Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1907)
CITY Just Arrived—A large «tock of heat i Kale Shepherd, son of C. F. Shep-1 ing stoves, all kinds and siaes. We ran ' herd, has gone East to attend a military make you prices to suit a flat pocket I school. book. Virgil A Son. 9-85-tf | FOR RENT—A six room house. Miss Eva Carri« k left Wedne««iay for Mason A Slough. Beaverton, where she will attend col Toy ami Fan, two well known China lege. men, left this weyk tor the Flowery It will pay you to purchase your fall men's suits, ladies' and children's coats, Kingdom. uying your jewelry or hav - ing your work done at HEI1 KEM PER’S will surely result in your be ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as fine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments, Phonographs, Records. Supplies, Strings, Sheet Music, Etc. < A bic line to select from. Send for catalogue. B City Prices. WANTED—50 head of horses, more everything in the line of dress g<>«xla, shot's and rubl>ers at prices to suit your or less, to |«aaluro and winter. Pasture p«M'ketbook at the Boston Store. t fl a month per beat!; feed |2 a month or Is (or the winter. Good pasture and Robert Sloan has gone to Los Angeles Charles Westlotorn, where he lias accepted a position with an t)mothy hay. Fort Klamath,Oregon. 8-l.V“ t electric light company. I Arthur Drury, who was declared to be See the Leather tuaxls window at the Star Drug Store. An eye opener for insane, was taken to the asylum in anyone. t ; Salem Friday. IG. HEITKEMPER, JR. Republican Block - - Klamath Falls, Or e / 1' 0 0 j «lows in the Star Drugstore. Latest Novelties in Toys !• All the latest Newspapers and J 0 Magazines $ ‘ J Most complete line of PIPES to select from * %-**%-^% ************ I The Wonderful Success of These Stoves is the Beautiful Nickel Finish Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER N. S. Merrill was it the city this W. C. Dalton was up from Merrill : week. this week on business. Rubber goode-ot every description at K K K Store. f Blanketsand quilts— K K K Store, t Men’s sweaters, sweater coats, neck Rev. P. Conklin has gone to Portland sweaters, cardegan jackets, silk and to attend the annual conference of the' wool underwear at K K K Store. + M. E. Church. Bard sawing and Turning, Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Specialty Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pogue of Salem A special fine shipment of ladies ’ ' are visiting relatives in thia city. waists just in at the Boston Store. t PHONE 381 Embodied in all the good features of this range is the Economy of Fuel Money Will Not Buy A Better Steel Range Than A Malable Top National and Niagara Duck blanket lined and mackinaw Fell Imotft and rubbers of all kinds at K K K Store. f : pants K K K Store. * f Shoes for every member of the family Thus. Hendricks has gone to Ashland ' it K KK Store. t on business. W. D. Kingdon, of Fort Klamath, Men's mackinaw, leather, corduroy, was in tbe city this week on business. rubber and duck coats K K K Store, t ( Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, High Class Workmanship t R. J. Stills has installed an electric The regular time of meeting for motor in the McCormick mill at Keno, Klamath Lodge No. 77, A. F. A A. M., Swell line men’s fall suits anil over has been changed to the second and coats now in at K K K Store. ♦ fourth Monday evenings of each month. J. M. Emery of Fort KlamatlFwas in Ladies' coats, latest styles now in K I the city this week on busineea. K K Store. t The swellest line of dress goods ever Mr. and Mrs. Yoe, who were married seen in Klamath Falls, fresh from New in Ashland last week, arrivt*d here Mon York at the Boston Store. 9-26 t day after a brief honeymoon at Odessa. Capt. Crosier.of the Salvation Army, Swell line ladies’ walking skirts K K who was in this city tor the past weak, K Store. t has returned to her home at Grant's E. B. Rams by is breaking a fine look Paes. ing yearling colt, and it looks as if Watch the bargain counter at K K K there will be some record breaking soon. Store. t ; Long Lake Lumber Co. and the ♦ Exclusive agency at K K K Store (or Stetson and Thoroughbred Hats. ♦ I J. M. Emery, a well known business man of Fort Klamath was in the city Louis Gerber returned from Sacra- ' this week. 1 mento Sunday. Fine Line of Fresh Candies Chat 1* Why Ch* Cbey Sell Cbemselves. Remember school Supplies ol all i A. E. Treffron, the Ashland attorney, kinds can b«'xt la* procured where th«» I I was in the city this week on legal busi- School Book Exchangi* is conductiHl. I , Star Drug Store. ♦ i nees. Harry Pelts and John Miller visited A tine line of Tooth Preservers is at- . Merrill Friday. i tractively displayed in one of the win- « HnKEIW’S « w Have B«*n Placed In So many Bonus. Mr. and Mrs. Bagby were up from W. R. Davis, who was in ' the city: Merrill the tiret part of the week. this | week looking after his exteu- A H|>ecial selected shipment of th«' : sive interests her», returne«i to bis home celebrated Acorn Brand men's clothing ' in Brownell Tuesday. just arrive«! at the Boston Store. “There Is Only One Way Of Judging The Future; That is _______ lly ___________ The Past. • NATIONAL AND CROWN A NIAGARA STEEL RANGES Frank Ira White went to Portland Mies Ethel Hughes has resigned her position at the City Bakery, and intends this week on business eonneettni with going to luikeview and l>e in the line-up the Klamath Korporation. fora timber claim next month. drain sacks at Baldwin's Hardware Store. U-26 t See Ady for marsh lands. ) 1 Pay the Freight '4* Extra large shipment of ladies’, men’s and children's underwear just arrived at the Boston Store. #-l!tJ f BRIEFS. _____ Roberts & Hanks Phone, 173 - - Emma Block t M ASON &. SLOU GH ABSTRACTERS A choice lilies of lovcMt- mentM tlmt ^vill uka I cv purchiiBer moiiey Lands Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH Men's cravenette rain coats |5 to |20 Mrs. C. H. Underwood left this w«>ek I K K K Store. f ofr Albany on a visit to her parents. All kinds of Finishing Lum ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. E. Purdy is over from Medford The government says that Continen i looking after his interests in this sec-1 tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor : tion. mandie Rye »nd F. F. V. Rye is pure' STRAYED—Three-year-old cold black for it is put up under its supervision in , horse; D run on left shoulder. Star on I lx«tided warehouses. Hold by C. D. 4 i forehead. Gentle. Reward paid for' Willson. his return to Exchange Stables. 8-15 + I BORN—In Bonanza Saturday evening, Mrs. J. T. Henley returned last week September 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John. Chastain, a daughter. from her trip to California. I-et us figure on your work. Baldwin I Need any plumbing done? Then get $ our prices first. Best work and reason A Baldwin, plumbers. able prices. Baldwin A Baldwin. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer I. Applegate have • | A Well Fenced Farm JT Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? The^difference in cost of a good fence and a poor one is so small that it pays to buy a good one. I will have I t * 4 f t Man 4 * 4+ A Carload of Ellwood Fences 4(1 About May 1st. It costa nothing to examine them, but if fa ♦ . you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer needs, I have. * GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware l¥e are prepared to do BLACKSMITHING and MACHINE WORK. done promptly. BETWEEN Small tracts of well located tule marsh , Do you know that I have all kinds lands offered for one week at |20 |>er of pro^ierty for sale aUa bargain. Mark acre. Abel Adv. 6 L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. $ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Hurn and sons ' Clay Ratliff and Roy Bamako r, and Tom Grubb atterxied tbe wedding, . have gone to ABpen Lake on a hunting at Fall Creek this week, of Mrs. Horn's trip. niece. Miss Frances Gardner, and Clin-1 FOR SALE—Sb acres of land seven I ton Moore. miles below Keno on tbe river. One On receipt of two cents in stamps I million five hundred tbousar/d feet o( will send descriptive literature of Klam timber on the place. Good range. En ath County to any address.—Mark I.. quire of Jack Connolly, Keno, Oregon, Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. § or come to ranch and take a look 7-11-if F. A. Autenreith has accepted a po around. sition with W. R. Davis. Miss Ruby Martin has gone to Ash Do you want a choice timber claim or land to attend the State Normal School homestead? If so call at my office at; this winter. once. Mark L. Burns § WALL PAPER-WALL PAPER Mrs. C. If. Underwood is visiting her ! relatives at Albany, Oregon. “Every drop pure,” is what can be! said of Continental whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye. Bold byC.D. Willson. § WALL PAPER «000 Rolls Choice Wall Paper Hous< Lining All at popular prices Baldwin the Hardware Dealer Klamath Falls § j J. Hugarman, brother of K. Sugar-' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Noland have re- ' % 4* 4* 4^ 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4^4* 4* X man of the Portland Htore, is in the turned from Portland. city and may locate here permanently. : Pupils wishing to begin work at the Do not buy blended whiskey. When Klamath Conservatory of Music will yon want pure whiskey see that it is please come to the Conservatory on Fri-J •) DON J. ZUMWALT BERT E. WITHROW ALLEN SLOAN •) I put up under the government’s “bonded day to arrange for lessons so as not to President Vice-Pres. & Treas. Secretary •) warehouse stamp,” as is tbe Continen interfere with the regular work. Miss i tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor-1 Evelyn Applegate will register pupils KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY INC, mandie rye and F. F, V. rye. Sold by on that <lay in any of the department» of music. 9-19 f I I) <• CAPITAL STOCK $10,000, FULLY PAID (• C. D. Willson. (CJÄ«• SS •»«••••••• 5. • SS • SS • 2 2 2 ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING •) 5 KLAMATH FA1LS, OREGON g The Misses Runk and Snyder were called to the Willamette Valley Mon day on account oLUIness. They expect to he back here the last of the week. During their absence their store will be in charge of Mrs. Daniels. Harry Peltz ran out of gasoline Bun day while near Dairy. He telephoned to thia city and Austin White went to hie assistance. He used the Dunham auto and made the round trip in two hours and fifteen ininutee. Repair Work of all kinds We guarantee all our work to be first class and at Satisfactory Prices. Mayor Bishop has received a new pro- ■ returned from California. On their re peller for hie launch to replace the turn they stopped over at Grass Valley and visited relatives for a few days. broken one. W. O. HUSON, - Manager 4+ 4* T* KLAMATH FALLS MACHINE SHOP Gth AND ON WALNUT I aim to be reliable CAPITALISTS AND STOCKMEN ATTENTION * Absurdly low prices on 65,000 ACRES of OREGON CENTRAL MILITARY ROAD LAND IN KLAMATH COUNTY. Will Rent or Sell on Easy Terms. T. W. STEFHENS REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Fine Printini-lî ÎN[ RfPIIBlICjl