Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1907)
Notice b'caliwl biila for the purchuse of tlm M. E. church building w ill be received un til noon, Murili 30, |l*o7. Altto Healed bi<ln for the ri'Uioviil of the luillding onto I is one block north of the public »clini I We navi Ve the right to H- <-ct any util nil libi" Addie»« the Secretary < I the Iloani of Tru«tee« ol the M. I*, church, K Innin I b Piili», < in cun. City Warrants Miughf 1« mor«1 vahiabl«* h>r Its timber or ston«« than for agilcultural purpose-, ami to establish her rlaljn to said land b«-for«« the < l«-rk nl K lamath county, Oregon, at bis offici al K lama'Ii Falla, Oregon, on W«*dn« the 5th day of lune, 1ÄI7. she name« a« wllnc«u»ea: Mont While, John If Hamilton, Frank Hall, T II Nlrhola«, all of Klamath Fall«. Oregon. Any ati'l nil persona claiming a<lt«*raely the ahot • <!• ■< i ¡(»«••i laml« are re<|iirsli*d to fl |p tlo'lr claims In this ulfl» v <»n or before «ai I . h day nf June, 19U7, “ '» J. N, WASTON, Register Contrat Notice Notice il lierein glieli that there ’in* îh*pnrtiiii’iil ui the Interior, I'nited funds ill the town treasury for the r»«- stnt«'»’ I..uni Olli« e, Lnkrvivw, <>ivg««ti, item pt ion i J the fu| |<m mg wat runt» : .Man li 13, l'ai?. Interml i e i»e» March 21, 1ÎMI7, \ aiilhi'ivht contest alli<ltivit having 1414 HI’» III'. HI7 I " « n lib'I in thia ollii-e by Ihigone P. HIM Hit* H20 1421 faylor, ronteatgnt, against honi«*«teml I4Ä J 423 1170 1424 er try No, .'13AM. nni«h« hinnary 9, I’Hi’», 1471 1472 for nw *4 S*r, 15, Tp 37 H, R l| >tf E, by | hafeit Hl ii htniath I- nil», < In-gon, tin* Jean Mane L-lh tix, rontratre, in 'ahii h 21 »I day <d March. H«*7. I it in alleged that »aid J cun .Marie -I. W. H!l MEN’H, l.'dleux ha» wholly abandoned <'ily i rei»uier tract; Notice for Publication Uuiud IIMei L«u I Office, l-aktvihw, Or» g<»n. March t2, HM7. Nolic« 1« hereby given that in ('.»ini«liancv with the provision» ol th«« a< i of <-oiigre»» bi June .i, 1 k 7 m . «-iitith'd An a«’t h»r the »ah’ of timber land* in th«« M<at«*s of < «IHortila, Orc- gon. Nevada. ami Washington Territory," aa e*ten«1#»| to all the Public I atui Mlates by art of August 4. IIHW. Jr**«« II Jotle«. of ingot, county «»I Shasta, Htatc ol« haa thia day fll«-*l In thia office his »worn •lair men I No. ..*••!. lor the porches«* «»I tin' *’ t •«-•*4 and *r'4 ||e‘4 of HrC, No in Tp No 37 m . Il Ku « h W in, and will «»ff«*r proof to *!»ow (hat tlio lau I »ought 1.» tn »r«* valuable for it« timber or atone than for agri cilllural pur|HM«<», audio establish iiistiaim to raid land b fore the «letK ol Klamath county, Orrgon. «1 hi’- oflli <- al K lamath Fa 1«, Oregon, on fueaday th«- Ith flay <»l Jti»«- ¡907 >1« name« a* witn««s»v»: I II Hhannon, Ar« hl«« fu!in»t>*n an 1 All I’ll Mlnati «»I alamath Falla, Oregon, an I J H |>ri»> <«U «»f lioiian/a. Oregon (bo An) and a l | m -*«.» u » cla'mi-K* a«iv 1 above «|es4-tlin’d lands ar«* rv«|U4»a’« d to nio I Ibrir claims in thia office on or Uluru «aid 4t 1» day ol Jun«*, I‘«w7, » »>u J. N. WAT»O,N. Keg Isler. Notice for Publication t'nliad Hiatus Lan I otrtv- i^*k*«\i«-w, orr- g*»n. Mar« Ii Jw, !'• Nolle« is h«-r«**»y giv«-t» that in ' <»ni|»l!am «- of with lb«’ provision» ol lb’ a* t of Congo Jun<* 3, JkTW, r»illti«-l "Ari a« t for lb» «al.- ol timlx-r lamls tri thratai«-* »»( < ’■liforni». r*r*- a* gon, Nevada, an«l Washington Territori ril«,mi«’<l t<* all f b«4 I’nbll?«l state« by •> i of AugUat 4. I*W. l-«*na Nori,«»! Klsmatll Falls, county ol alamath fftat«- <•( Oregon, ha* this •lay filr«t tn this ullb ■ h« r »worn «tat»*mcnt No -■I., lor th*. |«iir«-l*a’c <»l th«- « »’i >**’<• No. J* in Ip N<» :i~ H. H N«>. •» f : u M, an«| will offer ¡«root l«» show tl»al tliv ¡ah<t »««light I* more valuable for it* Umb««r or stone« than for agricultural purpose», an I to esiab h»h tier claim to »al>l laiol before tt>e count) « ivrk «»f Klamath count). Or«’gou uu \\-4n«-» day tiic .»th <la) «•( June«, i9U7. Mi«- nam»*s as h itu«’*» -s; Frr 1 K.w-I John frwin. It R Dinlap nt Klamath talb. Orc, J*«»« m ' t'ra%«-ns. <»t ¡Miry, ore Any and all pvr»«»n* claiming adversely th«* atwivr d«*scrib«’<1 lands arc re»|uv»ted to file Ibrir claim» In thia office on nr »aid «th day of June, 1907 I 2ff .*> jo J. N Wataon. Rrgisfrr. Notice for Publication. f'nlted Mta*»'» l.and Office, ! akrvfew Oregon, March jv. 1W7. Notice ia heretty given that In cvmt»liauce with tin* proviaion« of the act of < <»ngrc»* of June 3, !B7M, ««milled "An act for the sale of timber lands In tn«* fftatr* «»I California, Ore gon, Nevada. an«l Washington Territory,” aa extended to all the Public ¡»and Hta»ea by act <>f August 4, lax*, WllUam W. Mendenhall, of Klamath Falls, county of Klamath, state of Oregon, haa thia «lay filed in tnla office hit »worn statement No. 3W5. for the ourohaae of the t »4 ii ««’4 n‘3w« '4 and *w'4»«’’ 4 of Her. No. g, in Tp No. ;<7 s. K No. 9 K, W M. an<1 will offer proof to show that the lan«l «ought 1« mor« valuable for Ila tlmt»er or stone than »or agricultural purpoaea, and toratab- llah hi« claim to said lan<! before the clerk of K lamath county, Ore., at hla office at K lam ath Falta, Or«*., on Wednesday, the 6th day of J ;nr. 1907. He nam«*a a* wltne««oa: Archie Johnaton, ban Johnaton, Gottfried N’eiib«*rt and Hertha L. Mendenhall all of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any an«l all perannut lalmlng adveraely the above-described lands are requested to file , I heir claims In thia office on or before »aid 5th day of June, )9u7. 3>2ff &>» J. N. WATSON. Register. that he ha» changed Lakeside Inn, MRS. M. McMILLAN, Prop’r. a* * a 4 fdhiU» ol Ju«e,mC7. Khe namea ka wltni-aaetl Moul White. C. B. Clendenning. Frank Hall, T. If. Nichol«», all of Klamath Fall«, Oregon. Any and all per« >n< c aiming advar«ely the above de«cribed land« a a requeatel to tile their c’a'm» In th', ' mon or before «aid 5th day of June, 1907. 3.» .>30 J- N. WATsON, Register. Notice for Publication United HIM.« Und Offlce, Lakeview, Or*, gon. M»rch A1W7- Notiv**« her»*1» «'«e» **>M in compllsnce with provlsitui« of the set of <’ongres«of me 7, 187» entllleU "An Ml for ths ««I* ol timber lands In the HtMe«ot C*llf<*nl», Ore gon,Nevada, and Washington Territory," a« extended to all the Public U»<« Htate. by act ofAuguM «. tWJ. <'"«*• M < lenden„lng,o Klamath Pall«, county ol Klamath, Htate of Oregon, has this d»y BMd In thl« office her ««.irnsutemewt No JA*. I r ’be purcbMeof , the nw'.«»'. n\«w’,Ree. ol 2 »nd , dec. No. 3, in Tp Ho- 87 % Did Vou Ever Realize .Moih-iu improvements. 73 rooms ami suites. Sample Rooms, Bar Room, Parlors, Two < lub Rooms, Etc., Etc. that Ui- Klamath Project ia really two distinct kysteii)#? ♦ Cbe Upper Project SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS utilize« the water of Clear I.-ke. and will irrigate a)»mt ti-> imm * acre» <d excellent land* lying in Langell, Yonna and Poe Valley*. Construction UJork Ì bi» upon the l'p|ier Project will liegin ea»lv in the spring. Thi» the Reclamation Service ha» c<otly announced. Bonanza .deme therefrom for more than iiiontlia aince making »aid entry; , »aid tract 1» not lettlcd upon and culti- 1 vgled by »aid party a* rr-qulied by law, nod that »aid abandonment and ab sence wa» no^ due to entrymtli'a em ployment in the Army, Navy or Marine Corp» of the I'lilted Mate» .1« .1 private aohlier, officer, Heainun or marine dur ing the war with Spain <>r during any other war in which the t tilled Stat»» inuv lie engaged, »aid partie» are hereby notified to upj>ear, r<‘»j>ond mid offer evidence touching »aid allegation at Jo o'clia-g a. m. on April 21«, I‘.«t,7, before fieo, <'ha»tain, County Clerk. Klamath lull». Oregon, and that final hearing w ill l<- Ind I at in 0'1 Io. !> a. in. on Muy Io. Il*o7, ladoie the Register and Re ceiver at the (lilted state» in Lakeview, Oregon. » is the rnetropolia of the Cpper Project. If yon are at all acquainted with the country, you will know that Bonanza haa absolutely no fear of rivalry. BUESING A. BENNETT, Klamath Falls Realty PROP S ha« advanced several fold since the lieginning of work on the Lower Project. Bnsineac protierty »ell» for front *50 to*12S front foot. Residence lots from *150 up. And it will go higher. First-Class Livery. Anything from a saddle horse to a 4-in-hand. Parties conveyed to all points in South ern Oregon and Northern California: also to favorite camping, hunting and fishing grounds. 4* 4 «* 4- Bonanza Realty will advance by jumps in the Spring. If you are looking for «tire profit, buy now while profiertv i* low. You can get lot« that will lie business »ropertv at price» ranging from *2 to *-"> a front oot. Yon can get splendid resilience lot* for *35. ip. We can sell you srnne desirable lot* lor *2*). Horses Boarded by the Week or Month. Spretai allrntinn yiim trainimi itork and »perial rate» to frriijktr r. liruin Cor. .Vain and 'Jtk Str. If Vou Can Save $5 a month . EOSI End l>y the iwk. Il'iy hy the hair or ton. i’hone-Main 44 you can invest in Bonanza property, We make terms so ea«y that anyone can bny. Thin in your >p|>ortut)ity to •‘bare in Klamath county’* prosperity. Land Office Î 1 >V‘ The »aid cnnte»tant having, prop r affidavit, tiled I ebruary If»*", »i-t forth fact» which »how that f < > 1 BONANZA IMPROVEMENT CO Klamath Commercial Agency Building Iiiti-I due diligence pel» lull sen ii .- ol tin» n-'ti< e i-mmot lu- made, it i» hereby or li-it-d and directed thut »tich notice )»• gr i n i i du,- and proper publication. I. N. \\ A THON, Racist»« 1 MO DOC -ST / e MIDLAND : 0 I a 1 -7T—----------------- Í" *• 1 f 1 » 1 1 1 J' H 3 11 r ----------------- —<î — 1 J J----- 1 1 ! r ii 1 /•» n Klamath County Oregon L • ■C» 1 ‘1 n. <8 /V *1' 10 l V 1-------- LÍX. J i---- 1-1 <-• M A P LE - 5 T nr T // /0 Î ? 1 BUY A LOT IN MIDLAND! /» /J 7 4» I > — ¥ 3 There are no additions r» y 4» 4. • /V rtf' /4 17 ... 4 to Midland and will* 9 Z U iff IS ) il ,0 r not be immediately ad M kl 1 aa -Al! n "T • >9— n I"4 ELM 4 3 1 J »I >1 *♦ joining the townsite,» MAIN since we own the va cant land on all sides. of the Town Ul Lots A, B and five • * ' acres of land east of in Notice for Publication t’ulte 1 Ht»t»« Land o«o», Lakeview, Ore- gon, March 20. 1W7. Notice I, hereby Riven that In compliance with the provision» nl the act of i'on,re>»of) June 3, HITS, entitled "An act for the »ale of; timber land» In the Rtatea of California, Ore gon, Nevada and Waihlngton Territory," a» extended to all the Public Land Htate, by act ol Augutl 4, law, Emma Hamilton, of Klam ath Fall,, county of Klamaih, State of Oregon, ha« thl, day died in thia offlee her «worn »talemi-nt No. MM. for the purcbaae of the "‘»nw‘« «»'.lie1, Hee. 2, and «e'.nei. of Sec. No. 3, In Tp No. 37 H, R No. 10, K W M, and will offer proof to »how that the land «ought I, more valuable for It» timber or or »tone than for agrioultural purpceea, atid to eatabllah her claim to «aid land before the clerk of Klamath county, Oregon, at hla once (it KJafQapi fa])«! Oregon, on Wedneaday, the ÎT)onc¥ ior Vou Lot A Will be used as -TT -T7- TT’ 10 Q F 7 k J* H 3 1 9 ’ 1« il î 1 K in T Stock pens, Feeding /î n • • A • 1 rr / a • 7 <r pens and Loading pens MIDLAND TOWN CO 7^1 X • 4 3 4 * 1 1 99 !0 « f *1 s» » «*• JL-X- j '• •r» ♦ • • • 1 K /1 4 r w 3 4 i : // /0 f f r 4 Z 3 N — ; —i 1 t : ï— a » • /r «4 If T «a—— •t I* Z-* *• » • —ri >— r 4 • y M z» 9 9 1 ¥ »«- »7 It • î 1» 2 9 11 CJL /1 /3 /W «4 •i n ‘9 U XX. » • a. CALIF DRNIA IM iC • ♦ Klamath Falls Oregon R No- 1°. K W M, | and will offer proof to «how thnt the IsPd f