Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1908)
KLAMATH REPUBLICAN WATER IIKHC'I 1« EK. BONANZA It AS NEW tHAIilEIC. THIS IS SAID TO HELP MANY Hardly a ripple ot »xcltomoul nt-1 The rapidly Increasing settlement and development ot the West that has tended the election hold Monday to .iccx>ni|*anied the recent Industrial ex determine whether the T<>wu ot bo E. J. MURRAY, Editor pansion ot the United States lias led nanza should have a new charter to a growth of Interest In all those Only 23 votes were cast. 'being In factors which affect the .adaptability favor of the measure and 4 against of that region to human needs One It was generally believed tlint the of the clearest evidences of thia In charter would carry and many did uot TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE creasing Interest Is the constant de take the trouble to vote on that ac mand for definite and trustworthy In count. Probably all the voters w ho All Communications submitted tor publication in the columns el thia |**)*er formation concernihg Its climate.soil* opposed the new. constitution ap will Ire inserted only over the name el lice writer. No non de plume artu-lee mineral reaource*. timber and water, peared. will be published. It seems to be the mistaken Itu- So great Is thia demand that the Federal and State bodies which have proaalon of tl.ose who did not favor NEW OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. been organized to study the natural the adoption of a new charter that Twenty-two of the 34 counties In Get from any prescription pharma ■ resources* are scarcely able to IIH-Ct its carrying would have something to the state have gone dry and but 12 Nothing rrolil. nuitleal How the Till •It. do with the taxutlon of tow n property eclat the following: ers of the Noil Stand. remain wet, according to the returns Fluid Extract of Dandelion, otiv- In the arid and semlarld regions that by some means town property collected by Secretary of State Ben no question Is of more v tai Import- would escape taxation for town pur i ulf ounce Com aniiid Kargun uno One of the moat infallible ludlces son from the geueral election of last ance than that of water supply, for. poses under the old charier. Ilow ounce. Compound Syrup Sai aupurlllu, June and just issued Ir. the new offi to political conditions la supplied by I as President Rooaevelt said In bis lever, the town will have to raise rev- i throe ounces. cial directory. Ot the counties in the attitude and opinions of the farm first meaaace to Congress In 1901. i <Hues to meet current expenses try a Shake well In 11 bottle and take a It a politician wants to know cluded in the wet list are Baker. Clat ers ' In the arid regions it Is waler, not , property tax. and has as much power teaspoouful dose after each *11 -al and sop and Multnomah, prohibition was how a state in which the farmer vote land, which measures nroductlon." ito do so under the old. as It will have at bedtime not voted on as a whole in these Is a factor is goiug. he has to get WI-, ■ water can be Introduced or de- under the new charter. The ptln- The above iu cm -'doriel ns G <■ moil counties, and Crook. Curry, Gilliam back to the soil. Especial care has v. i- si In abundance. > olonlzation cipal defects of tile old charter were certain pre«r>lpi.-,i. ever written 1 1 und Wallowa voted dry either at the lu-cn taken to sounu sentiment among will tak<. place; where water exists as to the police powers ot the town relieve Uro l.»< li.- Kidney I oiibi.-, 1906 or 19U< election. The dry the farmers in halt a dozen states. In limited quantity, sparse settlement government, and these are remedied Wenk Bladder an' all forint of Uri counties are Crook. Gilliam, Wal Including New York. Wisconsin. Min Is iKissible. but where water la not by the new measure. Also, the town nary illtficultlou. This mlxt .ire a< 11 lowa, Benton. Itouglas. Grant. Jack- nesota and North liakota The farm to b< had piescnt coiulitk ns must bus ample authority under the new promptly on the elliultiat'v * II miv - h son. Josephine, Klamath. Lane. Linn. ers are prosperous and contented contlruc. measure, to construct and own water of tin Kidneys, tuibll ig III. to til Malheur. Morrow, Polk. Sherman. They are keenly alive to the Import Th- United State« Geological Sur works, should It seem advisable, mid ler and strain the uric add on I other Tillamook. Umatilla. Union. Wheeler, ance ot the trust and railroad regu vey has for many years been making to Issue bonds for that purpose. The waste matter from the blood whlcn and Yamnill. The wet counties art' lating activities ot Mr. Roosevelt and systematic studies ot water supplies, town could have existed without a causes Rheumatism. Baker, Multnomah. Clackamas, Col chat it means to the tillers of the both suiface and subsurface, and In new charter but the council would I Some persons v ho -nffe* \v th the umbia. Coos. Harney, Ijike. Lincoln, and. They approve ot them, and i-oriuctk'n with the work under way have found llsdf greatly hampered In afflictions may not feel Ine meil It (by three votes), Marion. Wasco and; , liey know that .Mr. Taft can be de- In many localities. bu<h :n the 1,,'st the enforcement of laws and iu the place much confidence In this ultuple Washington. No vote was taken on ,-ended upon to lend his iufluence and In the West, an investigation ot making of Improvement- that the* mixture, yet those who have tried It prohibition in the newly created nisei} and conservatively, but effect the geology and water resource« of a growth of the community will make say the results are simply surprising, county of Hood River. Other in ively. to the same end. portion of .south-central Oregon was necessary. The large* majority cast the relief being effected » It bout the "There is no reason intrying to teresting political data contained in ordered In the fall of 1906, ths work n favor of Its adoption shows that the1 slightest Injury to the stomach or the directory is a tabulated state make a farmer believe that the being assigned to Gerald A. Waring voters appreciated the necessity of a other organs ment of the abstract of votes east country is going to the dogs and a The area studied by Mr. Warlag in change.—Bulletin. Mix some und give It n trial it The total ballot at the 1908 election change ot administration is needed cludes the greater part of laike coun certainly comes highly recommended was 166,164 as against 99.445 In when he has money in the bank, no ty, and lies In the uorthwestern ex- MORE TIME ASKED. It Is the prescription of an eminent 1906 and 99.315 in 1904. The popu mortgage on his place and posisibly i tension of that great region cf fn- The work had to be stopped tem authority, whose entire reputation. It lation of the state, according to the a few hundred out at Interest," said terloi trainage from which no porarily on the construction of the Is said, was established by I. state census of 1905, was 464,538 as a man recently who had traveled I j streams discharge to the ocean and flume on the cam branch of the gov- A druggist here nt home, when compared with the Federal census of much ot late through the middle which Is therefore known as the Great jernment canal, on account of the wet .iskotl. state«« that he could either They aren't responding to Mr 1900, which gave a total of 413.536 west Basin. The southwestern part of the -condition of the roads which ^prevents supply the Ingredients 01 mix the pre The total registration for flic June Bryan's pleas, and they don't sym county is mountainous but the sur the hauling of lumber. scription for our reader*, also rocoiti They are election. 1908, from January 1 to pathize with his ideas. The contract of Campbell & Hull- mends It ns harmless face of the northern part and of the* May 15. was 122.095 and this was sure they owe their prosperity to region to the east Is that ot a broken man with the government calls for ---------- *---------- distributed among the several poli wcKinley. Roosevelt and the Repub plateau, whose ni<>an elevation above the completion of the tlumo by the Before quitting the military grounds tical arties. as follows: Republi lican party, and they are satisfied to sea level is between 4.500 aud 5,000 15th of this month, and an exten at Auvours where he hns wou all the cans. 80,921; Democrats, 28,788; let things run as they are. Why. 1 feet. The many depressions in this sion of time has been asked for by 1 world's aeroplane records, Wilbur Prohibition. 1889; Socialist. 3226: heard ot one farming section not far | ; uneven sut face either contuln shal the contractors. The Long Lake Mill Wright announced that he would at Populists. 59; Independents. 3656; from Chicago where among 6000 low lakes or are sinks in which tem- has the contract for furnlahlng the tempt to »all bin aeroplane at a and there were 3556 who registered persons there were forty-two auto- !>orary ponds exist only during the lumber and they are also behind In height of 1.000 meters, or 3.350 feet, What reason have and refused to designate political mobiles owned wet season In this plateau region supplying the material. As soon as and also would attempt a flight with taking a .-nance poll- hose folks for party. there are no rivers and even well-de the present storm Is over and the sails, discarding his motor. The an ilcally by voting for Bryan, the un- --------♦------- toads gel in shape, work will be re nouncement wus made In the presence fined stream channels are rars. tried theorist, against Taft?" NO PROSECUTION WITHOUT In the report on his work which sumed on hauling the lumber to the of laizare Welller, who headed the ------- «-------- INDICTMENT BY GRAM» JI IU the Survey has just published as ground. Campbell * Huffman have French syndicate that paid IIOO.O00 On account of the constitutional LAND FRAl l» OPERATOR Water-Supply Paper No. 220. Mr a crew of about thirty men and these for the French rights to the Wright amendment which was passed at the TO ASSIST GOVERNMENT. Waring gives an account of the sur will have to be laid off for a short brothers aeroplane. Wright did not June election providing that no per face features of the regior-. and of its time on account of the wet weather say bow he would equip his aeroplane won shall be prosecuted except upon 1 S. A. D. Fitter has returned from -ettlements and Industries, discusses and the lack of material. It Is hoped, with sails, merely stating that he was Indictment by a grand jury. It is 1 Washington, D C.. with the assttr- the rocks and their relations io un however, that they will be able to convinced that a motor wus not nec claimed by a number of the lawyers ' nice from the Department ut Justice, j det ground waters, and describes In resume work In a few days. The essary for propelling the machine. that none of the old cases on the cal hat able legal counsel will be as- detail the lakes which give ‘he name flume is a mile and a half long and The highest that Wright has yet sail endar previous to the passage of the * >igned to this state to assist United lo the founty. He discusses also Is nearly finished, and It I* believed, ed Is 125 feet. He says that he has law, can be tried unless the evidence ’ States Attorney McCourt In prosecut-' 'soils, irrigation methods, and reels if the weather will permit, that It thoroughly tested the practicability Is submitted to the next grand jury ng the suits brought by the govern -natiii.i projects. In the summary will only need a very short extension of the machine and that a flight at and they find an indictment. Then- ment to recover nearly 15,000 acres with which the paper concludes Mr of time to finish the contract. the height of 1.000 meters w-lll be are a largenumber of old eases which if valuable timber land in Linn Waring says: ---------- ♦---------- no more difficult than one at 2 5 met have been carried over from term •ounty alleged to have been acquired ‘Tl.e supply of su'taco -st-enm) VIEWERS REPORT Is ers, the height at which most of bls to term and If this contention is cor inlawfully by C. A. Smith, the Mln- wah-r is available for irrigation In NOT UNANIMOUS. flights have been made. rect It will practically clean the dock lesota millionaire. These suits were Lake county is fairly well kuown. The fumlly cat was crying ami was et, as In most cases the statute of filed in the United Slates Court In and should It be developed It will by The viewers appointed by the City limitations has expired. this city May 25 last. Some ot the no means be sufficient to irrigate all Council to determine the damage to spoiling papa's reading of the even The matter will probably be decid lands involved in the pending suits the arable land. The underground I m * awarded to E II Henry for the ing paper, and he Instated that bls ed by the Supreme Court soon as a were Included among those Illegally supply is as yet unknown, but on the appropriation of his property for the small daughter put her pet out of rehearing has been granted iu the acquired by Puter and bls confeder-' whole * • indications seem opening tip and extension of Sixth doors. This she did very unwillingly, Jew Nun case at Salem. ates, and afterwards transferred to | . favorable for the development of street, hand>-d In their repor' to the and coming back seated herself at Jew Nun was tried and convicted the Minnesota man. such waters in the valleys ot Silver. I City Attorney Wednesday. Fred her father's feet with the remark upon a complaint filed by the District While in Washington I called on Christmas, and Summer lakes at Melhase and W. T. Sh've, two of the 'You dess ought to see the look op Attorney. He appealed, and pending President Roosevelt personally and least. : viewers, recommended $40o ns what at cat's face, papa!" November De the appeal, the constitution was .resented the facts surrounding the "The reclamation of these valleys: they considered just damages. A lineator. ------------------- ---------------------- amended, depriving the District At- Smith lands," said Mr. Puter yester will not only Increase the asrlcultur CasteL the other viewer, was In favor torney of the power to Indict, The day. ‘ The President appeared great al wealth of the State, but Its stock- i of paying |50U for the property. Ac- There I. mors Catarrh In thia wetion of th« case was therefore affirmed by the ly Interested and assured me of his raising Interests will also be greatly j lion on the report will be taken by country than all nth.r .tires ■«« put t>««lh«r. and until th« last few rears was ■upp'sed to ba Incur Supreme Court without any question co-operation in every possible way In benefited. In severe winters the sup- th«1 Council at the next regular meet- a hie For a arret many years dortora |r.ionjrml having been raised as to the effect of iny steps that might be taken to re ply of wild hay from the marshes I m Ing. and it Is probable that they will It a local dleeaee and pronrribod local remedies and by constantly failing to cura with local treat the constitutional amendment. Since store this land to the government. very Inadequate, and many head of accept the majority report. ment. pronounced it Incurable. Selene« has proven then this question has arisen and the I also presented the matter to George stock perish every year from hunger F. II. Mills, attorney for E B. Hen catarrh to ba a constitutional dlsoaa« and thara- court granted a petition for rehear W. Woodruff.Assistant Attorney-Gen and exposure. ry. stated that they would not ac fora requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Cum. manufactured by F. J. Chancy A ing because It deems the question an eral. who told me that the Depart "Grain, alfalfa, and sugar beets cept *400 as the city warrants were Catarrh Co., Toledo. Ohio, is th« only constitutional curs important one. ment of Justice would send Judge : promise to be the chief crops In the only worth 90 cents on the dollar on the market. It la taken intern ally in doa«e from In a number of cases that were Pugh to this state to assist District valleys, and it seems that for several and the damages would only umonnt 10 drops to a t«asp.s>nful. It arts directly on th« pending for trial when the constitu Attorney McCourt in preparing the years to come nearly all produce will in reality to ,360. Mr. Henry asked blood and mucous surfaces of th« system. They offer one hundred dollars for ar.y case It fails to tional amendment was adopted, the cases for trial. I was also Informed | find a home market. The rocky high ;500 for the property. cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. defense has set up the plea that since that If It were possible, Francis J. deserts will probably never be fit for ----------•-------------- Address F. J. CHENEY A < <>.. Told.,, III.«., the amendment had no saving clause Heney or some other man acquainted 1 other than grazing purposes, but If Sold by Druggists. 7&e FINE 1IOB.SEN. Take Hall's Family Fills for const pation. it Invalidates all complaints that had w-ltb land conditions in this state I feed can be raised In the valleys to The United States Inspector who been filed by District Attorneys. The would be sent to Oregon to assist In carry greater numbers of sheep and has been testing the cavalry horses WANTED—Huccess .Magazine requires new amendment provides that no per 1 presenting the case to the court when rattle through the severe weather.the at the Adams ranch for the past three the services ot a man In Klamath son shall be prosecuted except upon it came up for trial. In the suits j I winter losses will be decreased and days finished his work last Frl- Falls to look after expiring subscrip indictment by a grand jury. to cancel patents w hich are now pend ! many more bead of stock can be day. The horses will be driven to tion« and to secure new business by -------- «------- ing in the courts, there are Involved ranged in the country. The scarcity the railroad and shipped direct to means of special methods unusually 90 claims of 160 acres each, and ag-' of water on the high deserts during Seattle, where they will be loaded effective; position permanent; prefer SENATOR FULTON CREATES E.N'THI slAs.M FOIt TAFT. gregatlng 1 4,400 acres.--Oregonian. ! the summer (when it is sometimes on a transport and taken to the Phil <>ne with experience, but would con 30 miles between water holes) will ippines for us« by the I'nlted States sider any applicant with good natural From 800 to 1000 people from all ---------- ♦---------- remain a drawback to the grazing of Army. parts of Gilliam County and a large UNIVERSITY OF OREGON qualifications; salary *1.50 per day. cattle and »he«p over these areas dur portion of Wheeler County gathered Address,; There are 80 horses in the bunch. with commission option. CORRESPONBEN'f E COURSE. ing this season. In other regions, as They were selected by Messrs. Adams with references, It. at Condon Friday night to listen to Peacock. Room the rousing address of Senator Ful A new bulletin of the correspond- in TexaH, wells have been Htink at in-1 and Stewart and are said to be the 102, Success .Magazine Bldg , New ton, who spoke on the issues of the "nce study department of the Unlvef- tervals of 8 or 10 mlleH, and wind finest lot of horses ever shipped out York. 10-15-21 Presidential campaign. iity of Oregon has Just been received. mills and troughs supply this defici of Klamath County. They will aver-, ATTENTION. Governor Chamberlain has spoken The scope of the work haB been great ency. But until tests have first been ag<f 1100 pounds. Every horse has Shareholders of the Klamath Water there several times, when the court ly enlarged over the beginning made made In more favorable localities, it been thoroughly tested and as many Users AsscM-iatioii. house was amply large to take care Inst year, and now covers courses In can not be said whether it is possible as twenty men assisted In tile riding Provisions have been made where of the crowds, but the largest public English Classics, Shakespeare, Peda ” j or feasible to thus supply water on test, The government wanted IGO by shareholders of thia Association hall In town was unable to hold all gogy. botany, history algebra, geo tn-; the Oregon platoaua." horses but It Is believed that they can list lands for sale with the Secre the people who wanted to hear Mr '•try. trigonometry, analyaic geometry , ----------- will be unable to secure that number tary. Lists of land placed with the Fulton. HIS MIN'D WAS MADE I P. In this section. and several courses In mathematics | Secretary for sale will be sent out to The crowd was enthusiastic for for teachers. --------♦------- Inquiring home-seekers In nil parts of Taft and Sherman, and is a good It wan during the trial in an Ala- EDUCATIONAL MEETING Fly means of this work any stud the United States. For further In- Indication of the Republican strength ent who nas not rhe- lime to attend bama city more than twenty years AT MERRILL OCT. 21. formation, dddress, In Eastern Oregon. Senator Fulton's college or high s< hiMil can pursue, ago that one of the Jurors suddenly C. P. CHASTAIN, words were frequently applauded. Al with hardly any cost, practically the rose from his seat and precipitately An Educational meeting will be Secretary Klamath Water Users 1 together the meetlug was the great -urne work by correspondence through fled from the court room He was held at Houston’s Operu House, Mer Association. est event of Its kind ever held In the the university courses, and receive arrested in his flight before be bad rill. Oregon, October 24th, at 7:30 10-8-41 county. Everybody Is Invited to come credit for It Thousands of dollars lett the building, and brought back p. m ----------- •---------- "What do you mean by running and hear able ills« ussalons of educa ■11 h tear are sent out of Oregon to Nothing Is more foolish, nothing various cur rr-sporidence schools arid off In that »»>'' asked the Judge, tlonul themes of the day more utterly at variance with aound the university believes that a large who knew the man to be a simple, Tb« following program will bu public policy than 'to enact a law part of this might Ji st as well be honest farmer render <<d which, by reason of the conditions saved ¡0 the people ot this state The “It’s like this, your honor," said Mal« Quartett« HANOI FOR SALE. I offer my 760 acre ranch for sale surrounding the comtnunitv in which ■ n roll me nt of nils department will the man, earnestly. Miss Applegate "When Mr Reading................. It is declared to be a law, is Incapable reach :»000 students for the yc-ar Alex Tenbrook at the small price of *21 per acre If . . Hobbs finished talking my mind was Recitation sold In 90 days. 400 acres under of enforcement.—Win. H. Ti '• all clear, but when Mr. Clayton began Mal« Quartette cultivation; <i0 acres more can be ...Co. Supt J. G. Swan cleared; 300 acres pantnre land, all Polities ought to be neither dis- 1 was all confused again, and 1 said Remarks ----------- •---------- One of the great reasons why jury tasteful nor degrading, and men who to myself. 'I'd better leave at once, AddtesH State Supt J H Ackerman fenced; *3000 worth of buildings on --------- ----- «----------- duty la evaded by good men Is be enter them for the purpose of keep-' and stay away till he's done,' for to place; 50 acres In alfalfa; 200 acres cause of the delay—we may well look Ing them prue and making them bet tell the truth I didn't like the way Tho first name to be drawn In the come under the ditch now building; I to the English method of disposing ter are engaged In the highest duty. the argument was going, your hon Tripp county land lottery was that 150 more will come under the ditch or " of cases—cases which take In this —W H. Taft. of May A. Metser of Kennebec, 8.D , later. Good outHlde range. Terms, one-third cash, balance to suit, Inter -------------- « -------------- country three or four weeks are dis who gets first choice of all the Rose est at 8 per cent. [HWed of there in a day or a day and A companionable guest In ths home bud lands thrown open by the govern Eternal vigilane« Is the price Address TIIOS. MARTIN, Oregon. pays for her board. a half.—William Howard Taft. good government.—W. H. Taft. ment. 8-16-10-15* Ktamn^FÏn;: 1 LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. i Mix This Simple, Helpful Recipe at Home and Try It Anyway. OOI1AR8 t i IM) no 031 Ufl 1 ,t»k) 18) HKSOUHCKS 1 .Mills .* » i. 1 1 '1-1 »Utti -- Ihiv Iroiu upnruwd irn’iu« Coh uii hmi’l . .. lift,MUI |M| OOllAHO LIABIi ITI4S 4'apiul «l<M k ¡mill IH 1’mlhhl'HÍ proHl-, vwp<’ii*K‘i« Tini« » vrtlrtvai«*» »4 i I vjhw H (km nig» dupo 11 a mii »I U m «*»» | <ii«l 1 }fi,0>IU .to.1 a. IM) 5 421« 00 io 13 74 *37i, 800 18) Total Oregon,, Builders Are you doing wlint you cun to populate your State? OREGON NEEDS I’EOl’l E Settli-rs, hum st farmer«. mechan- ica, merchants, clerk», pa-uplg with brama, strong banda and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Lincs in Oregon) is sending tons of literature to the East fur distribution through every available agency Will you not lu-lp the good work of g Oregon by sending us the names sod a>ldr» «see uf your friends who are likely to be interested in tins Stata’ We will ba glad to liear the expense of send ng them complete information atsjut OREGON and its opportunities COLONIST TICK ETS »Hl •< n sale during SEPTEM- BER AND OCTOBER from the East tu ail |>oinla in Oregon. The fares from a few prlnclpal ci liv* are From Denver • « «• Sjo.oo Omaha jo.oo Kansas City ao.oo St. L ouis 35.00 Chicago 38.00 From l.ouiss ille Cincinnati Cleveland New Yolk >4'-7" 42.21) 44 7á ÇÇ.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID If you want to bring a friend or relative to Oregon, denoait th« proper amount with ny of our agent«. The lickvl ticket will wilt then be furnished by telegraph. WM. McNU'NKAV, General I’aaaengi-r Agent, Portland, Oregon. I Opening of Oregon Central Military Road lirant $200 Five acres of the same regardless of the size of the and Settlers are coming from twenty-five »tates and over one quarter of the contracts are already sold. Look into tnis great Land Urant Opening at once T. W. STEPHENS Reliable be Local A^ent, KLAflATH PALLS, ORE. M ason &S lough ABSTRACTERS Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON &. SLOUGH dloi [uuirrtu nrn m dUUintKH UKtuiJN ; Lakeside Inn, | MPS IVT M 1UL.MH I AM , prop u___ »_ M rs . M. c M illan ’r. Modern improvement«. 73 rooms nnd suites, < Sample Booms, Bur Boom, Parlors, Two Club 1 Booms, Etc., Etc. j RESORT FOR TOURISTS >