Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1909)
KLAMATH REPUBLICAN E. J. MURRAY, Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCI All communications submitted for publication In th** columns of thin paper will be inserted only over the name of the wilier. No u<*n de plume article, will bo published. I tie Trip Beyond Question in Intere**! l*WM<k*ui White** l!l llviilth 1* Kvrt- of tlx* New Hill Road—More Mill for < luinge in Financial lu^tituiioii". i va il road Judge Chas. H. Carey, chief coun G. W. White, president of th** First I'AFT'S J*H HNEY TltttrH GH THE COI NTRÌ I NPARAI.LKI.ED Will X i»it Thirty-'! wo States anti Ter ritori**», mid Cover 12,750 Mil* a. I»> ar Mr. Editor: I s< <• you print ed what I wrote «bout being nuked to Facts about the tour: help get iii > a fair; and I went to the Trip begins Boston. SeptemlM r 15,1 meeting the business tueu bold, hop 10 a. in. ing I'd get pul on some commit Trip end» Washington November tee to do something. I coughed twice, 10, S:35 p. m. and noboily patii any uttvntlon, so I Days to bo couaumed, 57. sat still and kept my mouth »hut. Miles to travel, 12.759. But you bet til bo there to get n States to be traversed. 32. couple of prizes when the fair corn**« Territories to lx* travel soil, 2. otf I didn't get bow-legged ami Railway lines to be u-ed. Sit. Steamships to be used. 2, Number of stops. f>9. Estimated e«*st of tour, $ 15,ueu Appropriation L i* tour. $25.*.>uC. National bank has sold h's holdings In that institution to J. W Riemens and associates. an*l the First Trust I’u-ldent Taft is about to start on and Savings bank has been acquired his 12,739-milo swing around the cir by Geo. R. l.ludley and associates of cle Tuesday nlghi the president was Medford. Mr. White left for Port entertained by the Boston Cham land yesterday morning. ber of Commerce and l av** something J. W Siemens las been elect- 1 to say as a foreword to the m«*ssng'*s president ot the First National bank later to be deltv. r*-d to tin* country Both of the gentlemen were seen He will also retain his position as along the route of his long journev. and recognized by a reliable man, . ast.ier of the First Trust and Sav Wedn.-sday niornirg he started for who Is authority for the above state ings bank. W. A. DeUell, the popu Chicago some time today, ready to ment. It was the iutention of Judge lar eashii r of the First National, will begin the real activities that a re Carey and Mr. Pcrter to come on retain his present position. scheduled to follow months ef plan- thiough to Klamath Falls, but upon Mr. White retires from the bank nlng. sel for the Hill lines, and Mr. Torter of the ill in of Porter Bros.. Hill con tractors, arrived in Ft. Klamath Sat urday niglj via auto horn the Bead country. The. stayed overnight and went to Crater lake on Sunday, where they stopped at Arant's Sun day night and left Monday morning for Medford. Think» Thl» Country Would Fintici* Ili» ohi Neighbor» If They Knew What It Is Like, raising. I'll just make some of these fell.*rs going uroiind saying nothing .vili grow liei i* ('cept cattle ami lia y I 1. **k mighty foolish « h *n fair 11 nit* gets here. I've s**en whole scad toads if those fellers In other places; they E.W, GILLETTE & CO. A I <>f 1*1111»*' It WIIM u 1*1*11* Ulti*- pnilm. foi Ih**! Bplder w uh a wls<< ou<* wl l***v*»:iil 1.1« ¿•■iiiTutlou and hnd furnHIi* <1 bis peti* 11(11.* pniloi al ili** slot*' of E W lllllvtte .*. Co (Manu llloik. Slxlli Street I, w bere liv foiind timi he conili gel • v*-r>- thlng liuti g<><* * to iiiake a homo pretty unti coni- foitiible al prie**» il ut w* re iii.illy w titilli th<* menu.* of n Spider ti ni hnd t<> do Ili» invìi druiumlng up **f biisin* ss 'l tu* fútil*, gu. a un i*> n** timi tht.* puri b ull i* pretty little parler vi - ho ciMy «•**.*>• nnd ' conify" lini Mr. Flv colliri noi r**«lut the tonipta- Iloti Iti enter. sviti* disusi I olii* rosili!» to Mr. Fly. lini to III** ciitli<> alista* ltuli of II*«* Hpl 1er. The story go. < to show thrt wlieu V oil furnlKli n n hoiiRi* |>arl<ir nml all oli It you wlll til- yituisvlf lo E W Glll.-i wlll fliid tini you nifi furnlsli il cum in*Mt l'onifiirtnble und attrnctlve munii** It ho pi niltig to thè cye tbut un invitati "preti; little |*arl*ir" sviti '• •» »in * to pi**.*mr** Another tblng ubout ibis 1 It ilii.'sii t tnk** mure to furnl ti Hi** b* il*** i to bnlld It. Itili yuu wlll fimi prie ablf tbut vou «HI «nnt r v.hy * mi advuntiige of it una htive all thoae tilt*** ii' i* Ju-i dr* i* In »min dny nml gei tl-.i lili bou .• ftii ii I h IHngs You wlll tu* »uri «Ili timi tl'iit you can ntford tbut **nsy Uew cnrpvt; on** **r t wo **f ih**»** pr» nrt squarc» tbut you I uv*< wnnted ho lini <*n up h >m<* particular rtiom Ami gel thè priven mi anni*, of thè other thlng* timi yon thlnk ymi nin i afferri ut pi.-i'iit; you'll fimi tbnt II **v are imi In* yoiiil r* neh after all, bui tbut you >un nffiuii th**ui ti**w und not lutv** to watt .hdii'l fgM me u bit WlMMI I CMM 11 here to bay. I just l*x*k< d around ami didn't say lunch, but I gm *s I know good land us well ns anybody * an tell me. I ha*i to figuri* around n while. Ioni, r than I would If I'd went ii smack up to a real estate niun In the first place. being recognized, they changed t!:»dr ing busin »s on account of ill health. But doggotu* my buttons If half At different points between th» course to Medford so as not to at Capt. J. W. Siemens, when a.-ked Great Makes and the Pacific i the folks back home knew wluit this tract attention. ia regard to the transaction, said: "It speeches will be made, in which spe country Is they'd be out here thicker The presence of these gentlemen In is true that Mr. White has sold bls in cific matters are to be discusseli In than tiles. Why, when I first went to this section confirms the theory terests in the First National bank and more or less detail matters regard Iowa that country wa .n't "under the ♦ which has been held by this pa pct the First Trust and Savings bank to ing which the president desires to ditch.” We come mighty cl**»** to be that Hill intends to invade the Klam- myself and associates.” ing under water In the county w her*- talk to the p«*ople, face t*> pace. ath country and dispute every inch of It is with regret that we learn of I • The president is not setting out on I settled. It was pretty mill'll swump Harriman's territory here. The trip Mr. White's physical condition which a Journey of 11,564 miles by rail and prairie—a little bit of rolling prairie to Medford, while apparently made to forces Mm to retire from the bank 1.195 miles by water for the pure land nnd a » hole lot of swninp. W*> escape observation, holds something ing business, as it w ill be a great loss fun of the thing. As chief magls- bad frosts ami tn ml nnd summer There are lot« of things In our alut bestd Watches and of significance. It can readily be to this community. Mr. White is aud irate of the nation, Mr. Taft sees an drouth nnd early frosts ami hard win- Diamond lots of Hiunll, Inexponalv* t|c|i*» that come ca understood that Hill having a main * has been one of the most ardent be ofiicial duty in getting among the ■ ■ ■ but *e didn’t baij kno k ceedlngly handy every day, either i ' ts for another or line through this county, would nat liever» in the future of Klamath Fulls people who called Mm to serve then, (*rs In those days, Folks hadn't got for your own u»o. I.ocket» nnd (Tarnt» In gr at variety, and urally lay out feeders; a Medford ’ and that belief has been evidenced by in tl at high plac *.*. He will see them the touiist bug so strong that they Chains and Ring* nt all prices, Hat Tin«, Stick Pin». Brace- lets and Sterling Stiver Toilet Articles. branch, over which route these gen i the number of first-class buildings by the million. We are receiving trotted everywhere and then growl***! Intore ting Novelties m arly every dny. Come In nnd sc« them. tlemen have just gone, would tap the which he has erected here. His loss im.ause they couldn't have California It violates no confidence to say that heart of the Rogue River valley ar.d 1 in a business way to this commurity fleas hopping off their stockings In he regards the journey upon which secure the immense tonnage incid nt- ' is comniensurated to some extent by the dead of winter. We got fixed for he is about to start with an emotion al thereto. winter banked around the house * the s 'lection of Capt. J. W. Slentei, akin to that which in the case of seme with, er ah, well I guess I'd belter io take the helm in Ms stiad. Captain Then, agtln, the Hill surveyors persons of a different t -mp**ram *nt say "barnyard fertilizer,” und w»> have not come farther south as yet ' Siemens, who is one of the old r«“ I- would be d 'nominated trepidation. covered up roi.ebush* * mid mulched j ients of this county, is known to us than township 27, which is about 15 He is going from a set lion of the th.«* fi uit trees good nnd d* op and His character and reputatiou in miles north of Ft. Klamath, and the ali country where the sentiment in large- gentlemen doubtless looked over the ! this community Is of the highest o: ly ’ let well enough alone” plump «loin* tall plowing till th** fr* z*> got country from that point to Ft. Klam 1 der an«’, r.ceds no <<>mmendatlor. The into the progressive West, where sits us. Then we thawed out pretty care ASHLAND — < ath. It is more than likely the state * success which has attended his man the pre£ :ent balance of political pow- fully in the spring when the »arm ment made by Engineers Wakefield agement of the First Trust and Sav er--where th** people are alive to re days first come along, and we didn't and Millican to the effect tlia» Hill i ings bank will doubtless follow him form issues, and there Is a mighty start to make garden in earnest until would put on a great force of men In Ms new position, and the directors sight of Independence of thought, June for the tender things, But, to 1 M r U R T A N T A N N O U M f. M E N T to construct this main line through I of the First National certainly mad«* a which lat* r may develop Into Inde hear these saloon-* orper croak'-nt Prof. Lloyd Bridge of Ru<*hc«t<*r, N Y . hits b * n accured for talk you'd think v,fi ought to have h'-*e immediately will be rea’¡zed. j wise choice in their s- lection of Capt. pendence of action that will cau.u* the Principal of th*« Commercial D *piirtiiii nt Mr. Ilrldg** 1» most highly Florida oranges grow here, and if • • J. W. Siemens as president. rest of the country to take larger no endorsed by E K. Gay lord. ex-Pr* sl<!**nt of th** National Business There seems to be no improbabili* >' they don't this ain't no fruit country, Educator»' As.**** tut ton. Prof. Ziin* r, I’r**«. of the Zanerlun P**n Art tice than heretofore. about the matter of Hill coming into We’ll get finit here and plenty of It •• Rcbool, S. L. Williams. Pros, of the Rochester Busin«*»» Institute, this country for various reasons. To, give account of his stewardship when we l ave some farmers In here and others. Mr. Bridge ha» tuki*ti two post graduate *<>tirr**‘i, and ? First, he will doubtless control the during the important half year since who know how to raise fruit. being mi expcrlenci'd business college teachers and mi expert pen The committee appointed to draft Now I tonnage of t,te immense Weyerhauser he was Inaugurated, to meet the )>eo- don't claim to kt.ow it all, but I HUW man, In* wlll bn a decided acqul Ilion to tl «• commercial school fra constitution and bylaws for the Ia ternity of the const. Prof. Bridge Is an experienced ln»tructor In holdings and the Walker holdings; : Pioneers' Association of the Klama'tb ple who are inquiring “How about sometMng the first spring I was up ('allsthcnlcs. Gynmastlcs und Athletics, and the voting ni<*n and he will get his share of the Rogue i Basin completed its labors some time this tariff revision?” to make it clear here tlat ml my teeth on edge, nnd women of the Ashland Commercial College wlll have mi opportunity River products if the branch to Med * ago and left it at my discretion to call to those who cast the votes that de I'd got out of the buggy then and for the best training In those lire's. ford is constructed, and he will also a meeting for its ratification. termined the last election, that the there and give the feller a bawling P. RITNEK, A M., President get his share of the Immense tonnage Recognizing the fact that the har man who appeared before them a out if Ma I adn't took hold of me. We that will be developed hi this section vest season was already upon us and year ago as a candidate is the same was going out In the country and we as the country settles up. that it would be difficult to get an at man who now wears the title of pres passed a plac* where an old fellow Will It Com** to 'Illis? Colonel Holabird has stated that tendance until after the summer's ident, and that fulfillment of prom w<; cut In Ills orchard with a humi When ladfis go Io see a show, this city will very likely l.ave,a popu hurry work was over, the thought hag ises is the highest alm of the admin aw a-sawlng away, and there was n They now remove their I ats; lation of about 25,000 people by the occurred to me that as the directors istration which he has organized— big pile of trimniln* brush H at he'd But by and by we'll hear the cry year 11*15. With the advent of Hiil of the Water Users' association have here, again, in another form. Is the sawed off thoie* trees, some of the ’‘Please remove your ‘rats.’ ” to this country, why not? Anal g**t gr« tanti rcitily for l*ig called for a meeting of the stock object of the sw ing around the circle. limbs as big through as my wrist. (T.lcago Nows. It is with full realization of the Then* he was, sawin' and sawin', and holders of that association on Friday * rup retiirn*i m it ycar. Not Deeply Col. W. H. Holabird arrived in the afternoon, the 22d of October, that serious situation that confronts his the blosKoms failing white all over Kumt* goo«| linrgulii» um |,*> "You’re going to marry the Huron? city Wednesday fr«»m Pelican bay the next day Saturday, the 23d of party in some of the Western Blates his Jiouldrs, for the trees was in lodge. Ti e Colonel came down to October—would be the most suitable witli respect to tie <*ongr< donai full bloom! I Just felt like getting Why, he's up to his **nrs in d**bt." hnd in .iigi-Miisli latiti. "That doesn't matter, lie's not meet his son-in-law, Horace S. Clarke,' time to «all the pionc-rs to meet to elections, now only a year away, that out of trie i ig and prunin' him with NW l.MP |,|Mi ha <l«*»lmM«* and Mr. Judkins of New York city, ratify, reject or am«;nd the articles the president goes to meet th** rank an ;ix« ! The other day Ma ways to in«. very tall.” Mcggcndorfer Blatter. Sixth St., Hanjf Block Pretty and Useful Things ; in Jewelry ? NOW IN NEW QUARTERS. WINTERS Building </////// Íí/zr/(zZ/zz//- i BUY HÄRM LANOS NOW who will pay him a short visit at th«* lodge. Mr. Judkins ia vke-preside:n and general manager of Westing house, Church, Kerr & Co. of New York city, which Is considered the submitted by jour committee, and perfect the organization. Therefore you are requested to meet at. the county courthotiso in Klamath Falls at 10 o'clock a. m. Oil location» will Iw lilglu-r In price and file of voters. "Henry, do you reckon there's any The pr«*sld< nt's Itinerary will take fruit on that feller's tree« we saw Interior, l.aml him through Utah Saturday, Septem ciittln' 'em In bloom?” I said there Oregon, Sipiem might be, but I wouldn't look for ber 2 5th, being »pent at Salt Lak* NOTICI*’ is ber« l>v glven timi town- City; through Idaho, Montana and 'em at the fair this fall. :ihlp plats nurv <*<l inni r Coniract» largest and strongest contracting firm ' Saturday, the 23d day of October, Washington, where several «tops will tin ■:« I'd better stop now and do .'w 769 a:i«l . . I. fui* S'*_ *«'lo|i 2. In the world. Mr. Clarke is this com 1909. N stcìlon 11. towiiihlp !IN Monti), I NCLE DAN'. be made, the party reaching Seattle th- milking. range 15 <*mt, W. in.; i ctlons 1 I, 15, pany's representative on the coast. All persons whose residence in th«* on the evening of Wednesday, Sep 22. 23, N *■<[ Heellon 26. N ’/i s>*<*tlon <;* n. R. Greenleaf and wife left 27, townshlp ;>x Houtb, rang<* 16 «*iist, Klamath Basin dates prior to the «*n«l tember 29th, and remaining In the Ili ; :;* * tlons 3, 4. 9, 10, 15, 23. 25 OREGON! \\ GETS A of the year 1889 are eligible to mem Exposition city until Friday after W-dnc-clay tor Rogue river, where W. 26, W’/j sedioli 2, W'<• secilon 11 NEW CONNI I..SIIIP bership under the constitution so sub- noon, when the trip of thirty miles to ft* General will Indulge In a few W Vi* si'ctloii 14. N % and SE'i !«•<■ tid ing. r*lurning to Berkeleys tlon 16, N'4i ami SE % sectlon 22, nitted, and such ar«* requested to lx Tacoma wil] be mad** by special boat. da. N Vi ami SE % sectlon 26, townaltlp 11. B. Miller, United States consul »resent. t'al., th* Ir hom**. Gen Gr*** nleaf Is 38 Houih, rana«* 17 «mt, W. in.; se«* Portland will be the scone of activity H oiih i. 5. i;. 7, x, ¡i, in, u u, tee general at Yokohama, Japan, who is O. A. STEARNS, on Saturday, October 2d, and Sun highly pleased with tills country, and tlon 11. NW% Heellon 14, N Vi si <• rusticating at McKenzie river sum Temporary President. day evening the party will leave for ■■ *< aks of ft in the highest tone as a tlon 15, NE',« n«*«'tlon Iti. lownshii mer resorts east of Eugene, has an (Bonnnzn and Merrill jiap* ispl* <* -? Sacramento. San Francisco will bi health resoli. The climate her*' has 3X Houih, range 22 « a it, W. m.; W Vi »*•« flou 2, N'W’4 litui H Vi Hi'cllon .'Il nounced that at his own request the copy. I Heellon 33, :i.t, townxhlp ¡li rr ached Tutaday for<*noon, ami th«* lx* n specially beneficial to his h-alth and S >4 section HOlltll, range 22 onst, W. in.; will lx State Department has given him the I and he will return to this section Kelt day ami night will b<* spent there. filmi I II Illis oflleo oil October 15th, position qf consul at Belfast, Ireland i I HAVE BUYERH Jun**. A recommendation from such 1909. Doiilit or Dyspepsia. The change is made on account of Mr. Oli niiij after ¡alii date nil of said a man a.« Gen. Greenleaf In regard to landw will be subject to selections, Miller's health., His health has im For Klamath county lauds. S<*nd me S*olt- Th** difference between •the healthful condition existing In entry or filing on if said lands are proved greatly since lie has been up description, terms and price, and I poor man mid a millionaire this country will have great weight not otlu l'Wlsc r«*s«*ived or appropri nte«l. the McKenzie river. He will leave will sell it for you. Ramsey Realty Mott Yes, I know all about it wit II ♦ hi* l><-t people on this coast, i ARTHUR W. ORTON. for his new position in the near fu Co., 217-2IK Central bldg., cor. (Land On** worries over his n**xt meal and and such a recommendation will Rogtsl er. i I-’RED P CRONEMILLEIL ture. 8 Main st., Los Angeles, Cal. the other over his last. Exchange. surely b<* given. Receiver. mmiii . III I N« »\\. FRANK IRA WHITE Vilpt. <». ('. Appl.giit«*, Ollla't* Manager l'iftli Nt„ \<*nr Miiln. BICYCLE S For » nu U|M«*-<1jit<* wt*«*»*l, Itunilihr, on »air at HIOItE. For mala Tonta to rant. Gun». »*** 11 m * til A nr «va*. We carry a fail! lina* of »|H*rtiug g»*Hla. THE GUN STORE J. II. <TI IMIIKICK Opp**«tte the Aaaaarlaaaa IT,*..,** IMI». Ilota«.