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About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 8, 1907)
At pluyluif puker the youth wlm bad A HANDY BANK 000 WA OF POETS. started wltfi $20 less tin* 45 to the g ugvixy, lost every cent <»' i iislon*lly a It Never Closst and Is Always Ready Tannyaon, Artistically Fastidious, Was cabin pHssengi-r would visit the cattle For Butina««. a Psrsonal Slovan. I men mid bring them u lilt of decent In thl« city there 1« u bank thnt nev There 1« a sort of Idea In the public food. There was beer also, but It cost What It Means to Work Your IO cents a «unill glass uud was very er close«, Clerks are ulwuys In at mind that the po«-t Is what sdeutlsta Way Across the Atlantic. I tint They had to tuke turns «landing tendance, sail there you can deposit call a “fixed g«-uliis.” that every poet 1 the night watch mid then work Just a« or draw money at any time of the 1« the exact count«*rpart of every other burd the next day. Three of the cattle night or <luy. But no Interest 1« paid poet. There la probably no class of HARO LABOR ANO POOR F000 | died on the way over mid hud to Is* on deposits, for this bank Is the “safe meo In the world If class It can be called wb«sie members differ more dumped overboard, lu spits of their keep" desk at |M>ll<« headquarters. Nouietime« well to do men are taken widely In personality. hardships the college Isiys were told Espericnce of ■ Colley« Student Who that It was mi exceptionally easy voy to police headquarter« after they have Tope, for instance, was a wiser Wanted to Bee the Old World on age. us no rough weather had overtak ImbllMsi u little too much mul are there Dryden, Medley, Rochester nnd Hbelley Little Money—Hie Troubles Abroad en the ship. On a stormy trip a coii booked for safe keeping Large «urns seern««l to have no use for money and slant wnt< li must Is- kept over the cat of money are sometlniea takeu from “■plashed it aliout In th«* moat Insane and the Return Voyage. In the morning when they arc* fawhlon. Shakespeare was a keen man tle, uh their ro|H-s ure frequently bro them A gr«*ut muiiy collcgi* boys and other ken, mid n regular stamfiede follows. released they are often afraid they of tiualness. Illa «tontemporaries. Mar- youths who have a lot of time and Out'S ill Klirope the college cuttleinun win get to drinking again mid lose their i lowo nnd Massinger, did not l«-ave v«-ry little money on their hnii'ls «lur Imagine« that bls trouble« are over. If money. 80 they leave It nt police bead ! enough to have their bodies decently ing the suhimer plan Io get a Du«* vaca he liai any money be can live there <|timteis. A small piece of curdlsaird burled. Corning down to m«»d«*m times, Ten- tion trip with little cost. Olli* of the cheaply, but If lie has none bls life Is j Is given them telling the number of the envelope their money Is In mid the nyson was artistically the most dell- niticli worse limn the American bum's. tuoai popular trips 1«, of «-ourse, to amount. If they should want it few Europe, and, us vary few of them are One particular young man who waa dollars during the day, they can go rate nnd fastidious of men. A mls- out of fluids wiih lucky enough to bor placed comma, an epithet which w,n able to stand the first or accuud cabin row $20 from a cabin passenger, on to police headquarters and draw It. not the perfection of expression, gave tariff and sort «if light shy of tlx* steer wlildi be lived In Antwerp for three Tin li the amount Is crossed from the him night« of Inr^rnnin. age, tlielr Imaginations liirn naturally weekH. Then he hud trouble In ar cardlioard mid envelofie. When the Yet lie was [x«rhaj>s the moat utterly toward the mueb tnlk«*<l of voyage as rnni.’lng hl« passag«» home. Having men get ready to leave town, they can carclras man of hi« generation regard cattlemen. Without knowing very landed the cuttle, the stemnshlp com go io the desk nt any hour of the night ing his personal appearanr-e. Had he much abqut cattl«* or tlx* sea or hard puny cure« very little for It« contract or day, turn In tlielr cardboard mid not bran carefully watch««! by his de voted wife, he would have been «pilte work yiq^xg men often jump ut the op- to convey the cattleman back to Amer draw their money. Many valuable articles are kept at content to wear a suit of clothes until portunity to get to the old world In ica. After iiiik I i argument mid waiting the college tsiy nt length »iie«'is>d's| In the Issiklng desk at faillce headquar It dropp‘d! off hlrn bit by bit in obedi this way. getting pUHHUge OU ll freighter to Bos ters for |M*rson« who have never beeu ence to the law of gravitation. About this trip they know Just this ton. arrested mid probably never will lie. A great admirer of Tennyson once much; First, that It costs $5 t<> get the The voyage home wax lazy mid tire Frequently persons leave their money di*»crlb««l bls first meeting with the job; seeoixl, that the <ut(leinen mimt some. The food was the name uh he wllli the Issikliig sergeant while trans great rxiet. care for the cattle all the wny over for had on th«* way over, with mi occa acting business nt lilgld. Collectors It occurred at n roadside public no pay, aud, third, that the passage «lonul festival of plum duff. There was come Into the station when they have house in the Isle of Wight. The late buck Is free. That hsiks y««!, but no work to Io, ao It was much lietter acetim u la ted a good deal of money and laureate was seate«l by the kitchen lliul's only the bare outline. Tlx* ex- than oil the voyage e istwnrd. lie did are fur from the places where they fire, with a abort black clay pipe be not enjoy it, however, for the sen with work. Tlielr money is put behind the tween bl* lips, burning grease spot* pcrlencea of a young collegian who Otlt proper ('ompmilmislilp Is the most desk. When It comes time for them to out of a pair of check trouaers with took tills trip one summer may lx« of tiresome pllk'e Imaginable. He was the go Into their offices, they go back to the point of a redhot poker. value to those wtx> may rantemplnte only rrturnUig cattleman on I>oard, and police headquarters, draw their money It waa probably Tennyson'* “faculty the voyage and of Intrrrat to the pule the »nllora were tin Ignorant lot and and leave with every cent accounted of silence" which help««! him to «ratire lie generally. too busy to talk with him On binding for. the friendship of the greatest talker When I k * got lit«* Ide« that he wanted In Boston h> had to wire to Philadel But It 1« when a wealthy but rather in tioth senses of the pbra»e—of his to go to Europe, lie had $'_*«> In hla phia for money to return home and green f.umer becomes Intoxicated and genera tlon, Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle bad occasional fits of sllrara, pocket Five of this he paid to a was glad ehough to get here. He 1« Is arrested that the faink d«<es Its good steamship ¡igtmr*y In an ofllc«* on Houth proud of hU experience, Init declares work After the farmer Is-comes sober and he and Tennyson would sit on op that It I h certainly not worth the price In the holdover he sometimes tells bow posite aides of the hearth for alx hours otroet where be signed a contract as :i — PhlladelpIXn Record. nni' Ii money he brought to the city at a stretch without exchanging as cattleman. A few hours tx-fore the with ldui. Then* are usually disrepu many words. «alllrg he reported <>u Isiard to the At the expiration of such a period table character« In the holdover that VENETIAN GLASS foreman uud WiM usslgix'il to ii stuclly, are all too ready to fleece the unso of silent !nterc«xnmunlcatJon Carlyle greasy bunk tn the fon«-ti»tl«* Then phisticated. These hear of the money would knock the ash«*« out of hla last the fo'eman. who was well ll<pxire<l up The Different Varioti«,« and th« Proc- and wait for the farmer when all are pipe and remark with every «ymptom ••I of Manufacture. and remained no all the wny over, ex of the keenest intellectual satisfaction. Venetian glnss owes Its extrema released In the morning, when a pretty “Aye, A lire«!, mon, we've had a glori Umln«*-1 hl« p«iwr«, which ctwtulniHl a little bunko game Is begun. But it Is minute description of bls person. The thinness nnd lightness to th«* want of often thwnrted by the police. The ous nlchtf' lend iii Its eumjMMltlon. All th«* onia- foreman said they wen* nil right. Tennyson*« groat and friendly rival. Jailer usually knows these bunko men. mental sha|«M were blown nti«l owed The men of th«* catUe crew were en Browning, was as different from him When the farmer is released, the jailer tlrely «epurntvd from tlie regular crew their Is'nuty to tin* skillful manipula asks him If lie Intends leaving town In his personal praul lari ties as he wns of the vessel and seldom came In «-on- tion of the n'orker, w hose delicacy of Immediately If the farmer Is not go In point of genius. lie always look«*«! as If he had Jn«t tact with them during the voyage. Be touch and nrtlsti«- last«* were often a ing nt oli'-e, the Jailer suggests that lie sides th«* fon*man then* wen* two paid heritage fr?m generation« of glava leave Ills money at tin* desk and get lieen turned out of a bandbox. Ten- men, who nlso Indulged lu liquor nil blow Ing nix**<t<>rs. nyson was one of the most silent of The nio«t ^irlz«*d of the Venetian pro a receipt for It. Then lie tells the mon. Browning one of the most ebul th«* time nix! never worked, und four farmer the reason. The bunko man Is college lioys on nn outing The youths du< tl<>ns was the Irautlful “vltro-dl the terror of the farmer, anil he is lient and loquacious. Tennyson was got together ns Boon a« they were on trlun.“ or glass, gencrnlly known always glad to consent. lie takes just pessimistic and somewhat morose. Isinri! nnd discussed the iMiasIbllJtlei« n» filigree. <>f tills there are two kinds, a few dollars and leaves the rest. Then Browning was always bursting with of their Job Going down th«» lielaware th« “I ItOI to” nnd tin- ’ retl- elll." optimism and expanslveness.—Chicago Th«* former was the lens elaborate when he gets ready to leave tie draws Inter Ocean. there wns nothing doing Tlx* rattle. Ills money, goes to the train and is 21<t bond of them, were quiet, nn<l und conalatAl of n single tuls* twlst«*d safe. nnd given a spiral direction, the thing« l«x>k««l rosy to the txiys. The police station 1« the guarding ANCIENT ARMIES They got their first Jar when thry ground of the ve*i»et being of a differ place of many things. Often valuable ent ralor. The ‘ ‘ rvtl'*e|ir ’ designs were were calle«! to dinner, This meal was papers are left there for safe keeping. Ten thousand horre and 100,0(0 font taken In the forecastle, It con«l«ted of varied. Sometimes Ihe twist«*«! tubes Diamonds find a resting place behind fell on the fatal field of I ssue . were powdered with gol<! nnd mndo ••salt borne." ”sk«»u«r.” “punk.” i"oleo” the desk .Many person« have left the The army of Artaxerxes before the and “chl«*«»ry^’ Translated, th«* meni vertical, horizontal, diagonal or curved «■tty with a full pocketbook just be Indeed, every variation win given thnt battle of Cunaxa amounted to about conslsteil of meat, potatoes, bread, but cause they left their money at |«>lk*e ter nnd coffee. Borne of the txiys hud ingenuity could suggest or fnncy de headquarters Instead of carrying it 1.2< «».<<«• vise. An anny of Cambyses. 50.0fl0 strong Iran rmnplng and thought they could Aventurine glass wn« Invented by about with them while In the city.— was burled In the desert sands of Afri rut nnythlug, but they luilk««! nt th«* Kansas City Star. ca by a south wind. rptnllty of the food nnd tlx- cnrelras tin* Venetians, Its secret being dl»cov- cred by the accidental dropping of A short time after the taking of Ba ranking. Then came a row The fore Precious Stone«. bylon the forces of Cyras consisted of mnn ntxl the two paid men a«ke<i them lira«« or copper filings Into n j«>t of “ No turquoise ought ever to be ex- 000.000 foot. IBOuOOO horse and 2.<"«> If they thought they were going first melted gins«, which result«*»! tn the «Ilf none«! to tlic action of soapy water.” chariots nrtned with scythes. cnblu and threatened to throw them fusion «if gold s]M«'ks or threads said a Jeweler. "The test turquoise overtsMird If they did not rat. So they throughout tin* mans It« name Is said Ninus. the Assyrian king, about 22u to signify adventure. <-r resulting from gems are of a delicate tint of blue, B. Str led against the Bactrians bls but if a turquoise ring Is kept on the Thnt night they retired early and clnim i*. n word half ftnllan, but coined army, consisting of 1,700,000 foot sol hand when washing In a few months, probably for the «s'casivn to denote the wen* pulled out nt 4 a. m. by the night aometlmra In a few week«, the blue diers. 200,000 horse and 10.000 chariots watch nnd trld to go to work. The |MK-ullar varl**ty. armed with scythes. Marbled or vnrlcgatcd glnns wn« stone chang«*s to a dfngv green, loses foretumi nnd his two paid men «tix«! When Xerxes arrived at Thermo|s Its luster nnd l>e«-omcn worthless ns a mnde to rrwmble chalcedony, jasper, nrourul giving orders, while the tmys vine his land and sen forces amounted gem. Then, again, no gems ought ■ toile«! like galley slaves. First they Inpls Innil! and tortoise sliel) Tilers «•ver to be cx [ m »« m I to hot water. Opals to 2.641.610, exclusive of servants, eu watered the rattle Each hcml of the was n kind of green nnd purple which generally lone their fire and wmetlmes nuchs. women, sutlers, etc., in all num- l«*caniv red by transmission of light 21<> had to lx* given fiv«* buckets of So say Herodotus. crack In water no hotter than the liering 5.283.220. water, which hn<! to lx* carrle«! from A frosty glass which showed an Icy hand will ts*ar. and perliaps thnt is Plutarch and Isocrates. coating wan nind«* by dipping the ves- the outlet ttilai at the end of the cattln one reason why the opal Is eonslden*«! deck The Isiys s«x>n liegin to «went ncl when half blown In pounded glann, Why Paper Cute. an unlucky atone. under lid« unaccustomed work and the particle« of which rradlly adhere«! Have you ever cut yourself with a "Rome time ago a lady brought us a to the wnrm mam. which was tv ben ted threw «>ff nil their clothing except largi* |«*arl act In a ring. The pearl piece of paper? The edge of a piece of their trounern. In which raatume they nnd wrought Into nhape Sometimes pouti«l«*d glnnn of differ had I'Hit Its luster no completely thnt It glaxed paper look« much like that of a works«! nil the wny over. It took two ent colors wan u««*<l with fine i*ff«*ct up might easily have t»cen mistaken for a knife under the microscope. Of course and one half bourn to water the cattle, on the snme object. These, with deli little ball of unpolished marble. Ita the little teeth have not the strength and then breakfnst was nerve«!, the of steel, but If the edge of the paper Is name kind of stuff thnt hnd ls*en given cately glldffll glass nnd wime ornament- surface was rough, hadn’t n particle of drawn swiftly over the finger without shine. It would hardly tie known for c«l with Jewel pattern« like those of the evening before. By this time the much pressure that peculiar property of txiys were no hungry thnt they could Damascus, formed the principal kinds a pearl. We gu<*nse«l at once what matter called Inertia comes Into play. of Venetian glass, which wan too thin waa the matter nnd aak«*«l her If nhe rat almost anything. bear hadn't been handling something thnt an<l the tender teeth will cut the flesh At 10 o’clock th«* heaviest work start for engravings and could rarely had add In It. Rhe couldn't remember before they are broken. The same prop enameling. — Exchange. ed. The hay which wns f«*<! to the cat at first, t>nt finally recall«*«! thnt she erty It Is which allows a candle to be tle had to be pullet! up from the hold Tirod of Boinp a Mascot. had ls*cn putting up some pickle« with shot through a one Inch plank or per with a block nnd full. Elghtran bnles "Do I know where you can find n strong vinegar nnd supposed she got mits a bullet to pass through a pane of 125 pounds each were hoisted In this gixxt dressmaker? ” said tlx* smartly her fingers In the vinegar. That was of glass without shattering It. leaving manner ns well ns ten bale« weighing (he whole trouble. A pearl la nothing only a clean, round hole. ('. II. t’laudv gowned woman In a weary but firm from "50 to 325 pounds and eighteen but cni'l«>uiitc of lime, and vinegar or In St. Nicholas. voice as Iter liest friend looked anxious bags of «*orn of 125 pounds each. Two any other add will ly to her for ndvlce. “ Yea, I do, but ent off the polish of the youths hooked the bn lex in th«* Lincoln and a Suit of Clothes. hold, while the other two pulled. It I'll never tell you. Now, don't 1oi»k so In n few minutes, All colored gems On one occasion a judge was III and. did not take long for th«* tender «kin Injured. She Is my own dressmaker, are liable to fade a little on exposure to the sunlight nnd when not In use being unable to sit in n ease, delegated on their hands to become raw and in- nnd I would not give her nmne or ml dress to anylsxly for well, for nil my Should lx* kept In the dark.”—St. Louis Lincoln to hear the matter. The ac finni«*«!, nnd the hauling became n posi count of a guardian was In question nnnual pin money. I’ve hnd n few ex Glolie-1 »emocrat. tive torture. He had paid $28 for a suit of clothes periences In tjint line which hnve When nil tho hay nnd corn hnd been for his ward and Justified It on the Supported by Hi« Not«. pulled up flic corn wns fed to the ent- Inuglit me some lessons. I hnd n wo "What a large, scnaltlve, mobile nose ground that It was a necessary ex tle, mid then it wns time for dinner. man who «'nine once a week to do ex pense. Lincoln hold against the guard tra housework for me, and she wns a yon have!" This wns eaten hurriedly, so thnt the ian on the ground that It was an ex "No wonder. It supports me." men could get back to work. The hay treasure--*so faithful nnd so energetic. And the speaker smil«*d complacently travagant expenditure nnd In pnssing wns split In tho nnrrow nIsles In front She cum» regularly for three yrars of tho cnttlc, nnd nfter several hours Oue day she told mo she needed one at the surpris«*d look on Ills auditor's on the case stated that he bad never in his life owned a suit of clothes that of hard work nt slinking It up the ¡Mx>r or two mor«* places, so she could pvt In face. "Yes." lie said, “I make my living by cost $28. bensts were fed. Then the men were all her time, nnd Just about then n fed wl'h far worse food In comparison friend of mine wns looking for extra my nose. I nm n barrel smeller—that Wasn’t Sure. than thnt given th«* cattle. By this help, ao I rerainmcndej Dinah. 1 nev Is to say. ! pnss on beer barrels In the "Remember." said the lawyer, tin w they were tired enough to go to er saw Dinah ngnln but once. Thnt XXX brewery. 1 tell whether they lire hnve undertaken to tell nothing but bed. Most of them revolted nt the wns when I went to call on ui.v friend. clean and sweet or not. "Barrels when they com«* back to the tho truth.” stuffy bunks nnd slept on the hard Dinah was there, putting In nil her ex “I’ll do my best," answered the ex- tra time. ?>re\ver.v empty are washed nnd steam dock. pert witness, "but I won't know how "I rraotnmcnde«l my tnll r to n ed and Ilion passed on to me. In tliou- This was Ihe regular, programme for each day. On th«* second day out n lit friend, an 1 now he has «o t■■■ iv ’ i work .■-auds they are ranged before me In far I have succeeded until I'm through tle relief cnnie when a poor, starved for her thnt ho <*an’t th I !’ <• t • make line, like short, fat soldiers. I go from with the cross examination."—Wash ' Ì' though one to another. I apply my long. sens*, Ingtou Star. stowawny was «lug out of Ihe hold nnd most suit within twu m i'M«. act to work. He could not work much, I was the first custom ■ ho ever had tlvc no <* to each bungliole. I sniff In The Doubt. for he wns sick most of the time, but after he open«*«! h's own shop. Dn- telligently a moment. I say whether Borrows—Ry tile wny, Knox, did 1 he helped a little. So tho work went slden, lu* charges me more because be the barrel Is tit to be loaded with beer on, mu! the blistered hands did not Is so busy. again or whether It must have another leave uiy umbrella nt your office yes "I recommended a certain tea room bnth. All day long 1 work Ilk«» this, terday? Knox—You left an umbrella, hnve n ehnuce to hcnl. Before they wore halfway over every college boy to n friend, nnd now th«* choicest table nnd, I tell you, nt nightfall my old but I don't know whether It was yours or not.—Exchntige. Is always resowed for hor, while I enn nose Is tlr«»«l. wns praying for lnhd. There was practically no iimiiscineut slink Into any old dark corner that no- "Every large brewery has Its barrel Thunder In September Indicates a on Ixiard. Isolated from everybody on Imd.v else wants. I'm tired of being smeller, nnd |hc Job pays well, for few the ship, th«* boys hnd nothing to do in t< mascot. 1’tn looking for a mascot of men have noses sufficiently One far the good crop of grnln and fruit for the I tlielr few snare moments but gamble. my own "--Now York Fun. work.’’—New Orleans Timra-Democrat. next year.—Old. Pro^rb. KLAMATH COUNTY BANK KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON JJ. R. REAMER, Vice President LESLIE 1UMiEKS, Asst. Cashier ALEX MARTIN, Pre*ùl«at ALEX MARLIN, Jr., CMhier The Pioneer Bank of Klamath County STATEMENT OF CONDITION AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 29, 1907. UKKtCU , Loans and Discount«.............................................. Bond« and Fecaritiea ............................................ Real Batata, Building« and Fixture«............... Cash and Fight Exchange................................ ................. I 314,962.70 ................... ' 60,584 86 .................... 20,160.58 .................... 219,091.93 $643,809.13 LiAaiLinn Capital Stock, fully paid................................................................................ • Hurplus and Profit«............................................................................ Due other Bank«............................................................................... 4 deposits .................................................... 100.000.00 12,088.64 40,061.98 491,649.51 $<¡43,800.13 I, Alex .Martin, Jr., ( adder of the above named Bank, do soltsmnl »wear that the above etatement i« true to the beet of my knowledgeand belief A lex M aeti . v , J u ., Caahier. Kubaeribed and «worn to before me thia Sth day of July, 1907. !•«*«.) A.M. WoKDUR, Notary Public for Oregon. Lakeside Inn, MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r Modern improvements. 73 rooms and suites Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > k BUESING & BENNETT, PROP’S First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South ern Oregon and Northern California: also to favorite camping, hunting and fishing grounds. rb I Horses ___________ Boarded by , _____ the Week or Month. Special alUnlton given tramienl ttock : Cor. Main anti 9th Sit *T* and tpccial rate» to freigkterf. Grain |/|nmnlh tnfld Dr by the tack, /lay l-y the bale or ton. Phone-Main 44 m i lllllu, Ul. iOS! toll I KU I MEISS i ARMAND PROPRIETORS 4/1 KINDS OF FRESH, SALT J HD SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGESIOF ALL KINDS Every drop Of Old Continental Whiskey Water Mill Whiskey Normandie Rye F. F. V. Rye as pure as Government inspection can make It is bottled in bond under Government su pervision and that carries the guarantee of abso lute purity. Pure is the word that tells the story, and when the government places its O. K. on whiskey you may be sure it is pure. Sold by C. D. WILLSON Wholesale and Retail Dealer k» <KXXXH><XXXXX> • The Republican Prints All the News All the Time Advertise in the Republican and get Results