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About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1914)
Weekly ♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OF ♦ » SOUTHERN OREGON ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ * KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, VOLUME XIX THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914 « ♦<>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ REACHES EVERSONE ♦ IN M.AMA I'M O»LNTV e NUMBER 48 German Army Is First and Second Defenses of Paris Officers Search for and Lines of Rapid German March the Corpse After Forty Miles From Sweating Williams France’s Capital U HTN T ATH O C/tNHtS ARRASQ POUL LEWS MRuaEUa H/fl ! V Man. nur CMHAHT Before many hour» «-lapse there 1» reason to believe that the body of Al McLeod, missing since Auguse 23, will be located. Early la the day, Frank Williams, who is held in connection with the 5» (F AMIENS disappearance, was taken into the sheriff’s office, and was “sweated” for HEurC HATEA ST t<> the final lino of occupation. - D i LUXEM ! some time. <*) o a The next forty-eight hours will decide the fate of Paris. MEZIERES /V o LC fCRC •w BURCÍ x Oo Late this uflernoon Sheriff Low, District Attorney Irwin and others The military is in complete control of the city today. The forts are q ÖEAU^A/S n0’ left in automobiles tor the McLeod homestead, carrying picks, shovels and all manned, and the city is underuuirtlal law. a LAON gum boots. As far as outward indications go, the final line will be advantageous CAMMEGWE I Regarding the developments at the questioning of Williams, the au ■ B to tlie ulllee. Roughly sketched, it will take the form of a "Z," extend a °F?H£IMS thorities remained silent today. Williams' voice, in hysterical tones, was o ing northeast ió near La Fere, and the other points at Rheims, Mezieres heaid outside the sheriff’s office though bis words were uml Verdun. TRE RM Ar PARÍS when be was returned to his cell, wracked with soba, he CHAUOHS Experts say such u line gives the weak, and clung to officers for support. allies material advantage in being en JaroBlav. The reserve of the Austrian trenched with the angles supported line extends from Carpahtion, be Although the officers refuse to talk, it seems certain lha» Williams tween the headwaters of the Dneister by fortified positions. made some admission that shows that he at least knows where the body Is. This will compel the Germans to and San rivers, along tile San nearly And there is reason to believe from this that the prisoner may have divide the forces and move against I to Annopl. confessed to the killing of McLeod, holding that be did so in self defense, In Russian Poland only a part ot: places having the greatest natural and that he buried the body and took possession of the ranch in the hope the line Is holding, with enormous > strength. Russian reinforcements arriving. of convincing people that McLeod left. Despite the transfer of the capital As a result of the great fight live i That “ Scotty ” McLeod, whose whereabouts have not been discovered to Bordeaux, the situation at the afZtHtfOfn Austrian corps were practically annl- - front is improving. The ferocity of since a week ago last Sunday, August 28, Ims met with foul play seems the German assault* on the allies left I hilated, reserve ammunition captured FIRST LIMI tuttua. o practically established. and thousands taken prisoners. LANGRI 4 tXTEHSt Is diminishing, and it Is insisted that; After putting Frank Williams, who was arrested on suspicion Tnes- the allies position is much stronger StcoNo L ine • » PeFEMSt i day, through a rigid evandnation this morning, it was certain that he has than it was three days ago. i confessed to at least an implication in the doing away with McLeod. While Fresh troops have been sent there o t the sheriff lias refused to discuss the results of the examination at aU, from the extreme right of the line. It is officially announced that a Ger the actions of Williams while returning to the jail plainly showed that There is no doubt In the minds of I time, so far as can be learned from [ was believed to be a large army near man aeroplane trying to bomb Paris ! he had uiade a confession of some sort, aud that he was throwing himself military experts that the rapid in- 'contradictory dispatches, there are I Colmar in Alsace, made up of Aus was shot down near Compiegne, and i ailed Press Service on the mercy of the officials. He showed signs of having wept, and clung four armies tn France, all moving to trians to the number of 100,000 and CETTINJE, Sept. 3,—The Monte-j two German officers killed. —— ivaslon of France by the German ■ Germans. The Intention of the com- to the sheriff all the way to the jail. ward Paris. Tho far northern army It Is believed that the invaders will begun, General V ecclnles column arW[eil will cause alarm in the French i mander of that force would undoubt It was discovered Wednesday by the sheriff and deputy that an un ,. , . swung north in Belgium after leaving strlko at tho northern line of forts. begun. Generfal Vecclnies Column I capital within a few days. The French Brussels, and was said to have taken edly be to move across the border as known i>erson had been traveling back and forth from the McLeod place The Germans are within forty miles defeated the Austrians near Tschain- [ land English armies are believed to i Lille, which was supposed to be pro soon as French troops were with of here, but officials insist it will be I ■ta. about the time McLeod disappeared. This man kept away from the farms drawn from Alsace. These advances , have fallen back on the first line of tected by forts much stronger than impossible to Isolate this city. at Liege. Another army bad continued successfully for any length in that district, and up to today the ( —------- ---------------- - -------------------- - Í those French defense—the forts extending taken Namur and was heading for of time would mean the allies must office has been unable to discover who i McLeod had taken his bed and gone from Calais on the north to Belfort Paris. The third had crossed the tall back on the second line of forti this man is. His actions at the time to the Drury place to go to work for on the south, including twelve or border near Longwy and was push fications—the forts running from in seeming to make it a point to: him. thirteen great fortresses as shown on ing on. A fourth army had taken Amiens, fifty miles north of Paris, keep away from everybody aroused i 1 The sheriff’s office has been unable the map, and some 140 fortified Nancy, it was reported, and was well around to Le Fere, Loan, Rbeims, the suspicions of several who have ;to obtain any information that Mc- since recalled his presence there. places of less military value. At this In French territory. In addition there Chalons and on to Langres. t Leod was in this city on Monday, 1 __________________________________ The case as it stands at present is April 24, as Williams states he was. r’ARIS' Sept. 3.—Acording to the war office, the French Adriatic fleet that McLeod has not been seen in j Several people have stated that he ---------- yestorday bombarded Cattaro, inflict- this city or at his place since Sunday ! was here, but none were sure of the DF.MORALIZED LEGION BELIEF-ilng heavy dama«es- T1,e fortlfica- evening. August 23. At that time he date, according to the officia'«. That ' tions of the city were hammered to was seen in company with Williams be was here the Saturday before la ED TO BE PREPARING TO MAKE pieces. on the way to the ranch by several certain. I farmers living in that neighborhood. If McLeod has been done away A SECOND STAND—MORE RE- (Herald Special Service) Afterwards Williams stated that the with it was between the time he man with him was not McLeod, but ! reached home with Williams on Sun INFORCEMENTS BERLIN, (via The Hague), Sept. n a hobo he had picked up to go to I day and 9 o'clock that night, when to refute .--Germany is prepared M__ ___ ARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST work on the Drury place. Investi- ’ JUSTICE OF THE PEACE SAYS Belgium, Huntington and the other farmer tlio charge of atrocities In gation shows that no such man went. stopped at the ranch. No positive United Press Service THE ROAD FROM ENTERPRISE She is preparing to prove that Ger- THAT INNSTEAD OF IRWIN’S I to work for Drury. LATEST—VIENNA, ‘(via Rome)) United Press Service proof has been found that he was man wounded were killed by Belgian TRACT TO WHEELER RANCH About 9 o'clock Sunday night, seen after that. OFFICE BEING IGNORED, IT The Austrians after abandoning I attt - PARIS, Sept. 3.—Myron T. Her non-combatants. August 23, a man named Huntington It is not believed that McLeod was HEARD IN COURT burg were reinforced, and are again rick, America’s ambassador, is the PREPARED THE PAPER and another farmer stopped at the made away with without a struggle of only foreign diplomat remaining In lighting the Russians. The bailie is McLeod place. Williams was there some sort. It is known that both now raging over a semi-circular front Paris. The others have gone to Bor alone, as far as they knew. deaux, the new capita, of France. “Scotty" and Williams are of quick The proposed county road from the I “The morning paper was misin from Russian Poland to the Dneister The floor was wet, and Williams temper. Appearances, while not con i Enterprise Tracts to the Wheeler formed by someone regarding the River. The Russian force is much I ranch is not to be secured without a explained that McLeod had broken a clusive, would Indicate a fight of procedure resulting In the issuance the larger. struggle. This was shown Wednes bottle of whiskey on the floor, and some nature had taken place at the of a warrant for the arrest of Frank day afternoon, when C. W. Miller ap had also spilled a bucket of water, McLeod house. United Press Service and that he had just cleaned it up. ; A row of sunflowers which stood ”?," said Justice of the Peace peared to make formal protest. ROME, Sept 3.—Representatives 1 I W!!!!?. Williams, United Press Service I These men say, however, that the just outside the door were more or E. W. Gowen today. “ The paper of all political factions have peti Through Attorney J. C. Rutenic, ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 3,—The floor had been scrubbed exceptionally less trampled down. Blotches on tioned the government to request stated that Prosecuting Attorney Miller alleged that the people in that clean. Austrian forces, completely demoral I United Press Service I these, plainly visible, despite the fact ized after their disastrous eight-day ! STOCKHOLM, Sept. 3.—The gov America to join in the protest against John Irwin said he ‘knew nothing of vicinity were not posted regarding Williams was very excited at this ! tight near Leinburg, are retiring to ernment of Sweden today declared Germany's alleged violations of-the the case, although he was the proper the road's loaction, as the typewritten time. He also told the visitors that (Continued on page 4) description on the notices faded when the fortifications behind Lemburg. A her neutrality, and all bellgerents rules of war. official to whom Morgan should have exposed to the elements. second stand Is expected at San River, will in due time receive notification first gone ’ wljh headquarters at Przomysl and of this action. Those desiring the road state that Three Day Race Meet "Now, the fact of the matter is that the notices were legible at all times. ¡the information on which I issued the Their attorney, H. C. Merryman, also United Press Service SYRACUSE, Sept. 3.—Coincident warrant of arrest was prepared by held that if they were so anxious, with the opening of the state fair the district attorney’s office. It shows {they could have secured the descrip here today, a three-day race meeting on Its endorsement that It was drawn tion by calling at the county clerk’s was started, with a six-race program up by Irwin’s deputy, W. M. Dun office. scheduled for each day. The state I can.” ! The court has taken the matter un- fair stake, to which event *5,000 has I der advisement. been added by the owners’ fund, is Sued on Note. Suit to recover *22 alleged due on the biggest event scheduled. It is a I Has Tonsilitis. weight-for-age event at a mile and a' a note has been filed by the Farmers’ Miss Hazel Barnes is confined to quarter. The best horses in the East Implement and Supply company (Rome Correspondent United Press) dinal del Vai. He was assistant sec her home on Walnut street, between are entered, and this race fa expected against Fred Smith. Rollo C. Groes ROME, Sept. 3.—Cardinal Della retary of state, under the pontiff, and Seventh and Eighth, from an attack to settle definitely the question of beck represents the plaintiff. Chiesa was today chosen as pope. later cardinal and archbishop of of tonsilitis. The program began today with a the best horse of the year. BALTIMORE, Sept. 3.—Baltimore succeeding the late Pius X. He was Venice. Visitors From Hildebrand. today opened an elaborate program pilgrimage to war sites along the Prior to that time the new pope elected on the ninth ballot taken by In the celebration of the centenary of Patuxent River and to the grave of A revolver designed for the nerv J. S. Simon and Ralph Wilkenson Cliipp-Davis. the College of Cardinals. was archbishop of Bologna. Pope the writing of "The Star Spangled Dr. Wllllan’ Beanes, for whose re ous woman to carry in her vanity bag of Hildebrand are in the county eeat Justice of the Peace E. W. Gowen Fifty-seven cardinals participated Benedictus XlV, elected in 1740, was lease Key visited the British fleet. Banner." last night united in marriage Archie In the conclave. is probably the smallest weapon of | today on business. also archbishop of Bologna. It was while detained on the cartel its kind in the world. From the tip Cbipp and Margaret Davis, The range of the celebration will Both The new pontiff has chosen the ' The new pontiff is a strong foe of include Washington, Annapolis, Fred Bhip that Key watched the bombard of the hammer to the end of the bar Duke, said to be the largest horse are from the reservation. name of Benedictus XV. His corona- “modernism." Early in the present erick and the whole of Chesapeake ment of Fort McHenry and was in rel it measures about three inches, in the world, and weighing more than tion date will be set later. year he issued a strong denunciation Bay, with the main program at Balti spired to write "The Star Spangled and it fires a steel bullet about twice 3,000 pounds, Is exhibited by Charles Sheridan business men are backing The election of Della Chiesa is a of the tango and other modern Banner.” more. Miner of Battleboro, Vt. the site of a pin’s head. a cannery. tribute to thè late pontiff and Car- dances of that type I tilled Press Service O cambha P I’ARIN, Sept. 3.—Il is considered certain that the allies will be com- . pclied to retire to Paris’ fortifications. Already there is discussion a» I Montenegrins Are Invading Adriatic Fleet Attacks Cattaro P11Q QIA N Q PU A L,nited i'res* serv*ce nlluulnllu UllnUL Germany Will Deny Charges ■Better Move DUNCAN DREW UP EHE INEORMATION Want America to Join in Protest Sweden Declares Her Neutrality I Star Spangled Banner Centenary Celebration Venitian Cardinal Is Chosen as the Pope