Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1909)
BIG REDUCTIONS On all Dry Goods ami Shoes HoW’S Illis? DEPARIMK.Vr GF 1IIK INTER- vico of Itila notier cannot ba mud-.' it I« lieroby ordeied aud directed U • ol!«r Oiiv Hundt«*! iHillars ICs’wanl f«»r atijr IOIK IMI'ED MA'ltt I that uucii notier bo glvvu by duo mid ■ • uil'aiaiih ihal tanmjl I m » tuir«| l.y llall« Lt.U) «.4*4*4 K. < «lanh C um » F J. CIIKNKY A CO.. T'Ma <>. propri* publication. I.a«jt«dw, orogoti, J. N. WATS IN, .uaieu 4 4, I »0?. 4-1 b- 20 ilegliter. HulUcleut uiujaiil t.av beeu tiled In ti.14 omcr b^ John li. HALE < I' HMitl.IL \oliiuur, Morits, uiii , oou'.uaiuui. Uurrlf, t uiii., .««.■alUfe Louiustuud vuuy ftu. 4»u I, xpili 22, luua, tlaai corllllcMtu No. lu-o, laauoil, August II, Isua, lor W k , th«s uiiiiof «itfiisHt. havu hi tow h ►' J. (’humy | gi Hi«* Ut«| ib fmia, and b*>li»Y4' him p«uft*v(ly hunviablv hi all LuabiauM liaueactlutMi and lUgi). «»ally abia I m rai ry uul a y ubll«»y U>iua imulv by hteMtm. S aimin «, H innan a M arvin . VS hoh IltUtftfiala Tiilrdu, l). liall a t'alanh l uiv i* I aamh iiiunualiy, filing dii«H lly up4»n Itu» blood and luutuu» avifacaa «4 tho ayatam TvaHnio<iiaia aunt frwh I'rka ibe pur liuitl». Hold t>v all I»t.itfiiuu. Portland, Oregon. March 16, I HDD Hulled bills marked outside, "Hid U.U \v » NW k • 846 »» N W k. KE H 4, '4. si b. u. 7 k«.. limber Salo Application, February aw $«. Hoc. Buc. 1 14. For the first time In many years W. M.„ by William A uiuy, lu -4, 1909, Crater,' ami addieaaed to there U no Ohio iiihu In tin« caliluot. wi.icii u la alleged *aid w miam liiu DUli let Foientoi, Forest Hei l Ice, So inn compensation probably will bn . . . .50 IMI ND HAI K 9 .70 HALT, I» GROUND... A. Oley has utterly lalliHi Iu nr Portland. Oregon,, will be received given the Buckeye »lain by the I’rtm . . 50 IMI ND HAI K JH> DAIRY HALT.................... : spout to Mtid entry to comply with up to and hicluillug the kth day f Ideal when It corns« to the alloliiimit 1.00 . . .50 4*01 ND 8.U K TABLE HALT | tbu public land law» of the United May, 1909. for all the merchantable of foreign appolulmcuts. .................... 1OO POO NON 7.00 St GAR Slaton aud tin« l ulus uud rugulallou» lead timber staudlug or down and ................... 44 4*01 NOH 1.00 SUGAR I esiublialiod Uiereuudur with l uiur- all tho live timber markiul for cut ............... IS FOUND« 4.4M» PRINES ................................................. ouc«> to oalablisbing aud uiaiutaiatng ting by the Forest officer loealod on ................... 44 I*OCN1M 4.00 Hl! K. JAPAN........................................ residence upon said land; that be diil ,iu area to bo definitely designated .45 KKTtHlI*. It KG I LAR PRICK 115c not establish u resldeuco lu a house by the Forest officer before cutting uu said land wlthlu six uioutns from begins of approximately 75» acres of See. 13. CASH ONLY BUYS AT TURSI» PRICES date of entry; that ho has never within the HE la of HK 8H of HWfc of 8 m . 2 4. NW S. lit rouiilod continuously, or at all, upou OTHER BARGAINS ON THE WAY of SW S. ot We Imvr feline diwlrablc land :uUd tract of land; luai he lUU uuvui NEW. NWU. and W icultlvalon or improved tho same, Sec 26. KH of Bee. 26, N l4 lit to «-«change for Improved prop aud that his only proceuoo of oom NICU oi Hoc. 36. T. 36 H , It. 6 erly in Klamath Falla—land plying with the iiomostead laws was E . W. M In th«« Grater National DoRRlS Bl TIBER IS OX IRRIGA HON NIMMOXS. litat will be Irrigated,, but fur to eraot n box bouse thereon and a Forort, Oregon; < oatluiatod to bu O.V TRIAL AT YIUCKA 6,683,000 foot B. wlil< lì waler la no yet roa«!y. M of live and Editor Republican: Pofeiibly I am In the Circuit Court of the State of small log stable, and Immndiatuly Nomo ctxolee 1 angeli Vallr, thorrafter said honn>et<«ad eulrynian 4 69,000 foot II M of d<md yellow A l-urgc jiuniter of Witnesses and <yi*«'guu, 4*Yr til«* County caiti-u unup witu the giauduer ol left said pruuils«** and engaged in pine, 1,316.000 foot II. M of live and lami to ei« hange for lami ■niter Jury inen in Attendance. of Klaiimtli. U-«a citrus belt, TUu couu- 363,000 fool II M, of dead Douglas irrigui ion near K lainat h Pall. tiy m uun at its but. As the sea- B. A. Bradburn and Jano B. ad- buMmfei In Klamath Falla, Oregon, Ur. 1.611.000 fuel B. M of live YREKA, April 14.--The trial of burn, bls wife, Pleinilffs, vs. John and that lie also hsifewl and farmed sou auiuucus the Lt'at beconies lu- white fir. 714,000 foot II M. of live a tract of land belonging to his Luus— — l present one Nature I Robert Green on a charge of grand > Cotes, Defendant. and 71,000 feet II M of dead sugar NOTH KB THE larceny has been commenced In the lu an i<_. luaeliuess: To the above nautod defendant. lather, U. W. Otey. who realdea In pine Mwtlmbor, log scale, more or Siskiyou County, Calif . where said GOING L’P IN miles Superior Court, Hon. J. F. Lodge John Cotes; u « vi a-* i i.*e is about cm , and 250,000 foot B. M log scale «a presiding. luvoiuii h. A jury to try tho case In the naino of the State of Oregon tract of Innd so leased was located, >f Douglas ffr sawlogs, cut aud on SUUM-Mul of Suu Francisco and I is tviiij v.ucs from VivuUu, tho couu- I was completed last evening and is you are hereby required to appear and that for the pixel year, and fol he ground. No bld of I om tkau tj s » il oi iviure couuq . The citrus composed of Marshall Horn, Joel and answer tho complaint filed more than a year immediately pre- 43.36 for live and *2 for doud yel luvuo io« ti.e moil part lap ua the Culver, John Lewis, Frank Jeffrers. against you in the above entitled lciH«dltiK Ills making Anal proof on low pine, |3 60 for lira aud (I 50 t >:Hie stopes leading up to tLe foot- Albert Koletzke, Melvin Hovey, Nico suit on or before the 3rd day of Isold homestead entry, the coutestei for dead Douglas fir. *1 35 for live I and O. C. APPLEGATE. lulsi oi iu the protected valleys on las Mugler, John Murgrave. Thos. June, l‘J09. that beieg the date of was engaged lu the business ol cuu «blto fir, |3 60 for live and |3 for Fifth Htrcct, war Main. ducting a sahxon In Hlskyou County. McLaugl lin, Henry Morgan, William tho last publication of Summons and tuc wvs- s«d- o( the Sierras. Twenty lead augur pine and »2 75 for Doug Calif , at u place oouimonly known a luues to tue north uud ten uiiles to Pittman and Charles Ottman. the last day within which you are ro- That as fir logs now on tho ground, per There are about sixty witnesses Iaired to answer ns fixed by order "the hold In tho ground." lU«d dUULfe Of PorlUi-iUe one se-s Mid contestoe submitted bls final* U feet B M., will bo considered and I nothing but oraugv uud lemon or- to be examined, most of them coming f publication of this Sjummons, and proof on said tract of land on or a deposit of 12000 payable to tho R e..aida. euur thousand carloads of from Batto Creek Valley, where th' if y ou fail to appear r nd answer, th** M RICHARDSON order of Tho First National Bank of tue gulden fruit have been shipped defendant has been living and con plaintiffs will apply to the Court about the -'2nd duy of April. 1902, Portland, Oregon, must bn s -nt to United S‘Atei Gimmissioncr ducting a butcher business. He is for the ruiief damaaded In hc .IJ com but that no patent has issued thereon Enol siuce last Nov-mber. Tuat the only pretence of cultivating li ut bunk, for each bid submitted to accused of l aving stolen a steer from plaint. In this section the formation of tho District Forester Timber upon TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD tie Hieuas is unlike that in the cen the “D"' ranch ar.d butchered it. the Said suit is brought for tho pur mill laud by tho said coutostoc, or valid Claim« Is exempted from noli«. PROOF TAKEN anyone In I Is behalf, was thoplough- tral and northern portion of the carcass being found in a barn In pose of qui-tiug plalutiffs* tide to Tho right to reject any and all blds Ing of about half nn acre, which said Dorris and the hide htden under the San Office. Third and Mam. opposite City state. After leaving the great the SE\i of the SE% of Suction la rcs -rrcd. For further Information Library. Telephone 301. Joaquin Vuiley one comes to the hay. 36 in Township 39 S. R. 11 Ero.1 of I'loughlig was done just prior to the and regulations governing sales ad data of submitting final proof, tint District AttorneyC. J. Luttrell Is 1UUU.IUS, w.ich are from six to tea Willamette Morldan In Klamath dress .M. L. Erickson, Forant Super luues in width. Then come the grand prosecuting the cass and Jamc3 F. County. Oregon, and releasing and he never cultivated said land, or any visor. Medford, Oregon. BENSON &. STONE I portion of tho same, to crop, or mountains, snow-capped the year Farrahcr is the attorney for tho de atiifying a certain mortgage ns the B T M urn. ATTORNEYS AT LAW round. The distance from the citrus fendant. It is expected the case will same applied to tho above described n.adu any prot. u.»«i uf over culllvat I 4-8 6-6 District Forester belt to the summit of the highest occupy the remainder of the week. real property; said mortgage being Ing said land other than tho plough ./ fur ri can Hank peas, with an elevation of 9U0U feet, given by II. W. Keesee and Rose ing horeln mentlonod; that for more anti Truitt llldg. NOTICE TO I lUDITORN. 8. P. MEN HERE. E. Keesee to you on December 7. than a year prior to submitting bls is but torty miles. KL4M4TH F-llS • OREGON TLe soil is deep and fertile. Even 1897, and tor the costs and dlsbursc- I final proof on said entry, the said In the County Court uf the State in the oldest orchards there has been Superintendent E. P. Raymond of of said suit, and unless you appear con tost no had completely abandoned of Oregon, For th«» County of Kla little need of fertilizers. At the the Southern Pacific telegraph line» and answer said complaint on or be I said land and made his home else I C. C. BROWER math. where. cseept for the visit made to Leadquarters of the Chamber of and C. T. Day, chief telegrapher, fore tho said 3rd day of June, 1909, ATTORNEY AND In tho Mater of tho Estate of Commerce there are a large number who arrived in the city last Thurs the plaintiffs will apply to the Court suid tract of land al tl «« time of COUNSELOR AT LAW Rlcbaid E. Wallis, dec«M«od. ploughing, as heroin sot forth; that of prizes awarded for the best dis day from San Francisco, left on the for the relief demanded In staid com Notlco Is hereby glvon by the un tils alleged absence from said land KI.AMATH FAl.l>, OREGON play of citrus fruits. For many suc boat next morning. The visit of plaint. cessive years the Porterville section Mr. Raymond, who is next in au This summons Is published in thej was not duo to his employment In dersigned administrator of tho estate ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCH BLDG has won the first prize«. thority to the chief manager of the Klamath Falls "Republican,” a th«, Army. Navy or Marine Corps of of Richard K. Wallis, deceased, to Some few days ago at the earnest lines, is believed to be significient, ■voekly newspaper printed aud pub tho United States ax n private vold- tho creditoi*» of, ami all persons hav WILL A. LEONARD solicitation of David Vaughn, a large but the object of the visit was not lished at Klamath Falls, Oregon, ier, officer scatnau or marine, during ing claims against tho said dor ■a«e<l, to exhibit them with tho necessary tho war with Spain or during any stock raiser, from whom I purchased made known. by order of Honorable George' DENTIST which tho United States vouchors, within six months after twelve carloads of beef and mutton, Mr. Day, who lias charge of the Noland, Judge of said Court, dated j°*^or wttr engaged, and that aald th« ffrst publication of this notlco, W7fhrow..4fe/b««e lluildlrtg 1 visited the National Park, fifty telegraph line during the visits of the 21st day of April, 1909, the ■ ,nav It contains Mr. Harriman to his summer home, first publication to bo made on the'parties are hereby notified to ap- to the said administrator at hl« rial- miles north of here, the largest trees in the world. One stated that it was the intention to 25th day of April, 1909, and the last foa^• reajiond and offer evidence denco on what Is commonly known DR. C. P. MASON named “General Sherman” is not re-build the line between this city publication to be made on tho jr(j touching said all gallons at 10 ns tlie "Alf Wallis Ranch" r.ear i o’clock a. m., on May 21, 1909, be ¡Dairy In said* county and state, tho DENTIST only the largest tree, but also the and Pelican Bay this year, but that Jay of June. 1909. oldest. It is more than 400 feet it Lad been decided to repair the Benson & Stone and fore R. M. Richardson, U 8. Coin- ' samo being the place for transaction '»«tir» In American Bank A Tract Com high and it is estimated that its age line now and connect wltu the West- II. W. Ke s«o. I mlssioner, at Klamath Falla, Oregon, |of tho business of said citato. peny's Building Dated th!«, ths 29th day of March, Attorneys for Plaintiffs an<’ thBt fl,,al *•» «»« is 6 000 years, According to Scrip- eru Union as soon as K was built to 4-25 6-3 PHONE 014 1 nt 10 o'clock n. m., on Jun«« 9, 1909, i 1909. ture, "General Sherman" was a rort Klamath, This would neceasl- I - L* m « tm rat LR OREGON J. F. WAI.I.IS. before the Register and Receiver at sapling when Adam and Eve were in tate only about twelve mlle3 I of con- FL ETON l»E< I.IN'I S BERTH Administrator tho United State« Land Office at 4 4 23 the Garden of Eden. itruction, and it would be a perman- loxkovlcw, Oregon. nt line. It id not believed, how- Irrigation At Any Cost. ASTORIA, Oregon, April 16.—■ J. N. WATSON. Prof. Byron Hall has boon ri'tnln Now. coming down to irrigation, ever, that this was tl e only purpose Senator C. W. Fulton sent a tele Register. cd six months more at the Pokcgamu by all means encourage the land of the visit of these gentlemen. The said contestant having, in a school. Mr. Hall expect« a gradual- The Western Union is following gram yesterday to President Taft owners of the Klamath country to business college ! lecllnlng the proffered appolnt- proper affidavit, filed March 15, Ing class, and tho board thought co-operate with the Government inclose upon the railroad and the crew I ment as Envoy Extraordinary and' 1909, set forth fncts which show It wise to continue school until the the construction of the irrigation is now placing poles across the chan Minister Plenipotentiary to China. ttat after due diligence personal «<«r- May examination. nel on the marsh. The telegraph system, no matter what the cost will be. In the end it will be the mak line will be in operation to this city WRtTB ro« CATALOG I - » a—« I ing of the Klamath country. Only by the time the trains are running a few days ago I was riding through on schedule time. As the Southern , a section of the Tulare plains, which Pacific will use the lines, their office I have visited annually for thirty- will be located at the depot, but ft five years. Years ago, during mid is probable that the Western Union I summer, it was a vast plain, parched will arange for an office up town near the business center. and glimmering with intense heat. The scant vegetation was burned to a crisp, and save for a few bunches 146 VESSELS BlI LT AM» of sagebrush and thorny cactus, a NUMBERED IV MARCH tings of verdure along the banks of the streams and myriads of horned During the month of March last toads , no life was visible. Today, 86 sail and steam vesels were built through irrigation, happy homes, and officially numbered In the splendid farms and large orchards United States, 73 of them being, grace the once desolate scene. steam and nine sail, 75 of wood and ; Rais«- Good Mule« and Horses. seven of steel construction. Of the Possibly I have already written too total number, 35 are for Atlantic and much, but I cannot close without a Celt, 20 for Pacific, 14 for Western few words In regard to the raising rivers, 12 for the Great Lakes and of good horses and mules. Kia- lone for Porto Rican service, The math county stockmen should not be * <r«*oss tonnage of tho vessels Is 24,- afrald of crowding the market with 924 tons. During the nine months good stock. The market Is good and i ending March 31 last, 696 vessels will continue so. Recently mules with a gross tonnage of 80,332 were sold here at »350 and 3450 a »pan. built and cl artcred In this country, Horses weighing from 1200 to 1550 as compared with 765 vessels with pounds sold at prices ranging from a gross tonnage of 353,763 tons dur 3175 to 3225 a head. ing the corresponding nine months ending March 31, 1908. Lands Held High. Orchard lands are se|||ng for fa bulous sums. Many people are com riague take the tariff! Who cares ing here from the East, but a« they whether England or Germany has are unable to buy, they will go else the greater armada of Dread where, and I am putting forth efforts noughts? What's a little thing like to send some of the best of them to war in the Balkans? What Whi a fever- our glorious Klamath country. I ishly excited people want t to know, Hoping that Judge Geo. T. Bald and what they are trying to force to win wins out for Mayor, I am an issue, Is what Mr. James Jeffries Very truly yours, is going to do about the case of the LEWIS GERUER. sable hued Mr. Johnson of Texas. Still in Force MORE GROCERY SPECIALS BUY LOTS NOW A. E. CRANCE & CO FRANK IRA WHITE I olmes H AS your boy or girl got a bank account with the First Trust and Sav ings Bank? If not The Republican will start one for nothing *1