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About Seaside signal. (Seaside, Or.) 1905-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 2018)
2A • November 23, 2018 • Seaside Signal • Gearhart, Seaside crews respond to Camp Fire Fast-moving blaze draws calls for assistance Seaside Signal GEARHART FIRE DEPARTMENT Amy Lenz (Knappa), Lindsey Wolfe (Gearhart), David Rankin (standing, Seaside), James Hutchinson Gearhart), Brent Saulsbury (Lewis and Clark), Ron Tyson and Aaron Smith (standing) (Olney), Flint Helligso and Jeff Golightly (Lewis and Clark), Jenson Segui (Seaside), and Scott Whelden (Knappa). Oregon Strike Team 19 was among national fire teams at work in California as they worked to improve a containment line on the Camp Fire near Chico, California. Seaside and Gearhart firefighters joined a Columbia County strike team on Nov. 9 to fight the fast-moving blaze, which has claimed dozens of lives and left many missing. As of early this week the fire had burned 161,000 acres and was considered 66 per- cent contained. The fire started Nov. 8, near the northern Califor- nia city of Paradise. After a request from Califor- nia officials and Oregon Emergency Management, county strike teams headed south as part of the Emer- gency Management Assis- tance Compact, a national state-to-state mutual aid system. Seaside sent four fire- fighters along with two apparatus to assist with the 15 strike teams acti- vated. Personnel could be deployed for up to 14 days. Gearhart sent seven fighters and two pieces of equipment to help fight the fires. POLICE LOG Nov. 1 12:42 a.m., N. Side Riverwalk: After being spoken to by police, a man sleeping in the doorway of a business decided he would relocate himself. 6:54 a.m., Highway 101, MP 24: A bale of hay reported blocking the roadway was moved prior to police arrival. 11:57 a.m., 200 block N. Holla- day: A felon in possession of a restricted weapon was arrested and charged with carrying a concealed weapon. 9:31 p.m., Police headquarters: A person came in to register as a sex offender. Nov. 2 9:03 p.m., 300 block N. Prom: A guest in a hotel room reported screaming and cussing was warned by police of disorderly conduct. Nov. 3 10:38 p.m., S. Columbia and Av- enue I: Juveniles reported ringing doorbells and then running away were unable to be located. Nov. 4 1:22 a.m., 800 block S. Roosevelt: A person is arrested and charged with DUII. 9:29 a.m., N. Prom: An assault in the fourth degree is reported. 1:46 p.m., 1100 block S. Wah- anna: A verbal disturbance is reported between a mother and her adult daughter regarding fi- nances. Police advise the mother that her daughter does not want the yelling or this conversation in front of her children. Nov. 5 5:05 p.m., Convention Center parking: Police respond to a report of a person swinging nun- chucks. The subject told police he was “just getting exercise,” and agreed to leave. Nov. 6 3:51 a.m., 400 block N. Prom: Caller advises there is a fire in the ocean; police advise caller it’s crabbing boats with their lights on. 8:08 a.m., Bus shelter, Avenue A: A transient using the bus shelter as a temporary lodging is advised of other options. Nov. 7 10:22 a.m., Avenue A: A caller reports her roommate never returned to their hotel room overnight; the caller called back later to say everything was OK. Nov. 8 3:39 p.m., 900 block N. Holladay: A deceased person is reported. 7:09 p.m., S. King and Avenue J: A person is arrested and charged with DUII. Nov. 9 Nov. 11 8:19 a.m. Turnaround: A person reported to be screaming obscenities is told to quiet down and leave the area. 1:17 p.m., 1800 block S. Colum- bia: A person is arrested and charged with assault in the third degree and unauthorized use of a stun gun. 12:26 p.m., Columbia and Broadway: Caller reports someone striking their own dog. Police talk to dog owner who said they were scolding their dog and would never hit it. 3:33 p.m., 2400 block Highway 101: A person is charged with assault in the fourth degree and menacing. Nov. 12 11:40 p.m., 1300 block Second Ave.: Caller reports his vehicle stolen by his roommate. Upon police arrival, the vehicle is back in the caller’s driveway. The roommate appears to be under 8:19 p.m., 200 block S. Roos- evelt: A person is arrested for being in violation of their release agreement. the influence of methamphet- amine. Nov. 13 10:07 a.m., Avenue A and Lincoln: Caller reports a transient “rolling on the ground and holding their stomach.” Subject got into a vehicle with other transients according to caller prior to police arrival. Nov. 14 1:26 p.m., 1300 12th Avenue: A woman who reported not hearing from her husband for four days following an argument requested a welfare check on him. Police located husband in Thousand Trails. He was fine and requested family let him be. The complainant was advised. Nov. 15 10:27 a.m., Police headquarters: A person came in to register as a sex offender. FALL INTO GREAT SAVINGS Nov. 10 FREE 1:51 a.m., 200 block Broadway: A patron at a bar is reported for drinking drinks that aren’t his. After being confronted by the bartender, subject paid for the drinks; they were contacted later by police who trespassed them from all the properties owned by that particular bar owner. 10:22 a.m., S. Franklin: Reporting party says when they confronted a man about poaching salmon from the river, the subject sped off, nearly hitting the reporting party and their dog. Police identi- fied the subject and warned them of poaching; no enforce- ment action was taken regarding the alleged game violation. 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As you know, each Fall, Ken’s Custom Smoker opens its custom game processing season to help each of you turn your game meat into sausage or pepperoni to be enjoyed with family and friends for the next year. This year LVQRH[FHSWLRQKRZHYHUWKLVVHDVRQLVDOLWWOHGLHUHQWDVWKLVZLOOEHWKHODVW\HDURIRXUZLOGJDPH processing service. My wife Karla and I have personally processed every pound of wild game meat that has come through our facility since we started our business in the Fall of 1992. Our lives, and our business, have changed considerably over the past 26 years. With these changes, maintaining a separation between our wild game meat processing and our USDA inspected meat processing operations gets PRUHGLɝFXOWHYHU\\HDU$GGLWLRQDOO\ZHDUHERWK\HDUVROGHUDQGȴQGLQJWKHHQHUJ\WRSURFHVV ZLOGJDPHPHDWDWQLJKWDQGRQZHHNHQGVKDVDOVREHFRPHPRUHGLɝFXOWHYHU\\HDU:HKDYH always known that the day would come when we could no longer personally process our customers wild game meat and made a decision many years ago that when that day came, we ZRXOGVWRSRHULQJWKHVHUYLFHUDWKHUWKDQSDVVWKHUHVSRQVLELOLW\RWRRXUHPSOR\HHV 7KHGHFLVLRQWRVWRSRHULQJRXUZLOGJDPHSURFHVVLQJVHUYLFHZDVQRWWDNHQOLJKWO\DQGZDVDYHU\ GLɝFXOWGHFLVLRQWRPDNH$VPDQ\RI\RXNQRZZLOGJDPHSURFHVVLQJLVZKHUHLWDOOVWDUWHGIRU Werner Gourmet Meat Snacks and we would not have the business that we do today without your support over the past 26 years. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve your wild game processing needs and we are forever grateful to those of you who have been with us from the beginning and to all of you who have trusted us with your wild game meat over the years. )RURXUȴQDOVHDVRQZHZLOOEHDFFHSWLQJJDPHPHDWWKURXJK0DUFKDQGZLOOSURFHVVJDPH PHDWIRUWKHODVWWLPHRQWKHȴUVWZHHNHQGLQ$SULO Sincerely, Ken & Karla Werner SS PLUS