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About The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 2004)
Page 22 Action Ads The INDEPENDENT, June 3, 2004 HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NOW HIRING: companies desper- ately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling, any hours. $500 weekly potential. Info. 1- 985-646-1700 DEPT. OR-1661. P06/03-06/17 -------------------------------------------------- Columbia County Patrol Deputy Position #04-103 DUTIES: Enforce laws and ordi- nances; patrol; investigation; court ap- pearances. QUALIFICATIONS: High school grad/equiv, pref. college level in law enforcement or related. Must have pri- or exp in law enforcement field; be US citizen, 21 yrs or over, no criminal con- victions exc. minor traffic violations. REQUIREMENTS: DPSST certifica- tion w/in 1 yr of hire. Prefer. for current certification. SALARY: $2,718-$3,699. Excellent benefits. TO APPLY: County app mandatory; Download app from <>. Send to Columbia County Civil Service, 230 Strand, St. Helens, OR 97051; Phone: 503-397-3874. DEADLINE: Must be received by 5:00 p.m. on June 17, 2004; postmark not acceptable; facsimile apps not accept- able. Equal Opportunity Employer B06/03 -------------------------------------------------- Cook, 24-30 hrs per week, $7.65 per hour. Applications available at Senior Center, deadline 6/17. 503-429-3912. B06/03 -------------------------------------------------- Lifeguard, fulltime and parttime po- sistions with the City of Vernonia, $10.00 per hour. The City dams a sec- tion of Rock Creek at Hawkins Park and creates a swimming atmosphere for toddlers and all ages. Performs all duties related to the operation of a mu- nicipal pool, following all appicable lo- cal, state and federal laws and regula- tions. Must possess comprehensive knowledge of pool safety rules and regulations. Must maintain current First Aid, CPR, Lifesaving and Water Safety Instructor’s certificate. Applica- tions may be obtained from Vernonia City Hall, 1001 Bridge St., Vernonia OR 97064, or by calling 503-429- 5291. Application deadline is June 25, 2004 by 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, contact Robyn Bassett @ 503-429-6921. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER B06/03-06/17 1990 Pastime truck camper. Good condition, for short bed. $2150. 503- 429-0903. P06/03 -------------------------------------------------- Rototiller, 8 hp, Troy-bilt, $700. 503- 324-3503. B06/03 -------------------------------------------------- Need to sell 2002 27’ Komfort (TS) trailer w/pop out. NEVER been on the road. Fully loaded w/factory extras. $18,000. 503-329-8863. P06/03 -------------------------------------------------- Mobile espresso/concession stand “Very Nice”, all up to code, 20x8, 200 gal. water tank, electric, full size refrig- erator, freezer, espresso machine w/grinder, hot dog machine, grill & deep fryer. $13,000. Call 503-728- 3158. B05/20-06/03 LEGAL NOTICE from page 21 opportunity to respond to the issue pre- cludes appeal to the board based on that issue. Public testimony is welcome, and written statements will be received before the hearing if you cannot attend. For addi- tional information concerning the "Smart Development" Ordinance, you may call the Julie Steffen, Vernonia City Planner at 503- 429-5291. Publish June 3 and June 17, 2004 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 953 Bridge St., Vernonia 503-429-6203 • 1-800-488-6203 Real Estate Brokers: Carol Ostrander, GRI, 503-429-6425 • Nancy Dailey, 503-429-3703 Rick Gardner, 503-429-6481 • Steve Stanbrough, 429-8017 Associate Brokers: Ken & Helen Bateman, 503-429-1032 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED WILL BUY ANTIQUES, Collectibles and Estates. One piece or house full. Cash paid. 503-429- 1608 BTFN REMODELED farm house on 1.79AC BEAUTIFUL 4BD/2BA, master suite, WHAT A BUY! Approx 2000 sf remod, just outside city. Lg kitchen, gas heat, 2 fireplaces, gas heat, att gar + 2 3BR, 2 gas fireplaces, wood stove, garden, own water source....$181,500 shops, RV garage,private....$269,500 oak cabinets, bonus room....$126,000 NEW LISTING! 50x100 buildable lot, treed, high on E. St......$24,000 SERVICES MacKenzie and Heather’s Clean- ing Service. We offer full commer- cial and residential house cleaning. We are available weekends, Friday afternoons, and evenings. Profes- sional references available. We are honest and work hard. Call for an estimate or hourly rate. 503-429- 3601. B06/03-06/17 AKC Jack Russell REDUCED PRICE! 4BD/2BA home w/finished basement, bonus room, storage area.....................$149,500 LAKE VIEW building lot.....$44,000 OVER 12 ACRES near Mist, with creek.................................$100,000 LOOKING FOR FIX-UP? Great loca- tion, 3BD/1BA, partial unfinish. base- ment, fenced yard, corner lot.$64,900 10 ACRES south of town. View, well, septic approved.......$174,500 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO SERVE YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS SERVICES TRIVIA ANSWER C HILD C ARE Stud Service See his Pups 429-4530 Evenings ESTATE SALE HELP We can save you work, help sell your items or buy you out completely. Call Darlene 503-728-3654, cell 503-936- 9083. BTFN M ON - F RI 5 AM - 10 PM ALL AGES WELCOME 6 yrs. classroom experience. Infant, preschool, toddler and school age. State Registered 503-429-0567 PUZZLE ANSWER Answer to puzzle on page 17 Lulu's Antique Refinishing Repair & Caning Trivia answers (from page 17) 1. 2. 3. 4. Smith Rocks. Fort Stevens. 1978. Pierre Oulette, a partner in Portland advertising firm KVO. 5. 21,400. 6. Series 511 oscilloscope (made primarily from World War II government surplus). ANNOUNCEMENTS VERNONIA OREGON FAMILY HISTORY CENTER 1350 Knott Street Vernonia, Oregon 503-429-7151 If your furniture isn't becoming to you, you should be coming to me. Hours: Mondays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Thursday 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Saturdays (2nd and 4th) 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Antiques Bought & Sold 429-7633 Eves. FREE Large residential electric range. 503-429-8930 or 503-429-6024. F06/03 35 AC, secluded singlewide, Rock Creek front, marketable timber, wild- life galore!.... REDUCED!!...$260,000 If you can dream it, you can do it. WALT DISNEY (1901-1966) Vernonia Cares Emergency Food Bank is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at 627 Adams Avenue. 503-429-1414. ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST YOUR DOG? Call the Colum- bia County Animal Shelter in St. He- lens at 503-397-3935. ----------------------------------------------- Recycle your magazines at St. Mary’s Church, 2nd & 4th Saturdays. Questions? Call 503-429-8092 or 503- 429-8841. INDEPENDENT Action Ads Get Results Call Today 503-429-9410