Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
Official Newspaper of Klamath County KLAMATH KLAMATH FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON, MAY a, 1907. VOL. XII. Street Car Soon The water levels may b* change«! on ls.ith » de«, or llpon one »id«*, ami liot I on th>- other >i«lu of sai«l right of nay, 1 according to such pinna a« slinll he SUIT IS BROUGHT ■ h*'in<-«l suitable for tiie reclamation of .my part« <4 the adjacent land»; pro- : vi«l*..l Imwever, that the construction and maintenance <4 all ol «aid levee cm- i. inkiiii'iit» and dialling« nml irrigation ditches «loll la* <'iill»lrU«.'t«M| ali i IIIHIII- tiiiii«‘.| without ex|H*n««* to your t'.im- pimv. mid without liilerfereiic*- or bill- ilrance to the eonstruction an I main- tetnince of railioa«! «■mlMiikinent», ami without Hit« iference with the operation ■ «I tram service upon said right of wav. Fifth—That in o««iisiduratioi of »uid tight ol way your Company shall )a«y *3U per acre. Yours truly, ABEL AUÏ. C. & N. E. Seeks Right of Way CONDEMNATION ACTIONS Too Many Stipulations At tached to Abel Ady’s Proposition REPUBLICAN. i Mr. H imm I' s reply follow«: KAN FKANUlKCO, April II.1U07.- i NI r. AI.I'I Nd) . K'I. I a 1 >««-. J. L. Bm-ll 1» gmng to carry into effei t his promise to give thia city a street car service at an early date, and in accord- •lice therewith a car is ex|reete«l to ar rive in this city one day thia week. It was puri hn««'d in Kan Francisco when Mr. Buell iiihi I i - liis la«t tnpdown there. II«* went to Kirn Frani'isco Monday for the piirpos«- <4 investigatihg the merit« of a gasoline car. These are a recent creation an<l are made in two sizes. It is bi» intention to purchase one with a capscity of nine passengers, proviaied the representations of the agent were correct. In the inesntiine tlie car that ia to arrive thi» week will 1»« placed in service and when the gas' lme car ar rives it will be plactd on the line for the purpose of giving quick service between her«- mid lhe lake. I'laiis ami »[■eciflcations are being prepared for a forty-foot suspension bridge ucross the government canal at the heuilgate. Aw soon as thia is corn- pleted the car line will lie extendeai to the dock» and then all excursion par ties and other travel will have a quick, ‘«’ekpensive way of reaching thia famous Is sly of water. Mr. Buell is exerting himself with the Southern Pacific |>eople and other Cali Item Sir: I have yours of April Olli, in which | you agree to maku a fee deed to the Southern Pacific Company, conveying right of way over lands owned by your- Negotiations for the right of way «eU and ass.» laics, they to convey *lso across the »«amp lands controlled by all ot their right, title ami interest in . and to the laud in question, for the sum Ala-I Ady have com» to naught, and suit i -4 |3<> |>er acre. This conveyance to lie ha» lieen cotninviice.l bv thv California fornians to bring the advantage» of the us follow «: Northeastern for the condemnation of A strip ol land .’UM) feet wide from Upper lake prominently to the front. the prrqiertv. It de|H-nda -n Mr. Ally survey station 2707x00 to survey station That he is going to lie successful is cer tain, and once this section of Klamath how long this suit will remain in Court, *1174x00. t for il he is willing an effort «ill Is- m*di- A Strip of land 100 feet wide from County «axupies a point of vantage in to have it attended to al a »¡a-cial term survey station 2707x00 to the westerly the vision of the |*owers that I m *, there to l.e held during this month, when the limit» of lot tl, section 27, this living at will tie something doing in (he way of I or ,il»iiit survey station 2705x00. 1 advertising. Judge is on his way to Ijrkeview. lbs general opinion ia that this suit has ls-en withheld t-olonir The |ieyple •4 tin« city and county are extremely anxious lor the railroad, and while they want every man to get a s<|uare deal, they also would like to see the railroad a«»l»led ill ever) reasonable «ay. The talk that this suit has anything to du with thv hmiu« pio|«»iiimi i» all moon- •bine. The only qu--«lu>n at i««ue i« the right of Wav, and when tins i» set tled then it will lie up to the railroa I to make gixsl by a speedy construction into: this city The following h-tleis are »•■!( explan atory : KLAM NTH FALL«, Dr., Npriltl, 1W7. Mr. NVilliam Hood, Chief Engineer Southern Patlflc Co. San Francisco, Cal.- (»ear Sir: 1 oiler to coirvev to the Southern Pa- citic < ompany aright ■>( way u|s>n all that certain »trip ol land, too feet wule, being 150 feet mi each side of the evil- ter line of the t .ilifornia Northeastern railway, lietween survey station« 2712 and 21’7 I: and u leitairi strip of land 110 (ret wide. Is-lng 50 feet <>n each ■id* of the center line of »aid railway between «aid survey station k*7)2. and the westerly limits of lot fi in section 27 ; and a certain strip of land 1<M» feet wide, b-ing ’.0 feet <>n sillier aide of the cen ter line of the «aid railway 1s t«ren tlie »»id survey stati<in 2W74 and the north erly mid easterly limits of lots 6 and 7 in section I ; all being in Tp. 40, K. It. K E. NV. M., and through which the said California and Northeastern railway ia to Is- built: these »aid desirilieil lands aggregating 1 Hl acres of land more or less, ami tlie said right of way to lie conveyed free and clear of all incurn- brane«s as to title, and U|«m the fol- lowing conditions: First—That for tin- pur|ioae of live stock protection your Company shall construct hog-tight fetievs along either boundary of «aid right of way. and slinll conlilltioiialy thereafter keep said fences in proper repair. Kaul fences to be im mediately cou«tim’ted upon written re quest from any owner ot adjacent land. Kecond—That for the pur|s>ae of pub lic and private travel and transportn tion, yonr Company shall, upon my written request, immediately construct, either under or over grade, five cross ing« across said right of way, and nt such places as shall be stated in said ruqmist. suitable and euiivvtiient for all mnnnvr of travel ami transportation that limy bu livnetleial to public and private use, and shall continuously thereafter keep meh crossings in proper repair. Third -That for commercial purposes a proper siding »hall be constructed on th«* westerly aid«- of the main I in«* of sai«l railway mid immed’atvly smith of the i hiinnel that connect-tliv Klamath river and th'* Lower Klmnath Ink«*, mid whenever r* *|iie«t slinll I mad«* for « ars upon said aiding lot tl.e puipnsuof delivering or ti'ceiving iici.'.lit. suli'leivnt cars for tin* u-v, i>l ml pi isiiiis making Slicll II H'llllcst. shall bi' immedintely placed upon s'ii<l Hiding w itlmut swih'li. ing I'linrge«. Fourth—That P I«|'S, levee einbaiikineht liny b.* cult- strncted across said light "l way mid joined to -m li tailrmi.l «.mliiuiktiient» a« shall bere.liler lie con«trili’tod bv yuur Cuuip.itB upon said light of wav. and e.icll < I suld elll1 llllkliivnl. be used as levee« fur ri-clat i ing u Ij.teent lamia. Drainage iiii'l irrigation ditches may lie constructed aero»« mid right of way ami through suil raihual cmbunkmvnl. A «trip of land IDO feet wide from survey «tation 2h74x(»t to 2075x55 this latter lieing the northerly limit of yoifr lmi-1 In section 1. and fieing the inter sect tin ol tlie southwesterly line of lot I with the center line of ti.e California Northeastern Railway. I am willing to |>ay you this per Hi re, but I do not like the conditions at tached to the payment, for instance I , am willing to have a clause inserted in deed as follow« : First That for the purpose of live- stock protection, we wilt construct hog tight fi lici « along either boun«lary <4 right ut wav conveyed and maintain Said fences to sh me in projsir repair. la* constructed upon written requests» »ism a* practicable alter track is laid over the land in question. Keci>n«l—That for reclamation pur- po»«.-». levee emls«nkn>enlM may la* con structed ami maintained across said right of «ay and joining sudi railroad emliaiikmvnts as «hall be constructed upon »aid right of way. Kaid levee cm- l>aiikmrnt» to lie used (or th«.- purpose of reclaiming adjacent lands. Yonr second profiosition, having reference to crossing», is rejected. The third proposition, hnving refer ence to a ai ling (or commercial pur- |si«es, ia reject*«!. That portion of the fourth proposition, relating to construction mid mainte nance of drainage and irrigation ditches conveyed and across right of way tlimugii railroad embankments is re jected. You will notice tliat I am endeavor- ing to get at some practicable basi« fi.r settlement ol this whole matter ami am really meeting you more than half way. Yours respectfully, NVII.LIAM HOOD. J. VV. BRANDENBURG , i Well Known Citizen liles Brief Illness After a After an ilinv«s lasting but three davs, .loini NV. Brandenborg died at bis home in this city al five o'clock NVeit- nesday morning. Death was due to blood clot at the base of the brain. Mr. Brandenburg has lieen a ie«ident of this city fur the past twenty years, and during that time Ims always com manded tLv highest respect and confi dence of it« citizens. He I« survived bv his wife and four children, who have the deep s) mpatliv of the large circle of fiiemI« « !"> join them in mourning the loss nt u loving husband, a kind father and n slim, h friend. Thv children are Mrs. M. I (’ox of Nevada. Mrs. M. I. Pogue of Salem ainl’C. K. and Hu)d • this city. The tutu tai «ill be held Ht 2tlii« ftftvimmii f'iilii the Bnpti-t . ’n 'eli. Ululer ’hi' I. ¡»ph v« .U tl e A. il. I . M Tbl« vit I « m have a t i ■> tut .litiire stole. 1' «ili l>e locate I ii t ;"i A tm i : can Iloti I 1 lock, finii'.' i t Main nml Keveni li «’ t • et- and ■* : d i » iipvnril in almut leu days bv 1!. Il I l ii ; tiler. Iler. Ml’. Holler letut ned from Kim I r.mei«i*ii lii«t Satiiriin'. , w here II«* l'H'l beeil pllicll.l«- i ||g 11 l'i ■ ' .|*l il » . 11 is 11 i» , 1 1 ' .'111 i*»li to . ..............................I Hx* hugest fuinimre houses in thv southern put t m the «tale lie will find that Ilio business meno! this city will extend toliini the warm ' and of friendship. Made Local History Col. C. A. Cogswell, who is here U» lhe attorney for the California Nor ill- «■•stern, 1« not a novice in theve par' lit* whs state senator from tld« i dis- trict alien the ttwn of l.inkvilh* ’ wa« w aw incor|»irat«-il and the naiim changed to Klmimtli Falls. Ami it I w as he wiio mti<xlilc«*if the* bill in the I State legislature bringing slxnit Gitfi tlu»e events, lie also drew the bill cieatilig the County <•( Klmnath. NVhile resid ing in this «eetiou lie always took a:: active part in affairs ami ha« alaav» a« moment to disiuss th«* eaily his tory of Smithe'ii Oregon. going to I’ortland he ha« Is-r ome prominent as an ultornev and enjova a large and lucrative practice. He i« at present a member of -Mayor latnu’s executive committee and in that capacity takes an active part in the municipal affairs of Hie chief city of th«* State. Tlie Cilouei eX|recta to leturn to I’ortland in a day or two, but will tie back here at an earlv date for the pur pose of hastening to a conclusion the condeni’iation proceedings he instituted this week. Rock Crusher Starts The rock crusher that ia to furnish the material for the macadamizii g ul the streets in the Hot Springs addition, la-- gan operations Wednesday morning. The first thing to receive the attention ol Manager Campbell will be the new county road, and this will be coated as last as the rock can be delivered. After this will come the Esplanade*, and then will follow the other streets. All of the shade trees in the addition have la-ell Isixed, ami the bridge aeries the canal has lieen finished. The title weather that liar pievailed In-re has hud a stimulating effei t on all improve ment* in this addition, and the next few days w ill see an increase in tlie foice of men employed. Brick ia living hauled for the two- story office building that 1« to liotise the various departments of the companies identltied with this addition and other townsitv«. and it is expected that it w;B be readv for occupancy within tw.. month«. Austrian Held On Serious Cnarge An Austrian gixiug his name a- Mme Kituir »II- arrested last Thill'silnv even ing hv Sheriff ubeiiclmin on the charge ni a«smtlt im the 1'i-year old daughter of T. II. Well II, near her boni«* on tlie At the preliminary Wliiliine ratien. Imarin . the eviilt-n e went to «how th«' KI mie ■. who was on his wav to the i.< road, met the gill <m the I '.id wild gì.ila«'.I In r. Altera resistance lasting over five minute« he girl broke away from her a«« tiimit and run to her lionu-. where she notified her father. T■ ter immediately notified the Khenff, who raptured Krtnic near R. A. liint's place that evening. lhe ac cused ’nan d ie« not '.'em to reali -.> ili aci i iii-Hi'«- of il e i it irge placed a.*a il-t him. \t t ie pieliinin irv lu-ari'..- • foie .1 i o .. ■!.'» he wa- n-p-i -ei. by attorney C. I’. Stone. The only evi deuce adduce I win that of the girl. Krtnic was loan I over to await the ac tion of the grand jttr, in Jun?. « Clark-MitcheJI there to stay. Hi- has traveled all over the northwest country and made three trips over the Klamath Basin, and he returns satisfied that there is no t»-tter place ot> the <oa-t. H<, expect« to la-gin «.ext w«*i-k the con- ; strnction of a home on Pacific Terra« »• in the HotKpnngs Addition. Official Newspaper of Klamath County NO. 5 RAILROAD IS NEAR One of the in'ist eaborate weddings in the history of this city >a:<:i>rri-«l last «■veiling at th«- home ol Mr. an«l Mrs. I red Kc»,all<H k when If. N. Mitchell and Mi*» Etl.el I.CIaik wi re unit«-I in marriage, Rev. A. N. Ia« >|uetnin officiat W. II. Wise of Wi«e A Maxwell was ing. A large nnmla-r of guests were in the city Tuesday. Tliis firm is re- ; present as the bri«le and gr«x>m <-nter«-«l ported to ha* the <..ntract for the de Yl |ll I JIVA the parlor, Mi-- Clark leaning on th«- livery of -»«</,(• I f.-et of lumber at th«- "HI I n C u UII VI I 3 LUhV arm of Mr. Kchall<x:k. T.«<’ hrid«- wore site of the rumored power station near | a wliitu silk <]r«-«s and long bridal veil Kpencer station, l>ut when questioned ami carrie«! a large laapiet >>f white aliout the matter Mr. Wi«as refused to roses. Miss Ada NVilhi-lm and Herbert deny or affirm it. Baid« in a'ted a« bridsmaid ami best Earnest Harding had the misfortune man, Miss Marion Mitchell as maid of honor. Mis» Gladys Schall«» k as Hower : of breaking his w rist last Katurday even-! girl an«l Miss Hortense Hogue as ring 1 ing, due to bis efforts to save his 'h,g from drowning. He had taken the pup bearer. f The wedding trarch «as played bv to the lake front and was teaching it to Mi»s Lizzie Houston. Prior to Ute cere switn. The dog was taken witli cramps mony Mire Jx-ta Nickerson sang ’’Ob! and Harding dove in. He miscalculat ed lhe depth of the water and as a re- Promise Me.” He Both Mr. ami Mr». Mitchell are well suit sustained a broken wrist. known in this city ami have a large saved the dog, circle of friends who extern! congratula- I lions. Mr. Mitchell came here about a a year ago and since that time baa taken Thirty-five mile« from Teter’» Land an active part in the business circles of In our vault at our office» we have a the city. Through his energy and push ing by July 4! That in where the ter- he has forged rapidly to the front until complete transcript of the records of minus of the California Northeastern he lias built up a business of consider every deed and mortgage ever recorded in Klamath County. We have com will la*. Already heavy Steel has l*en able proportions. pleted a perfect system of indexing and laid five miles north of Grass Lake, transcribing these records at a cost of and work towards Orr's lake is lieine several thousand dollars, and if there is pushed as fast as possible, The con a flaw in the title to a piece oi land an tractors are satisfied that they will The Holcomb Realty Company of abstract prepared in our offices will reach this point by July 4. Orr’s lake, Oakland will open an office in this city show it. If an abstract prepared in our or Bray’s, as it will be known after the within the next few days, ami their offices shows a land title to lie good tlie railroad gets there, is nine miles HOUth Coining here will mark the la-ginning ol title is good ami you can bank your of Mt. Hebron. Grading outfit» are at We are prepared to work all the way to the latter station on«- of} the big advertising campaigns money on it. and it is expected that Mt. Hebron will guarantee onr work. that will make this country famous. have railroad connections by Septem 5-2—2t MAKON 4 SLOUGH. This firm ia well known from one end of ber 1st. ,. California to the other, ami ha» sold Seven hundred men are employed moie realty than any oilier firm in the now- and this force is la-ing added to «iohlen State, They will act as the I daily. The desertions are not so fre »(■ecial agents of the Klamath Develop- quent as they were last year and the Keno is situated in the Smthern ment snd Hot Springs Improvement contractors are beginning to figure with part of Klamath County, on the companies. some degree of certainty since the Klamath river, at the terminus of doubtfulness of getting labir has ix-en navigation. Two steamers land here; i mail, express and passengers are eliminated. I transferred from the stage to the The question of whether a temporary track or a tunnel will furnish passage Imat at this point. Adjoining Keno Closing out sale at the Boston Store. over the divide lias not yet been Settled, on the west is a lare« lielt of timber, K. C. Spink was Iown fr.iin the but the indication« are that a tunnel ami on the en-t is a large body of Agency this we k will lie laired. marsh land«. Near Keno, on tt»e river, is immense water power. Tele- •Tame» Pelton and I.. C. Sisemore of plioi.v 1 imnection« with ill part» of Ft. Klamath were in the city Friday. the country. Ila« a gissi school, two Thv members of the MOcluband their store« ami two saw mill*. husbands «ere entertained I»» tl at or- The “»top over at night at Pokegama” Ch* ties ’.N ay is * i-i’ing Geo. NN ay. ganisa'.imi Monday nigh', part of the trip from here to Thrall has Geo. Otev. fri ni the de«ert, made iwn afsilished, the summer schedule E. E. Fitcfi last we«-k »old to C. II. By July 4th MT. HEBRON BY SEPT. 1st Seven Hundred Men at Work and Work Progressing A Clear Title New Realty Company KE NO Additional Briefs Through Service going inro effect NVeilnesdav morning. Hadley the UlO-acre ranch la-longing tn Keno a vi-it Tne»*l«y. C. NV. Benfrii for $3«'i00. The pr«.»l»rrty J. I.. I’ace’t i* tnovi his property " hil-t he hour of departure ia a little di-agrt-eal-le, the ilelightlui weather 1« bsatvil nuttheast of Merrill. t • Keno from the ranch be «old. Mr Holeman i* pi tting in the elec makes it something of a pleasure, es- Alexander Davis of Silver Lake was |s*cialh since it will lie [wssible to go in the city Moiiday un timlier business. tric plant for Tlmmas McCormack. right thfuiigh w ithout eton. The sche Mr. Havisi» on* of the big vaille nieli Mr. Hanson is «oing to move onto the dule is as follows: <4 the matsit country. I'agett ranch, wh..h be lately pur Leave here by boat at 3 a. m.; ar Mason, Davis Company have «ecured chased. rive at Kenn, 5 a. m : leave Pokegama George ha« j i«t returned a contract on the new electric line be- iieorge Morgan viorj 10 M p. in : arrive at TI.rall, 12:30 p. twi i-n Salem and Portland and are pre- fr oni C oop Bay. . He i« «"Il pleased with m. The schedule from Pokegama re to ship their outfit to that point. that count')' ami vxi»-ct« "• ni.-ve tl.eie main« the same. Major Wilson of the Agency returned as soon as he can get ieadv. For those who object to the early Friday from Portland, where he had hour, sb eping accommodations are fur lieen on the Ralph Jack«on case, ap nished on lioard the steamer Klamath. pearing as a witness before the grand The capacity in this respect is limited, . but the seivice is splendid. Breakfast Merrill is situated in the southern is served after reaching Keno. The Lowe O|s'ra Company is expected pait of Klama’h county, very near lhe transportation sky is still over to arrive here on May 13. Mr. Lowe the center of tlie Klamath Project. cast with a haze of uncertainty, al states that lie has a good troupe and It ha« a population of COO. Is well though it is fast clearing. For a while it that lie will l>e able to give the theatre supplied withg'Hid business houses. looked as if there were going to be live goers some good plays. Has many fine homes. Telephone, ly times, but a truce has been patched Mr. arnl Mrs. William Dunham are long distance and horn«. NN ill soon up to last until Mav 10. when matters expected to arrive here tin-* week. They have water work». Will lw located will I»- settled definitely. Utitil that lisve traveled extensively since their on a branch of the California North date the steamer Klamath will remain marriage, and me now on tlieir way eastern. now living built into Klam on the Keno run, and it is quite proba- ba -k fimii British Columbia and Alaska. ath Ba«in. W ill !»• nne of the la-«t hle that the seivice will lie made jierma- Mr. and Mr«. Alex Martin and Mr. towns m til*- count). Ils« a tine nent f rtlu- Imlance of the summer. ami Mis. George T. Baldwin left yester public sclvsil. i day morning for I. "» Ann ies to attend ihe meeting of Shriner* in that city. N. K. an.I Ralph Merrill left Sunday They met the special train from Port for Gras* Like, site. f.right. M. E. CHCFJ H land at Thrall. Sunday schmil at 10 a. m. Preaching C. T. O iver wa« in Merrill for a Neil Campbell ha« purchased II. M. couple of day«. H - ' rung it down a load at 11 a. in. Junior League at 3 p. ni. McCall’s interest in the American II itel of mnehinery. Epworth League at 0:45 p.m. Preach u.irlier shop. Neil i« an expert with ing at 7:30 p. in. Strangers and all will Frank Blitomiti.ctl up ha« Iwen in receive a hearty welcome. P. Conklin, tne raz.i'i' and shears and w ill umioubt- Merrill for several da.’- purclia«i:ig large pastor.1 e.l v receive it visit from many t his old HAPTIhT CHVRCH horses ati.l mule«. eit«ti>tuer», ns well ns new .me«. Preaching service- next Sunday at 11 The Merr.l Rec *rd ha« changed n’ciock a. ni. and S o'cliH-k p. in. Bun W. O, Huson oi the Long Lake Lnm- hands. G. >•’. Caiba-k lias purchased the day «eh< ol at 10 o’clock and B. Y. P. U. Company went to >.m Francisco plant and will run a tirstel - iiHfier. at *7 :15 p. m. Everyone invited. Wednesday lor the purpose of closing C. H. Merrill . nd son sold two large an ii.iportnnt contract for that company. mules to Fra liloo . ingcamp. The When he returns lie will have an im price paid w»« $0>0. '1 hey will be used A lieautiful tract of land, platted in portant announivmenl t • make. town lofs, located adjacent anil to the in a logging camp. Contractor Jaeob«. n i- 'ar.I at work Si u'h of the iown of Midland and with The citizen« of Merrill held a meeting in five minutes walk of the railroad new loca removing the city hall t<> it« i Tues luv night i tlie ope- i house ami depot site. Lots sold for cash at reus mm. As sunn as it i- ill place he will appointe 1 c -ni . ittee« to ee if money able discount, or on terms to suit pur u iiovv the Methodist church onto the enough can h- i i-i d to celebrate the chasers? title perfect. Smith Midland c’oiiml vacated by the city hall, when i« situated upon the main line of tlie fourth of .1 uly. Sunburn Pacific, now under construc ..... Women’« Club will begin to get it Martin Bro«. puiebnsed six head of tion from Weed, <'aliforni*, to Klam ii ndy i >r the library. broken mules from C. 11. Merrill and ath Fulls. Oregon, and is located in Di. Francis I. 1'1 uno of Oakland, Cal- the center of one of the largest dis- son Tuesday, and will do their own dtii't* in Southern Oregon. A few • mia, will deliver a leetire m C.iri«- freighting i.i the future. Henry Cox choice Iwts left and now on sale a.« low t an .'lienee in the II uiston opera a« fifty dollars. Th:» is your time to will lie the hiver. li in-e this evening. Mr. Fluno has a get in on the ground floor and invest in «ide reputation a« a le.-iiiu i of ability. a town destined in the near future to be Sales Made B E. E. Fitch mm ot ihv largest commercial centers in He v ill ill-II deliver il lecture ou tili Kbimath county. in Merrill Saturday even- of Me' iill ig the past «eek: • '01 • «11 Call ui H. •! mbh -«all communii-a- C. NV. Rcnlio m W. II. Iladlev 1 'M tioi.s io, South Mi Ilan i Town site Co. in I’ll v.< i: Ev.ots, .1 iliii Ellis, wife ami «<>*1 arrived here acres near Me. rill. Consideration $3*100. Corresponding Secretary. Whitney .Mercantile Company to Beach, Calif., Monday from Long NI \ hk L. Bi kxs , Mint saloon ni.ut. Mr. Ellis is an od T lurida Frank Bloomingenmp: J. F., It L'.cn I of D. B. Cam, bel ami cornes property. Cons deration ftrtXX). Ixical Agents. MERLILI Church Services South flidland