Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1909)
* ✓ i Î ome to Klamath Falls Railroad Day. Visit the City’s Best Store. Inspect our complete stocks of Clothing, Furnish- iiigs, Shoe s, Hats, Dry Goods. Get our prices, Make this store vniir headquarters. You’re welcome your K. K. K STORI C — ¿JIUIV KLAMATH REPUBLICAN -w *• a 1 walk«»! to tic Shook rum h Saturday, UerlliU 11» i k ubseul from llm, wi.»tc I» r molbi'r is working. Sh« school Mouday. » «turned Sunday, accompanied by Mr«. C. C. Pearsou uud Mrs. h. I her mother, who tame to attend the Y. Gray wore tii Dairy Friday. E. J. MURRAY. Editor I l»arty al Manuel Vi.'i r a'». | Harry Landis Stopped school Fri Godfrey Beck anil W. II. Bliss went day and is now building fence on the . to Bonanza on Tuesday. iChilder’s place. John and Carl Kilter were riding Mciirs. Ua-s.'tt nnd Hoagland of ■for horse.« Saturday. llouauia were in the Reservation TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J. G. Wight returned from th«» looking for hors s Sunday. Falls Monday evening. Mr. Phillips of the Fulls stayed All communications submitted for pubiitatiou in Clie columns of this IxBiise and l’»»'uìah Flackus vklted night Bunday ul Mrs. L. M. paper will L, Inserted only over the name of tl ■ writer. No non de pl.;;; at the Fitch ranch Suuday. tc'.i'a. J. s Cruvuus also .topped a. . » « “• published Je. ry Beai son a»*d Joe Welch,who ii »> Sunduy ou I ls way to the are '..» rki: g on ti « i*.«] n ar Yainax, SHI.R.MAX I»IV11IS. because (1) The roadway tim'd not lay cd nil nlgl.t at G 'o. Ritter’s place Y. Gray was at John Llrid’s be built moretban oue-1 alt as wide Monday, Saturday. lie Hands tlic County Courl ant] at the Aiiamout roadway, which 811M Clark?. Jn::;-s i *ig"«. LutlnTg: Slurzl was In Dairy Sun-lny. •cost $10.PUD a mile; (2) the ruck Sterzl. Orin Mcf umncr, Ernest Nail i W. La. Simpson was visitlag Ro.::ii:.a a Wurm One. on tl at road bad to be hauled by 1’nt Colal an and Emil Fl.wki.s wen Lomu of Mrs. <J. C. P» ui son Editor Republican:—Taking it for wagon from one to three miles, Dairy visitors S.iturday. G. G. Anderson a: d E. Arant of! granted tint you believe in fair play,' "trie on this road ti o roc* is close Dairy were baull g wood la .t wpe’x.' I venture to beg tiro use of so- e of ’ ■ ' d: ( 1 it ■ . t I n. ' c *>t s Orin ' e 'ii" er w. ; riding fo; j « . ..... be 1 ope oí ting $20t»v to i ak? the Altamont gu<! were jro; r r I • « right respecting the beforo a rock was placed upon it. ’ orses Sat tiiday. Tho rati nkc.t are beginning to i Mike ■petition wi tch I had the 1 onor to while ia this case the grading pr.3,*:t to the County Commission- 14 almost complete as it now come out, n« Joi n and Carl Ritter ■ (4) the county las lately killed one Saturday. Work I t going on tit n wholesale < er3 last week, as they are liable to Is; Eddie SeJge, who underwear rat« on tl.o mountain real nortl be misled by your article of a iec.*al. - “ I now and expansive road- date. Let me say, at first, the petl- building machinery—which Dairy an operation for appendicitis while, if Yonna. Tic cr*.*w It now work-1 in California, 1; reported as getting Ing a short dlttanc* above the I tion I I » .dial» t’ ;:»■■ mill. They ate blust- I to «lorn it was presented—all but which such work cau b * dono b tt t ;.i>' -. tile d, I than before, 1 thereby ' J: ■ < nt a rhl».»' of rtick n <1 lav. four in tie i"ecetn tint i know >*.•••; i Laving been seen. It ia. therefore, leisenlng tbe-cost of such work; and ‘Jus were at Trout Creek last w» k. .».s i tn.pi. te»i putting iu n pl**c • of A dreadful wind storm prevailed cortlroj at the saw mill. They will I fair to say it represents the views of (5) labor and t u:ns can ba s "Cured i aurK as tai ua li.o ScytiUau liver. every citizen and tax payer. It asked -® Per cent cl eaper than they could in Yont.a last Saturday, Bert Childers^ who has been In Itnn Welch hits been hr aking a, for the rock-surfacing of the road when the road to Altamont war acrcs3 Fine Flat and the Low hill—a built, and. besides, the expedience Yonna looking after 1:1« Interests, rc- « for John And rsen tilt week Win. Wight was nt Manuel Vl**r mile and a half altogether—and not obtained In building tho Altamont turned Saturday to the Falls. Ci as. Drew was riding ou tho Res a’» Sunday. the whole r< •oad between Oleno and road ought to be worth quite a neat Tl*» weather look« cloudy and Dairy, as you put it. It represented s;in>- Thus, it is s?en, that the ervation the past week. Geo. Kilter went to tho Fails on c ow fell 1» th on Monday an»! Tire» tl at tils road is the scutieal and '•*on ta**'n by the board, as quote»] It 1« altog th» r too colil to b< b st read through tl^ county to thei in your article, that the improve- Monday. Mrs. Godfrey I; t-k is visit Ing at the fortablt*. east—us d alike by the public and nient asked for would “take the cn- Bc»'k wna hauling ■ ’ ak* ti * sages, we ich is marr* J only by l*ro r; nd fund is r.ot s p;x>rted I. Lome of Mrs. L. A. Sl.-rzi this w> k Mrs. Etta Randles went to Bonanza au el the bad n.aces on Pine Flat and Low ¡its fact*. The 3ta; -meat was p ib- Beck’s place Hil. Ti • fr I ’ tors from Lakevl *w, linked some tuont. s ago in the Kla- Join Anderson went to I’.« Shook Biy, Pai .l?y and Yainax take this «ath l ulls n new * , a,.».■ . a.?, co:;.i g y to g it a borsa. route by pr< f rence, b. causa it is from Judgs Griffith, f. at t'.ta-coun- ranch Su bud luck with Mr. Vierra Is 1 avi tar shorter, ar.d, in the main, better ty would spend $23,000 this suninr r PHOPRIlt OHS lie it of Y« tl an 3V ctLcr. In asking for this in the effort to make good roads to 1 is crop3 tl is year again, The macadamizing of sow ing the Fl «her field u I therefore; t o people Lakevl w. Of Dairy precinct are in direct II-e tl o Low till and 1 ine Flat would com.i o.' tee wind Lluaiuj John Hiller Is hauling Ll.e next with tie b si good of the greatest be of more service hr that line tl an XA'Æ number wl o wi d. to go cast or w -st any other liuprovemont the county year’s supply of wooJ to tho Hiid L.aud sebooi; J. Harris is idling could make, at similar expense. SAUSAGES or ail SINHS tl ro. gii t e e.. :tern part of the coun ty. Every prison who wlsl.cj to Why not act in good faith in thta A fine lot of tl orougbbred H**r**- “The travel from Klamath Falls to Yainax, matter? To quote further: ’ ' ’ : ' ■ Ely, lalzlcy cr Lakeview would i.a- :d will carry out their or glnal ' IJ ♦ <• *> <• < .;* e o ♦ gu L this route, especially plans, wl Ich is to Improve both rn::;c.nX Va'.l ■. to Co ZX ranch n ar : Silver T.aketl It week. ’if that I;..; : meat were made. It roads a« much as the money at their z Chas. Hughes and wife stayed It is loped Is, therefore, only fair to say that disposal will pc.nilt.’’ :' tl 13 is rot merely a local affair, U at tl Is w ill be done, but why ap ?? r. V 1:1 i vnvi brougi t up I ause of local jealousy propriate 1300 for the ro';::<!; They v. i : e oa tl. ir way to A.ihla i.l, cr rivr’r;, I for the common gool read and not a cent for the direct v m tt« latter v. ill remain. W: er MERCER (Pa.), May 1 1. Within H3 w II 1.3 f r the best interests of road that all freighters lave b-'en the former r-tarns be will bring < ti is p ■ ft. In fact, the whois using, are using and will continuo lead of grain tor smio nx*n at Bi. ihre« I ours after Jam» s II. flriyli Mr. and Mrs. Adam.« and Mr. Phil and 1.1s wifu wäre s nten iad yestor- county ■ is interested in securing the to U3?, let the board do wl at it will? •> shortest ami b st road3 throughout . Tb® phra30 “bolh roads” is good. lips were guc?ts at the Fitch Lorn* luy for tho kldnapplng of Willl- ♦ Whltla, Roy Io gav<> out a public, Its borders, and that their money ‘ whether invented by village lot Sunday. •> AT < HI I |>|;t G COMPAXV. Sam Randi •; Is t! rough putting in dgned stat -ment of th*, kidnapping stall not be diverted or frittered boomers or tho brilliant Imigr. itlon ♦ ♦ >f Willie W! itla. In It he accuse* sway uy-n d? lin«», f 'ji if such a of the gifted Judg Griffith. It is to tl c cro¡>3 oa tho Cl 11 I r«’ place. Mrs. L. M. Fitcli was in Dairy or Harry Forkor, brot her-iu-la w of course might possibly advance the ; laugh. lam»11 P. Whltla, father of Willi e| intererts of r -tain fT.cemed gentle-j The members of the county board Wetlnc.iny. ?- I Carl Adams and hl.; father we. I ItJo, the kldnnpp» 1 boy, of having men. who are, possibly, a littla are welcome to pualdi me all th«y franu d tho entire cntlro plot, and toll? more intere-ted in the enhanc- ment liko for my indignant prot. t, but In Dairy Monday. Dock Tool and .1« s Drew were rid >t a sen latlonal murder wl tab oc of the mark t value of corner lots .when, by so doing, they lose sight NAIROBI, Brit I,h East Africa. tl an they are in the general welfare of the public interest and do a public log for horses at tho I! ■s -rvatlon or. curred in Youngstown. Olio, some Icll Us What • cars r.go. The convicted kidnaper May 5.-- Theodore Roosevelt went of tl.e pubiic. J admit that I was wrong, I submit that it Is quite an- Sunday, You Want Ernest Nall, Albert Beck and Wil- alleges In the statement that for hunting again yesterday, and before Indignant and “hot under the collar’’ otl er matter, and a more serious ’ Ho Jonav were in Dairy Sunday. one — for them. Tnere are many las been blackmailing years ho Iho chase was over two more big when 1 heard, from one of the Coun- We will plan, estimate and con Wm. Flackus and Godfrey B'*ck Forkor Jn connection with this crime. lions Lail fallen before his gun. ty Commi; loners, that an “agree other considerations I might submit, trari for nny Iron. Stone, Brisk, Con To Boyle’s charges, both Porker These animals wore encountered anil trete or I r.iitu* Building for < ini,true- ment" had been made by the board! but I leave them for the future, if traded I ortes tl Is week. C. C. Pearson and son, Jerry; W ind Whltla inako emphatic denials. killed In tho tnil grass. with certain esteemed gentlemen necessary, and subscribe myself, lion in Noulliern Oregon. We guar- L. Simpson and Jos. Welch cam* C. W. SHERMAN, Si Roosev«lt now hns tho record for untre Economy, Efficiency and Malls- living at an ambitious village, some down from tho carnp, wherethey bad Dairy, Oregon, May 10, 1009. Dr. A. A. D«puy arrived In the lion killing In the Protectorate, f act ion. miles from the main road to Lake- been working on the road, Saturday "Ity last evening from Oakland. The Since Saturday of last week a total View, and an appropriation had been night. After laving a great deal of Doctor was anxious to sen how great I of live lions and one lioness have made to improve the roads leading « | blacksmith work dono, such as bor * has been the development hero dur (been bagged by him. to their “city,” "In the interest of » NEWS FROM YONNA. ♦ shod and drills sharpened, they r< ing the past two years, and was ng- I harmony.” And didn't I have good i ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ turned to the mountains. r«' ably surprised with the progress i cause to be hot? True, I have no NOTH I*; FOR PI BLL'ATION. Adam Weldman went to the Fall? made. Ho Is one of the substantial percornl Interest at stake, Henry Meyer was In Dairy Satur The D<*partmerit of the Interior, United Monday to get a load of lumber with land owners of the county, and Is value of my little home and home day. Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Tlito Ntatcs Land Office. granary on his bulhl a which he will hero primarily to look after his In stead would not be affected In any Chas. Carlson and M. I’. Nelson Lakeview, On*., May 8, 1909. in the time to place your orders for terests In the county. He expects to event; and I am too old to engage went to the Falls Monday. Mr. Nel place. Notico Is hereby given that tho Ivan Welch was In Dairy Saturday remain for some time. In speculation for the sake, even, of I son will remain at the Falta, where Fall Delivery. Our stock Is conipleto Sarita Fo Railroad Co., by Charles' evening. a fortune. But where the public in be will do some carpenter work. IL McGinnis, of Portland, Oregon, nnd your needs can la*st I m » met at D. Y. Gray was at Joo Welch’s terest is about to be sacrificed it A birthday dinner which was a Superintendent W. F. Arant left lias filed In this office Its application this time. Drop me a ¡Kintal uud aft cts me perhaps more deeply than ' very pleasant affair was given in place Sunday to have «orne bluck- last Friday on his way to Crater to select under the provisions of tho smithing done. It would a mere money-grabber. And honor of Messrs. Geo. Ritter, Manuel Lake. Where he will Investigate the I will call. Mr.McCrinne.the horse buyer,went conditions of the buildings which Act jf Congress, approved Juno 4, I wrote a letter to Albert Walker, 1 Vierra, W. H. Bliss and E. Egert, 1897, and Juno G, 1900, tho NE’J, A. E. DENSINGKR, urging him to do what he could to whose birthdays all come in May, at 'to the Reservation Sunday. were injured by the heavy snow SW'4, Sec. 22. T. 2.7 H , R. 11 E., Mrs. August Flackus was visiting ’’stop the d al,” in which I used the home of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel last winter. There Is still several W. M. Any and all persons claiming Representing Oregon Nursery Co*« some terms that I now regret—im Vierra of Yonna last Sunday. For her son, Wm. Flnckus, Sunday. foot of snow at the camp five miles Nulciii, Oregon. adversely the lands described, or de Homer Hutchinson from Klamath from the lake. pugning the motives of members of seveial years they Lave celebrated siring to object because of tho min the beard and denouncing the "un their birthdays together, each taking Falls stopped at Manuel Vierra’s eral character of tho land, or for holy agreement.” Then I prepared turn in giving the dinner, Those • place Monday. W. T. Elliott has gone to Vln- nny other reason, to tho disposal to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCumber arid rennet, Indiana, on the petition, which was the mo3t present this year were: Mr. and Mrs. business con- family wont to Trout Creek Sunday. nectod with property he owns there, applicant, should filo thefr affidavits popular tl Ing I ever struck. Every Manuel Vierra, Mr. and Mrs. of protest Inthls office on or before body wanted to sign it, even some Ritter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bliss I Thomas Rrnnley was looking after lie expects to bo gono about a Juno 24, 1909. m n from Bly. For an up-to-date wheel, get and daughter, Nellie; Mr. and Mrs. his cattle In the Reservation last month. J, N. WATSON, week. So much for that. Now as to the Emil Egert and daughter, Lou lie; n Rnmldcr, on aule nt Ilio Gl 'N Register. < Smyth w«r« cost of the improvement. Judge Mr. and Mrs. Perry Randles, A. 1 Geo. Grizzle nnd Geo. STORE. For nulo or renU It only requires a few dollars In Tho nbovo notico will bo published Tents to rent. Guns. Wo curry Griffith said it would cost $15,000 Weidman, Mrs. Scy Pool, Mr. and hauling freight to > Lakeview last vested in Midland to Insure a profit In the Klamath Republican, a week-1 to build the 1 miles of rock-cover Mis. Godfrey Beck and family, John ' week. » full lino of sporting goods. of several hundred dollars within n 1y newspaper printed nt Klnmnth ' ed road, as asked for. I beg to differ and Carl Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. I C. W. Shermnn came back from the year or two. 28 Falls, Oregon, for a period of nt with him, much as I have been led Bonnett of Klamath Falls were also 1 Falls one day last week. THE GUN STORE least thirty days prior to tho date Mr. Griffith was at Manuel Vierra’s to respect his judgment in general. members of the birthday club, and Cedar Posts For Hale Good 6% last mentioned In tho foregoing a. n. CHAMBERS, I do not believe It will cost more regret very much that they could not place one day last. week. foot cedar posts for sale cheap. notico. Opposite the Atnzritnn Hotel. Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. McCumber than one-third of that sum, and, if be present this year. Address, Hamilton Mulkey, Klamath J. N. WATSON. I ’ flOlil 6 VS. wore In Dairy Sunday. It docs, it will be money well spent, Miss Nellie Bliss from Hildebrand Falls 4-5 5 « r. 12 « 17 Register Bessie Randles, Waive Drew and I L-.ftOIhG NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. w IILN vou think of it that you pass more time in your sleeping chain ber than in any other part of the house, you want the place as com fort able as possible, Let us start von out with a haiidsome new bedroom suite or. at least, one of those ele gant metal bedsteads, fitted w ith soft mattress and gent ly-y ie!d i ng springs We are merits just now GILLETTE WEISS & tRWIND ALL Ht[S CF FL l SH. SAL! SMOKED MEA7S YOUR SEED GRAIN Building**Consiruc(ion ORDER NOW