Image provided by: Klamath County Museums; Klamath Falls, OR
About Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
EXCHANGES |Merrill Record.) Thu Merrill bunk la iitrw ItM'atvd in its own building which la ths first brick slrurluru to be ertu ted in <>ur town. Merrill »» justly prund "I this Hnun- rial institution It was just opened here the 25ih drv <d Mav of lIda year ua u branch of the Klumuth County Hunk of Kluinnth ball«, true of the nlrongrst finuticiul institution* It the N»»rthwr*t. At the clonr of business Wcdlitsdat flight Cualiler Merrill fr|MirlS that the dr|H)sils footrd up ju«t I4M.M5M 47, winch md otilv shows lhut our |H'uple have lailh in and Hppliu late Ils i «ili vrnlelice but that the t'oininuiili ) is pro*|M«rou*. This •* < ertslnly • «'“■•I ill’ll» M*tf l"l n new hunk un«l a* Ihr «lepogita in u bunk sre it sine index to the flnuiiC'ul Mtunthng «»I the co»inlr> in which Ills locuted the slun<iing <>l Merrill und the valley I* obvious, < ashler Merrill »a\s that they had ever* reason to expect good thing* of (he town but business baa l»rvn ninth letter than they ex |«ectud An old gen t Ir tn nt) named Rrtlmutirl Joy re wu* run over hv m Nevada and California train u short «hatancu fmm Wabuaka last bunday. Hr wa* a proa jwetor «ml hud made aome li>< ationa on reservation ground when thr <>|>«*nh>g <»f the reaervatioh t<*»k placs. Last Hun dav became to Wabuaka for aupplira. He jiim|*«*d on an engine that wua going the wrong wsv and when hr jum|«e<t off was struck by the Mystic bhrmrra* train which **» going in the opposite direction. The Injured man wm « taken to llriio at on« «- and place I m the In»»- pital, where it was found net-eaaary to amputate one of hi» legs Hr ia n«>w resting a* well a» could l«v ••X|»r< tr I and w ill probabl) ir«-«>vrr Joyce ha* l»rrii a familiar figure around Merrill for year- lie worked for Lmir Gerlier a long time und *«* lfe«pirntly heir ( Tims K«’ahher, W. F. Md‘••Ihufi, Thomas Wilson« ( 1yds Nickerson, Wesley Cols, 1», L. Gordon« A. D. •trier, II. Msltooiq Martin Ownley, John K. Ikdakt'll, Tai k Frost, Dan 11 it« bris k, Win. Daugherty, j. r. HitrhriM k, **V II Davis, J, A P<Ml|, «• W. livartlin, E. L. Newbanke. <»t»o. L. t'haae, < beater Wilson, E. II ( 'ooper, i A D. Giilmar, <«e*> Kegg, D. M Collum, Kalph I* Mm .’ i<>n fiurduu, I.. N. NardrSiin, J. It. Moors, Moore, C. A. Ilariiid’urg. I . New'bgnka, tridrew W ui « m *. I- I Maxwell, h, .1. I' imi I»’, II. Orem, D. Iluarilin, I* red Chapman,<i. G Kerns, E. C. Robbins, C. F. i.a*l«l, l<lin«r Gurdon, Rod linn, Major Hp« lic«’f. 11 hi It) rm* ( ha* Hilrh«*«N*k Nolle«* ia hereby given ihnt th«* !o»e- going p«-iili<«n will I m * presented to the -wid Comity < '»mt un ths did day «»I January, l’»l arf ii rnt of lb« ltit«'l'*r, l aud (>fT.<< at l.akrvlrw. Or«guii, Nov .*v. Noil«« 1» h«r»by given that grank l«’hti»toi> «1 i'slrv <>r«'goti. ha» filed noth«' of hl» lii'rn <l*>ii t«» in"»«' final 1 ommntathiit pr«»*f Hi «’«p l><>rt of nt» «taim »1» Xntry No 1 M uis«l« mad« I»** 10, |<a»|, for tb< MW’« ’W'« mt | a» j r E'4 ■*.. j «nd N W't N W t ■ I.* Ip <7 M. K lu K a<1 that »aid pr«»<>f will t»« ina<lr I m ft rr the <!«r k "f Kia at»» rnurity. Or« , al hta «ft.'«, al Klamath Fsll» <rr«tf<>n on gib da« of F« bruary. IWr? Hviiauos Ihr follow ihg w linr»M-» to prove? Ills • ••nt’iHioq« rsaldeu* e upt»u, and vulloa linn of. 1 be land, via 1» w |iur»«l| of |M»iry or«t»s K«>y r Whiinev of Dairy, Oregon, Jv»»ia ( • ravensuf Iralry, or«g<*ti Mark I flow ard of l>air> <>r«v> 11 /VI 11 j N W bi ««in ;« giai«r Republican and T AND SMOKED MEATS SAUSAGES OF ALL Construction UJork U|*»n th«* l'p|»*-r l*r<»jwt will lu*gin «-adv in the Hpring. This the iUciarnalion Service has re cently announced. * * I f» $ Klamath Falls Realty ha* advanced *»-v»-ral fold Nifice the lieginning of work on the L>wer Projwt. Business property veils for from to 1125 front fool. Residence lot* from |l50 up. And it will go higher. .Modern iinprov'-meiitH. 73 room« and suites. Sumpit- R ooidh , Bar Boom, Parlors, Two Club Rooms, Etc., Etc. > SPECIAL RESORT FOR TOURISTS > i i Bonanza Realty «ill advance by jumi* in the Spring. If you ire loriking for Mirr profit, buy now while property I. low. X'ou can get lot» that will be l>u»me»i propertv at price» ranging from «2 to «.'■ a front foot You ran get iplendid rm.leni e loti for « L5. up. We can aell you mmr <le»iral>le lot* lor «20. $ Notice. 7f You Can Save $5 a month » f. i i y<»n can invest in Psmanza property. W*- mak*» terms easy that any«»ne can buy. Ttiis is vour opportunity to share in Klamath county's prosperity. Hl BONANZA IMPROVEMENT CO. Klamath Commercial Agency Building E. WORDENi Prril^tnt ntt-.o lEi HAse Ckc-Prtakict. t The American Bank and Trust Co. Capital Stock Si00,000 Klamath Falls, Oregon .« InUreU Paid on Saving, Depout, .* E W. Hl BB AiuiUot ¡cr j. W. SIEMENS C*»ht*r Buena Vista Addition rO KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 4 qpllE FLAT OF BF.ACTIHL THIS ADDITION WILL BE ready soon. and lots therein will be pl iced on the market. The tract comprises ’3<i acres, adjoins Klamath Fa a on the north and west M anted to Purihaac and borders un Link River and Upper Klamath Lake f«»r two miles. Front thia addition can be seen the grandest panorama on tlie Pacific C< ist. comprising Lake, River. Valley. Hill Mountain and Snow-capped Peaks, blend into an harmonious picture of unequalled beauty and mag* tIOIMI 1(1 KEMI? niflcence. Stahle*. Fine, gentle horses, good bug gies, reasonable prît es. IMPORTANT NOTICE \li person* are warnetl against leav ing dead bfMlies of animals on land of the Hot Spring Improvement Company or on the Mitchell ranch or East Klam ath bulls Tracts, under p*naltv of the .a W Boulevards and Streets are now being graded, and these will be linec with Shade Trees Grading work on the Electric Street Railway is now under way. V I loT Sl HIM.S IMFHOVFMI N I C<».. 4t 11 22 blank Ira White. A complete sewerage system will l»e put in. KLAMATH BARBER SHOP sawmill has I hk u The entire cut of the Odessa purchased, ami those building in the Buena Vista Addition this summer will have first call on the output of this mill. J. W. SIEMENS, Proprietor. Plan« for a magnificent hotel are now lieiirg prepared, and construction will begin this summer. Cleanliness and Good Work This hostelry will be located on one of the most pictur esque s|M»ts in the addition and will be surrounded by a park. To the Honorable County Court of the State ol Oregon for Klamath Guaranteed. County t We, the uniieraignetl, rvahlenta and Also Agent for LONDON AND legal voter« of Plevna Precinct, raid I LANCASHIRE FIRE INS. CO. County anil State, respectfully auk that a licenae to aell apiriluoui, malt and vtnona liquor« in leaa i|uantitira than one gallon in the Precinct aforeaalil for I a j>eri<«l of aix month» from the Rth ilay of January, 1007, he granted to John W. Pyar at Kent», in »aid Precinct, and your petitioner* will ever pray : L. O. Mill*, Beiij. I aiiib, <' M. Madi- »on, <•. C. Way, W. Took, hugene Kpeiicer, 1.0011 W Andemon, t'. .1. Me Collum, J. H. Ackley, Hairy II. Pear ion, Jamea Hughe», t int“, lloedon.j Oliver W. Sly, .1. W. Cole, Geo. II. Hu* inon, Erwin Brown, F. II. Ihiwning, If. A. Eininitt, II. W. McCormick, Ellie M. Morgan, W H. Wall P R. 1' <■>>, i* the metrnpoli* f»f the l’p[»er Project. !f yon arn at a!) a< <piai n tv I with the country, yon wp| Know that I'MjnaiiZa has absolutely no fear of rivalry. M rs . M. M c M illan , propv »- d Bonanza Lakeside Inn, d è t 1Í so, get a rig from the Mammoth Petition t or Liquor l.kenae. Ever Realize 11 tin a *- tba* WMfur ol < irar l^k»* and will irrigate aG»«if ♦«.*» CW) a* r«** <d *-x<«*llriit lands lying in l.afu**ll, Y'/hfia and !*««* Valleys, Administrai«»' of if.«- hstair of Martin tying la h . ii 81111 Notice to Creditor» ycu fliut H«r Ki«< ma th Pr jrct la reslly two di-timt *' stein*? Cbe Upper Project A well broken farm tram of horses, get the • Itoli t I.ÎM* uright Address, |U»X 17V Klamath balls. 2t Notice is hereby giwnthat the under signed, ha* •■ecu duly ap|s»lnt«^i, by the County Court ol Klamuth County, Ore gon, administrator of the estate <d linn* Jurgen Nielsen, deceased. All partie« having claim* against said estate are required to present the same pro|»eriy verified to the undersigned nt Dairy, Oregon, or t»» II. W. Keesee my attorney at Klamath Lails, Oregon, within six month« from the date of tiiis notice. Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Dec. eth 190«. M. P. N iri . rkn , administrator of the estate of Ilans Jurgen Nielsen, deceased. IL W K kkskk , attorney fur adminis trator« Did KINDS J V. MCTKNIC. |M yeti need visiting « arda? If so rail at the Kepublnan offh e where you will finti the latest st vie» in cards sud typ* the PROPRIETORS ALL KINDS OF FRESH, SALT Koi Irr i» hrrsby given that th» County ( «»uri lor k an.all» <<>lt>ly. Oregon »lllltig in l«r<»t>ats «tuf un the ¡h«| «lay of Movsvitwr. jw*. appoint ror a* Administrator of th» •?»■ tat*' of Martin f.yingtlal. «Irreaard. All p« t *«•!»* having < situ» against the «aid «•«tair «ill prrMnt tLmi to m« on or I»« lure four w< r g • at my off!« < iif|.< c ity of klamath Fall*. <•••** I«. dulv vrrinrM a«ror>1lng tv law I’airtA I bl« .'l»t 4a;> of Sotrml rr. IW6 Notice for Publkation Merrill ia to have a direct freight t'sited utaui* tumd «>IB«'*«*vi«iv <>rrg<«n . Service Iwginning in the early spring *<C»V ZI. IW». Huch la the inlor rtiMtion given the \«»l I «* |q herrln » trh that H» rninpliunre Reo»r*l by Capt J. M. Mdiitire with Ihr i'ftiHi'un« ol U m * »'lol <<>«igrr-vo( H.m l*?- until «*1 <n »•* for ihr »s • of manugcr of the I M M« Intire Trai» • Utt L* r amts in th«' *• »'« * • « fornls <»r«»- p »rtatloii (**»., who ua* In In* n Thur»- g- n. N‘r ad* snl Waahington l'-rr’mry ' a« •lay enroute to th«* lull" finn« t he «• k l< i»>t«-*l l" *• I tl»r I* •••' ' au I ‘"’at« • b\ act • f Augtivt ♦ l»v.’. M riia**l J. sillitati uf Laird Gru*« luke lr«-igl Mom«>ati<* « •muiy of < t»«o.a •• ■-•.al«* of lias « I om ’I down !•<-< uu Wa"h..ig*oti ha« str I I*» th.* oil«« h • *w ft» Mr. McIntire atalra • lalt-ii « nl No .t.’l5. fur ihr ptitrhsM' of lhe coinplrtr«l urrungernenta with th«- >. I*, I « t : .»I *» • \o a n 1 p - - K N.« to K W utierrbv he will take charge of all V.attd alli offer |»f<M>t t > vhoW «ha« th«' ¡and bright coming to am part «»I Klamath ■ ought I« n»«»r»' vaiuabu h»r u» toiilwf or •i«»n* that« for a*i n'liUirai » and to «■lab •nd lay it down at the <«maig'iera «ioor 1 ll«h hi» «'la ‘G tt» »a l la»« I t»rf«»rr Count y at ^outliern l*a< KI«* rates. tin* plan ia I 1er a oi K «malli count) at h • ofü al pla> « l i have all freight billed dim t from the ul b><»In* ■» st K lamat!* I « • • »t'-g'-n «n M m wholesaler to the retailer at Merrill or day Ihr 4ti da) of March. IW7 H> natu« • »a aim ««*-■ any other place in the count V . \\ hr II Archie Johii»t«»u. II« rt Kall John Krrtt it hPSrbea the riel of II»«» H, p h tru-fi ah I Harry W h f. . all «d k iamath Fall». (Hr Will I k ’ at least four mile* t hl* side «4 gun Xii) and *11 prfson* riaimlng *<1v«r»rly th* the lira** l-akr »(ation by earlv spring, atr>VP .|r»«r't»« l Slid» str rr-|'|i«l«'l to fllr the McIntire Lranspor tut ion Co., u ill (Lrit ua in« in » hl" olflc« uu <«r b'‘f»«rr m< I uti take charge of it, pa> all freight, arid day <»i March 1W7 l.'lt/H J N UatMHi Krg|«t«r lay it down to th»* wm-r without anv Iwither on his pail. I lie rat»* will have l>l»»olutl<in of I’artncmhlp Ineti fih «l Iti advance and <*a< h sli)p|*er will I k * furnin|i«-<| a rat«* ahcvl th«* »nine a» is uae«l by th«* railroad companies. Notice is hereby g ven that the part- nvtship <xi-tihg br’aren Wise, Orem Kuh, Nathan A Fisher, makers of and Maxwell has turn dissolvei by men's Sincerity clothing, which is rec mutual consent. In futriré the business ognise» I as the most («eifert clothing will I k * coh«lu<ted b) W in « A Maxwell, made, have ap|*Hiitud |. Jambs of th«* who will ply all bills ami collect all |U>«l<>n Sture ms their representa! ive III outstanding accounts. this city. This is a well deserved rec Il <>uu. Win a wan.. ognition, and the giHwl dressers of this II 22 ft county will I k « glad to know this. Reati hews. MEISS & ARMAND A d Nolle« I or Publication. Administrator*« money îor You City Meat Market If you want a home in the moat l>eautiful section of Klamath County, buy a lot in the Buena X'iata Addition. If you want to live where you will l>e lurrounded with beautiful home«,buy a lot in the Buena Vista Addition. If you want to live on the street car line then have your home in the Buena 'A- Vista Addition. If yon are huikin*; for an investment that will yield returns, purchase prop- { erty in the Buena Vista Addition. T h « S chool that P laccs YOV 1H A GOOD POSmOH. H olmes BUSINESS COLLEGE WASH. O tenth « sts . PORTLAND, OREGON Write direct to 1'rlnclpul, Hoorn 523. 1 Office: Murdoch Build'g, next door Postoffice KLAMATH LAND & TRANSPORTATION CO. .1 ■