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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1908)
WtHlII Kl\ I It U II.I, HE IT4E ONIA HEI I Ml G Ul EIRST STEP TOW 1RD FACTORY IN OREGON Glilv VT SI MMI It RESOItr. BONDING THE CITI. Th»' only beet sugar faetorv In Or Th«« assertion hns often been nikdv Council R«*a«b to Tak«- Sona' Ih'linlie egon startiKl tn La Grand«» Tuesday tlmt the I'pper Lake mid the \\Ood E. J. MURRAY, Editor on its annual run. which will be con River cuunti y were destined to h > Nettoa Toward l*utllng the City tinue«! night mid day and Suudays coma one of the gi'eate»! summer re 011 Sound Fl nane tai Hasis. 1 until 30,000 tons of sugar beets ar«> sort* on the const. This prediction cut ami converted Into sugar After ha* apparently not meant much to The appoint merit of C. F. Stone AM a summer In which the management th«» p«'<iplo of this nectloa, who are b* Counsel for the city Is believed to TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR IN ADVANCE uanall) the last ones to icall»« the the Drat step In a movement by the has combated unfavorable conditions, Council looking toward the bonding Iwel pulling was com me need last Importance of the country In which AU communications aubmitted for publication in the column* of this paper week. an«l sufficient quantities are they live. will lie inaerted only over the name of llie writer. No non de plume article« of the city for the purpow of pur now piling up lu the factory bln* to The large number ot California chasing a water system and the build will be publiahed. ing of a sewerage system for the city keep the plant going The run will people who hav»> purchased some of ; probably continue for two month* the moat desirable spot» to the north lion towers for Fort Stephens and of Klamath Falls. COMMIN ICATION. During thm brief spar«» ot tlm«> tile esp«H'lull.i Is «ivldence that the above Councilman Sanderson,of the Third would consider myself greatly hon- DEAR SIR: — company will pay out about *35.000 Assertion Is uo Idle boast an«l la proof Ward, said Wednesday that member* Permit mo space for a few lines In ored in the building ot another such of the Council were practically agreed in wages. Heavy dlaburaenient for !hat outside people have confldene«« tor Mr. Stephenson, should he be employes I* not llmlt«»d to theae two in this section as u tourist resort your valuable paper. able on«*e again to see the beautiful that the time had arrived to do some months, however, as the average pay Sine«» the opening ot Wood River I have read an article In the Klam lights of Klamath Fall*. thing for the Improvement of the roll for the year Is $13,000 monthly to navigation. espiH'lully us It applies ath Express of October 4. ISOS, which dtv, and that In hla opinion It would Now. gentlemen, your next move One huudred an«i fifty workmen «0 launch«*«, there bus been u con* heads "After Scalp of Mr. Murphy." should be (should Bryan be elected) be necessary to Issue bonds to cover Who are these fellows wh«i are af to semi a petition to his majeaty ask- the present indebtedness aud either are employed In pulling the beets on ilderabl«» number of sales of small ter the scalp of Mr Murphy? Those ling for the removal of the Secr«»tary purchase or put in a water systptn the various farms owne«! by (h«» su screak«» along this beautiful all cam. people must have only lately learned <»f the Intetlor on account of his In- The cite will have to b»> bonded »«Kin- ; 1 gar company. On one of th«» big not the least of whi«h I* th«» tract In that Mr. Murphy is a worker in th«* I I competency er . later anil Mr. Sanderson be farms, th«» Hall ranch, there Is a load the bend of th«» river below Fort hug device which eliminates much la .vlnmiitb iihlcn was pur«'hase«l bi Reclamation Service. Their actions Mi unknown friends, when yon lie« vs that it is cheaper to commence' remind me of the Irishman who only ; form your dwlslon for obtaining my now than to wait another year or so 1 . tmr and facilitates shipments to the Dr. Lui.. munuger of the Fairmount learned.a couple of days ago that the scalp p kindly give me three week 1 Hine' I Mr Ohenchaln und other member« factory, 15 mile* away, considerably Hotel . 1 San Francisco. Dr. Law pro Jews killed Christ. You know the and your faith and prayers, that I of the Council have expressed them- The beet wagons from th«» fields ar. poses i>> buikl u handsome bungulo» treatment given the Jew God for may have the hair restored to niy selves In favor of bonding the city driven up on an Incline, when» th» o In- i«ed for u summer homo. Another iin|H»itant sul<> was made give the poor silly soul* for do they bald head so that you will have no a ti«l it I» believed that «omo definite detachable »Udes are released and th< .hl* uiH'k. when Mrs. M McMillan,; loads of beet* slid Into the box ca know what they are doing? action will l»e taken in the near fit- trouble in hanging on. In that way the beets can be trans if the l.ukesld»» Inn, purchased wliut They claim that Mr Murphy Is not lure. Yours truly. ported to the factory at th«» lowest .» commonly known as the peninsula qilullAed for his position How do CASPER DRILLING. |H»*slhle expenditure of tiui«» aud This tro’t comprises about two and they know? To nn knowledge these Inspector ('amp A GR INTS ER XNCHISE money. >n<*-lmlf acres und Iles less than SOU jKKir souls know no difference be ----- «------- FOR CONCRETE INlNIll IT. However, in other sections of th< • eet from th»' postofflc«' at Fort Klam tween a transit and Us use on the I At the adjourned meetltig ot the valley the old-fashioned way of han. ith. It bus u river frontage of IDou, project and a fog horn anil Its use 1-» MAN OF UORDS City Council Tuesday night, the ordi Ing the beets to th«» factory in wa ,'eet, the river nt this |Hilnt forming on the Columbia River. We all know BI T NOT OF DEEDS. nance was passed granting to the gons Is lu vogue. It takes a snial. 1 half circle, bordering the hind on something of the outward ap|>earanc«* In a speech at lndianai»«>lis before of the bible, but do these fellows a crowd that completely Ailed the hall Reclaniati«>n Service a franchise for army ot men to operate th«» factory three sides This Is considered one >t the prettiest spots along the river know the difference between a set of Governor Hughes, of New York, ukjk aright ot way for the construction of is Il Is covered with a tine growth held notes and the original notes of Mr. Bryan tor his subject and brought a concrete conduit along High strn-t U’POINTBi HOARD INI RE- in West Klamath Falls, th«» conduit NAME PLACES IN STATE if native pine* and shade tree». the ten commandments? forth rounds of applause by bls chas- It I* reported that other parties Governor Chamberlain has Just ap Somewhere in history I have heard tisemant of the Democratic candidate to be covereit with the same material it said that there were some certain He pictured Mr. Bryan as a visionary ot which the Hume Is constructed. isdnted Professor Joseph Schaffer 01 are Interested with Mrs McMillan and Now tl is up to the government either Eugene, Professor J. It Horner of «hat It I» their Inteullon to erect a wise mi n. But whence conies these aud a man of words, not deeds. | to accept or reject the franchise The the Oregon Agricultural College and nodelli tourist hotel on the ground1«, wise men of today who are so able He said that Bryan Is a candidate and anxious to denounce the judg this year because he has never had franchise granted is identical with W. G. Steel of Klamath Falls a com with ten to tlfteen cottages along the j th«» offer mad«» by the Council two mission In reference to giHigraphli Iver hank It Is claimed that this ments of an opportunity to put his Ideals Into First. The Civil Service Commis effect. If Bryan had been elected In | years ago. The government will still names in Oregon to confer aud co- would be un exceptionally tin«* loca- have to deal with the properly own- o|K>rat<‘ with the Cnlted Stute» Geo ion for this purpose ns It Is easily sion. 1896 the disasters that would have .eached by boat* and it I* also ou Second: The Director and Chief followtsl w«»uld have prevented him lers through wbose property th«» canal graphic Board j will run after it leaves High street, he main Crater Lak«' road. There Engineer. The object for appointing »uch n from ever being a candidate again. {but it is believed that this can be ar- commission Is two-fold. * also excellent fishing In the river Third: One-half doten Consulting He denounced Bryan's anti-trust 1 ranged satisfactorily. First—There arc lake*. streams ind this alone would be a great in- Engineers. 'ideas and policies and condemned the The request of J. Frank Adam* creeks, valleys and mountain» In th« liicenicnt to pleasure seekers. Third; Three Supervising Engin- Democratic platform for the guaranty • eers. of bank deiKisits.declaring that it was as presented at the meeting .Monday , itaie Bearing the same nanm. and During my short stay here in the dangerous and placed a premium on uight was granted. This gives Mr. , for purposes of identification this du ii sr ANOTHER EINM It IN FAMol M 87-10 LAND CASE. Klamath Basin, as near as 1 can learn dishonest banking. "Dangerous Bry Adams the privilege of nfaking a cut plication, whether on offi« lai map» Mr. Murphy has the goo«l will of and an and dangerous Bryan p»»llcl«-s 'was through the swamp along Oak street or In tradition, ought to be corrected to Fourth, and the use of the ent anti prevented J <1. Pierce mid Cha» E Word« n Is held in the highest esteem by each the line of his arguments. I hankment for storing wihh ! for uso ' Second —Many of the old land- »ave been mad«' th«' defendant» In n and every engineer under his charge ------ <_ | years. 1 myself have been 12 years con marks of the state, particularly the <ult fur recovery of money, brought APPORTIONMENT OF --------- •---------- tinually in the' goveruuient service. mountain ranges, either have no jy A. II Daniels, of Wisconsin. A» SCHOOL FINDS .MADE. GOLDIE BARNES CHOSEN QVEEN. names at all or else have names en (War Department Quartermaster and he party bringing the suit I* not n Reclamation I. For the past 20 years County School Superintendent Swan Miss Goldie Barnes was chosen tlrely without signlAcance significance from a esldent of this state the case will I have been steadily engacwl on con 'has made the regular October ap- Queen of the Carnival, she receiving historical point of view, in some in iave to be trie«l In the Federal Court, struction work and in that period I»ortionnient for school purposes. The 4 401 votes. Her nearest competitor stances being placed on the map* ind Enlted State» Marshal F E. have been connected with some of law provides that the superintendent was Miss Lyle Watson, who receive«! bearing the names of engineers or lamniersley arrived from Portland the most difficult engineering prob shall make an apportionment in Oc 4024. Miss Esther Cannon, of Mor other person* entirely disconnected -iaturday night to serve the sum- lems on the Pacific Coast. My ex tober of $50 for each school district rill was third with MM with the traditions and early history non». perience causes me to consider myself from the county school fund, and at The suit Is the result of a sale of The total number of votes cast In of the state. a good Judge of such small matters. .«ny other time he may see Ot. Any the contest was 14.021. Imber land ma«!« by .Messrs. Pierce To the thinking people of the Klam .«mount over $'»0 shall be apportion «nd Worden gome years ago to Mr. Below will be found a complet«' OREGON'S t'ONTRIIII Tit >N FOR RECLAMATION. Daniels The land Iles In Township 'd per capita. The state apportion ath Project, I wish to state that your table -showing the r«»sulta of the con Estimates given out bv the Reels 37-10. Script was placed on the land country and Its people are thus being ment is made percapita. test. which closed at midnight last ! mation Service show that Oregon last originally, but It ha» «Ince been con The heaviest apportionment was represented In a bad light and only night: «ear contributed approximately $1,- tested by homesteaders and timber for want of a small sacrifice. (The made in July by Superintendent J. G. 4401 Miss Ooldie Barnes doing away with a small amount of Wight of $16 per student. This gave Mias Lyle Watson. ..4024 *387,113 to the reclamation fund, land claimant» and the raw 1» still making her total contribution to Jun«' being fought In the United States prejudice and a sight of cussedness» the country districts the use of the Miss Esther Cannon ..2309 30. 1908. $8.167,923. For the Aral (.arid office, A rehearing of the case You people through your project En money for their summer term. Miss Pearl Boivin . . 1540 time sine«- the reclamation law was was ordered recently and the luike- There are 32 districts in the coun gineer are now building a small earth Miss .Marie McMillan 446 pass«*d. Oregon dropped from Aral toi view office rendered 11 decision lu mound which shuts Klamath Falls ty. and the total October apportion-' Miss Louise Sargent . . 343 second place on the list of contribu favor of the homesteader* from one person's view, but it it will inent made by Mr. Swan was: County > Miss Lillian Stilts 255 tions, due to the nn«xpect«-<i lewnn ------- •---------- assist matters any 1 will volunteer fund. $58S x0 or $lx.40 for each dls- Miss Mills . . . . 253 in land sales in North Dakota, enabl- i my services as a tower builder so ritt: stat« fund. $28*3.20. As there M is» Stella Campbell . . 204 Bert Hull returned Wednesday ev Ing that state to take rank over Ore that this esteemed gentleman can, as ■ .a« not sufficient in the county fund I Miss Louise Lee . 176 ening from Iron River, Mich . where gon with a lead ot less than $200,000. liefore, cast his eyes across the valley <> make the nniuired apixirtlonment , Misa Eliza Stilts . 70 ho has boon for the past severul Washington's contribution Is esti and behold other shining lights of |-d $50 for each district, the balance; There will be a loo-yard dash. weeks looking ufter hl* Interests. the Klamath valley. For reference .«III lie apportioned when the taxes tree for all handicap for a $'.0-purs«' mated at $843,762; her total. $5,- Mrs. Hall and children will remain 089,056: Idaho last year contributed I Bonanza Day. Wednesday. Oct. 14 1 have built three 7 4-foot obaerva- I , are collected in February. until next Spring $490,625 or $3,553,050 In all. KLAMATH REPUBLICAN LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON No 7167 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' Ütego», »1 the «lore of Klimmt h Fall», at Klamath Fall», in «»•• el bitalnres, S«’pL 23. IW8, DOLLARS RtSOUHClS $711,4*1 01 I x 'UI ih »ltd l*l»«'"Ullt» 1,027 <IveidiMfl*. •«■ 'ttre«l »»«I unwcuie I ID.tMHI I'. H, Bonds 1» »«« mv ci 1 ulation I I. 1 ILilids, MH'iiritle«. etc I.MSI Huiiking lion»«, tu intuì« a»t*l ttxtur»»* Other leal estate n«oi««l Due Iroin National Bank* in»»t n~»'ti«' »gent« Due imin Slate Bank» and Banket» «,114 Due lioin appii>v<»l ie»eive agetita 3,7.VI Checks anil oilier « **h item» Notes <d other National Itank» l isci unsi |iA|»'t ennenev. nickels gild cent* l.nwlul Monel |{e»ei v«i in Bunk, VI«: 17.7 >M) >|UH*ie ... ......... . . ........ .MM) I «'»»I temler nule» .MHI Re«li inpin>ii lumi with I’. S. Tie»» (N pet ««'nt ol i* » »• dilation I. II si,MH <41 Total DOLLARS LIABILITIES In piltti paid in «sürphiM (mid. I IHlIVliIvtl prothrt, ll»«M mul tuie« pubi National Hank nuh”* «itilMlatuliiitf Ihn» tu Stale Batik» and ILinkvi« I hie I»» Trout <‘'Unprti»iv« mid >aiitig* limik« Individiini »li’pinntw Hiihpvt t<» »dierk Ih'inmid cer l ilica tc* »»( il»’|H)wit ............... 1 •_*ft,o>)o O.UtM) 1.138 lU.lltK) 3M U73 08 3U7 tl.WU IM) (ft> IM) « • •VI 17 Mi $ |.'»U,3tl8 t*A) Total Sf »TK »'» ‘ J ('«Hllllv •»( I. U V IH’tavIl, ('rt"l»ivr o( the a »»»v«» n«tnv<l Imnk, »I*» *»leuinlv Hwt’rti thrti th»* Alhivt* Mtatfiin'iil la in»»* ft» th«’ »o*l <» n»v kn«>*>n t ln.1,,.1 \\ \ I 'i i /. i i I » » »hier. >ul»f*» iib«'.l ami prti’tn t«> lw*(<»rv ip«’ thia .‘SU» »l.iy ’»I , IWW ( t i'F I’ ('ludi tis, Sutary Public» ( i \ i t«*»t : < « I < >. I H \ LI I \, i * i . w \\ Il I I I I - J W. blEMENrt. ' Sell Oregon "Builders” Are you doing what you can to populate jour State? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settler*, honcat farmer», mechan» ica, merchants, clerk». |>«o|>le with brailla, »truiig banda ami a willing heart capitai or no capital. Southern Pacific Co. (Linca i$i Oregon) 1* »ending ton* of literature to the East for distribution through every available agency Will you not help the gissl work of buildi g Oregon by sending u* the name* »nd addreaaea of your friend* who an- likely to be interested in thia Slate? We will be glad to lx-ar th«' expense of send ng them complete information about OREGON and ita opportunities. COLONIST TICKETS will lc on -ale during SEPTEM BER AND OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The fare» from n few principal cities are Eroni Denver • • It • « «« ÿJO.OO Omaha 4O.OO Kansas City 3o.oo St. Louis Bç.oo Chicago 38.00 From Louisville Cincinnati « Cleveland New York I« TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID If you want to bring >1 friend or relative to Oregon, dc|s»*it proper amount with ny of our agent«. Th«' ticket will the furnished by telegraph WM, McMLRHAV, General Passenger Agent, I'ortlsnd, Oregon. Í YOU ARE ALL WELCOME Hart, and Best Tailored Suits, Central Military Road Grant $200 Fiv« acres of A rOU are all welcome to share with us the joys oi the week’s I Fair and Carnival. tlie sumo regardless of the size of Make your headquarters with us and find out what is really new and up-to-date. tlx* Visit the largest men’s store in the county and see the best clothing values. A great a>iil assortment of patterns to select from, in dark and light shades, in are clieapor tiimi to homestead land residence restrictions. Settlers are coming from twonty-liye states and over quarter of the contracts are already sold. visible plaids, pin stripes, small and large checks, in fact the latest patterns shown in the big cities by smart tailors are to be seen in this assortment ready to put on. Look into tnÍ5 great Land Grant Opening at once T. W. STEPHENS Reliable Local Agent, KLAHATH FALLS, ORE. MEN’S SUITS, $7.50, $9.50, $i3.5o, $15 and up to $40 W. I. Douglas’ Famous Shoe Best in the World PORTLAND CLOTHINGSHOE STORE Head and Foot Outfitters for Men and Boys 00000»»»»+»0000»»»'>»<-o<-> ♦ M ASON & S l OU G H ABSTRACTERS ■»V. choice llii*3 of iiivcMt« iiiotitM tlifit will make tlit* purchaser monear Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON A. SLOUGH