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About The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 2004)
The INDEPENDENT, June 3, 2004 Lacie Herinckx, Rachel Oakes, Amanda Petti. Sophomores – Kelsey Bog- den, Eryn Cangi, Lawrence Hofer, Jack McMillan, Rachel Moore, Olivia Todd. Freshmen – Kristen Halls, Jake Hilger, Dustin Nordholm, Andrea O’Connor, Sarah Up- dike. Criteria for the award are ea- gerness to learn, respectful to others, accepts responsibility and follows through, and partic- ipation in other activities. Vernonia Country Market this Sat. Vernonia Country Market will be open Saturday, June 5, in Shay Park from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with produce, crafts, and what-have-you available. Subsequent Country Markets will be held on the first and third Saturdays of each month, end- ing with October 2, 2004. Vernonia Country Market, a family-friendly event, is spon- sored by the Vernonia Cham- ber of Commerce to provide the community with opportuni- ties to display their talents and wares to a larger public. Resi- dents and non-residents are encouraged to participate. For more information, con- tact Dennis or Marilyn Nicks at 715 Bridge St., Vernonia OR 97064, or 503-429-0335. PCC looks for volunteer tutors The Volunteer Literacy Tu- toring Program at Portland Community College is search- ing for a few volunteer tutors. The program needs volun- teers to help adult immigrants and refugees learn English and to assist both native and non- native English speakers in im- proving their basic literacy skills and help prepare them for the GED or High School Equiv- alency exam. Training for tutoring at PCC will take place from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Saturdays, June 19 and 26 at the Central Portland Workforce Training Center near OMSI. To register for the train- ing or learn more about this vol- unteer opportunity, call 503- 244-6111, extension 3700. Ethan Everett, a 1999 grad- uate of Vernonia High School, will receive dual Bachelor of Science degrees – in Business Administration with an empha- sis in finance and in Political Science – from the University of Oregon Graduation ceremonies will be at 3:00 p.m., June 12, on the south lawn of the Knight Li- brary at the Eugene campus. Following graduation, Ever- ett plans to work in commercial credit analysis for a few years, then pursue a Masters in Busi- ness Administration and a law degree. He is the son of Gary and Janice Everett of Vernonia. Talent Show in Banks, July 4 Do you have a talent for en- tertaining people? Would you like a chance to show your tal- ent in front of your hometown? The Banks Fourth of July Community Celebration will in- clude a talent show in Sunset Park, with lots of opportunity to display your entertainment skills. Make memories to last a lifetime, receive free exposure and stage experience. Are you up to the challenge? For more information, call Alena Ferguson-Sheldon at 503-324-2151 or email at <>, in the subject box, put “Talent Show.” family getaway, Lady’s Pamper Yourself day, a professionally installed maple tree, Wildhorse Resort getaway, autographed Blazer basketball, a Strawberry Wilderness Bed & Breakfast stay, original artwork, and much more! The golf tournament will be held at the St. Helens Golf Course, starting at 1:00 p.m. (Tee times will be assigned at registration). Dinner, prizes, en- tertainment and the casino evening will start at 5:00 p.m. at the Columbia County Fair Grounds pavilion. A no-host bar will be available for your enjoy- ment. Childrens’ activities will be provided. The cost for the whole day of golf, dinner and fun is $50 for a single ticket, $90 for a couple. Dinner, DJ and casino tickets cost $20 per person or $35 per couple. Children’s evening of dinner and kids’ activities is $7 per child. Tickets may be pur- chased at St. Helens Golf Course, Liefeld’s Jewelry, Caribbean Tan, St. Helens Community Federal Credit Union, St. Helens Book Shop, and the St. Helens Chamber of Commerce. Tickets are also available at the Women’s Re- source Center. All proceeds will benefit Co- lumbia County Women’s Re- source Center. Please call 503- 397-6161 for more information. ley, Levii Johnston, Kendell Nelson, Tiffany Snook, Nathan Taylor, Alex Moeller, and Mar- shall King. Katelyn McWhirter for Over- all Best Senior Project; with Honorable Mentions to Carrick Flynn, Katie Traylor, and Katy Taylor. Service Awards: Amber Ab- ney, Lindsay Lennen, Katie Roberts, Kim Bernardi, and Kerstin Brixey. Mathematics: Luke John- ston, Brittney Lindauer, John Fitch, Laura Brookins, Kyle Suess, Ben Brookins, Jamey Maller, Kevin Johnston, and Mackenzie Carr. Family Living: Tasha Dillon. Science: Ben Brookins, Lau- ra Brookins, Kristin Cota, Elise Blum, Brittanie Robert, and Eric Lawhead. See page 15 Congratulations to all 2004 high school grads. Vernonia residents receive 30% discount on lessons op St Café Boogie is coming soon! Reserve all or part of your day on Saturday, June 12, to enjoy dinner, a DJ, auctions, raffles and the casino! There’s even a 9-hole golf tournament sched- uled that afternoon to help you work up an appetite for the Fi- esta that will be catered by Bur- rito Express and the dessert auction that follows. Everyone bringing non-per- ishable food items will get a ticket for some really terrific prizes to be raffled at the end of the evening. The silent auction also has some wonderful items: cham- pagne hot air balloon ride for two, Disneyland trips, Universal Studios passes, a Seaside The following Vernonia High School students received re- cognition at the Principal’s Awards Assembly in May. Presidential Scholars, for cumulative grade point aver- ages of 3.5 and Above: Holly Hillyer, Katherine Traylor, Car- rick Flynn, Benjamin Brookins, Tiffany Cutright, Taryn Braseth, Alexandria Moeller, and Mar- shall King. Student Council Officers: Katy Taylor, President; Paul Johnson, Vice-President; Sa- mantha Purvee, Secretary; Me- gan Baker, Student Body Man- ager; Kerstin Brixey, Sergeant at Arms; Julie Johnson, For- eign Exchange Representative; Brittanie Roberts, Fire Mar- shall. Outstanding Leadership Student: Kerstin Brixey Senior Projects: Kortni Hyde for Best Speech, with Honor- able Mentions to Carrick Flynn, Levi Johnston, Julie Johnson, Taryn Braseth, Jamey Maller, Ona Gregg, Jessica Sook, and Justin Baer. Roman Manning and Tyler Dougherty for Best Physical Project; with Honorable Men- tions to Justin Baer, Malorie Baker, Kari Budge, Justin Campbell, Bryan Dennis, Cory Glatt, Ona Gregg, Joey How- t ex N Café Boogie will benefit Womens’ Resource Center VHS Principal’s Awards Ju nc tio n Banks High School students named as Students of the Quarter are Senior Amy Zim- merman; Junior Juliane Kalhar; Sophomore Marghee Lewis; Freshman Chris Mettee. Also nominated by BHS fac- ulty and staff were the following students: Seniors – Christina Connol- ly, Monica Coussens, Tyler Kueber, Roland Mair, Gesenia Mejia. Juniors – Jared DuBois, Trent Gobel, Jamie Harpster, Local among U. of O. graduates Th e Banks HS announces Students of the Quarter Page 9 Live Music Breakfast Fri. - Sat. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. 503-429-0234 845 Bridge St, Vernonia Now Open 7 days a week Open 5 a.m. for Breakfast Starting June 14 The Junction 11126 Hwy 202, Birkenfeld 503 - 755 - 0900 t o n a Li Ou mb Morning Mist Gifts & More Wed. - Sat. 11 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sun 12 P.M. to 4 P.M. 919 Bridge St. • Vernonia • 503-429-7003