Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 18, 1907, Image 3

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    forlalnnl )
The Wily Arab of Tripoli.
Down the street tbe faint Intermit­
tent tinkling of a ls*ll wns heard.
"Burr n>!" (“Get out!") In warning
rns|M*d Ilin high pitched voice of a
cmncl driver. I d*H|gi*d quickly Into
tin* shop of a silversmith mid watch's!
four luinlM*rlng cnim-ls squdg« sbftly
by To prevent those lieblml the drlv
er from being stolen the halter rope
pf each In tied to the tall of the one
ahead, nnd oil the tall of the Inst camel
its In* flips nnd flaps It from side to rid«
tinkles n lu*ll
A wily one of the
faithful, md being rich in this world's
goods, turned covetous «-yes on a
nomadic brother who passed through
the town leading a string of six «mn
"Allah! Allah lirsel el Allah!
Could not Hu* brother spur« on« of his
jlmnl?" (camels). H<>, dusting Hie tiles
from Ills eyes and hooding hlmuclf
with lil-i liarra* nn, he stealthily follow
cd 11« was awmi* that near the New
gale tin* street narrow«<1 mid made a
double turn N<> sooner had th« driver
and head camel rounded th« llrst cor­
ner than the wily um* seised the ls-ll
iitta* h«d to tin* lilndinost camel. With
n stroke of bls knife In* Hi-vi*rci| It from
the tall of tin* nnlmnl, mid. keeping It
tinkling, lie quickly fastened It t > tin*
tall of the next, cut loose the Inst
I m * iih I nnd "Allah wills" made uff
with bin loot—C. W. Furlong in Har­
Jonathan Green will was a chins
merchant of Philadelphia. ||n bail mv
erul slilpa ufloiit. amt his son Robert,
having a taste for Hu* soh . whs given
command of one of them, the Pelican.
The old man decidisi to milk" Il Voyage
with Ills son mi the 1'cllcau mid hud a
atiiteriMun fitted up for him.
The voyage to China was unevent
fill Jomitbnn Gns-nwlll, who wns a
Quaker of tbe mildest type, sut much
on deck, looking over old ocean’s
bosom, which throlilH*d gently, the
clouds ii I hivi *. which rolled peacefully,
nnd the sen birds, whii'ii suliisi grace
fully. Nothing could huvi* been more
conducive to n deepelillig of Illi* old
mim'* noiii-iimbaimit principles
The voyuge out llnisbed mid a gisnlly
cargo of silk-, ten nud Other vulunblcs
lmVIng been taken uimani, the I’ellenn
aturtisl for borne Hin* was suiting
southward otir nfternooii on the chimi
neu midway lietw’crn the Malay penili
suin nnd the Island of Borneo when n
low, rukl-li I'Hikllig vessel np|Hiarc*| on
Hu* eastern horizon that especially nr
rr-te.l Captain llolwrt Gleen will's !
tentimi. Th« old mun Mil on deck In
Ills chair, aI»sorbisi, ns usual, In the
A Mysterious Booming.
A strange phenomenon I h that of the
| h * iu .'fulness of tin* si'«nc I II« ciiptuln
went ls*|ow, and when In* rvturued so called "guns of Burrlsmil." In I ti
strung« noises were heard underneath, ■Ila Burrlsmil Is a station In tin* Hun
lint are tliouc a muda, llobcrt?" derbunds. tin* marshy delta of the
Ganges, n region covered with a vast
asked Hie father.
"Gillis liclng haili«*! Into position te­ nnd luxuriant Jungle of tropic vegeta­
bind masked opening- I»«» you ure tion. H«r« In the rainy si*nsoii there
Is occasionally heard a loud. Iseimlng
that vessel? Hite's u pirate"
"Rut, Robert." exclaimed the old noise like the dlschiirge of distant ar­
mail, rising In great trepidation, "what tillery. It seems to conn* from the
south, but If om* follows the sound In
la thee n -lug to do?"
Hint direction Its apparent dlHtance
Travelers have
Tho father said nothing for some does not diminish
suggested that It may Is* |irodu«ed by
time, then Spoke earnestly
"Robert, thee know« my principles. th« heavy surf of the monaoon Beaton
thundering on th« shores of tin* bay of
If the« tight. I <11 limit help thee '
"You enu g<> le-low, father, and await Bengal or on nn Inland, but the place
of Ils origin tins never I h -. ii Idciitlflcd,
tbe Issue there"
nor Ims It Iri-n explained why the
"Wliat arms have thee''"
“I've always carried three gnus on roar of the waves should !>« lien rd
eueh bioudsldv. und I have u plentiful much farther Inland here than on
other consta.
aupply of muskets mid cutlasses."
"1 never knew that, or 1 would not
When “Oirl" wa» "Gsll."
have allowed It."
Concerning Hi« pronunciation of
“That I knew very well, father"
Alt hour Inter the situation was us "girl,” It I» to lc fcan-l that only very
follows The Fellemi and the pirate careful English jesipk* full to rhyme It
were within u i mile of ci**h other, Isith with "pi-arl" nowadays. Tin* -otig of
beading for I tin- strait The owner of solin* years back "My dear little glrll«
the Pel I cau win In his stateroom. To girlie, with hnlr ho nice mid curly, nnd
«-nable him to keep his principles he every morning early"- show» the cus­
bud locked himself III mid thrown the tom of th« great public In our time,
key out through n porthole. In dolug though In the "Ylllklns nnd Ills Dinah”
so In* caught sight of Hu* pirate Just ns |s*rlod "girl" was rhymed with "dwell.“
she "broke" the skull und tuilies from ■■<»»•11" was no doubt Hie nearest the
lu-r peak, nud ii few moments later she average man could get to th« sound
Imperfectly represented by "galrl" and
Ur cd n shot across the i'ellcau's bows.
Mr. Gris-nwlll was i-x|*c< ting to hear nt nnv rate was l»-ft«r than tin* vulgar
But In these days few authors
some re p in *• from the I’ei'. 'un's guns. "gsl." go to the trouble of writing
I>ut In- did n *t Since this was lu ac­
tu show flint n character was
cordance with his prnfetoM-'l views be "gnrl"
pis-iitlnr In thus pronouncing th« word
should have la***n pleased. but ho was
ns Thackeray did in tbe case of Mrs.
not. 11« started to g > mid see what
Bungay 8» says a Izmdon correspond­
occasioned Hie delay, but found tl>«
J r I.. kvM. A profane w ord v.u< on ent.
b's lips, but he repressed II Mounting
Pretty Bashful.
a at Mil, lie i ailed through mi opening
At n village church u wedding was
b I hivo the door
flxel for a certain date The happy
"W hy doesn't this* Uro. Rotiert?"
morn arrived, and In due course a
But K o I mt I was too fnr away to hear, youthful swain and faire ladye pre­
besides living lUllerwIse cngllged Jon sented themselves nt tile cliamvl steps,
athuii got down from the stool and t he service pns-ceded smoothly ns far
went to the porthole Ju-t In time to .is the question, "Wilt thou have this
wee the plrnte tire a guu Hint struck Hie woman to 1st thy wedded wife?"
Pelican within twenty feet of the < i | m * h Whereupon the suppose»! bridegroom
Ing through which lie wns looking. The stammered blmdilngly:
pirate was now near enough for him to
•Tlennn, sir. I'm not the right man."
see th** deck swarming with the ugliest
"Not the right man." exclaimed the
lot of yellow cutthroats lie had ever clergyman, aghast. "Then when* Is the
looked at.
right man?"
Again forgetting that the door was i "lie's down nt the bottom of the
locked, he tried to o | m - ii It At that mo chun li. sir. He's nnheenmed to come
meut there were three simultaneous up.“—Church l'limlly Newspajier.
bo* lining* In bin own ship, mid he ran
ba> k to the porthole to get n view I!**
A Russian Pastime.
saw activity on the plrute nnd new
If the human jaws need some occu­
guns ruu out.
pation In the Intervals of meals and
Tlie tight was now well on, and lie gossip, nays Health Culture, mastica­
twis-n the booms were beard sounds of tors could learn a lesson from tbe
the old man's leiot ngnlunt th« door of peasants of southern Russia, who ex­
the stnteroom, which Anally yielded, ercise their teeth on the hard seeds of
and Jonathan Green will rushed on deck the Caspian sunflower. There Is not a
with u cutlass that be hail picked up suspicion of n stimulant about it, no
ns he run.
chewing gutn dyspepsin or navy plug
"Give 'em —mon* bulls. Roliert! Why nulsnnce. It Is n pastime and inci­
don't thee fire faster?"
dentally nn excellent dentifrice. In
"All hands ready to repel boarders!" Astrakhan n pint of the requisite seeds
wns the captain's only reply, seeing enn be liouglit for n quarter of a pcuuy.
that the plrnte wm haullntf In fftwurd
the I'ellenn.
A Plausible Inference.
Ten minutes later tin* pirate had
"Miriam,” said her mother, "have
(trapping Irons on the l'cllcnn nud n you ever given young Mr. Stnpleford
lot of flenda were climbing abmrd The any reason to Is-lleve you eared for
Pelican's crew were fewer In number, him enough to marry him?"
but of n superior race. The Pelican's
"He seems to think so." answered
deck was higher than the pirate's, mid the daughter, "liei-auae I told him the
as tho pinites put their hands on tho other evening Hint lie was sending me
gunwale they were chopped off by the too many costly flowers mid ought to
cutlasses of the Pelican's men Never lM-ghi to save his money." Chicago
theless a number of them got aboard, Tribune.
nnd both allies fought desperately.
Finally, when half of those who had
Merely a Suggestion.
boarded were killed, the pirate sheered
Wright I've tried everything, and
off mid loft the rest nt the mercy of my novels don't seem to sell. Penman
the Pelican's crew.
— Excuse me, but you have not tried
Then for the first time llobcrt Green everything. You know, it is said that
will got n view of his fnthcr Tho old Dickens' novels sell four times better
man, covered with pirates' blood, his than during Ills life. Yonkers Stiitiwi
«-yes glaring, was backiug away nt the man.
romnant of the yellow tlenda who had
sought to take bls ship.
"Hold on. father! We'll take them
Minister (meeting a small Imy on
ashore and let the authorities hang Sunday afternoon carrying a string of
tlshi Johnny, Johnny, do these belong
Either the old man did not hour or to you? .Johnny Y e-s. sir. You see,
bls blood was too hot to his-d. He that's w lint they got for chnslug worms
went on hacking mid stabbing, mid on a Sunday. I'hllndelphia Inquirer.
the men, considering his example an
order, went on killing tho ptpitei till
Not Her Business.
none was left alive. Then, when there
was no more blood to I'evii Jonathan When- do you suppose 1 shall get tho
GreeinvIH's thirst, he suddenly came to money from to pay for It? Wife You
himself. Dropping tils eittlass, ho went must excuse me. 1 didn't marry you
down the companionway, and soon his to give you llnanclal advice.
voice was heard wrestling In prayer
for I'orglvoness for having sinned in
Mohammedan meals le-glti with salt
having not only used the sword, but and end with vinegar. The unit defend*
having killed more pinites than any the believer from seventy llsenses; the
man aboard the ship.
vinegar assure* hltu luererwd prosper­
Hoped Hs Wouldn’t Grow.
A well known ini-oiber of parliament
was addressing an agricultural meet­
ing In tbe south of England nnd In ths
course of bls remarks expressed the
opinion that farmers do iu»t sufficiently
vary their crops and make a mistake
tu always sowing wheat.
Oue of the audience opposed to him
I* now offering its first allotment <4 Treasury Stock at 30 cents a share.
In politics usk**d him what crops ho
would recommend.
Was incorporated in August, 1905, under the laws of tbe State of Oregon, with a capital stock
"Everything In turn," be replied.
“Well,” suId his Interlocutor, "If
of $1,000,000, par value of shares |1 each. One.third of the issue is treasury stock.
swedes don't come up. what then?"
"Now mustard." sold the M. P.
Phntl/n Pflnnor Pn Owns THIRTY copfier claims *'*i0 acre- and two water rights on th« Chetko river in Curry
"And If musturd doesn't come up. vllcIKu
vOppCI VU.
County, <Jregon, within eighteen miles of Chetk*. Harb* r. **n the Pacific Ocean.
w li.li Him •"
And so he went on through u whole
list of crops until, th« M. P's patience
On one >4 the claims is a fifty-foot vein <4 copper ore (which is being developed that contains 13 |*er cent copper, and
being exhausted, he put nil end to his
gold |ier ton ; making a total of
questioning umld roars of laughter by
"Oh, sow yourself, and I h*>pe you
won't com« up.”
Chetko Copper
ClietkO COPper Co*
Chetko Copper Co
with tin- ore vain«* averaging about five j»-r cent <op|s»r, is selling it- share* in Boston at $27 to $30 a
nhare; and the Ealakalala Copper Co., (situate*! near Trinity) capitallaeil at $5,000,000 is selling at $8 to $10 [>er
share on the Boston and other market*.
Chick Bru*« was a fmnoUH Adlrotl
dark guide, who accompanied Grover
Clevelmnl on om* or two of bls hunting
trips In those mountain* chirk left
Mr Cleveland sitting on a log on«
morning while h« went out to drive
down a deer nhoiild hi* chance to find
one. When lie came bm k In* saw tils
dlHtlngubdn-d employer still sitting on
the log, but with th« muzzle of Ills gun
IHdutlng directly ut the presidential
"Here," shouted Chick, "quit that,
diwl giiHt ye! Kupjwee that gun hud
gone off mid you bad killed yourself
what would have happen««! to me?
Dem ye, evcrybiwly knowa I'm n Re­
publican!“—tiatunlay Evening Font.
z-s |
» |
l" captia'uz I f**r only $1,000,000; owns m r« claims than Imth »aid companies com
G'lieiiX’) ^ z !)|1|JL i
biMd; containing ore bodies that greatly exceed in valne the ores ol the Baid two
companiee, and in now selling it* first block of treasury st*xk at
30 cents a share
Hxin as Copper Stock Buyers ¡earn the iacta almut the
Chetko Copper properties, the shares will eventually advance to $to and better per »bare.
at 30 cents a share is way far the best Copper Stock buy of the day. It has the high
grade copper-gold ore in quantity and the right management. Itu sure to
A Largs Order.
Thu proprietor of a certain restns
rant "leased" Hie revere« side of bls
bill of fare to a carriage manufacturer,
who prints advertisements thereon.
Sample! of the Chetko Copper gold ore and prospectuses can lie seen at the Lakeside Inn. Klamath Falls, Oregon
Tbe other day a customer, In a great
Albert E. Imbler, late manager and part owner of the Long Lake Lumber Co., of Klamath Fall«, is personally over­
hurry, ran Into the restaurant, sat at a
table and was hamh-d a bill wrong seeing the development of the large ore bodies on the Chetko Copper claim-, and the company is proceeding to have all ita
side up by tbe flurried waiter. Tbe mining claims patented this summer.
Note: Advance in PriceAfter July 5th, 1907, the price of the Chetk copper will lie advanced to 50 cents a share.
customer put on his plnce nex, curled
his mustache with his left hand and
shouted In a voice of thunder "Bring
me a fly. a laudau. two victorias and a
dogcart. Got any funeral cars?" Tbe
waiter fled Ixindon Graphic.
Advance in price, and that soon
For Shares, address
Judgment Reversed.
Schoolteacher I um sorry to com­
plain, but Johnnie Jones Ims ls*en very
Impertinent. Principal You must be
more patient, Miss Howard. Tench tbe
children t > res|H-ct you as they do me,
limi we -Jinll have fewer complaints.
What tlld he say ? K hoolteacber He
salt! you were tbe skinniest old maid
alive! Brooklyn Life.
Ashland, Oregon
Jt Few Words Concerning
Good Printing
A Nies Present.
11 I- s.-ild of n i linmpliui mean man
that the only present In- aver made to
his wife was on the twenty-fifth anni­
versary of their wedding, when be
gave her four yards of cotton cloth
with which to make him a shirt
ID it ever occur to you that nine men
out of every ten judged your stand­
ing in the commercial world by the
stationery you used? Such is a fact
you use cheap, shoddy printing, such
many printing offices give you, devoid
merit, then your correspondents will put
you down as a has-been and irresponsible
GOOD PRINTING has been our motto for
years and in quality we refuse to* be ex­
celled. And our prices are right.
Logical Result.
Teio her Miiat happens when a per-
«un » temis i atún- gì ••* down as far as
It can go? Tommy Then he has cold
The world know* not bln j if
greatest men.—Van Arteveld«.
Hi» First Lovs Affair.
Mrs. Rose—Did your husband over
have more thau oue love affair? Mra.
Pose—Ob. only one, I believe! Mm.
Rose— And that was when be fell In
love with you? Mrs. Pose—Oh. dear.
no! He had fallen In love with him
self long before lie had met me.
beautifully illuSraled, good atone«
and articles about California
and all the far U'eaL
a year
a monthly publication devotrd
In the (arming latere« of the
C. & n. E
Mining Agent and Share Broker
The Disadvantages of Schools.
"Why have you taken your son out
of ■ In. 4 without asking permission?"
But they were
Father <n groeeri
ruining him I wish to bring him up to
curry on my buslnims. mid they were
teaching him that there are sixteen
ounces In n pound. Motto I’u Biden-
One Grade-«Chat tbe Best
Try us with your next order. We have the
latest styles of type and competent men to
execute the work in the latest approved style
a yeai
• l*ook of 75 pagrs. containing
120 colored photographs of
picturnque apoU ui California
sod Oirgoa.
Toul » »
All for
Cut out thia advcrtiaemeat
and send with $1.50 to
P atents
D esigns
C opyrights A c .
Anvone «ending n sketch «nd description may
quickly luu'orhiln our opinion free whether an
Invantlnn !« l-robsbly
prohi.’..*., nalsntsble.
__________ HANOL-w.
-‘ "IBOOK on I'so-nts
„___ free.
... nirlna patents.
Oldert ngency
for semiring
• Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive
_ H*r<"il
notks, without chares. In tbe
Scientific American.
A handanmely HlnMrnted weekly. î.nrpMt cir­
culation <»f nny aclontlUc tournai. Terma, |3 a
yenr: four niontbd, |l. Sold by all newsdealer«,
\ y
»' $4,000,00®
Hnntinn !• calbd tothe taet that th* T* n/ . '
Circumstantial Evidsncs.
Phone 31