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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1908)
NEW COM RU TS I.IKEI.Y. ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Attorney Fergusoa, of the R. la LONK riXK ITEMS. ♦ weeks on nec«>unt of sL kn«»ss. ■nation Service, who was sent h re ♦ ♦ «♦*♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A party of neighbor* nu t with Mrs from Pendleton, Is now busy «xant-1 II. T. Andvraon Tueslni evening, the J. Itcrvan butcher«'d twenty « o( bl* | Mr. Verlle, the lloiuinra freighter, Ining the titles to all the swamp lands th«» occasion being to celebrate het tat hogs the first of the week. spent Wednesday night at Olene, under the government project and birthday. l'h«>y «ltd «« Justice to Harry Lee is n«>w retaivcriug fr- .»i ! Mr. mid Mra. John Pool and twins, a bountiful birthday supp«r. ;oing over the contracts of the laud ' 'typhoid fev«»r. Irwin and Irma, visited at the Grig» which has b«»eu signed up. While, Miss lllauche Robinson «»nterlalned i Holmes is »«»riously III *l< h by ranch Sunday. tbs government has been secuilug ab , friends from outside Sunday. They pneumonia. -«tracts of title of all the lauds under Miss Ward« our teacher, hits r* were Miss Della Gerklng and Charles Mik«» Galarneau will haul the lum the system. it Is believ«»d that this turned from ner home nt *1 alent and Switxer, of Rouebury, and Thomas F ber for the completion of th«» br U • work on the swaiup lands at this, has resumed teaching again. Hawthorne, of Eugene. across the ditch which Mr. Mason I rue Is for some particular object aud II. T Anderson am! daughter, Miss Daniel l»txon spent Monday after has about completed. means that there will be aotuethlng J Mr. and Mrs. M. H Beebe we-' W*M”‘ Gladys, went to th«» Falls on busluess school house. doing with these lands tn the near Scy Faith went to Yonna Valley last Friday. visitors In Klamath Falls Monday. future. The government officials w ill Mrs G C. Slate visited the Gal«» J«H* Dervan took several loads of , Sunday and returned Monday. admit nothing further than that or- ''Uncle Johnny" Simmons has gen«» school Monday. We at«» always glad grain to Klamath Kalla during the lero have been Isoued to have this to Herbert Arant's ranch to stay for to r«s'elv«» visitors. last w«H»k. work done at once. Walter T.vler and Harley Johnson The new school house la nearing a while. It has been reported that since the were absent from school Tuesday on T. M. Cunningham, wl o has been completion. ■Aouthen Pacific Company has begun account of sicktiess. Wm. Barks was called to town tv living on the Henry Farrar pine«» for tutting In the dyke across the marsh, Last Sunday evening a party of the last two years,moved to thu Cater aerve on th«» Jury this ws«»k. he government has decided that the. relatives Invaded th«» home of Mr. and - place on Monday. I Harry Booth, for the last thr«».» swamp lands can be sub-irrigat«»d "Doc” Pool and "Min" Lovelady Mrs. K C Albin to welcome them to ¡«lays, has b«»«»n riding for his va'-u- it this Is the case it will be m*c«.-sary j Gale. rhoa<> present were: Mrs. R ble span of mules which have divs (went to a- dance given In the old to replace the old contracts, which' Gardner house In Poe Valley Friday <’ Anderiuin, Miss Clam Anderson, teriously strayed away. provid«»d for over flow irrigation, a ith Dannie Anderson, Mrs. G. (’ Slate, Mark Fern is now helping M It night. sew ones. Mrs. Grace Anderson, Home«» Hick Claud Clopton and Toni Coiburl Beebe haul up bis winter's supp!» of Those» who clnlnt to know statej man. Will Graham, I’m ik Anderson, took a ban«! of cattle to the Ankeny w ood, that this is the ca.»i ■ and that the' Mr an«l Mrs. Chas. Anderson, Mbs ranch for Chas. Horton. Jitu Cole, one of our prosperous action of the government in ordering Walter Campbell an.I George No Gltuhs Anderson, W t!'«r Fills ami ; farmers, has started his tall plow- 4he attorney to examine the titles, is ble, of laingvll Valley, mid Charles Mr. ami Mrs E C Alb'n i Ing. the first step tn pre:«aring to obtain The government telephone crew Dr«w, of Yonna Valley, went to aew contracts. It is stated that prac SHERIFF c\xx««r s|t»|* town Monday on business. Jias moved its «auip. conPANY tically all of the swamp land owners II \W KERN IX I Ills < ITV. Sheriff Barties has made several I Rev Andersou preached in th«’ vill be perfectly willing to accept th«» Some of th«» merchants of the city sc hool house last Sunday with a good trips up the country hunting Jury -eturn of the old contracts and sign havy asked th«» sh«»rlff to nrreet the men. attendance. up for sub irrigation, as It Is believe«! Dan and Frank Nichols stai j Th«» dance given at Nick Mon so us I pnrtlcs conducting the auction sule 4hat the cost will be much leas. It of J«»w«»lry, diamonds, e’c , nt the last Friday evening was largely at Olene Wednesday night of last is also vst-1, unofficially, that work building formerly <»< i i,pl<»<! In the They were taking freight to tended and enjoyed by all. s n reclaiming the swamp lands will Owl saloon. On loukin) law | Mr. John Cleveland Holmes died Lake. coaunen«» ni diatt-ly upon the com the sheriff finds that tl law Harry and Bessie Randles have d Wednesday morning at 9:15 o'clock, | pletion of the railroad bed across the I Incur Merrill. Mr. Holmes was born elded n«»t to attend school until af r«»gulatlng the tlc«»nslrg marsh, which will be In the early hawkers, etc., does not (iu Kenosha County, Wisconsin, and ter the Holidays. spring As s«M>n as the dyke Is fin-1 I tcarne here two years ago from Med-1 Early and Herbert Arant came down corporal«»«! cltli-s whvi»> 4» ishe«l the head gates which have been 1 pruvld»» llc»-n*lng sam I , ford. He was 72 years of age. He from Dairy Tuesday. I built can be closed ami this would iis i survived by three children, Oneita, Mrs. J. D. Whitman is on the sick i drain th«» entire swamp. After the George aud Ernest Holnit»s of Ala- list. laterals have be«»n made, sufficient s M rs . M. M c M illan , Prop’r. , bama. He also leaves two sisters, Carrie and Clyde Andrews have -water can be turned on to sub-irrk] IMrs. I.Ida C. Elleeon of Kenosha, been added to the list on ths school gate the land. W is., and Eda E. Lee, Klamath Falls, t'oiiiiiK-ncing Thursday inorulug register. --------- 6--------- aud brother, Wm. Holmes of W is >111 the steamer Klamath will leave Hie A I HOW SAWDUST IS I SHI». his Mr. Revenue has returned to coast«. dock at 8:30, a half Lour latei tl uu j Kot i Sawdust is one of the puzzling honostead to stay for a while i heretofore. wastes In b "'be'Ing op rations. The > SPECIAL RESOR T FOR TOURISTS > J Mr. and Mrs. A. Kinr- camo up ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ «V waste |g | ' ♦ from the Hadley ranch Sunday to ■ POKKGA.MA NEWS. th« part sjw in t! ' * The denial by John F ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦« ««««««> «ill! aud transformed into sawdust - i Joe McClellan and Bub Soderuiau i Mrs. J. W. Cox and da ighter. Ar thnt he had any wrong always bears a rather high ration to’iett for Thrall. Calif., 1« ri»nnlr th«» to repair the lena, wbo have scarlet fever, are con- investing In the stock •J the boards obtained. In cutting thin j railroad that granted rebates to t railroad near near that that place. place. , valescent. «tuff one-fourth of the log, or even • j. p. Kimball, J. F. Kimball, cruiser cruiser for for the the Wey-' Wey-' Geor<0 gmvth of Yonnft p|Wt4 (>n Oil company hns been t barrel of “alt by many cl .,iuore, n ay be kerf. Efforts to turn .erhaueser Co., spent several days in * bis way to the Falls Mouday. 4» sawdust Into pulp for the paper mill« ’pokegama, the guest of W. A. Brown, 1 cumstantlal evidence • , Jacob Rueck, of Honna, weut to 5 viet him. The sltun'b’n recalls a -have usually been unsuccessful on J Frank Hoover bagg.'d a bear on' Goods p.i. k - vl J .mil ship|\ I! ivy fi«-igli!::), Klamath Falls Saturday to atteud the story told regarding Senator Vest, account of mechanical difficulties in;Biavg Mountain last week. -handling. In several European coun-l Mrs. Mary Hoover is spending sev- Water Users meeting. a bpixl.iltv. Bugudy.e orders yivcH prompt .tl w ho, once upon a time, was defend- * Mike Taylor baa been repairing Ing a nian accused of a crime to which tries, however, a new way has been.eral weeks at her ranch on Klamath tention. Hiving up-to-date piano tm ks we the Lauxeil Valley telephone line. Il .there | ad be- a no act »1 W it n« Yount! of turning sawdust to account ' River. I sure ue«-ds Oxing solicit your fine piano moving. This care reminds me of a boyhood The sawdust, chiefly pine and fir. is. Clerk E. L. Coburn has taken the Mr. Paddock baa brought his sheep "The Ind ground with millstones, exactly as school census, 49 children are of down from his "Dry Piairie" taueb friend," he told the Jury, •ld-tlme mills made corn meal or ' school age. With the coming of to the I.oosley ranch tor the winter. stole and ate n custard pie. Dwfring 1 wheat or rye flour. Expensive ma- ma- 'families ' to avert suspicion from himself, he i i in the spring, it suggests an Mr. aud Mrs. R. K Sutton expect %%%%%%% w* w. w. w a. •%. IVNNXtimmVmWt selfed the family ent. ■'« ■■a»- I Its chinery is not required, but It Is nec- additfcm to the school house to leave soon to visit In Aiblaud for e-ssary to take special precautions' A farewell dance was given Friday »pass and mouth with custard and a while. against fires which might start from evening to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Stand- then took the animal Into the back Nt MM«»XH. Klamath Republican, a weakly news There will be a special meeting held «parks between the mill stones. in. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Berry and John at the school house Saturday to elect yard and shot her. observing: 'There In tli«¡ C ircuit Court of tlx- Stale of paper printed ami published at Klam Sawdust flour is sold to dynamite Post, who left Susday for Olympia, goes one more victim of circumstan ath Falls, Oregon, by order of the a director to Oil the vacancy. tial evidence.' ” It fa needless to factories, to be mixed with nitrogly- Washington. Oregon, for klanmtli < ounty. Those present were: Hon. George Nuland, 'Judge of the Frank Pool etarted to school Tues r -rln, and forms the body or absorb Messrs, and Mrs. N. H. Fennel, John add that the senator's client was ac Eugene 8p« tic«»r, Plaintiff, vs F I. above named court, and dated on day and presented the teacher with ent for that high explosive. It is al Sanders, Geo. S. Parmans, Geo. Span- quitted. Wright and Ctara Wright, Defend October 39th, 1908. dlr cling a good “rod of correction.” so in demand for the manufacture of nis, Frank Armstrong, J. Mosier, ♦ The first publication to be made ants. Summons. J. D. Whitman went to town Tee«- cheap blotting papers. The mills in J. W. Shultz, Ed. Way, Loren Moore, To F. L. Wright, above named de on Thursdni, the 5th «lav of Novem According to those who have seen day. the Harz Mountains, In Germany, an Joe Frizzell. Missess Loraine Fennel, ber, 190B and the last publication to moat of the disease In the Philippine fendant: important, manufacturing center, are Iva Monaghan; Messrs. Ray Chase, In the name of 'be State of Ore ba matte on the 17th day of D«»c«»mbrr Islands, leprosy Is not contagious, kept busy meeting this demand. The* Earl Mer.aghan, Tony Burgess, Jas. «♦♦♦»»♦♦♦«*♦«♦♦♦♦ You are hereby r« qulreil to I »01 and is hardly Infectious. Lieut. Chas. gon: price of the "flour” in Germany rang-1 Hoover, E. L. Coburn, Archie San- I ♦ GALE HAPPENING». ♦ E. MacDonald, of ti e army medical r.,p«-ar am! an wer the plaintiff's I F fl MILLS, xs from »7.50 to »12.50 a ton. It tojders. Music was furnished by Mos- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ I Attorney for Plaintiff. Corp«, has Just seut to Dr Isadore complaint In th«- above entitled suit »•hlpped in bags, like meal, or In bales p^r's Qrthestra. Monday afternoon while riding for Dyer, of New Orleans, fresh proofs on or before the J 7th day of D««cein- 1 IS 12 17 of about 40 cubic feet, made by means' Milling operations are at a stand- thnt the disease is really a rar« form ber, 190s, that being the last da? of high pressure. *stilL Most of the families, however, Mr. Dalton, Will Whitchlatcb was I thrown to the ground* striking on of tuberculosis, contracted from In proserlbtd In th«» order for public« NO'IK E. ,---------------♦- ; will remain through the winter. fo« t< <1 sea food. It has often been tlon of summon« and th>- time within his head. He was unconscious all THE GRAND JURY’S E. T. Abbott, general manager of obat-rved that persons affilited with which the said d »fendnnt Is required day, but is now able to be out. FIRST INDICTMENT, the K. L. R. R., left Sunday for an R. C. Anderson, with the help of leprosy have lived on <lls -as«»d fish to appear and answer an<l If you fall The first report of the Grand Jury i extended trip east. On his return he Jack Anderson, E. C. Albin and Wai and clams. That the dl. as«.- Is not so to an»w«r th«- plaintiff will apply The time has now nrrlvi-d when was made at noon Wednesday. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Ab- ter Eller, butchered sts h«,gs last spread from Its human h i-t or by to the court for th« relief as de- every settler on rwllroad lands should brought In an indictment against bott, who has been visiting relatives bad sanitation has b««-n demonstrated manded In plaintiff's complaint, that Wednesday. Join In a complaint In tne suit now Dave Alexander for assault with in in Minneapolis for several months. While riding home from school on Dr. MacDonald says, among the lep 11« to say; pending between the Government of tent to kill on the person of an In That Judgment and decree be enter Monday George Ward and Walter Ty ers of Samar. Next year a congress the United Htatcs and tho Itallroud dian. NOT ENOUGH POLES ler were thrown from their pony. It will be convened at Bergen, Norway, ed for the sum of »3488.34'together Company ami others. Th« object of The witness in the Walker case SO WILL BUILD JAIL. did not hurt the boys much but great at which it Is hoped that tj;«» profen- with Interest thereon at the rate of this Is that tho rights of «»very on« has not arrived, and the Jury spent Madras, in Crook County, which sional and lay delusions about lep 8 per cent'per annum from tho 13th ly amused the school. may be settled at the one time, and the afternoon examining witnesses in wiil probably be the first division day of Jun«, 1908, and for tho further W. H. Todd is busy plastering his rosy will be cleared away. «•very person who Intervene«, If tho the case of the State vs. Melton, Hale point of the new Harriman railroad -------------- •--------------- sum of »300 ns attorney's fees, to- house and getting rea«Jy for winter settlers are successful, ns wo fully and Thompson, for robbery of tl up the Deschutes River, and which Is gi«ther with costs and disbursements Edmond Klvy has s«ild produ<< to Possibly the reason that a girl does believe they will bo, will at once bo store of Schallock & Daggett Com-1 now the headquarters of numerous the amount «if »100'1 off of seven ac not scream when she is being klssc«! of said suit, and that the following enabled t<> obtain title to their land, pany. The three men have been in: surveying crews, is building its first r«-al property, to wit; res of his dry land farm. That is • is because it woultl spoil the kiss while If they are not Joined In thia the county Jail awaiting the action :calaboose. With the coming of the An undivided four-fifths Intercut better than being under the ditch. As unmarried women grow oldei suit, complications will bo sure to of the Grand Jury since last July. -railroad «ornes.also the usual appor- Mrs. Glacornlnl Is using all of her the size of the man required to fli In aik ! to the South ’A of HW %. arise,'either by forfeiture of the land« ---------- ♦---------- tionment of "drunks and disorder- spare time in giving Instruction on their d«-flnition of tie- id«-al propot- Section X0, North *A of NW’4 and to the Government of tho United Travel between New York and Mes” of every railroad town. Here- the piano, Anyone wishing to take Lots numbered 1 am! 2 of Section ately decreases. Slates, or by r-n >n of n dc<reo of Brooklyn has se«.‘n a remarkable in- I '«»fore, Madras has been content with lessons in music would do well to If men were as bad as they like to 29. tho NW % of th«- NF'/«, SE’A of th«« court simply affecting purlins to crease during the past year. The to- handcuffing Its "bad men” to the call on her as she is second to none pretend they are, or as good as thel’ NW’A and Lots 1, 2, 3 nnd 4 of Sec the suit, or In other ways that will . tai travel in both directions for twen-1 proverbial telephone polo, but honce- in her Instruction ami playing ; wives think they are, the world wouhl tion 20, nil In Township 39, South make It more expensive to the parti«« ty-four hours was 816,000 as com- forth the town will have a regula- Jtango 7 Eust, Willamette Meridian, R. C. And<«rson went to Klamath be nil Jails and monasteries. than at present, and would take them pared with ”06,000 last year, an ln-'tion lockup. Klamath County, Oregon, saving nnd Falla Sunday. ---------- •---------- a long time to got title oven If euo- crease of about 16 per ¿ent. The exc-ptlng all that portion of lot 2, of > Mrs. R. F. Andersou left Monday cossful In other proceeding«. opening of the Subway tunnel and S. C. GRAT ES Bl YS THE morning for Woodland, Calif., to NOTH E OF ADMINTSTRATOR'H S'ctlon 29, to wit; Beginning at thu All pnrtlos who are Interested ar« FINAL ACCOUNT. the growing traffic over the Williams- ¡ BONANZA BULLETIN. spend the winter with her parents. Southeast corner of said lot 2, thenco Invited to cull upon or correspond Notice Is hereby given that Mont. burg Bridge have caused a decrease1 Last week's Bonanza Bulletin con challis, thence West Mr. Gerber brought 4 34 head of North 10.80 of travel over the Brooklyn Bridge tains the announcement that. 8. C. cattle to Willis Johnson's Friday to E. Hntchl on, administrator of the 10.80 chains; thence Routh to the with tho undersigned at once. GEO. W. TREFRBN, from 423,000 in 190" to 310,000 in Graves lias purchased tl:« paper of feed. Estate of Annie Hutchison, deceas meantier line on the right bank of Ashland, Or«. 1908. An analysis of ti • traffic across | J. O. Ilamaker & Sons, and will i.ero- Misi Blanche Robinson was great ed, has fl'1 4 bls final account of the the Klamath Illver, thenco lollow- 1 2-3-2t tlie East River I uws that the ferries after be the editor and proprietor. ly d>»appoitiied Thanksgiving in nut administration of said estate with the lag suid tin nailer line up r.treatn to carried lCS.tiOO; tl • Subway, 160,- to. Gm :r.ty Court of Klam t’.«! pla« c of beginning, c nfrlnlng 12 ■ ; i avii ■ ■ 111ilI from h i tl i i, .H m cir h of th'- 1 he Christmas money goes farther ftOO; Williamsburg Bridge, 182,000, with the newspapers of t.1 o co nty, Ma. Robinson, of Dairy. Miss Rob nth County, Oregon, and thnt said ncr««, mor« or less, held under mort and Brooklyn Bridge 310,000. Noth and thoroug! acq.iai itanc ex in,on had I er arm sprained and was court has appointed the hour of. 10 gage in this suit foreclosed, bo sold if put into an Edison Phonograph — farther because ing coukl show more forcibly than tending throng) out tl I •ction will liable to come. She is expecting to o’clock In the forenoon of Thursday, to satisfy any Ju<1gm<»nt. or decree ob- the phonograph do these figures the commanding po- insure him a large pai age ti e 31st day of December, 190K, as talnod In this suit; an«! thnt an order lie i- us before Christmas. goes further, sitlon held by the famous Brooklyn | ipper country I- st : a r. and Mrs. Frank Hadley re- the time for hearing of objections, If of i ale bo made, ns under execution, corries with it Bridge among the transportation fa- of develop -i.t I I nt d Frida veniiig from a week's any there be, to such final account to tho Sheriff of Klamath County, Or- more pleasure eilitlcs u M li attan Island and , field for a good i i i > at the I Falls. and the settlement thoredf. jegon, and that sale be made as pro- for more peo Long Island llcan wishes Its ol I stau < .1 G. Swton left for his home i Thls notice Is published by order vlded by law on all of said real prop- ple for a longer — ed success. > lamat). Falls after a week of of said County Court, made and en- erty as described heroin and that all time than any WOLFF L*I IN. < on the i ranch ten d in the records thereof the 34th right and title and Interest of the gift you could SIVEN MODELS Peter J. Wolff and Ruby Irene Gil ESTRAI VII Mr. and Mrs. Tenbrook and chll- day of November, 1908. defendants In and to such real prop select. Every 912.50 to $60.00 man, both of this county, were unit <1 Mr Fltr-h, of Merrill, spent MGNT. E. HUTCHISON, erty, or any portion thereof, be fore m. chine guar ed In marriage Monday by Judge Geo. Bay Horse, w» ght si wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Woo- Administrator of the Estate of Annie closed, and for such relief un may be anteed for one Noland, at his Chambers In the Court 3-cornered brand ale Hutchison, deceased. equitable. year. H. J. WINTERS House. Htl 10-8tf 8. Herllhy. Kt Llttle Mildred Morgan has return- 11-28-12-31 This summons la published tn the Jewelry and Musical Instrumenta We want al! of Your Eggs, Chickens, Butter and fur keys. Will pay Cash for them. i We have 700 boxes of nice, HAND-PICKED Winter Apples to arrive in a few days. Our Prices will be right MONARCH W,*CAN,,,U Lakeside Inn, Í i i» Í t I t Phones--Office 871. Barn 873 \ Í