Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1910)
I*. I. DUINI OLI. NECONDN < MOOItE'H NUGGENTION M. IIOOHIISG MI DUlllll IIAN THREE HI NDRED IR ENTS I’REHE.XT Judge Wm. Colvlg, In an Interview Io in the Oregonian, gives the follow ing boost for Medford and Jackson First Annual Hull Given by Antlers County: ( lub Was Brilliant “Situated in Jackson County there Affair NEW YORK. D im '. 30. The for- D F. Driscoll of Bonanza, who wa« Is also to be found the largest body • mal complaint In the damage suit of In the city Friday, states that he In of sugar pine timber In the world. Frani'la J. Ileney of Han Francisco OLYMPIA, Wash., Doc. 30. For In hearty accord with the position The bulk of this timber Iles In the Hello, Bill! It is a recognized agulnst William II <’rock«r, the Call ester Gifford Plnchot Is said iti bo taken by lion. C. H Moore, in regard Upper Rogue River Valley, and when fact that when the Elks undertake to fornln millionaire, for 3250,000 on responsible for lh« plan now being to the ru'ccsslty of some action being It has been removed the land will do rnythlng, they always go the limit an alleged allegation of libel, was operated successfully by timber men taken by the land owners to comply prove of great value for fruit grow- and do it right. Thia was cer tiled here yesterday. In the West, ii scheme which Is mak with the wishes of the Reclamation I Ing purposes. tainly the case when the Ant Il«ti«y says he bused Ills action on ing speculation In timber lam! what Service. "The county Is also rich In water ler.« Club gave their first annual ball un open letter bearing Crocker's \ irgl. Noland left Mondav for colloquially would be called a “The people of the upper project,” power resources. Mr. Horn, of the in Klamath Falls. Knowing what name which appeared In the New “cinch," which renders no compcnsu >;ald Mr. Driscoll, “are in favor of New York Copper Syndicate, baa ex good times the Elks always have the resume his étudiés at the Portland York Evening Post on December 3 In Him to th« Government, but adds Increasing the par value of the shur«*n, pended more than 3300,000 In devel event was looked forward to with the Academy. which Crocker defended bls action In pint« rlully to the Federal expendi- und I don’t feel that a few of the oping the Blue Ledge copper mine, keenest anticipation by all of the in- first supporting Ileney In the Hun tures. land owners In the lower project located on the head waters of thei’11«-«1 Kuests as well as the members Francisco graft prosecution nnd Inter Ho far. those who have profited by should have the right to tome In and Applegate, thirty-five miles from Med themselves Every Bill was there, as ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ withdrawing bln support. < ! the MchciiK' are apparently such us vote us down. They already have ford. This mine Is virtually a moun was also Mrs. Bill and those who Ileney Necks Vindication have some exceptional Influence with water for their land They know Just tain of solid copper, and has been some day will be Mrs. Bill, and also Jniiirn M Heck, counsel for Ileney, Federal officials nnd have received In what It Is going to cost, und moMt of practically inaccessible. The building the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bill. said side Information. The advantage of them have signed agreements bl nd ini. of a railroad that will pass this valu The entire day was spent by mem "An noon un Crocker’s letter was the plan is that It requires only 310 them to pay that coat. Now, when able property la now assured by J. R. bers of the club indecorating Hous : published, llctiey telegraphed me Io of actual cash, th« Government pay we want a chance to do the same Allen, of New York, who recently ton's Opera iiouse and preparing for bring null, lletivy, who marly gave ing all the rest, and the returns will they vote us down. purchased the Pacific & Eastern. the occasion, and when the guests : his life In the causo <>f exposing cor- run Into the thousands. “I firmly believe that a crisis has R oik I to ( ross Range began to arrive shortly after eight e e ruptlon In Hun Francisco, «tesires to The scbeino stiirt««! when Gifford arrived und If the people don’t w'ake “This road has been built fourteen o'clock, the smallest detail had been People who are botiwred o nettle the question un to whether he Plnchot Induced th«' then Secretary of up pretty soon. It will be too late. miles out of Medford and active con completed and the hall waa one glow witli persistent headaches ought ' J conducted the prosecution against the the Interior, James It. Garfield, to It Is ull right to talk of bluff, and struction work is being prosecuted. of splendor. The walls of the build to gel snspicious that it is caus- < ► Hun Francisco grafters In un honor promulgate th« regulation that there • ay that th« Government has too We have the assurance of Mr. Allen ing were literally covered with drap ed by their rjres. ’ < * able und legitimate way. after timber lands could be taken tip much nt stake to pull out. It Is the that the road will be built, not only eries and decorations. Every few I*roprrly fitted glasses have ' * "In the heat pf the contest In Han <.nly under Government land laws on lund owners of this county. If they to the mln«-, but serosa the Coast feet were arranged beautifully mount- cured more headaches than all 1 ► Francisco many < barge« were made th«' basis of compensation for the only had sense enough to realize it. and down the Pacific coast to i ed elk and deer heads. between which the medicine in creation. < > by Irresponsible men ngulnut Ileney, timber found actually to exist on such who hav«* everything at stake. Out Crescent City, Cal. Not only are we ¡were the emblematic dial with the Glasers are a pleasant rem- J [ but when Crocker assumed respon daltna. luture Is In jeopardy, with hundreds ¡assured by Mr. Allen of a railroad to hour hand to eleven o'clock, rdy, too. anti a lasting one. 1 ► sibility for these charges and gave of the smartest men In the country Ithe West, but he recently announced High up in front and over the stage I*lan Nets Illg l’roflt« For, if glas*w«i w ill stop a < ► them wide circulation In n responsible There have been eight timber land using every means and argument In at a meeting of our Commercial Club was hung a magnificent elk bead of headache, they will keep it organ of public opinion, lleney felt entries under this ruling In th« Fed- their power to get the Reclamation i that when he had finished building immense proportions. suitably ar stopped. if they are worn r«gu- ¡ ! ills opportunity had come to have n eral Land Office nt Olympia and these Service to begin work In other sec the railroads he had projected, the ranged on a background of American larly. Jury of his fellow countrymen deter tions. The Reclamation Service of I people of Jackson County would have flags. The wall space back of the have operated the new scheme with If you are trouble«! with < > mine the justice or Injustice of accu great profit. Guided possibly by the ficials are only human, and it Is l a railroad to the East as well. This head was covered with strings of lieailu« h«-s, mayiie we could as- ‘ I sations against him, I ardly to be expected that they will statement from the builder of tills minute electric light bulbs, which Information from som«* go«»d friend sis I you to get rid of it. ; * “hi Han Francisco the graft prose In the Fed«rai land departments, an tontinue, from year to year, to force road is taken by us to mean that he gave the appearance of a mammoth It will coat you nothing to < ► cutions have so divided Its people applicant would visit the United benefits on people who do not show will construct a line that will connect elk projecting its head through a sky find out anyway. J [ Into hostile camps that It would seem the slightest sens«» of appreciation, with the HUI or Harriman road Into covered with myriads of stars. States Land Off)««* nt Olympia and to me a matter of exceeding difficulty Punch was served from a booth offer to flle on timber lands This but, on the other haud, are reviling Central Oregon. We are Inclined tn to obtain a Jury that would consider H. J. WINTERS K Information showed what lands were them with accusations ot every crime Southern Oregon to suspect that Mr. at the side of the hall, while the re the questions InvoIvtMl with absolute imaginable. Graditale A State Registered j J Allen Is Identified with the Hill Inter freshment tables were arranged back open for entry and no one knows partiality, In New York, however, “ Mr. Moore suggi'sts that the Board Opt k lan < ests, and that his operations in our of the stage. It is estimated that better what vacant timbered lands there can be no selfish Issues that of Directors could afford to hire a section of the State are In reality a there were fully three hundred people ♦•»•♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦ssssss there are than Mr. Plnchol ’ s repre grew out of graft prosecutions man to call on every land owner ir Hill enterprise. in attendance. The grand march ex sentatives In the Forest 8ervice. and here u Jury can be selected that "I do not believe any other section tended in ar line for four lengths of With this application th«* applicant the project and persuade him to at can Impart tally nnd fearlessly Judge deposited 310. Thereafter, the Fed tend a meeting or get his proxy, so of the State possesses greater re the hall. between Crocker’s grave accusations Between dances moving pictures, eral Government, under the Plnchot that this matter can be settled a’ sources than are to be found in Jack- and Henry’s account of bin steward nioiiry, engaged timber cruisers and < nee. I am lu favor of anything that son County. We are not dependent specially secured for the occasion, ship ns a public official.” For an up-to-date wheel, .bad them make a careful detailed In will start the Government to pro- on our agricultural interests. Our were thrown on the canvas, and in a Rambler, on sale al the I ceed with the work pn a larg«- scale, timber, mining and horticultural re appreciation of the good times he ha« spection am! report on th«> lands, glv- NTOKE. For sale or ■ i believe that we have already lost sources are contributing tbetr stere received at the hands of the Elks in IDAHO MIRhETN Al.I I.AFA MFA I. . Ing exact flguri'H as to the showing Tents to rent. Gunn. We e tin th«* Clear Lake dam. and that to the substantia prosperity of the en «he past, Mr. James Keane, who is of timber on all lands a full line of sporting goods wattr will be used In California. The tire state." Firat Nhipmentn From First Mill Re- apeparing at the Opera House this <«<>vcmm<-iit Makes < rul««-« Irrigation Committee, when here, ha-l croi!) Ilullt Fimi« Market week, consented to assist the enter Home of these cruises showed us u chance to become familiar with the OREGON AGRICI LTl RAL COL- tainment with several selections and THE GUN STORE HIIELLEY, Idaho, Jan. 3- Two high an average as So,000 feet of attitude of the people here, and an I.Et.E WINTER CUI RS ES recitations. His offering was receiv J. H. ( HAMHBUl timber to th<> acre. When the cruise carloads of alfalfa meal, the flrat urgent request, backed up by the Ca’- — 'd with much enthusiasm, and in the Up pt «ette the Amrrteoa Hotel. product of the mill here, have b«M’n was completed the applicant was In iornla delegation, can not help but Januiiry ith to Fvlmiary lHth, into vernacular of the Elks, he was pro Pte.,.- aos shipp'd. on«< to Butte, Mont., nnd the formed that he could secure the lands U n-celved with some favor by them. Practical work, lectures and dem nounced a “good fellow." under Fttlcral laws, only by paying other to Pocatello. The alfalfa im-ai “If there was anything to be gained The regular dance program was onstrations will be given in such vital Inductry was brought to th» atten for It at. say $1 th«< thousand stump by holding out. It would be different, finished about one o'clock, but as one subjects as General Farming, Fruit tion of th« Oregon Short l.ln«' about age, based on the cruise, or about but for the life of me I cannot see Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy of the boys remarked, “the fun had a year ago. After a thorough Inves 350 an acre. what the»«' p«>ople expect. It Is silty ing. Poultry-keeping, the Business just commenced." The affair was Bt'curing a copy of thia Govern to expect anyone to believe that th • tigation It was decided that the grind .Side of Farming. Forestry, Carpentry, pronounced by one and all as the ing of alfalfa ba> into meal could ment cruise, the applicant went to fact that the value of the »hart's b«*- Blacksmithing, Mechanical Drawing, greatest social event of the year, and I m ' developed Into a profitable Indua- Tacoma, borrowed money end pur- Ing only 320, would Hav«» the land Cooking, Sewing, Dressmaking, Home there were many of the guests went And get ground ready for big tiy In thl« Blate. Capital was Inter ¡chase<| Northern Pacific scrip at < wners from having to pay the cost. home with the feeling that they were Management, etc. ««.ted, with the result that a mill hm 38.75 an acre or thereabouts, return Most of the people of this part of the crop returns next year. All regular cours«*s begin January missing something by not being one I een erect.-d al Shelley, Another is ed to Olympia, rnllnqulshed his tim county hav«' signed agreements to pay of the boys. The Baldwin Orchestra 4th and end February 11th. Farmers’ under way at Filer, but the Shelley ber filing, * ’scrlpped" the land and se- 330, and if the rest of us are willing Some good bargains can be furnished excellent music for the oc Week February 14th to 18th. ■ cured a lilial mill Is first In th« market with the recelver's receipt. Then, to pay the cost In our project, we casion. A cordial invitation is extended to had in sagebrush land. with u copy of the cruise and his rhould be allowed to do so. Further manufactured product. all interested. For a number of yearn alfalfa final receipt from the land office, It . than this we should not b<* forced to Good accommodations may be se SWAMP LAND in desirable RET.IXQl ISHMEXT FOB SALE meal mills have been In successful was easy to And some timber pur- I permit the actions of others to sacri- cured at reasonable rates. No age locations will be higher in price opci at Ion In Colorado, Nebraska nnd chaser who would gladly pay a dollar i lice our property and our future," I limit above 16 years. No entrance 160 acres of land near railroad. Kansas. The product of these facto a thousand stumpage. If the lands soon. BUY NOW. 'requirements. Prominent lecturers cabin and barn, for 3300. Running I riea has been absorbed by the mar wer«' well situated. From my stable In hav«« been secured for special topic«. stream. I have about eight home I STRAYED kets of Omaha. Kansas City, Denver. In other words, front an Invcat- Klamath Falls, one bay driving, Th«' instructional force of the College steads. level and good running water. Minneapolis, Ht. Paul and Ht. Louin m«*nt of 310. nnd |M*rhaps 3140 more, mare branded Z; weight about 1100 numbers 100. Excellent equipment. For particulars write to at remunerative prices. or 10 per cent for securing the loan pounds; had on a blanket and head A special feature is the Farmers’ JOHN KRISTT. Th«* establishment of thq meal in of 31.400 to buy th«' scrip, th«' man mall of a halter. Information leading ¡Week, which comes this year Febru- Fort Klamath. Oregon. dustry will make possible th« utiliza who had filed on the land would sell to the recovery of same will be suit- Capt. O. C. Applegate, ,ary 14th to 18th. Lectures, discus tion of all th« surplus hay, the crea th«> quarter section for 39.000, a net ably rewarded. J. B. Mason. ¡Bions, and a general reunion. Will Hum and Alexander Martin Office Manager tion of steady market for the farmer profit of 38,850.’ For further information address left Sunday for the State Univer at a fair price and a steady revenue Fifth St., Near Main. Buyer Takes No Risk Ora M. Engle, of Fort Klamath, Registrar, Oregon Agricultural Col sity at Eugene, after spending the from one of th«' State's staple crops. lege, Corvallis. Oregon. holidays with their parents here. There Is no risk In this at all The was In the city this week. • Feeders of sheep and cattle lung Federal Government meets all the ex- since learned that there In economy penses. It requlrt's In th«' first place' In feeding alfalfa meal Instead of the only thnt on«' shall have Information I straight hay. Thin because ntock will what land to locate. Without that not eat the stalks, which constitute approxltuntely 25 per cent of the to I Information tho profits might not be j w> large. But If willing to gamble, I tal bulk, nnd which contain n large on«' might even ink«' a chance on any | percentage of the hay's food value. open quarter section in a timbered With the meal, on the other hand, country. As soon ns th«' applicant; there Is no waste, for the nt tilt 1« ground up with the leaven and tlx deposits his 310 no one els«> can enter and th«> Government will proceed to tender shoots, and the anlmali cat make the careful cruise. If the cruise j every particle of It. Alfnlfa meal shows plenty of timber th«* applicant commands a price usually nt leant can buy the scrip nnd get the land. 1 310 per ton In excess of hay. nno the <■• it of grinding and Hacking in not If th«- cruise makes a poor showing, the applicant only loses 310. groat. Sine«, the scheme became known,: no one is taking timber In this dis-1 trlct under the old laws. Applica tions are filed and the lands are NEW YORK. Dec. 31.- Storm- bought with scrip. bound In his suburban homo, Magls- trate tlelsmar called hlH court to MRS. El.I.IS IXJI RED order over the telephone and dis- posed of the six cases which were ready to be heard. Five of the cast s M ra. John Ellis, of Fort Klamath, were of persona who had over-inebri was quite badly Injured New Year s ated Christmas nnd the other was sii Eve while witnessing the masquerade assault case. The Magistrate had the ball at Houston's Opera House. She policemen who made the arrests was occupying one of the chairs swear to their complaints over th” placed on the raised platform on the telephone and then had the prisoners rtage, when the chair slipped and she make their pleas In the same fash f< I to the floor a distance of a few ion. The court's decisions w«yj then feet. She struck on her back end announced over the wire. head, wrenching her back and bruis ing her head. She waa removed to Although Alaska covers .tearly the Lakeside Inn by her husband 601',000 square miles, there are hut tnd Dr. Hamilton, and It was stated a little over 300 mill's of railroad. today that the Injury was not as bad 435 miles of wagon road. 397 miles ns at firs* reported, Mrs. Ellis ox- of sled road and 355 miles of Im- pects to be able In a few days <o re of sled road and 255 miles of Im stime her Journey to Florida, where she will vlsti her daughter. proved trail. Asks «210,000 Damages of William II. Crocker, the California Millionaire Or the Upper Project Is l«ost Klstiuilh t ounty Forever— California Hustling CRESCENT : Headachy ii People....... p : : BUY FARM LANDS NOW FRANK IRA WHITE