Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 26, 1906, Image 3

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    Hood’s Sarsaparilla
I Ji
kk |\
btcni to be almost
Kiitterth wulte, of l>oug I hmm ,
K mii , who ha« been cuf»ilurtli*K a eivie
rltfhteouMne«« f-nnipnlKn in hl« town,
auiiiined It up hi till« eplurnni: “If
th«*re in no hell, n vnat nmount of ruw
innlerl«! 1« going to wa«tr.”
In the chureh yard of Woolwlfli,
Kent, Kngland, 1« the rpltapb: “Hitrre<l
to the mrniory of Major Jiitm*« Bru«h,
Itoyal Artillery, who was killed by th«
accidental dl«4*hargv of a pi«tol by III«
orderly 14th April, 1N3I. Wall dune,
good ami fiilthful ««*rvnnt.”
“Now, boy«,“ mh !<J h Himdity «chool
teacher, Md<lrc«Ming the juvenile <*I hm «,
Almoat Tlmr.
Jtiat ««• Murk uf Trutb.
“can either of you tell me anything
The convention of |dij siclnna waa
“WI im I’ b that »lien yuu'ra luuklng about G< nm 1 Friday?” “Ye«, mn’aiii, !
en I led ai'.ietljr and hurriedly. |>r. Kill tb»‘rv?” a»k«M| tli«» gr«»< « r.
«•ail,” replied the boy nt the foot uf the
Sin rus» to a|H*nk
“ Frv»li rgga,'M roplled U m » IM»w i 'I iinn ; **| ip whn the fellow tliut done
“tientImien of tlie prufi-aalon.” he clerk.
the houeework for lCobiiiNun Cruso«.”
“Make It ‘Frvab lnld
• ’•
anld, -aoiuetlilng uniat I». dime, • Ull
A vinegar fnc«*d woman who board
“Why er everylwMly
automobile tire, are nraring out. <mr
the <<d a street car remoiiNtrated vainly
tlnuglitera' music leaaona are unpaid for •'EK1* were fn*«h w I h * ii they w<*rv laid." with the big IrlMhman whu waa dl«-
amt nearly all our good patrona have
“Eiaetly, «mi that’i nil that It*« ««fu tributing hi« tobacco «moke among the
alrwuty been operated ti|am for aptam for UN to «ny ulxnit th« in.”—I'hllttdel
pHMN«*ng«*r». lie IlNtened, without mak­
dli'ltl. What aliali hv do?"
nhln Pre««
ing retort, till th« woman, lo«lng her
"Ie-t'a discover a new microtis,“ aald
patience, exclaimed: “You old brute,
I >r Quark
If yuu were my buetiniMl, I'd give you
The mollan wn. rarrted unanimously
l*ol«<>n!” Giving a complacent puff to
• nd a wave of s|. kuraa wafti-l ducats
ill« pl(»e, Put looked at her Nteudlly,
to the doctors' coffers Indianapolis
and replied: “llegorra, if I wu your
huMband, I'd take It!”
i tee «»t«a mury.
I hiring n autumer sojourn In the
Ant (to tin* 1'l«*i>!*i»nt > NI lire I have mountain«, a physician who Is much
borouie n M<M.UillNt I do not art* why, Interested in epilepsy In its different
bwnuM« I nin mmiller mid weaker than form«, hoard of a woman with that
y<»u. I »lioiild contIntially get out of dl«ea»e wlio bad lived to tho age of 71>
tlic way to !<•( ymj have the middle of year«. Curiou« to know th«* detail« of
the road. That« final.
no iinuNUnl a cnac, he interviewed the
Elephant (to the Ant) If you don’t widower,
Ilnvliig Inquired concerning
I’ll just put my foot on you. That'»
different lyiiilHuiui, he proceeded :
flat. Bultiniore American.
“Dhl «he grind her teeth much Ht
night 7“ The old man considered a
minute, ami then replied: “Well, I
dunno na «he wore 'em at night.”
A nervou« old lady wim riding dow n
BCvrrpihtMB Wnra.
a dangerou« looking trail with a Cali­
“And you still delay lite wedding,“
fornia «tag«* driver, when «he noticed
•Iglied tbs beautiful girl. “My heart 1»
a hatfhet lying in the Ixdtoin of the
worn out."
stage, nnd in«]iiired why be carried It.
“la that all?" demanded the suitor
N» fit» or nervousness
“I it««* that hatchet to knock Injured
who was an advocate of proerastliia FITS
pH««<*ngi*rN In the bead,” replied the
driver. Tbe old lady gaap«««l with
"No," the car;iet I» worn out. the par
a«tonl«bmvnt. “We have a good many
lor aofa Is worn out. ma's hopes ar«
tune you ever accident« on thl« bere line,” lie con­
worn out and pa's patleucs Is worn
Well, you do it a tinued; “the «tag«**« alhi« tippin' over
out ”
r than most city ami rollin’ dow*n precipice« and every
The suitor whistle«!.
time a paaaenger git« hurt he «m*a the
"Well, by gum!" be retaliate«!, Mr
company for damage«. Tbl« bere dam­
•hoes are worn out eouilng hers •very
age HiiitM uncn up nil tlie profit of
two or three nights"
Ntngln*, nnd we’ve bad to «top ’em, ko
every driver cnrrle« a hatchet. When
a pa««enger git* hurt we «Imply knock
*m on tlie head nnd throw' tlie body
ver tlie preclplre, nnd then there ain't
no law «tilt. 8«*e?”
Tln*re 1« a railway out In Colorado,
ling to tbe Htory of a Wentern
manager, which «eeuu unable to
form anything like an Intimate ar-
quiilntnii(*e«b!p l»etween its train« and
the ndvertl««*d «ehcdulen. It« train«
are «o proverbially lat«» that there ia
1 he Kin«! You llii%«'
B«»iii;ht lias horno (hr «I k iui -
a mild celebration every time one
(IIre ot f liMM. II. |'lr(clirr9 mid hi*« brrn iiinih* uudrr lUs
reaches it« terminal on time. A few
■M-rMitiiil supervision tor oi«-r 30 vrnra. Allow no 0110
weeks ag«» the word wai pa»M«*d about
to dc«*«'lvo you in tills. Counterfoils. Iiiiltotlons nml
•• ■>it«t-u»-g<><><l •• nr«« Imi l'x|H'rini<*nt». tinti etitlangrr tlio
the little town that No. 2 would get
litui I li of Cliiltlrt'ti—llvptrii-iict' iigiilnst Ex|H'rim«*uU
in on time, nnd there was a tug crowd
at the station. Nome generuu« citizen
provided quantltlva of red fire nnd set
It off along tho track. “What’« the
Ciiutorin I» n lutrtnh'ss stilisi It uto tor Cnstor Oil. l*aro>
liorlt’. Drops utu! N<iotliinir Njrttps. It Is I'lruMint. It
celebration ?’’ the conductor ««ked
contains neither Oplinn, Klorplilno nor oilier Nurcotic
when be junip<*d off at the station.
Kutistunee. Ils tige la Ils guiiruntco. It destroys Worms
“Train actually on time,’’ explained
timi Mllitys I'everisliliess. It cures Diarrlitcn nml Wititl
the crowd. “Put out your fire«, you
Colic. It relieves Tcctlilnir Troubles, cures ConstIpittIon
----- fools,” tho conductor snorted;
nml I'lntitlency. It Hsslnnlatcs the l*'ootl, regulates tlio
Ktomacli tint! flovvela. givintr iieulthy nml Untumi sleep.
“we’re just twenty four hours late.”
Tho Clilltlreti's I'uiiuccu
The Mother'll Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho Signaturo of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The black flag is in emblem of horror ami dread. ’ When it is hoiste«!
by an army, the older has gone forth tli.it •• no quarter ” w ill be given, ev­
erything must lie destroyed. Hclplcr •< women and i liihlren, as well as oppos-
ing Holdicrs, meet the same fate, ami a ti.ul of desolation, suffering and
death it left behind. Contagious II!o<sl Poison is the black flag of the
army of disease. This vile disorder is know n ns the blackest ami most
ous of nil human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the
life. It is no respecter of persons; no matter how pore the bio«»! may lie
or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful vims enters tho
circulation the liideous, hateful ami humiliating symptoms begin to appear,
and the sufferer fcgla that his very presence is |xdluting and contaminating.
Usually the first sign of the disease is a little sore or ulcer, but as the blotxl
bee, ones mote «!e« ply poisoned the severer symptoms arc manifested, the
mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the groins swell, a red rash breaks
out on the laxly, the hair ami eyebrows come out, and often the body is cov­
ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions and sores. In its worst
stages the disease affects the nerves, attacks the bones and sometimes causes
tumors to form on the bruin, produc­
Sevnrnt years ago I lind blood poison
ing insanity and death. Not only •tut
my flesh wus In an awful oondttlon,
those who contract the jioison stiffer, Gioat sores would break out and noth­
|'Ut on them would do anv good.
but unless the vims is driven from My hair
and eyebrow» fell out nnd I waa
the blood the awful taint is handed "a fright." My mouth v> ns so sore I
to live on milk nnd wnter. I took
down to offspring, and they are its had
Mercury for a long time amt instead of
innocent victims. Blood Poison is in­ sotting better 1 continued to grow
worse and my arms amt builds became
deed a "black flag.” Mercury and solid
aoroa. Mr legs wore drawn no I
Potash, so often used, never can cure could not walk and I felt that my time
here if I did not get acme re­
the trouble. These minerals merely lief. I begun
to uas your »1. H. 8. and It
drive the symptoms away for awhile helped me from tho atart. After taking
awlillo the aoroa all healed, my rlieu-
and shut the disease up in the system, it
matlam wna cured and to-day I am n
nnd when they are left off it returns strong,
well man. It got all tha mer­
worse than before. This treatment cury out of my ayatem and it cured me
sound and woll. ADAM BCHNABKL,
hot only fails to cure blood poison
Kvauavlllo, Ind.
No. Sil Diary 8t.
but eats out the delicate lining of the
Stomach am! bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth nnd fre­
quently causes mercurial rheumatism to a<l«l to the patient's suffering.
8. 8. S., the great vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It
goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood of
every particle of the poison. S. S. 8. does not hide or cover tip anything
but clears the entire circulation <if the
virus nnd puts the system in g«xxl
healthy condition. It cures safely ns
well ns certainly, beenuse there is not a
• particle of mineral in it. We offer a re­
ward of jh,o«x>.oo for proof that 8. S. S.
Plinri V VFRFTARI F is not purely vegetable. When the blood
■ UllLL I vkUU I rAL>l_Ua js purified and Strengthened with this
great remedy the symptoms nil pass nwny nml no sign of the disease is ever
«een ngnin ; nor is time left the least trace to be handed down to posterity.
Special Ixxik with instructions for self-treatment and nny medical advice de-
•lied will be scut without chnrge to all who write.
KtrcnRt h of
In bls annual report to the war de­
partment Brig.-Gen. Ere«! Grant. com-
niaiKtInK tlie drpartni«ant of the east.
w hich Includes the entire Atlantic coast
from Maine to Florida, earnestly
urge» legislation for an increas«* of
tile ntrengtli anil the pay of tlie coast
artillery. Tbe entire strength of the
coast nrtlllery now xervlnR tlie fortlll-
cationw alon^ the whole Atlantic coant
1» only tt,.'kll enlist«»! men. Una relief
for the guns already Installed would
require aliout
enlisted men, say»
tho Baltimore American. Uurlng the
Joint army and navy exercises around
Baltimore It was found that ull the
«•oast defenses from Norfolk to Balti­
more amt Washington were so under­
manned that it was m'cexxary to draw
nrtlllery troops from as fur north ns
Boston nml as far south ns Key West,
und all tlie companies were found to
be below their authorise«! strength, be­
cause men would not remain In the
coast artillery and recruits would not
enter that arm of the service.
It 1s not difficult to understand why
men shun the coast nrtlllery. The phy­
sical work Is very hnnl, nnd beenuse
of th«« grenxe nnd oil used In the heavy
ma«*hlnery It 1» dirty nml ruinous to
tin* soldiers' clothes Nor Is It n ills-
paragement to other cnllstixl men to
any that for til«' coast nrtlllery a class
of men of high Intelligence Is Indis­
pensable. Th«' men In charge of th«»
electric mntt'rlal of the power by
which the heavy guns are handlod.
those who operate the rangefinders,
who use the plotting boards, the gun­
ner», Hi«' rangekeepera nml all other»
who form a part of the manning txxly
of th«' con»t gun» require Intelligence
of the highest clans. Unfortunately ex­
perience linn shown that when the
army has secured men of this class
nnd has taught them tho technical
knowhxlge imeded for their work, It
has mad«* trnlmxl elix-trlclnns nnd ex­
pert mnehinlstn.to whom It offers only
a soldier's pay. Tin* Inevitable result
In that wlu'ii the artilleryman's term
of enlistment expires ho has a dozen
offers for his Invnluable services In
civil life at greatly Increased pay, no
Hint few coast artillerymen re-enllat.
It 1» plain that tho government owes
It to the men, as well ns to Its own In­
terests. to pny thi'ne men wages w hich
will Induce them to remain In tlie ser­
Equally plain Is It that the present
wholly Inadequate force should be In­
creased. Any war In which this coun­
try may become Involve«) must be with
au enemy whose forces will cotue from
Appalling Deficiency in
Keasntisl Brunch of
over lb« sen sml, next to tho navy,
the not it ilefelier’«, «*<»iH«'lallji on ths |
In- llil» country « «»••»•• Ono Hun«lrr«a Holla la Dalal»
Atlantic coil»!,
const, liHKt
must l><*
leal S'aaklua Kvrrr »rar.
first tiefems*. Th** mrror of the rilles
All lnvall«i woman livliis 1» tlui eoua*
along th** Atianth* «'oast «luring tlie
war with Kpaln cannot yet Io* «-iitlroly try la mainly roapenalbia for one of
forgotten. The navy Is always realty; tlM> most Ifiterratins plillanttiropl«-» of
bog«* appropriations for new ships ami ilia Cbrlatinaa »eaaou. Every year dur­
for th'* i'oustant pra<*tl>-e of o|«| ships ing the summer mo'itiia site dr«*ie«e» In
provide Unit th«* navy la prepare«l nt tlia most attractive manner ixxMlble list
11 moment's notice to defend the sens. dolls. HI m take« tile utmost pains with
But tin* coast artillery should lie no every single dolly, and when they are
less efficient »ml prepared. To lie ef­ «lone they are thing« to dream of. In
ficient tlie artillerymen require years uddltlon to their pretty drewo-s and
of careful Instruction amt yet In case dainty underwear, all of them have
of war they must Is* Instantly realty charming bonnets or hata or little knit-
for their work. '1 here Is then no lon­ ted Tam o’Hhantera, and their tiny feet
ger time to train roast artillerymen, are alxxl In dainty sllppem made from
national guard of this kid gloves. Toward the middle of Ire-
country will aupply th«* material for cember th« dollies are packetl in a box
all the regiments of Infantry and cav­ and dispatched tq tho clothing bureau
alry Hint may lie needed; hut, with at 3T/7 Mott »treet. where its o(>enlny
the exception of a regiment of heavy Is a great event. At the same time
artillery In Maaaacbuaetta an«! another toys of all sorts and conditions, which
In New York, together with two or have Ix-eri sent to the till read during
three companies
(Connecticut, the year, are brought from the I rchlves,
artillery and the bureau dona its holiday clotbaa.
from ftllltarlan interest» are rel«-gated to
whl«*h the war department could draw the background for the time being, and
material to mnn Its grout guns. Gen. the bureau go«-» in for tlie euperfiuoua,
Grant Is entirely right In his «lernnmi which, perhaps, gives more pleasure
for more coast artillerymen and for than anything It does during the year.
The dollies sell at from 5 to IS cent«
lietter pay and the next hrniy appro­
priation bill should Include provisions apiece, according to size, an<l when a
In accord with his reeommauiatlon.— mother has eight children to auprdy
with toys and six little daughters, wtm
t'hl«*ago News.
all want doll», »tie gets a "rake-off.”
The half dozen go to her for a mere
trifle. The clothing bureau Is not a
Can He Made for a Dime Through a money making conc-rn. but it always
Naw Ke< ret Process.
sells things at a nominal price, instead
American ami French chemists,oper­ of giving them away.
ating clandeatlnely In an Improvised
Christmas tree decoration» are In
laboratory in ttila city, claim to have great demand, and for a penny «me can
discovere«l a metlexl of making ruhlea, buy—if one comes properly nx-ommend-
saya the Kan Francisco Examiner. ed—any quantity of gew-gawa—a
Their process rivals the pr«xluct of na­ bun«h of rruniplv«l tinsel, several glass
ture. Worker» In the University of ball», with some of the glitter gone,
Washington lalxirntory claim that the ami a dainty wax ang«-l with a tip of
pri-i'lous atones can l><- turiieil out at a one wing missing.
profit for 10 cents apiece. Those In­
Kindergarten materials are also pop­
terested In tbe project maintain the ular, and brought tears to the eyes of
greatest »«x n-.-y, but Ur. II. G. Byer» one mother, who eagerly Ixiuglit a box
Is aald to have perfected the inven­ of them for her cripple«! daughter.
Every year the bureau semis Christ­
For we«-ks the chemists have work«! mas gr«-etliigs in the form of pretty
ami »ucweded In getting a form of l«>xes of carnly to its numerous patroua,
ruby, but somehow the coveted tint of and it is not uncommon for six or
the ruby manufactured In the labora­ eight of th«»«e boxes to go Into one
tory of nature was lacking, At last, home. -New York Tribune.
gh lug up In despair, tlie chemist»
sought the aid of Dr. II O. Byer»,
head of the department of chemistry
Alexandra of Great Britain Ila« Ono
at tlie Ktnte university.
for Kvery Day of the Week.
Some of the summer students work­
Although Alexandria, queen of
ing In the chemical laboratory of the
Great Britain and empress of India,
university who wltn«-»»«*d the experi­
has recently celebrated her sixty-first
ments there state that an analysis of
birthday anniversary, she permits no
the rubles by I>r. Byers emti revealed
sign of ugly old age to be seen. As
the dltllculty and chemists were en-
the oldest daughter of the king of
abltxl to make ;>erfi"ct rabies identical
Denmark she was famoua as a beauty,
In com|x>sltlon with those of nature
which beauty lasted long years after
and just as beautiful, at an average
her marriage.
coat of 10 cents aple«'e. In fact, one
The queen of England Is the mother
«if th«* students who held one of the
of six children, and the grand-dame
artificial genu In his han«l <I«X'lare«l
that It was absolutely perfect In every
When asked In regard to the matter,
Dr. Byers, while ndmlttlng that such
Investigation had been carrhsl on In
his laboratory. refux<*«l jxwltively to
dlxcuss th«' matter further than to say
that he was under obligations to pre­
serve tbe closret secr.'cy In regard to
the matter.
H bp I<»«I ou «.
The careless striking of a match set
a gas well on fire tlie other day, nnd
for one week it burned with fury.
Tbe nir was filled with the denfenlng
roar caused by the revert»eratlon« of
tbe escaping gas. Streams of water
were played on the tin- without effect,
Fnally a dam was constructed about
the well, and filled, The accumulation
uf water kept the flames down.
When the first use was made of the
natural gas wells, people of a certain
class were much disturbed. All sort*
of evils were predicted, and many let­
ter* of warning were received by the
companies In charge.
One man sent a caution against bor
Ing much into the earth. The world
wn« a hollow sphere, he aald. filled
with a gaseous substance, and floating
like a balloon in space. If the gas
were allowed to escape, disaster would
Another, claiming to be a scientific
man, assurt'd the owners of a well
that any fire coruing in contact with
the escaping gas would be communi­
cated to the gas beneath, and cause
terrific explosions. “Men are too In­
qulsltive.” ho said. “They peer ti»
far. lA»t them beware.”
The gas com pa nit*« have kept on
boring, and the world has so far held
Itself together.
CLAS j I litù/iü » ui. i ülNG
Pele, rihin,
Nervous ?
Portland Irad« Dvrctury
*•«*•» as» MdrmM la Parllaad •« R.erw
•<it« i*< Uttiin«»« Iirim.
wt 'FPI,IEH| Kixtak drvfh>rii<v And nrlnk*
. I
MAf»IC MUTUNI- WwteUr < «., I’ortlMki.
|4tw«R« pr ura on l«ntrriM and Mild»*«.
KI.AM'ni HO** I FRY ; Mtipp.triara, llrarra; K nN :«
»U; fv»a ineaNMerniaal blanks; W<axtartl, « lafti<
Then your blood must be in
a very bad condition. You
certainly know wh«t to take,
then take it —Ayer’s Sarsi-
parilla. If you doubt, then
consult your doctor. Weknow
what he wil! say about this
grand old family medicine.
Sold for over 60 years.
lloiisKMof all kinds for sale al aery raaaouabla
priera. Inquiro 276 Front ML,
i IKV^SEN aent on approval; w* cn»raniao At In
moot difficult mam ; w«Nxlard, t-larka A l’a
" A * * i FF.AM -*»■!,. i ion |>r prk<. ax
Medal peaa J. J. Itutser. 11» Front ktfoot.
A H I I KM I A I I i . - •■ > * r . »had»* and afcap* ,
M.riUkviil arot on approval; Woodard, llarko < •
< KI- AM «KPARATORA—We g oar an tea Iho U, H.
*♦ parai or to tn* the
Wrtto lor froo <aia.o<.
11-o . auxxl ( a, Fifth and Oak.
M I. \ M < ÍX»T HI NO — Huffurn .t Pondlaioa, anlo
ng* n a Alfred Han|amia .t to.’« correct clot has.
Ev» ry hl ng tn inea's I um lain nga Morrison and
Ml sth st roots, '»ppooite poaioftica.
Till« !• th«a flrtt qnwatl/vf? ymir dortnr would
wk . "Ar* yo'»r b"W a
*• H» know»
that dai-r action of tha low* • ta ab»olut»ly
»»«•Dtialto r«w*oF»ry K»-«p your Hv»r
and »<mr bowel» regular by taking laxative
do»»» of Ayer*» Fili».
< tie C amp !« fr
sat •<»o act. iMed d reet from alate. Writ« today.
H ook I Ct and map free. H. M. t uoko A Co., Ml
Aulor street, Furtlaod. Oregon.
A Mad» by J. C Ay»r Co., Low»ll, Maaa.
Aiao mao u fool a rars of
ii*ia vnot.
FOt Í.THY FOOD—If you want your hana to lay
more eggs wr tr us for free particulars about pv-
KINA FOI LI RY FEED»—Aciuo Mill» Co.,
Fort, sad, Orrpoa.
' IE NTS——1—
. TA fLOR m —Columbia Woolen Milla Co.. Portland,
Ore. I At eat style rtnfhxw marto to measure ‘heap.
Our self meaauremonl oyatem insures peri act «L
W rite for free sauiplea aud prices.
Mo Opporfuollr.
Job Sturky—If a street car conductor
should overlook you would you pay him
your fare anyhow?
Adam Zawfox—I've been waiting fif­
teen yeara for a chance to be tented that
way, but no blamed conductor baa ever
overlooked me yet.
Ts»« LAXATIVE HHOMOU u I b I b « Tallista. Dro«-
ÍM« refund money If II fai « to cur»,
E. W,
iKUVL'» «igBAlur« la ou each box. 26c.
Voral «lamber.
“Is John a sound sleeper?"
“Well, you just ought to bear him.1
—Baltimore American.
Motherswill find M’*. W!n»low’ii Soothing
Syrup the bent remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
A» Tbelr Shade«
FI A NOH A ORO A NM — Oldest piano houas on Fa*
ctfU roast, organa and Pianoa on easy payment*.
W rile b,r list, ¡¿.t U*quote you S price. Alien 4ft
OU bort HantaMer K, Postlaad, Oregon.
OHP" Herbs—Mp.
troubles. Corea BACKAt RE
Jäi* ^Tb r i MC.*** ior
Price 40c. I rial
’ • *•“<> «"dap-
■< Hoi,.pa.Inure, Men's
Toupees and W I go . best quality- lowest price«:
send for free price list : mail orders a specialty.
Far.» Hair Ktore, * m Waehlngtoa at.
Eat iwML
Why accept a lower rate r>! Is terr st from
oaring« banks when we own and offer for «ala
f-^O.OOU of the (1,000,000 Imie of the Mount
food Electric Co. (Portland, '’regon) 20 year
Gold Bonds, pajing '» per seat, »seared by a
First M< rtgage on |9,fiOOODO worth of property,
“afeat investment available
Write for par­
San Francisco, Col.
“Mr. A#*«op. I think you have never
met Baron Munchausen. Gentlemen, al­
low me to present you to each other.’
“Baron, I am delighted to meet you. I
know you quite well by reputation.”
“Sir!”—Chicago Tribune.
7^ ~
TÑ ERÉ lâJlg__
,P I
SO IT on
W. L. D ouglas
•3S4’3^ SHOES'.?.
W. L. Douglas S4.OO Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
Be« that they ara placed on yucr next order.
We aro Manufacturers and Importer» of
^uur t „ra
C apital »ayonoon
Wheat Bags, Oat Bags, Barley Bags,
Flour Bags. Hop Cloth, Ore Sacks and
to nine, and Is beside» the coruler of
hundreds of millions of subject». This Burlap of All Kinds. Bags of Burlap
with her age. is enough to whiten the and Cotton Manufactured by us.
the most youthful of auburn locks,
but to the world at large her hair
has the color and gloss of a girl's.
The queen has seven wigs. Each
one is an exact reproduction of the
other, and each is worn on but one
day of the week, One wig of the
queen is always on its way to Paris
to be redressed, and crosses another
1508-1514 Colorado Street,
on its way to London.
The face of Queen Alexandria is as
carefully tended as her nut brown
hair. The skin appears as smooth and i
pink and white as a baby's. There
is not a mark of care nor worry upon
du,rar, tkit ititaimrt.
HI could take you Into ■' three large factorle,
at Brockton. M om ., and ,hon you the Infinite
care with which every pair of shoes I, made yon
would reallce why W L. Doug la, »3 JO ahoe,
coat more to make, why they hold their «hapa,
tit better, wear longer, and are of greats.
Intrinsic value than any other LJ.SO «hoe.
W. L. O«'«Maa MTrMW Ma<le
Mnn, B2.5D. 93.00. aoyo'«o*oW4
Oraoe M om . 93.90. 93791.79.91.90
CAUTION. — ■"•»t up>'h baring WJ-Doug.
lx» »hoe«. Tike no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color Fuelets used ; thty will not u/oar brassu,
Write for Ill unrated Catalog.
W. L DOIGLAS. Brockton, M m «.
P. N. U.
N.. «2 0«
Get What You Ask For!
Hod«* the Goal.
The house is full of arnica
And mystery profound;
Wo do not dare to run about
One «it the Karly Instances.
Or make the slightest sound.
Esau had sold his birthright to Ja- We leave the big piano shut,
And do not strike a note.
cob for a moss of pottage.
"Jake.” he asked, "do you call this a The doctor's been here seven times
Since father rode the goat.
square deal?”
"You don't take the right view of It. He joiner! the lodge a week »go—
Esau," said Jacob, henignantly. "In
Got In at 4 a. in.
exchanging your birthright for what And sixteen brethren brought him home.
he says he brought them.
nmy seem nn Insignificant recompense
you are contributing to n great ele«'- His wrist was sprained, and one big rip
Had rent his Sunday coat—
tnosytiary institution, of which I am
th«* foreordained head. Think of the There must have been a lively time
When father rode the goat.
benefits It will confer upon the future
children of Israel!"
He's resting on the couch to-day
Herein we perceive that th«' latter
Anti practicing hia signs—
day magnates of great fiduciary Insti­ The hailiug signal, working grip,
And other monkeyahlnes.
tutions have no bulge, to speak of. on
tho Illustrious, undents.—Chicago Trib­ He mutters i>assworJs 'neath his breath.
And other things he'll quote—
They surely bad an evening's work
Foolish Man.
When father rode the goat.
"I'm tn very bad shape.”
He ha» s gorgeous uniform,
“That to?’’
All gold mid red mid blue;
“Yes. Doctor told me I might die
A hst with plume-s ami yellow braid,
any day now.'
Ami golden badges, too.
“Well, what's keeping you. now that
But somehow when we mention it
you've got his consent?”—Cleveland
He wears n look so grim
We wonder if he rode the goat
Or if the goat rode him.
A Word llant.
“Why do you carry a camera »bout —Mount Vernon (III.) News.
with you nil the time?”
Eureka I
“Great scheme. When I approach a
Archaeologist—Hurrah! I’ve discov­
bunch of girls the ugly ones run and ered it!”
the pretty ones stay.” — Cleveland
Artist—Discovered what?
Archaeologist—What the Venus of
Milo was doing with her arms. The
Cause of H.
Cholly—I admit It frequently take» position show»—
me some time to make up my mind,
Archi apologist—That alie was bang­
but------ ”
Miss repprey—Ah! Naturally. You Ing to a »trap in a crowded carl—
muat lose time In trying to locate IL— Cleveland Leader.
Philadelphia Ledger.
If you »ro bo mean you nro bound
Ix>ta of I*.
to make an enemy, pick out a lazy
"Has ahe ever had any experience man.
In speaking In public?”
Memory la a Nemesis thut is cou-
“Yes, Indeed. She has a box at ths
stuutly on our trail.
opera."—Cleveland Leader.
HERE Is a Reason—
Why the Good People of
America buy Cascarela as
Fast as the Clock Ticks.
Every second some one, somewhere.
Is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box of Cas­
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6—60 times to the Minute,
60 Minutes to the Hour. 3600 Boxes an
Hour, 36.000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours,
1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some.
Think of it—220.000 People take a
Cascaret tablet each day. Millions use
Cascarets when necessary.
The Judgment of Millions of Bright
Americans Is Infallible. They have been
Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rate
for over Six years.
a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind.
Over Five Millions of Dollars have
been Spent to make the merits of Cas­
careis known, and every cent of it would
be lost, did not sound merit claim and
hold the constant, continued friendship.
Patronage and Endorsement of well-
pleased people year after year.
There is also a Reason-
Why there are Parasites who attach
themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas-
caret's success—Imitators, Counterreitera,
They are Trade Thieves who would
rob Cascareis of the "Good Will" of ths
people, and sneak unearned profit»,
earned and paid for by Cascareis.
F" 1
B j
It is not an Experiment, not an Acci­
dent or Incident, but a sound. Honest
Business, based on Tlme-Trled-and-Tested
Merit never found wanting.
There is a ~
Cascareis are the Implacable foe of
All Disease Germs; the incomparable
cleanser, purifier and strengthener of the
entire Digestive Canal.
They Act like Exercise on the Bowel-
Muscles, make them strong and active—
able to Help Themaelves do their work­
keep themselves clean.
Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent
Childhood against the Dreadful Death­
dealing Dangers that threaten the Llvea
of the Little Ones.
They are Purely Vegetable, absolutely
Harmless, always Reliable and Efficient,
A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest
Product and a Disregard of the Purchas­
ers' Health or Welfare.
Beware of the Slick Salesman and hi»
ancient "Just as Good” story that com­
mon sense refutes.
Cascarets are made only by the Sterling
Remedy Company, and the famoua little
Ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box is hers
shown. They are never sold in bulk.
Every tablet marked "CCC.”
Be sure you get the genuine.
r r«r to our ruitKMi
We want to