by a shot from the party; Holy Church, and the Blessed Lady, at the absolute disposal of the tion mill. Huxley admits the weak As long as a problem continues in watcher announced the coming, when the dead with the wounded man were but t iis tiling o’ pickin’ up girls is Church. The Church must be pre ness of the rudimentary organ theory the speculative stage, it would be each took his allotted place, — one brought back j.o the city; the police no fun!” said one of a pair who went ferred before the State. It is neces when he cays: “It is almost impos mischievous to teach it in our schools. to head the team, one to the other had been notified; a good description out from the Holy Father. sary that the temporal State should sible to prove that any structure, We ought not to represent our con side, one with a rope to tie the driver, •if the bandit was obtained, the dis “Neither for me,” responded the give way to the eternal Church. The however rudimentary, is useless....... jecture as a certainty, nor our hypo two to seize the ladies and hind trict was being searched, some sus other. “It’s dangerous! One night Church must have the right to con if it is in the slightest degree useful thesis as a doctrine." This is ai- them. A big tree concealed Bright’s pects had already been rounded up. ' | meet a bullet, or drop into prison, or trol education. A State which is there is no reason why, in the hypo suredly the fact, and puts evolution I approach to the scene of action. He Then followed the names of the »ar waited till the team was caught. ty. Funeral services were conducted me.ko a hurried trip to purgatory! free from the Church is an Atheistical thesis of direct creation, it should not where it belongs. have been created. ” A shot rang out, an other, an other, by the priest, and "Mass” was said Then, too, I'm not so sure Father State, it denotes a Godless govern Dolan cr.n manage purgatorial ail an other, . The horses took fright for the repcse of their souls. ment, and Godless laws. By separat There is far more argument for The Dirjitcra of Public Safety at and ran i away. Bright took to the “Wen, now, what next? My two a;: he claims. The wifc-murdorc ing Church and State you cut man in degeneracy in nature than for evo got out in three days may he in two, an<l make inextricable confusion. lution. The first skeletons of man Jersey City recently forbid the Odd woods; a shot following him knocked friends have dropped out of the there yet! Excuse mo frdm the job!” The Separation of Church and State are the largest. The average height Follows letting their hall for an anti the bark from a tree at the side of game, and will bother us no more; his head. is the destruction of both the State of the English soldier has decreased Catholic lecture. * * * | bu„ I must get teb on anyx other (To be continued) HOW ELLA ESCAPED THE PRIEST Easiest to Run Gravity Hand Cultivator Buy one for $8.00 THE GEM THEATRE Never (Jets Old REPLYTO MATERIALISTS THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER