Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1908)
BONANZA III I.I.EIIN III MM. I or Hal» or Trad,—llesldsnce and Ml M.MO.NH. J. G I'anlrlll, recently of 1'ilin* bn In* », property In Hie bast town In the Circuit Court of the State vllle, has leased the Big Hprlnga Ho ft the Willamette valley. nt Oregon, for tho County of Klam Io rival corn as u fat producer fur tel and feed stables for u lung term, Inquire at the Boston Store. ath. beef « al Hr. |t |* asserted that III the and will take charge next Monday [ 7-2tf Henry O. Offenbacher, Plaintiff, vs. tn ar future, with the «atabllshiiivnt l to Um Council for action. Th« pres- II•> nnderstutids the art of pleasing | It. E Dyer, Defendant. • Suit lu of mills fm grinding alfalfa meal, , «lit quartvrs are gelling almost too the public atm will get a goodly share [ roil SALE 2 40 u< r**s of laud sev Equity to Foreclose Mortgage. that thuie will be no necessity of f -mull to accommodate tin* large mun of hotel patronage lie expects to en miles below Keno on the illvur; To It. E. Dyer, the above named de- shipping the cstlle from the coast I tier of people alleuding tilo semi- Invest quite largely In Bonanza. 1,500,00 foot of timber on the place; fendaut; states tu th«* cant to |»« fattened mi II monthly meetings. For butter fat tn« Bonanza cream-1 :o*.d range. Inquire of Jack Connolly In the name of the State of Ore LMfn. Th« petition tor enlarging th« lira* eyy I h now paying 2<l cents per pound,! Keno, Oregon, or come to ranch and gon: Yuu are hereby required to Heretofore Oregon and other west I limits was referred to ths Fire and butter prices warranting an increase | lake a look around 9-3-tf appear and answer the complaint filed | ern stat «H hnvtt I hhhi Mt'ii ding thou Water coimulitu« aud will be acted Tl Is la the ruling price now paid fol [ against you In the above entitled suit,' FOR SALE Two wvll bred mares sands of head uf cuttie and sheep to i upon at the next meeting butter fat by the 'arger creameries | on or before the 22nd day of October, lli<> feeding grounds of the east. This | A petition was presented by the on th« railroad, although of course I one h years old, weight about 1160 1908, that being the date of the ntock, bought here In good condition, Hot Springs Improvement Company In tho cities higher prices obtain. It«- ! lbs.; the other 5 years old. weight last publication of summons and the but not fat enough for the butcher, asking that a grad» be established tenlly two or three outside creamery I about 14Ü0, with a sucking colt. last date within which the defendant lias bi'i'ti Shipped Into corn growing on Pine street estendlng ««asterly men have visited th« county looking! Both well broke, gentle and true and Is required to answer as fixed by the slates where II had tu be hept for a from 11tli street, as the Company for u location, but stated that th«1 I r< d to good horses. Price, 1300. ■ order of publication of this summons, y* ir hi nun«* before being considered wishes to construct cement sidewalk» prices puld by thu Honuiizii creamery [ 8* < th* tn ut the ranch of Algin Klrk- and If you fall to appear and answer along their propa*rty In that section. lit for the markets nt Chicago, Kan for butter tat are too high, c«»nald**r-1 paterlck, Fort Klamath, Oregon. Al the plaintiff will take Judgment | Tli« City Engineer submitted a plat bus City nnil Omaha The Idea has Ing the distance from the main but- so one heavy back and double har against you for the amount demand cun queiilly prevailed that Orenun of tin* grade of the st reel,which show ter miirkets, and that they could not ness, saddle, bridle and wagon jack. ed tn his complaint; that Is to the Price 190. A bargain. 7-30tf will du very well tn ralsn sloch, but ed a Illi of several faaet necessaiy. compete with such prices sum of 83200, with Interest thereon nut tu fatten It With th« liitiuduc- The matter was referraxl to th«' Stru t at the rate of 8 per cent per annum Next week tho county's road ma- 1 RAX4 >1 Hill HALE. committee for Investigation. tlun uf "Alfalfa Meal" tills notion I off* r my 780 a* re ranch for sale from July 30, 1908, together with Thu petition for u street light nt < bln« will begin work on the sandy [ will vanish, as the ni«*nl can be pro- lane leading Into Bonanza from tliei at the small price of 821 per acre If costs and disbursements of said ac tin* corner of Tents and Canal streets dueeil cheaper here than corn can In west. Owing to the failure of ruin sold in 90 days. 400 acres under tion and 8350 attorney's fee, and that th« stHti's of the Mississippi Valley was granted. A lira* hydrant was or to park the dirt, the grading done on |cultivation; m> ac:«-a mure can bo the following real property, to-wlt. I'liared; 300 acres pasture land, all Many of the pr«>mln«*nt stuchnieii dered Installed on High street In the roads between Klamath Falls and Commencing at a point twenty-five fenced; 82000 worth of buildings on uf the stat«* have le*eum>* interested Ewauna Heights addition. A penult was gtanted to Marshal Oli-ni*. and In the direction of Mer place; 60 acres In alfalfa; 200 acres (26) f«et northeastlerly from the cor lu the new feud, and It Is believed rill has not i «-suited aatlsfactorlly. ner on Mala Street between lots 2 that It will nut be lung before mills Macklin fair ilia* construction of a The uinstant travel has pulverized i < •'nio under the ditch now building; and 3 in Block eighteen In the town | 150 more will come under the ditch frame barn 20x20 on lot 2 In block fur grinding will be »tartod In differ tho dirt and the dust Is frightful, later Good outside ruuge. Terms, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, thence ent i » mi te uf the stat«* The establlsh- 4 4 In Nichols addition. Also toT F. making travel highly disagreeable ......... third rash, balance to suit, luter- Northwesterly at right angles with Nicholas for a barn 20x24 on block nient uf the big packing plunts at at 8 per cent. When the ruins come the dust will ■ I Main Street eighty feet, thence North 79 on Walnut avenue. .............. Ilins .M lltTIN, Pmtland and the gruwth of th» pack The petition of citizens asking be converted Into mud. All this b«- *-!•>-10-15* Klamath Falls, Oregon. easterly at right angles with said line ing business throughout the entire [ twenty-five feet, thence Southeasterly that a franchise lie granted to the i-aus«» the work was done t«*o late, or coast, litiH iiecessltnted the fattening at right angles with said line eighty government for u right of way for a tlie rains quit too soon. NOTH i: 1 011 1*1 lll.K "ATION'. of slock hero, and ns necessity I, feet; thence Southwesterly along On last Monday the Clino th reaher wooden flume along High street was Department of tho Interior, Land the mother or luveutlon the alfalfa laid over cam« near being consumed by fire, Office at Lakeview. Oregon, August Main street twenty-five feet; to place meal" la the result. of beginning, embracing a strip twen F. II .Mills, reprusa*ntlng E It For some reason, which no one ran 12, 1908. Never before In the history of Henry, askaul for a settlement with tell, the separator was discovered to Notice Is hereby given that Hamil ty-five feet wide and eighty feet long Klutnath Falls lias there been such th» city for the property appropriated be on fire shortly after moving to the ton Mulkey, of Klamath Falls, Ore In lot two (2), block eighteen (18) in a scarcity of houses for rent ns ther** | for th«« ioie of u atr«*«*t where Sixth barley stacks of the L. D. Burk place gon, who, on July 20, 1908, made the town of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Is at this timi*. It Is surprising the [street connects with the county road 1 Mr. Burk smelled burning straw fur Timber and Slone Application, No. Also demand that there is for five and six A former Council had agreed to pur some time and thought It was the en U140, for swt*nw(4, 8ec. 29, s’A Lots one (1) and two (2). block room modern cottages with a rental chase this property and .Mr. Mills gine but becoming Interested ho 0» '■«. nw’*se»*, Sec. 30, T. 37 8., seventy-seven (77), Klamath Addi uf from 115 to 83u n month Many had secured an ubstract of the prop Jumped upon the separator and dis- It. 9 E , W. M. has filed notice of In tion to the town of Klamath Falls, people from the country who wish to »rty and had th» deeds madi* out to ' over*-«) the fire smouldering there tention to make Final Prcof, to es- Oregon, held under mortgage to se spend III» winter here so lliat their the clt) Th« price asked for the itul being fiiuti* 1 Into a blare by the tubllah claim to the land above de cure said sums in this action, be sold children can attenu school, have been property Is 8600 tin advice of the I o|M*railon of ti e machinery The en scribed, liefore County Clerk Klam to satisfy said mortgage, said mort eoinpcllcd. by their inability to »« h -* ii «* city Attorney tin* Council dvcld* <1 to gine was stopped and pulled along ath Co., at his office at Klamath gage and notes secured thereby hav- accommodations, to remain on the condemn the property anil have view side the separator and a stream of Falls. Oregon, on the 3rd day of No- !a< been heretofore assigned and ranch or els« move to aonie uf the era appointed to place a value on it : water was played upon the fire and vember, 1908. transferred to the plaintiff by Charles valley tuwna. There was considerable argument be soon extinguished the blaze without Claimant names as witnesses: E - Worden, original payee of said There have been four Instances of tween Mr Mills and Mr Irwin as to any serious dumage Frank Johnston, Benjamin Corllle, note* “nd mortgagee named in said this the past week, and a number of the proper method of the city secur ---------- ♦----------- A M. Jamison. Ashley Beach, all of mortgage. utbers have had to cunt«nt them ing the property, tint the Council de And that execution and order of MEItlill.L RECORD ITEMS. Klamath Falls, Oregon. selves with Interior places when they cided on condamnation proceedings, sale Issue herein to the sheriff of J. N. WATSON. were able and anxious to rent mod believing that they had r>o right to The wires on Moore Bros. Merrill Register. Klamath County, Oregon, and that «let trie line have la*en strung as far - -*2 0-10 î • ern houses. Evon the renters, who j purchase property outright. sale be made as provided by law on as the Healey ranch, and there has are located permanently lu the city, E. II. ilcauiea, president of the NOTH 1. I oil 1*1 lll.K ATION. all of agld real property as described are unable to get the accommoda Klamath Falls Land and Transports- been a temporary c**ssation of opera Department of the Interior, U. S. in said mortgage, and that he place Ilona they desire, and will watch for Ilion Company. and the Company's at- tions. It will be but a short time un- Land Office at Lakeview, Oregon, 1 the purchaser in possession at said months ahead for some place tu be i torney. Judge Thomas Drake, ap- til Merrill will have electric light ¡July 15. 1908. ___ __________________ ____ _________ «ale, and that all the right, title and come vacant, so as to Improve home peered before the Council In behalf benefits. Notice is hereby given that Henry Interest of the defendant In and to Messrs Bwoet conditions. and Macbeth, the [of a franchls<* which was asked for It Is claimed that residence proper- | the construction of a street railway government soil testers, have about ' R Herr, of Dorris, Calif., who, on aid real estate, or any portion there- Oct 3, 1907, made Timber aud Stone of, be foreclosed, except the right to ty Is one of tlie safest and most profit system Tho franchise asked for completed their I able Investments now to be had In covers practically th» sain« streets as vicinity, and have several hundred application No. 084, T. 4 S. S. No. redeem as provided by law, and for Klamath Falls A modern house la [ the one granted to Mr Hawkins and samples of soil from various localities .1803, for Lot 4. Section 14, T. 41 8., general equitable relief. This summons Is published In the never allowed to remain vacant and 1 the Naftzger people, with the addi neatIj packed and labeled to undergo 11. 6 E., W. M., has filed notice of In parties who have built for rentlnr tional distance on Main street from analysis by experts at Washington, tention to make final proof, to estab Klamath Falls Republican, a weekly lish claim to the land above described newspaper, printed and published at purposea, claim that they are realls- , Seventh to the city limits The ob who will then tell the farmers who Ing 15 to 20 per cent on their Invest ject of asking tor the new franchise crops will prove rove most suitable to before County Clerk, Klamath Co., Klamath Falls. Oregon, by order of m**nt. An effort should be made to was for the purpose of having It grow on the lands of their locality, at hls office nt Klamath Falls, Oregon lion. George Noland. Judge of said Court, and dated September 3rd, Induce Idle capital to build for this granted to the company rather than i J. Craven. the well known timber on tho 2d day of October, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: [ 1908. purpose, as the lack of huusvMi la re having It In the name of several In "miser, had a very narrow escape Dan Gordon, of Keno, Oregon, The first publication to be made on tarding th«* growth and development dividuals. The saint* service as at .from death last week. lie was at the Andrew Wise, of Keno Oregon, Thursday, the 10th day of S«*ptember of the city to a serious extent. Hownid ranch In Drews valley and I present Is to be continued uutll the Chas. Elgin, of Dorris. Calif., 1908, and the last publication to be « [completion of the California-North-, was pre) aiIng to use the telephone C. Gordon, of Keno, Oregon. , made on the 22nd day of October, llEsEltVOIliM Nl Iltl.Y READY. when a bolt of llghnlng struck bltn «■astern Kallroad.when a continuous, J. N. WATSON, 1908. Within a month or six weeks the service will ue put on with electric or Ion tho right arm just above tho el Reglst pr BENSON & STONE, Klamath Falla Light 4 Water Com iother similar motive power, the car bow, ascended to his breast, crossed 7-30-10-1 Attorney, for Plaintiff pany will be able to etore 700,000 .service to be sufficient to arvoni mo- over and ran down the left aldo to1 SIMMONS. gullons of water In Ila reaervotra, as date the travel. The franchisi* will 'he floor shattering a chair on which the two new otiea now helug construe- , |w u< t«>«| upon at the next meeting. I tils foot was resting, and rendering' in the Circuit Court of the State of, ted will bo ready for use by that j him unconscious for about an hour. I Oregon, for the County of Klamath. ---------- 6---------- Ilin«*. The three reservoirs have the The lighnlug left a blood-r«'<l streak Mary A. Sullivan, Plaintiff, vs J.B. DAIItl ITEMS. same elevation and ar» supplied from >v«r Its course on Mr. Craven's luidj, Sullivan, Defendant. Sult In Equity the same pipe, and thus will always ' 1 While rounding up » bunch of bin (but hairing a little numbness no ser (or Decree of Divorce. contain an equal depth of water To J. E. Sullivan, the above named [Stock a few days ago. II. J. O'Brien ious effects reeiilti«d. Tho present reservoir has n capae-1 1 had hla wrist thrown out of place —♦----------- defendant: Ity of 300,000 gallqna, and the one | and a Imnc broken near the wrist List your land for sale with this In the name of the State of Ore- Dll ED INTO WIRE FENl E. office; we have buyers for all In the east end of town on the Hot | Joint, the result of hla hors«* falling gou: You are hereby required to ap Kirby McIntire hail un experience classes of Klamath County Hprlnga tract, has an equal capacity. with him. property. recently which was full of thrills for pear and answer the complaint filed Tile shingles are now being put on C C Pearson thinks he has a brok- a brief period and at which he Bow against you In the above entitled suit, tho roof, and as soon as this Is com jen rib from a fall whll<* doing aotne laughs, but what was anything but on or before the 22nd day of October, pleted th«* cement lining will be put repair work In hla house a laughing matter Ht the time, lie 1908, that being the date of the ;ast The only acreage adjacent to In and thv reservoir will be ready for The Yonna thresher mnde ii good was with C. (I. Merrill s threshing i publication of summons and the last Klamath Falls for sale in small water. Pipe connections ar« being [run last week, but Is laid up nt pres tracts. More than a score of «crew and on the way to a new- setting date within which the defendant is people have secured sites for mad«* and It Is expected that every ent In order to adjust an extra that riding on the side of the separator required to answer as fixed by the or homes. thing will be finished within the »■»« ordered from Portland der of publication of this summons, < near a heavy tool box. While cross month. Th«* reservoir being built on Early Arunt anil family were vis ing tin* bridge over Adams' canal and If you fall to appear and answer the west side Is smaller and will have Itlng at (I G. Anderson's last Sun near town a wheel on the side on . the plaintiff will apply to the Court are the best buys on the market The day. a Week ago. a capacity of 106,000 gallons which he whs sitting broke through tor the relief demanded In said com men arc eomplctlng th«* stone work The most of our stock men are th«« planking, canning the machine* to plaint. Said suit is brought to secure and will In* ready for the root Mon- gathering their beef entile, <|iiltc a lurch hla way. Kirby was sure the dissolution of the bonds of matri day. With the completion of theae number have sold ami <>tl « r« me ex- 'whole Mam«* thing" was tumbling mony existing between plaintiff and three reservoirs, the city will be pro liecting Mi. Horace Mitchell to lie Into the illtch with him on the under defendant, for an undivided one-third tected by a bounteous supply of wa here thia week to make further pur „side, so h«> mad«* a d«*sp«*rale dive into part In plaintiff's individual right In | ter. chases. the water of the canal. A barbed wire' fee of the whole of the real estate When asked If the present spring Herbert Arant quietly moved Into (fence stretches across the canal. and owned by defendant, as follows, to- would siiiiply sufficient water for the our little burg n few days ago and one of the wires Is under water, Of wit: three reservoirs, Mr. Gates, manager Ims been hauling buy for his winter s The SE i, of the NE’,, the NE’, this Kirby did not know until It bail of tho Water Company, stated that feed Ho Is now nt Furl Klamath af caught In his clothing, and held him i of the SE’,, and the Wt , of the their present source was sufficient to ter n bunch of horses fast till he nearly drowned and suc- BEI*, sec. 30. Tp. 33 S. R. 15 E.W. supply a city of 10,000 people, and The parties who went from our ceeili'd In getting loose ouly when the M. Also the SE ’* of the SE 14, Sec. If It were necessary enough more neighborhood to the huckleberrj two heavy new shirts he wore were 21. NW’* of the NW«*. Sec. 27, and Hprlngs could bo uncovered In that [ patch have retui tied ami all agree torn to shreds by hla frantic exor- th«« B '■ Of the NB i [that they nad a good time. locality to supply throe tlineH that Hons. The water and mud were onl) 28, Township 37 S . R. 13 E W. Mrs. O. G. Anderson visited with number. about three feet deep but It was ini- containing In all 320 acres; that the Tho plant can pump 600 gallons her daughter, Mrs Arant, last 8un- possible for him to get his head up plaintiff have the future care and cus of water a minute, with the one pump . day. into th«* nlr until he had torn away tody of the minor children of said they now hnve. This they only use1 Mr. and Mrs. Will. Wight contem 1 from tho barbetl wire. The separator marriage, and that the defendant con about seven hours a day, but they can plate a trip to Shovel creek within did not leave the bridge. Merrill tribute toward the nurture and edu i verage 36.000 gallons an hour for a few days and will remain there long cation of said children the sum of lleeord lie entire 24 hours without lowering enough to test th« rheumatic cura --------- ct----------- 1600.00. th« water an Inch Tho compi’!) Ir tive powers of tin* hot springs at Hint Also that the defendant pay to the FAI.I. MILl.lNEItY OPENING. 1«, w Installing a I pumo anil place. plaintiff tho sum of 31.100 to meet P O Parsons, C. J. Heldtman, Jas Wm. Flacklis returned from Ash nlll then he able to supply 7'J.Oot, !1 ier Immediate Indebtedness and 3150 gai'otis an hour, If It should o/>*r be land Monday with a load of fruit for II. Driscoll anil II. L. Holgate drove his winter's supply, Mra. Finck uh re up to the site of the Clear Lake dam [ for costs and attorneys' fees of this m ci asary. nialned In Ashlnml to make a visit last Sunday on a hunting trip and. In ■mil. Plaintiff prays for general re with her parents cidentally to see how the government lief This summons Is published In the Frank Hterzl at rived froin Portlati*! work la progressing. They bagged a À He Is well pleuwil with number of birds but saw no large Klannith Falls Republican, a weekly Hurry Pearson, who camo up from Monday. They report that the road newspaper, printed and published at Kono Wednesday. Matin he has been his stay In wehfoot land and may re game. Klamath Falls, Oregon, by order of In Keno since Bunday and Kelley has turn after the fall work la done at crew, under the direction of Mr. Uol- ler, are making rapid progress and'Hon- No'atul. judge ^of said hotuo. not been seen there. Ho has not S^-s»*~ Elders McKee nnd Northridge, ac will complete the highway by the Court, and dated September 9, 1908. made his appearanco In Klamath 1 alia and a message from Dorris says companied by Mrs. Dr Johnson from coming Saturday. So fur as It was The first publication to be made on lie bus uot been there. Another search Bouanza, held a incut Ing ut this placo completed tho road was In splendid the 10th day of September, 1908. BENSON & STONE. condition, smooth and with no heavy will be unido In tho tulen at the Leo Monday evening 9-10-10-22 Attorneys for Plaintiff. grades. There are about fifteen men ranch. Mr. and Mra. B. Gut bridge arrived In the camp and all those will be John It. Lemon arrived In the city Tuesday night from Grnnts Pnaa to transferred to the dam on completlot last Thursday from Los Angeles, and Hpotiil the winter with their son, Dep- of tho rond, and the force Increased left next morning for Bly, near where , uty- Sheriff Richard tluthrldge. Mr. to probably 100 men. Bonanza Bui ¡BUSINE55 COLLEGE! his son has taken up a homestead i‘luthrlilge la innklng arrangi-inenta I etin. ■ WAIHINQTON AMO TENTH STM ------------ 6------------ and la spending a few years In tho to sell hl« property at Grants Fa»» □ PORTLAND ORCOON I Harry Pearson returned to Kent n. AM mountains tor th» beuedt of his and If lie succeeds lie will make hla A WRITE FOR CATALOG Friday. health. I permanent home In Klamath Falla. FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN DR. C. MASON P. WILL A. LEONARD DENTIST Office in American Bank A Trust t om pony’s Building) Withrow- Hclhase Hulldlng PHONE 614 KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Oregon Nursery Co. SALEM,OREGON Complete Stock of Fruit, Shade and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines R. G. ROSS, BOX AGENT 175 KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. Long Lake Lumber Co Manufacturers of All Kinds of L U n B E R Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Hand sawing and Turning, Odd-Shed Doors & Windows PHONE a Specialty 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum- ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de- livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. O. HUSON Manager 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE GO Goods packed and shipped. Heavy freighting a specialty. Baggage orders given prompt at tention. Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your fine piano moving. Phones—Office 871, Barn 873 Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE THE LAND MAN FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS With or Without Driver CHAS. R- BALDWIN, Proprietor STUDEBAKER \ 1 HZ?.... WAGONS ISUGGIES and CARRIAGES ■■ V 9 ----------- - * - drwwt:,. J ------ «------ kJOLME s«“ »>■ Geo. T. Baldwin Phone 2Ô!