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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1909)
GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR « ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 1’LANMXG LTTACK OX SI X troll Fl I.TOX. ♦ PIXE GROVE NELLS. « MM AI, OPTION LAW. < <»xri Hsi(>\ m tn to . h m Gl NIPTION OX THE FIRM. 3 M. RICHARDSON * ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ stiiti-tiii-iit XII. g«-«l to Have llevii **lgn Make a good work l>em h (LU win United States Commissioner «tl I», Mr». II.iii>* io Evidence. Liquor Interrata Waul Aiiw»tdin«‘iit Ilia Suct-e-s as Lt'utler In Rute Isin ter. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and family Aiiieniliiieut In Fight Against Granting ('hit's Itigli! to IX*- Use all last year's failures as the TIMBER AND HOMESTEAD spent Wednesday with Mr. Mack. Elkins Prv«li«tcd. FLUSHING, N. Y.. Jan. 1. Geuer- guide posts for the New Year. citle QucNtioli lii<lv|M*ii<k'litly. PROOF TAKEN Messrs. Bishop, Ankeny, Miller and Put the tools where they will be Robinson enjoyed the tin«* duck shoot-:1*' Peter C Heins, l S. A., father of Third and Main, oppoeite City | I’hornton J. Hains, on trial as a f>rln- th«* easiest to tlnd. uot the vastest to Office, WASHINGTON, Dec. 30.—Senator lug on Lost River Wednesday. Anti-local option legislation is des Library. I eiephone 301. Fulton will have once again the op tined to poke its nose into the busi Isaac Shepard is hauling straw fo: •l’“1 *” t,u' of William Annis, drop. i *** ** witness lu his son's behalf, yea- ness that will come before the next portunity which has presented itself Jay Araut. Men are a good deal like beans BENSON &. STONE legislature. The liquor dealers of at numerous times in the past year, Mr. aud Mrs. Mack and children, ; u‘r,,u' declared that in the presence they don't ipnount to much unless the state want three cardiual changes when congress reassembles. He has Earl. Ethel and Charles, spent Thues before hit two sons. Peter and there's plenty of snap to them. ATTORNEYS AT LAW made in the local option law as it assumed leadership in the rate law day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thornton Hains, the Captain's wife, Make It your busluess to shovel a ./ hi frican Bank I Claudia Hains, made a full coufesalon good wide path, through th«» »uow (ot now stands. The anti-saloon league amendment fight and has ready to 1 g. Mills. and Truitt nidi. will oppose their requests, however, aid hitu powerful influences which Johu Shepard drove to the Falla, her »»•*'<»nduct aud that aubae- your wife to walk lu when She hang» KLAMATH FALLS • OREGON so that there is every indication of a have been impatient because the fight | Saturday . .quently Captain llains manifested out the clothes. Mr. Elliott, Chas. Mack, Thouius '1'olgnant grief from the dlscloa- big fight over the question during was not begun long ago. The feel- When cutting in I he woodlot be T the session. | ing here is that, now that the ques- Elliott ami Mr. Upp went duck hunt- ,h“’ hl1' condition became careful to avoid injuring any of the ( affeetpd. The confession which Gen- smaller trees. They may be larger j The liquor interests of the state in Hon of his re-election to the Senate ing Friday. general, and of Portland, in particu- is settled. Fulton will probably enter Eltuo Newton was a Falls' visitor *ral G“1«» declared his son's wife some time. Car«* for tlt,«*m. ATTORNEY AND had signed on th«> day following Cap lar. want three things. They ask the combat with vigor and utilize Wednesday. The hen aometimes makes a big COUNSELOR AT LAW tain Haln's return to the West, was fuss about a »mall egg. but she keeps that the local option law be so amend- forces which all along have been alli C, N. Snow, of Langvll Valley, was I KLAMATH FA LI Ji, OREGON ed that cities and towns of 3000 or ious to assist iu uuhorseiug Chairman an overnight guest this w«*vk at the rea«l to th«» Jury, right on, day after «lay, doing her Z more inhabitants will be exempt from Elkins of the Interstate Commerce hove of S. E Icenbice. | 11 wst signed by Mrs. Hulna on beat at the on«* thing ah«* knows. ROOMS 7 A 8. MURDOCK BLDG. _ ; of ______ _ ‘ local option ' the operation county j committee, . It is recognized in Wash- When you ar«* thinking of buying! Thus. Short and fatuib moved into May 31, 1908, according to Gen«*ral Hains. It related that within a month a farm, look for plenty of wood for' elections. They want the propurUon , Ington that Senator Fulton has on«* their new home Tuesday. of signatures necessary to call a local of the greatest opportunities ever of Mr. and Mis. Kirkendall went to after Captain Hains left Fort Hamil fuel and other purpoaea, (or guod wa DR. WM. MARTIN option question up before the people fered any National law maker. Mrs. Kirkendall's timber claim last ton tor (he Philippines, October 2nd. ler, good neighbors and good market DENTIST The opinion is general that nervy ' Thursday. Mrs. Hains began improper Intimacy advantages. to be raised from 10 per cent, as un der the present law, to 20 per cent. fighting will force Fulton to an issue K«*ep a dairy; begin on the first A surprise dance was given at the with Aunts. There were many clan They want the law amended so that with the chairman of the Interstate home of Lum Short Friday evening. destine meetings during the winter— day of the New Year uml follow it once an election is held in any pre Commerce committee. Liberal mem Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews were ten, or perhaps twelve- says the sign up dally. You will b* surprised how ed statement, always at an apartment many things that are Important to cinct or district no other similar local bers of both houses and almost Incal in this vicinity Saturday. option election can be held in that culably powerful shipping Interests James Hull attended the dance at in East Ninth street, and always in remember you will find stored away. WILL A. LEONARD I have already declared unequlvocably Lunt Short's Friday evening. !the daytime except once. district for two years. "isn't it strange,'' remarked u Continuing, the statement say s that way buck farmer, as he wntctied tin DENTIST As the law now stands it is possi for the principle on which the Fulton S. E. icenbice and daughter. Bes- ble, as has been demonstrated in the measure is based i sie. and Mrs. Tommy Short were lu tn April Mrs. Hains found It neces up-to-dttt«» nulglibor an a ing wo «l W ¡thru* • Mclhase Building »ary to call upon a physician In New with n pulent auw, run by u gasollu« cases of Klamath Falls. Pendleton !the Falls Wednesday. FK.H I CATTLE KI STI ERs. Medford and various other towns Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mills visited York. After describing in detail the engine, "how men will scheme to g.*t fo: the rural districts of a county to SAN DIEGO, Jan 4.—Advices re- with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Short Sun treatment she received from the doc out of hom*st work " tor. the statement concludes that Mrs. Put every thing down In writing be joined with a towu on the local ceived by telephone from Mesa Gran i day. I Hains after this treatment stayed a< when you lease a farm. Memory cun option question with the result tha'. de, forty miles from here, tell of a a hotel with a woman for n week. not be relit*«! on. It la remnrkabl«* the rural anti-saloon vote overwhelms pitched battle thirty miles from there < Al.Hi.I N'S I Rl VI. I> VV sir. Mrs. Wt.llam E Annis sat to the how different men will remember dif- the liquor vote of the towns and ibis between a gang of cattle hustlers and es the towns against the wishes of members of a Vigilante Committee, SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.4. Patrick ¡far »ide of the court room during the ferent things. li«it is ull down lu bluck and white, there can be uo tiils- a majority of the town's resident'. -organized last meek to put a stop to Calhoun's first trial upon a charge reading. General Hains said that Captain take. The saloon interests contend that this depredatious of cattle thieves in that , growing out of the bribery graft ex When It Is not convenient to apply is not fair aud that the law should locality. posures of 19V6 will begin on Tues Ilalus was much excited during the taking of tire confession, crying ' heat to frozen pipes to thaw them, be amended so that the municipal According to the information re day, January 12th. It was agreed by 2500 Acres Free governments can control their own ceived, the Vigilantes Saturday picked counsel and the Court that no ordin aloud, "My God, »he has mine«! me. spread a cloth thickly with unalakvd The Lnkend«* company has 2500 acres my family and my three children." litre, fasten It around the frozen pip«* liquor fights. up the trail of a band of cattle thieves ary contingency would be regarded General llains will be under cross-j and throw water on it. The heat pro of land under the Anama ditch that it The law now requires that the sig who made away with several hundred as basis for further continuance. will give RENT FREE for one year. natures of 10 per cent of the voters head of stock near Mesa Grande last , Francis J. Heney, whose return examination Monday, when the trial duced as the Huie sluk«*a la great Thia includes the uiw of the land and enough to thaw the Ice. water. Th«' renter must clear ami of any district can compel the sub week, and followed them to a point ; ftoiu the Bast is expected within u 1« resumed. There was a belief common for place th«* Inml in cultivation. The rent mission of the local option question just this side of the International line ' day or two, will have charge of the geta all the crop but we reserve the 3» 1*1 XI» IX MIXE His LSI EK. man* .generations t! at boys. Ilk«* er to the people. The saloon interests where the rustlers were rounded up. case for the prosecution and will b.- right t>- paatur«* the stubble. «I’.eat, must be well tl>ra»h«*d to get contend that this proportion should The Lakcatde Company, In the fight that followed the re assisted by Assistant District Attor J. Frank Adams. Manager, be raised to 20 per cent of the legal' fusal to surrender, two Mexicans, an ney John O'Gara. The President of Evpl«>*i<>n (nil*.«* (in-nt la»** of Lit«- th«* best out of them. Th«* rod Is no Merrill. Oregon. lu W«-*t Lirglnla Coal Mln«* longer pll«*<! In the school or family, voters of any district. , Indian and a white man, all members, the United Railroads will be defended — tau»«* I* Unknown. fair and yet there 1.« after all a pretty It is now possible for the anti-sa- of the band, were shot and killed, and by A. A. Moore. Stanley Moore and ENNIS. W. Va.. Dec. 31.—The fu crop of boy». loon league to call an election in any one Vigilante was seriously wounded Lewis F. Byington, with William M. Have things gon«* wrong with you district at any election, If the dis- The rustlers fled across the border | Abbott, of counsel, though not of ¡tailties in the Lick Branch mine ns , the result of the explosion yesterday thia pa at year? Now don't get din- trict refuses to vote dry the anti-sa- after the fight. record. afternoon will probably reach fifty. couraged and Imagine you are going loon people can call the question up - l'p to 9 o'clock today twelve bodies to wind up al the poorhouse. Tile at the next election, no matter when REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. j had been taken out. i new year la here, good things may that date may fall, Should the dis- J. P. Lee et ux to Weyerhaeuser According to a mine foreman there ,be coming around the corner your trict vote dry, however, the saloon Pari* Court Rule* ( estody of Hi* are thirty-eight men in the mine with way. Brace up; have nerve. Never people cannot call the question up , Land Co., eL» of nwi4, swt4 of nw Liat your land for sale with thia Tiire«- Sons Be <>i««n to the office, we hive buyers for all ! little chance of their recovery alive. forget that many a great undertaking again for two years, The saloon men , %, ne% of swii, sec 10, tp 35 s, Princesa lx- Sugati. claaaea of Klamath County The cause of the explosion is un- , has been wrought into snccess after contend that this is not fair and ask r 14 e, 110.00. property. J.C. Craven to Weyerhaeuser Igind u pi'Otnlse of failures. : known. All the bodies are expected that both the saloon interests and the PARIS, Dec. 31,—The petition of Co., n *«i of n *4, sec 25, tp 35 s, r 14 It Is tough on th« wagon to drive anti-saloon league be put on the same Count Boni De Castellane that the: to be recovered today. e. $10.00. it over the rough, frozen roads these footing. custody of his three sons be given to The only acreage adjacent to Louise Lee to Weyerhaeuser Land days. Especially when the ruts ari Klamath Falls for sale in small Co., s Lk of ne*4. sec 10, sw Vi of bis mother, the Marquis De Castel-' I deep It ls hard on felloes and other tracts. More than a »cur« uf HEAVY DAMAGE BY SNOW. nwXi. sec 11, tp 35 s. r 14 e. $10.00. lane was denied today. The Court ( : parts. It la a good plan to have a people have aecured aitea fur ruled that the children remain In the homes. Two hundred wires were down and Henry A. Cross to Weyerhaeuser , second-best wagon for these tliue». | custody of their mother. PrD.cess De | practically every telephone in the city Land Co., w *4 of ne>4, se*-« of nw% i and so save the good one. But thia Sagan, formerly Miss Anna Gould, of out of commission as the result of a°d nwk* of se*4, sec 23, tp 35 s. I Utility wagon should always be a good New York. a heavy snow Monday night. Eight in-1 r 14 e- 110.00. are the beat buys on the market - «olid one, that will not break down The Court ruled further that the ! ches of snow fell during the night and Myra V. Slough et vir to Marie L I >n the way to town. children should not leave the conti-j as It was heavily saturated with wa-' Gifford et al, sw%, sec 12. tp 41s. Don't let the boys read the yellow nent without Its |>ermisslon. Begln- ter it packed as It fell. If the snow- 1 r 8 e. $4u00.00 supplement» of the Sunday pajM-rs, ning October 1», 1909, they are to be Marie L. Gifford et vir to A. J. had been light it is estimated that nor the silly, crude and vulgar *o- placed at a college situated within it would have reached a depth of two Hocking, lots 12 ,13, 14. 15, 16. 17. called "comics" of the daily papers. ; 100 miles of Paris. 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24. blk feet. It must be positively harmful thus 31, Second add to Klamath Falls, At ten o'clock that night ten poles ¡to steep the minds of the Immature FIVE Ml RDEKERS TO HAS«. on Klamath street carrying the big $10.00. an«! uneducated with such vapid, stu Robert Casey et ux to Albert E cable with 50 pairs of wires went Friday, February 5, is the day fixed A well-known authority on Rheu- pid and demoralizing stuff We arc down. This practically put all the Elder, parcel of land described I'.' for the hanging of James A. Finch, matism gives the following valuable. glad to note that some of the metro phones cut of business, At twelve metes and bounds, sec 26, tp 39 a, convicted of the murder of Ralph B though simple and harmless,prescrlp- politan dailies have ceased to afTront o'clock a large number of electric r—10 e. $975.00. Fisher. Judge Bronaugh appointed tlon, which any one can easily pre the self respect and good taste of Robert Casey et ux to W. A. Ar R. L. Phillips death watch over the pare at borne: wires on Main street and in other .their readers, notably the Boston Her- parts of the city were broken, leaving nold, parcel of ground described by condemned murderer. Phillips will Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half raid. the city in darkness. A crew of ten metes and bounds, sec 20, tp 39 s. guard Finch in the solitary cell in ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce, —From January Farm Journal. men worked all night trying to keep r 10 e, $175.00. which the latter is confined until ta Compound Syrup Sasaparilla, three A. Kershner to Geo. Ehehalt, nw% ken to Salem for execution. When ounces. the wires free from snow. MEX FIGHT FOR F(N)D. It was a strenuous night for the of sw*4, sec 7, tp 40 s, r 10 e. Finch arrives there will then be five Mix by shaking well In a bottle, linemen and it was due to their hard $1200.00. murderers in the state prison, an un and take teaspoonful after each Band* of Fami»lie<l Individuals Frank A. Hilger et ux to F. P. usual number. work that the whole system was not meal and at bedtime. tack Each Other Like Wolves put out of business for a longer time. Hixon,, lots 12, 13, 14, and 15, sec He states that the Ingredients can Four men are now in solitary con —Frightful Scene at Messina. 19, tp 23 s, r 11 e, $2500.00. finement at the Oregon state peniten be obtained from any good prescrfp- Jos. Koesel to E. Compher, sw% tiary awaiting the execution of the tlon pharmacy at small cost, and, be MESSINA, Dec. 31—A frightful S. B. GRIZZLE EAGLES GIVE BANQUET. of neV4 and ne*4 of se>4, sec 23, tp death sentence, having been convict ing of vegetable extraction, are harm scene occurred here today amid the KLAMATH FALLA Crater Aerie No. 1616, F. O. E., 38 s, r 9 e, $1000.00. ed of murder in the first degree, less to take. ruins of the Customs House. Bands OREGON Installed officers Monday night, Af- Francis J. Bowne to R. I. Kilgore, Three of them are sentenced to hang This pleasant mixture, If taken reg of famished Individuals were groping ter the work was completed an elab part block 101, Bowne add to Bonan during this month. Three Fridays ularly for a few days, is said to over among the debris In the hope of dis orate banquet was served to members za, $1.00. in January, the first month in the new come almost any case of Rheumatism covering food. The first of the search and Invited guests, numbering 43 in A. L. Leavitt and F. H.Mills to year, will be hangman's day at Salem. The pain and swelling, If any, dimin ers, who were successful, were at all. Toasts were responded to by sev S.-hallock & Daggett Co., lots 4 and Math Jancijag, who killed his ishes with each dose, until permanent tacked by others with revolvers and eral of the members and a number1?, blk 90, Klamath add to Klamath sweetheart in Oregon City, is the first. results are obtained, and without In- knives, and were obliged to dlvldo of the visitors. Many vocal and in Falls, $250.00. I He is sentenced to be hung next Frl-Juring the stomach. While there are their findings. The struggle was E. B. Henry et ux to C. E. Worden, day, January 8. strumental selections were given Walter Johnson, J many so-called Rheumatism rente- fierce. The famished men threw which added greatly to the pleasure sw»4, sec 23,tp 37 s, r 14 e. $1800. who killed Walter Perdue In a lonely dies, patent medicines, etc., some of themselves upon each other like wol of the evening. The banquet was G. W. White et ux to J. W. Has- ¡cabin in the timber belt of Washing- J which do give relief, few really give ves, and several fell dlsombowcled served under the direction of Ray- kins, se% of se% and s% of ne% ton county near Forest Grove, will ! permanent results, and the above will in defending a handful of dry bones mond Hatten and w-ife and they were 1 of se*4, sec 11, tp 41 s, r 10 e, $3000. hang January 22, unless sortie unfore- J no doubt, be greatly appreciated by or a few ounces of flour. One of the ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. highly complimented by all those par-' Louis Hessig et ux to W. H. Clark, seen circumstances delays the execu- many sufferers here at this.time, Notice Is hereby given by the under unfortunates was pinned to a plank taking of the good things. lot 9, blk 10, Hessig add to Fort Kla- jtion. . Inquiry at the drug stores of this by a knife, while clinging to his hand signed, Administrator of the estate The new officers Installed are as math, $400. The third murderer Is Harry Daley, neighborhood elicits the Information was his little child, for whom ho had of Rodney 8. Bowen, deceased, that follows: Worthy President, Mont E. W. H. Clark to Alex. Martin, Jr., who arrived at the penitentiary last that these drugs are harmless and sought food. all persons having claims against the Hutchison; Worthy Vice-President, lot 9, blk 10, Hessig add to Fort Kla- Thursday. Daley killed bis partner can be bought separately, or the drug said estate present the same with the Carl Reed; Worthy Chaplain, E. L. math, $400. proper voucher within six months in a Portland saloon. He will be hung gists here will mix tbe prescription ■ TIK AGO A ALTON ROAD Niles; Secrtary ,Otto Heidrich; Trea-‘ F. J. Bowne to Richard Melhase, January 29. The fourth and last man ¡for our readers if asked to. MI ST PAY BIG FIXE from the date of this publication of surer, Wm. Dulaney; Inside Guard, 240 feet by 25 feet In blk 18, Rlam- i Is Joe Anderson. He shot and killed notice to said Administrator, at the Mrs. L. D. Webb left on Tuesday Geor. Pine; Outside Guard, Wm.Bow- ath Falls, $3000. Klamath County Bank, Klamath WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 The re a railroad engineer while attempting for Lewiston, Idaho, on a visit to land; Worthy Trustees, Geo. Espy,' C. E. Worden to Frank and Louise , to hold him up in South Portland a relatives. bat- <ase of the Government against Falls, Klamath County, Oregon. A. Santamau and Brow Jamison. Sargent, s>4 of lots 1 and 2, Ewauna year ago. Anderson was sentenced, Dated this 10th day of December, the Chicago & Alton road was today --------------------------- Hts. add to Klamath Falls, $550. There are persons who will, wlth- d< - Id' d by the United States Supremo 1908. to be hanged June 26 last, but he has AMERICAN CONSUL ALEX. MARTIN, JR.. ¡appealed his case. 'out a murmur, pay an office fee of Court against the Company In the AND WIFE KILLED. Administrator of the Estate of Rod ------------------- a------- To make gingersnaps as good as United States Circuit Court for the $10 to a "city doctor," and yet grum- WASHINGTON, Dec. 31,—A dis those you buy: Take one cupful of ney S. Rowan, deceased. A fly falling into a five-gallon can ble when the local physician demands Northern District of Illinois, the com patch received at the Stae Department sugar, one cupful of sirup, one cupful of milk and Instantly d»ing In Los $1 for the same advice with seventy- pany and Its officers were fined $60,- 12-10-1-8. today from Consul Gale affirms the of butter, two teaspoonfuls of soda Angeles this week was the cause of five cents worth of medicine thrown 000 on the charge of making a re SHOP AT SUMMERS. reported death of Consul Cheney and dissolved in two tablespoonfuls of an investigation which resulted In In. Don't be one of this kind, but be fund to Kansas City packers as ter his wife at Messina. The bodies, the hot water, one teaspoonful of ginger, the discovery of poison in the milk, willing to pay a fair fee to your home minal charges. A blacksmith shop has been 'os- inhibited at Stimmers, Goneral work dispatch says, have not be- n recover- and flour enough to make a stiff The milk was intended for a large physician who, In nearly all cases, cd. It Is reported also that Stuart dough. Roll thin and delicious crisp boarding bouse at 620 East* First ta.i give as good advice as the doctor A fault of your own would probably of nil kinds promptly done. Horse- Lipton, Vice Consul, is missing. 12-17-8t* shoeing a specialty. «naps will lie the result. be a sin In others, In the city. street. I I C. C. BROWER Office over Klamath County Bank FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition Lots Directions to Prepare Sim- pie, Yet Remarkable Home Remedy FRANK IRA WHITE fHE LAND MAN »