Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1908)
COUNIV COUR! llawk-y ••flakhiK Good” CANDIDATES COLUMN .blute Senator lialilwin, M) (Continued from laat werk) l«'pr. .ululi,,. Hawl«y, of Dragun, I» Gl libili, I hereby submit my name to the Re 'M , 1"‘?lun« »..... 'I- In« -l"i»n ¡Turing I leal, <10 In the matter of the I’ctltion of .1 hi» inn i , m I'ongr»»« that he publican voters for joint ser.ator from Augu»t Bu. »mg. ] Dyer tor Liquor l.lecn»«' Oil this • Ima L«nz, maile ol ti,i. right leniti «tufi || ||,, Klamath, l-ake and Crook counties at ixrople o| I, . Ri.iin t ,(u. u<M-( ........ .lay <•0111«» on regularly to b« heard th« Frank Ward. ld>rella, Oregon, Fob. 1, 190S. the primary election to be held April' l„-liti. ii "I J W IG'J t.u i .1 II .geinten I" lenirli Ium linn aller lärm, thev will . I hereby »nneurtce my candidacy for 17, EMM. liceti»« to »ell aiiirituoua, mult and vin I I Xp|.i..g lind ,|I thl. end I.f a few veara •in that ib»t tin the nomination of a»»<*B»or, subject to mi« Inplors ill I»«» ipmntltlea than one I . C. Ileum, Having faithfully r«|iresented this J H....... . repo-puctn,.. action of the republican voters nt the Il' ln till' rliliri. Wc I gallun. in the Plevna precinct far I A . T Languii district in th« la .1 »« ion of the l«gi primary election, April 17, 1 ‘ J OM. tl |H-ri<sl of six month« from the Nth G W J"ry. lature, and since the ««riator-hip has, K C. COWLEY. day "f January It«* D appearing to <h IlMW, I' lack us f«»r this term, been conceded to Klam-1 the satisfaction of th« Court from the II. D Burke. ath, I again a»k for the favorable c«»r.-1 priHifa tiled herein that due nnd legal j .1. A Nichol», 1M. , "UcreiinhiI con. 1 hereby announce myself a» a candi »¡deration of th« voters of this Sena-! nolle«' has town given of the presvnlu it < I «iw lev g.i ■I<.n»l.lwe<r, II.. did not t„ K«-»p«-ctfiiJ)y, ! "»«Iiiiigi..n with It reputation In- wa> date for nomination on the Republican torial district, lion of «««I IH'tii on tiv publication m Join I>1 ¡»Coil. hi <» fl. MERRYHAN tin- Klamath Republican, u weekly j W It«' I i nnui led km.» n ». « Iminoriat ; Im was nut ticket for County Assessor, of Klamnth ncw«P‘*|' r, printed and iiubli»hei| we*4 li.-r.ildi d »» « “l».y orator" or "boy County, »object to the decision of the Cha». Burgdorf I wonder;” Im «■> not advertised w. n voter» at th* primary election. |y in KUinalti Full», hluinuth county, ìlici.«!. •re I luck i 1 hereby announce myself r, candi lii'»k ot un., uri. II,. wn, j,,,j H plain Oregon, for four »uec *»»lve and cotiscu I imit t «i, Back. BERT I. WITHROW. dal«* for Joint 8enatr>r from Klamath, . (IV*- weeks, li*'glnniiir Nov si. |tai7, Jolin K.M.ntz, n«w Ungii-s.iimn, to I«. judged ),v hi» m limi will,. II. . ............... ............... Lake and <'r«M«k counties on the Re and 1» the time required by low fur I lie following itomi SupfTvÍMtrH |<v !>•* <*iniim*d no honor. publican I lek **l, subject to the «Incision such publication ami that the uppli ‘ " 'I'i'! ‘k4'd und ili«* Cirri- in I to- men u |»o ' ure iri<s*nir<d beider» of the prtrnar. ejection. cant has ill«*d herein hi» receipts I h« rvby announr«* my candidM<y for . . ' ' 1 ' * .irrnntu on the (¡«.fk- in (. ongri MH are ■ continuali, looking lor showing that he bus paid into th« L. E. Wil.LITS. th«* office of County < ’ lerk, mibjert to « ‘ 1 ! ‘ 1 b«- finioontB wt opponiti* ih ’W material. ' I hey ' trehillv »criitimiu* county tr*-n»ury the aum of t:i»> tai f«n *. their n-sp. »tv»* iianira un ihw Republican 1‘rimnriw oi April 17, u pervisor« every new ■nrmI*«., . ink*, lit» ineaaitre, PMJH. »uch il«en«e ami ha ha» tllr«l herein Ills »alary I iiereby announ. .- myaeif a candidate i and. if lie i» woi receipts »bowing ii gm«| and nulistiin '‘I.*!1 they wni< b In C. K BRANDENBI RD. for Joint Senutor from Klamath. Lake j D. Iluil developmriil. 'Hi««r Hal bond In the »uni of |H»XMUl con- ! 1 L. ia nlwuin riHiiit . .. » 71 ■jft for E. N. Tull. und ( rook counties, on the Republican g’Mwi men : I then* ‘ 772 L i» nlauj, „ lor dltioned thnt he will comply with th« X7 lf.t<U|l, ticket, subject io th*- decision of the gi»od turn : t ....... >««# 1 <• in laws, und I hat »uul iximl has been up J’ lm litigi ■ alwat » n demand for 1 1 U 75 I hereby declare myself a candidate primary e)«-ction. now h-»der»’ l Lot ‘ ___ g-,«* are • proved, and it ap|i*sring ti th,- C«airt • < li««, i «in h-ndeta not d<*v«*l- I ir the nomination for County Clerk on loo (JU It. I IIDl.GAIi . that tile applicant ha» complleil with Il M. i I 47 5b "l"’'1 I" »......... » • they «"rk up to lugli tin- Regublican ticket, »object to the < V, Mi« I In* eves of ||m yft (JO )«» |t|..|i liy degiees. lhe rmpii'eincnt» of luw thereto; ■■cisión of the voter» al the primary The foil It is therefore hereby ortlered tlmt I -‘I < luilllN W« I «• I* « lei . huvi. |«’>.|| on .Mr llawley, nn.l election Haiti petition I»' granted and tile Clerk allow«»! h» k ifistru« ted to tli.'ir In. l nupu.. ...... !, vi i» Inv.irnlde, C. k. Del. ah . I hereby annouiu-<- my If a u caiidi- With Illi bis iiim I. »tv. l:. pr. -. iitnti,e |. hereby authorized to ¡»sue a been»«* . druw warrant» on ifo* »Mirrili fund for date on the Republican ticket, for I tn» ’ muut« lliiwl. i Im- deiiuinslraled « lietermiuu- to j. W Dyer in accordance County Surveyor uf Klan ah County, tioii in get lair treatment at the l.ands J D Witt • if«» ut < with »aid petition. I hereby announce my »elf as a can subject to tfie deci-ioi • the \ ter- at poor $173 oo • »I lho«r with vs lioin ht* drall ........... -«la I le is not ilidate for nomination to the office of the primary eteetion Mhvrvuptin, four! adjuurned until Mclntiic I I » -in >| m ristlun Co , no Hindi■•»! I .is ‘ io _** al los other» to lake tin- 1 ounty Clerk, subject to action of VVfVMtf (f4 '.'Ii' on »afe Saturday. Jail 4. INilb at 9 o'clock a. rn ".o 2f> i« if itdv itntMin* MELVIN D WILLIAMS. ni ....... Inin 1 t: >«'• lor 11 niinille, Democratic voters at the primary .1 ' It Gull I II K. <‘uuhiy Judge, I. Alv.. I.., * i», irrighi <>n »a fe no 100 II«- i* li'.idv ■.................. h» drul ’MpiHirly F kki < M ki .IIA h ). t'oinmisafourr, , J with every election. C. II lb I.»!., ♦«trvici'M U« I'lO- man. ami he deni uul« that every man W A. W ai ar h . <’ommi*»u*n«r W. A. DLL/LII. bat ion i Ufi. er. i ,, 17 f»o deal as lairly with lulu J 'I llutnakv «•r, JuulK'e'a (’Off! Saturday, Jan 4, IM*, bill............... l hereby announce my candidacy for '.i o'clock a. m. I or. the office of County Trea-urer, ,-ubjeet t'nurt met pursuant to adjournment I. D. Burk. Coii»tab|a fe». I HO I hereby announce myself a» a can to the action of the Repuhlie.ui voters a hen th« following proceedings were Hr Wm M .rim, l oroncr m didate on the Republican ticket for the • at the primary election, April 17, 1MX. ilonatiju Bulletin! <ple»t had 20 II nomination for the office of District The following geiirral claim« were al It M Richards .11, Official Re ,T. W. STEPHENS I titulier i» no» «m tiu- ground for n Attorney for Klamath and Lake coun lowed, and the Clerk instrucle«l to draw porter. GO lnt,;e «turi- liiiilding t«i le- u».-d |,y ].. ties, subject to the decision of the Dr «.f « Il M«‘nuiiiui, phvti warrants for the aarnc: Jai-ob» ■>( Klauintli Falla, m whii b bi voters at the primary election. Clail, < . HifHlVitt I respectfully announce myself as a W E Itowdoin, printing I 3 2G 3> nili place h large etock of general liter* I RED. fl. HILLS. candidate for the <‘t'\ -e of Trea Mirer of 11 5o II St Goo Hl-lcp. (■„! roncr’« Pelrk'k A Co., auppliea cliamliw tn Un* near littore. Tbc nu r. juryin*!) uml Klamath Coun on the democratic F I! Ream», for the Klamath I 20 coutil., l.ii.n., .» i. alnght but at the ticket, Hubject to the decision of the .1 I Goellr. i ..r..n<-r’« jury Falla l.ui"l .1- Transportation present time ue want larttu-re. Mien ubo lllttft ftthl fiiili'.i 'i' voters al the primary election. Co . balance on work for 1 20 a ill »etil«* mi the lumi m ,,nr valleys mid (‘han. N < • •Hion, C«>ron«*r'a Hl hauling crushed rock. I*1 t11'' ’ i-iiiiiii-ni, “Wc uant ci aude n iiauoett . the Republicans of Klamath, jUt \ rntiH urnt rnik'a if C D Willon, boanl and room 1 20 irrigaiioti" m,.I tl.m i» «)lut will mak ■ 1 Lake. Crook and Grant counties. (In* g. >\et oli,, nt gel .i move r*u fitticker j 17 00 ( hump Met •Hum Coroner‘ i for p«Mir.................................. I wish to inform th«? Republicans of jurymuH »! • i mileage I 20 tiimi cl-** B'ltiarizn Ibillctin. | In the matter of lh<- r»|»*rl of Valeo I Klamath, Lake, Crook and (¡rant tin«-Griffith. Road Supot visor for Road lìiiii’g Hu<b ». < or<»iivr’a jury- « ountiea, romtituting the '1 wenty-first II»DU »IMI II i 2u Dial. No. it). Rrpreaentative Ointrict of Oregon, A J joining thr nru fairground; two and Merrill Ri-cord) It appearing to Die court that Valen Th- J Wil < that my name will tw presented for mnn und rr t 20 ont?*half act«** or more, l»rM of garden tine Griffith WK» Supenrieor of Road (’ Jack ’ .n 1 i»o-d through Sferrili \our conmderation at thr primary elec iff Dial. No. )<’, «luring the year Iptai and •» E. (¡alnr III« first ol tin- week with 2i«> lies«! of tion to l»r held Apr»l 17, 190X, asking land. Two an>l nnvhalf acreg is equal und ind«*AK I 7o tl.i- Horton lx*el entile that according Io ma r»|M>rl he waa in < y»ur (or on«? of the Republican to eighteen lot« .50x120 b • t. If time« are debtrd to Klamath Connty in the sum Iwrii McGi und Catt e iisi.i-r in- turning out their r »minees for joint representative in good or l»a«l you «'an aitvay? make a i 70 of |3 h '7.4I i . and it further iippcming It SloiK-brak* r. Wilnviu* ite «lock Itili Malt,>11 )ma tiirneil out n >. h 1 district, to be ballotte«! for on good living from ii. Prit r<*a®onable, that warrant No. liH57 drawn on the :«» «’MI milt-Rgr thousand haad on the Im Lake ragag. June 1, ISiiH. 7o 1 General Fund of tin» county, for th. ami terrnr> eawy. Sf<- G H. A. RRATTAIN, '• hegg. Wdm . fr« and llllier »Im knii-n me doing the -ainu aum <>f )hk5 <>> wa« Issued to «aid Vai I.. .1 VCOB?. owner. mileage Paisley. Oregon. I 70 thing. Tin» action nt tins lime <.( the entitle Griffith aa Superviaor’a salary, WH FREI •pits, i irt i«d)otimr«i un vi-41 «limild I-*- conci Jain, prtx.f to the arid that «aid warrant, togethir with ' ' Riat Klnmatli .......... . f»n 7, I'XiM, m caah in the sum of flH* 4<> nnd a bill til lu« il« o’clock. iiniiihalmal !,- I .• . . ......... it, ««vert* School Lands against thia county in rum of IJi <»i fur a in winter wenllu-r. work |H-rform«-<l since Die filing of lua I hereby announce myself as a candi- liepariment vl tl.e Interior, t'nltrd State» County Judge said report, ha . lw. n turn«»I over I Land om.-.-, l,ru < .rrl t r m ! irtr.1 Irn rarloadff <»t d it«* for the nomination on the Repub ', Cotnmiatuunor thia Court, lican ticket(for the office of Sheriff of Lahcvicw. Oregon, Jan. 31. 190-, Itele.ittif (or Miint.igih ja*t U A. t, <"intnia»ioner It is, therefore, hereby onl«r«»l that Klamath County, subject to the de T« ur«<iav .’it d») Dunj.g tlx* w«rk \|r (ierbrr Nolle«* I« hereby flven that the Slate of Ore. t, Jail. 7, 1H0K. seal bill for 421 IW toe allowed ami the ' Ct r*urt met ' 1 " . Merrill, ci,ion of the coming primary election. ' gon ha*, under the provision, of the Act of it to sdfnurnment I ■ •’ ' county warrant for fl«»» <<• Iw rnncelle«l Whe n thr f<. Li*. ' • 1 i . \ 1 1 ir \ t 1 in - I «'ongreMof Angn.t 1«, l«*s. and the art. « tip- W. B. BARNES. proceedings were ami the remaining fl!* 4.5 I«* <le|s*sitc<l ha<l geli, In*I, P.i|*t’ nml Mr. I erw ilhg«*r pl.-tneutal and amendatory thereof, made ap- with the County Tri-aaurcr and t>la«<d ov.-r ‘ 2 i h. .id 1 I.. .4 < ittIt*. I ’ lii- . Irar« pllcailon h.r the .'olloiring deacribed unap In thr matter of to the credit of thr road fund of this MructhHi of bridge tiu- ludi* for con • »ut ali tlic I n '«-! rntlh« in tlii* viciid I- | propriated. non mineral surveyed public across |x*Ht River I hereby declare myself a candidate county and «aid l(‘»ad Supervisor Sun »aid Road be t « landa» IntlemnUy for loase, to Its grant lor nt the f. r the ortice of Sheriff for the consid • Ip M tn . I I. \llcn,i»f Uorvullii», arrivi* lj lit/. kaae<| fr»»m further liahili Is The I M .> i. .fctru<'l<'<i to advrrtlM* Ibi* HiM-k to takr rlntrg«* <d the primary . eration of th«* Republican voter« at the common «« hoot nur poses. to**it The following Hoad Su|»«*niuri r« f..r j I l i L f »r thr r<»n«lrurtn»n o( l.l*t.No 2H. for se'.nw!,. Sec. 1. ne'.neJi. • li puit ut ut <>( tin* ( »nl<* Fcii4M)| vice Mi*** primary election. purl» were approve«I and the (‘lurk in n lindi *•< . 11 m J*»**« See 11. Tpms, and <»‘,ur‘,. I t Rivi-r a> what k kwh* Dugin**, refligned, who got*«« |r»| B. S. fiRIUSBY. *tru< ted I«» draw warrant» on lhe G«»n known It ■“" »*•«*. •. T) . _ a.. K. 11 r. W M , and Lot 1. S •<•. th«* I f i‘ i Gap. Each bid ( 'nlifor tii.i. rnl fund for th«* amount« M*t «lp(«*»lt** 1 tnu't . ». rp.sis., K.15K.. W. M. IO* • »tnp..i.i«n! by 5 p^r cent of thr»r respective namen a*» Super visor’* ili.- I.. M k \II hh . «•( P.utte i'Qiintv. Cal. . m- I hereby announce my candidacy for h amount shall In.* fur- Any and all persons claiming adversely the •alary in i I iin «liy hot Ihur^dax, l«*n g the nomination of Sheriff of Klamath above described ¡and. are requested to file in fe,|rd • bidder «I’M*« no* «»liter T M Durham. IHdaya... 1112 CO contra t died here l»v the ilhir*N of her brother. < 'unty, subject to the action of the ibi* office their said claim* on or before the D <•* Brown. .V<da>» ... 147 AO II I \mli*i>oti. Mr. Amlerffon is it- Republican voters at the primary elec- ( 11th day of March, 19U» In t <r of refunding money |»ortrd i*< Iwing m ill very ill. |<m (Ml W E Heed. 4<> day« t mu, April 17th, lfkW. i ■. rut. ate by W 11 J. N. WAfSOX. Henry H !x>w, (M da)« 170 00 i paid f W M. MARTIN. 2-13—>-15 Pi’’»»«* < ini “ r«*4-«’tved lhe following Kegister. N. P Edward*. 3&’< daye 75 K tngd* ’ / to th«* Court thud W. I>. t«*lvgram from |h*d<htig» ( al.: “Pierei? The following road rlainu were al I I' »pl- lowed and warrant« ordered drawn un King.U ha , t. i to Khiinaih County (’••ini'*. MciriP. Oregon ( . A. C’mibff FJti '0 for NW1 i. 11’ R 11 ( oiiiiiiilt’ d Mtin iiht here tiiday. Any in- lhe r<>ad fund for the HKOlr Ackley Hrue*. lumber furnished $ M 41 E. W .M. V - I ‘1 taitl land whm fe.ld for (•uinulmti * I IlouNton, t'oronvr. Mr. ' d<'lihi|u*'iit t ■ • < . nnd it bring found Comi»* 1 well kiinwii here, Iwing a D G. Brown. money expanded I ;« < i ib«'d land govern brolhvi <4 Pierce ami I red Combe. on road .... I 5o i ,ha* The following general clalma wvrr ment Lt. d m d not owned by anyone: The Cl.rk i» instructura to draw a allowr’l and warrant« ordered drawn warrant tor u'. and interest nt five fur lhe name, on lhe general fund Iter ci-t. .iriting t*i |l 22. making n Dr W *M Martin, coroner# in The Government lia« plann«»l n «erics : total of E’l s- m fnvorof W. D. King- que«f .................................. . I »; of »cit-iiiilic re»e««liiig i‘\|M-niiu-nt« on i don John G, Shallovk, summoning Th.- f.-llo . eg Road cluims were al several ol the National forest range» I . N • low I and warrant« order«»! drawn on lu st fi'pting mid »uiiiint'r to determine Dr G U Mn«t« m, c«ir«mer‘a inquest, allowed In th*' sum of u OU , the road fund fur the name. under a I at i indilions an<l in what man 13 .» W F Arant, work <>n road anil i|i*all<iw*»l in th«- sum of ner tho-e portion« oi tin* range whieti a (i utinued next weak) have lus-n «enously damage«! bv over- R. M lUclianlson, idlicml re porter........................ .............. I grating tuny be restored to their former O. C Applegate, juryman and productiveness. mieage ................. . 1 JI A great deal of the range land in the Not. •• 4 Inlm! i»»n to Change th«* Prin- J. L. Dennis, juryman and mileage .......... I LU rip.i. 1’1 i ' B umhc *« uf the < irrinnn We-t is overgrazed and lines not carry T. I! Delap. juryman and mile (' nmirit tai Saving* Hank id Klam- a« much st*» k a» formerly. Th«* nieth'sl 1 JU ag« oi handling stock, particularly sheep, is nth Tali’», i hegon. C A. Lenz, juryman and mile- |>ei)in|>« more responsible for thia condi- Tut i ii I » tin* w nt!«»n ron-flit <»i the sg«.......... I JI Will.ur Whit*-, juryman an«i holdriftd nil thr Capital Nork of th«* ti .ii than any other < nu«e. But all causes mileage..................................... , ol deterioration and all mean« for im I ■JO i it i. : i\ < imi »a i ai . is iyimw * B ank , J. I( Stilts, juryman and mile proving the forage crop n«-«»l to lx* stud which urittrii «•■m* ‘ t*nt ha« been oh* age i taint'd ntid i- n<»w on tile in th«» nfllcr of ied. that the range may I»* brought into Mr... Anna M lliehn, witness and mileage l «ni l »• ip i.ifioii, and pnrwimnt !•» tb<* tlx* l»*«t condition t<> meet the imperative tiro Biehn. witness andmilr r«’* >lnlion «4 th«* Ik^ard <i 1 hirr!«»r« •»( ■ leiiimid of the livestock industry age...................... .................... .. I The plan 1« bi e«tah|ish experimental •aid ror| '>intion, oiih*ring that th«* re Or W. M Martin, (‘oroner’n station in several parts of the country. inquest ..................... I k irm turn! i «» iu ‘<1 I«' I •10 moval and < i! I'tobnldy not mule than six will lx*tri«»l Hr (iso II. Merryman, Autiqi mad«*» nt first, blit they will be «o |oent«»l as to •>’ Surgeon, allowcl in the Noliro in lcii L\ given, Hint it 1« thn sum of.................. ........... »«•iiire Ivpieal condition». Thu expeti-i u intt'iiti di < i nd »••»«ignition to r«*m«>\<* and disallowed in th«* Mini of nients will I m * l»-guu on n small scale, on ; *3>. (W. nnd ( hang«* it« pnnripnl place of hu»i- five or six-acre tracts. It"th native and Pokeg W Sandaraun, juryman and nr » from th«* t«1 a n «4 Klamath Fall«, wild gra»*'» will if trn»l. but it is lx*-. mileage ................................ every I k Intnalh I ’oiinK . ‘>r«*g«»n. to th«* ritv <»( hexed that the plan of encouraging na-1 J. W Bryant, juryman an«l Portland, Multn.un ih C» ’ untv. Stale of mileage......... live grit»»«'» will meet with greater sue- I K. leaves Daily at U. <). Itnshox, jury num Kild «in n •• »id 1»•m«»vid ami change to lake ci'«« than the inti'Hluclioii of cultivated mileage ... 1 .ii effect ■ * the .Oth d.»\ <»i Mnrch, A. I>. »|M'< ie«, nt leasl, in th« Rocky Mountain I 3 P. M„ after arrival 15 lti W S Slough, juryman und IVO*, an« r thr due publication n( thin region. In the Const Range, with their' mileage North and South Southern I ■jo notice. 8. A. Mull, juryman and mile greater rainfall, cultivated glasses are Ilv order «i the lloaril«»( Director«. 1 ■ jo more likely to piny an im|»rrtant part m ' Pokegama 1‘. M. Wilbur White,' juryman nnd Dat«*d thin 20th day «»( January, IlMW. range developiuent. mileage....................... i 2U I N. MYERS, Leave at i'lic ranges of th«* Northwest have not •John G. Shalluck, summoning Swirtar v i ionn:in Conimrrvial Saving« jury, witnesses and mileage l.een »o'.eriouslv diiniaged by overgrax- 50 Bank. 1-23-2-27 John It. .Meehan, witness nn<| illg as those of the Southwest, perhaps mileage ............................ I 70 because of superior moisture condition.« | Marshliti Merklin, witness nn«l Pacific Trains of th«* northern part of tin* country. It j Notice for Publication mil«ag«> ............................. I 70 is a fact, however, that none of the Bro Jamison, witne»» and mile |i<*|.:irlnieiit ol the Interior, United lunges support the stock which they did I and at 6:04 A. 1:32 •f« ....................................... I 70 States l.nnd Office, lalkeview, Oregon forinerly.anil resetMlingexperiment» will ••tis Greer, Witlies« mid mile- M. therefore I mi undertaken in this section “K'' I 70 January H, IlhlS. the country also. John .1. llniiHKii, witness and Notice '« hereby given that, lhe Stale of The metlbMl of handling stock is nlso mileage.................................... at 1 7o of Ore 'll lii»-. under tin* provision» ol to In* considered. Every stockman | JJ *M. Richardson, official re ! th«* Ai i ol Coiigre-a ol August 14, IMS, know« that stock do not waste as much j and 5 M. porter, transcript ............. 13 GO mid the m l« nppleinetUal. and auienda- lee<l when nurestncteil in their move-j •arl Whitlock, undertaker, incuts ns when closely herded. Ail ex-1 lU?r.r“1 of P«uper I". tMJ lory tlieteul, tn i«le application lor the peiiuiental pa ture was enclosed last I " HEREUPON, Court adjourned tin following lie«, rilled unappropriated, .»uniiner hi the linnaha National Forest, connections u .• o clock Munday morning, Jan ti, noli mineral, I'lirveye I public hind ns in Oregon, which wilt he a model for others next season. In this pasture Indemnity lot l"" e' to it« grant for Thrall reason delays on above Stave ilieep weie turned loose withouta herd ■I B GRIFFITH, County Judge coinin' ti icliool putpoacs, lo-wil er to shift for themselves. It is too ( I- hkr M tt iiAftt .Commissioner Line, L. R. will Lbl Nu. :'l.l. for the M''4'ntv>4, Sec. .on to draw-positive conclusions from . W. A W ai .kt u, t u 2J,T. ST B., I.’. I) 1! . " M* this experiment, but the sheep did well' * ourl met riersuant to adjournment, at Thrall Any and all perrons claiming adverse had ” thl' *ol'ow,nK proceedings were ly Ihg al»iva Imide.nre -regnc«t«^'twffti* in.I these was n .I' ci'le.l l"«»cn"' m the |.,«iof forage through trampling. It Pokegam wV'P {“Mowing rabbit scalp claim« in this oflli'c their smd claim» on or be looks as though a given area of ground ran be iiuule to carry n very much | X..‘‘ »nil warrants ordered fore the duv Id March, 1WH. hirg<*r number of tmimals nhen they i J N. WATS0X. h ui" 'ln K'miTiil fund for same an* allowed to graze free than when . o. o op Register. T ” A'i'Icison, 57 scaipa .. J h 5 close he'd.d. This fact, if established, Tk' '¡nni*‘Kh“ni, 100 scalps 5 oo will I’«* of decided importance to stock- u,.."',’ *0*!°wing jury claims wore til Tb«*i">veiniiu*iit my» that Conti nen men. __ wlu kev, Water Mill whiskey, Nor- Nick Williams and ‘ Curly’' Devml, nmn.lie Rye tinil F. F V. Rye h pure who . ......... have .............. been oidered. to leave Bo-1 Im it i i put up mi'iei in supervision in ^„¿"„r.* still there. then William« i" not Hnuil Daggett, I ininiu, are still bonded nari.liwuie ' field by C I*, nbla to leave yet, and Devol is uaying A Kirshner. 1 WUlaun, * 1 10 luok •ller h‘,U‘ v‘ «>■ Urisslar, 1 County Assessor County Clerk Long Lake Lumber Co Manufacturer* of Alt Kind* of LUMBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors All Kinds of Mouldings, Hand sawing and Turning, Odd-Sired Ooors and Windows a PHONE Specialty 3U1 County Surveyor County Irciisurtr I Ron (H R LXCHANGFS District Attorney l or Joint Representative To Buy a Home All kinds of Finishi;. ’ ber now on hand. Large assortment of boors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. O. HUSON Manager n- County Sheriff The Modern Laundry Discsra the use of leaky wooden wash tubs, quit carrying dean water in and wash water out, by fitting your Laundry with Standard Laundry Trays If your Laundry u not modern, don’t you think it should be ? If you mike it so, the household du ties will be pleasantly performed, snd in case you wish to sell your home it will increase the selling value. Let us give you prices. H. BOIVIN, the Plumber. Agent PHONE 396 ’ Alaseis Fallt. Orti" SEE THIS TIME CHANGE Reseeding Public Range Klamath Lake Railroad Notice In Connection With Straw-McIntire Stage Line, Between Pokegama and Klamath Falls Effective Thursday January lb, 1908 Stages leave Klamath Falls and ama morning. L. Train Thrall 00 of Trains and from on Pacific. Arriving at at 5:05 Pokegama 6 00 P.M.. arriving at Thrall at 8:20- Southern Portland Wav P. P. M leave Thrall for M. and ForSan Francisco and Way 50 P. 2:25 Passengers who miss at by of or K. R. be entertained free of charge the Hotels at and a. Rates of Fare from Klamath Falls to Thrall - - Hornbrook Ashland Hedford - Portland Montague Weed Dunsmuir Red Bluff - Sacramento • San Francisco - $5.50 5.65 6.75 7.15 17.05 5.90 6.75 7.50 10.50 14.20 16.50 No Other Line Will Give You These Rates Telephone for Pullman Reservations FREE OF CHARGE to Agent K, L. R. R, at Thrall, California