Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About The semi-weekly herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1914-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1914)
rntt-Uîrrkhj ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ LEADING PAPER OF ♦ ♦ SOUTHERN OREGON ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ REACHES EV ERYONE ♦ ♦ IN KLAMATH COUNTY ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ NUMBER 25 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1914 VOLUMN XIX i British Polo Team Which Defeated RECOUNT OF CLAMAS VOIF the Americans in Saturday’s Game GIVES FEN MORE VOIES FOR BENSON; OFFICIAL RECHECK NFXI 1 X; i ¡side, and twenty feet will be added OUTCOME WILL BE IN DOUBT | to the alley, which will give forty feet i for a drive and turnout. The beau- UNTIL THE CLOSE OF ; tit ill fountain "which was presented THIS RECOUNT ¡to the city last year is to be erected I in .the center of the walk, and steps ¡approaching the entrance, just inside In Nearly Every Instance Where ■ the property line. gi The ordinance authorizing the mayor and police judge to enter into United Press Service ja contract with Cofer Brothers for the SALEM, June 15.—An official re-¡erection of the building, was passed check- of the returns in air the coun- iat an adjourned meeting of the coun ties of the state is to be made. This Ieil Saturday night. On account of a is for the purpose of deciding wheth- • eIlanSe to. be made in the bond of er Justice Charles McNary or Judge ' Gofer Brothers, the contract has not Henry L. Benson was nominated asPet peen signed, but as the form of fourth republican nominee for justice' conV’act das been approved by of the supreme court, at the primary councll, no delay will be caused in election held a month ago today. i deginning .of work by the con- I tractors. County- Clerk William Mulvey’ of Clackamas county today wired to Mc Nary . that an error in the count of ■the primary vote there gives Benson ten- more votes than he was at first credited with. This reduces McNary’s lead to two votes. CITY RAIE WORK j SHERIFF TELEGRAPHS FROM SALEM THAT THIS IS REFUSED. SHERIFF IS EXPECTED HOME TONIGHT According to a telegram received ¡ from Sheriff Low, Governor West has | refused to issue a requisition for John IT SHALL BE BUILT—MAKE H. Simmons, the Klamath county man arrested at Sheridan, Wyo., on charge CONTRACT SATURDAY of failure to support and desertion of his wife, who resides here. , I The exact location of the new ■ city Low will be home tonight. He went hall on the property on the corner of' to Salem to get requisition before go Fifth and Walnut, was officially de-| ing to VTybming. termined upon this morning by Mayor | Nicholas, Police Judge Leavitt and Attention, A. F. & A. M. City Engineer McLean, The building is to face on Fifth | Special communication of Klamath street, and will set back sixteen feet ! Lodge No. 77, Monday evening, June from the sidewalk? A space of six 15th, at 8 p. m. Work; Entered Apr feet will be left on the Walnut street prentice. Geo. Chastain, W. M. MAYOR, POLICE JUDGE AND CITY ENGINEER DETERMINE WHERE Adjudicate Rights % ■ dersons, Weed, Crances, McDonoughs, ¡Smarts, Loosleys, Brannans, Patchens, Moons ! Hills, Streeters, , . . Shives, ., A , and , others m that vicinity who are taking board. James T. Chinnock, superin- .rr.gation water from Anna Creek tendent of Water Division No. 1, ■ through the Shattuck ditch or other reached here last night from Medford, ditches. and will hold hearings with a view to The Melhase ditch people contend adjudicating the rights of the claim that they are entitled to 2,500 inches ants. of water from Anna Creek. This, Tomorrow morning Chinnock will they contend, they are. unable to have hold a hearing at the Hotel Hall. On delivered them, owing to the appro Wednesday and Thursday he will hold priating of waters by others. Some time ago this matter was hearings at Fort Klamath. The hearings before Chinnock are taken into-the circuit court, the Mel the result of differences between Page hase ditch people asking for an in & Stratton, Dan Ryan, Richard Mel junction to restrain the defendants hase, Fred Cronemiller and F. L. and i from appropriating water from the T. Burns, who are under the ditch in sufficient quantities to deprive Melhase ditch, and the Dentons, G ot - I them of the 2,500-inch flow they dons, Fordyces, Beckteys, Leevers, claim. The matter was later taken Lisks, Connors, Copelands, Nichol up with the state, water board, and sons!, Orrs, Pelton-Sisemore Co., San adjudication was decided upon. THAT TIME OF COURT I® à’' IL I UM Pass to Ocupy the Attention of the i Jurist Examines Applicants for Cit- Josephine County Boosters—Mat- ; izenship, and Admits Three Klam- 1er Will be Settled at Session of ath Men as Citizens of the-United Chamber of Commerce. States of America. The June term of the circuit court The tri-county boost meeting will was opened this morning by Circuit net be held June 23. Advices from W other cities show this to be a con Judge Percy L. Kelly, sitting in place x-: flicting date, so the matter will be de of Judge Benson, when the following cided upon at a special meeting of the Srand jury was drawn: $ board of directors of the Klamath’ E. R. C. Williams, (foreman.), Klam 1 Chamber of Commerce to be held to ath Falls., farmer. night. G. W. Houston, Klamath Falls, mer Reports from Ashland state there chant. » will be a city election there that date, James L. Worlow, Malin, mill man. on an important matter. From SOI Fred McKendree,. Merrill, farmer. Grant’s Pass comes information that there wili be a railroad meeting there R. C..Cowley, Lorella, farmer.« oil thé 25th. A. W. Piel, Klamath Falls, blacksmith Medford’s Commercial Club sug John Mathey, Klamath Falls, farmer. » gests that the date of the meeting be After being sworn in, the jury went July 3. It is pointed out that quite O BM® a delegation would be here then, to into session at the office of District 4’ 'TW ip f Attorney John Irwin. There are attend the Rodeo. many matters to be taken up at this The Medford people also state that M <• CCrii $ the recent snow in the hills put the ’ session, and many witnesses, includ- Sc roads in bad shape, making the trip *ng several from Fort Klamath and liSS-sï by auto via Crater Lake impossible lrom Merrill, are here to testify, at this time. The date will likely be j Judge Kelly announced this morn- This photograph of the British polo team, which took Saturday’s game from the American team at Meadow changed to conform with the wishes ling that Judge Benson will return to- Brook, L. I., was-taken a few days before the contest. Captain Locket was substituted for John A. Traill. of the Rogue River Valley people, in i night, and will open court tomorrow. case it does not conflict with the ar The following Klamath county men rangements of the Rodeo committee, j were issued citizenship papers, after examination by Judge Kelly: Back From Visit. Sain Jessen, native of Denmark; C. B. Cozad returned Sunday morn Thos. Arthur Treloar, native of Eng ing from Prairie City, where he had land, and Steve Kudr, native of taken Mrs. Cozad and daughter Vferda Austria. for a couple of months’ visit with rel atives. His old friend, Terry Kinzey, i accompanied him on the return trip, | Low is Back. SESSIONS WILL BEGIN WEDNES and will visit here for a few weeks, | Judd Low, who recently suffered an and show the local fly-casters a few accident and underwent an operation DAY FOR TEACHERS SEEKING new wrinkles in the art of catching at McCloud, is visiting relatives here. His health is much improved. STATE CERTIFICATES, CONTIN trout. Becoming suddenly a victim of de-1 gent, who lives near the hospital, and UING THROUGH SATURDAY lirium tremens, Mike Delougher, a I she at once gave the alarm. Delougher has been drinking heav logger, jumped from a second story ily of late. Fearing that he would be window at the Blackburn hospital, taken with tremens, Manager A. J. i Examinations for state teachers’ and, clad only in a nightshirt, he fled Lyle took the man in from the streets ¡certificates will be held Wednesday, over the Hot Springs hill. He was Saturday and confined him to a bed. ¡Thursday,’ Friday and Saturday of | this, week at the Central school. The seen on the Fort Klamath road by This morning he was apparently all ¡tests prepared by.the department of right. Deputy Sheriff Grover Niell and Jus- ¡education will be under the direction It was. after he went into the bath tide of the Peace John Hessig, of the room thatt he logger’s mind began to of County School Superintendent Fred Fort', and captured and brought to ¡waver. He told hospital attendants Peterson, and the subjects will be town in their auto. j afterward that after he went in there taken up as follows: Meantime the city and county po “they” came in with a rope to hang Wednesday— him, and he jumped from the win Forenoon—Writing, United States lice officials were scouring the country dow to escape. History, Physiology. Alex Davis is carrying his arm in a, for the swift moving auto, and over for the man. He was. seen to jump Delougher is again at the hospital, Afternoon — Physical Geography, sling today as the result of an ill-! went. out of the window by Mrs. M. Sar-j being cared for. ¡Reading, Composition, Methods in starred attempt on the part of him-1 MqLemore claims that he saw what -- ■ ........... . .....■■■ iReading, Methods in Arithmetic. „ , ¡was up, and made a jump. This evl- aelf, D. M. McLemore, Louis Gerber, dently mafle the autQ Qut Qf humor> !though the Herald's bid was the low- ¡Thursday__ I est and its circulation the greatest,1 Forenoon-—Arithmetic, History of and Charlie Gates to motor to Lan-|fol. barely had he struck the ground ¡the council split on the vote, Rogers, Education, Psychology, Methods in gell Valley Sunday, using Davis’ car, ¡200 feet away, and began to quit roll- with the redoubtable Alex himself at'ing, than eGrber lit on top of him, ¡Mathews and Lockwood voting in fa Geography. : kicking him in the necs. vor of awarding the contract to the the helm. Afternoon——Grammar, Geography, The car, with the wheels in the air, Herald, and Owens and Hamilton vot It .was before the village of Bonan- ‘ kept running. Hearing this, Gerber, American Literature, PhPysics, Meth ing against it. ods in Language, Thesis for Primary za hove into view that the talk of the who was entangled in his duster and party drifted into raping channels. Certificate. (blinded by clouds of swirling dust, Rogers Gets Stuck. This stirred the blood of Davis, and ¡yelled to all hands to took out, the COUNCIL, BY A VOTE OF 3 TO 2, i When Dr. Fred Westerfeld and Friday— just to show the other three that his Forenoon—Theory and Practice, buss could ramble in the gait adopted ¡critter was coming again. DECIDES TO CONTINUE THE Clarence Motschenbacher left the city ¡Sunday morning to go fishing on I Orthography, English Literature, by DePalma, Burman, et al, Alex j When Gerber was finally disen- CITY’S ADVERTISING IN EVEN- ¡Jenny Creek, they did not expect to Chemistry. | tangled, the roll was called, and Alex slung her wide open, and threw it was missing. The survivors were ¡have to play the Good Samaritan. ING PAPER Afternoon—School Law, Geology, into the high. scanning the heavens to see if they Such, however, was the role destined Algebra, Civil Government. • While trees, houses, telephone could not spot his dissent. A smoth Ito be theirs, for when they neared poles, etc., flying by were resembling ered grunt from under the car told The Evening Herald has again I the flshingg rounds they found Leslie Saturday-— one long highboard fence, Alex’ three! of his position, and the car was set Foi enoon — Geometry, Botany. been awarded the pity printing, and I Rogers’ car marooned high and dry passengers held their hats and their /aright, and Davis, with a sprained Afternoon — General History, Book- ’. With the, will be designated as the “city official ‘ [on a rock in the road. breaths, and held on, speechless. It ¡arm, was rescued. .. ....." . .. I assistance of three or four others who i^:eepillg‘ was not until time to turn from the newspaper” for the publication of all 7~~’ — Right after this the stage came by, r * . * happened along, the car was finally straight road that speech returned, and the quartet boarded it for Bo legal' notices of the city of Klamath ¿¡“stodged, and^Mr. Rogers and party ¡Freight Business on Lake. Falls for the year ending June 1, J proceeded on their way to Medford. Jay Taylor, owner and captain of and then Gerber yelled to Davis that nanza, where a mechanic was se cured to go after the auto and put it 1915. I the steamer Mazaina, is in the city to- the turning point had been reached. “Turning point” in this case was in shape. Later in the day, three of ¡day looking after the freight depart- The contract was let at an adjourn Home From “U.” ed meeting of the council’Saturday Robert Riggs, a freshman at the jment of his steamer service. Mr. Tay- used advisedly, for Al’ex whirled the the party returned to Klamath Falls night. Bids and affidavits of eircu^ University of Oregon, came in Satur |lor reports much activity on the Up- steering wheel until the front wheels in the car, with Engles at the wheel— lation had previously been filed by day night for the summer vacation ]per Lake in both the passenger and were at right angles with their former but Gerber said he’d walk before he’d ¡position. This was the turning point risk his life that way again. ¡freight service. the Herald and the Northwestern..., Al- season. i I ■I ■ || il From the Hospital Cattle Takes a Spill HERALD IS STILL Just who are entitled to. take water from Anna Creek is a question that • to x. 4.x, j v by 4.x. 4- water is be settled the „4.« state CITY ELECTION AT ASHLAND AT ¡JUDGE KELLY OPENS JUNE TERM Besides This, There Will Be an Im-¡After the Selection and Swearing in portant Railroad Meeting in Grant’s j of New Inquisitorial Body, Visiting A There is a Re-Oliecking of the Re j... A survey of the grounds was made ports of the Official Returns, Some • today, and Gofer Brothers, the con- Error Is Found, Which 'Continues I tractors ■are already, at work. No time i is to be lost in the erection of the the Sewsatving Which Has Been a ! building, as it is to be completed by ¡ January 1, according to the contraci. Feature of This Race. i X