to bear, or learn some thing interest­ ing, useful, beneficial or instructive. But moat preachers, especially priests, only stuff them with the worthless husks of theology, where capauie lec­ tures might teach them so many things valuable. Rev. Tincher's article on “Humanism,” the article “Turn on the Light” and Peter Kedford’s two columns on the Fanner’s Churches are all in the line of promoting the bene­ ficial for this life, und ure excellent, with tids exception. They huve not entirely given up the use of the word God, which implies u supernuturul power back of humun intelligence, und encourages the people to continue, re­ lying on supernuturul helps, instead of full dependence on the cultivation und use of their own human abilities. They ull think of God as they were taught; u spirit without body, but ca­ pable of doing everything by miracle; so they think that after duat they too cun also be spirits and know and do things by miracle. So they believe in the Bible God. But faith in prayer and miracles is weakening, except among the ignorant classes, so priest­ bound they huve no chance to learn the fuels that would set them free, till materialism touches them why there is no God. Then they will see the Bible is a fraud, and priests are deceiving them about purgulory, hell, heaven and forgiveness of sins, etc. Theo they will drop the confessionui and praying and attend the kind of Sunday meet­ ings that Tincher, Radford und the materialists ure to establish every­ where. But in addition to lectures, music and social entertainments there must be free discussions every Sunduy also. The more who take purt in these discussions the more will brains develop and knowledge of right and wrong, beneficiul und harmful, moral incentives, health laws and means to overcome evils, und make our life more worth living. Eliza Mowry Bliven. belter characters and give mure hope, virtue, peace and inspiration to du guud in the world thun Christianity. 1 nuw repeal the question, and it will alited by Elisa Mowry Bliven, Brook­ bo amusing tu see what »he puts forth. lyn, Conn. Next she talks alxiut the vice and crime« of Christians. This is another Rev. Guy Filch I'help'a statement bit of materialistic dishonesty. 1 ad­ on having sent me a challenge to de* mit thut church members do all kinds bate la ull right so far as it goes, but of mean things; Christ blasted them he seems to have forgotten the fact in his day for their inconsistency. that it wuh agreed we would discuss But when she talks about a Christian our differences through the columns enguging in vice and murder she knows of The Wood River Times. But Mr. one cannot be a Christian und <|o those Phelps failed to put up his aide of the things, und thut is why she feels so argument. I do not expect the myth bitterly ugainst those who do those God to stop the war; if there was a things and yet profess to be Chris­ God, then* would not have been any tians. war. I um only trying to find out what Then she says sue found not only your pet God is doing for humanity? that ChrisUuns were vice-nudcn, but Where does he hold forth and what thut tnu Uime was full of "baa in he composed of? Our Rev. »Sir can­ tnings” and tfie GuU of the Biule wus not prove there is a God, and there so “cruel" ana so on. We have heard could be no son Jesus without a father. ull Inal before. But will »urs. Bliven The Bible could not he the inspired please expiuin way so many scores ot word of God when there is no God. minions oi the best educated and the This alao knocks out Mary’s little nest moral people in me world believe story wherein the Holy spook played in the Bible, reud it daily and teach it such u prominent part und Joseph's to other», and are nappier und better mince-pie dream in crooked, What ny it I Did reading tne bible nurt more have we to wrangle about? L>. 1.. bloody ! W as nut Ills Iile fixe a This agent of the great three-in-one luuniain ol walers rushing out to bless ^^ishe.i to know the cause of the war. the world ! Did reuding tiie Biule I would nay Greed, Ignorance, too hurt Jerry McAuley, the river tiuel, much Spirituality and not enough Hu­ bum und drunkard, ridden with vice munity are the main causes. It in and vermin .' lie wus ail that till he news to me that the materialists ull begun to read the Bible, then he quit believe there is a God. Thal’a the stealing, drinking, impurity, blasphe­ kind of joke that makes me smile, my, tobacco and gave ins whole iile What would be our object in trying to doing gospel work among the out­ to persuade others to dush the foolish casts, Uli he wus called the upostie to belief if we were silly enough to be- the drunkard. 1 have his life, and i lieve it ourselves? lind he gave Christ and the Bible all Our opponent makes the statement the credit lor tne relormution he made, that “No one can really believe in his in his mission he kept piles of bread own being without believing in ante­ to feed the Hungry und clothes for the cedent being-Go FOR SALE ’ On Oregon City car line, most beautiful ride near Port’and, splendid car service, 2 blocks from car. 4 room boungalow, 2 large lots 50x138, young orchard, family fruit, garden, chicken house and large chicken park, beautiful flowers and shrubery. W mile from river, righ and sightly, fine view, th;s can be bought for $1600 on Installment plan, small payment down, balance like rent. This is an ideal home and easy to get. Cascade Real Estate Co.