Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1909)
♦ 0 And wlnh that he'd kick himself. ♦ Boost for thu school house when the ♦ ♦ suu Is shining; Mr. Cunningham wu a Falla Vis Boost when It alarts to rain; If you happen to fall, iter Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, Don't lay there and bawl, Tuin Elliott chiiiii out to the Elliott llut gut up and boost again. rauch Wednesday. John Hibberts went to thu Full» Boost and make thu town lively; Boost aud do II with vim; Tuesday. No battle Is won. Henry Farrar came out to hla ranch By the one who'll run. Thursday and Friday tu got u load Ho stick to your job aud win. of bay. MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r Isaac Shepard waa a Falla visitor Boost for the district's advancement, Boost for thu things sublime; Tuesday. Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suit« For the chap that's fouud. Dan Ward waa doing some govern Hample Roomi, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club On the top-moat round, ment work out boro thu lattar part Rooms, Etc., Etc. la thu Booster every time. of la«l WMk. A well-known authority on Rheu- Every family here ought to keep John lllbberta took a load of shin matlam give« the following valuable, so tun Dlapepsla In the house, as any > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > gira to the Falla Friday. though simple and harmleaa,prescrip one of you may have an attack ot In T. M. Harria went to th«- Falla on tion, which any one can easily pre digestion or stomach trouble at any SALEM. Ora., March 14 —A Urge pare at bom«: I I Tuesday to meet hla wife. He will time, day or night. go from there to Ady Monday, where number ot places on appointive Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half This harmless preparation will di boards and commissions will beconi« ounce; CouuHirind Kargon, onu ounce, ho will meet hla father. gest anything you eel and overcome W. T. Elliott la out on hla ranch vacant within thu next all tuonlua, Compound Hyrup Haaaparllla, th ref a sour stomach five minutes after •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦fl which Governor Benson will be call- ouncea. plowing liila weak wards. «d upon to fill, Aaide from those H E lennblce had a sick hora« Fri Mix by shaking well In a bottle, If your meals don’t tempt you, or vucanclus there were several new and take a t«axpoonful after each day. what l.ttle you do eat seems to All Lum Short la alck with the measles boards and commissions created by m«al and at h«dtlm« you, or lays like a lump of lead In < > • T M Harria wont to thu Falla Fri the last Legl«latur« that must he 11« atatea that th« Ingredients can your stomach, or if you have heart appointed as soon as the laws go in b« obtained from any good preacrlp- burn, that la a sign of Indigestion. day. Mr. and Mra Tommy Short and to effect creating them, which will tlon pharmacy at small coat, and, be Ask your pharmacist for a 50-cent WK KEEP IM OTOCK A COMPLETE LINK OF HARNESS Mrs Johnny Short were vialiora to be about May 20. ing of vegetable extraction, are harm- rase of Pape's Diapepsln and take SADDLES, LEATHER (XM)DA AMD GLOVEB. WE PTR. Au Important appointment is that the Falla Monday. l< «, to take. one trlangule after supper tonight CHASE FROM THE MOOT RELIABLE WHOLESALE HOI B- S E Ictmhlce, Mr Solace and Chas. of state sheep Inspector, now held This pleaeant mixture, If taken reg There will be no sour risings, no ES, AT THE LOWEST RATES CflTAINABLE. AMD DIS. by W H Lytle of Pendleton, a D»in- Mack went to the kalla Saturday ularly for a few days. Is aald to over belching of undigested food mixed COUNT ALL BILLS BEFORE DUE. WE ARE ABLE TO Mr. Humphrey waa out to John ocrat. It carries with It a salary of come almost any <aae of Rheumatism with acid, no stomach gas or heart OFFER. THEREFORE. GOODS OF BEST QUALITY AT 12000 a year Lytle's term expl«jj Th« pain and swclllrg, If any, dimin Hlbbctta' Wednesday. burn, fullness or heavy feeling In THE LOWEST PRICES. WE MANUFACTURE HIGH CLASS Tuesday, March 23. Tbe term of Mra Rbupard aud sou, laonc, woro ish' « with each dose, until permanent the stomach, nauw«a, debilitating GOODS AND MAKE OLD GOODS NEW. ('. J. Korlnek of Salem, slate v«ter- vl siting ut Chu« Mark's Sunday rcHtilts are obtained, nnd without In headactKM, dirtiness or Intestinal CALL AND HEE IF WE ( AN “MAKE GOOD.” Inarlan, on the Oregon domestic an Frank Bryant pn <»«d through here juring the stomach. While there are griping. This will all go, and, be Tuesday on hla way to Po« Valley at Imai <ommlsslon will expire July I. many no call d Rheumatlam remo- sides, there will be no sour food left [There Is no cuui|iuu«atlon connected tor some horaea 'dies, patent medicines, etc., some of over In the stomach to poison your Milla w «ni < ► J. 8 to the Falla Hat with this of!)««- astdo front traveling which do give relief, few really give breath with nauseous odors. J. O. LEININGER, Manager nxpenaaa. tirday. permanent results, and the above will Pape's blapepsln Is a certain cure On the state boatd of dental el- Sum Short and Jim K«»n)iiu an* no doubt, be greatly appreciated by 1' for all stomach misery, because it iimlmrs thu poHltlons of Dr. A K sutllt'l posts tor John Short many sufferets b«re at this time. will take hold of your food and digest Mra J H Mills and daughter, Myr- Vaughn of Pundletou and H. H. UL I quiry at the 4<ug stores of this it just the same as If your vtomach tie, visited with Mii John Short In it Inger of Salem become vacant April n«lrhborhoed elicits Aha information wasn't there. I. Olinger Is « •«n-iuiy ui Hie board |that these drugs are harmless and Wednesday Actual, prompt relief for all your and diawt |f>0 a v«ar mol expenses. John Shott loft for Ashland Wed ( ¡. e bought H«patately, or ti e drug- stomach misery Is at your pharma Ibu other members of this board neoday. | gists her« will mix the prescription cist, waiting for you. a day and expenses during C N Snow took all of bl« horses get for our renders If asked to. These large GO-cent catw-s contain which he pawl tired on 1.1« plu< •• bore thu lime they are actually engaged. I Mrs. L. D. W. I b left on Tuesday more than sufficient to cure a case to hla hom< In Ijragnll Valley Tblits An entirely new board of examiners for Lewiston, Idaho, on a visit to of dyspepsU or indigestion. day Cullo Icenbhe help' d him purt In Optoutetry inu«t be appointed Ap- relatives. ill 30 Thu present members are of the way. ♦ ♦ W Lowe of Eugeno; B.O. Mattern c. Mra. Archie Colaun vlklted I i t ala- LONE PINE ITEMS. of Portland, and lierniun W. Barr of tor. Mra John Short. Tu«t<Liy ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ « Tom and John Short went to M«r iialeiu. The term of \V. H. Steuslolf I Tin foil owing books have been of Malum on the stale board of com I rl! on bualuoM W«»dee» lay. Faye Robley returned from Ash purchased by the Woman's Clpb and Manufacturers of All Kinds of (> Short and Jul' SI ori u -r • In missioners expired yesterday These are n< w at if’« Public Library ready land last Friday. members drsw only a small per diem H e Fall» Monday. Henry Royce Is now plowing. for circulation: Among tho»« who vi«i . 1 the Falla and expenses. L. A. Went has moved from the Halt Haven W W Jacobs Clrtiill Ji ilgc.lilp to Fill. Saturday wer« John llibbeita, J Pin«. Enman ranch to the E Ream ranch, 'I’ Loughlin aud Old Oregon. The term of E Hofer, a* member and Cla» Aduni« Eva Emery Dye wl |rh place he has rented tor three Tommy Short brtiogh St hl« horses of the state board of normal school Indian rights and Fighters years. from O. Shott'a. where ho paalu red regents will expire July 2. Tin- term M. H Beebe was a Falls visitor Cyrus T Brady Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, them thia winter lb was indited ■>t William O. Elliott of Portland as \t th Foot of the Rainbow Tuesday ..... a in- tuber of the board of lntip<-ctors by Win. Fox. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Leir have now Gen« 8. Porter All Kinds of Mouldings, T. D . W. A and It HUI««, J. F of child Inboi for llie «tale ot Oregon Weatherby's Inning II. H. liaibour moved 1o their homestead. will expire May 21 the board lllbbertf und Mr ('latistin, of Swan Carl Rebley is fencing his ranch Captain of the Crew. R. II. Barbour Band sawing and Turning, of Ore- Lake, were In neighborhood of regents of the C Cy Whittaker's Place J. C. Lincoln which he recently purchased of Mr. gon the term of J. ■ ort ti of Odd-Shed Doors & Windows a Specialty flahlng Saturday. The Celebrity Winston Churchill Brlcen. Portland will 1 The J F. Illbbeits moved hl» family to Anna Bag »by now lias a new sad .Mr Crewe's Cur «r,Winston Churchill lanta Past i term of A H. PHONE 381 Swnn I ake Valiev last week dle horse, of which she Is very proud. The Testing ot Diana Mallory ns fruit Inspector from the third dis Mr. und Mra T SI ort and J Short Cl as. Jennings, wl.o is woking at Mrs Humphrey Ward trict « III expire In April vlalted the Fall« Tuesday. the Depew ranch, had thu misfortune Two Little Savages A*l 1 • from this list of officials of llosa llibbeita spent Munday at the Thompson Seton to get kicked by a horse last week. E All kinds of Finishing Lum- more or less Importune« Is the long S E k-««libico homo. llelvn's Bal I * J. Habberton Hix injuries were not serious. list to lie appointed, about 20 on the her now on hand. E . Thutupf*(»n Ini iiiuVf-«I to («Ong Pierce Combs has returned from Betty Wulu . h a . Margaret Ward Luk « where he t.ii« a contract It » «U* new boards and commissions created Speeches of Daniel Webster ......... the Falls where be has been serving by the late Legislature. This list In- Large assortment of Doors W Olli <1 Selected by Rev. It F. Toil on the jury. c| id- s th • Ci nler I.nke highway com- and Windows made up and T Short bought some huy from Mr. Dixon is quite ill with the grip. Poems W C. Bryant Mr. Horton nnd haul'd a load Friday inl<>l<»n, h board of port commission Napol en und Blucher L. Muhlbuch Cl arlie Leirs and Clyde Bradley ready for immediate de- ers for Coo« Bay and probably for transacted business in Merrill last John Hlhberls Went to Ol'-ne last The Fifteen Deohtlvu Battles of the Hlusliiw, a board of commlsslon- livery. Munday. th« World E. 3. Creasy Thursday. c ' h to dliii't the establishment and Mr. Tollman is finishing his plow Cook's Vo'Ri Chsrles It. Low Iceubh ■>'• dog caught s Fix Sator- maintenance of the «tat« sanatorium Can furnish an order on the ing. dav, but II happened to be a two leg Influences In American for the treatment of tuberculosis pa- grounds for any sized build Georgia Booth is spend...# a few g«d one History Albeit Brigham •tent i and board h of directors for the I wo College Glil.t Helen Brown days with her mother. Mrs. I.aPrarte. Miss .Mabie Slmotos, Mi Thompson ing within twenty-four numerous' county and district fairs Wiu. Barks Is hauling lumber for Jerry Junior ................. Jean Webster and Mr. Patty were visiting nt the for which the state Legislature ap hours. the barn and woodshed for our new Fhe Wonder Book of the Atmos home of .1 M Mills Hundny. propriated mon«y. These boards of phere Edwin Houston school house. Jessie Mills, one of Klaitiaih Fall«’ directors are constituted for the most Large stock of Flooring in W. II. Mason bought 2S tons of Rasselns Samuel Johnson i< Icphoue gills, stayed over Hunday part of three members. three grades. hay last week from Mr. McKcnxie. Nature Addresses and Lectures with her purenta, Mr and Mrs J S The most Important of these offices Harry Booth is spending most of .................................. It. W. Emerson Mills. is the new circuit judgeship for the “Boost for the School House.'* The Oregon Trull Francis Turkman bls time now at the Gap fishing. Fifth Judicial district, to be appolnt- Mr. and Mrs. Beebe spent Thursday The Perfect Tribute Mary Andrews Boost for the school house and wi 'II «<! from Clatsop or Coltimblu Coun Abraham Lincoln............ ...Carl Shttrx in Merrill. boost with you; ty. Allen Bunnell is building fence. John Ingleaant J. H. Shorthouse Knock and you’re on the shelf. J. Ennian Is hanling hay to his For the world gets nick Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell arrived Some Strange Corners of Our Country ... Charles Lummls homestead. Of the one who'll kick, Saturday from Caselle. Directions to Prepare Sim Makes Misery From Air Ip pie. Yet Remarkable set Stomach Vanish Home Mixture io Five Minutes Lakeside Inn, Oregon Harness Co '* Opposite Baldwin’s Hardware Store, Klamath Falls Long Lake Lumber Co. LUriBER VV. O. HUSON, Manager ■ Boston Store Third Annual Easter Sale IN ORDER TO GIVE EVERYONE AN OPPORTUNITY 1.0 DRESS PROPERLY FOR EASTER WE ARE GOING TO MAKE ONE OF THE GREATEST SALES EVER MADE IN KLAMATH COUNTY ON EARLY SPRING ARRIVALS. WE CANNOT ENUMERATE EVERYTHING BUT GIVE YOU A FEW IT.EMS TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA WHAT WE ARE GOING TO DO. BEGINNING M ARCH 15 AND CONTINUING UNTIL MARCH 30. FIFTEEN DAYS ONLY DON’T FORGET. MEN’S CLOTHING. $12.50 Suits $15.(X) Suits, $16.50 Suits, $18.00 Suits, EASTER SALE— $10.00. DRESS UP YOUR BOYS— $4.50 Suits, $5.00 Suits $6.00 Suits 5 to 15 years with Knickerbock er Pants— EASTER SALE— $3.95. banev 15c Dress Ginghams at 12 l-2c. Fancy 12 l-2c Ginghams - EASTER SALE— 10c. PERCALES Dress Percale 12 l-2c Grade EASTER SALE— . 10c. WHITE WASH GOODS 25c Dimities 20c 15c 20c Dimities 10c 15c Dimities MERCERIZED STRIPE WASH GOODS. 30c 40c Goods 25c 30c Goods 20c 25c Goods 15c 20c Goods THE BOSTON STORE EMBROIDERIES 18c Embroideries 20c Embroideries 25c Embroideries 30c Embroideries 40c Embroideries EASTER SALE— 15c. LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN S SHOES ANDOXFORDSGREATLY REDUCED. LADIES’ WAISTS $1 50 Waists $2.00 Waists $2.25 Waists $2.50 Waists EASTER SALE- SI.25. The Largest and Best Store in Klamath County. The Store that Pays No Rent and Gives Its Customers the Benefit I