Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1908)
KLAMATH REPUBLICAN “Kale” a Great Dairy Crop BONANZA I Tennis Tcxirnainent Begins (From th* Bulktin) Cocvaliia, Ore —Kale teoneof the beat Today talking crop» in Oregon When th» Oro- Virgil Erwin will leave to morrow F idru** 1 1 the Middle Pa ••lh’ Cham gon Isswter want» to prove that Oregon i» the heat dairv Mate in the I'tiion lie moinmg foi the iath<«ad with another pion*hip hminameni at»» lieing daily poumG ot ho tier for rt»eviv»»«l hv Hm tMmiiulle»» in charge lie, to t ilk Kali*. I'nless he know , shipment »»I 2 fo date i«*n entrivMi have l»e«»ii n*cei\c»l th«* baerauivntu market. what Kale will ii*> to the milk I. icket he ••The fanus in our countrv maintain from out*i«h» | hhii I s , ami there ar»* al- has not qualified*« aboiMler. It iaoall- readv enough e<»mp tit*-r* anteie»l to in • I M. ed the rtiouaau l-hooded Kale and the one dairy cow to the acre»" sure th«» suco-«« <4 the toiirmnu.iit l.vttleof H'liul'olt C “ ‘ intv . who v isitetl botaniat know» it as Bias-i.-a clerace*. Thoae «■ut,-reti l<> <Ut<< ar*t M<*u'. thi« section last week. ”Of eour*t* the but it is the plain Kale oi four letters All < omnium, atione submllted lor pub. ..-ation in the columns of this jaipei- The strange Nveruge aim» of th** fat ma is small, about Single» liem* t'DMihv. Oakland, i’.li- will b. inserted only . ver the name of t writer. No non de plume articles that doea the talking. iii.!*-- I'.iw ne Bly, On-g*ui, thing is that it ha, only lieen during the 4A acrea, and are veil » are«I (or. The fornia; < will be published. n. Dwtiv. On-g. n ; ILO K. K .«•utt Sull« 11. Dairy. <>i»»g*-ii; laat two or three year, that it has had farmer» understand the soil» and soil I Wil»on, I I S»aiiiaiidt»r and W fo-vda nece**ar\ for th«» plants and 1er- an audience though it ta nearly thirty Chambfr of Commerce Plans K .»math County Views For year, old in the Willamette valley. It tiliae intellic ntly. Th«»*«» farms are Harelav , of Klamath Agvncv . Will Mu •on, C. E. WiddtHM, Burge Mason, W has trikscl to talk all thoae vears but peo veritable gold mines Our vallev haa Seattle Exposition Increased Activity 8, Wilev, F. I. Ilumphiey ami D. B. ab«*ut th«» area of Yonna valley, We ple wouldn’t listen when it »o uht rec An eToit will be male to get Tom L. H. Hephenaon, oi Portland, i« in lädier' Campbell of Klamath Fall*. oguiti >n. " We never heard it talk.” tbev have two bank* and thev pay «»lit to the R char Ison, of the Portland Commer 1 e city »curing views for the <)rea«»n Single* Mi* II G. W|l»on, Mi»s Mil 1 larmei*'- each month, principally (or in-i,te*l, ”l*ack in low a an i New Y, rk. cial Club, lo visit Kf.ntath Falls this b'liMitig at the Alaska-Yukon Ex« died Wilson. Mis* E Ina M Miller* am! Rack th "tv c >ws pro l ice mi k without hu* {«»1 tat. | I'ai.iMMi When thi* B<man«a summer, and imbue the minds of the p »»¡lion. The Oregon building ia one of Mio ('harlot!«» Schullx, Klamath Kale and I g les, they w ill have to here.' t'ountrv h under irrigation, «lairving w ill I«-.pie of this citv with some of his en- the largeat anil handaomeat state build- tgvncy . Mu«a Evelyn \|q>lvgai«', Miss I h » the prin« ipnl occupation, simply be- That it tradition. It took thirty years tliusntsni. The Oh ttnh »r of Co n n ‘rce «»n the grounds It if three times I »uise Sargimt ami Mi»» Elsie Apple for Kale to get an audience in tin« -tale L au**t» it will I e »he most profitable one. l a- taken the matter up and Its« b*en the M/e and has three times the rto.»r I 1 \ml I venture to say that under dry ante. Klamath Fulls. Oregon« ami live down tradition. encouraged l.y promises of snppnrt f.ont »1 -uv ot the Orvg’*n building at the \ nutnlrer of teams have la»»»n foi mvd The dsirviuen of hew V rk uti le ■ farming thoee who ar»* milking h»r the the business men. I a is X Clark Fair. will a view («» entering the double»* aland green •uceulent husl mean jcicamerv. v-pecially if they have g«M*d Secretary Dunbar states that since he It I** the intention a( those in charge 1 «lair) td»H k, find that th»» («est paving event*, ami it is expect«*d (hut nearly to the dairv . 1», ami tl * 1 budd e> « mentioned the matter he has received oi lite Oivgon exhibit to give lectures all > ’ thoM* entered in th«* singles* event ■ penaive sitoa. I>uv expensive machine v ami most * iti-lact«>i y busine-- thev have als.ut ten new application- for member an<i c »l<»iel steroptii'in view* from undertaken. No butter can excel v*»ura Will paitici|Mitv ill llo» doubles and grow lerlditv robbing corn win. ship and others of the committee have ev«*rv c uniy in the Mate. The nature \ immlH*r ol those «»ntered bav»» had they irrigate with their sweat, in in quality.” also received a large nuntlter. It is the oi the viea* will dejH»nd entirely on the •'on'udeinblv e\|»erivnce in tournam*»nl that the farmer iluring ihehrng w inlet I'he IV nan/a Creamery Company has l>o;>e of the Dire» tors ot the Chamber to county from ati ch thev are taken. plav. Mr. Croahy has play»ni ’ll .1 num- months max have an excuse for milking n«»w a steady ami de|K*ndable maikrt take in lot) new meml>ers and with this Ttiv p irp »»e is t» secure those scenes l»er ol th«» big tournament* held in ami his cows. The Oregonian no -1’ n>.-v loi its product in Sacramento. The com showing it is lielieved that Mr. Richard which will l*est a tvertise the resources pensive silos to remind the co* 01 tin* mission lu'use ha* Lighlv complimented around Oakland. California, ami iapuk son wilt consent to come ami assist in a . oi the different f<x*tions **( the alate. old summer time. Kale' V tliou«- th«» coiupan* on the n«»atnvsao( its ^»aek* ed by mam to win tlu» tournament. lug celebrati ut. Klamath Countv is wonderfully iivh Mi Sw41 (zlamler of Klamath Agem v and blearing, on the thou’an I he ide I ages and tbc quality ol the butter. But- Krerv man from Klamath Fall? who in its diversity oi natural resources and 1* al*o a ven «trong ami dangeruii* play Kale' It is makin.» Oreg >n Hi. ■reate-l tii quotation» continue low . and it is visits Portland an I becomes »equa m twl «< uer\ ami a it h proper assist a rce irotn He. like Mt Crosby i probable that the pri« e of butter tat vi at all tune dairy state in tile I non with the work l<eing Jone by th«* luin the |»eople thi> countv. Klamath an 1 xpenenev«! tournaimmt player. When grown under lax.ual.le n ndi thia month will not exceed I7 ‘ v cent? ’ , ness men <■( that city, returns home fall sliotiM have the n»»wd interesting an«l Mi. Wilet is one of the lies! play«*ri •»( (iii freightage, c«»mmissions and cost oi of enthusiasm and with a desire to help attractive view a o( any count) in the lions Kale will yield ♦> ton- per i.-re *>i manuhu-tnr«» mu*t la» *l«»vluct<»«l from th«» th«» hw'al duh ami ha- |«artici|Mitai in green feed and its chief value is as a tn the good work here. It is only by state. It is Mr. Stephenson’» intention gr )*••» receipts for the butter, but still the District of Columbia ami Middlt» At going on the outside and seeing w hat to take 1 trip through all |mrts of the soiling crop during the fall and winter. Splen lid results ate lieing secitre.1 by tlu» eompanv will distribute tlu* month lantic championship tournament» in the oilier towns and communities arc doing county and secure views irom which the fee ling Kale an I Vetch hav t-> d.m v *om«v among tlu* farmers. The ea»t. that the people here realize the op bv«t will l»e selected to I h * used. Mr. Wilson of kla«iiath Agency is a cow» without any grain or mill lt*e.l. nuiid»er of cows are increasing, ami *ev portunities thev are wasting in securing Mr. Stephenson is not asking any Dr. Withyconibe of the Agn iiltin.d oral large I e»da will tw» adde«l this sum brilliant player, um! Ins »trudine»» and settlers for out kiiming di»t»ict. Other thing from the pe«»ple of this county, h»ng r\perivnce «»n th«» court* muv win College says that 15 pounds of Vet* h mer. localities «in, f, than one-third the hut it I- to their interest to see that h » for him the title. hay ami 40 | m > uii 1« of Kale a .lav is pi at Fret I \ inton ha* purc'ias<»«l th»* rrsi. advanta j »• » i Klamath county are spend- does not uverkwUc any |«articularly goo I Mrs«r* Campbell. Ma*«»n ami Wtd ticallv a balanced ration for a dairv deuce properly of Wm. Bassett «»n Main illg tw ie.- • as tuiich money and doing scene that wouki help advertise ;he d«»v< ar»* alm very «tr«»ng ami ex|x-nenc eow. Mr. W. 1 . Wilaon of Banks Or* street, formerly occupied by Ii I Kil- tai. e :i« nt lb b u»'ik iti the advertising county, If there are any of the ed plaver* an I muv upset mime ••( tlie g>>n, sav» *1 receive,! »207 irom '4 gore. I’he price (mid was f.’a’O. lino. who have a nice bunch of cattle, pre-mt calculations. trows in the month of Deeeuilier an.! f*<| H. F. Swingle and A C. Duncan re- Tom I. hardso . i> reported as aayi ng. horses. hogs or a field oi O( the othei** entered very little is them nothing but kale, turnips an I turned Saturday from the railroad w lien* known, but may prov«»t<> b«»dark horst «. m. I Klamath cunn- gram or altalla, they should ex- that Kicmath Fa vetch hay. The man who feeds chop they had la»en with a bunch of mule* ■ral advantages to ten»! to Mr. >tephenson the courtesv of tv has tv.: v •< ' It is t*» I m » n giette»! that Mrs. Ge«»rgv would have to make »2:47 to clear as for shipment. Thev loaded KU head on Pratt will n«»t I m * her»* to *»articipate in offer of -. i .ty in tlo- state of Ore taking him to the scene and giving him much as I do. I have not h^d a speck the cars l*»r the Southern California the tournament. Mis. Pratt gon. ‘ V I ' l.e says, ‘ »- ti l ave your all the information they can. A Tea I I» KI hiu I of mill feed in the barn all winter.” market. beauli .1 '. your rich valleys, your good scenes of homes on the farms nth Falls'champion lady .. player, ^..1 and la it I Mr. Bvron Hunter of Corvallis ha-. 1- lake«, tin. r, -cenerv, fishing, hunting would he appropriate. was g> vatic Iio|»rd that *he could I m » »« en assistant agriculturist of the Bureau of MERRILL and hundreds of inducements which no - —• < »<• ♦ ♦- - m competition with th«» lady expert* the Plant Industry, V. S. Departniem other section has. What more do you I Prom th* Record! from llie Agency. of Agriculture, male a special study of want1* You have the longest main Lake County Mines Attracting Play will commence promptly at U k) the forage crops of Western Oregon, and The lien Catholic church tn T.-r street of auy city in the state, but the Thursday morning, .Inly Attention in Bulletin No. 91 published jointly hv williger addition to Merrill is nearly o’clock, trouble with your people is that they do Thoae who are not ready The mines of (sake county are begin the Oregon »Experiment Ft tlion and the rvadx for the painter: and |Mi|»er hang 2nd. not work together.” t<> play when their matchra are railed ning to attract considerable attention, I»e[iartn>ent of Agriculture, lias the er». The people here are beginning to real will In* promptly defaulted. iinlrs* pre- and capital is becoming interested and : following to say about the Kale which G. and P. K. Nh-rrill »old last week vioualy excuse*! by the referee. Thia ize that they have tire best country on will take a hold and develop some of the istimelv. ten head of tw>» u-ar «»Id mule* to A T. action la m»vr»«ary owing to the fact^ the coast, but they are anxious to get I prospects. It is now more than two I Methods of Rowing:- For fall and Mr. I lichardso.-i tn come here and tell Garnet», of Willow», t'al. H. Mer that there are a numlier of pinyen en I years since the first discoveries of gold winter use. kale i« usually -on in rill drove them to the whipping point, tered Irmu out of town. Hence it 1» them how to puli together in order to 1 were made in that sectioh, but still no drills on well prepared and drained sotl build up the country. In talking with I. B. Luther, who ha* earned the necessary that the tournament l»e run | mine ha*« l«een opened up. Moat of the as soon after the 15 of March as the sea the business men of this city you will title of *‘«agv brush king” of Butte oft without nnv lagging. g >»ds pro-peds are owned by sheepmen son will permit. This furnishes plants crerk valley, is looking over the Mvr- hear them remark that if the farms were The big sterling silver howl challenge and ranchers who arc not familiar with for transplanting in June and July only settle.1 up what a great tiling it rill valley and its many inducements for trophy ha* lieen received and i* now on mining ar.d h ive held onto their claims, The land used for transplanting is well would I m * for business, but they will the home-builder. exhibition nt McHatton'* jewelrv «tore expecting that some one would make a manured and plowed two or three times blame thia or that man for knocking An attempted suicide occurred near The Indie*' first prixe will be u m»t of rich strike and that thev con hl then dis- between the first of March and the first the country and discouraging homere -k- this city Tuesday morning. George sterling u(t»»r dinner c«»ftee »p«on*: 2nd pose of their possessions at a big price. of Jun». With the land in |s*rfect ti h ers. and so refuse to do anything them Dick, a well known resident of this prize, sterling l*on lw>n diah. Ei rat : >ince this has not t»een the case, some it is plowed again with a 12-ineh plow selves. It is believed that a man like section, took a generous »lose of pt fate, gentlemen*» »ingles, watch I- h; of them are letting go now an I the pro aliout the first of June am! the jrottng Mr. Richardson would I* able to start strychnine Previous to swallowing the 2«>d prix»», sterling match trny. Tie perties are passing into kale plants drop|*ed into every third the people oti the right plan of work, practical mining men. I furrow about 2*, to 5 feet apart. Tliie drug, Mr. Dirk had gone to a neighbor'* prixe» in double* wi’l be purvhaaad a* and once started right their is no doubt This Spring a nnmber of capitaliste places about one plant on ev-ry square I-Hr ii, and upon discovery of hi» act he * mui as it is ascertained who are to play as to the result. and men of experience in mining have yard. The roots of the plant are u as immediately removed to hi» home in them* event*. A social in planned for the evening of visited that section and some ot them placed where the next furrow covers Dr Alex Patterson wa« hastily called Will Ee a Big Tourist Year nave secured either leases or opti <>ns on them, leaving the tops uncovered. The and the patient w is soon pronounced luly 2nd in honor of the visiting plav out of danger. er». A musical program w ill I m - rvmlered This will I* a l-ig year for tourists in | some of the best claims both at New plants that are plowed in during the Messrs. -Mew art and Grigsby arrived and light refreshments will be servad. Klamath County. Many prominent i Pine Creek and at Phieb. One of the day in this wav are rolled in the even people have already signified their in bn gw»t deals was consnrunuUe«! a few ing of the same day to pack the ground. via automobile from the Bay ci.y last «Among the artists who will assist 11 rr Two or three cultivations are all that we« k and «pent several day» in thi* Mrs. D'H Zumwalt, Miss Applegate, k tention of visiting Crater ljtke and »lays ago wi en the group of claims in other part, of the country and every the Pine Creek district was leased tor can usually be given, forth» plants sill vicinity buying horses. They were alter Mi und Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs. Gatt»», day w ird is lieing received of some new i term of years, and the payment made s ’in touch in the row if they do well. - id lie horse», presumably f r the Mrn. M'Ugnn. Bov W .»Iker and M D a« l-PSMi in cash It is the opinion of And plants that fail togrow may be re army, although the gentlemen wire Wi lam*. ''ones being a.ldod to the list. M ason &■ S lough E. J. MURRAY. Editor ABSTRACTERS A v I mi I vv LEADING NEWSPAPER OF INTERIOR OREGON. tlUlt ||lL*llt» TWO DOLLARS PER t EAR IN ADVANCE liivvitT XX’ 11 I Ollll»»* m«»IIO,V tlio Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH r DAIRY S 4 4 4 4 4 GOODS NEW 5 'Fi» firrix’O .\|»i-íl 12< H I» <• * Seasonable Dress Goods Men’s Work and Dress Shirts Consisting ot J ? Í SHOES 4 4 FOR EVERYBODY. t < ; tv < 4 4 LOTS Ob' THEM. > k ?K ivi ■ < 4 4 Í 4 4 4 4 4 r< >< > .it the store <>( W. P. SEDGE L J 0. K. TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 4 4 4 / KENYON & THOMPSON. PROPS. 4 Goods p.kk d and shipp *d. I h aw Ircighlini.! a specialty. Baggage orders given prompt at tention. Having up-to-date piano trucks we solicit your line piano moving. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Phones Office 871, Barn 671. Resdence 645 L W WWW**»**«*** %%««« L IBI EQUIPPED HOTEL IN MINERN üREEiüN E Lakeside Inn, I 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 M rs . M. M c M illan . Propr Modern improvements. 73 rooinH nini nuit«**. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, l’arlttrs, Two Club Rooms. Etc., Etc. SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > 1 —— > / r 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * ....................... nsnv mining n-en who have Dixie e placed by hand. Some growers prefer re*i<«ntas to the ultimate destination Will G. Steel, <>f the Crater Lak> LARGEST C AT ALCXs They suc Klamath Baseballists and Root horotigh investigation of the die to plant the see*! in hills, and when the of their equine purchases. Company, received a letter fr-irn Gov ionucaih stoni (Mean • at tutor Chauit<erlain stating that he and trict that some day I alee County plants are large enough thin them to ceeded in obtaining quite a numu«*r of Masi Order Maaae* , m »o* «•* tKa No*lk-,if ers at Lakeview Others put kale very g »<*1 horse* in this vicinity having his family would visit the lake in Au will t>e known as a g«d«l producing sec- one plant in a hill. ECONOMIZE THRO JONE5 < a«at«« GROCERIES gust. Mr. Steel is ¡»life long friend ol tion. <>n one of the claim» near New- out just as cabbage is usually trans in ught about thirty head of J. Frank H«4a|N (> > ( afx.1 Th» Huyer» Guide Klmiidlh I all* ha-t* ball teiim, bc r > i •■i ■ aw j The Adam* a* well a* a good many other* (*MinpHhii‘<l by a nniiil>er of router*, >»« h *4 ««a Oab Su the Governor and I a« la-en tri ing for Pine Creek a small stamp miil ha- l*-en planted. instead of plowing it in. ■-*• teiwlgf Maathly PORTLAND. QU. ? MM* years to get him to visit Crater fotke installed and will be operate«! during time of transplanting must In* deter left M««n«lay for luikevirw to take At last bis efforts have been successful the summer. On many of the other mined by the size of the plants and lh.- UPPER LAKE part hi the uoneH <»n the Fourth. It is and the ti-.vernor has consented to nro per ties shafts are l»eing sunk an«l th« condition of the land. If the land 1- that ttii» <tly is anti ling to Arthur Wakefield ami Peter Pelerete, usual a»»e-«ment work is lieing done. wet and subject to overt! >w the trans- come. l*akt»vi?w the M«ronge*i team it has I planting may be delayed until dining the Is at builders, have l>eon helping ever imd, an<i ii KI»iiiBth Falla <loee not It is lielieved that Congress will recog July. If the land is well drained and John Totten get the Winema in «hai«- win that nize the importance of the National Congressman Sherman III pur*«*, Lak -view will have the plant« are large enough it may tie the la-t few days. Park in Klamath County and will make to play a proirt^iontl game. The Iwiyi Cleveland, June 26—The illness of THE LAND MAN ('apt. Corbett, of the Eagle, has j ist done before the fir-t of J one. In trar.s w^x-.-.aAi a suitable appropriation for its improve and their supporter* are nil «• »n‘blent of | Congressman James 8. Sherman, Re planting, enough plants may Is- left for landed a 2D yard load of sand for I lie KiicceH*. Klamatli Full» ri‘iz«’n* have ment next year. An effort is lieing publican nominee for Vice-President, Toe rand came from Wood 1 a stand on the I and where the seedlings m is. n- n.ade by Mr. Steel and others to get as 5 H GUIZZI.I: geoeroiiwly coiitribiiie<l f22O toward is still causing considerable alarm, River ami is of gissl quality. a re g ro w n. ________ many of the prominent legislators and KLAMATH I Al I A List your land fof sale with this |iaying the ex|N-n«r— • i the »rip (o| (he -ince his removal to the lakeside Hos high government officials to visit this office; Wr have buyer* for ull OKKOON Mr. S 0 t ha|t|M-l has bought the troy». pital from the residence of ex-Governor Dies from Fractured Skull scenic wonder a, possible, so that when elaaaes of Klamath County laige li.'hter <.« ne l by Schallock A l*ag- The following bo^t» con.iti'.ut? the Herrick, he has had several intervals ot Fllward Harris, who was brought to gett. He has had it repaired and will the matter of an appropriation comet property Klamath team, two extra players being I rest, but at times hie Con lition has as town from I/>ng Lake Wednesday with up in Congre«s, they ran u*e their in* U'e it i , transp.rting wood from Odessa taken along: Joe Ball, Je»» and Holly sumeil a serious phase. Mr. Sherman’s a broken sknll, die I shortly after mid tinence to increase the allowance. I lo thia place. Sienena, Charlea and John M«w>re, Crew* ■ illness, which wa> at first diagnosed a« night. Harris, who was 27 years of age, Governor Chamberlain is a busy man. Work has Isen started on the big Ad I ranria, Kuper, S<an and Harry Ben a billious attack, turned out to have was working with two other men in The only acreage adjacent lo but lie ha« promised to w -rk. for Crater ams dredge. Messrs. Johnson A Fruit aon. been caused by gallstones. stringing a pri vale telephone line for J. Klamath Falls for sale in small Lake when hr- goes to the Senate, and The Congressman is lieingattended by J. Whitcomb from hi’ plaes t > this cit y have charge of the work. tracts. More than 11 aron1 of it is for the of acquiring per f»re. Allen and Carter, <,i Cleveland, and connecting with the I. >ng Jutke '»«■ Sunday's Excursion on Lake lieople have secured altee for sonal knowledge of trie scenery and the and Or. George Boskowitz, of New- 111 ill. Freak Colt at Lakeview The first excuraion of the aeaaoti oi homes. needs of the Park, that he will take the York. Or. Finney, who attended Me. Abont 4 o'clock in the aftermsin, A freak of nature in the shape of a 1 Upper Klamath Lake was given Hun time to make this visit. .'Iierman during an attack of the same while he was standing on a la Ider at thrse-levgerl colt r an I* seen at The Ex ■ l.ty by the Steamer Winema. A crowd Late information L m lieen received 1 j trouble in Washington last year, has ar taching a wire to a tree, he fell and ■mine, r.ffic It was foaled on the from tlii» city went along and all en from E. 11. Harriman stating that- he { lire the beat Imya on (hr market rived, having been summoned from struck on his head in the hard road. E. WHITLOCK ranr-li of 1» ('hander, of Drews Valley. joyed a moat delightful time. The day will not arrive here until the latter part Baltimore. Mrs. Sherman is at the His two companions at once brought It livi d for nearly a day. It was unable was an ideal one arid the nxcuraioniata of July. He ex|rects to spend a week UNDERTAKER ' lie.!»i<le of her husband having come i • him to town where lie was ex- ‘ to feed it-elf arid was given too much ’«•« med to brr-atlr health in the cooling or so at hi’ resort at Peli< an Bay liefore I AND EMBALMER ! from her home at I'tica immediately on amined by Dr. Hamilton, ft was found cow's milk, with the result that it was breezes from the forest topped moun he makes the trip to Crater Lake. Gif ! learning of his illness. With her is tier that his skull was fractured at the base. lloliler of IJcense No 211, killed by colic. It is perfect in form, tains which Isrrder the lake on all ford i’inchot, Chief of the Forestry de son, Richard I’. Sherman, an instructor He remained unconscious ar d died at except that it possesses only one leg in «idea. Tim arrived in Odessa at 12 partment, hits signifi.-1 his intention KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON in Hamilton Colleg“, at Clinton, N. Y. about2:30 next morning. THE LAND MAN front, tlu- left fore leg is missing, (,'itv ' o'clock where dinner a ax served in the of visiting the lake this summer. The deceased has only one brother, , big ilaricing pavilion </uite n number Recorder, Snider says that he saw a John Sharp William«, Democratic lead C. F. STONE Has Klamath Falla a City Attorney? whose whereabouts are unknown. Ills er of the house of representatives, is twsly was buried in the Klamath similar deformity at Alturas some time ol touriats are already stopping nt the ATTORNEY AT LAW This is the question now lieing dis- Falls cemetery. ago, and that the colt was then a yearl hotel mid the cottages, and Mrs. Grif another prominent legislator who will WILL A. LEONARD ! cti’-eiL Section 10 of Article 1 of the OFFICE OVER POSTOFFICE ing, and may he alive now-, as it was ac fith states that accomrnrMt.itions have \ isit Crater Lake. He is expected to I city charier provide« that "No person Bishop Robert I,. I'aJd-Mk, <»i the tive and perfectly health v and of normal lecture at Medford, arid will take advan been atked for for a large number dm DENTIST ' shall he eligible to any office, elected or Eastern Oregon Dior» -» fifth»- F [.¡wropul size I akeview Examiner . ing this month. Indication, are tage of this opportunity to visit the appointed, in the corporation, who It:«« ch'irch, from Baker ai II vhit Wlthrow-Mclhœ Hulld/ng twice aa manv people will visit this r> park. not resided in the city of Klamath Fall- Klamath County ami will hold ervir« ■* -oil ttii “ veai thnn ever la-fore < W Milh-i of Portland, a ri'pir-o-nt DR WM. MARTIN for one ye.-u next preceding anch el in this city on Sunday, Inly 5, I • r Hiv»‘ *1 lb«* <‘-»fi 1 1 in tion 1 oiiipari) Population Rapidly Increasing ection or appointment." will be I he Bishop'-» fii-l -,i it t»» (In or n i is i which 1* building the railroad ytH«le enator < has. W. Fulton, of Oregon, lohn Irwin was appointed City At part of hi» diocese and it i- Iwheve I to Klamath County’s ¡wquilation is in a« r<> th«' dyke, w a here Fnday. may get n place in fall 'a cabinet, in case creasing at the rate of five a day ae torney by Mayor Stilts a short time ago, be hie desire to mnet all membFi» of ATTORNEY AND He ma le n inspection of the work on the republican i Hiididale ie elected prea- • ording to tiie li'cord of the tian«-por and ha« been acting in that capacity that denomination hi order to take some his u iv in ¡«nd “ay ■ that everything n nient. The Washington Poet CEUNSELOR AT LAW in epic, 1 Mr. Irwin v as also elected a director ta Hon « uiipimi«**. During the first action in regard lo e»tabh»fiinv arhtir h going along nicely 'in i that the work iilaling on proepts liie cabinet KLAMATH I ALI.8, OREGON changée twentv <lays of this month the incom I of the Water I ser»' Association thia here* from iio ' a on will he riched I«» com eaye : ¿500 Acres free ROOMS 7 4 8. MURDOCK BLDG ing pa*?“‘iig« 1 «*x<•• ''<kd by ]IM? those go 1 Spring from the Bonanza district. Laet A niimi»er of the Im ai p»*«»pl»* have al pletion. •'Menntor Fulton has been a <• »nait 1 The Lakeside irompnny has 2PM) acres ing out. It i the belief that in the next winker he taught school at Olene hut ready stated their wiiiingm*w^ to - >n- Arriingi-inehlM are being perfected foi tent Tall boomer, anil the secretaiy of land under lie- Adams ditch that it tli te uiontliz th»* a\erare increase will he always has made Klamath Fall» hie tribute generously toward the upport will give RENT FREE for one year the K l.irnath District MethodiHt Minis likes him. I lie Pacific const will have I I»«* more than double thi* amount. headquarters. If lie should claim of a church, and if the Bishop find* I hat This Includes the use uf the land and DR C. P. MASON held at a sent somew heie around the cabinet water. \s the tourist travel ha» barely begun I lli-rie as hi» home, it would dis-qualify the «upport will justify tl.eeatahli-ment h 11 tl \--« m iatioii meeting to The renter must clear and vet, it i* state I that this im rease is due him a City Attorney, and if he claim» of a church he undoubtedly w ill do w>. \dilHiid, Inly 71 h, Kth and Hlh. There tal le, ami the chance for Senator Ful place th«- land in cultivation. The rent DENTIST mainly ’ «th»» arrival of permanent set- Klamath Fall» as his home, there is a If parents «leeiroiis of having their chil will l»e quit»« a delegation of niiniaterH ton fot appointment as Attorney < .en er gets all the crop but we reserve the Offiec In A.... riean Bank A Trust Com right to piston* the »rubble. . tiers. At the r*fte of 150 a month, it question as to what effect it would have dren biptiae«! will notify Mr. T. W. in attendan«e^rom all over the Klarn- crai or Heeretary id Labor end Com patty’» Building The Lakeside Company, won’t take Klamath County 1« to set on bi» position a. Director from the Eo Stephens, arrangeniHnt» ran !»«■ ma le dh Dt din t, and I bier R, W. Dunlap- merce are as pooil as am man who has J Frank Adams, Manager, I PHONE U14 been na ned." j j for same during Bishop Paddock's viait. jvdl prstide <>ver the deliberations. nanza district. tle up« Merrill. Oregon. FRANK IRA WHITE Enterprise Tracts Mills Addition Lots FRANK IRA WHITE Klamath Falls, Oregon c. C. BROWER Office over Klamath County Bank KIAMATHFAllS OREGON F