Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1909)
ome to Klamath Falls Railroad Day. Visit the City’s Best ^lore. Store. Inspect our complete stocks of Clothing, Furnish tn mg, rurmsn- ings, Shoes s, Hats, Dry Goods. Get our prices. < Make this store vour headquarters. heado your You’re welcome. K. K. K. STORE C > ” s KLAMATH REPUBLICAN MANY lilll.DIXG PERMITS. oi:< hard as a hide i.ixr. The following building permits (1. Iteltkvniper Is developing into | wore g-nnt 1 by the Council at the quite a farmer, lie and Mr Point E. J. MURRAY. Editor 1 meeting Monday night: dexter have a garden spot of forty F. B. Rrenner and Elmer Brenner. ' ncrc< about live miles below town r. shop, 12x20. on lot 3, block 44. In and have just acquired au additional First addition. .forty. Those gentlemen are engag- A. B. Stahhuan, one-story frame Ing in intensified farming ss a side It TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE dwelling, 2 4x2 4, on lot 3, tn block line, and already have their crop in 7. Breitenstein addition. 'for this Mason. O. L. Carter, six-room bungalow, Twenty-two acres have been All communications submitted for publication in the columns of thia pap, r will be inserted only over the name of the writer. No non de plume with basement, on lot S. tn block 47. planted to nn orchard on which will articles ’»111 be published. First addition: estimated cost. »2.- bo grown two s|M*clnl varieties of ap 000. ples. The bnlance of the inn t has Mrs. L. M. Van Brimmer, five-room been put In potato»'«, wheat and gar A SIGNIFICANT VISIT ji-ottago on lot 10, in block 12. First den truck An experiment will bvi Itnado with a thret-acre tract which j I r.ddltlon. William Barkeley. charg««d » 1th It has leaked out that the visit to | Frank Moorland, addition to barn has be n pluuted with sweet evrn. j this city la-t we--k ot the president the murder of Sid Jacobs, who on lot 2. in block I 7. Nichol * i Uli Mr. lleltkeniper has a few Idea« about of . ..e Pennsylvania Railroad had pleaded guilty to manslaughter, was tion. diversified farnilng. th«« value of zuore to do with the welfare of this sentenced Tuesday. He was given C. 8. and R. 8 Moore, six-HH'tn which he hopes to demonstrate by the maximum penalty, which is ■e< tion than app< ared on the surfac cottage and woed->hed on ’ot 1 i ,ln fall to i. <■ .1 oe.'i rv< i. Down in San ten years in the government prison. block 2, West Klamath Falta, eat 1- Francisco is u bunch of railroad offi The changing of the plea w as a great mated cost. »1,000. IX' >1 HER Ulti S.l.i cia w l.o l ave a particularly warui surprise, according to a communica •• • D. E Riesdorf, bungalow, 26x3 1. P. !.. Fountain mid <1 W White spot ia their i.eart for Klamath coun tion received from Coroner Whit un lot 5. In blcck 44, First additlou. ty. Prominent among these are Mr. lock, who is in Portland as one of 4’bas. S Moo;«, six room bungs have sold the Inst of the ohi Ammer- Fee, Mr. Hood and Mr. Calvin. This j the witnesses for the State. Tho jury low. 34x42. with basement, on we it man place, consisting of 390 acres, feeling of friendship is merely recip-' was about half drawn when an agree side, opposite the power housB; ••st I- |to II H Van Vaikenburg. The con- ideratiuu was between »10,000 and roc&l, and is due to the belici an the; ment was reached between the at- mated exist, »3.000. »11.000. This big ranch, which Is part of these gentleuin that Klamath |torneys for Barkeley and the Dis located on the Kono road, was pur- WOODBINE ItKSOIlT. Falls and Klamath county are not trict Attorney. It is evident that mor? faith is put ct’.as st ««v.-ral years ago by Messrs governed by a spirit of antagonism Wampler's resort ou the Upper Fountain and White from E. V Car towards the interests they represent. in the evidence of an Indian iu Port It hat been sold off When Mr. Harriman was here he re land than would be the case here, lavke is an ideal H|Hit and headquar ter of Ashland marked that the people were very but Jacobs* bad reputation was re ters tor hunting and fishing parlies. la portlot'.«, and the sale to Mr. Van fair-minded, and that one remark ' sponsible for the turn of affairs. It I Mr. Wampler is a true sportsman, Valk'-nburg is the last of the tract. Mr Van Valk.-nburg already owns has done more for thfs section than ■developed that he and Barkeley had accommodating, and a genial com made a practice of selling poor whis panion He has just put up an artis over 1,000 acr<*s about a half mile anyone realizes. tic log building of pleasing design above hU ne» purchase, but there It was Mr. Harriman's remark that key to. the Indians The story of the killing of Jacobs, He has a gasoline Itiquch and small were 100 acres of meadow land Bet Messrs. Fee, Hood. Calvin, aud their associates thinking, and the re as developed from the evidence in boats for the use ot bis patrons A which he needed for Illa horses sult has been the evolving of a plan possession of the defense, is that large spring of waler near the house, cattle for the promotion of this section that' Barke,e>' who ta about 27 years of with a deep water channel that ex Is going to embrace the entire United ! ag‘*' flrat becsune »1th tends from the spring to the lake, States. The bringing ot Mr. McCrea..h,m wh“e »‘tending the horse races makes it navigable for the Wlneuiu president of one of the greatest rail- a* AIt,,rlLS a iftw weok8 before to enter On account of the resort Some time ago The Herald printed road systems in the world, here was^uarrel ‘”‘Baed th»1 being but a short distance from the a little story In regard to the offer a pari of the program. He is to be ''Jb 3 lake it makes it convenient to all Interested in Klamath, and through1 'ounK »ad a horse •Û- points, as quick trip« can be made made by Captain J. W Siemens to PROPRIETORS and with the launch to Crystal Creek. open .« bank account for every baby him the entire Pennsylvania system. !ln one of ‘h” ra”" U” Other railroad men of prominence ,ook a *reat deal of f,r'de In Uy> ani-1 Pelican bay. Eagle ba>. Wood river born in tho county within one year. ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT This dory has been republish.>d iti are to visit Klamath from time to mal. which also attracted the atten and other points. Mr. Wampler also practically every State In th« Union tion of Jacobs, who wa< a renegade has three high-bred bear dogs, and time. AND SMOKED MEATS A letter was recai v « m 1 by Captain ; hanger-on of the racetrack I" He was ts acquainted with the best bear A general outline of the program I known to be of worthless character, hunting grounds in the forest re Siemens a few days since from R. C. SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS Includes the issuing of an immense ■and without any other resources ex serve. A winding road leads up the Siemens, a merchant of Wellsboro, amount of railroad advertising, The writer states that he read cepting a disposition to graft wher mountain through the tail pines, and Pa which is to be sent to the various ever .»ossihlo. and followed the In ■ although quite crude at present, this the article In thé New York ‘'Sun." railroad systems, there to be turned dian boy ba< to the reservation be resort is sure to become fatuous in and as he had a cousin somewhere in over to the traveling passenger cause he looked upon him as easy time. Mr. Wampler has a large num the west. b« thought that perhaps he agents. These gentlemen are to thor game. He succeeded in trading an ber of fine specimens of last year s and Captain Siemens might prove to ♦ oughly post themselves on Klamath ♦ other horse to Barkeley for the lat hunting, including a large mountain be relatives. and its resources, and to turn this ♦ ter's more valuable animal, and then ' lion, bobcat and cinnamon bear way a great portion of the vast tide ♦ Rotore pUwiUng, all sard grain and also pote toe« «liould < TIM I S FOR RAILROAD DAI stealing it, when the young man had ' H. NBWNHAM of the western emigration. Then ♦ him arrested 4 The lustice of the, .prinkh-d with Formaldehyde Solution for teAtinmt for «mut. ♦ comes the great tourist travel, and it The Chamber of Commerce has re peace before whom the case was RAILROAD DAY PARADE. Tbl» HoluUoii lute taken the pino- of blur-oton«*, breaunr il U is this that will receive particular at ceived a telegram from Snow's Pony tried dismissed the complaint on ’he ♦ Inttrr, «implee to uae; ran In- umm I mon' accurately and rusta tention. Thousands of tourists visit alleged ground that he din not think ♦ In order that all parts of Klamath and Dog Show, which is at Red Bluff. California every year. From now on, ♦ a jury would convict any white man county may be represented in our In reference to showing here Monday or just as soon a3 the material can be ♦ | on the testimony of an Indian, that parade on Railroad day the Chamber and Tuesday during the railroad colo XT < HITUOOD DRUG OOMI’ANY gotten out, these tourists will be ♦ The show has two cars, being the only evidence available of Commerce wishes every section of uration ♦ filled with the grandeur of the Swit with fifty people, including a band ag-unst the accused the county to consider this a special zerland of America—Klamath coun The Chamber of Commerce wired Young Barkeley. it is c'alnit d. invitation to them to be represented. ty—and the fact strongly impressed that they could offer no bonus, but | felt deeply aggrieved at the In'mtIce Wf have advertised a parade to con on them that their trip west will not A t heap fence can be built with [that had been practised upon hitn. stat of Indians in war togs, cowboys were certain that they would receive be complete unless they have visited and is known to have made revenge in typical costume, stage coaches, all the business they could handle. posts and hemlock boards ten Inches this section—the grandest in the ful threats. The two met somewhere wagon trajns, pack trains and A letter was also written to Mr. wide with two barbed wire* ou lop. west. It even a small fraction of the in the mountains on the reservation freighters, with automobiles bringing Snow, and it is probable that tho ThU fence will keep bogs, give them Tell Us What western tourists visit this city and soon after Jacobs had been turned up tn the rear- thus showing the company will be here with their health and the owner profit You Want county it will mean thousands upon loose, and a quarrel took place be historical progress of our means of dogs, ponies and band It would be I thousands of dollars to this county,' Ai .«win as the pigs are wiaued the i good feature and be a groat addi tween them over the stealing affair, transportation. We will plan, e«iiiruite aixl roo but it is the intention of Messrs. Fee, 4>>Wi. should bo turned with Hie male with the result that Jacobs was shot Of course this program is elastic, tion to the parade tract for uny Iron, Htonc, llrfck, Co*, Hood and Calvin that more than a through the neck and instant*/ and then put by themselves In n good and we will be glad to welcome any crate or Frame Building for const mo fraction of them shall come to Klam clover pasture. A clover held Is a killed by Barkeley, who claims that special feature any persons or com tion In Southern Oregon. We gum«, ath. paradise for bogs and a money-maker the act was in »elf-defense, Jacobs munity wishes to enter A ladles' «nice Eeouomy, Kffi< ieu«y and Satis, The City Council met Monday night for their u» nor. Nothing that this city has done up having first attacked him with » horseback section would be fine. and the Mayor and new members faction. to this time <3 going to be productive knife. He was indicted by the Fed Floats representing some special fea were sworn in and the Council or of as great results as the cordial wel eral Grand Jury last April, the gov CALDWELL BUILDING <X)„ ture of our country are solicited. All ganized. The following appolnl- come given the railroad company. ernment relying for a conviction Kelsey Block Opp. America* Hotel NOTH E Poll PUBLICATION. are Invited Communicate your ideas meols were made by Mayor Sander % The officials of this corporation are upon the testimony of Chief Lltt'e- or plans to W. A. Delzell, president son and were confirmed by the Coun IbfHirinu-iit of tlx* Interior, United as appreciative of the glad hand as johrf and his wife, who were wit Chamber of Commerce, in order that cil: any one—only a little more so, and nesses to the killing. H Li tie« Isuid Oflbr full arrangements may be made for City attorney, Thomas Drake; en they propose to show that apprecia United States Attorney McCourt your entries. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Thia gineer, Don. J Zumwalt; health offi tion in a substantial manner, and was willing to accept the plea of favkeview, Ore., May 8, 1909. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE cer, Dr. Hamilton, chief of police, is tl>e time to place your orders for this is the second step in that direc guilty to the lesser offense, and Notice ia hereby given that the Oscar L. Carter; policeman, E. C. tion. The first was the erection of stated that considerable doubt ex GIN CLUB HOLDS FIRST Fall Delivery. Our stock ia complete Townsend. Tho following commit Santa Fo Railroad Co., by Charles a magnificent depot in this city. With isted in his mind as to his ability to CLAY PIGEON SHOOT H. McGinnis, of Portland, Oregon, Mil your needs can best be met at tees were appointed. »uch a good start, the people here convict Barkeley on account of the Judiciary — Ankeny, chairman; has filed in this office Its application lb la The Crater Lake Gun Club held its want to keep it moving. No obsta advanced age of the prosecution's to select under the provisions of the cle should be placed in Its path. The two witnesses, coupled with Jacobs' first clay pigeon shoot of the season Willits and Hanks Streets—Summers, chairman; An Act #f Congress, approved June 4, long-headed, conservative policy thus bad reputation and the previous good Sunday at the grounds above the 1897, and June 6, 1900, the NE%, far pursued should be followed reputation of his slayer. It is known Hot Springs. Besides a large num keny and Willits. A. E. TIENS I NG ER, Fire and Water Cfc.t31, Chair- 8W%, Sec. 2», T. 17 8., R. 11% N., throughout. The result will be a that Jacobs was going under an as ber of members of the club there W, M Any and all persons claiming Repo-wonting Oregon Nursery Ok, “favored city” policy on the part of sumed name, he having been known were a number of new residents man, Obenchaln and Hanks. Hali m, Oregon. Health—Hanks, chairman; Sum- adversely the lands described, or de the railroad, which will mean that as Sid King and various other cogno who participated in the first shoot siring to object because of the min Klamath Falls will be the greatest mens. R .Citron, one of the attor and expressed a desire to join the 1 mers and Caste). I eral character of the land, or for municipality between Sacramento neys for the defense, declared that club. From present Indications and any other reason, to the disposal to and Portland, if within a few year» it himself and associate were In posses the interest already shown, the pros THREE DAYS’ BASE does not outstrip the former city. BALL TOURNAMENT applicant, should filo their affidavits sion of positive evidence that Jacobs pects are very bright for a good year of protest Inthls office on or before ---------- • • of sport in this line. Among the new had enticed young Barkeley into the The schedule for the baseball Juno 24, 1909. people taking part yesterday were For an up-to-date wheel, get mountains with several bottles of IMPORTANT TO THE LADIES games for the railroad celebration J. N. WATSON, a Rambler, on sale at the GUN whiskey and had otherwise resorted Chief Engineer II. P. Hoey and a Register. number of his engineers. The scorer has been arranged, The games will STORE. For sale or rent. Of Klamath Falls and vicinity. All ♦o corruptive tactics while living were as follow»: Ed Jacobson, 20; all be played in the afternoon. On The above notice will bo published with the Indians for at least three Tenia to rrnt. Guns. We carry Guns, ladles' hats »4, »4.50, »5 and »5.50 McDonald, 19; Hoey, 18; G. Hamil Monday, Juno 14th, the Klamath In the Klamath Republican, a week a full - — — line of sportlug goods. at »3.00. All »6, »6.50, »7 and $7.50 weeks. It Is believed that he had ton, 18; E. W. Muller, 18; Sam Falls team will play tho nine from ly newspaper printed at Klamath hats now go at »5.00, The »8.50, »9. lured the boy away for tho purpose Smith, 15; Mead, 10, and John Won- Lakeview. On Tuesday the game Falls, Oregon, for a period of at »9.50 and »10 now at »7.50. Re of murdering him, under the Impres derly, 5. THE GUN STORE will be between Bonanza and the least thirty days prior to the date member this sacrifice sale we make sion that he could take him unawares Klamath Indian School. On Wednes- last mentioned In the forego ng J. B. CHAMBIM, Another exhibition and »hoot will to the ladles rather than carry them while Barkeley was unarmed. day the winning teams of the two notice. be given next Sunday afternoon. Opposite the America* Hotel. over commences June 3d. The Bos previous games will play for the J. N. WATSON, Pbotn MS. ton Store. 2 Soo 0. Short’s auction ad on page 6. See 0 Short’s auction nd on page •> cbampionsblp. 5-1» 8-17 Register. .-. » ' » LEADING NEWSPAPER OF inlERIÜR OhEGON. The Best Goods Lowest Prices I hat is what Gillette offers vou; that is why I do the greatest business. A reason a bl le profit is all I ask When you want anything in the Furniture line you will find it ¿it GILLETTE’S City Meat Market WEISS & ARMAND YOUR SEED GRAIN Building-Construction ORDER NOW