Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1907)
While rowing on latke Ewauna Sun day two men had a narrow escape from drowning. One of the pair wanted a * See Ady for uiarsh land*. a high seat in order to have a la-tter Toilet soaps at the Star Drug Store. $ J opportunity to take in the beautiful! landscape ami pressed into service a Leo 8. Robinson of A lame la is in the dve-gsllon oil can that was aboard. He city. got a little too high in the air, however, Postal*. laical views and nil others. I and as a result the l»>al tipped and lie Star Drug Store. 4 went into the lake. In trying to got l>ack in he succeeded in tilling the boat Dr. J. G. Goble is at the Lakeside Inn with water. Neither of them could and will remain until August 5. swim and when things liegan to look i Born—Friday, July 28, 1907, to Mr. serious they began to holler, with a re and Mrs. W. A. lhdzell, a daughter. sult that a big crowd was attracted to Mark L. Hurns and W. A. Wagner the water front. Judge Baldwin was telephoned to and lie did the hot foot made a flying trip to Dorris Sunday. to his launch and was just ready to BORN—Saturday, July 27, 1707, to ! start when irrepressible Zim came tear- Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Sevitt. a daughter. ' ' ing down and jumped alxmrd. Ho Several hunters from town succeeded was in such a hurry to get under way in bringing down bucks during the past 1 that lie grabliod the lever and forgot to week. release the grip|>er, with the result that Miss Edna Wells, the ¡M>pulai teacher, he busted the ratchet, in the mean was down from Odessa for a few days time the unfortunates in the lake were ; paddling towards shore and bail reached this week. I shallow water by the time Judge Bald Dr. J. G. Goble is at the Lakeside Inn win pulled along side of (tieni. A Hide and will remain until August 5. from a good soaking and a bad scare no Need any pluuilung done? Then get ' damage resulted. our prices first. Best work and reason F. P. Cronemiller got the hunting able prices. Baldwin A Baldwin. $ fever into his bhsxl Sunday and took a E. B. Henry returned this week from run up the lake for the pur|K>se of bring- Curry county, where he has been on a ' ing home a deer. He was accompanied by Mrs. Cronemiller and the boys, Ilo surveying expedition. j saw a buck, but after repeated trials to Dr. Goble will visit Merrill on August he 6, 7 and 8. Office at hotel. Dates at bring him down it is reported that had to hire one of the boy* to do the Bonanza and Fort Klamath later. shooting with the result that Linn is Miss Edyth Humphrey, who accom now the possessor of a tine pair of ant- <» panied the .Margaret lies company as , lers and Croney had hie desire for far as Bonanza, returned home Friday. I eon gratified. R. A. Enimitt was called this week Hand bags. A swell line at the Star to the bedside of his aged mother who! ; Drug Store. 4 * is dangerously ill at her home in Doug Dr. Goble was the first regular opti- | (> las county. cun to visit Klamath county 11 years <' The exhibition given by the Clark ago and he has been coming every since. Riograph Company in the Houston opera He places at your service in addition to house last evening was very satisfactory a thorough optical education the Ismetit* and was well attended. of 14 years practical experience as an optician, during which time he has titled If you want anything in the machin ery line, see George T. Baldwin, who is thousand* of eases. For reference he agent for the Ashland Iron Woorks. tf refers you the many jieople in Klamath Falls ami county who have had County Surveyor Williams returned glasses fitted by him. this week from Langell Valley where he Dr. J. G. Goble is at the Lakeside Inn baa been for the purpose of surveying and will remain until August 5. out a new road. CITY B VYING YOUR JEWELRY OR 1IAV ing your work done at HEITKEM PER’S will surely result in your be ing satisfied. My stock of High Grade Jewelry is as tine as can be procured, and my work—well, let my pleased customers tell you about that. All work guaranteed absolutely for one year. Musical Instruments. Phonographs, Records. Supplies. Strings. Sheet Music, Etc. A big line to select from. Send for catalogue. 1 Pay the Freight City Prices. G. HEITKEMPER, JR. Republican Block - - Klamath Falls, O.-e « unneny’s « I :: 4 Fine Line of Fresh Candies 1» I > Latest Novelties in Toys !• AH the latest Newspapers and ! • Magazines Most complete line of PIPES to select from <' / Long Lake Lumber Co. 5 Miss Alice Applegate has handed in Small tracts of well locate 1 tule marsh ! lands offered'for one week at |20 per her resignation as teacher of English in the high school. Her decision came as I acre. Abel Adv. a surprise to the Board. No action has C. T. Oliver returned Friday from Bo- as yet been taken in the nutter. Mis* f nanza, whither he had gone to see that Applegate was one of the l>e«t teachers j the Margaret Iles company got the right in the county, and particularly well i start for Lakeview. .qualified for the teaching of English, Anyone wanting to buy juniper wimh ! ami the high school will suffer a serious I will do well by calling upm Jas. A. loss through her determination to sever : Bingham or drop card in the post- , : her connections with the institution. I office. t1• Pictures! Ye«, framed and unfratned. Mrs. J. C. Hill aud daughter Florence A big assortment just arrived at the 7-18 $ ! who have been visiting their son and Star Drug Store. ; brother in this city for the past seven According to the school census Lake weeks, returned to their home in < *ak- county is not growing very fast. List ' land Tuesday. year the census showed 924 children of On receipt of two cents in stamps I school age, while this year there arc , will send descriptive literature of Klam 'H's;, an increase of only 42. According ath County to any address.— Mark L. ( to this there are not many more people ' in all of Lake county than there are in ' Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. I in the city of Klamath Falls. J. E. Bodge this week returned to Royal Cherry ! this city from Medford and will open > Yolanda perfume. I-atest. Ham- j up his tailor shop in a few days in one ; Buds Talcum Powder. 1 of the rooms formerly occupied by the ' pie at Star Drug Store. 4 Portland restaurant. Harry Peltz has brought bis automo- Do you want a choice timber claim or i bile down from Odell. It is at present homestead? If so call at my office at at Fort Klamath where he is having it I overhauled and put in running order. once. Mark L. Burns ! He is pluming himself for some of the J. F. Nowlin has finally decided to lo-1 fastest runs on record and if anyone sees cate permanently in Portland and en-i a good sized cloud of dust along any of gage in the real estate business. He \ ' the county roads it will indicate that has purchased a piece of acreage near Peltz and hie machine are busy. Montavilla, with the intention of laying The government says that Continen out an addition. tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor Anv one- wanting property of any mandie Rye and F. F. V. Rye is pure kind in Southern California or if you ! for it is put up under its supervision in have property to sell or trade, write J. bonded ware ileuses. Hold by C. D. E. Paddock, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Willson. 4-18 tf Tait us figure on your work. Baldwin Both sides of the postal card may , A Baldwin, plumbers. 4 now be used for messages, with the pro- George T, Baldwin ba* recently lieen ■ visd, however, that sufficient space Ire left on the card on which to write a appointed local agent for the Ashland legible address. The rule that one side Iron Worksand will b»- pleased to give tie used only for the address has been limitations for all kind* of repairs and machinery. tf ; abrogated. Manufacturers of All Kinds of LUMBER Cabinet Work, Sash and Doors, All Kinds of Mouldings, Band sawing and Turning, Odd-Sized Doors and Windows a Specialty PHONE 381 All kinds of Finishing Lum ber now on hand. Large assortment of Doors and Windows made up and ready for immediate de livery. Can furnish an order on the grounds for any sized build- ing within twenty-four hours. Large stock of Flooring in three grades. W. 0. HUSON, 4* 4* f * ♦ ♦ f 4* Manager Well Fenced Farm J Pays big profits. Why not fence yours? >2- The difference in cost of a good fence and *4 -4 a poor one is so small that it pays to buy A a good one. I will have a ■ A BRIEFS Carload of Ell wood Fences ♦ f +4 ♦4 Do you know that I have all kinds of property for sale at a bargain. Mark L. Burns, Klamath Falls, Oregon. § MARRIED—July 21, at the home of : the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. <». H. ‘ Newell, in Drews vallev, P. M. Cory and Miss Martha E. Newell. Mr. Cory is owner of the Western Stage Com pany. Dr. Goble will visit Merrill on August 6, 7 and 8. fyffiice at hotel. Dates at Bonanza and Fort Klamath later. FOR SALE—8-h. p. engine and boiler at a bargain. Splendid condition. Call at Feed Store. 7-18-8 8 • F<»R HALE—A tine ranch already un ready under water, within a miles of town. f47.oO per acre. Mason A Slough.4 “Every drop pure,” is what can tie FOR SALE—320 acres, 5 miles from said of Continental whiskey, Water town: 100 acres timber; estimate.I torun Mill whiskey, Normandie Rye and F. F. 1'4 millions—$1,000. J. F. Croft. 6-27 tf V’. Rye. Hold by C. D. Willson. § FOR SALE—1 leather suit case, 1 Headaches many times are caused by ' guitar 'Washburn) 2 fine violins, cheap, astigmatism a very common defect) or I large fine chest, A. L. Camp, Wor excessive eye strain. If you have head den Block. tf aches let Dr. Goble examine your eyes. FOR SALE—240 acres of land seven He has cured hundreds. He may be able to cure yotf. Don't be backward miles below Keno on the river. One •) DON J. ZUMWALT •) about corning to have your eyes exam- million five hundred thousand feet of BERT E. WITHROW A I.I.EN V. > t ® President Vice-Pres. A Treas. ined. It’« free. If there is a defect in timber on the place. Good range. En Secretary quire of Jiu’k Connolly. Keno, Oregon, •) your eyes he will allow you what it in. or come to ranch an<l take a look KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC% The examination is free remember. 7-11-tf around. I)o not buy blended whiskey. When <• CAPITAL STOCK S10.000, FULLY PAID (• WALL PAPER WALL PAPER you want pure whiskey see that it is WALL PAPER put up under the government’s “bonded 0<K)0 Rolls Choice Wall Paper warehouse stamp,” as is thff Continen House Lining tal whiskey, Water Mill whiskey, Nor All at popular prices KLAMA Th FALLS, OREGON mandie rye and F. F. V. rye. Sold by Baldwin the Hardware D-aler C. D. Willson. Klamath Falls 4 * 4* * About May 1st. It costs nothing to examine them, but if you investigate you will be surprised how cheap they are. Everything that the farmer needs, I have. GEO. R. HURN, the Hardware Man *4 *4 >4 'S'SSSS S « • • • • £ • • 3« ^3 • '9j 2 •) ABSTRACTING AND SURVEYING») V* g ^3^33^33^33333333333^33^33 Hardware r We arc not so old, but we have got the GOODS and our PRICES are right Builder’s Hardware Stoves and Ranges Paints and Oils Nu Blu and Royal Graniteware Tin, Wood and Willoware Sporting Goods Estimates furnished on Sash and Doors Roberts & Hanks Phone. 173 Emma Block f M ASON &. S l OU GH ABSTRACTERS Æ vh<>lev line of Invest- nieiits 1 lint xv^lll uwtlcc* flic? i>ur*ol>fmoney i Lands » Ranches City Property Farm Mortgages MASON & SLOUGH 1 ▼ Chitwood ÖFuä Co. office supplies Fine Stationery legal blanks Waterman’s Fountain Pens »*%*%%***%%%%**%*%% BISHOP’S Furniture Store ▼ f; is the place to furnish your house; Don’t send your money to outside dealers I will guarantee to save you money on a bill of goods If yon M U8T go to the city to liny your furniture let me give you a let ter to our wholesale houses, where you can «elect anything you like, Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire line of Pianos of the EILER S PIANO HOUSE for Klamath and Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes are now on my floor. Easy terms on Pianos, or for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. All that remains unsaid, just consider that it has been said B. ST. GEO. BISHOP Phone, Resilience 66 " store 61 Klamath Falls, O ik J <