Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1909)
A w I 4 * •. A • * 1 t I Visit the z^ome to Klamath Fa Ils Railr oad Day. Store, Inspect our compete stocks of Clothing', Furnish iiigs, Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods Get our prices. Make this store K. K. K. STORI your headquarters. You're welcome. J "9 r ■4 KLAMATH REPUBLICAN (TIE KXI'EliiMI X PAI. I 4RM. < m i ; iui : i s. Considerable <II m i.-euon i heard jj o Short's au< i ion ad on page i> ¡ <>u <he marsh lur.d experimental i.irm K. Iloyt I situi» the oxcui-min to Ady > -lerday V Khtinuili AH ct i o com.,ivm« ar»» laii'nnb!.» Old in-: r-si.n nts fi' liiis euuntr.' ,vxpr- ’. »urptiie wheu the» looked Dr A. X Del’ll). «-ye. <«ir, uu.i «'It yipon li lieh «oil vK|«»-.e<l h) the un.I u -at Examlnatlou of the <■>< I WO DOLLARS PLR YEAR IX ADVAX l E lemov. I of tho watet. The farm ts am! glasse, fitted Office Mill) Di |<H-Hl<»d but u short distai.ea from the F M White. SO All communications submitted for pubH> alien in tl.e columns of this .station at Adv It is ideally -ltuate.1 paper will be Inserted only over the i.«u:o of the writer. No u- u de pluiiu for denionstrating tho capabilities of purchased the Brticiea will be publishei el J \V. i’rlc-’ -»■*., swiuilllp region. By lueuus inly from OK ló of a lai gr- pump run t»> a gasoline ente Mr. amt facilities ami how are the funds [engine the water hits been removed \j iv.ode Hi tl.e of black soil, rich and several f« ‘ ot provided? itili tin* Court .1 posed vegetable mutter is I lu deeoi Nineteenth how. in your optn- The Senate t ouimiUee Fumisi > main drainage canal The exposed. best promote the Ion. cun Congre. a Few For Guidance. general welfare of the water usura extends around I the entire farm, but Col W 11 1> and carry out the purposes of I he probably every fifty yards there is a day foi Lus Ai FoLowing are the questions sug- eroe« cut about one yard in width and reclamation act.’ !.. 4« I«. . 1 oi t . J b_. Seuator Carter, chairman ten feet deep. i Tills' Alfords a lie Your » x 'vi i v. ,11 su :.:. st other Un I“' •i<>. Mula I) < of i. e irrigation committee, (or the r.-hensive drainage system, as ¡mints upon which you desire to In c Í il 4»l I tile co:. . of the water u- .« as pi-»vili»- i means for sub-irri- foim the comniitte»’, and you will Ulli > nut The answers to these or other ques- n The « K»ll is drying out so therefore feel at liberty to go beyond J lue 11 tiuuo ji.u.-iU be submitted by a com- The the < ope of too questions stated tna. it uiav b«» plowed soon it is mitte - of tl.e tanners on the visit of The committee earnestly desires to tulo growth has been burned, leav- * voli te • * i lut tlie Senators in October: pr become thoroughly informed on all ing the ground exposed to the sun. First—Is the existing reclamation t'arups are maintained for the crew facts and circumstances connected law satisfactory, and If not in with each project and will welcome of men engaged in building now Al Sloan left last Friday for what respect should it be amended? information on any phase of the ditches and In keeping the old ones Mi diol d. where he will inspect the Second—-Are your local laws gov tu repair. licctogispn i machlno belli g used by question under consideration erning tl e appropriation aud use of Every oue of the parties that went the abstract company in Jacksou water for irrigation satisfactory in ■ Short 's auction ad on page t> to Adv Thursday took occasion to county. The Roctograpb makes an their application to lands being re- 1 See O visit the experimental station Some absolute tac simile copy of the claimed by the Government or wire disappointed because they did records The work is done by a sort >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« through private enterprise, and if LONE PINE ITEMS. « not find the place already in culti of a camera, w hlch lakes a photo- sot, what amendments are required? vation. All were surprised at the graph of the (>age There Is no Third—Is the administration of wealth that is hidden under the chance of any mistake being made the law by the reclamation service Mr. and Mrs. L A. West. Mr. and heavy tule growth of tho Klamath in transcribing trout the records. satisfactory, and it not, what are Mrs. E S Ream were in Midland marshes Looking ui>en this small the objections and what remedy last Sunday. Thor was II of an inch of rain reclaimed tract and then grazing Js proposed? fall during Thursday night Reports Mrs. S. B Booth and Mrs. H. upon the almost boundless area of Fourth—Is your water supply ; Both visited Mrs Ollie Jory Wed- swamp on all sides of It, one can from the country are to the effect adequate both for irrigation and uesday nut but be impressed with the future that thu rain w,a general through domestic uses. the southern aud eastern part of tho Mrs. Ollie Jory and daughters. greatness of this section. Sixth—Is your canal and distri Blanche and Myrtle, visited in Mer i county. It Is stated that the shower seen of Already enough can be i buting system satisfactory, and if rill Saturday the experimental station to convince was of inestimable value to the farm WEISS not, what are the defects, wbat Mike Galarneau is working for the must skeptical that the drainage ers of the country, especially those In caused them and wbat remedy is Henry Royse. the upper country, Yonna, l«andg»ll PROPRIETORS of the marshes will give to Klamath proposed ? and Poo Valleys, I-arg»» tracts of new Jobn Depew spent Saturday in the Falls a hord of wealth The rich ALL KINDS OF FRESH. SALT Sev -nth—Can the cost of main Falls The an I in those sections have been put soil insures bountiful crops. I taining and operating the canal and In cultivation this year and planted Levi Ward went to town Tuesday j fact that the farm is almost ready for AND SMOKED MEATS distributing system be reduced, and evening aud returned Saturday cultivation is indicative that it will to grain, and but for the rain the If so. in what way and to what ex- Chas Steeman hauled a load of not require years to subject the crop would be very light. At the SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS tent? I present time the prospects are very hay from N. S. Merrill's last Wed swamps to intensive farming The Eighth—Can the water users by I nesday. ‘ visit to the place convinced many of bright for a banner crop in Klamath employing reasonable industry and '. Miss Inez Comb and Sam Comb the Klamath residents that there is county this year economy promptly make all pay attended the dance in Merrill Friday ,wealtb in the country of which they meats required by the existing law? night. had no knowledge, even though it Se.. O Short‘a auction ad on page € Ninth—What additional terms Eva Ingraham spent a few days of is frequently stated that the Klamath and conditions, if any, should be last week In Merrill region is much over rated imposed on those who default In French manufacturers have suc Geo. Tugnot and Jim Wilson Before |4«nling. all need grain and ateo potatoes should payment? ¡spent Sunday at Mr Tugnot's home Soo O. Short's auction ad on page 6. ceeded In jM'rfectlng a bullet-proof Tenth—What are your principal stead. «prtnkle«! with Formaldehyd«. Solution for treni iii.xit for «mut. plate glass It is not only bullet crops, where do you market them Thio solution han taken the pin»- of blue-stone, l«tau«’ It I« proof, but hammer-proof and proof Sarah Lewis, Guasie Beebe and BALLINGER TO CREATE and what, if any, organized effort ’ Mrs. Beebe visited Beebe's home- In-tter, «bnpler to aw; can lie um «! more accurately and tonta ( (»IX1NIZATION BIRRAI against any instrument that a bur is being made to put the crops into stead Sunday. glar might carry. Facts regarding lean. the market under the most favorable Mrs. Combs, Mrs Tailman. Inez WASHINGTON. Mar 21 Secre the Invention have been forwarded conditions? IT CHITWOOD Ititi G COMI’AM Combs were fishing Sunday tary Ballinger has decided to create from Rheims by United States Coun Eleventh—What are you present Gertrude Steeman. Anna Beebe, a bureau of colonization in connec cil William Bardei, who explains that transportation facilities and are Faye West, Rex La Prarle and tion with the Reclamation 8ervlce to the gtass is manufactured at St. they tdequate and satisfactory? These facts were prepared Frances Manning attended Sunuay take charge of immigration to lands Gobain Twelfth—What is the reasonable School at Spring Lake last Sunday by the manager of the works Three thousand gallons of water! [x ’|J* ri . .• as they are opened to settlement on present average value per acre of Miss Cora Griffith from OMa* completion of various Government from the river Jordan were < <»¡>11. <1 DUIIUllllI" LOIIStrUCtlOn land in your project, exclusive of visited Mr. and Mrs C. W. Lewis 1 he aunouncem.-nt that the death Into the gutters of New York this. ® projects The head of the bureau i •water right, tbevalue be-ing com last Saturday and Sunday. has been offered to John F. Vivian, of li. II Rogers will cause no change week because there was no sale tor puted on the basis of productive lull Us What Sammy Ertnan was absent from former of in the methods of ibe Standard Oil the stuff and the warehouse company ! I.and Commissioner capacity, interest being computed at school last week You Want Ctmaiiy means that that concern where It was stored needed the room Colorado. 6 per cent per annum, and what was Mr. Bunnell was in the metrop- will not give up crushing out com taken up by the casks which contain We will plan. estimate and C«M1- the value thereof, exclusive of oils Saturday. See O. Short's auction ad on pagi 6 petition nor begin voluntaryily ed the precious fluid brought from tract for any Iron, Htotie, llrlck, (ton water right, prior to the construc Audrey and Baily Jory visited paying >29.000,000 fines Also that the HolyLand Of course it was too erete or Fruiti«- Building for construc tion of the reclamation works? their aunt, Vensus Booth, Saturday. oil will continue at a price that will bad to waste it in this manner. but tion lu Soullxrn Oregon. We guar- IM BLIC St HOOl (TXN4EN. Thirteenth—Are non-irrigable pub Sam Comb visited Beebe's Sunday pay Htandsrd stockholders a »livid- New York doesn't take much to antee Economy. Efficiency and Matte lic lands available for pasture con Clyde Bradley visited C. W Lewis public school | end of about 40 per coot a year The Klamath Falls water, anyhow. faction. tiguous to or in the vicinity of Sunday closed Friday for the summer, and your project, and if so what extent CALDWELL BULGING CO, Inez Comb made a business trip to grade cards were Issued to the A. J. Shamborg, cattle dealer, says and under what conditions are the Mrs. La Prarie's Tuesday Krdsey Block Opp. American Hotel NOTICE FOR IMBLKATIOX. scholars at 4 o'clock this afternoon. that if we had direct steamship con- sano» now available for the stock Lottie Allen was absent from It Is presumed that the small boy and n ection with Buenos Ayres, so that owned by water users? school last week girl will be happy now that their chilled meats could be shipped from Department of ih,. Interior, Vnitrd Fourteenth—Wbat suggestions Harry Booth aud Mrs 1-a Prärie arduous duties are over and they can Argentine, even though there Is a Staten land Office. have you to offer for legislation to, were In Merrill Saturday have three long months in which duty of 2 cents a pound on prime make public pasture lands In the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Booth visited be free and enjoy themselves. It ia cuts, the importers and retail dealers Lakeview, Ore.. May S, 1909. vicinity of your project available tor in Merrill Friday. also highly probable that many of could cut down the price of meat the use of those cultivating the Notice Is hereby given that the Minnie Ingraham visited Mrs. the teachers, also, greet the end of and still make a profit. Granted; Delivery. Our stock la complete Irrigated lands? Santa Fe Railroad Go., by Charles Mollie Gaiarneau Saturday. school with as great joy as do the but would they? Fifteenth—Is the farm unit of «nd H. McGinnis, of Portland, Oregon, your needs can beet be met at Mrs Kirkendall was a Merrill children. your project, as established by the visitor Saturday. has filed in this office its application Hite time. Drop me a poetai aaff Secretary of the Interior, satisfac A stockholder of the United States to select under the provisions of ths Mr. Titus is working for Jcffin See 0. Short's auction ad on page 6. I «vili call. tory, and if not, would theobjection Depew. Express Company has begun ault for Act »f Congress, approvod June 4, be removed by the addition of pas I an accounting in which he ailegea 1997, and June 9, 1900, the NEH. A. E. HKNBINGKR, Ed Allen and daughter, Lottie, turage rights as suggested by the GIVES BIRTH TO FIVE BABIES that the directors have permitted SW14, Sec. 11, T. 27 8., R 11% E., spent last week at the Falla. IteltrrweuUng Oregon Nursery O», foregoing question? the money and property of the com- W. M. Any and all persons claiming Clyde Barks was taken sick with Tn answering the foregoing ft Is Baleni, Oregon. EAU CLAIRE, Wls., May 21. - pany to be stolen and wasted. Think adversely the lands described, or de the measles Wednesday. Dr. Pat desirable that you take Into consid The wife of Fay Irish of Thorpe, 1 o j w h a t a showing could be made siring to object because of tho min terson visited Clyde last Friday. eration the cost of wages incident to Jack Clancy spent Thursday in Clark county, has given birth to five1 ,f 8omo «tockholdor In the United eral character of the land I, or for k the cultivation of a larger tract and Merrill. babies, three daughters and two sons ■ states Government should file a any other roason, to the disposal to ^<he Increased expense connected with similar suit. applicant, should file their affidavits I Mr. and Mrs. Barks, Clyde and All are alive and well. initial cost and the cost of Im- Carl Barks, Mrs. 8. Booth and Venus There are now ten children In the | _________ __ _____ of protest tnthts office on or beforo i pr^vementa. family. The other five were born Anna Held confesses that she has June 24, 1909. Booth spent Sunday In Midland Sixteenth—What is your source singly and all are living. saved 11,000,000 out of hor income 3. N. WATSON, of supply for fuel and building ma Register. as an actress. Ono would not im See 0 Short’s auction ad on page 6. terials and the average cost thereof? The discovery of a Chicago chemist agine that here In the United States The above notice will be published Seventeenth—To what extent have that bread contains alcohol and the the people would be willing to give in the Klamath Republican, a week you been aided In your farming Elinor Glyn says American men similar discovery regarding red a woman of foreign birth so much ly newspaper printed at Klamath operations by information acquired are just like kind aunts or grand cross buns, made by a London money merely because she had mas Fails, Oregon, for a period of at from the work of agricultural ex mothers. Deserved or not, Arne.¡can chemist, call for Important amend tered the art of using cosmetics and least thirty days prior to the date periment stations, and demonstra mon will take all remarks coming ments in the temperance pledge pouring her form into a shapely last mentioned In the foregoing tion farms established on the Ir to them or at them from Elinor or The first thing wo know the prisoner corset. notice. rigation projects? other women with a show of chivalry will be saying to the judge: "Tea, J N. WATSON, Eighteenth—Whst are your school and make he best of them. sir, I ate four loaves ” Register Ree O Short’s auction ad on page 9 ' 9-1» 9 17 I E. .1. MURRAY. Editor LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INI ERIOR OREGON. i he Best Goods Lowest Prices liiat is what Gillette offers do the greatest business. A reason When want anythin^ in find it at GILLETTE’S City Meat Market l ARMANO YOUR SEED GRAIN