Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1909)
ASK FOR PRODI t TN FROM THIS RIG GERM IN LAKE Ol TI.KT «20 CHECK COUNTY » PPER LAKE NDI ES JEM PANNEN RAD The following I h a poetic composi It is nil well enough for that tion b) MI hh Davidson, tesidlng near It Proves to lie Connected With blooming weather beaten bugle eyed .1. G. Pierce Offered Nearly a Year Railroad Men Urge on the Ctiamlier Vantili in Portlaml for Nairn* Of Midland, who I h ho clini med with the correspondent to tho Express from Some Stream, latke Can Ik* tgo to Deed to County Ills fense Committed Away Rack ■I of Commerce the Value of Such bvautloH ol the Klamath Valle) that feller ShipiHngton to udvlse a young Ecoiiomic.illy Drained. InteicHlH In III«»« K. laud January. Advertising. like me not to be u bin helor. Don't »lie Hing* their praises In IVI Hl*. Ml >*1 old. he know that it there had been an Dividsoii I h only sixteen Arrangements have about been The question of him til ing 11 114 W HltO A big German Jew, giving his name hl I ■ E. M. Cobb, traveling passenger other half to this family those tine mid give* promise of winning for completed for the commencement of for the courthouse seems Io huvo as Berger, dressed in a light, summer agent of the I’nlon Pacific ; Dale cakes nnd good grub would never self a prominent place In the I liter- work on the Tula luke outlet, and the stirred up a hornets' m**<t In Homo Morgan, traveling freight agent of open-wove suit. Friday evening have found their way here, or per- Ul’) world. s probabilities are that before many place*, mid already the «bulge is be the Southern Pacific, and H. M. Mac- cashed a bogus check on the Pacific | Imps I would have been henp«'ck«'d to • more days elapse there will be a gang Ing made Ibnt the agitation bus for I'p among the mountains. gregor of the O. R. * N. arrived in Bank of San Francisco for twenty dol- that extent that ev< 11 cake would not actively at work trying to enlarge the It* object soln*' ulterior motive Ilio,.*« Where tile air Is nice, the city on Friday and at their re lars at Shaw’s soft drink pariur. Mr. bo sweet. who have expressed theniMelvea to I t a little'Valley quest a special meeting of the direc Shaw, thought a* tit* time that the outlet sutl'.iiently U> take care of the The Adams dredge ut prenont w 1 It- Inflow to the hike. thin paper have nothing whatever to check was no good, blit knew that he tors of the Chamber of Commerce That we cull Paradiso; Ing Is nearly across the marsh al Project Engineer Patch has spent gain by Hu* * bunging of locution. Tin* 'would soon meet Harry Booth, an In For there, among the hills, was held for the purpose of discuss Shipplugton. The high hind In but a great deal of time this year plan only peiHoii who might poH*lbly in* surance man from Portland, and that ing the question of this county send Encircled on nil Hides ¡1 few rods ahead of the boat. ning for the utilization of the subter benefited would In* .1. tl. Pieri*', on Booth was acquainted with the forger. By I lie high riilHed butte« ing agricultural exhibits to Council A powerful boiling spring or gey- ranean outlet to the utmost, and the ground thiit under tin* originili W hich tills great valley divides, Bluffs November 15th, Chicago No When Booth passed, Shaw called him ser Is reported to have been discov when his labors are completed it will grunt he would coni«» in for hoiiio I h it litt Id valley vember 2 7th an*l Omaha December and asked who the big German was; ered near the west shore of Howard be definitely determined whether It is light mid title to the grounds In «us*, 6th. The gentlemen urged on the and the iusuratice man replied that Whire all tlilngH stay; bay, but ho many omniscient, omni tlo .v wore abandoned lor courthouse directors the great good that will fol his name was Otho; that he had so merely some vast cave or has its ter 1 present and omnipotent thlngH ure do W here t lie all I h pure, mination in some stream In Califor purposes This I h known generally, licited Insurance in Portland, but got low such a display of the products of And happiness does lay . ling things at llowurd bay that one p. nia. If the latter Is found to be true, mid it I h ii I ho known tliut Mi Piet««» to cashing checks rather freely and Klamath county, and stated that they Where the earth naturally takes small doses. then the question of draining the hike about u year ugo stated to the county had to leave town in January. Shaw had no doubt but that it would re With many tlches abound A bunch of government llmbermeti court that lie wu* ready to deed over sult in bringing here many men who was surprised, and showed Booth the will be a very simple and inexpensive sailed the whole length of Klamath And the sagebrush high to tin* county liny lnt«;r«*Hts ho might Then the in- «natter. are seeking homes on the Pacific check signed Berger, Covers nil the ground. 'lake in the little yacht Ivanhoe a jsurance man laughed and said: "You A gasoline launch has been secured have in the property for >6011 When Where the man coast. short time ago in I chs than four Mr Pierce was seen lately lie nd In discussing this matter after had better get after him and get your 1 and a dock will be built at which men ! hours. Who riches craves milted this to In* true, and Intimated J money, for he's &l*out the slickest und supplies can board it. The pur ward Mr. Cobb stated: Noon buries poverty Hundreds of floating sawlogs are pose of procuring the launch is to re that even this amount might b» “The opportunity offered is one Dutchman that ever hit Portland." In numelens graven; reported on the lake, but ns they are waived He refused to eiitei Into uny Shaw started out the door and duce to a minimum the expense con- j mostly near shore they are not dan that should bi* taken advantage of And the poet, too, nected with the work as well as to fa-1 dlHctiHHion of the qui nt Ion. aside from : caught the forger in front of the Op by the people of this county, particu «Vitti bright* tied face, gerous to navigation cilitate operations. The outcome of Hinting that it hnn always been his era House and made him hand over larly land owners. They are no Sinks down and writes The mill company finds it neceaaary the experiment is being watched with opinion that 11 new courthouse should doubt anxious to see homeseekers Ahe twenty dollars, giving back the About the piaci . to build a substantial wagon bridge a great deal of interest by the people be placed where It would be seen come here. This offers the best pos check. He, with the accuracy across the new canal, ns the canal Is in the Merrill country, for on its suc from every trulli piiHalng through th* The German then went up to Rit sible chance of reaching the class of Of a man with ideal* high. between the mill and anywhere. cess depends the solution of a very city, but that In* hmt refrained from people most desired as settlers ter's store and bought a pair of shoes, Tolls of how the hills The big box factory has. like tile expreHHing an opinion In the mutter These displays are visited not only which he was to pay for today, but as vexing problem, and one that ere long mill, been painted red; also W. O Drift off Into the nky. for ho might l>v uvi'iiHvd of necking by the people who are looking to the he has probably skipped. Ritter is would be the cause of a great deal of Huson's dwelling house; also the man And of how 11 little lake trouble. the change for personal reason*. not likely to get any money. Pacific coast as a good place to go Fant caught among the hills that did the painting. Tho matter I h something that has Otho, or Berger, claimed to be buy Softly faden Into the nky to find homesteads, but by men with Some of the employees of the 8. P been discussed in 11 desultory fashion <A BI S WALKER money. These people have sold their ing cattle for Swift & Co., and has And the setting sun lights up It* Ry. have bought the old schooner by many cltlzctiH. moat <>f whom are farms in the Middle West, and want been in town a couple of days. rills. “Black Maria,” a boat with a record familiar with the offer made by Mr. Follows a description of the Ger- j Will Come to Klamath Fails During so crooked that It Is near) to come to the Pacific coast and buy I'b rc** mid each of whom IndorHvd .Monili of November to Organize land. They go to these exhibitions nfan Jew: Weight, 220 lbs.. 38 years A nd hi re into this Paradise possibility to keep her on al th** proposition to tliungi* the loca Grange. to get some idea of the sections out old, heavy neck, large head, front One day the writer strayed tor a mile. tion Thut 1* uh fai ni changing here and then arrange their itinerary teeth protrude over lower teeth and And. seeing such a haven of rest. Tom Staten has left the country I A letter dated Albany, October 25, of the location of th** court bouse sito show all the time; brown hair and Mill* accordingly. There is no reason why Bought a home nnd here and the railway coni] any is turning 1* tinged with th« s«*lfl*h aggrandize from State Deputy Cyrus H. Walker short brown mustache. He has a Klamath county should not get its stayed. ' his one-time home at Ruttiesnake •' 1 1,1! share of these people, but in order to broad German accent. Wears light of the Grange of Oregon, says in ef And this she's written I paint into a dynamite mln**. fect that owing to illness in hfs fam do so it ought to be represented by summer suit, small, light, round hat, All for you Steamer Mazama took a largo con WaHhlngton. D C. A report of ily and other causes he has not been adequate displays of the products of low-cut tan shoes. To describe this haven here signment of spuds from Modoc point the Comptroller of th« Currency able to get away from home to work the farms of" this county." Enjoyed by few. to Ft. Klamath on her last trip up. shows that th«- Pacific Stat«*« made a in the Interests of the Grange in All of these exhibits will be trans BIDS FOR MAIL SERVICE j Captain Parks says he Is being fill larger gain In bank deposit* from Douglas county as he had anticipated, ported free of charge by the railroad I’BI Sili I I lli IN S in I II. crowded with his lake and river traf September, 190*. to September, 1909. Postmaster Emmitt is in receipt of I but that his plans with this respect companies, and they will also at their fic this fall. limn any other group of stat«« Th« own expense place them on display, printed advertisements calling for have only been deferred for a short The social affair given by the percentage* of gain are an follow« fo account of the log boom at Rat time. All that has to be done is to place bids for carrying the mails between He has word from Klamath Falls tlesnake point breaking and the logs Ladles' Aid on last Thursday even Pacific «tut«*, is per ««'tit, Southern them on board the cars in this city, the following points: ing nt the home of Mr. and Mrs ntnte*. 14; Middle Western «tat«*«. Klamath Falls to Lakeview, the that the month of December will be scattering wide on the lake, th«* lamg The president of the Chamber of Hogue was a decided success nnd en laike mill will probably run short of Western state« ami New England Commerce is particularly anxious to present contract for which calls for too late to accomplish satisfactory re joyed by nil those present. About logs. The steamer Hooligan has been ■tut«'«, 10; Eastern «tales, S. sults in Klamath county, and for that take advantage of this offer, and will the payment of >5.976.59 annually. seventy-five members of the church from alternating on the short tow Klamath Falls to Tule Lake, the reason he will have to put in Novem do all that he can to see that a collec and congregation gathered for the Portland Councilman Cellars han annual pay for which now is >1,- ber there. After he finishes organ Rattlesnake, but this mishap lias tion is sent. The farmers of the coun evening. A trip around the world Introduced before the city council caused her ttf double on the long trip izing granges there he will return to 34«. ty and the gardeners of the city are was tAken. A splendid musical pro here a most sweeping ordinance Klamath Falls to Fort Klamath. Douglas county and put in December to Crystal, hence the possible shut requested to pick out the best they gram was rendered. Mrs. O. B will« h covets every fealiirv of the have and bring or send it to the for which the government pays >1,- in the work he had outlined for or down of a few days. Owing to lack of any other sultabl«- Gate«, Mrs. Harry Cadcn, Mr. Geo. T liquor business. An <>ng th«* mor-* ganization of the grange. Chamber of Commerce. Only by the 519.59. Pratt. Mrs. J. B. Mason nnd Mr. T be held building, divine service will drastic provision* I* on** prohibiting The outlook for great success in the Bids will be received by the Second I co-operation of everyone can these W. Zimmerman each rendered vocal on Sun- at St. Cloud at 3 o'clock p. m. free lunches in any saloon or bar things be carried out successfully, Assistant Postmaster General I until organization in the two counties j named is very promising, and the days until further notice, And I M*l«>ct|on« and Mr. A. M. Worden and room and restaurants with Halootis In and no one should be lacking in his 4:30 p. m. January 4, 1910. more the matter is discussed and the would further announce my house Is Mr*. Clnucas rendered Instrumental connection. duty in the matter. more the benefits to accrue from it freely at the service of all religious solos. Refreshments wore served The Washington Herald remarks Of a11 things’ a horse hates to lie are considered, the more the sentl- denominations until such time as you and all went home with the memory Bullington. Vt General Howard, can erect a building by the great of n pleasant visit. last of the Union commanders of th<* that perhaps Roosevelt's failure to doWn in a filthy bed' By nature h<? 18 : ment will spread. lake large enough to hold your con- • ’civil war and an Indian tighter in tin* take a hand in the north pole row a cleanly aniwa1' He ,s worthy of a the circumstance that made S °° d ’ clean every day that he grcgailons. was The auction sale of the Mammoth West, died suddenly at his home hero How do you suppose a colt knows lives. THE COM MOHO HE. Stahl** took place on Saturday, with October 26th of heart's disease, nt those “holy rollers" so sure the world what you mean when you say, was coming to an end last week. • The Cleveland Leader wants to know why Peary keeps on hammer ing if he has Dr. Cook "nailed,” as he says? | “Whoa! Bark!” all in one breath? Mars is said to be drawing away Say what you mean, and don't say Chicago, 111. Speaker Cannon will from the earth. Must liave got close anything more. Then the colt will probably not try again for his seat In enough to hear some of thaf north get through his head what you want the House unless with the special en pole controversy.—New York World. him to do. dorsement of President Taft. If. Itabbes of the Home Realty com the age of 79. X pany acting as auctioneer. The stock Corvallis CongreHsimm Hawley brought fair prices and the attend ance was very good considering the I h visiting the Agricultural College here. weather. * We are quoting here a few prices that we believe to be right. We guarantee everything we sell to be just as represented and exchange anything returned in a saleable condition if not satisfactory. We want your business, and believe by honorable business methods, absolutely one price to all, be the means of pro curing some of it. Give us a trial and see how you like our ways of doing business. We are not infallible, and are apt to make mistakes, but if we do we are here and always ready to right them to your satisfaction. Best quality Calico, yard............................. q - Apron Gingham, yard ........................................................................ QJ Heavy Gown Flannellette, yard ................................................... ] () Heavy Shirtings yard .................................................................. 12'^ .12^ Sheet Blankets ............................................................................... up Heavy Linen Crash, yard ........................................................... Heavy Cotton and Wool Blankets .................. $2 IS All-Wool Oregon Blankets ......................................................... 3.45 White Cotton Filled Comforters ............................................ | t“>0 Women's Underwear, Fleeced 25e’ «50e 75e Women's Wool Underwear ...................................................... <|* | Women’s Hoze ............................................................................ | o14c up Double Bed Sheets .......... .. ............................................................... Pillow Cases ........................................................................................ | ^5 Women's Skirts ....................................................................... ijjo 95 UP Women'» Tailored Sults, ............................................... $10 lo $50 Womens Wrappers ...................................................................... Chirlden’s Shoes at Special Prices. Women's Mercerized Raincoats............... Women’s Coats at Big Reduction. Children's Heavy Coats ............................. $6.7.5 $0 50 "p to $12 50 " " **• Young Men's Suits Boys' Knickerbocker Sults $3.95, $6.95, $12.50 $3 95, $7.00. $10.00 2.5 ,,p $7.50 $25.00 Men's Overcoats Excellent values In Men's and Women's Shoes. Men's Wool Vnderwear Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear Boys’ Heavy Fleeced Underwear Men's Corduroy Sults ................... Men's Pants ....................................... Extra Good Wool Flannel Shirts $1.00 .50 .10 $10.00 $1.50 "P $1.00 $1.9.5 O. M. HECTOR, Successor to the Boston Store