Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, August 30, 1906, Image 6

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to the game lione-tly play*«!, lie played
w hen In college aud Ilk«** the gauu* «till.
Illa word*. cvmltig from a friend, may
tew«* (xk WMk
have more weight with the fanatical
defenders of the game tliau those of a
man whose objection* to football are
I3y NUMCl'H C1.ARK1!
more fundamental.
Omitting minor
points. President Angell’s criticisms of
The United State* Semite will note th«* game may l«e groui**l under three
that It ha* become good mugaaltie-nia bends: The serious consequence* of the
game amoug young players In high
went down ths bay. aud returned, after
Ennyhow. thia *|>*llng reform blinca* schools and academies, the waste of
"The old dodge." said Frere again.
a day's absenc*. with an addition to their
la likely 2 ha» ruf sledlng before It time during twelve week* of the col­
“Of course, I couldn’t let hhu go; but number In th» ahapa of four »tranger*
lege year, and the hug* amount* of I took hliu out of the chain gang, and sn l a quantity of atorre and farming
get* thru.
money Involved. The larger number of put h m >u the Oaprey. 1 You saw her implements.
Itufua Daws*, catching
A« a rule the Imaginative poet la one the serious Injuries reported during In the dock as you came in. lie work.*! sight of th»»» last, cam* to th* «smclu-
sion that th» boats ha«! been to Philip
who Imagine« he can exchange hl* the season occur among the young play­
ers In the preparatory schools. whose to bolt again.”
Gland, where th» "gard*n” waa «««tab
poetry for real money.
"The ol.l trick. Ha; ha! don’t I know li»he«t, and had takou off th» gardener«
frames have not reached the vigor
and girleu produc*. Itufua Dawe« de-
There la no law agalnat women Tot­ which will stand tbe severe strain to
“Well, we caught him and gave him «•hie I that the l.ady-t«lr«l had brought a
ing in Italy, but th* women appear to which nerve and bone are subjected fifty. Then h» wa* sent to the chain new rwmmandm*nt t.ls alght. train««!
«luring a hard fought game, Beside* gang, cutting timber. Then w'e put him by hi» half-sava*» IIf* had already dis-
bar* discover*! It only lately.
conspicuous bruise* and fractures on Into the boats, but he quarreled with tlnguiahe«l Mr, Mauri«-» Frere -and that
If every bridal couple could atart the Held th«> game Is even more fatal the coxswain. and then w* took hhu th«-»« mysteries were “improvement*"
k to the timber raft*. About
under th» new rule When h* arrlve.1
with *300,000 worth of gift* the que* In its after effects on many of tbe boys
tlon of eaay housekeeping would not be who take part In It. Besides that, a necks ago he made another attempt— at thia |«olnt of reaaontag, aimther «**n-
player who distinguishes himself on the i gether with Gabbett. the niau who Jecture, assuming hla first to hsv» been
hard to solve.
field Is likely to be coaxed away from nearly killed von but his IvK WH* correct. follow*! as a natural conse
hafe-l with the iron», and we took him. queue». Lieutenant Frera would be a
Dr. H. I’reeton Pratt of Chicago the natural order of his studies and Gabbett and three more, however, got more severe «*>mmmi.|ment than Major
believe* electricity will drlv* u* all
' 1' tiers. Now. severity had already
blind. Then we will take mor* luterest preparation ami under circumstance*
JUM then tome one came up the gar reaeheil Ita height, so far as h» waa
which make It almost Inevitable that den pith an«l saluted.
In second sight
«-onevrnad: so th» unhappy man took a
he should regard the playing of foot
-What 1« it. TrokeF’
final resolution— he would kill hlmwlf.
MPr < ‘nor given himself up. air. Gab«
Ignorant that live sights and sound*
Tobacco Is said to be the currency of ball as the chief end of his ambition.
British New Guinea. When a man The larger part of the fall term of bett. He came back to-night. He’« about him were symptom» of ths Anal
>wn nt the »he-!«. You caw *ee him at abandonment of the settlement, and that
smoke* there his wlf* can tell hlui he college Is given up to drill on the part
the Lady-bird waa eant down to bring
of tbe players. varl«>«! with hour* of once, gentlemen. If you like.’*
la juat burning money.
It was not far to the sheds, and after away the prisoners, Itufua Dawes «!•■
battle and days of slow recuperation.
;i few minutes* walk through the wood­ ci«!e<! upon getting rl«l of that burden
Conan I Gyle says: “Reformed spell The rest of the students talk almost en p.ilisiiles ther reached a long »tone of life which p[esw><l upon him ao hear
Ing might become universal, but It
hulhling. two stories high, from which lly, For six years h* had hew**! wo«*«l
would cease to be the English Ian precious time must b»> avoid«*! some­ issed a horr.ble growling plen'ed with and drawn water; for six years ha ha«l
guage." Ye*. If reformed It would be how. It must t>e remembered that the shrilly *cn\imet| songs. At the sound hope.1 agalnat Hope; for six year« he
tuition fee charged by universities not f the musket butts clashing on the pine had lived In tha valley of th» shadow of
State Institutions pays only from one- w > h | flagging, the noises censed, and a death. 11» dare-1 not r«*’a pit ilia te to
Th* rarity of th* conviction of men half to one-fourth the cost Universi- <i!ence more sinister than sound fell on hnus«’tf what he had auffere«l. Indeed,
his senses ware dead»n««i and dull*! by
tn high place* who ar* accused of ties are support«*! either by State the place.
Pn-ising between two rows of warders, torture. He eared to remember only one
fraud cannot fall of giving th* masses grants or by the Income of funds con-
the two officers reached a sort of ante-
a poor opinion of th* way the law 1* tribute«! by pious or charitable p«>- ?ts»m to the jail, containing a pine-log thing- that ha waa a prisoner for life.
In vain had been his first dream of free­
administer«*! In thia country.
pie. The acceptance of the privileges stretcher, on which a mass of some dom. He had done his beat, by good
thus liberally offer**! Involve*« a moral thing was lying On a roughly made conduct, to win release; but the villainy
Elijah I. don’t have to have a bank obligation on the [»art of the student stool* by the side of this stretcher sat of Vetch and Rex had deprived him of
account and Elijah III. has overdrawn to u«e his time to advantage, but this a man iu the gray dress of “good eon the fruit of his labor. Instead of gain­
hl*. A prophet without honor In his obligation and this Indebtedness are duct” prisoners* This man held be­ ing credit by his exposure of th» plot on
own town la normal, but a prophet In too often forgotten, 1’mldent Angell tween his knrv‘s a basin containing gruel boar«! the Malabar, he was himself
trouble with hla banker la absurd.
calls attention to the fact that a gmxl md was apparently endeavoring to feed deemed guilty and condemned. In spite of
the m.iM on the pine logs.
hla ««serrations of Innoeanc*. The
football coach gets a larger salary than
knowledge of his "treachery,” whlla It
Olga Nethersole, referring to the a cabinet officer or a Justice of the Su­
The intelligent Troke. considerably
stage, say*: “It does not aav* lives; at preme Court of the Unite«! States. The alive to the wishes of his superior offi­ galn»«l for him no credit with th* au­
least not directly." Mis* Nethersole's amount of money re«-el red and spent cers. dragged the mass luto a sitting thorities. procured for him th* detesta­
tion an,l III will of th» monster« among
statement can hardly be regarded a* In football Is demoralizing to all wh*v posture, and awoke it.
whom he found himself. On hla arrival
hysterical or lacking In conservatism.
i.abbett—for it was he—passed one at Hell's Gates he was a marked man. a
have to do with It. With this am! the
pariah among th««*» beings who ware
other objections remove«! and brutality
What la to become of that chorus lessened by wise regulations there will exactly in the pmdt! n Iu which Troke pariahs to all th» worl,l braid»».
girl who la belreaa to $5G0.(X>0? Of be a chance to get the benefits of a
In th« meantime, the a»ttl*m*nt was
In a fever of excitement. la Isa* than
course ab* doesn't have to “act" any manly game such as football ought to his visitors.
three weeks from th« ann.mnremeni
more, but then, she can hardly afford te.
come back again, you see. When will made by Vickers, all had bee* got ready.
to lose th* benefit of all that free ad­
y ii leirn sense, eh? Where are your Ths commandant had finally arrange»!
mates ?”
with Frere as to hla enures of action
“Pead.” says Gabbett.
lie himself would accompany the lady­
According to Mr. Carnegie, no rich While Other Countrlea Pro<rea«.
bird with th* main body. Hl* wife and
However. It Kriuaina the Saute.
man can be happy. II. H. Rogers would
“I have eaten It. Ain't yer got nuf- daughter were to remain until the sail
Ten centuries ago China was un­ fip’ better nor that to flog a mao on?
probably be able to furnish strong evi­
Ing of th* Osprey, which Mr Frere was
dence In rebuttal If something horrible doubtedly the most civilized portion- Vgh! yer a mean lot! Wot'* it to be to bring up a* a«»<n aa possible. “I will
were to happen to the Supreme Court of the world and 3,<XX) year* ago only this time. nuj-r? Fifty?”
leav» you a corporal's guard, and ten
Egypt and possibly India could have
“A nice apecinienT’ «aid Vickers, with prisoners as a crew." Vickers said. “ 'Ynti
st Missouri. -
What cau one do can work her easily with that numbar."
com|>eted with it But while the oth­ a hopeless smile,
To which Frere had replie«! that ha could
The latest alarm that has been rung ers have changed In various ways, w’lth suob a fellow?'
“I’d tl«»g his soul out of his body," do with fire prisoners If necessary, for he
in Is that the potato Is poisonous, the China has remained tbe same. Think
knew how to get doubl* work out of th»
reason being that the parts green with of some of its achievements! The
lasy dog*.
which the plant Is sprinkled has set­ greatest structure ever reared by hu­
The giant raised h!s great head ami
Near Philip'« Islam!, on th« north aide
tled In the ground and Infected the man bands Is the great wall. It is looked at the speaker, but did not rec-
of ths harbor, is situated Coal Head,
tuber itself. The time Is coming when 1,500 mlies long; without break it ognize him. He saw only a strange where a party had been lately at work
everything we eat will have to be pro­ crosses valleys, climbs mountains, face—a visitor, perhaps.
“Y’ou may Thia party, hastily withdrawn by Vick
vided with a certificate of good char­ clamber* up tbe face of precipices and fl g. snd
and welcvnie, master,” sail! he. »rs to assist In the business of davaata
bounds an empire on the north.
"if you’ll give me a fig o’ tlbbacky.” tlon. ha«l left behind It **m* tools end
It was built before the formation of Frere langtie«!. The brutal indifferent-* tlnilier, and at the eleventh hour a boat's
the rejoinder suite«! hla homof. and. « raw was sent to bring away th« debris
One class of New York policemen the Roman empire, while It was still
are not always what their title Indi­ a republic and while Christianity was with a glance at Vickers, he t«x>k a Th« tool* were duly collected, an«! the
cates. One of these men appeared as still unborn, in
B. C. Or, to take small piece of eavemliah from the p««ck- pine log»—worth twenty-five «hillings
a witness th* other day In a tan over­ a modern instance, while the enlight­ et of hi* pea jacket, an«! gave to tba aplec* In Hobart Town—duly rafted and
recaptured conviet. Gabbett snatched
coat. a many-colored undercoat and ened people* of Euro[>e were still en­ It a* a cur snatches at a bon*, an! chained. Th* timber was secured. ami
tha convicts, towing It after them, pulle.l
trousers, a plaid rest and a red neck­ gaged with the crusades, before gun­ thrust it whole luto his mouth.
for tha ship just aa the sun sunk. In
tie. To th* question what was his bus­ powder or the printing press had been
"How many mates bad be?” ask*«! th« general relaxation of dlsclpllna an«!
iness. h* replied that he was “a plain­ Invented China built the great canal, Maurice, watching the champing jaws hast* the raft had not bean mails with
clothes man."
as one looks at a strange animal, and ns much care as usual, and the strong
almost "CO years ago.
Our imagination fails us with such asking the question *s thnngh a “mate" current against which th« boat was la
Several of the fruit ports of Central numbers. A thousand years of Chi­ was something a convict was born with boring as-dated th« uegllgenca of th« con­
victs. The log* began to loosen, and
America have called upon the United nese history make no Impression upon —like a mole, for instance.
“Three, sir.”
though the onward motion of the boat
State*— more particularly on New Or­ us, for they stand for no events and
kept the chain taut, when tha rowers
leans—for aid in stamping out and are represented to our thought by la «lies, Vickers."
slackened their evertlona tha mass part
preventing yellow fever. Port Limon, nothing distinguished In character or
'Am! if I ha' had three more.' growl- e«l. an«l Mr. Truk*. hooking himself on
which was formerly a pest spot for literature. But to the scholar all Is ed Gablwtt. mumbling at b is tobacco, to the aid* <>f th« Lady-bird, saw a huge
breeding the disease, has been entirely different He learns to fill out the cen­ "y«u wouldn't ha' ha<! the chance."
log slip out from Its fellows, and dis
As he sat there gheunily chewing, he appear Into the darkness. Casing after
rebuilt In the last three or four years, turies and gain at least some faint Idea
and the result la so satisfactory that of their magnitude. He comes to un­ was a spectacle to »builder at. Not ao It with an Indignant and dlsgustad star*,
rival banana shipping ports wish to Im­ derstand that It has not been quite a much on account of his natural hl«leou» aa though It had bean a refractory pria-
nesa. increase«! a thousandfold by the ouer who merit««! two-daya’ "solitary,"
itate Its example.
monotonous sameness, but that there tattered am! filthy rag* which barely h« thought he hear«! a cry from tha <l|-
have been wise and unwise rulers, covered him. Not ao much on account rectlon In which It ha«l been born*,
Plans for an organic union of the successful and efficient dynasties, pe­ of his unshaven jaws, his hare-lip, his wool«! have paused to listen, bnt all Ils
Congregatlonallsta, the United Brethren riods of refinement and periods of torn aud bleeding feet, his haggard attention was n«*d*d to save the timber,
gnd the Methodist Protestants were per­ terrible and desolating warfare,
rheeks. an«! Ins huge, wasted frame, and to prevent tbe boat from being
fected at a conference in Dayton last
In China, too, he comes to under- Not only because, looking at the animal, swampe«l by tha struggling mass at hsr
month. A common name for the new stand there have been great sover- as he crouched, with one foot curled stern.
Th* cry had proceeded from Rnfm
denomination Is to be found later, but elgns, great novellsts. great essayists, round the other, and on* hairy arm
the selection of a name does not seem To begin to master all that has been pendent between his knees, he was so Dawe*. From his solitary rock h* had
horribly unhuman, that one shuddered to watched tha host pass him and make
to trouble the men behind the move­ there achieved Is beyond the powers think that tender woman and fair chil­ for the Lady-bird In-chann/l. and he hail
ment. There are more Interested In de­ of any man. and the most that an In­ dren must, of necessity, confess to fel­ decided that th* moment when th* gath­
veloping plans for working together dustrious student can hope to do Is to lowship of kind with such a monster. ering gloom ««»allowed her up should be
for the good of the world. When the learn more or less thoroughly the But also because, in hi* slavering mouth, the moment when he would plunge Into
union Is perfected, there will be a com­ events of some single period or to bls slowly grinding Jaws, bis restless the surge below him. Th* heavily la­
pact body of more than a million com­ trace the development* of some par­ fingers, am! bis blrxxlshot, wandering boring boat grew dimmer ami dimmer,
municants In place of three seperitte ticular line of science or of art Chi­ eyes, there lurked a hint of eome terror as each tug of th* care took her further
more awful than the terror of starvation from him. Presently, only the figure of
bodies with separate denominational nese encyclopedias there are In hun­ —a memory of a tragedy played out in Mr. Trok* in the «tern sheet» was vis­
dreds of volumes and histories which the gl'iomy depths of that forest which ible; than that also disappeared, nn«l as
seem interminable and dictionaries ha«l romite«) him forth again—and the tha no«» of the timber raft roa* on the
Among seven hundred boys recently which are terrifying by reason of their »ha<low of this unknown horror, cling­ swell of the next wave. Rufus Dawes
examined in an East side school 11 size and compendiums and short edi­ ing to him. repelled, as though he bore flong himself into the sea.
He waa heavily Ironed, and he snnk
New York only three could raise them­ tions innumerable, themselves seem­ about with him the reyk of the sham­
like a stone. Ha had resolved not to
selves up by their arms on a horizontal ingly long enough for tire most indus­ bles.
“Com*," said Vickers, “let us go back. attempt to s>-in>, *n«l for ths first mo­
bar until their chins were on a level trious. ■
I shall have to flog him again, I sup­ ment kept his arms raise«! abova hl*
with their hands. Many of the chil­
Get* Wall Paper Excuse*.
pose. Oh, this place! No wonder they head In order to alnk the quicker. But
dren In the schools In the poorer parts
as the short, sharp agony of aiiffocatlon
A school teacher bag a collection of call it 'Hell's Gates.' "
of the city de cot know bow to play.
"Halloo! what's that red light there?" caught him, and the ahor-k of the Icy
They have to be taught the simplest quaint excuses brought In to her by her
“Dawes' fire on Grummet Rock.” water dispel!««! the mental Intoxication
games, like tag and hop-scotch. The pupils. Rhe teaches on the East Sl«le of says Vickers, going in; "the man I told tinder which ha was laboring, he <Je«p»r-
New York, ami her wnrils, who are of you about.”
ataly struck out, am! despite th* weight
patboa of a childhood without piny
of his Irons, gained th» aurface for an
bns begun to appeal to the public-spir­ very bumble birth Indeed, hand her ex­
Two or three mornings after the ar­ Instant. Aa he did so, all bewilder««!,
ited jerson* In the city, and they are
rival of the Ladybird, the eolitary pris­ and with the on* savage instinct of self-
asking the government to provide more covers, even wall paper.
oner of th* Grummet Rock noticed mys­ preserratlon pre«!omlnant over all other
playgrounds In the crowded quartets.
terious movements along the shore of thoughts, he became conscious of • huge
Money spent in this way will ears Gorg for been absent on prevl* occa­ the Liam! settlement. The building of s black mass surging upon him out of the
thousands of boy* and girls from pau
pier, or breakwater, running from the darkness. An Instant's buffet with the
Another said: "Please excuse Jacob western point of the settlement, was current, an ineffectual attempt to dive
perism and crime.
for not to have because It was a hat discontinued; and ail hands appeared beneath It, a horrible sense that the
buying, and came till late.”
to be occupied with the newly built weight at hie feet waa dragging him
Collier’s Weekly throw* a bouquet at
A third, wrlten on a piece of wall Osprey, which was lying on the allp«. down—an«l the huge log, loosened from
American newspaper* by declaring «hat
pnper, sal«!: “Dear am! honored admin- Parties of sol,Ilers also daily left the the raft, was upon him, crushing him be­
they "today have mor* power a ;d use
lstrateur, wish yourself of excusing ma Ladybird, and assisted at the mysterious neath Its rough and ragged side«. Th«
log passed completely over him, thrust­
it tor better ends than at any previous
daughter because that she absented her­ work in progress.
A fortnight after thia, about the 15th ing him beneath the water, but hla hand,
time.” It goes on to say that the per­
self. Wish yourself to accept mine fe­ of December, he ob»erve«l another curl scraping along the splinter««! side, came
manence acd reality of the gain le-
licitation».—Llane l’lerre.”—New York oil* fact. All the boat« on the Islam! In contact with the loop of hide r««pe
¡>end* on whether tbe public wl'I *liow
put «iff one morning to the opposite side that yet hung roitml the mass, and he
it* appreciation of higher standard» by Press.
of the harbor, and In the course of the clutched It with the tenacity of a death­
support and patronage of the better
day a great amoke
along the aide grip. In another Instant he got hi* head
“How did Mr. Scadds make bls i of the hill*. The arose
class of newspapers rather than ffiil
next day the same above water, and, making goo«! Ilia hold.
waa repeated; and on the fourth day twiste«l himself, by a violent effort,
poorer »Dd demoralizing class. Some
“My dear," answer««! Miss Cayenne, the boat« returned, towing behind them across the log.
few pessimists who bewail the fact th.it
For a moment he saw the light» from
th* mo*t vicious yellow journals seem “you must neyer again aak such a ques­ a huge raft. This raft, mails fast to
th«- sble of the Ladybird. prove«l to he
to tlourfsh may be disposed to que« tion about any one. People will think composed of planks, beams am! Joists, the stern windows of the anchored ves­
sels low In the distance; Grummet Rock
you are writing for a magazine!"—
tlon this, but a careful and unpreju­
all of which were duly hoiste«! up am! disappeared on hie left; then, exhausted,
Washington Star.
diced survey will surely confirm Col­
stoweil in the hold of the brig.
breathless, and hruleed, he closed hla
"The Golden Itastman."
lier's conclusion that tbe ton* of our
This set Rufus Dawes thinking. Could eyes, anti the drifting log Imre him awlft-
American newspapers is steadfsslly Its share of fame great wealth may ft possibly he that the timber cutting ly and silently away Into the darkness.
was to be abandoied, and that the gov­
At daylight the next morning, Mr.
higher a* well as the ton* of American
ernment had hit upon some other method Troke, landing on the prison rock, found
Acknowledge It we must
bus! t-s* and society, both, doubtless,
of utilizing Ila convict labor? He had It deserted, The prisoner's cap was
reacting upon on* another In tbe same You're sure to fill the public eye
hewn timber and built boats, and tanned lying on the edge of the littlo cliff, but
direction. ______________ .
hides and made shoes. Was It possible the prisoner himself had disappeared,
—Catholic Standard and Times.
that some new trade was to be Initiated? Pulling back to the Lady-bird, th* intol-
President Angell has stated fairly
Before he had settled thia point to his llgent Troke pondered on th* clrctrm-
No one tells the whole truth about satisfaction, he was startled by another stanra, and In delivering his report to
♦he position of those who wish tn see
A* in football. He 1* not opposd ,
boat •xpaditiuo.
Three boat*’ crews Vickar* mentioned the straoga cry h*
had heard the night before. •’It’s my
belief, sir, that ho was trying to swim
the bay,” he said. ”11«» must lin* gone
to the bottom anyhow, for he couldn’t
swim five yards with them Irons '*
Vickers, busily engaged In getting un
drr way, accepted this very natural «up
position without question. The prisoner
had met his death either by his own net
or by aceiilviit. It nnn either u sulci»!»»
or attempt to 0ocupo* and the former
conduct of Itufua Panes rendered the
latter explanation n more prolmble one.
Iu auy case, ho was dead. A* Mr. I’roko
rightly suruihvd, no man could swim the
bay Iu Irm»; and when the Lady bird,
an hour later, pawn'd the Grummet
Hock, all ou board her believed that the
corpse of Its late occupant nan lying
beneath the waves that seethed nt Its
Ths drifting log that had so strangely
served a* a means of saving Kufus
lUnen swam nlth the current that wa»
running out of the bay. For some time
the burdvu that It boro was an Insou
•iblo one. Kvhnusted with bls dooper
ate struggle for life, the convict lay
along the rough bark of this heaven
•rut raft without motion, almost without
breath. At length a volout shock awoke
him to CODsclousneas, and ho perceived
that the log had become stranded on a
sandy point, the extremity of which was
loot iu darkness. Painfully raising him
self from hie uncomfortable posture, he
: staggered to his feet, and. crawling a
few paces up the beach, rtung himself
upon (he ground and slept.
When he woke up It was past mid
day. and the sun poured its full rays
upon hhu. His clothes were <lry In all
places, save tha side on which ho had
hern lying, aud ho rose to his feet re
freaked by hla long sleep. Il«1 scarcely
comprrhrnded. as yet, his true p'Mihlon.
He had escaped. It was true, but not
for tong He was versts! in the history
of escapee, and knew that a man alone
on that barren o»a«t was face to face
with starvation or recapture. Glancing
up at the sun. he wondered. Indeed, how
It was that ho ha.I been free so long.
Then the coal sheds caught hla eye, and
ho understood that they were untenant­
ed. This astonished him, and ho hogan
to tremble with vague apprehension. En­
tering. ho looked around, expecting ov
fry moment to too some lurking consta
bio or armed soldier. Suddenly his
glance fell upon the lot re« which lay
io the corner whore the departing con­
victs had Hung them the night before.
At such a moment, this discovery seem
ed like a direct revelation from heaven
He would not have been surprised had
they disapi»earc<l. Had ho lived in an­
other ago. ho would have h‘>’kcd round
for the angel who had brought them.
(To he continued.)
la Vnne Italrr Farm • «neeeea»
W m « um
A well vxHiMtruutiil shoveling bosnl
ftttiichvd to tin» wiigoh I h » i la h great
cmivculemw when unlomllng vsr o»rn.
ruot cn»|Ni or any similar thing The
Illustration shows u simple, practical
Idea, the lower plcturo allowing the
board lowered for usv uml tin» upper
ona allowing how It cun I m * c U mwi I.
The aliovtdlng t»oard pro|*r Is altont
ono Inch narrower than the width »»f
the Inside of the wagon boi and la nt
tached to the latter with strong lilngva;
the IxHird may I m * tin* same whltb aa tlm
sides of tin» wagon bog, or wider, If
desired. The aldo lx»Hrtls A anti II uro
slanted off ut the back sides and tin*
front enda nrv the aama width n» the
box where they aro attached with
strong hinges. Strong, short hooks tiro
pltniHl In euch sideboard, as shown un
Are you making nil liter* 1» to be
tll*d* ill the dairy busliK'sn? If not,
why not? Thia la n question which
•v»ry dl**all*lled diilrymmi limy well
n*k hlutaelf. Win’ll n bii*ltw** mnn or
manufacturer Dud* hl* busiueM I* not
paying to *ult liliu lie *eek* f«>r Ilin
c«u*r* of l»*a ami «trhe* to vlimluat*
if wc liivvaHgiitc m o ahull
th«» suciwaful dairytiM’ii attciiil t«» ••x«*ry
llttls detail that iiffc« Is tbelr husllieaa.
They l«H»k at everyllihitf from a I his I
immb atan<l|M»liit. aav# wherever
thing cun I m * aav«*d, and dl»«urd mil
mala or inethmia that don’t pay.
If you an» not on«* of I Im mii «’« <•*"
ful «lalryiiwn, kxik ur«»und mid •«*** why
y«»u are n«»t. There I m a iciimoii for
everything, and wln’U you know tin»
reason you tire In a iioalthui <«» renn’dy
tin* troiihh*. If you have uo liking f«»r
your bualneaa, tin* o«HUi»*r you cliunge
to aoiu«*thlng you du Ilk«* Um bdlvr it
will I m * for you »nd th"»««* »1« pendent up
ou you. Have you hwted your cows
Individually mid dlaemdvd llioav which
allow by thwlr own perfonnmi«e thut
they aro nut profitable? Th«’ li.il»«'“ k
teat and the m «’ u I a * m will allow which
are profitable mid will« h are nut, mid It
I m Mbeor shiftleamieMJi nut to apply Much
u teat. llldimia|M>llM N vwm .
liMprtii Inn
mi «
It I m often the case that un orchard
In middle life I m found Io I m » no lunger
prufltuhle, mainly becauMv a mlstuko
wum made In the avloctluii of Hm vurlu-
tie« In tlm beginning In such cmmom Um
«»rchard may bo made prolltahle again
by top grafting tlm trees. I I i I m I m not
a difficult tuMk, provided II I m pr«>|M*r
ly done and Um union between th«
bran« h mut tlm Melon I m |»erft*ct. At
u rule branches not over an Inch in <11
uinut«*r aro the bcMt to work thia w»iy.
Of vounw», It 1« un«lemt«MM| thut th«
scions would be niueli «inallvr Iu dlmn
otor than the parent Ml«»ek, so the plan
Is to liioert two on encli outer edge
Tbo main thing to <ilMM*r%e I m to l»e «nrc
ttiat Um bark of both m . Ion and parent
stock I m In ¡M*rfoct line. »<» Unit the fiow
BIIOVKLIMO if ■Alli'. ____________
of sap imiy be fmrfectly free «‘are mu«l
der letter A. mid su syv III the shovel
ttlau bo taken that the «pa«a« l»etwrun
Ing loanl juat under the hook, thus
the «cium and tlm parent «fork mad«
keeping tbe lioard In ¡»osltlun. i’bere
by the chlwl I m « tllhil with tlw grafting
Is n light Iron chain aup|»ort nt sacb
wax. a« well nn uny other apacoa In
able uf the box and booked uudur
which the air may get. It I m not cum
nettili Iudlsns¡»o|la News.
tommy to Iraie l»*»Ui of the grafts, but
to « ut out Um weaker «»no If Imth grow
M m I*I u * iMcubatwr rraatMbl*.
The Incubator lias paanad the ex per I Tlila work la lnh»rc«Ung and really very
mental stage, uud la no longer a ins wlinplu If «’ii«* get* the Uiitt'k of It. and
This T«»n«orlMllet
Mnke« <*« m »«1 I m -
I chine of cbnuce results. Any one with It •’vrtrtlnly pay« with mi orchard that
romr Kvorjr XlurniM«.
I m not too <dd If care 1« taken to oh
There’s at teust one barber In XX ash n rvaNouttble amount of common sen«-
talu scions fr«’in kiuau bearing tr«i*s
Ingtoii who doeun't have to keep his
uf the beat Murta.
ears turned to the word “next,” snye ' chins and Ita content« while It 1« In
ths New York Fust.
|)n \«»| ll*rr|t«*l
X mini Wfo« l*.
Thia barber doesn’t work In a shop, If one Is In s poiitlmi to go luto the
One of «*ur «•ontcni|M»rarh’« says
nor has he any establishment of hla ¡loultry buslnsi« on a smlo of vouslder
own. Flu’s a peripatetic barber, and nble magnitude the l»etter plan .1" to ••make the calf Um fan lly
he averages something like fs or I IO prepare u cellar expixaly for the work, the ophdon of the writer uml «»f other
dairymen of l«»ng «*X|»erlviwe till« would
for four hours’ work a day. wears dia­ for, ¡Mtrfvct as they are, Incubator’»
I»«* one of the wror»»t lulMtak«*« that «imhl
mond*. snd Is a perpetual mystery and sometime«« catch on fire, nnd then the
In* made. The • ulf that la the pot «>f
a uourcu of puxsled envy to the bartwro loan of the building they sre In genera
tbe faintly la more than likely to lai
with whom he formerly worked In ho­
blocks which hnva re«-eiitly eome Into u«od by tlm ehlldrmi f«»r fiiany pur
tel barber shops.
for which It was nrxer Inlemlud.
Ho Is literally a journeyman barber. use offer the means to conatnn t nn
lucubtor cellar In any section of the By nil mean« treat Um «iih«** that are
He carries the tools of bls trade around
country nt moderate <‘u«t Brooders, too to tw rulM*<| klmlly, handle them «im
with him, suspended In a case from
must I m * ntkleil. mid there should l»e u •Idemhly and pat them earc«”»liigly oft
the handle bars of a bicycle, and bu
structure for the brooders, w thut th»- en. but let tlw |*ettlng Mtop here, for If
might eaally t»e taken, to see him ou
early batched chicks need not l»r turned it I m played with by tlw vhlhlrvu. run
his rounds, for a rising young aur
out of doors to get wet or entet) <x>ld ulng and jumping w Ith them, Iwlng
Incubator »•ellar In any sectlou of tin» tinriMMMMl up with «trlngK a« children
llo shaves men In tbelr room»—men pnclty and *»ld nt n low prl«*e. A
are quite likely to <!<», It betviintm a
who are not quite able to have valets, I egg machine of reliable make can I m * nulaamt* a« It grows; It *« iiih g«*t« Im-
but who aro willing to dig up a half l»ought for fin, nnd with It one can
pu«leiit, n«»ac« around where It I mim no
dollar every day for the sake of mnk nil the exj>erlence needed to enable lilm biialnees. and. If Ita horn« are allow rd
Ing their Initial appearance about noon, to ojierate tboaa of larger cnpsclty n to grow. |M«eomca «Itngemua later on.
aim run, aborn, done up, and groomed- MMxmd season. The Incubator and th«* Su«h n rnlf will Invarliildy try to
brooder are essentlul In operations of “boan” the herd after it geta old and
A conalderable number of hla cus­ considerable size, the sitting hen to I m * xtnmg enough, am) I m a nulaamo gen
tomers are army and navy officers liv­ um * h 1 only hm a makeshift.
«•rally. F.iclmnge.
ing at du I mi . but he has also a clientele
When Mnd XX !»•( In I'rnnr.
of luxurious civilians. He starts out
Self-Keedrr for I'miUrr,
This 11»! of plants nnd slirul**, with
on ble rounds nt H o’clock In the morn­
A prrfwtlon f«*«N| la»p|»er I m shown
ing, and by 10 o’clock ho has shaven tlM’lr requirements In r**Knr<l to tlw
In tlw cut. nays Uw Orang«* .lu ld Farm
aifout ten men as they recline In tbelr prunliiK eon son. I. »»¡■«■«'Inlly tlinvly ami
er. It I m eight ln< lie« w hl««, two nnd
-da. When he flnda his earlier helpful. It lias tl*e Mi’ltfhl of nutliorl
«»no half foot high, nnd throe foot long
customer« asleep some of them nr«» ty. ns coming from n prncthnl gur
Th© roof projoctM over tho perch on
prominent government officials, who «loner.
There Is n right time nml n wrong which tlw fowls stand while feeding
report at their offices nt about 10
Tlw method of eonalrm tlng tho |M»reh-
o'clock In the morning he doe« not time to prune encli plant, but few
«•a nnd the weight nnd attachment to
wake them up. but goes abend am!
the ll«t over th«« grain 1« clearly shown
lathers and ahnves them, and he aaya them. Also ecrtnlii tr«M <lo not nee«l
III tho picture. Tlw weight on the arm
that plenty of hla customers don’t pruning nt nil.
Ilend hn«*k lmmi*llnt«’ly nfter bloom
wake up at nil while they’re being
ahnvod. lie any* that In the course of Ing: Kalinin Intlfolln. dlervllln or
a couple of weeks’ practice any man wlrgelln. nznlen. forsythln. anowlmll.
rnny anally lenm how to remain In the kerrln, n><» k orange. I'hllnrielphua. bar
l»’rry. most woody eplrenn.
land of Nod while being shaved.
Henri biK k w hen dormant: Rose»,
When he finishes with hla earlier
patrona he glldee around among hla eehnntla, splren eorhlfolln. Iiydrnnngi’ii
I-nrge flowering tr«i’« not requiring
cuatomera who dawdle In their rooms
In drossing gowns until about noon. pruning: Aewulus (horse rliestnut).
He has n regular hour for enrb patron Rorhu* sanibuelfolln, cntnlpn, sorbii»
and always sticks to adtedule time, Ainerlenna (American nah), llrloden
keeping none waiting. Ho gets half dron (tulip poplar), pnvln. nortuis
grnndlflorn, pyru« nrln (white I m - iiu
a dollar for a shave and 11 for n hair
rr.zi) Horns »os roi nav.
tree), sorluia clnniH’nrpn, roblna. rind
cut. Those of his patrons who want
rantln. tlngtorln (Vlrgllln tree). aoph«>
hair cuts notify him a couple of days
sllolllil Is* ndjlislcd to til«' size of til*
rn, Morbus ancupnrla (mountain nah).
In advance, so that he ran arrange his
fowl. Tills Is.x limy Is* iiiik I c of noy
schedule. By 1 o'clock In the after­
f'llppltta Il«»rs4»s.
Icnittli drelrvd, but tin« licl*lit uud
noon tills businesslike razor wlelder
The clipping of it liorse In the enrly width nrc ubout rlulit.
has done all hla day’s work, and then spring Is now conceded by all tbe lend
you’ll aee him. a picture of grooming Ing veterliinrlana to la* ns essential to
« hnn*ln* l.ot* tor Nwlxe.
and a sort of glass of himself, stroll­ hl* well iH'Ing ns shooing liltn or giving
Where *wln<* nre rnlMul In siiilb lcut
ing on F street any fine afternoon, him n I’oiiifortnble bed to lie on. A tiunilicrs Rn thill they lire herded III
“staking the girls to a treat.”
crippled horse dries out rapidly after n smnll Inclosiircs, It Is I’ssi’iit Ini to
hard day's work nnd will rest <«om cbliiiK* lliosc lots ycnrly If one would
fortnbly mid lie refiVahed for the next
M!sw Deery’s mother came Into the dny'a work. An iiii«'ll|«|>eil horse Is II nvold the dniiKcr of eh Icrn or other
room rather suddenly, and Mr. Spoon- able to catch the henvea, pueiinioni;i dlaeum-*. The w ny to iK i'oinpllsh this
elgh endeavored to cover his embar­ anil nil aorta of «■olds, etc., Ixs’iiuse th«’ to the best ndvniitiiKv Is to lime til«’
swine dlstrlt.Ute<l III slimll «-olonles, cilell
moisture from |>ei’splrHtloii Is Ill’ll! by with ii niovnble holme, lime the lots
“As I was just saying,” he began In the long linlr mid chills the laxly.
of double size, ii .I iik one hnlf of ench
n formally conversational tone.
A Ilian would not i*X|ie<’t to enjoy lot diirlntt Hie curly purl of the senson
“Why, no you weren't. George!” In­ very gisul henltli If he did linril mu mm I
terrupted Miss Decry, lias!lly. “Ton work clothed with heavy underwear, n mid lhe other hnlf nt the Intler pnrt.
This will <’nrr.v one through the senson
were speaking of football- don’t you heiivy suit mid n fur overcont, mid after
with little «lunger of trouble, ninl then
rememberT’—Cleveland Lender.
liersplrlng freely, as ho niiturnlly tlx’so lots shoeld bo Hbnndoncd for
would, go to sleep without removing swine, Is’lng eiiltlvnted (lie next yenr
Unweleoma Contents.
It Is Just nn ridiculous to ex nml new I o I h provided for the swine.
"I see you carry a heavy «took of
pert n horse to lie In perfei’t hen It h If This Is coiiHldernble trouble to lie sure,
egK»." remarked th* caller. “I* there
worked under the snine c<iiidltliins.
but liter« Is u. wny more eerluln to
anything In eggs."
If you would get the best returns avoid dlsen.o tlinn this. I'nrlluiilnrly
"Well,” replied th* truthful groc.r,
from your investment In your horse, Is this plnn valunlde In sections whel-«
"there waa something In the consign
treHt him right, mid lie sure to clip llic soil Is liieli'i«il to be lienvy so Hint
ment that came In Inst week.”
him In the enrly spring. Horse Re th« filth innile hy the swine does not
"Indeed! What?"
drain Into the soli romllly.
At flnoon
Don't get Borer I'lnnfs Too goon.
If the strnwberry pliiuts nrc set In
the cold moist soli they lire likely to
rot lit the crown or, If thin does not
result, they will innko no growth to
sjicnk of. Walt until the soil hns drleil
out some so that It Is mellow mid ensl
ly workeil; hnve the plot In g<md condl
tlon, well worked so that the soil Is
free from stones mid clods of earth nnd
“Benlnff Gotham.**
Gunner So you went to New York the plnntn can lie easily set mid will
on pleasure bent, eli? Did you get begin to grow iiiilnterriipteilly so tluit
one will lose no time by waiting until
Guyer—Worse than bent
I got the soil Is In perfect condltluu before
setting ou‘ 'Uf plants.
Drummer—Why are nil th* natives
of this village out this morning?
Uncle Hila*-Why, by heck, they
heard an nutonioblle with one of thos*
new calllhope whistle* coming down
th* road and thought a circus parade
was on the way.
Freealaw In Worm Air.
The freezing of lenves nml lilld* on
«■lour spring nights, when tho nlr loin-
IM’inture Is nlsivc freezing |silnt, Ims
I mm ’U suporstllloiisly looked upon ns nn
i'IT<’«’t of lhe moon's light. An English
e.x|H«rlliientcr llmls thut, while nil oh-
Jects hme the tiili|>erntur* of tho sur-
roundlng nlr on cloudy nights, rnpld
riidlntlon mny produce n difference on
■leur nights, nml n piece of cotton pfov-
■ •«I to lie nt limes six mid even eight (|u.
green colder tlinn the nlr. 1'1.nits mny
ue slmllnrly chilled below freezing with
the air ubm*.