The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, November 20, 1914, Image 3

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    to bear, or learn some thing interest­
ing, useful, beneficial or instructive.
But moat preachers, especially priests,
only stuff them with the worthless
husks of theology, where capauie lec­
tures might teach them so many things
valuable. Rev. Tincher's article on
“Humanism,” the article “Turn on
the Light” and Peter Kedford’s two
columns on the Fanner’s Churches are
all in the line of promoting the bene­
ficial for this life, und ure excellent,
with tids exception. They huve not
entirely given up the use of the word
God, which implies u supernuturul
power back of humun intelligence, und
encourages the people to continue, re­
lying on supernuturul helps, instead
of full dependence on the cultivation
und use of their own human abilities.
They ull think of God as they were
taught; u spirit without body, but ca­
pable of doing everything by miracle;
so they think that after duat they too
cun also be spirits and know and do
things by miracle. So they believe in
the Bible God. But faith in prayer
and miracles is weakening, except
among the ignorant classes, so priest­
bound they huve no chance to learn
the fuels that would set them free, till
materialism touches them why there is
no God. Then they will see the Bible
is a fraud, and priests are deceiving
them about purgulory, hell, heaven
and forgiveness of sins, etc. Theo they
will drop the confessionui and praying
and attend the kind of Sunday meet­
ings that Tincher, Radford und the
materialists ure to establish every­
where. But in addition to lectures,
music and social entertainments there
must be free discussions every
Sunduy also. The more who take purt
in these discussions the more will
brains develop and knowledge of right
and wrong, beneficiul und harmful,
moral incentives, health laws and
means to overcome evils, und make
our life more worth living.
Eliza Mowry Bliven.
belter characters and give mure hope,
virtue, peace and inspiration to du
guud in the world thun Christianity.
1 nuw repeal the question, and it will
alited by Elisa Mowry Bliven, Brook­
bo amusing tu see what »he puts forth.
lyn, Conn.
Next she talks alxiut the vice and
crime« of Christians. This is another
Rev. Guy Filch I'help'a statement
bit of materialistic dishonesty. 1 ad­
on having sent me a challenge to de*
mit thut church members do all kinds
bate la ull right so far as it goes, but
of mean things; Christ blasted them
he seems to have forgotten the fact
in his day for their inconsistency.
that it wuh agreed we would discuss
But when she talks about a Christian
our differences through the columns
enguging in vice and murder she knows
of The Wood River Times. But Mr.
one cannot be a Christian und <|o those
Phelps failed to put up his aide of the
things, und thut is why she feels so
argument. I do not expect the myth
bitterly ugainst those who do those
God to stop the war; if there was a
things and yet profess to be Chris­
God, then* would not have been any
war. I um only trying to find out what
Then she says sue found not only
your pet God is doing for humanity?
ChrisUuns were vice-nudcn, but
Where does he hold forth and what
tnu Uime was full of "baa
in he composed of? Our Rev. »Sir can­
tnings” and tfie GuU of the Biule wus
not prove there is a God, and there
so “cruel" ana so on. We have heard
could be no son Jesus without a father.
ull Inal before. But will »urs. Bliven
The Bible could not he the inspired
expiuin way so many scores ot
word of God when there is no God.
oi the best educated and the
This alao knocks out Mary’s little
nest moral people in me world believe
story wherein the Holy spook played
in the Bible, reud it daily and teach it
such u prominent part und Joseph's
other», and are nappier und better
mince-pie dream in crooked, What
it I Did reading tne bible nurt
more have we to wrangle about?
bloody ! W as nut Ills Iile fixe a
This agent of the great three-in-one
luuniain ol walers rushing out to bless
^^ishe.i to know the cause of the war.
the world !
Did reuding tiie Biule
I would nay Greed, Ignorance, too
the river tiuel,
much Spirituality and not enough Hu­
bum und drunkard, ridden with vice
munity are the main causes. It in
and vermin .' lie wus ail that till he
news to me that the materialists ull
begun to read the Bible, then he quit
believe there is a God. Thal’a the
stealing, drinking, impurity, blasphe­
kind of joke that makes me smile,
my, tobacco and gave ins whole iile
What would be our object in trying
to doing gospel work among the out­
to persuade others to dush the foolish
casts, Uli he wus called the upostie to
belief if we were silly enough to be-
the drunkard. 1 have his life, and i
lieve it ourselves?
lind he gave Christ and the Bible all
Our opponent makes the statement
credit lor tne relormution he made,
that “No one can really believe in his
in his mission he kept piles of bread
own being without believing in ante­
to feed the Hungry und clothes for the
cedent being-Go<l.” The fuct of our
W di matenulists please ex­
Iwing here in flosh, blood and body is
plain the life ol Jerry McAuley?
proof enough that our forefathers,
Don’t dog this case. It is vital to tne
•hack to the beginning of man, were
contention. 1 challenge them to meet
produced the name an wn were We
it and expiuin it in harmony with their
do not require u Bible or Bible God to
that Christianity blights
tell us we had great great grand par-
the ret*«on, etc. Have infidels any­
enta. Hare is where our “boasted"
thing they could take down on the
reason plays a part. What is reason
Bowery tnat would convert and trans­
but foundation of all our knowledge of
form the drunkards and harlots there ?
fuels? Our eyesight is the strongest
if they have why don't they go there
of our live sense; yet it would deceive
und do the work ? They haven't got it,
un, if reunon did not come to the <«■»■
in The Silverton Journal of Novem­ and they know they have not, that is
cue. We look at the stars above und
bth Mrs.Bliven makus reply to one why 1 say their whole contenUon is
they look no larger thun the ox eye
daisy in the meadow, still reason of my urticies. 1 will notice a few ol just a big bluff. When materialism will
teaches us they are us much larger her statements. But let me say here go into the gutter and make a prosti­
than this earth, as thin earth is larger thut to assert a thing is not urgumenl. tute clean, then 1 will believe it is
than u baseball. Reason proves that 1 must reasons why 1 believe and right. But Christian workers have to
the Bible is full of lies from cover to know there is. Let materialists cease get inutenaT'stic drunkards and har­
cover; and every crime recorded in to assert that there is not a God und lots cleaned up there. Infidels swarm
the criminal calendar of today is sanc­ logically explain the physical universe about saloons und gambling hells. The
tioned und upheld by its God. Whnn without Him. 1 notice that every on« fact is, materialism has no moral
anyone makes the wild statement that of them takes good care to shun the code: you can be anything and be an In­
all the bomb throwers, brewery men, real issue, for it is in real issues that fidel. Rand, the eight-times murderer,
sold his body for a pound of candy,
saloon keepers, cut-throats, thieves, they are week.
Her first assumption is that Wash­ sut down on his bunk and ate the can­
liars, safe crackers, white slaver» and
other wrong doers too numerous to ington and Lincoln were infidels. Buch dy; drove the ministers out of his cell
mention are all materialists, 1 pity statements should i><i enough to place and bawled after them that he was a
such an ignorance. All such a person ull that the one making them might ‘Bob Ingersoll man,’ and no one dis­
lacks of being chief of the Ananias say in the column of discredit. 1 have puted him. But if he had said lie was
a life of Lincoln, and it records a con­ a Christian even materialists would
• Club, is a few feathers in his hair.
As to hateing preachers or anyone versation between Mr. Lincoln and a have pointed the finger of scorn and
else 1 can only apeak in my own be­ very religious Christian woman. Mr, cried, ‘Aha, Look at your Christian!’
half, und can truthfully say I do not Lincoln asked her this question; in fact that is just what Mrs. Bliven
belong to that low-brow-type of people ’.’What is being a Christian?” The is trying to do in this article. But to
that hate, as I do not hate anyone. woman went into detail and propound­ be a Christian one must follow and
Some of my best friends are preachers ed to him all the essentials of religion: obey the teachings of Christ, and that
and their families, and they know I Faith in the Divine Christ, as the Sa­ makes it impossible to do wrong and
and my family ure materialists. But vior of men; belief in the inspiration retain the right to His name. Material­
of the Bible; repentance and forsak­ ism has no moral standard (they
they are too broud minded to condc.
all us wholly bad who ditTer with them ing sin; a personal and infinite God, would have to borrow it from Christi­
in their religious viewH. Such people etc. When she was through, Mr. Lin­ anity if they tried to fix one up),
“Then therefore you can be anything debased
are sincere in their belief. No, Mrs. coln very earnestly replied:
Warfield does not need any Bible God, according to that 1 trust I am a Chris­ and be a good infidel. I do not say all
or Bible Dope; 1 h,.d that kind of tian.” The correspondence and say­ materialists are such, but that there
breakfast food three times a day until ings of Mr. Lincoln are open to all. It is nothing in all their teachings that
I was twelve years old; then modesty is well known, universally known, that wouid prevent it. WILL MATERIA­
took the place of curiosity and one he was given to much prayer, and re­ LISTS PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY
cold morning I lit the fire with the peatedly asserted that only God could AND HOW READING THE BIBLE
save the nation. What do materialists AND FOLLOWING CHRIST CHANG­
Holy Book.
hope to gain by such unwarranted ED JERRY McGAULY AS THEY
There is a world of difference
tween morality and Christianity. Mr. statements? Washington was a firm DID ? If their contention be true
Phelps had as well ask can there be beilever in God and prayed honestly. that Christians cease to reason, and
without His state papers are open »o all. Tom are superstitious and degraded, how
Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Religion and Paine believed in God, and defended do they explain the fact that in every
morality are two entirely different Deism, and 1 have never seen where slum of every city the Salvation Army
things.—Religion is a superstitious de­ he advocated materialism. Ingersoll and the mission workers are seeing
votion to things unknown and beyond was the son of a minister, and said the very lowest characters on earth
demonstration, while morality is the when speaking over the body of his transformed and brightened into effi­
brother, “Hope hears the rustle of a cient and intelligent workers in the
science of social conduct.
” I have Ingersoll’s lectures and reformation of their fellows ? How do
Certainly matter (or material force)
can produce conscience, reason and he never pronounced that there was they explain the transformation of
not a Supreme Being and he was Blue Bird of Mulberry Bend? A wom­
affectionate nature.
an evolutionist. So we see that an so terrible in her life that she was
Maud V. Warfield.
when examined materialism has little the terror of the police. Found one
to stand on. I challenge materialists night in an underground beer hell, a
In October 23rd Silverton Journal 1 to show where Washington or Lincoln Christian woman asked her to leave
find much to praise and little to criti­ expressed themselves as disbelievers and let God lift her to a better life.
She did so, and was transformed from
cize. Richard Tincher's Letter claims in the Bible or God.
that Materialism is all negatives and
Next she says that when we lie the lowest of drunken, fighting harlots
below Unitarianism; yet admits that cold in death we enter into annihila­ to a clean, sweet-faced woman, with
it helped him out of the miraculous tion.
But I ask her to prove that. her face full of light and hope. I have
and supernatural priestcraft super­ Materialists demand proof, so let them two pictures of her; one taken when
stitions. He sees the ■ ece«sity of that give it. Materialists say that we came she was low and outcast. Her body
uplift into scientific knowledge. He to our present physical perfection (ac­ was covered with knife-scars, and her
does not see yet that thiw is only the cording to them man has no more head with spots where the hair had
first part of our work, and must be soul than a horse or a tree) through been torn out in fights. Her cheeks
done before we can start the second evolutionary processes; that nature are sunken, and a devilish expression
part. Probably most materialists and built us up to what we are. Then they is on her face. The other picture was
other freethinkers never get any tell us that death comes along and taken a year after she began to read
farther. They are glad to be free from wipes nature into the dust, destroying the Bible. She stands with the Bible
those superstitions, church follies and all she has done. But I ask them to in her hands, dressed in a nice suit, a
fears, and are generally good citizens prove that this same nature which smile on her face, and real beauty in
because that makes friends and suc­ built us—according to them—will not her features. Do infidel materialists
cess in business; and they like good build us again? How do they know have anything that will do work like
neighbors, health, justice and hap­ that nature will not reconstruct us? that? If they have let them come
piness, so help toward the general wel­ Nature rebuilds the mould of the wil­ along with it. That is the kind of
fare and morality fully as much as derness Into wild roses and grass; will work Christianity will do; can they
match it? I happen to know that these
good Christians do.
it, may it, not build us again?
But most people, especially the
I will repeat my question which are things materialists have to meet.
women on the farms, prize the getting Mrs. Bliven took good care to let WILL MATERIALISTS
together on Sundays, having a little alone by going where they all go, to EXPLAIN THEM ? I have, a book on
chat with acquaintances, listen to mu­ the assertion that Tom Paine was a Christian work in Turkey, that sin-
sic and hope to hear something that fine fellow. I asked her what material­ ridden land. In Turkey -woman is
will make the burdens of life easier ism had to teach men that would build little but a brute. She goes with her
• • •
fuca covered, and has no »oul. In thia
book 1» a picture of a group of gradu­
ate», young women from me of Chris­
tian college», und they look exactly
like, und are dressed the same as, the
name number of girls in one of our
American schools. They wear the
same kind of hats and cloaks, und
look bright ami womanly. The veil is
gone, nut unly frum their faces, but
from their hearts and minds. And
that is what Christianity will do. Can
■ niideis show anything like that? No.
Christians do the work and they do
the kicking and scoffing.
Then she says that good people
now are much better thun the teach­
ings of Jesus. Nuw that is a swift
one. 1 wonder whom Mrs. Bliven
thinks she is writing to? Don’t she
know that reasoning people will reud
whut she writes ? After making a
statement like that she will talk about
the light of reason, and superstition
of Christians, etc. 1 think 1 know
thoroughly what Christ taught, and it
she will show in what particular one
cun be better than Christ taught that
ne should be 1 will give up the case.
Christ taught love, honesty, humility,
fairness, virtue, peace, hope, gentle­
ness, meaxnen», benevolence, kindness,
charity, with every other excellence
Known. Now will Mrs. Bliven tell us
hi what way good folks are getting
above these things? You notice that
she does not say in what they are bet­
ter. 1 remember that in a former ar­
ticle she said that 318 bishops in the
tune ol Constantine invented Christ.
• • •
The next article is by one Gauvin.
He makes some amusing admissions.
One of the things always, to be ex­
pected about materialists is that they
can’t reason. They will cross them­
selves every time.
This man admits that Christianity
is all right, for he begins by saying
that “after nineteen centuries of Chris­
tian teaching the world is engaged tn
a terrible war.” That is: Why hasn’t
Christianity prevented it ? Weil, Ger­
many is flooded with materialists:
why didn't they prevent it ? If men
wouid follow the teachings of the Bible
they would not hate each other. For
God said in the days of Moses: "Thou
shall love thy neighbor as thyself. The
same is the teachings of the New
He says that Rationalists know that
all the so-called sacred books of the
world were written by man. 1 ask him
how he knows that? Millions of men
and women disagree with him. The
scholar, Paul, said that “all Scripture
was given by inspiration of God, and
that it is profitable for reproof,” etc.
This is some more bluffing. Let us
have arguments, not bald statements.
He says that all the facts of science,
logic, history and human experience
teach that the universe is eternal.
Well, if I believe in an eternal Being
called God, is that unreasonable, then?
But what does he mean by the uni­
verse? Nature or the worlds in the
heavens? If he means nature then
what becomes of evolution? If he
means the physical things, what be­
comes of the teachings of science that
worlds are formed by processes ? See
how these infidels cross each other.
He is right in saying that religion
and morality are two different things.
Christians make that difference. One
can be religious or moral and not be a
Christian at all. Please keep that in
mind. He says that Christianity re­
fuses to reason (he means that). I
wish this man would take up the
study of Butler’s Analogy and see if
the Christian is capable of reasoning.
I grow sick of these statements. They
are so openly and manifestly untrue.
Take up the books of the world and
see if Christians can reason. Go to the
colleges and see if they can reason.
Webster, who compounded the diction­
ary, was a very devout Christian, and
conducted family prayer daily. This
is the best materialists have to offer.
He says hell is the “heartless dream
of a fanatic.” It is amusing to see how
infidels make war on the doctrine of
hell. There is a reason! Christians
are not worrying about hell—they are
not going there. But farther along
he tells us that "Every wrong act
brings its consequences.”
In that statement he concedes the
whole teaching of Christianity on hell.
Christians say that sin makes its own
punishment; that the same thing that
can make a lunatic asylum in the uni­
verse can make a hell,—and that is
sin. As he says, the transgression of
law brings its own penalty, and the
Bible says, “Sin is the transgression
of the law.” He says that the doc­
trines of Christianity are a source of
evil, because they divide the world in­
to quarreling sects. Yes, Christianity
divides between the good and the bad;
between the pure and the impure. If
infidels want harmony let them become
clean and Christian and we will all be
one. But I would remind this man
that three out of four, yes, more than
that, of the people since Christ died
for men have been infidels and Christ
rejectors: why haven’t they fixed the
world up as it should have been long
ago? Why blame your failure on
Christianity. He says that material­
ists are trying to banish superstition
and fear. But there is no class on
earth so full of fear as they. They
are haunted with the fear that in their
c onveyanci ng
Phone Green 991
Estate Co.
MR. and MRS. G. H. DEDRICK, General Managers
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sleep some dread dreams may come,
and that the rub. Charters, the blatant
infidel and God rejector whimpered on
his death bed: “I would give thirty
thousand pounds to have it PROVEN
that there is no hell.” Newport, the
most relentless foe of Christ among
them all, cried out when dying: “O,
the insufferable pangs of hell! O eter­
nity! forever and forever!” Mrs. Mary-
Benjamin, a nurse who took care of
Tom Paine when dying, says that he
repeatedly called on Christ for mercy
and blasphemed.
• >
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ideal home and easy to get. Cascade
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