Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1907)
» CITY BRIEFS. The late Senator Hearst made the For rings go to I.. Alva 1-ewis. New foundation for the Hearst fame and (or- D’el arrived. tune on the Comstock hsie, just 200 ini les Fill! SALE— lotto tons hay, 3000 See Ady for marsh landi. Just arrived at Alva Lewis’s, new south of the great strike m the Coyote bushels grain. Lone Rock Ranch. Hills where ar*« located the mines of the Swan Luke. Address D an 11. C onnxk . line of jewelry. I beu leave to announce to the people of Klamath Lake view Mining A Milling Co. Ore Dairy. tire., or I. Conner, Salem, Ore. Chitwoods Toilet cream will cure sun gon is »mm to have her Tonapah in the County that I have opened my JeAveiry Store in the 1-3—1-24 burn, tan ami freckles. Coyote Hills. The first allotment of Republican block in this city, where you will find a AV ANTE! ’ -To buy for cash a tire in Edimm’s gold mould record phono stock is the ground floor. AA’hen its surance business that is well eslalished. complete assortment of gold, silver, and gold-filled graphs at Newsom A Underwood. sold von will have to take the elevator Mate companies and num 1 st of |s>hcies watches, chains, clocks, gold and diamond jewelry, Good business building for rent on to gel in at al). They have got the ou VOUr books. Address .1. E.P ai > i >«>< g, cut glass, etc. A cordial invitation Jis extended to Main street. Apply to T. AA’. Stephens. dope. There Ims l«en more gold pro- Riverside. California. Now llmt the new year Im* been iisberv<i in ami the g<sal rt»<»l nthniH you to visit my store—the finest in the State, outside Small tracts of well located tule marsh «Iticed in the section lying between lands offered for one week at $20 }«er Goldfield ami the Coyote Hills than in i Colonel llolabird returned to this city have been made, The l{<*|>ublicHii HUg- of Portland. He is looking hale ami gests that its MiibNi'iitwrrt I iiiehid* in anv other section of the world. You this week. acre. Al«el Adv. V lieartv and is fully as enthusiastic as tlmir memoran him book a determina misted it in Goldfield, Tonapah, Bull. After an absence of over twenty years, ever al«oiit the possibilities of the Klam tion to pay up tlmir subscription to Gus Melhaee last w*«eto returned to his Frog and Manhattan, and if you don’t ath Basin. act quickly yon will lie too late on Lake «late and one year in ««Ivamo. old home in Missouri. view Mining A Milling Co. stock. Stock Harry E. Stilts ha» purchased the President A. H. Naftzger arrived in have the l>enetit of selecting your Xmas presents from my large assort Owing to the cold snap th«> contem in the first allotment at 25c 1 share, 40*1 Red Front grocery store, and will add ment of holiday goods. the city Tuesday to look after hie ex shares $100. $100 invested in mining 1 thereto a butcher shop as s«s>n as he plated trip to Fort Klamath was almn- tensive interests here. stock consolidated of Goldfield last Jan receives the out tit of tools that Im Ims doned by L. Alva Lewis. It is not prob able that it will now lie made Iwlore Charles AV. Sherman of Dairy re uary is worth ♦4i>0*.i to,lay—a gum of ordered. next spring, when our northern neighlmr turned to hie home Saturday after $4500 in less than one year. You could j I will make a specialty of my I am prepared to repair any ar The first regular meeting of the In- may expect to welcome a large delega spending a few days in this city. have bought the whole of Klamath ticle of jewelry no matter how optical work, and guarantee it James M. Emery, one of the well- I Falls a few years ago for the price of laml Empire Club will l>e held in its tion from the county seat. difficult may be the work. to be perfectly satisfactory known Fort Klamath residents, was one Main St. lot—opportunities to be new club rooms in the Baldwin block LOST—Between thia city and i’okeg- iu the city last week on business. won must fw grasped. The Lakeview to-morrow evening ama about three weeks ago, a gob! Mining A Milling Co. has ten claims AVilliaui J. Sullivan is here Al. Armand of the City Meat Market bracelet with initial Bengraved thereon. Every Article Carries Mv Guarantee Merrill. AA’isc., for the pur)«ose of prov They have the ore 200 feet strong. is visiting with his family in Sacra Finder please return to Mrs. AV, AV. ing up on hie timber claim, a duty he They have the gobi $20 to $800 per ton ; mento. He is expected back this week. Watson’s ami receive lilteral reward. I performed yesterday. across the dike. A ton of ore occupies Republican Block Misses Annie Applegate and Clara but few cubfc feet of space. The available I Richardson, Fort Klamath school , tonnage soon to be blocked out should KLAMATH FALLS | teadhere, were spending their holidays . yield enough gold to put every owner of ' with friends in this city. They re ■ 400 shares on Easy street. Stock to be PHONE, 453 had from the official broker T. AV. turned home Tuesday. , STEPHENS, Real Estate and Insu For sale.—Bedsteads and springs; I and one good organ. Inquire of J. K. rance. Willson Block. If you are in need of medicine during . Mason, 2 blocks Northwest of Presby the night or if you have a preemption terian church. Limburger ard Swiss Cheese The county court is now in session J you wished tilled you can get it at Newsom A Underwood by calling at (he There is a great deal of routine bnsi- ' GROCERIES AND BAKERY GOODS ness to be transacted, but nothing of; I home of Dr. Maeton—next door to our Fine Line of Fresh Candies store. importance will occupy the attention of Latest Novelties in Toys the members at this session. New goods arriving at Winter’s. II. IV. MITCHELL For Sale—A rooming house and Mrs. A. W. Beil gave an Xmas week s. XMAS CIGARS-in boxes of 12,25,50 and 100 restaurant. Doing a prosperous busi party in honor of her son, Forest. at Make an ideal present for the smoker ness. Price $10li0 cash. Mason A which fourteen sixth grade pupils were Slough. j entertainer!. The young folks indulged a Most complete line of PIPES to select from Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Scott of Port in children’s games during the evening, Klamath went to Spokane last week and Miss Rita McMillan was the winner where they will place their foo in a of the prize, Iwing the nearest success hospital for treatment for necrosis of ful in the attempt to repluce the don At 10 o’clock the young the bone. The disease Las so far ad key’s tail. vanced that it may be necessary to guests gathered around a table that was groaning with refreshments and enjovwl amputate one of his legs. i I will pay the above reward for The Dr. Thomas Parker has removed hi« a most bountiful luncheon. principal feature of the luncheon was office from the Baldwin bnilding to th* I a watch my repair dep rtment American Bank and Trust compan iy’s the Xmas tree, when each one of the guests was presented with a rememIter block. cannot put in perfect running Miss Mabie Simons, formerly em ance of the occasion. Mrs. Beil was ployed in the telephone office as head assisted by Mrs. Riding, Forest’s teacher. operator, ami who has been sick for some order weeks. haB sufficiently recovered to re Chafing dishes at Newsom A Cnder- turn to her home in Ashland. She was wood. accompanied by her mother, who came Repairing a specialty at Winter’s. here for the purpose of earing for her Everything guarantee«!. daughter. The steamer Klamath is now making For Sale—120 acre« in Ixiwer Klamath regular trips between this city and Marsh. Price $10.00 per acre. Mason Keno, the service having starte«! last I A Slough. Friday. The time of departure from » One of the causes for the remarkable this city is 3 a. ni. Connection will lie jc o l x e sf and growth of Newsom A Underwood is the made at Keno with the stage. Owing to the condition of the roads and the fact that no ex,«ense <ir trouble has been Jewelry Boxes, Toilet Cases. Photo & Post Card Albums spared to procure the finest stock in the indefinite time of arrival of the stages at Keno, it is impossible to state the Finest Line in the Chy to Choose From State. The great prescription business they do is on account of their using only hour of arrival of the boat here. There MRS. G. W. FISH is much satisfaction over the return of pure fresh drugs. this service, as it removes a great hard For sale.—Good three room cottage I ship from travelers, and enables them to with two lots, will be sold ata bargain. ‘ arrive in this city with a little degree I Also one cook stove and one heater. of comfort. Enquier at my place near the high Lowney’s and Bishop’s «lelicious can school.—L. A. Martin. dies at Newsom A Underwood. Mr. an«l Mrs. O. B. Gates fittingly ’•Dick” Smith, who is well known commemorated the holiday season by a series of entertainments that were here, will lie united in marriage today greatly enjoyed by their host of friends to Miss Ada Hendrvx, at her home in Perfumes and Prescriptions The «lifferent groupes were entertained Eugene. The ceremony will lie wit- 1 Toilet Articles Carefully Filled by games an«! refreshments an«) haml nesseil by Alex Martin HI, whois visit I some prizes were given to the most ing friends in the Willamette valley. proficient ladv and gentleman card Mr. Smith has a host of friends in this players. The warm hospitality an«l county w ho extend congratulations and OK llliCG I generously good time will long be re- best wishes fur a long and happy mari tal life. i membered by the guests. Fine line of stationery at Newsom A Newsom A Underwood make a 1 specialty of perscriptions, only pure, Underw«xxL i fresh drugs are used, with the result New line Sonvenfr leather post <:ards FREE DELIVERY WITHIN at Winter’s. that the medicine lias the desired effect. ■THE CITY LIMITS . . . The organization of the inland Em Î J. O. Harnaker, editor and proprietor ; of the Bonanza Bulletin was in the city pire Club is now perfect, an«l the mem for several days this week on business bers who signed the lilt of membership connected with his publication and are requested to pay their duel« to The club room« , land matters. He stated that he bad I Treasurer Bowne. * i many plans in view for the further im I will lie ready for occupancy in a few f provement of his paper, among which «lays. * was a purchase of a large «piantity of Send your orders for Hot Tomaie« to new type, the receipt of which he ex the Citv Bakerv. * pects this week. In addition he hopes * C. M. Gardner of Fort Klamath was i to be able to issue at an early date an |13 50 No. 8 Alert cast cook stove ........................ No. 8-18 Toledo steel range........................ , all-home-print paper. The Bulletin has in the city during the past week. Mr. 45 00 ♦ AVangenittia Barb AVire, per cwt................ 6 50 ; a great future, as well as a great work, Gardner is a young man of push an«l f 8-ft Starr wind mills .................................. 30 00 before it, and The Republican wishes energy who lielieves in the doctrine of Don’t snd your mony to outside dus 12-in. Syracuse chille«! plows ..................... 13 25 ‘‘growing up with a country,” and has it unbounded success. 50 tooth steel lever harrows......................... 1ft 00 I will guarantee to save you money on come to Klamath county for that pur J Improved AVhite sewing machine............... 40 00 Fine watch repairing. L. Alva Lewis. pose. t» a bill of goods Everything else in the Hardware line at reduced prices Attorney C. F. Ftone left for lake Hot Tomales every evening at the City f Call and investigate Goods and prices. If you M I’sT go to the city to buy your furniture let me give you a let view Wednesday where he goes to Bakery. • ter to our wholesale houses, where you can «elect anything you like. represent Mrs. AVilliam Dalzell, Harry * Chas. DeLap bringing into Win- Caden, Norman McLane and James N. ter’s Jewelry btore 329 tickets was pre- I have on the road $2,000 worth, principally Easy Rockersand Chairs OLt stt âlï iti alTi .ix .j\ .ti /1. jjfk .ti itk iti iti iti .ti .t. .tl .ti -t. .ti .ti .ti *-» wlw WripW WrVW Ws VW wr4*w »TA «w WG «A WQW W^gW W«w w WÁW wTDA wrvw $FAw WrAw W^VW w»^ A Wlv WTÀ «A wTÄW WrAw WlA \ Dennis in a contest that has been file«! i sented the lady's gold watch. for the holiday trade. We will try to make it "Easy” for you. against them. The defendants some AII kinds of finest perfumes at New- time ago locate«! claims under the a Don’t forget that I have taken the agency for the entire num A Underwood. timber and stone act. The claims were line of Pianos of the for Klamath J. O. Henley, formerly of Phoenix, too valuable to miss the scrutinizing Sand Lake Counties. Samples of some of the makes, will Arizona, but more recently of Victor, eyes of poachers ami soon a contest was file«), the contestant «-laiming prior ' Colorado, wn« in th«« city this week to be on my floor in a few days. Easy terms on Pianos, or ity under settlement rights. The complete the transfer of some property MADE for cash we will give you a liberal reduction. in this county that lie recently dis|sised eases will come up for hearing before the Regi-ter ami Receiver of the Laml iof. a All that remains unsaid, just consider Office in lakeview on the 5th and will! There i« just n<« much difleronce he- i ‘ that it has been said :: :: :: » 1 last until the 12th. EVERY DAY. No Stale Stock on hand. Goods delivered tween ol«l ami new drugs as there is Iie- <1 tw«*' ii anything els«« that i- ol«l am! Lor business location, «lon’t overlook over purchase of $1. Christmas Cigars by the box. Ö. t» Ni'wsom \ I mlerwoo'l used the Hot Spring , tract. The Company new. Merschanm and Brier Pipes, Granges, Nuts, Notions, Etc. only new, fresh <lrug- tn prescriptions. >ffeis ...... . inducements to those Telephone A. J. MANNING ... king permanent business local ions. The Lakeside Inn Bar. C. Ross An AVe have a "mail amount of money derson for Higii grade AA hies, Li mr luim loans. M.vso.v A S i . oiuii . tf quors and Cigars. 1 Announcement J POfino Sill Ml Repairing Department Optical Department HEITKEMPER Watchmaker—Jeweler-Optician Home Bakery Free Delivery « unKenrs « J di SHIP Reward & Complete Line of dì dì Dry Goods.. Fancy Goods and Groceries L. ALVA LEWIS HOLIDA Y GOODS * ? ^V oc u f That must be sold before Jan. 31, 19o7 Call and see Our Prices and Our Goods, as such values have never before been offered Cbitwood’s We will tell you later our object for giv ing such bargains A BRICK STORE CO. 'fi 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft 'ft BISHOP’S Furniture Store * A Few Prices at * HURN S HARDWARE STORE * * * f is the place to furnish your house * A 1 GEO. R. HURN f f f f J FRESH CANDY EILER S PIANO HOUSE J 5 WAN NINE'S 5 ♦ J t . GEO. BISHOP ; Klamath Fails, Ore, J Í