Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1908)
I 1It llldl I S CHRISTMAS Gifts for Men and Bovs Nt ITS OVERCOATS «.MOLING JA« KKT8 FANCY SWEATERS s|IK I NOERWEAIt STYLISH HATS DRESS GU»AES HOI R I'RtMlF HOHE SHIHTS AMX>T TIES MUFFLERS FANC Y VESTS S1I.K 81SPENDKRS NI IT ('ASKS ♦ PORTLAND STORE Agents for Hart, Schaffner A Marx Clothing « 8« h * the K K K Store’s Ail Instil«*, W. F. Arant has ret in uvtl from Crater Lake. Ed. Bloomlngeamp was In the city from Bly Monday S. A. White, uf Bonaiua, was In • he city Saturday. J II. VanMeter was tn the city from llisitleld this week. H. F. Nichole, of Bnnanxa, spent Sunday in th«* city. <il Riley W. Woiuls was In i ;; from Dairy this w«*ek. : : Jas 11. Driscoll was In the city J’lfrom Bonanza Friday J HE Bomlinot left Monday morning < for his home in Iowa '■I C C Pearson cam«« iu from Dairy .. Saturday on business < 11 .. J. It. Elliott, of Klamath Agency, j'jwas in the city this week. IL Will W. Baldwin returned from *'j Portland Tuesday evening. " < 1 ’ I I J. Q. Stevenson came In from his i . Lost River ranch Saturday. • Project Engln«*er D W. Murphy I I heft Thursday for San Francisco. ¡¡I Jas. Pelton Is down from th«* Fort ; ; to attend Circuit Court as a juror. ; ; Abn« r Weed and Horace Mitchell < • left Tuesday morning for California <’ Steve Collahan, of Bly, was regls- d at the Am. . I. au Hut. 1 this [ | week. J H. H. Kilgore and W It Campbell ».were in the city from l.augell Valley ! Monday. . W. E. Nicholson aud J F. LmMley ' came down last Sunday from Fort 1 Klamath. BORN—To Mr. and Mrs G. Helt- ; kemper, Jr., at noon Monday, a 12- pound boy. Mrs. J. T. Henley left on Tuesday J for San Francisco, where she will spend the winter. Frank lra White, who has been In i Portland for several w«*eka, return- : *‘d home Tuesday evening Mrs.Chas. Humphreys left Tuesday j morning for Visalia, Calif , on a vis it with relatives and friends. X 4444444444’ ¡«444 1*444*4444444444444444444 X 1 t 4 F 4 Don’t Forget that we are receiving SUITS every few days T he BRICK STORE Co. X 4 »f» »|» 4 »h 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 *1* *’!•* 4 *>•* 4 {*r* »i* *«•* *'!•* 4 *l~* 4 -i* 4 *i* 4 4 *♦* 44444X I M »W<M II •>"» 4Î »•< M IO BABY M MCN ---- - *>■ 11 • BA*' •e IMCM • «BBY •« to IMCN » wn ltd M • »Af. ► ■ f a . V. a» « aa a* * » a ■ T a ?•* u »! J « I ** J ’s 1 Li* 3 •7 ] a American field Fence and KOKOHO LAWN FENCE l BARB E I) J 11V SOLD ROBERTS & HANKS L B. Yaden, who has been In th«* city on business,left Monday morning for his horn«* in Circle Chy, Neigda. Frank Cutter came down from Bo nanza Sunday on his way to Cali- fornia where he will spend the • lu- ' ter. To Mie you the ru»h anil give you plenty of time to nuike Lynn B. Yaden ui.ive«! I ii» i Fri- your purchases, we have »tart«-«! our holiday goods display «-arly. day from Circle City, Nevada. He will There is no need for you to shop. You can’t And Christ- be here a few days attending to busi nui» good*, that combine more Is-auty and refinement with greater ness matters. every day usefulness, than our aelectiona. cabs VEGETABLES— Potatoes, Y’ou may as well come here soon and have the advantage bage, etc.. sauted by lh«> Monarch Mercantile Co. We pay CASH for of getting the pick of all the beat and that too, without having them . Bring them to us. 11-12 to elbow your way through jams of shopia r«. Among the ; Merrllllt.-s In the city Our store will be crow d. <1 all day long soon. Better couie Saturday were J. Shank, John Snow- early. ball, M. J. Beebe, W. E. Brown V. J McDougall and O. W. Brandon. FOR SALE—A fine ranch of 600 acres, 250 head of cattle, 100 head •f horses und uiules. Price (25,000. ■ ALa a*t>SI AiA wLa -A a*v>a » «a a^a aLa v^ 1^ MASON « SLOUGH. <w Y VV ▼> 10-29 BORN—To Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Cur now, at Placerville, California, on December 2, a girl. Mr. Curnow is ' interested in property in Klamath Falls and spent the summer here. Heating Stoves, Household Utensils, Guns For Sale or Trath^—Residence and and Ammunition, Cutlery in fact every- , business property In the best town in the Willamette valley. thing in Good Hardware—No shoddy or Inquire al the Boston Store. shelf-worn goods. 7-2tf • Agents celebrated Tom Moore notified the sheriff that some one had taken a sorrel horse and everything the farmer needs. i from his barn at Long laike at 9 'o’clock Tuesday night. The hors«* had ! two white feet. It is believed that it Is another case of horse stealing and the officers are making a search. Nell and David Camplxdl have pur chased the old laundry site on Main There has been a big interest dis “The mclancbolly days are here. played In the chess contest and the street of D. B. Campbell. The prop The saddest of the year—" Hrst evening shows that there will be erty Is situated between Tenth nd I many stiff games during the contest Eleventh streets and lias a frontage But it will make your heart ¡Among the players who put up a of 26 feet on Main str«-et and 46 fc*c*t I particularly strong game last even- on Pine. The pun I a-ors will erect glad to see the new ling were: C. E. Muse, Allan Sloan, a 26 by 60 foot store building on the line of L. W. Miller, Roy Walker, it. E Main street P. L. Fountain ta - just eonipli ted Guthridge and Glenn Johnson. Oth- the school censca for Distiiet No. 1. er strong players may develop later I in the series as it is not always pos- which includes the city oi Kl.imatli Fails. There are 302 boys and 337 to judge from the first game. Have you seen the new | -.ible Following are the games played, iiirli» or a total of 689 children of Diamonds? We have the first nunie being the winner by I school age in the city al this time, taking two games: . Arthur Leavitt i'bu ceusus ut 1907 showed 293 buys them in our win vs. C. C. Hogue; C. E. Muse vs. E. .and 302 girls, a total of (iul. This dow. .M.Bubb; Allan Sloan vs. F.J. Bowne; makes an increase of 38 children or L. W. Miller vs. J. E. Swanson; Roy a gain of six per cent in this year. Watch our Walker vs. J.E.*Bodge; Roy Bamako F. M. Miller, one of the chess en- pay you. We have go' It. Wyucoop. In the game be iiusidsls ui this city, who is euteied something to sho.v you in tween It. E. G itlirol. ■ and Gieuu .a the tournament starting iasi lues- who are both first cla ■ . la.' at tbe Band Club hall, is playing up-to-date Jewelrv and hol Johnson, playerH, Mr. Johnson won one gain* 1 i game with a man in Cleveland by iday goods of the highest and the rest were diaws. They will lostai cards. They have each made j G i ay mare, brand' <1 J.It. oil left continue playing until one lias two I ourleen moves and Mr. Miller thinks possible grade. games to his credit. • ■ lias his man going, but is anxious- »noulder; left eye out. H. J. WINTERS, Others who were matched but co .1 IKE JACKSON, waiting to see what his next move Yainax, Oregon. not play last evenin. ..'re: F. II /III be. j 1 112.12-17 ALL GOODS LNGHAVF.D FKU .Mills, J. G. Pleire, Joi n YaiP n, D. V ♦------ ------------ * While visltim.- friends one day last Kuykendall, A. L. I. avitt, E. B. Hei. FOR HALE: A firm stock ranch week, Mrs. Maiaret Smith, a well- ry, W. W. Nickerson and Dr. C. i 3000 acres with abundance of Anyone having an acron nt wlth the to-do widow of Seaford, N. J., raided Mason. The next meeting will b ater ami enough tlmbef’ tor the Singer-Wheeler & Wilson Sewing her eyes to the ceiling and exclaimed: Saturday, December 12, at 8 o'cioc ¡inch, Twelve miles from Klamath Machine Co., will kindly make their •’Why. Frank, wl-.e"« did you com« sharp. ’alls, About 500 acres fine plow remittances to E. W Muller, cor. Oth from?” Sb«- at rn<< tell dead Uni« R«'X K .ord. of th“ flene rand mnd; the balance meadow and pas- and Main Sts., Klamath Falls. Ore., a few Hour« before ner favorit» left Thursday for a tour of ' exs >re 1’1 <• ranch < mtrols 3000 acres I who now baa sole charge of this ter grandson, Fran Kane, nsd died, but and <t!:er joufh-r «tnter In the •» ’ open range "rice (IK.000.00 ritory for ua aba was not aware of the fact. i erm» ea»> MASON in SLOUGH ll-5tf Singer sewing Macbine Co lerest of Li. company T he FIRST PICK I............ 4 i HARDWARE DEALERS HOLIDAY GOODS AGCNS, BUGG IBS mil CARRIAGES STUDEBAKER STAR DRUG STORE * Dependable Hardware 4 4 4. * t Ellwood Fences— I GEO. R. HURN,the Har(fware Man ♦ 4 X44444‘444444-4444444444444X sniDEe^LK s"ki * Geo. T. Baldwin Phone 261 A Hello! Santa; Is that you7 “Yes; sure it’s inc “Well, say, Santa, be sure and stop at the Square Deni and tiet my Christmas and mama’s.” BERT E WITHROW, Secretary D on J. ZUMWALT, C. L. I'reaiih-nl Map», Plans, Blue Prints, Etc Abstracting E. M. HUBB, '’¡co i naiilunl and Treasurer Klamath County Abstract Co., Inc. Surveying and Irrigation Engineering KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON