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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1915)
Illllllllltmiir ’**t «HWtmHMMlHHWtmifUffflfflll OUR OBJETS AND OUR PLAN OF CAMPAIGN We have been browbeaten, maligned, aaeault- ed, boycotted, denied our rights in Court, im prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for trying to make the world better by publishing the truth. This only makea ua atronger in the fight! But, as we have been robbed through boycott, of the where-with- all to continue our work, we are forced to change our plana, and this advertisement is to let the lovera of liberty, juatice and truth know that they are hereby given the privilege to help in our Cam paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this work? Here are our objects: In order to make the world better for our hav ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all, we wish to make public: 1. The doings of individuals who ar« posing as good citizens, but who are continually commit ting crime secretly. 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting sycophancy of our public official^. 3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our other American institutions of civil and rel igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power known as the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy the American government and prevent our prog ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” 5. The cause of poverty and crime and the remedy by the destruction of political trickery and false hero worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the true principles of government on the basis of equality of opportunity and the inalienable right of every citizen to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness. 6. The awful effects of the use of stimulants and narcotics on the human race and the best methods of emancipation from their destructive slavery. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and modern Protestant faith of de stroying ancient errors, which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation of our race de pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of man.” We hdve faith that there are enough thinking people in the United States to save our work from the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly occupied by advertising which made it possible to publish our paper, to call on all who are interested to join us in the work. Do you bdlieve in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? If so, help us establish A Fund for Defensive and Aggressive Warfare c FOR A FREE PRESS a * au tmmmn»mmmKmK>»»Kn>»»»»nnn»n»»»t»n:mHnm»»»iHH»»>»»»K»nnn: nnnt»»»»>n»H»nn:::»n»»»i»:»»mn»«»t»n:»»»»»i»»»»«:mtumm tD «:.; slight difference of opinions by most there are no such things as rudiment possibility that our arms were at one all men of science. ary organ». So far as I can recall, time wings, though it is not likely A. Vcrceliotti, Joliet, III. not a single scientist of note denies that arms ever became wings. There the existence of such organs, muscles is some evidence that we once had An Introduc'd >n to Physical Geog and bones in the human body. He wings, as for instance the sensation raphy of New ¡South Wules. Sydney, Answer to Hanimerbeck’s Monkey might just as wel1 say there are no that comes from flying, or a flying Essay Australia. Uy E. C. Andri ,va. such things as fossils in rocks, or a jump of miles that comes sometimes In our studies we »nail nnd that Isn't it better to keep on improv heart and liver in a man. His state in dreams. Where did these sensa hills ure nut »table form» in a land ing from an ape ancestor, instead of ment was so bold that I concluded tions come from, except from a re scape; that mountain pile» like the becoming degenerate descendents to walk across the street to the State mote ancestry, just as the sensation Himalaya even, must »utter complete of un almighty, perfect God 7 Evolve Library in the Capitol ami found that of falling in drcams, which is true | reduction under Die »teaUy march of or Decay 7 Which is beat, to evolve while the shelves were stocked with to the actual falling, undoubtedly such activities uh wind, fru»t, ruin, into intelligence und keep on evolv volumes on science, etc., I could not comes from the shock of failing in acid laden w uters, flowing streams ing ubihtics, humane qualities, wis lind one that did not, »peak of rudi some remote ancestor, and which so and battering wave». dom und noble moral character, or to mentary organs, where they spoke at impressed the victim that it was Time ufter time in the world'» claim the fatherhood of God, and all, just as they all did of the heart transmitted by the law of heredity? hi»lory, huge mountain a>»lenw have keep on growing worse through the und lungs, that is, as existing things. Mr. Phelps seems to think that be been reduced to inonulonous pianiM ut centuries, fur if this world, alreudy I will quote a line or so: — cause we cannot change animal forms sea level, und frosh giunta ure built abounding in wetchcdness, continues ’’All the higher animals present in a day or so, or a year or so, na up successively by wondruu» lorces following Bible exumples, all injus rudiments of organs, which, though ture could not do so in a million acting on worndown surfaces und tice, vice» ami crimes imaginable may useless to them, are useful to some years. Of course, we do not know ex arean of redistributed mountuin wustc. increase, destroying all goodness, vir allied group, and are believed to have actly how bodily changes came about, The ordinury individual sees no tue ami happiness. descended from u common ancestor but there are outcropping signs that chungu in the lurger »urfuce feature» See how far the ape hus advanced in which they were useful, Thus, show us unerringly that the changes of his district; the hilla subtend Die from the bit of protoplasm floating there are in ruminants rudiments of did take place as there are evidences »aniu unglea in his old age ua in hi» in the sea, und how far enlightened incisor teeth, which in some species that show the earth was constructed youth; the broad valleya occupying intelligence bus advanced beyond the never cut through the gums............... in the course of millions of years and Die sume swelling »pure; the earns ape. Be glad wo cun press forward, Now, man possesses similar rudi not in six days as the spook book cliffs border the torrent or real upon und uid prugresg with our mite, to ments sometimes constantly, some says, the book Mr. Phelps relics upon the mountain brow; their individuali ward the future brotherhood of all times only occasionally present, which for his scientific knowledge. Just as ty of shape suffers no uppurent loss, mankind, when wars, crimes and vices serve intimately to connect his bodily no man can give the exact history of und to him they become the aymbol shall cease und every human being s’ructure with that of the lower ani a lump of coal or a diamond, so no of alubiiity. shall leurn wisdom to be a helper ol mals.” Then the author gives exam one can give the exact history of a Yet to the observant student it be- the beneficial. ples, as for instance, muscles that rudimentary organ, or of man him- <( mea evident by u comparison of the Did u God ever say or do anything twitch the skin, ears or scalp, the se'f, but he can in each case give surface features of vuriuua countries the Bible suys he did? If so, your verifurm appendix, etc. Darwinism a pretty clear exposition of the prin toduy, and of those relics of ancient God is u person. Throughout the Bi by Alfred Russell Wallace, pages ciples upon which each came about. lands now buried under the sea de ble, God sees, hears, tulks, commands, If Mr. Phelps claims, we are the 440 and 447 posits liiat the “everlasting hills” flee; mukes sun, earth, plants unimals, “But tiesides these progressive or product of an infinite intelligence, and that despite their present grandeur munkind, sanctions deception, lies, gans Wiedcrsheim has counted seven we were the crowning work of his ere. they mu»t dwindle into more subdued robbery, murder, adultery, polygamy, teen decaying organs, still able to ation, and were given the complete forma, thence into rolling downs, und slavery, wars, liumun sacrifices, killing fulfill their physiological function in mastery of the dumb brute world, finally, it may be, into u broad fea of women, children and witches. He a more or less incomplete manner why did it not make us in all our tureless plain al sea-level. Every mude insect pests und diseases to (amongst these are the decadent mu», parts the equal of such brutes. Except creep of shales in the flight Alps, destroy the people he had created and cles jf the leg and foot; the eleventh in reason and imagination we are not by the shattering frost, every slip of tempted into disobedience, or he allow and twelfth pairs of rib» the toes, the equal in mentality or the func the glacier und ruur of the avalanche ed his devil to tempt them. He chose the caecum, etc.), and not less than tions that directly connect up with the marks u distinct loss to the heights one race to bless, no matter whut one hundred and seven rudimentary mind, to our dumb brute kinfolks, and and the infinite attack by the ele they did, und cursed ail his other organs which serve no usefu* physio it may yet develop that we have un ments result in the discomfiture of races. That is the kind of God and logical purpose." (To this category be derestimated their reasoning faculties the giant. % * Bible you choose to believe und wor long the coccyx — the vestage of a and imagination. There are animals Not by opposing nature, but by ship. How cun a personal God hear tail — the thirteenth pair of ribs in that far surpass us in the sense of sheltering when she buffets, and pur und answer all the whispered pray the udult, the muscles of the car, the smell, taste, hearing, sight and feel suing his way in her calm moments, ers of the millions ? By miracles ? veriform appendage, etc.) ing. The fact that we are not su is man assured of success; in other There are no miracles, and never We have already shown in Die pre perior in many things shows that we words man's attitude toward nature were any. For every result there is ceding chapter the great importance are not a special creation gotten up must be conciliatory; to learn how to always a natural scientific chemical ' of rudimentary organs as aids to the to rule over them, but it shows, be carried along unharmed by her cause. rather, that we have increased their all-conquering power und seizing the Do you believe in the God of the tracing of the genealogy of organ- powers, while others have lost out, I isms. These organs, useless at pres golden opportunity, leave us it were Bible or any other kind of God ? The or barely held their own. one strength for another, should be only proofs you have of a God you ent, arc the vestages of similar but In fact, I have the statement of his aim. It is not that man has find in the Bible. That Bible has 150 1 more developed organs, which fulfilled some great scientist, whose name 1 a useful function in our ancestors. learned to "subdue nature,” but rath contradictions, besides the facts of cannot now locate, that we are rather er that by generations of experience, nature and all the science to prove I The extraordinary quantity of rudi- poorly put up, and in some things not 1 mentary organs in man furnishes an he has become acquainted to some thut it is fiction. other proof of his animal origin, and up to the animal standards. They say extent with the orderly sequence of Study and teuch the doings of mat that the muscular development of the certain natural processes. Not thut ter, through the chemical forces of puts at the disposal of science infor lion as seen after it has been skinned mation of great value for the phil he has learned to quell the storm, ull the eternal atoms, till all man-| is a marvel of beauty. In truth, I to defy the earthquake und the vol kind know the real causes of evils I osophic conception of human nature.” do not think that it would be an Quoted from “The Nature of Man,” canic tires, to glory in the grip of and beneficial». Thus all shall know exaggeration to say that most any the drouth, or to smile ut devastat there is no God, no answer to pray-, pages 59 and 60, by the great scien skilled anatomist cou'd suggest many ing flood; but rulher that by strain ers, nor forgiveness of sins, Then ; tist Elie Metchnikoff, professor of improvements in the human body to ing his senses he appreciates the none will believe priests nor pay them the Pasteur Institute at Paris. Trans- “Our Heavenly Father." The body is signs of such coming disurbunces, one cent, und all bible-teachings, | lated by P. Charles Mitchell, Secre loaded with a lot of useless organs, and either escapes until the trouble creeds, priests und preachers shall be tary of the Zoological Society of Lon etc., some of which are actually dan I don. is over or allows himself to be mould doomed to oblivion. gerous to have, as for instance the Leaving rudimentary organs, Mr. ed by his surroundings. How neces Then Sundays will be the people’s vermiform appendix and the tonsils. sary is it then, thut the study of these holidays and all churches shall be — Phelps takes up the subject of wings Mr. Phelps, in closing his reply, and challenges man to produce a problems, such as movements of like public schools — thoroughly edu falls into a state of ecstasy over the wind, conservation of water, coul and cational, for the betterment of hu wing, and wants to know whether the “science” of the Bible, and to prove metal mining, stone quurrying, utili manity and diminishing of evils for buzzard reasoned about “wings and his claim that the prophets knew a zation of soil, forest planting, etc., this our only life. Send me your then commenced to evolve a pair.” lot, he quotes our old friend Isaiah should become national questions. If proofs that there is a God and get Well, let us take the other side a as saying that God sat on the circle we leurn nature’s secrets in time, we them into every paper und every while. Let a man tie up his arm of the earth. This proves that God will control our own destinies. This brain possible. Eliza Mowry Bliven, and then not use it for years, and it knew that the earth was round. It is the aspect from the utilitarian R. F. D., Brooklyn, Conn. will shrivel up. It was on this prin does not prove anything of the kind, point of view. ciple that rudimenetary organs were for 1 remember when I was a boy, First man fears nature; he cowers produced. At one time something in my ignorance I thought that there anti trembles ut her manifestations REPLY TO REV. MR. PHELPS happened to the mode of life of the was a v»st dome over the earth and in the avalanche, the flood, the si animal ancestor, and a certain organ, that the circle of the horizon was moon, the drought, the earthquake or In The Jodrnal for January 15th muscle or nerve ceased to be used, or where the thing came down over the the volcano. By degrees he learns Mr. Phelps derides what 1 said in a used but very little, and as a result earth, like as a bee hive comes down the signs of approaching trouble and prior number about babies not walk it commenced to shrivel up. That is on the board on which it sets. Isaiah takes precautionary measures. Fam ing on two feet, etc., and then prompt very likely how we got rid of a probably was laboring under the same iliarity with her ways begets con ly proceeds to give his case away by tail, for the bones in the remnants impression when he wrote about God fidence. His life is now not alto declaring that when he had them he of a tail are attached to all of us on the circle. gether a conflict with surrounding ac was anxious not to let them get on to this day, and in some people, so it Is it not strange that with the tivities, and time is found f r re their feet too soon, lest they become is said, project beyond the skin in Bible as an open door to science men flection. Gradually a feeling of ad bow-legged? Well, why bow-legged ? the form of a short tail. A change lived for thousands of years without miration supplunts the eurlier in A farmer does not worry himself of environment from the tropics to knowing the many things science has stincts of fear. Thus his esthetic side about bow-legged calves.* They go the temperate zone, with its attend- been lately revealing to us. is developed. on all four feet “t once. The reason, and winter, induced the animal o seek As to George Washington belong Selected by F. E. Harris. und ubtedly, why a baby does not caves instead of trees, and something ing to church, I do not believe that. start out on two feet at once, but to keep warm by. There undoubtedly There is evidence to show that he on hands and knees, or hands and was a time when some animal of the went to church with his wife, but that An Answer to Guy Phelps. feet, is because, originally, the child higher type made the accidental dis he did not belong; that when the 1 received a Silverton Journal con walked on all fours in the wild beast covery that the skin of another ani- sacrament* was administered he in und nature uniure has not nov overcome '8 0Wn °dy help P to kee keep P h his own b body overcome I mal would he, taining this statement: “One hundred state, and variably got up and went out, because years ago or so the French Institute the hereditary defect, nor has she warm, and this lead to the wearing he did not believe in it. My space is enumerated no fewer than eighty geo succeeded in making bones and mus of skin covering or clothing. The more than used up and so I must logical theories that were hostile to cles, as yet, strong enough to sus- wearing of coarse skins and clothing close. OLIN J. ROSS. the Bible; while not one of those tain the weight of the whole body,: not only ,wore,°^ tbe Columbus, Ohio, January 23d. A cow jured the hair bulbs but it made the theories are held today, the Bible is like as she has the calves, may ultimately walk a little on two tail useless. In the progress of events doing business at the old stand.’’ Have you houses to rent? List In making the above statement feet, but as a calf she could not, be this brought on a hairless and tail Guy Phelps forgets that a hundred cause her bones and muscles had not less animal, or so nearly so that in them with Th© Cascade Real Estate Co. some freak of nature a pair was Do you want a man to work? See years or so ago Geology was in its been toughened by exercise. bom without a tail and hair. THE CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. It takes time and practice for the infancy. He also forgets that it was On the other hand, a shifting during the 19th century that Geology child to stand alone, let alone walk, $2000 buys a nice little farm near became what it is today, a science though it might acquire the latter environment produced an enlarge- Amsville, of 15 acres, all cleared. based on facts. I would like to huve art by simply watching others walk, went and a strenghtening of the Fruit, berries, house and barn: all him quote me, a modern geologist, for observation is one of the most bones, muscles and other organs, fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex who still attempts to make the cold effective teachers. If your God, Mr. which was brought about by much change for farm property near Silver- geological facts agroe with the Bible. Phelps, makes babies, why does he use. There is a physical culture man, ton. If he take any text book on Geology not make the muscles and bones in living now, who can do wonderful A 54-acro farm, 12 acres hops, fruit and read it carefully he will discover the legs strong enough to sustain the feats of strength, who, a few years trees, berries, garden, grain land, that the old story of supernatural weight of the body, the same as he ago, was a puny specimen of man fine house, hop house, bam and mac creation has been discarded by all does those of the calf? As it is, the hood. In the case of the buzzard adam road, fine water, plenty of calf can walk at once, but it takes the it did not get a pair of wings by pasture. Call in and get full partic real geologists. Yes, "the Bible is doing business child months to do the same thing on thinking about them, nor did it get ulars. Cascade Real Estate Co. at the old stand.” But with whom? two feet, though he can soon make them all at once. Nature does not $2,500 buys one of the finest homes With those who have been kept ig head way on hands and feet. As. to produce these things all at once, and you ever »w. There are eight lots, norant by the narrow minded church my making a trip on all fours, why, unless a thing is produced all at lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc., my muscles have become so adjusted once, Mr. Phelps says that no God teachings. paved streets, city water—one of the What science are you referring to, to the modern way of walking that had a hand in it, and if it is in ex best places in a town that has a future, Guy Phelps, in your statement: "Al they do not work as they do in those istence, why, that proves that a God Scotts Mills, Ore.—See THE CAS ready science has rejected Darwin’s creatures that have been accustomed did it. That is in fact what he says. CADE REAL ESTATE CO. theory.” I suppose you are referring to it all their lives. We can soon get The wing of the buzzard came about, $85. an acre buys an excellent Wal to that Jesuitic Pseudo Science which out of practice, Mr. Phelps, on most rot in one generation but in tens of do Hills farm. Thia farm is worth thousands of generations. It may rejects nil that is not in accord with anything. over $100 per acre. See THE CAS- have developed from the butterfly, In the same issue of The Journal their scriptural teachings. The theory of Evolution is accepted with some Mr. Phelps dogmatically says that the owl’s wing as well. There is a cade REAI ESTATE CO. at once. MATERIALISTS’ COLUMN Do all you can and get others to help! Send us facts that should be published! That we are alive and willing to work is our opportunity. Do not wait! Previously acknowledged ............................................. $66.65 R. H. Atwood .................................................... -........... 2.00 A. E. Dickinson............................................................... 1.00 m»r:tnrit!!! nni»»i!!!i! !i!! !!!i!! !i imn:in i:iiiii:i»:::ii i iiii:i u M»»i »»»nHm»» iiii ■—■■■■........................... .............. Send 10 Cents for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. mmffl»m» i iHi»»:»«n»»itn»»»i i i iii i i i ii H»> iiiiiiii i i imwwsMa»»wwwmww