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About The independent. (Vernonia, Or.) 1986-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 2004)
Page 18 The INDEPENDENT, June 3, 2004 Ike Says … Vernonia Justice Court From page 2 ODF&W biologists, they point- ed out that the two fish bag is hoped to provide fishermen the chance to keep mortally wounded fish while practicing catch and release. Talking about rivers, it is worth noting that our dry spring is definitely reflected in river levels. The level of the Ne- halem, as of May 26, was less than half of the historic average for that date. As we start sum- mer, we are, once again, look- ing at very low water condi- tions. The City of Vernonia is well prepared to gauge stream levels this year and water cur- tailment should go smoothly, if it is needed. There is a proposal by ODF&W staff to reduce antler- less deer harvest in the North Coast units by 50 percent, a re- sult of finally recognizing the decline in deer numbers in North Coast units. While many of us think that ODF&W should suspend all antlerless deer hunting immediately, this pro- posal is a step in the right direc- tion. I would expect that, as the deer population continues to decline, antlerless deer tags will continue to be cut. I have not seen a fawn yet this year, but as you read this article they should be hitting the ground. I haven’t seen many deer this year on my travels back and forth to work, either, and those I have seen have usually been road kills. At least one of these deer fought back a little as I observed a large piece of the car lying beside the dead deer. Please be careful the next two months, especially if the weather continues to be dry, since female deer seem to go to the bigger streams for water and, of course, newborn fawns are not road-wise. Over the years I have noticed that deer See page 20 May 18, 2004 William Loyd Castle, 45, Clatskanie, found guilty of DUII; A&D treatment, 1 yr pro- bation, $1295. FF&A. Traffic......................... 16 Boating...................... 13 DALE WOODWORKING N I A .CO NT U O M M Service Directory C ABINET D ESIGN & M ANUFACTURING S INCE 1976 J OEL T EMPLIN CCB #43965 503-429-5436 V ERNONIA , O R 97064 FALL CREEK WOODWORKING P OPPINO P AINTING FREE ESTIMATES Licensed • Bonded • Insured • CCB No. 90548 503-429-7101 DENNIS ELECTRIC, INC. INSTALLED & REFINISHED WINDOWS & DOORS POLE BUILDINGS ROOFING FENCING SIDING DECKS TILE Cory Colburn 11561 Keasey Road, Vernonia, OR 97064 • CCB #79876 1-800-439-8930 OUTSIDE PORTLAND METRO AREA D ANA L EE E NTERPRISES , I NC . Reliable Commercial and Residential Service Serving the Greater Portland Area Dennis Electric is a family owned & operated electrical contracting company. Our goal is to provide quality electrical service while delivering fair value to our customers. C ABINETS • C OUNTERTOPS • D OORS W OOD F LOORS RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL 503-429-9045 Cell 680-5484 • Fax 429-8059 16819 Timber Rd., Vernonia, OR 97064 • CCB# 123466 C OMPLETE T T IRE C ARE B C OLONEN New & Used • Electronic Balancing • Shocks Exhaust Repair • Oil & Lube • Auto Parts True Value Hardware • 834 Bridge St. • Vernonia Phone / Fax: (503) 429-6364 D & R Towing & Automotive F AST , R ELIABLE 24-H OUR S ERVICE 745 A DAMS A VE ., V ERNONIA , OR 97064 S HOP : 503-429-0241 • C ELL : 503-806-2412 Licensed & Bonded • CCB No. 19808 Dennis & Schann Nelson • P.O. Box 412 • Vernonia, OR 97064 CCB #85280 “Have Tools Will Travel” Office (503) 429-7009 • Cell (503) 369-2048 New Construction and Remodeling Additions, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Ceramic Tile, Finish Carpentry & More! 503-429-8930 503-429-4351 RAIG SPECIALIZING IN REMODEL & REPAIR UTILITY SHEDS GARAGES CAR PORTS ADDITIONS DRYROT DRYWALL VINYL FREE ESTIMATES WOOD FLOORS Y Tony Johnson Construction Jim Morrison Jr. General Contractor (503) 429-0154 Licensed • Bonded • Insured CCB# 112057 PBM Inc. PRECISION BUILDING MAINTENANCE, INC. Overhead/Garage Door Repair • Welding • Heating/Air Conditioning 503.429.1042 OR 503.708.6809 LICENSED, BONDED, INSURED CCB# 144926 Meyer's Auto Body GARY MEYER NORTHWEST EXCAVATING SERVICES Owner Phone: 503-429-0248 493 Bridge Street Vernonia, OR 97064 OR LIC. 106893 DEQ 37308 • SEPTIC INSTALLATIONS • DITCHES • SITE PREPARATION • LAND CLEARING & LEVELING • DRIVEWAYS • DRAIN FIELDS LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED DICK TITUS – 503-429-1492 57230 Timber Road, Vernonia, OR 97064 Do you offer a service people need? If they don’t know about it, they won’t call you. The INDEPENDENT Service Directory • 503-429-9410 Effective, economical advertising in the upper Nehalem Valley