Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1907)
Ashland Normal Th* Houlhern Oregon Hint« Normal School will conduct n Silinnitr School thlt year Iwgltinliig with the 8th <>( July and continuing until Tuvmlay, the 12th of Auguat. Th» purpose of thi« m.'hool 1» to afford opportunity for a »tudy of the aavaral branch«» preparatory to «lamination County and Htate C«rtlfleat< » ■nd Diploma«. In addition, during the tint two week», instruction will l>« given in method» of teaching, leading, , phonic» and language in the primary grade» of the public »chord». Hupt. I*. H, Daly of Jackaon County la assisting in the arrangiiments and will I»* one of the in- t¡* j h No tour Is safe or enjoyable without it ’'/CM.. »m y -i * y ?*A tJ Steal.: and Pull man Buffets don’t go without it Why should the Autcmobilist? hÛH S àl E Af ALL FIRST CLASS PLACES i Campers I Ole can supply you »tractor». Frol. W. T. Van Noy, Mr». Emma II. Wickeraluiin »ml Prr». Mui- key of th« Normal faculty will lie the I other instructor«. Wanted-Bids for Clearing Peraona who will contract to clear ■agebritxh and plow ground are invited Free. II. M. Crook» ol Albany College to »u built hid» lor doing the work on an •nd Pre». I*. I., i ampliell ol the Htate ■■ reage I.»»!» I .and to be cleared along F k . vxk Im W iiitk . I'niversily ol Oregon will deliver lec Macadam I'oad. ture« U|»>n school topic». Notice for Publication. 'J lie Southern Oregon Chautampia As- »»tat ion bold» it» keasioii» this year at | f’blted Htate» Land oifice, l«akevlaw, Oregon, April 12. Ml. , th« same time that the Hummer School Notice Is bcr*-by given that In compliance J 1» in «eaaion. All person» attending the with the provisions of the act of Congress of Summer Kcli<»»l will be admitted to Junes. JH7 m , entitled "An net for the sale of ' the evening lecture» of the Chautauqua timber lands In the stat*- of California, Ort- j Assembly at a nominal «»penne. Till» g<*n, Nevada. and Wauhlogton Territory,” a» ci tended to all the Public Land States by act feature 1» worth consideration «ince of August 4 1MM, William J. Carlisle, of it will bring within the reach of of Klamath Falls,« ounty of alamalb, Male of the »Indent teacher» »nine of the Oregon has this day filed in this office bls liesl talent of th« I’liited Htate». »worn »tateinvnt No. 3//9 for the purchase of th« a^ n»*z< of Mrc. No. 13. in Tp, No. J7 H, K. I In* Chautauqua »eaMn continue» two No. 19 K, W* M. and will offer proof to show ' week» beginning the 12th of July. that the land sought is more valuable The Hummer School will I«* held at for its timber or stone than for agricultural purjiose«, and to e»tabUsh his claim to »aid the Normal ground». Boom» can lie land before/*lerk <4 Klamath county at bia ! 1 had at the dormitorie» and I card at the office at Kia math Falla,Oregon,un Wedn eaday.! day t»f July 1W7. dining ball at a coat not to exceed he He names a» wltfj«-eae»: I litre« dollar« |»-r week. Persons who Hank y «Un»ton and I* -> f 'A ..¡»ncy of l>a ry, deaire to tent in I lie fir* a<rn. ft' « - e «'arll«*h* and vv '.Ham B Barnes I campus may do so. ul alamatb Falls, Oregon. An> and ail person* claiming adversely the This will afford a go« I opportunity above df'wribvd land* are requested to file 1 for a summer outing that will combine their claims in this uffii < on or before »aid 3rd of July, 1W7. •elf improvement with pleasure. 'Die day 4.’ J. N WATSON, Krgtsler. Normal lampu« in very lieailtiful »ince . it 1» ta'iiig improved with wide lawn» by the help of an abundance rd water I which lies lately been brought from the city of Anldanil. J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. The opportunity to Study reading and phonic» 1» a rare one, since it will l>e | in charge of a lady who acquired her Cleanliness and Good Work »kill and knowledge of the subject dur- Guaranteed. ' mg a three year«’ c >ur«e in the Oswego i State Normal School of New York, and Also Agent for LONDON AND by subsequent experience a» critic teacher in the Normal School. The in LANCASHIRE HRE INS. CO. struction in common »chord branches will be vigorous and spirited. The ses sion« will tiegin at 8a. 111., and dote at noon. ATTORNEY AND For further particular» ad.Irens W. T. COUNSELOR AT LAW VAN HCOY, Ashland, or P. H. DALY, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Jacksonville. ! QUILTS OUTING BOOTS AND SHOES OUTING CLOTHING MOSQUITO NETTING FISHING TACK LI LEGGINGS, HAMMOCKS ETC., ETC. AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES KKK STORE I UI.U UBLHASe The American Bank and Trust Co. Capital Stock $100,000] Klamath f alls, Oregon .*< SURETY BONDS WRITTEN I can sell your ranch at a fair price The following persons, a’ldrrs un- known: Thum.'.« Cregan, Mary Dent, Otto |H*i.t, Carrie M. Caraline, E. >. Moore and J. B Tobin are hereby notified that on the 25th day of June, 11*07, I shall liegin survey lor th« locatiuu of the fol lowing Section «nd ’4 Section Corner«, to w it; *4 cor. common to sec. ■ 5 and •>. Hec. cor. common to sec. » ft, ft, 7, 8,. *4 cor. comtnon to sec. s 7, 8. Sec. cor. com- mon to WC. R 7 . 8, 17, 18. *4 cor. com- moli lo »ec. 7, IS, Meandet of Klamath river from center of eec. 18, north to the center of wc. 5 all in T 3!» H , R 1» E M. D. WILLIAMS, W M 5 30—6 20 County Surveyor. Attention Veterans ! All soldiers, ot all the wars, are in vited to take part in the Coming 4th of July celebration at Klamath Falta. I'lea«« re|»>rt as soon a« you cun do so, in person or by letter, to Captain J. W. Siemens wlm will have charge of the veterans on tire Fourth. O. C. Applegate, J. W. Siemens, 6 0. A. Stearns. Croft & Nowlin If you are seeking an investmentt in City, Town or Farm Property See us before you unlimited variety of you, buy. We have property to show and ASHLAND IRON WORFS Croft & Nowlin (Incorporated) ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS and MACHINISTS General Job Work ofbc<? and Work» IDlmau st. aud SI* H K ASHLAND, ORE. Manufacturers ot Pneumatic Sawing En* glne. Saw Mills. Architectural Iron Work, Iron. Bra«• and Brome Catting* E»Utnat< - furnished. Orders promptly filled GEO. T PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE Do away with barbed wire Investigate the Sliding Loop Top BALDWIN, AGENT S. B. GRIZZLE ls OREOOS All styles and heights. Fences for every purpose LET LS QUOTE 5 OL PRICES GADDIS & DIXON, Medford or V0LNEY DIXON, Travelling Representative, Klamath Falls, Ore. Int.rrU Paid on Savings Drpotit* & M. Hl HH. E. WHITLOCK UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER DWAY STABLE iü> SHOE General Blacksmithing and Wagon Work Liyery and Feed Stable Both Saddle and Driving Horses »456 BALDWIN & HUGHES i Klamath Lake Railroad in connection with the Hellit ire Transportation Co Ore. and Cal. Transportation Co The only through line lor freight anti pas sengers between the Southern Pacific anti the Klamath country, tjniekest service ami Lowest Hates. Tell your troubles by Phone or Letter to E. T. ABBOTT, Gen. Mgr, Thrall, Cal. or io MclNTIRE TRANS. CO. at Klama'h Falls or Pokcg: m Holder of Licence No 29. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Reclamation News W. II. Heilman, formerly engineer of soils in tlie Service, has been made en- gineer in charge of maintenance und operullm, with headquarters in tilit city. Supervising Engineer Murphy re- tuned Monday from Clearlake where he went lust Friday for the purpose of making examinations, the conditions there now being such as to admit of his securing the information and data lie was after. Forgery Charged Ed Wiggins «a* arrested and held in ♦ 1000 bonds Saturday on the charge of forgei.V. It ta alleged that he passed a chech for $1(1, bearing the name of M. II. Wampler, on the Owl saloon. When the cheek was presented to the Klam- nth Cotintv Bank it was pronounced a i forgery and a warrant was issued (or the arrest of Wiggins. To Dairymen I have for sale a complete cheese mak ing outfit, constating of a 50 gall ill telf- heating cheese vat, hoops, presses, curd grinder, cnid knives, cheese l andages, remet tablets, circles, etc. that can be had at loss than half factory prices, na I am out of the bnsine«». Call on, or ivldro^s me at Klamath Fails, Oregon. 7-4 O. A. STEARNS. an If you buy from us you will save money KLAMATH fai WMt f »"Kill v INSURANCE ROOMS 7 A8, MURDOCK BLDG. Notice of Survey F' AND KLAMATH BARBER SHOP C. C. BROWER TENTS, CANVAS BED CANVAS BLANKETS AND / aim to be reliable Klamath County «Farm Lands « City Prope irty Merrill Towr Lots Bonanza L .ots He own very desirable land in small tracts adjoining the town of Merrill Klamath Commercial Agency r