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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1908)
Official Newspaper ol Klamath County KLAMATH VOL. XIII REPUBLICAN. Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH F ALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, NOVEMBER 19, 1908 NO. 34 CON I RAFT SIGNED. HHEEI’MAN KILLED. I . J. IIENEr SHOT. « ♦ ♦ ♦ TI LE LAKE OUTLET. are working on the stone quarry In Cornelius Flntirana was shot and Francis J lleney/ who Inaugurat W O Ililwon, of tho Long Luke YONNA ITEMS. ♦ the northern part of tha valley. Project Engineer D W. Murphy, ♦ Instantly killed by Itobt McCullough ed und has carried the graft pros of the Reclamation Hervlce, returned * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦ Lumber Company. Friday i«>«<*lved Mrs C. E Drew has been visiting Inst W<*dn<’H<1uv about twenty miles ecution In Han Francisco, was shot last Tuesday from Mprrill where he Jacob Hueck made a business trip her mother who Is living In Dorris. u <«>tilra«t from Hi«' Dwight Luuibor oust of Lakeview The men were down In the criminal court room at had been to inspect the work being to Bonanzu last Tuesday. t'omi'uu«, ot Hun Fram'lwo, for from George Ritter has gons to the Falla Fred B«*ck Is dehorning his cattle, for his winter supplies. Rolli sheepmen and the Is said l 3u p. m. Friday, by Morris Haas, done on the opening for the lowering five to six inlllloii find ot box llilllbor Falls «<« Nation to co>il.<<l to l>e the termination of bad feeling a Hebrew Haas maintains that he of Tula Lake 1 he government force and will turn all of his stock out yiiitly for Hire» yours with the prlvl- Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sterzl hate gone Cul.foi ni.i N, rt h> a» ls-t n nt between the two men which began alone la responsible for the deed and has made an opening at the south again, which he had had In the pas- to the Falla on a business trip thia I«*».«* of five yours Th«* lumber lu to thut II was commlltod Io revenge him end of the lake about 100 feet long : lure for several weeks, on account week Mr. Rankin will cstnbllnh some time ago. In* furnished at tho Coinii luaitirs In Klumuth Falls The killing la said to liuve occurred self on Heney. ilnas was one of the by 15 feet wide at the top. Water ot the feed giving out In hla Held. which Is to b«« built on Hie Chas Drew has bought a load of Walter Rimpson und C. C. Pearson hogs from Mr Campbell of Lorellg. Within the iioloHUt*» of Firmian«* veniremen at the first trial of Ruaf was turm-d Into the opening on Sun of the Upper Luke and while trying to qualify as a Juror One of Ills helpeis discovered some I II«* Long l.nki- Compuny luis ai-t-ur- day lemi>orarily as an experiment to went to Bonanza on u business trip Mr and Mrs. W. L. Simpson, who horses which were used for pa'king lleney brought out th«- fact that Haas The Nelson place north of Mr. recently tame to live In Yonna from oil u mill nite on the Upper Luke with how fast It would disappear Tbe on the place They were In charge hud served u term in the penitentiary entire opening was filled and the wa Vieira's place has been rented to John Rogue River Valley, have leased tha 5i>U foot of lake front und Guo feet of one of McCullough's men und were for embezzlement. it was for thia ter sank Into the crevices at quite Anderson. water front on the canal which Is to Flackus place for tbe winter. It Is reported that Chas. Horton Is ordered off Flnucane then started that iiuus tried to kill lleney. b«< drodgod by Chas E Worden Thu a rapid rate. The water will prob Wm. Wight has supplied Joseph HAN FRANCISCO. Nov 14. 3 out to see if the sheep camp wus on ««•mpiiiiy bus about two weeks saw ably be turned off today and the Intending to buy the old Colahan Welsh and James Wight with dressed hit land lie nut McCullough und — Frutuls J iletiey, w ho was ing to finish nt Long Luk» und will work continued on enlarging the op place for Put Colahan pork for tbe winter. Mrs. M P Nelson will go East to asked him what authority he had for down lu the crlmluul court room ening. then niov«« their mill to Hie new lu- Mr. Muller, the Edison Phonograph [ terday, Is resting easily, and being on his place. The two men got union Timbers are now being sawed There is not much expectation that spend tbe winter and visit with her agent, has been In tbe valley on bus In a row und Flnucane took off hls chances for his recovery are for th«* now plant. iness. ' apermanent outlet will be found suf friends. Harrison Gray, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. chaps und coat so us to be free to bright. t’nh-ss blood poisoning Th«* company Is to bulhl a modern ficient to drain the lake, but the op Thon. Stanley, of this valley, made , tight lie was unarmed. McCullough in, all danger Is past mill equipped with bam! suws with u ening will be of value In lowering W. L. Rimpson went to Klamath Falls a trip to tbe Falls this week. Ha investigation of the premises occu tied u gun mid u revolver. In (he capacity of 4<>.uno feet a day. Work the water in case Ix>s River should Thursday. will start in plowing on his place on Mr.and Mrs. Hellbronner, who have his return. striigg>j McCullough dropped the gun pied by Morris Haas disclosed the fact be diverted to other channels. Is to commence within the next few It that the attempted assassination of which was picked up by one of Fln- Weeks so us to have the mill rcuilv for would take a considerable length of ben living two miles from Bonanza, J. F Cutter will spend tbe winter ucane's men. McCullough then drew the Prosecutor 1s the result of long time to drain the lake bed by evapor- ■ sold their place and provisions for In California, and his son Irving, who operation by March 15. Th., priment and careful preparation on tbe part his revolver and shot Flnucane, the at Ion and this opening could be used >500, and have gone to New York. planing mill and factory of the la«ng was recently married In Washington, of the assassin. In the cellar of the I Jas. Bryans of Michigan, is visit will come and live on his father's bull pushing through the left arm to good advantage, so that tbe work I nko Compauy will continue to In* house wus found a target and him-I ing his cousin, A M Wagner, who is ranch this winter. mid heart mid nearly through the will not be wasted. operated at its prea«*iit location until •In «Is of empty cartridges and cart- working for Mrs. L. M. Fitch. body. I nut li was almost instuntune- all of the atm k of lumber In th» yards Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McCumber went ridge boxes ami evidences of where Mr. and M th . Theodore Hammers- to the Falls Friday on business. ous There were u number of wit- l.lsT OF JlltOltS FOR Is iisixt up It will then I»* moved to llaas had. for months, perhaps, been nessei to tin- shooting, men employe«! NEXT TERM OF ( Ol RT. ley are thinking of spending tbe win the Upper l.nk<* Where the saw mill B. 3. Grigsby, of Klamath Falls, carefully practising marktnanshlp, in The sheriff Is now serving the sum ter ip Roseburg. Oregon. I* to I m * built has sold his place In the upper part order to perfect hls ulm and make Mr. and Mrs. Chas Woelk are mot- of Yonna Vailey to P. Reynolds, at mons for the regular jury list for the The Dwight Lumber Company han i sure of his victim Ing back on their homestead near >20 per acre and in turn has pur A coronei's Jury held an Inquest December term of Court. There were leuiu'd groutnl from the Long laik<-1 For days previous to hls shooting Geo. Smyth's place. .on Friday afternoon, and they re people ami will build a box factory chased 320 acres of land from Mr. down of Iletiey, Haus has been in the: 31 names drawn and the Grand Jury Mr. Carl Adams of this valley went Godfrey Beck at >15 per acre. turned n verdict to th«- effect that will be selected Oom this list. The n«*ar the saw mill Thev will operate ¡court room wutchltig every movement i to the Falls on a business trip this th«* d«*« «'used came to hls death by a « ATTI.E THILA Es III NY. and manufacture their own boxes for C. C. Pearson and L. A. Sterzl were .of the mun he hud marked for death. names will be drawn from this list Cattle sleallng Is ulmost a tlilng gunshot wound lit the hands of Rob I At flu- time h«' arose and followed I and the first seven drawn will con week bringing back a load of freight hauling lumber from Bald Butte saw shipment to California Mr Dwight 1' ert McCullough. They did not bring lleney down the corridor It was seen stitute the Grand Jury, Following la for W. P. Sedge the merchant of mill last Tuesday, for building the will relurn here In January ati«l ar- of the past lu K In mal h County Dairy. N'«nrl; u < luirg«* of murder agulnst McCul I by those who noticed him that he was the list of jurymen: rang«* for the er«*«*tlun of th«* lx«x fac lu alinosi hui luit entlrely cloak room and porch on the school David Shook, of Dairy, has been bouse. tory which Is to lie completed by the every year there hue beeu complaints lough, but a warrant was lssue<1 ami ashen pah* and very nervous, it Is to- Thos. Stephens. E S. Phillips. Hen-' latter part of March Mr Dwight has brought by people with ranches In he was plac'd under arr«*st ami will this nervousness that Mr. lleney owes ry Stout, C. C. Hogue, John Matney, h®ullnB logs to build corrals from A few days ago an attachment was Arant, _______ Lester hls ranch lb® northern part of this served by Sheriff Barnes on I. F. Dav made arrangements with th«* railroad the vicinity of the gap und In Pie« be held pending th«* preliminary h-ar- hls life, for it was evidently the in Geo. B. Snyder, J. J. ______ for the shipment of hls output and Valley of loosing cattle. It lias al Ing ies of Dairy, on his new store, for the tention of the assassin to hit his vic-| Kirkpatrick. John Shepard, E. L. Ab Talley, Miss Lizzie Fitch of this valley was lumber bill owing to the Moore Bros, Th«* dale for th«* preliminary hear- tint at the base of the brain. len. Wm. Barks, and C. T. Darley, of expeits the road to be completed with ways stirred up considerable fe**llu • spurs to the mill so as to eommeuce and while It has been claimed that I ng Int not been s«*t yet and will not of Klamath Falls. No sooner had the shot been fired Klamath Falls. W. E. Nicholson, Fred ln Dalr>' Wednesday. Chas. Drew has been hauling wood i •• until th.* State Is r. ady. This will tin- parti«*« who did the stealing wei shipping bv July 15 ««f next year The yield of potatoes from Mrs. than Haas was grabbed and hurried , Loosley and Jas. Pelton, of Fort Kla- Major Worden who owns ifiun ft known, fur some reason, probably the | probably be several days or a week to the city Jail and the spectators in i math. R. C. Anderjon and F. M from the mountains. August Flackus’ ranch, although not Wm.Flackus of this valley, brought so large as usual, was 59 sacks. of water front on th» lake has ar lack ot convicting evidence, no con as it will I,«- n.Hesaury to have a re- th«* court nwm had no opportunity Barnum, of Merrill. Carl Adams, W. ranged with J F Adams to dredge certed action has ever been taken to porter to take th«* testimony. They to make any kind of a demonstration, P. Sedge. C. H. McCumber and John a load of wheat to Bonanza and In Scy Pool has just returned from an* iirinbl** to »«-cure one In Lakeview M. Anderson, of Dairy. Michael Ru- return brought back a load of flout. Lakeview with a load of apples. He a channel from the Ink» shore to punish the guilty ones so quickly was the work done. The latest cas<* Is th» loss bv Rex anti Court l(e|>orter Rlcbards<in will There will be a meeting In Bonan visited last week at the Gap with bls high ground This will give 'ilm At first the story was believed to be eck, of Yonna. W. H. Casebeer, W. Hord, al Olene, of one Ited Polled not go from h«.*te It la probable that a canard, but gradually the facts fol T. Garrett and Ed. Bloomingcamp, za next week and the people will de father, who has been very ill with about double the water front h<* bus Kuykendall lowed on the heels of the first report It 1« asserted that Prosecuting .Attorney Frank Nichols and John cide about the new road which they pneumonia. Bly. nt prem-tit The bank thrown up by steer and n cow may d«*« Id«* to go to Lakeview to at- and as each new story was told the Forbes, of Bonanza, Solan O. Allen. want to build from Klamath Falls to these animals wore stolen from the tho dredge will be used for track-, by Messrs. Whitellne, Anderson and ¡mature Friday night, November G t«*nd the hearing. temper of the people rose until the1*! Keno. J. H. VanMeter, of Bed-, Lakeview. the railroad Howard came to the Beck ranch to Tin* friends of the deceased have Manuel Vieira has recently pur get oats, rye and wheat. As these city was one seething mass of human field. H. O. Bussey and Ben Abbe- The building of this new nilll and Mr. Bord Is offering a reward of >2t 0 retulne«) Iudg>* Webster, of Portland, ity crying out for vengeance. loos, of Ixirella. chased about 57 tons of hay from the men are from other parts of the tbe establishment of a box factory for Information that will lead to the as private prosecutor to assist the Reservation; of Tim Brown, paying county. It shows crops were poor oth ---------- ♦---------- \\ hen first removed to th«* hospital In th«* Dwight Company m«*nns more conviction of the party or parties«*. and with B< nson A Stone In It wns not believed that Mr. Heney who did the uteiillng SALOONMEN ARRESTED. >285 for It. He had also purchased er places as well as in Yonna Valley, for Klamath County than anything charge of th«* defense. It undoubtedly I nd air. possible show for recovery. Over u dozen arrests were made about 42 tons previous to this from and tbe people here are proud to be that baa bap|»*n«*d for a«>m«* tlm«* --------- ♦--------- will la* u liaid fought legal battle Ro close wus Huas to hls victim when last Saturday for violation of the Mr. Pearson, paying >8 per ton for it. able to supply them. The lumber Indmtry li bound to I h * REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS the shot was tired that the hair was local option law and a large number - ♦— The Bonanza flour mill stopped Geo. Ritter has plowed thirty ac th«* Important resource In the mu au T. Shortt l urned and powder marks surround-¡of additional warrants are said to be running a few day on account of the res of land this fall, and many more la« tui Ing line In Klamath Falls for sc . Sec FINE < EI.ERY. <d the wound. It was thought that in the hands of the sheriff for service, batteries burning out. ><*ai>i The Dwight Lumber Company 20. nt) of people are plowing as they think all T|> 37 «. It has been demonstrated beyond the brain must have been penetrated. The Local Option forces have had a O. Howard made a business trip the farmers will have good crops next Is <>n<* of the Ini Meat box manufactur R 9 a. W 1“ doubt that Klamath County can A hasty examination, however, proved half dozen spotters In the city for the to Yonna Valley. He came to pur- year. ers In California and their coining Asa II ; grow celery the equal of any In the this to be incorrwt and then began past week securing evidence and to- chase potatoes for the Bloomingcamp here means the opening of a great ne1», Sec. Harrison Gray, while returning United States. Jas. Straw planted the hunt for th«« bullet. Probing fall- day the warrants were sworn out and ranch, of Mr. Carlson, buainexs for this s<*ctlon They will >•25 00. from Wm. Flackus and C. C. Pear quite n plot of land to celery on the e«l to locate the agent of d«*ath and aerved by Deputy Sheriff Schallock Dave Moses, who formerly bought son’s places, accompanied by bls lit naturally In* followed by many others I’ C Starrett to H II Starrett, un west side as a sort of experiment. He Warrants were served on the fol- hidei fn Yonna Valley, is now sick in tle niece, Maude Kirkpatrick, bad a ami It will be only a i< w yearn when divided one-half interest In the <>H. Is now supplying nearly all the town It was not until the wounded prosecu tor was submitted to the X-Rays was lowing persons C. D. Willson. Ar- a hospital in San Francisco, This is runaway which seems to all who the I pper Li.k.* will I»* al ve with Bet i •, T f It a., i II and could readily find n market for the bullet found lodged in the jaw. thur \\ illson, J. V Houston, Merle the third time he has been ln the hos- know of it to be a miraculous escape, mills converting Into lumber th«* bll- Mrs Lillie E. DeHay ot vlr to I'aul i much larger quantity than he has. llot.s of feet of limber wnlrh Is now Cochran. lot H. hlk 9. Duffy addition. I The celery la far superior to that Never was It more evident that Mr. Houston, Carl Reed. Frank Fax, W. ptta| recently. in the case of the little girl, who was Heney Is living under a special pro H. Dulaney. Otto Heidrich. Jas. A. I Mr. Hoppy, of Yonna Valley, is alone in the buggy. He had gotten standing In this county. East Klamath Falls. >100.00. I grown In California and parties here tectlon in this case. for the bullet Crane. Al. Lyons, Tom Calloway and now working for Joe Coburn on the out ot the buggy to open the gate and 1 In* time Is liist coming when th«* Horatio Orem el ux to June Grimes I who have lived In Michigan state say after it was closed the horses got shores of the I'ptu'C l.ak<* Will b<* one portion of lot 7 and I, hlk. 14, Nich that It is even better than the famous passed so close to the jugular vein Stella Watson. It is said that the Reservation. that a variation of the smallest frac- sheriff has a large number of more| The dam in the upper part of the frightened and broke a line. They great factory anil mill section It 1s ols addition to Klamath Falla, de Kalamazoo celery. tlon of an inch would have resulted i warrants which will be served as fast reports«! that the pinna of th«« Weyer- scribed by motes and bounds. >425. The celery grown by Mr. Straw in a rupture and almost Instant death, as the cases are disposed of by the valley belonging to Geo. Ritter and ran about a mile, after they were Jasper Bennett, which they built last loose from the buggy and then were hauser Company Include the bulbllng J L. Arnett el ux to Wilbur White Is solid, crisp and free from all court. —♦---------- year for >1200, for irrigating pur caught. on the Upper Laki* ot the largest saw parcel of land In hlk 82. Klamath ad- stringy material and of delicious The cases were all brought before poses, is to be finished tilts fall. They ---------- *---------- ( 1TY <XH N< IL. mill In th«« world They now own dit Ion to Klamath Falla, described by vflavor. Inspeaking of Klamath Coun- County Judge Qriflith. who fixed the have the water that came from the TO THE PEOPLE OF about six good mill sites along the metes and bounds, >10 00. City Council Monday night grant- ty ns a celery country Mr. Straw stat- bond In each case at >500 und set the KLAMATH FALLS. lake ami when they commence build >*d he did not kuow how much lund ed a permit to Mrs. E. E. Heidrich date of the preliminary hearing. C.D. mountains last year and this year as Voicing tbe hearts of my children ing the future ot tills section from a there was in tho county that was, to make i epairs on her residence on Willson waived examination and was none has been used for irrigating tbe NEW HI ITS FII.KD. and an aged mother, we wish to kind land ithe <’orn‘‘r First and Main streets. bound over to the Grand Jury. The land. manufacturing atandpolnt Is assured adapted to celery, but that the c Frank vs 8. Johnson Co. F , Ill 1' 1 * 1 Irmtitr 1' fro* I llo enol i^e Roy Vestal has filed on a homestead ly and gratefully thank those who The Weed Lumber Company Is also [To C. P. Gregory for the construction preliminary hearing for the first case' Eldred, Attachment. J. C Ilútenle. he was using seemed to be first class near Short Lake. The eastern part have been sister and brother to our planning to enter this field of a 22 by 32 nouse in the Arnett i for that purpose. It is of a rich i. sot for 9 o'clock Monday. attorney for plaintiff ¡of Yonna Valley is getting to be the mother, daughter and wife, Mrs. O.C. block on Walnut street. To W. T. loamy soil, moist and easily drained. -A- ----- ♦ ---------- ♦ Elvin M. Loonier VH James M. 'Bachelors’ Homes.” Caldwell, during her leng illness in He has grown some of the best celery Elliott for Interior repairs and addi DEI ENDANTS 1M> NOT FOll RALE A fine rsnch of f.00 Handle. Sult to Quiet Title Th<»< Jeff. Kirkpatrick and Wm. Norton this city. tions to the building on Main street this year that he has ever seen any ALL AVA1AE EX AMINATION. acres. 250 heud of cattle, 100 head Drake, attorney for plaintiff re preparing to trap on Saddle Moun Mra. J. M. Cleaver, where but has lost a good deal by formerly occupied by Lewis A- Piel The preliminary hearing of W. H. ---------- •--------- of hornea and multa. Prlce 125.000 tain this winter. O. C. Caldwell and bruising In covering. He thought blacksmith shop. Dulaney. Otto Heidrich and Jas. Toy«. Holiday Uood. KKK Store it'. 10-2» MASON & RMJUGIL Grizzle Bros., of Klamath Falls, Children. A petition signed by a large num Crane, of the Monarch Mercantile there ought to b«> good money In the ber of property owners asking that business here wh«*n there was a lar ; Company , accused of violation of the ger market, but he said he know lit Eighth street be opened up from Local Option Law. was held before1 tle about growing celery and had Klamath avenue to Walnut streets, County Judg<* Griffith at 3 o'clock was referred to th«* street committee. i>. in. Monday. The defense was rep only planted It aa an experiment. Permits were granted to Ernest resented by Judge Thos. Drake and I Roll experts who have examined Itlie laud stat«* that there are vast Barnes ami 1' L. Fountain for the t K ”a"smlt”h, undThe prose^t'on Zas Hquantltles of land adjoining the river eri'ctlon ot signs over the sidewalk conducted by Prosecuting Attorney and lakes on which the soil is spe In front of their offices on Main St. Kuy kendnll. The bond of Oscar L. Carter, the 'daily adapted for lile growing of Fi,.«I ¡1. Robbins, the complaining celery ns soon as a ¡»roper drainage new Marshal, with W. T. Shlve and witness was th«* first man called to: system Is put In. The immense Fred Schallock as sureties In the stand. Mr. Robbins testified that 1 | swamp lands nlong the lower lake sum of >1000 was approved. he was a resident of Portland and An ordinance was passed for ’•b' was employed by the Antl-Raloon | can nearly all be used for growing ¡celery. The beBt soil for this pur- establishment and regulation of “b1 I .«'ague of Oregon. He had been In pos«> is a rich, peaty loam, well aup- police force, giving the Mayor power Klamath Falls since the evening of lie a “wise one" anti watch my stock, as it conics in. ¡piled with moisture, but well drain with the consent of the Council, to October 27. On the third of Novem ed. Ruch Is the soil nlong (he lower make appointments and rules for the ber lit* and a number of other men lake according to the recent tests governing of the police. It also pro went Into the Monarch and bought Xmas gifts. made by the government soli expert. vides that the Marshal shall have the drinks, each taking whiskey, th* Tho celery Industry has developed right to suspend any policeman un then purchased a pint bottle of whls- Mv stock will be more complete than ever be enormously in the Inst quarter of a der him for good reason until the ; key. century. From being restricted to next meeting of the Council. On cross examination he stated On motion of Councilman Crislcr that the only knowledge he had of individual gardens it has In many lo- cnlltlen become a specialized busi the tiro alarm system was declared whiskey wus from the taste. The ness. with machinery adapted to its too complicated and the department attorneys for th«* defense attempted by doing your shopping early. particular need • The great celery was ordered to use the old system to prove by the witness that he did I I <• usual remark - growing sections are hi Michigan.' of signals for wards not know whut whiskey was. not be A resolution was passed declaring ing tauilliar with the ingredients and California and New York, where mas Gilts." Let us do the bothering. Let us suggest thousands ot acres are devoted to this the emptying of sewage Into the wa- only having a slight knowledge of erop, amt from sotnn of these dis- ,el '*r*,n 0,1 Second street a public the taste. and give its the pleasure of showing you everything lu th«* forenoon John V and Merle I tr|cts hundreds of carloads of celery . nuisance, and it was ordered that no nice for this great event. I even trainloads from California, are] tice be served today on the property Houston waived examination and distributing ! wh" were doing so order lug their case was continued until the! I sent to the eastern ................ j them to discontinue same and clean Grand Jury and they gave cash bail | points With the reclamation of the rich out the drain and provide other Kent Ballard also gave ball for his | marsh lands of Klamath County and I means of carrying off the sewage. appearance at tlie December term of ¡the proper Irrigation and drainage, ‘Other violations of the health ordin Court. ---------- •----------- ¡this locality will become one of the ance lu other parts of the city was ' greatest celery sections of the coun dlscusst'd and action is to be taken llonunza has been using electricity to put the city In a more healthy con try. for some time. The work of com-1 < dIt Ion. -----------------------------* pletlng the connections for the resi -----------•---------- dences will be finished there within 700 boxes of Apples at the Monarch See Ady for marsh lai-ds. tf a week. Mercantile Co. Prices right. 11-12 ------ « . Although It Is a Little Early Large Shipment Just Received AT HEITKEM PER’S fifllette’s for "Quality Jewelry" T- a—-- ■1 VW