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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1915)
HAZEL DELL SCHOOL LOCAL NEWS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE • > Program for April 16th 1915. < > Song. Happy Greetings, by the School. < > The Kingdom of Heaven, Cora Satern. < > Miss Etta Lang returned to her A Daisy Drill, by Eight Girls ’ • on SATURDAY, MAY Ut. home near Sublimity Sunday after a Duet. Mrs. Palmer aad Ellen Strayer pleasant visit in Silverton and vi Play, “Boy’s Life. A Bad Job" All the Farmers, Gardeners, Fruit and Berry (¡rowers around cinity. CAST: Salem are urged to bring in all the products you cun and place Me srs. Barkhurst and Brown have* Remington Robb—Arthur Gottenberg them in the market and stay ami sell them direct to the consumer not severed their partnership in the Nathaniel Nobb— Orville Hook (tables and stalls all free that day), at which time each com Real Estate business as was reported Gustavous Gobb—Samuel Guttenberg. munity can select a Booth for the season. We want each locality < ■ Clarinda Cobb- — - Anna Zeis. last week. to organize clubs or companies: kaiser. Chemawu, Haysville, Brooks, Mrs. H. F. Hendricks and children Belinda Bobb ----- - Clara Zeis. Hazelwood, Howell, Pratum, Fruitland. Holywood, Madeny, Shaw By Alice Thomas. came from Astoria Sunday and are L'ttle Steenie. Aumsville, West Stayton, Turner, Marion, Rosedale, Liberty, l.ivesly, registered at the Cottage Hotel. They Pantomime, Rock of Ages.Alice Hook. Eola. West Salem, Lincoln, Zena and Hopewell. plan on remaining in Silterton the Play —Box and Cox— each locality bring in a good supply and sell your own greater part of this .ummer. products. CAST Several of the University of Oregon Make this the center for all your berries and foods, Paul Maurer. Box students are home for the spring If you have any stock or anything to sell, bring it in and Cox- ------ Samuel Gottenberg. vacation. offer it on that day in front of the market, where buyers will come, Mrs. Bouncer - - - Ellen Strayer Mrs. C. M. Wray moved from the This market is for the producers, where buyers may sell unything < > hospital to the home of relatives in they have. Set your own prices, But see that everything is first < > Portland Monday, That she will soon class, clean and neatly put up. A DECIDED SUCCESS be able to come home is the wish of By order of committee J. J. McDonald, President Silverton friends. C. A. Muths, Secretary The after-noon meeting of the J. J. Coleman, Treasurer Mrs. Chas. Bentson who has been W. C. T. U. at the home of Mrs. M. E. < ► visiting Salem friends returned home Rogers, even surpassed all expecta Tuesday. tions. both financially and otherwise. R. L. Sohns, special representative The rooms were profusely and art of R. L. Polk 4 Co., arrived in Sil istically decorated in rerns and apple verton Wednesday and at once pro blossoms. After a short business New, up-to-date Machinery Experienced Machinist ceeded to visit the people and write meeting a splendid program was ren Work Absolutely Guaranteed them up for his company’s directory dered which consisted of vocal and for Marion County. Silverton will instrumental solos, readings and rec have a good representation. itations. A reading by Mrs. P. L. $3800 buys twenty acres, one mile Brown was par excellence, and the from Silverton, six in cultivation, committee is most grateful for her Garage and Machine Shop good water. Buildings cost $2000 excellent assistance. A solo with the original vords set to the music. and are all new. CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. “When It’s Apple Blossom.Time In Appomattox day was observed by Normandy” was arranged and sang the old soldiers and W. R. C’s. last by Mrs. Wolcot. The Ladies’ Quartet Cor. First and Lewis Sts. Phone Blue 951 Saturday at the G. A. R. hall. There rendered a selection in a most charm were a number of guests present out ing manner and as a proof of the side of the Post and Corps. The »ppreciation of their good voices they afternoon was spent in short talks by will certainly be called upon to fav THE SCHEME OF SOCIAL winianism, is an error, ami cannot be the different members and also sing or us again. After this intellectual MORALITY maintained. This admission of feast, came a dainty and original ing patriotic songs. A fine lunch Haeckel, Germany ’ s great material (Continued from Page I) was served and general good time luncheon, which as usual gave occa sion for a general “talk feast” spiced istic evolutionist, is the *»an song of parish to continue his devilish work. enjoyed by a”. evolution. And, as you very wcil know, if any Mr. Joe Moser was the victim of a with many jests and laughter. In Within the last two years some serious accident Wednesday, when his proof of the appreciation of the vis notable books have appeared against where in our country u priest should team that he was using to haul wo'd itors the silver offering spoke vol- Darwinism. One by George Paulin, happen to be prosecuted for any from the mill became frightened and ums. The committee and all members entitled “No struggle for Existence, crime whatever, it is 100 to 1 that ran away, throwing Mr. Moser out of the Union most heartily thank all No Natural Selection, and one by he goes free, his associates will swear and breaking two ribs besides those who participated in the program Prof. L. T. Townsend, “The Collapse him clear, or will buy, or scare off fracturing the skull. The team was and by their attendance made the of Evolution.” While a third pub the prosecution. In cases of bastardy we know of no I hurt but the harness was badly afternoon such a success. lished in Germany, by Prof. E. Den- no instance in which the injured Ro broken. nert, “ At the Death Bed of Darwin- manist family has prosecuted the Tom Booth was seriously injured ism,” is the Waterloo of the theory criminal The Six-O’Clock Club met in the priest. Why? at the mill last Saturday when his in every fair mind, The friends of For a simple reason — The "infal hand was drawn into the machinery basement of the M. E. Church Wed materialism sit about a corpse, as it by his glove catching in the cogs. nesday evening; after a bountiful has been said by one writer, for evo- lible" “HOLY" popes in the bull, “In coena Domini," which is read in Three of his fingers are severed at feed, the question of the merits of lution is really dead. public every year, and has been so the joint and it is thought part of a Commission Form of Government Ministerial apologists for this mix his hand may yet have to be cut for towns and cities was discussed. It ture of guessing, assumption and ab read for centuries, and which is held would pay every thinker in Silverton to be supreme law in all the Roman away as it was so badly lacerated. surdity are given to saying that an Jack Riches, Charles Taylor and to look into the matter of joining this evolutionary conception of man’s or world, DAMNATION is promised to Earl Wood were Salem passengers on social, and intellectual uplift organ igin is more exalted than the account all and every person, Romanist or ization. The next meeting will be not. who without special leave from Tuesday’s morning train. given in Genesis. On just what these held May 5th. the hierarchy, shall DARE to pros FOR RENT highly polished gentlemen base their The little poem booklet, "A DAY claim to a more refined taste it would ecute at civil law an., priest for any Furnished Housekeeping Rooms. Call You remember WITH BILLY BARLOW" is now be difficult to say. But it is an open offense whatever. at Journal Office. the report that the German com ready. Send ten cents and read some question whether the exalted state- $2400 buys a farm of 160 acres, thing that will make you think as ment in Genesis that God made man mander in Be’gium did something to six miles from Munson, Alberta, well as laugh. Let your neighbor a living soul suffers in comparison that cardinal who told his people that Canada. A” cleared, 145 acres in cul read it! Address Silverton Journal, with the mud and muck, bioplast, the Germans had no rights, etc., etc. tivation; all in the famous wheat belt. And you heard Rome howl, and you tadpole, snake, wolf, ape, hair and This land has been cropped twice. Silverton, Oregon. saw the Germans very promptly run The big mill closed Monday for re tail hodge-podge which these aesthet See CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. to cover, They say the devil pro- Civil War Veterans may obtain li pairs which will take two or three ic gentry claim for us by way of tects his own. Surely Rome does not weeks. Many of the men have been geneology. There is little accounting cences to hunt and fish in Oregon forget the prie;:t. , And so the R<>- free of charge by applying to the retained during the shut-down to help for taste, but the world is generous, manist family will I care for the County Clerk only, on proof of ser- in the work of getting ready out at for even the woman who insisted on priest’s child, or will turn it over to the camp, also to help fix up the ma- kissing her cow has been pardoned, vice. the republic. chinery at the mill. though I admit a greater benevolence TIP TOP BREAD If you, Mr. American citizen, catch The Christian Church Society will is required in the case of an ape the priest in crime, why prosecute fresh at 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. M. each give a chicken-pie dinner at the genesis. day at Roger’» Grocery. him, of course, but remember, if you Evolution was bom of agnosticism church parlors on Saturday April 17, Ralph Adama. Agent do, you’ll have down on you all these and bottled at the breast of infidelity, R. Thornley, the new night-watch The ladies will begin serving at 11 and it has been the hope of the sworn subjects and agents of a for o ’ clock, and a cordial invitation is ex eign political power. How do you man had quite a Atormy time with Higher Criticism, and the refuge of feel about it? “J." some of “the boys” the first night of tended to all. all who have hated and rejected God. his new work. A little Mt.Angel holy And rather than admit the authority water was in evidence, bottled? bottles of the Bible many will cling to the T. E. Preston has returned from were smashed on the street and con absurdity of this utterly unproved Molalla where he has been doing elec- siderable loud mouth-work was in hypothesis. trical work for several weeks. By Guy Fitch Phelps. dulged; but the officer was equal to Evolution answers none of the The Social Science Club will meet the occasion and gave the “calves’ all Prof. Virchow, of Berlin, one of the great questions of life; the future at the home of Mrs. Charles Hartman the “rope” they wanted. most learned anthropologists of the state; the source of reason and in to-day (Friday). Mrs Berger, Pres A well known Silverton boy, Earl world has summed up the case thus: stinct; the origin of love and unsel ident of the Coterie and Overland E. Flaschman has developed into the “In vain have the links which should fishness, and <5f sin. It looks upon Cubs of Portland, will give a talk “Boy Amateur Impersonator, Dra bind man to the monkey been sought, man as merely a passing feature of to the club members, and this matic Reader and Baratone Soloist”. but not a single one is there to show, blind force and unreasoning matter. promises to be a very instructive and This talented young man is a grad even the hope of discovering him (the It throws the universe into chaos and uate of the Silverton High School and monkey link) has departed; it is hard makes of existence a feverish dream entertaining meeting. E. A. Linscott has gone to Portland a member of the University of Ore ly spoken of.” Just before his death which is the most gigantic of mocker gon Dramatic Club. He will give an he re-stated this failure even more ies, without reason or logical purpose. to stay during his vacation from his entertainment in the Christian emphatically, asserting that the effort And yet we are blandly told that this mill work. Church to night, Friday, April 16th., tv find the link of transition from is a science. It is needless to say ( ALL MRS. BROWN’S ATTENTION the program being an excellent one. animal to man had ended in failure; that any theory which denies the soul, TO Ol R NEW SERIAL STORY ON Admission 25 aad 15 cents. that it had not b»en found, “AND God, sin, divinity, atonement, all of AN INSIDE PAGE. SHE ( AN NOT NEVER WOULD BE.” Dr. N. S. which evolution does, can never be AFFORD TO MISS IT. THIS IS A GOOD TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Shaler, of Harvard University, Dr. exalted to the realm of science. Engeman’« Milk Ranch J. E. Hosmer, editor of this paper, This is the place that the little Delivers Fresh Milk and Cream twice Etheridge, of the British Museum, Prof. L. S. Beale, of Kings College, fish who have embraced Mr. Darwin’s will lecture in Salem Monday night. a Day London, and others have emphatically views are far more certain of their Special Orders Promptly Filled stated that the Darwinian theory of truth than was he. I find that he Your Patronage Appreciated evolution is sheer nonsense .... whol was never just sure on any point, and Ph ne Greer A 120 ly unsupported by fact. This muse that he smothers every position he SILVERTON TIME TABLE um is full of proofs of the utter fal takes with confessions of difficulties 135 Acres for $85. per acre, 90 acres in cultivat'on, 60 acres in crop, sity of their views.” Prof. Beale and suppositions. It would become • Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. « M M balance in pasture, six-room house, says: “There is no evidence that man evolutionists of the Darwinian school • 11.05 A.M. it n M three barnes, four head of big horses, has decended from any other organ to claim nothing for him which he * 4.16 P.M. U ÍÍ « c w and bull, nine head of hogs, wag ism in nature through evolution or was careful not to claim for himself « 8.20 P.M. ÍI « Salem 10.59 A M. ons and plows, and all all machinery any other process. For all naturalist There is not a court in the world • ic conjectures concerning man’s origin where anything could be proved by * u « « needed to run the place, all new. 5.00 P.M. Telephone shares go with the place. there is not a shadow of scientific Darwin’s mode of reasoning. What ♦ Arrive from Albany evidence.” Prof. Fleischman sums must those laymen, who inform them ♦ CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. via Lebanon 9.15 A.M. up Darwinism thuB: “It has in the selves, think of ministers who em — Protect you property from loss by realm of nature not a single fact to brace these theories and profess faith • fire in the Concordia Fire Insurance confirm it. It is not the result of in their scientific correctness? It • Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. « M Co.—E. W. Ross is the agent for Sil scientific research, but purely the has been aptly said that while these • 9.15 A.M. M M M e verton. 2.00 P.M. product of the imagination. Even materialistic pulpiteers change toward « « « 5.00 P.M. A number of high school students Haeckel, in his old age admitg that the teachings of the bible they main * « Salem 8.25 A.M. are out of school on account of mea “most modern investigators have tain the old relation to the salary • 4< M sles. This is bad for those who wish come to the conclusion that the doc- paid in the name of a real Christi « 1.00 P.M. to finish this year. trine of evolution, particularly Dar- anity. (To be Continued.) You May Stop BIG NEW MARKET OPENING 10 DAYS at SAN FRANCISCO and 10 DAYS at LOS ANGELES En route to the East. Why not see California and ita Two World Ex positions on your way East? Call on nearest Agent for full information, literature, tickets reaervationa, train schedule*, etc. THE SILVERTON AUTO CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. P. W. Noftsker REPLYTOMATERIALISTS C( YTTAGE HOTEL RATES: $1.00 PER DAY Meals 25c Rooms 50c up Board and Room by week $4.75 Clean Beds Home Cooking SILVERTON, ORE Phone Blue 1141 M. L. Hannen, Prop. THE HANSON HOTEL RATES: < > < Meals 25c; Board and Room by the Day $1.25. Board and Lodging by the Week $5.50 < > < > Front Street, Near Depot S. TEGLAND SILVERTON, OREGON C. WEBB L. LARSON CITY MEAT COMPANY (lean, Up - to - Date, Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE DELIVERY Phone Blue 821 Oak Street Rates $1.00 to $1.25 Day Meal» 25c Special Weekly Ratea When In Salem Stop at THE DEPOT HOTEL F. J. GOODENOUGH, Mgr. One-half Block South of S. P. Depot LUNCH COUNTER Phone 575 GOOD HOME COOKING THE SHOP EVERYTHING NEW FOR THE BABY Baby Bonnets, Dresses, Bath Towels, Jackets, Bibs, Booties, Pillows, Carriage Robes and Laundry Bags, all of the newest designs. All Kinds of Electric Supplies always on hand and an Experienced Electrician to do your wiring. CALL AND SEE US ! < > < > < > < > o o < > < > < < > < i