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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1909)
II IRGAtN W EEk A HI < « 'ESN the beginning of more projects than WILL CAPITAL BK INI RKANFt»? wlth thè laws applicabili thvreto." So far as Ih«- increaso ls concvriied H ere was likely to be mon«* yenough l»r«-»ideiit Taft Will I rg<- Congr,»» to •o complete within a reasonable time. Plan» tli<* Npringtiig of K It is slmply a caso ut Imokkeeplng. It Authorize Bond Issu«* for th«- infilets no addltlonal burdon; It per 1« ltiers Spent Their Money. Surprit»- on N'rge laimlow nera. Completion of I*rujecta. niila of no escati«- frolli ili«- ubllga- The tiressure was doubtless gnat « In ini IOO Shari-» Limit iloti» heretofuro assume«!, and oppo and the reclamation service yielded The promoter« of the Hurgnln In reference to the speech on con- to the pressure within the letter «»I sitlon to It ls slmply Indicative of un Week Idea uro filled with satisfaction •ervatlon delivered by President Taft th«- law, and now finds itself In the What are th«- stockholders of the «mreasonablo desìi«- to he "fornlnst" and th«- merchants who backed Ihi- at Spokane Tuesday, a communica situation described. The work has Water Users’ association going to do everythlng proposition by the Issuance of a i'iil tion from that city gives the follow I ven well done and reflects great when they meet on th«* 22d? That 1.« logtle are glad they did SO. It WUH ing: credit upon the engineers who have the question that is agitating the not expected that thus curly In th«- In his speech President Taft de had charge of it. minds of many nowadays, and Is be- Miller A Lux had 800 beef and w«-«-k would the results of tile move clared thai he would ask Congress to llut something must be done to iug aske«l throughout tin- cou-.ity l-y stock cattle pass through Merrill be felt, but yesterday und today th«-s«- authorize the issuance of $10.000.000 it-lieve th»- present situation, which tin--«- v. ho ar«- Interested in th-- out- Hebron yester- merchants have felt the benefits fol Friday for Mount Jn bonds to complete the irrigation is one of disappointed hopes to nianv cont«- of that meeting. Whether th«- Al day to be shipped to their big ranch lowing upon the experiment. projects already la-gun in the West . a--tilers upon the arid lands who vot«- will be in favor of increasing I at Los llanos In Merced county, till. ready the people from the country dnd on which work had been stopped coiinti-d upon an early completion -al th«* capital stock or otherwise It will This makes nearly 4,000 head they have i-otuiuenced to take advantage for lack of funds. the projects undertaken and invest«-I leave two tactions in th«- county be 'have shipped out of th«- 10.000 bend of the bargains offered, mid have lh*c la ration Cheer«-«! i money and spent their time tic. I tween which th«- f«>eling is going to bought of the Heryford Lund and I'otue In goodly numbers to buy. If This had been the hope of many I seemed to b«> no nearer th«- goal of be bitter. There is going to be a Cattle company of Lakeview There th«- usual pere«’Utage of Increase con settlers in the arid regions who had saibfatcory irrigation than they vei« finish fight. It will b«* 11 survival of will b«- about 4,000 mor«- to take sequent upon such events will be the fittest, auti after the meeting taken up lands in expectation of pro when the projects were begun. away. The balance of th«- young manlfosti-d this week, then Thursday. those in the saddle are going to de curing a supply of water to make VYill tsk Congress for Money. stock will be wintered nt Chewaucmi Friday and Saturday should s«-«- lively them fertile, and the president’s dec I think it wise to apply to congress man«! that their views be respected valley. times In the business circles of the I to the letter. laration was enthusiastically cheered. for relief by urging the passage of city. Th«- same firm bought of Del Brut- The president declared that many an enabling act which shall permit One of the important points on tain. William Dobbins and Mr .lack- That the people of the country are newspapers had drawn unfair Infer the secretary of the interior to issue w hich there is going to be n most son of Paisley ubout “00 beef cattle, Interested lu th«- matter Is proven by ences as to the attitude of his admin bonds in th«* sum of $10,000,000 or bitter struggle is the . voting of the which are now on th«- road to Mount the many inquiries that have been istration on the general conservation mor«- to complete all th«* projects now- I number of shares of th«- sttM-khold- Hebron. ■ mad«* regarding It It Is a safe pre of natural resources. projected. These bonds should be | ers. Up until a few days ago It was The Miller A Daley company of diction that If a fair hud been held redtH-med from- the money paid into believed that then- would be no ques Lakeview are at Merrill with 5C-0 this year In connect Ion w It I i the Hur <\>nf«-rs With Ballinger. The president sat up on hts train I th«- reclamation funds after the com tion raised on this point. It being cattle, which wore sold to Swanson gain W«-ek that the profits of th«- generally admitted that the land A Son of Sacramento. until after midnight dictating his pletion of the projects. merchants of the town would have From conversation with the sen owners would vote every acre of speech. He consulted freely with Sec surpass«-«! all records. O. T. McKendree shipped eight stock they owned, whether It be one ators who have visited much of the ('Jose watch la being kept on th«- retary Ballinger before beginning the cars of lambs to Lewis Gerber of share or ten thousand. But th«* op work on the address and again when reclamation work and given an exam Sacramento and Comas A Co. f Oak matter, and If the merchants are sat- Isfled that It Is a paying proposition the rough draft had been completed ination to progress, I infer that such ponents of th«- increasing of the cap land from here last Tuesday. a proposal as this seems to them to ital stock are not going to grant tin- this morning. Llebe Mitchell purchased purchasi-d about they propose to make It a permanent That portion of the president’s be the best way out of th«- present right without a fight, and it Is under C.30 cattle of Frank Grohs mid other Institution of the county seat. Sim speech referring to the reclamation 1 trouble, and I shall take pleasure in stood that word is being passed-down parties of the Lakevl«-w country las’ ilar «-vents have b«-en held by clth-s recommending the passage of such a the lin«- that a legal loophole has been wick. This stock Is going to Gazelle throughout th«- United States, and of arid lands is as folows: The plan of the government to re remedial measure by the next con- discovered whereby only th«- 160 Horae«- Dunlap turned over about wherever one«- triad It has always I -shart-s can be voted. What effect this claim the arid and semi-arid lands, gross. 4 00 head of stock cattle a few dayn b«-en continued, and Klamath county misinformation is going to have re- should be no exception to the rule. manifested in the reclamation act, has Urgent N«-e«l for Funds. ago to Senutor W••«•«!. been carried out most rapidly by the No one can visit this Western coun , mains to be seen, but any man w ho Lewis Gerber came to town Thurs- It would seem, therefore, that Bar ¡remains away from the nn-eting on bureau charged with its execution. 1 try without being overwhelmingly day from Sprague river. He bought gain Week Is here to stay, anil lt It permits such had the honor the other day in Col convinced of the urgent necessity for.**1*8 account or w*1° the Bloomingcamp Bros . Flnlw V does the merchants of the city will him on«- way the proper treatment of arid and • ‘ a« ’ " “ ’ “ *» »« influence orado of opening the most ambitious Son an«l th«- George Boyd cattle for have much to congratulate t hem u|K.after the semi-arid lands bv the extension of- or other will wak- of these projects—at least the most later shipment. Mr Gerber n«s h«> selves on. systems of Irrlgathm. The r.-sults ,in ’ 1 ,h: “ ” •*»• ‘ »0^ never saw so many stock cattb* l«*uv difficult of them—the Gunnison tun .. j • .. >< «. lied.” Every share of stock will be mg Klamath and Lake counties l>c- I In- Pro|»-r Equipment nel, which is to bring water into a in the productivity of the soil when , . , —. , voted and can be legally. That is iore. He predicts the running of big valley in Colorado known as the Un- irrigated are marvelous. The mere A Methodist bishup was recently a ....... , ,, , . :the opinion of the leading lawyers of bands of cattle will soon be u thin : guest nt th«- home of a fried who hud compahgre valley, with some 150,000 fact that the reclamation service has ... , . . . . . ! the city, and no amount of argument of the past, as land Is becoming too two charming daughters On«- morn acres, and to put it in a condition to gone ahead too fast ought not to pre- , , ... is going to change* that law. Insofar valuable. vent coagress lending its aid to over- 1 grow fruit and cereals. ing th«- bishop. nccompanl«'<l by the u difficulty. .. ««• u o «. know- as the meeting of October 32d is con- Th«- beef cattle- ar«- practically all two young ladles, went out in the come • the We shall Thirty Projects Contemplated. c<.Id. There will not b<> as many cat hope of latching some trout, An olii There are some thirty projects better in the future treatment of the “rn< It would seem, however, that the tle fed as heretofore In til«- M«.-rr||l fisherman out for the same purpci-«-, subject and in the further use of which have been entered upon by the opposition to the increasing of the country, as the alfalfa men of that wishing to appear friendly, called reclamation bureau, and I believe al) available funds how to avoid putting capital stock of the association is as region are holding their hay too high, out: of them are to be commended for ourselves in a similar position again. suming a false attitude, There Is i.r<l th«* cattle men cannot afford to ' Ketchin’ many, pard?” their excellent adaptation for the pur Models for Private Enterprise Meantime irrigation works under nothing radical about the i proposi- The bishop, straightening himself pose for which they are being erected |tion; there is nothing in it that When a big cannon was raised to his full height, replied: and for the speed with which the private auspices are being projected nights should cause anyone to sit up I "Brother, I am a fisher of men.” from the bottom of the sea off the work has been done. It is said, how- in every direction and the prospect of i and worry. It will not cost the stock reclaiming millions of acres from the I "You've got th«- right kind of bait English coast, where It had lain for a ever, that in the planning of a num holders any more than if matters re- deserts all right," was the fisherman's re is most encouraging. The ex- century and a half. It was found that ber of these improvements the en l mained as they are. It is simply a joinder. Success. the action of sand and pebbles had thusiasm of the projectors has carried amples of government engineering I legal technicality, and one that was worn one side to almost Immeasur them to a point where they begin and of ingenuity in planning the I provided for in the by-laws of the According to «-xperts of the Rock«- able thinness. to feel embarrassed in the matter of structures in these various govern association. Article 1, section 12, feller Institute, th«- tse-ts«- fly does resources with which to complete the ment projects for irrigation are of I provides that “if the number of acres not cause the dreaded African sieep- An effective stain for photographic projects, and begin to show that pru immense utility as models for private of irrigable land or the cost of the darkroom windows may be made by ing sickness, which has been attrib dence was not observed by those en enterprise. works, or both, as determined by the ¡ dissolving five parts of acaroid gum uted to It, but only Incidentally gaged in executing them; that the Would Insist on Payments. United States, shall exceed th«- num- in five parts of 95 per cent alcohol. spreads the malady by carrying the One matter that is now being agi- projects were too many and more ber of shares of the capital stock au Th«- addition of a little castor oil Will germ from an Infected person to a than could be completed in a reason tated in some quarters calls for no thorized herein, appropriate amend- prevent it cracking or peeling. new subject. able time after their beginning be tice. Payment for irrigated lands is , ment of the articles of incor required in ten annual installments. cause of a lack of funds. poration as to the number of shartts, J. P. Churchill and wife and ll. V. E. C. Reame» from the Spring Suggestions are now being made that Provision of Reclamation Act. the par value thereof and the capital Patterson of Yreka arrivevd Mondai Lake country was In the city Satur The reclamation act provides for these should be lengthened into a stock shall be made in compliance morning via auto. day. the expenditure of funds made up by 1 longer term. I sincerely hope that the sale of public lands and reim congress will not listen to such ap- t MIRHIAGE Llt'ENHEH FOR RECLAMATION Joe Voao and N«-ttle A Melhuae. Mr. Vose Is a son of (L E. Vose, who Is the proprietor of ilo- old Hoyt hotel at Kort Klumuth Miss Molliti»« I n the daughter of Richard Melhaae of Kort Klumuth Both of the purlieu uro well known residents of thia eou lily. Rufus II. McKinney und Nellie M Eredenburg, both of Fort Klumuth. Miss l-'redi-nbuig «urne formerly from Jui-kHon county. The làisHcngor train will probably ho four hours Into for the i neri week Th«* delay will be due to > th- wooka. The delay will b<> dm- to I til«- brenklng of the propeller attuti on I Uli’ ferryboat, thus m-coHaitutlng t tu- Southern Pacific to run their trains around by Stockton. This will In- n <!<•« I«led advantage to travelers from th«- north, for It will enable them to rem it this city tlu- day following their departure from Port lumi IF DePUY DR. A. A. EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT With R Dr. F. M Whi e, over First Nutiunnl Bank M. RICHARDSON United States Commissioner TIMBER ANI» HOMESTEAD PROOF TAKEN Office, Third un<J Main, opposite City Library. Telephone .Itti. BENSON A. STONE ATTORNEYS AT LAW .luir ri cun Bank and Bldg. KLAMATH FALLS 4 ■ OREGON C. C. BROWER ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW KLAMATH FALLK, OREtiON ROOMS 7 AB. MURDOCK BLDG WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST Wlthrow-Melhase Hui Idi ng DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office in American Bank A Trust Con pany's Building PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 4 bursed from time to time by the in peals. It may be well to make the installments nom-' stallments to be paid by the settlers first three or four inal, but after that time the install-! who take up the irrigated land, and also provides that no part of a pro ments should be large enough to pay ject is to be contracted for and begun the total amount due, upon which no until the money for the completion interest is calculated in ten years. of that part of the project contracted Any other course would encourage for shall be in the reclamation fund. lack of thrift and industry, and great ly embarrass the extension and con Need for $10,000.000. Now it appears that it will take tinuance of the work of irrigation. $10,000,000 or more, which is not available in the reclamation fund at present, fully to complete the projects and it also appears that a great num ber of persons, by reason of the be ginning of the projects, have been led into the making of settlements, the expenditure of time.and labor, with the hope and reliance that such rec lamation enterprise would be carried through in a reasonable time. Says Too Many Were Start«-«!. Woman's Ixtgie "My opponent’s argument,” said Senator Dolliver in a recent campaign "has about as much logic—Did you ever hear about the young woman in Fort Dodge? One spring morning she sat on the piazza of her pretty i little home sew ing a button on her husband's coat. The husband him- self appeared and she said fretfully, ‘It's a perfect shame the way the I think that there is no doubt that tailor sewed this button on. This is it was the intention of congress that the fifth time I’ve had to sew it on such projects should not be multi again for you.’ ”—Everybody's. plied in such a way that they could Pn-|Miratory to Getting Off. not be completed within a reasonable I—IAS your boy or girl got 11 a bank account with the First Trust and Sav ings Bank? If not The Republican will start one for nothing time with the funds provided by the ■ sale of public lands, and it would Hub {arriving home from offi«-;)— ( probably have been wiser to adher? Weill dear, and how is the new ccok strictly to the limitation thus con- getting on? Wifey—She’s getting on her things strued, even though the language of to leave, that’s how.—Boston Tran- > the act, by dividing up the projects into parts on terms seemed to permit script. / 4