Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1909)
B Vice m l!li inulte ciiliimt bo n It is hereby m deled wild dll Glal ii notice be given by dm proper publli'Utloll J N WAT8ON, 4 1 5- 20 Regi* 1er CLOSING OUT Dry Goods and Shoes We are going to dispose of our entire stock Prices talk for themselves 9 GROCERY SPECIALS Dried Prunes, regular ioc . per lb Japan Rice, Red Cross Ketchup, regular jçc A. E. CRANCE & CO for $i.oo for ÿi.oo t CASH ONLY BUX S AT THESE PRICES W ATCH FOR FURI HER BARGAINS « IIEXSON Is "IT" ANTI ER’S CLl’B ENTERTAINS TIIE KMI*M>VEIt'H 1.1 Mill.ITI \ Hilfflcieiit cunt -st affidavit liav- been tiled III this office by John II Volinier, Dorris, Calif., cunt.- tiiut, against homestead entry No. 3957, April 33. 19tl3. Huai certificate No 0325, Issued August II, ll*0M, foi l lie Wit NWS,. SEI, NV\ i 4. NEK, 8WM, Sec. 12. T 4 1 8 . It 7 E. W. M.„ by William A. Otcy, In which It 1» alleged that »aid William A. Oley has utterly fulled Iu re aped to »aid entry to comply with the public land law» of the I ailed 'States and the rule» and rogulullun» i established thereunder with ivfer- . once to establishing and iiiuliilaliilug I'cstdeiice upon said land, that he did not establish a residence In n housu 'on said land within six months from duto of entry: that he lias never lealdeil continuously, or nt nil. upon »aid tract of land; tha, lie has never icultlvaleii or Improved the ratnv, and Inal tils ouly pretence of com plying with lb«* hoin<'»lead law» was to erect a box hiiiise thereon and a small log stable, and liiiinedim, ly llioreafter said homestead entry man lett said prvinl.ii s and i ngnged In business III Klamath Falls, Oregon, aud tiiut ho also 1« usi d and furnied a Irani of lunil belonging in tils father, G . Oley, who i. <m » in Siskiyou ('minty, Calif, uh u- id tract of land so leu, -d was located, and lor the past >vai, and for more than a year luiniedl,«t"ly pro ceeding (its making tliial proof mi said hoiiiesti-nd inlry. Hie cento’l"«- ».i: < gug d In .lie busim-n of con ducting a salumi in Slskymi Co..lily, Calif , nt a place cmutuoilly known us "Hie hold In the ground." That One of the most successful club SALEM. Or.. March 25.- Any who ■ The right of the employee to rea meetings ever held here occurred doubt that Governor Benson is the , I suitable compensation iu case of in (Thursday night, when the niem whole thing these days iu the admin [jury while at his labor is tjlie of the hers of the Antler's Club entertained istrative affairs ot the state | fundamental aud necessary fondi their friends in their rooms in the should see him iu action, particularly , [ Gons of our social life It is li ec**»- Page-Stratton building The Xntl- when he is iu sessiuu as one ot the »ary and right where you are bulld- er's Club is composed of members institutional boards, it is perfectly-: lug a great property, the results of of the Elks Lodge iu this city and lias well understood no« that Mr. Bin- which are intended tor your especial over thirty members It now has one son performs the dunes of two offices, delectation and grat IfivuGon. that of the neat: st club remus in ti e dt those of secretary ot slate aad (host . oil look after those who. by reason of governor, and draw» two salaries. Tht walls are beautifully decorated of good will or necessity, or both, are and hung with pictures, mottos and But the peculiar situation» that arise moved to assist you And if It I» the trophies, and the room Is furnished sometimes as the result of thib dual public, acting through the states or ' with card tables, piano, nice com capacity are amusing. nation. that Is building the . pi op- fortable chairs and everything which offices ai Visitors to the executive erty. then It is the public'» piar All would enable a man to spend a most Salem are frequently mel with the men cannot succeed in a large un i- pleasant prohibition from Secretary McArthur sure ^•either are all men fitf -d It There were fully fifty invited that the “feeble-minded" board is even in a moderate way to Rad proof gu-sts present during the evening, [ Many in session and it will be impossible ■—the vast majority must atxiul and they were royally entertained, as to see the governor right now. But iserve as foot-soldiers, and it I» these but i only a live bunch of Elks know how when the visitor gets a ¡¡lance I whom the captains of industry, the 'I l UI I I Refreshments were -rved during the through the half opened door an J grout and enthusiastic conductors of aid sees Governor Bt nson sitting in the evening, and a very pleasing mu»l- materia! learn io cui program rendered. Among the inner office alone it is hard for hint : protect. Ing of al entertainers on the prognrm were to recognize that the whole board is How? The e n ploy el » llabllit * plougblii G. Heilkvuiper. W. J. Brennan. II present, although it is there, never- id« a does not usk much It say» tha' dut of ¡Boivin and George Ttignot. Thei. theless. it an employee of yours In the course h» n. vt , were others wl o assls'ed. but their Benson, as secretary of state and of his work for you. either by sono >< Hoir names were nm on the program.' governor, is two members of every error or negligem«- of yours, or de u The address of welcome was d«.- administrative board. The »tale some detect of tiiucliinery or ma' i al t Ilvered by the president of the club. treasurer is the other member, but conditions <'ith whi-h you may sur T. A. K. Fassetl. He briefly outiin -1 when he is absent the governor calls round him. suffers some Injury to tils 'the two great principles of the Elk.- a meeting and performs the work in physical •ll-belng which present» purpose due and solemn form. He merely in Lodge and also explained tin him eitl tempo, aitly or perniar forms his s> cretaty, Mr. McArthur, of the organization of the Ant 1er» ,ently tn exteuded a that it will be necessary for the I Club, and in conclusion .must mr this loss It > ail .the uiiot - and hearty welcome tc asylum board tiJiave a meeting, and : usually touch- three I invited them to j loin with the ni'-in- the meeting is called. ■ hundred, five him«! f'l, , a thousand, t plot i , IKLhk , ns ta rein **> t forni; that be:s in spending a pleasant e veni ng. "The members of the board [five thous-'ind dollnr». Th«*s»» are n<»î ‘Li» alh'k'’ i ii»»‘ »tee f.din »ahi luna thia city i The number of Elks in t please come to order,” says Govern- so ma ny dollars to pay a man or w<>- not * Hit’ h • hl' 4*mph> « ??.- nt in - is being constantly added to, -an i or Bensen, a;.d Mr. Benson comes to i man for the loss of wn • • • or a A i h? y. X.i Vi» or Murine <’or !>• of i nearly every other week a ' :e class order. »hand or foot, in the case of oini- ■ th I .ilud Û prlv hrltlat. d is taken to Ashland to 1 i plele disability t««n thousand dollar-, "The object of th" no--ting to-' i 1er. officer leaiuuii or marine, during intffi^he lodge there. Sat■•* niorn- day,” states Governor Benson, "is to 1» net nearly early too much, although the Um war siili, Spain or during any Ing another big bunch will leave for determine whether the state shall put law does not at present 'contemplate i-tl.i-t war in wfïi- h the I'nited State* Ashland. Special rates have I be. n in a dry air heating system or hot a tax of this kind 1 may be and tl at esi d given for their transportation by >• tl!» water at the asylum, and the matter The fact is that this tax does' not paiti>-a a notified to up- railroad company. will be open here for discussion for a •fall on you as'an employer directly I ¡tear, rei offer evidence J It 1» intended only to make you take few moments. We have several bids tombing at I u here from different firms wiiicn (he out insurance against accident in o'clock a A MISTAKE IX JI STI E. board may look over." your mine There are plenty of great foru II Pretty -oon Mr. Bens *n decides insurance companies anxious 'o hat i i • I Bonanza Bulletin) I that air will be best, and after get you let them Insure you nealnst lot- n ‘ "111 Nuring will be hl Fred Fine, formerly of this place, from any form of a- Id- .«.t in you.' ting the attention of the chair, which Ii* o'« !<«■>; !■ m.. on June 1». 19i was arrested In Lak,, county and is himself in the capacity of govern company They will guaranw. , iu befor.- the Reginler utiil Receiver or, he moves, as secretary of state, taken to Klamath Falls Sunday to cage you comply with certain rules the I'nlted Etale» Land Office that the air system be installed at answer a complaint on a serious and supply certain safeguards, to iaik -ill w . On gon the asylum. Then, as governor and criminal charge preferred by E. L insure against any damage \pril J. N. WATSON. chairman of the board, he puts the Walter. It is learned that the case Delineator Register, was dismissed by the justice of the motion: The said conti stunt having, in ■ a “The question is, shall the state peuce at Klamath Falls, the com There are no stripe» on a flag- proper affidavit, filed March IS. 1 install a dry air heating system at the plaining witness deciding not to »tone, but if one falls on H hard 1909. set forth facts which »how asylum?" Those in favor will say press the matter. Fine deeded all enough he will likely to see that aft< r due diligence personal ser- his property for the benefit of the ‘aye’." girl, his half sister. Mr. Benson votes "Aye." It is with no desire to give further Then Secretary McArthur, who, by virtue of his office as secretary ex- publicity to an unsavory matter that officio of all the administrative the Bulletin calls attention to the boards, solemnly records in the big plain miscarriage of justice in this • book that the secretary of state and treatment of an unspeakable offense. governor voted in favor of hot air for It is true that the trial of such cases are not relished and that common the insane asylum. Mr. Benson then moves to adjourn, discussion of the details Is hurtful; : as secretary of Btate. He puts the but far more hurtful is the impres motion as governor and chairman of sion given that such offenses can be the board, votes on it himself and condoned by some financial sacrifice. then declares the meeting of the asy To use the arm of the law simply to collect ' payment as satisfaction for lum board adjourned. Then, perhaps,the "feeble-minded” the offense, is desperately wrong. board will meet to hear the monthly The public has already been made' report of the, superintendent of the familiar with the reasons for the ar rest, and knows that the prisoner' institution for the feeble-minded. All proceedings are regular and are purchased his freedom. Officers of so attested by Secretary McArthur. the law should not tolerate trifling with the law. It seems Impossible to believe that parents could accept STILTS IN WASHINGTON money as sufficient payment for such ' misdeeds. WASHINGTON, March 27,—John R. Stilts, mayor of Klamath Falls, KATE JEWEL SIMPSON Oregon, who gave the keys of his home town to E. H. Harriman recent Kate Jewel Simpson, wife of W. | ly, is visiting the national capital. He has been three months touring the B. Simpson, died at her home at south, meeting Harriman at Sa Naylox at 9 p. m. laBt Thursday . vannah en route to Washington. from pneumonia at the age of 59 The deceased has been a Mr. Stilts will soon itart for his home years. resident of Klamath County with I in Oregon, stopping on the way at her husband for the past twenty Denver and other points. years. The funeral was held Saturday. Liquor dealers are charging that There were services at the grave / John D. Rockerfeller is financing the at 2 o’clock in the Klamath Falls anti-saloon movement, but they will cemetery. The husband is a charter have to present better evidence than member of the Klamath Lodge of has yet been offered to convince us Odd Fellows, and the members at that oil and water will mix. tended the funeral in a body. tlow's Ibis? I ill: IX I l llioll 1*1 I- Vlt rMI X I Sale of Timber. I’orlluud. Oregon, Murch Iti. IIHI9 Scull'd bid» marked outside, ‘ Bld Timber Bale Application, February 34, it>0'9. Crater," uiid iidilie»»id to the District Forester, Forest Service, Portland, Oregon., will be received up to and Including the 2Hth day of Api II. 1909, for all the lucri luintiible deml timber »tmidlng or down mid niMikiMl for cut all the live ting by the Forest officer located on h«* «t <-fl ti 11 «*ly <h*Migiuii «ul mi lire by the begins within >, of SE*-. I of Sec. 23. 8 ’yi of of Bee. 3 4. NW H of mid W' Mi of 8W H of NEH. 8*s- 31 of Bee. 3 A Nit ot NE'4 < 35, T 3« 8, It t> tlie Crater National E„ W n; eat Imai .d to bi ll M of live and il M ot dead yellow l t B M of III. nil I Il M of dead I long In* feet II M of live On« Itiimliwl I m . i U i . Il, wart| f,,r sn» <’«»i>t ( «lai ih that niihd b><« urr<l Uy Mali a ( atntth < ur«. F J ('liKNKY A CVM T u I mìu O. W«>, Ih«* undvrgltf hsm |, hav»> I showh F. J. (ìi»n*y (ut Uw lavi ift »«'aia, aiul iM’hvvv bini tly hun.^abla III all bualHMa I hmmum U*m«i and Ibtan- dall/ abl» lo carry «Hit any obliaathuia itimi« by hh Anu. W aidinu , K innan A M amvim . Wholeaala Driigy lata, T o I m I u , O. Ilall’a Catarih <’un» h takuti Intarually. a« «lng illrvclly UI m GI thw bhaal and IIIU» olia BUrflMNM uf Ihaaywlatn, TtmlUnunlala wtil frvr. |*rk« Ite per U»itla. H<4d bv all l>t ut «fiata. DoubtIu»» tin« opinion of the Stan dard Oil lawyers regarding tha fed crai court» 1» lookina up no much (hat It will be really and truly grate ful for the opposition timi ha» com* lu Ilio |*a»l FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN I ist your land for sale with this office; we havu buyers for all cl»» «e» of Klamath County property. Enterprise Tracts The only acreage luljiici-nt to Klamath Fall» for »»!<■ in «mull tract«. More than a »core of people have sacured »it*-» fur homes. Mjlls Addition lots are the bust buy» uti the market FRANK IRA WHITE live mid I 3'J .’.o for Dougin« hr 33.1.0 for fHE LAND MAN i to neli < st RICHARDSON United States G*niniissiuner (»■ffii-e. Third nnd Main, «'fj*>»ite City Lli raty. Jelvphl-l.v iioL And ui « vi» I M to I m I R DCNSON Ä, STONE A TTORNEYS AT LAW I .'•» soi it i n» < i : i m nut«». . / O*/-*’»Pit*! /'•ink nm! Tru-t AV//i. KLAMATH F LI 3 In Ille (’olirti of Or egon. For mnt h. In .Millet o I Ilici a V.atln > hi reby ' OREGON C. C. BROWtR ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW KLAMATII FAI.I>. UllEt.oS ROOMSTAB. MURDOCK 81.OG. li V- .. (I. WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST nolle. W ¡thro* • Welhtise DR. C. P. MASON DENTIST Office in Amorhan Itsuk A Trust Com pany's Building liitu, th • 29th day of Mufch PHONE 614 »UMSTH FALLS I 4-2:» FOR SALE. Dairy Cows and Helfers. Twenty head Jerseys and gradu Jerseys. Will 1. II fhe.u, II. V. BEALL, JR. 3-1H-4-S* Central Point, Or*. AS your boy or girl got a bank account with the First Trust and Sav ings Bank? if not The Republican will start one for nothing COLLEGE iffiT i r i i or« CATALOG