Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, June 05, 1902, Image 4

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100 Doses
For One Dollar
Economy in medicine must I*
measured by two thing»—coat »nd
effect. It cannot l#e meanured by
either alone, it ia greatest in that
medicine that doc» tne moat for
the money—that radically and per­
manently cure» nt the least ex-
penge. That medicine is
The» Make the Dough Nowadays with
tha Higo of th, Irosa. Jaat a. th.
Ancient Rimana Did Kuparatitiona
that Dia Slowly.
which tbs chairman klinnHf hvwAi th»
in the ease In question Mr. rayne
forgot to prejiare his little slip, aud af
ter he had secured the uuauluioua con­
sent the speaker suddenly noticed tbs
lapse ou the part of the "gentleiuan
from Now “
York." and with a twlukle
in bis eye he very distinctly question-
cd. “who would the gentleuiau from
New York Ilk, appointed ou that com-
A profuse blush mounted Chairman
glanced hurriedly around at hla col-
leagues and the merriment be saw on
their faces ouly produced another
blush, it was 'up to” Mr. Tayue to
name bluiself as the bead of the inn
fereuce committee. 11» uttered an au­
dible "ah" and stopped again By i ..a
time all the old bauds at legislation
ou the floor were eujoylug Mr. Payne's
dljetiitua. and a hush spread over the
Mr. Payue made a bold
plunge to have It over and haltlugly
and blm-hlngly pronounced the words:
"I suppose It ought to be the chair­
man of the committee aud .Mr. Dalzell
aud Mr Richardson.''
At thia point, says the Washlugton
Star, the smile became audible around
Mr. Payne and the speaker, who was
also eujoylug the joke. announe#*d In a
ringing voice. “The chair appoints Mr.
I'ayuc. Mr. Dalzell and Mr. Richard­
son." After Mr. Payne had received
the mock congratulations of a dozeu
or so mein 1-era lie hastened to the of-
ticlal stenographer and whispered In­
atructions that nothing unusual ti «
made to apiwar In the Record.
Wliat suffering frequently results
from a mother's ignorance; or more
fre«|iiently from a mother's neglect to
properly instruct her daughter I
Tr Million says ” women ivuat suf-
4 r," ami young women are so tsught
There is a little truth ami a great deal
if exaggeration in this. If a you ig
woman suffers severely she n#*eds treat­
ment. ami her uiotiivr should
»be gets it.
Many mothers heal tat«» to take their
laughters to a phyaioian for examina­
tion but no mother need hesitate to
write freely about her daughter m
herself to Mra. I'iukhain'a Lalx»ratory
st l.yuu, Maas., nud secure from a
woman the most afiicient advice with­
out charge.
J. C. Williams, Attica, N.Y.
All serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.
Use it also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
Tkras sties: Me.. Mt. »1- AH Anmistt
Censal! yoer S«#rlor. If h* **y* ta«* •*,
tkaads a* ha «ay*. It ha tell« yon not
*• teka It. than don't taka It. Ha know#.
tL.”it ¿1th him. We ara «Him*.
J. C. AIXR CO.. Lowell. Mate.
of New York, Republican floor leader
and chairman of ths Ways and Means
Committee, undertook to secure the
appointment of a conference commit­
tee on a bill welch the Senate bad
passed with slight amendments over
the provision as It passed the House.
To those who do not know the metb
od pursued In the appointment of con
fereneg committees, the versatility of
the speaker In selecting such commit­
tees Is usually surprising. All Is easy,
however, when the chairman of the
committee from which the bill comes
complies with the practice, if? simply
pins a little slip of paper to the docu­
ment on which Is written the names
of the members lie desires appointed
and the speaker In announcing the
committee reads these names, of
Great Droughts In England.
The first great drought oa record hap
pened In G78 and the two succeeding
years, when, according to the records,
there was practically no rainfall In
England. In 879 the springs In Eng
land were dried up ami It was Impossi­
ble for men to work In the open air.
In IM>3 and 991 the nuts on the trees
were “roasted as If In an oven.”
After a man weight 170 pound», a
day never pusses that someone does not
tell him that he la getting fat Thia la
the experience of a man who haa not
gained two pounds In ten year».
In going Into a store to file a kick,
say, “There was a mistake made,” In­
stead of "You made a mistake.”
It gives confidence.
Ask for St. Jncobs
Oil. You will get
It has
the Best.
Conquered Poin for
Fifty Years.
Broncho Bill—S' you've lynched th
srrong (••Iler''
Rough Rills—Ye*,
he wa* th’ fi ller that ■tola
but h«' wasn't.
Broncho Bill—Huh! Yon should be
.•ireful how you stretch your imagina-
Sh* Did.
"I'll get even wid 'em, for dis-
•bargin' me!” iuninble«l the cook lady,
lilting up the register and <lr«qq>itig a
1'iiir of her old »hoe* down tbs hot air
pip», just l»'h'rv »lie w«'iit away
An<l tlio"»* "Id «hoes avenge«! her for
nearly a week before th« family found
out what w»s the matter.—Chicago
n—I have thtee.
One by
two by annexation—Chi-
tin Market W*# Brooklyn,
exclaimed tli*
“No sir!”
mouth«*! drummer in the smoker.
“I'm protnl to say that no house in the
country ha« more ncn puxiiing ita lin«
ol goods than our« '*
“A'hul do you sell?'* a«k«<l a ■'urioiia
“Baby carriages.”— Sy ra< u*e lient Id.
Little Liver Pills.
I ac-SI.ll, Wrapper ttelew.
• ’’-'s« '""
*’* -ion».#
.’»Cart# I rtnsty ViWetaMe
’ J
lh,"f for lice
KOWKN, Ceas* Ag*„ts, I>«,rl1an«l, Ore , *„d *.B|I|.
. ........... -------------------------------------------------------- il
< —-----------
1--- 1'
No Htsiil««.
- -..................
- -«=
J»'1«" M-AIIUter ,
\\u*t 33r,| st
J'*' - '■"*
Mitili., a* f,,II,,'
“I auffered for yeara wlth
thè «mali of mv back «n 1 .V1" »
It Interfcred <>flr.
rl<h» M<k
,w,,uld he iure,!, " ,
«.««, i «<’«.
thatlfrlt emuuraged ‘
“I look it falllifully for
?h‘,."in' U,PPy ‘"d,:vd
he abkn,^
that I am entlrely lurc(1
..... ixarss
Th.- grn.it popiil.Hty of |'„ttna
catarrh remr.ly Im. t.<n.rtM nun.
pio to imitato Pi-runa. A gn-«t '„P
•--•allr.1 <at»rrhrrm.«|,„
tonica «ra t,,1 » ],„„„]
storca. Thca* r«m<«!iet <*n |.
currel by th. druggtet n)Or|,
than Veruna
P«-r ma ran «mi. b*T
tainc-l at a uniform pri.e, in,j
giat rtin gvt it a rent i heap r.
Tini* it i* that drugigq* ir* trBl|,H
to sulwtltota tl.« , |„-,|, h»itlttua; .
Perlina for Paruna. R i, ,|„M
day without a doubl.
Addrea» Dr. ilartman, prr,i.|eBI
The Hartmun Sanllariiim, Col»»!,,
A K««fxr of Sunt*
Ixly—fto the <lrv.«maker)—Dri t.g
tall Mrs. Ik« I'rvMter lliirlingan#« «lu
my cixituina fur th« ImII «*« to I»’
Modista—Oli, n<>, madam! I nex
divulge profersinnal n«-rvt«
I A<ly— »» hit I« her* hite?
Modiste—It'* in oolonial styl«,
madam.—Boston llorsld.
Hl* Stsrlti.
“Bunkins takes life very easily,”
“But he is alnsy, tol'pig hard
“Yes; but that «he«« hl« «hh'ri.
ne-aa. H he put in all the time Irli'
funny storie» i-eople « .<il<| ,«y h* <*
loafing—Waahmtg, n Mar.
. • fis s s • » • «ses •«»»*•»••..#,
An anal Y
<lrr (!>•<!«« by» ttetnhl Jafl II
II U» I nt |# i rer ati-1 •<r. n<cr itaii fini
<«t h. f ;
a <
Il y u want thr heal Hakhf
|*«>wder Inalat < Il M tiot»
Ail t*<h
rlaMi grtM•'a lian<!l«< M< ii<>|o)aitrorrMe«
WAtW1A.Mll A kl WR MOK.RrtteW.
• . ................... ...
___ »» ortlahd phi ___ J
I* li » H C 1 »> A C
on ho|R antj 1» worth hv« time» it» J»t
' "■
. trueat republican dignity that It Is
trauscrlbeil here
Iler Moat Kieeellrnt Majesty Nathalie,
Queen of H«rvla.
Madam: I hasten to acknowledge
the very nueipet-teil honor conferred
by your majesty In tranainlttliig
through the Nervlan lle<| <.'roa* Ko-
clety the diploma ami beautIfttl deco­
ration of that association
Thia recognition of the Intereat 1
have taken In measures tending to
mitigate the calamities of war I* pe­
culiarly gratifying as coming from a
-■ountry that, although old In history.
I* still young lu the freehm-ea of it*
natural reaoureee and the brave, hope­
ful hearts of Its people. That llo-lr
hopes may l>e realised In a long ca­
reer of liberty and prosperity must lie
the sincere wish of every American.
I am on the point of sailing for Fit-
rope to attend the Rr«l ( rose ami
peace conventions, which aaacml.le at
Geneva. In the tx-glnulng of Kr|.tembcr,
when 1 hope to have the pleasure of
meeting (he representatives of Kervla.
That your tuajraiy and royal consort
may long continue to promote the Imp-
plneea and welfare of your beautiful
country la the hope and desire of your
uiajesty'e moat <#t>edlent servant,
I'realdeiit American lied Cross Asso­
Th« addreaa "Madam" at the begin­
ning of the aliove epistle, the son .roue
title that belong* to every American
queen. I* In perfectly good form ae-
«■onllng to the authorltle*. and also a
most com I»« an.l dlgnlfl<-<1 d«< laratluu
of stalwart Indrp« n-L n-e
W«nt«d Io Try II
Monkey ami I*##« of Jam.
Farm-r—Yes; 1 w<<rk from daylight
A »»n't little story concerning a pet
to dark.
monkey au>l n pot of Jam Is vouched
City Man—You're not
for by a Johns llopkin* I'nlveralt/
ennni, are you?
Farmer—No; f'va heard of tha
It was In the country ami all on a
blame I thing, and sometimes I !•*?! as
if I’d like t • ham » little of it, lw a summer*a day the family monkey was
homeward literally
change. — New Orleans 1 inie« I>eniocral. seen
drenched In raspberry Jam
lie was
[eirauiMl by an Irate nclglilmr with up­
fili Tura N«xt
Kiiui t.entletnan — Why are y<>u cry- lifted broom, but once safe on to the
home plat he swung himself lightly
ir.g, mv little man?
I itti» lloy—I’« .-aune mv tua islii'ltin' Into the ncnr<*«t tree ami |x-n«-efully
my little brolher for n>.iii*tliing aot ! llstem-d to her tale of wrong.
It seems the n«-lglilx>r had aome
Rimi Gentleman—What a «•ontcien- hours Ix-fore tx-rn making jam. a great
bowl of which sat cooling on a table
tioua little gentleman.
Little Boy—Itut niy bruther'll teli Ix-iMutli the trees
This the tuonkey
ber it «ili me, and then l'il ketch il. spliol. but ha<l ecarcHy started liberal­
B#«eboo.—Ohio State Journal.
ly helping hltnaelf to It when he was
With loud outcry and the
Th< On«# Io Avoig.
broom the lady start««! towanl him,
Old Man—If you «mild »elect a when the mlachlevmis Ix-aat. knowing
g<x>l wife, my young friend, you munt his minutes wore numlierel, liawilly
avoi'l the «lem-endanta of a c#<ratin fam- overturned the bowl ou the table.
ous woman.
Then rolling blniaelf Joyously In It sev­
Young Man—I shall rertamly lined
eral Him*« from head to heels lie seam-
yoru advice. Who was «he?
|M-r«x| lieyoml her r«*a<'h. I Hiring tha
Ol«l Man—Evo.—N. Y. Weekly.
recital of her woe, ami. In fact, for tha
remainder of the day. the monkey sat
Out of a Knolhel«.
ecooping the aw«xqni«at from Ills Ixxly
ils (Just introduced)—What a home­
end licking his paws with glee.
ly person that gentleman is near the
piano, Mrs. Black.
A Carlon* Tip.
She—Isn’t he. That’s Mr. Black.
A certalu little l letnlsh watering
“How triisitis, Mrs. Black, that the
homeliest men sis its get the prattieet place, which la much frequented by
Engllah and American visitors lu the
summer, |xi*s««Mee two attractions In
the shape of a l*r<<abyt«rlan place of
worship »n«l a roulette table. One of
the "faithful” had quite recently a
moot Ingenious Idea, says the Ixnidou
Ttmea. After the number of the hymn
suc<«»*dlng the sermon was given he
stole away, made bls way to the table,
and Invested all he was worth on tbs
number <»f the hymn. Needleos to «ay
the number turned up. aud the lucky
coop ttecamo the talk of the ylllage for
the reel of the week
Next Nutiday
the church was craiunie<1 to the door.
The pious pastor was rcjolcel tn heart.
After a powerful addrees he gave «>ut
"Hymn No. 27."
The moment the
words left bla Bps. t«t bls consterna­
tion there was a rush to the door, and
bo was left with a faithful handful to
upraise their agitate«! strain of pralsa.
Muet Bear Signature of
Aa for the root, they made a bee lino
from the house of prayer to the house
of play. We are happy to relate that
their little adventure cost them very
K. J.
M ami I \ talue«| K«»u ven Ira*
on Poultry,
kill the Hee. Never fall. Snl.l hy dealer,.
.„dD.oo Lr «a1"’"
, n
On* of th* most Ix-autirul of mi *»
Clara Barton's foreign souveulra la a
toatliuunlal she recolv*«l ou tbo av* of
her departure fur Geurva as delegate
to the lied Gros* luteruatloual Con
volition In I KN A from Nathalie, then
(Juoeu of Nervis If |a »
cross, the laxly of which la red eu
amcl. with th« Korvtsu cost of anna In
gold ou one aide aud the date of their
scccm I ou to the brotherhood, INTO, on
the other, lint the moat delicate part
Of this compliment resides In tin- feet
that the cross la mounted on our own
rod, white, and blue ribboa, I bit* (-u
abllug Ml##* Barton to wear the colors
of her country even when donning the
La.lge of Korvla.
A diploma creating her a uiemlx-r of
I the Nervlan Noclety eaiue with tb|*
eroaa from the president of that asso­
ciation, together with a letter declar­
ing fliein a recognition of Iler services
, to the brotherhood and the Servian
wouuded during the Franco Frusalau
Miss Barton's reply
| queen la so very symbolical of the
OoUCreMOaeor Ml*. cur.
A«k for th«' best em­
brocation. you'll get
It would be surprising. Indeed. If
there were uot many superstitions
The one iudlspemtabla
about bread,
article of food Is uaturally lu every na­
tion a favorite subject of folk lore. No
French peaaaut beglus a new loaf with­
It purifiea and enriches the blood, out crossing it with the knife The
cures pimple», eczema and all English superatltl<Nl that bread cracked
eruption», tired, languid feeling», in the baking portends unsfortuues in
loss of appetite and general debility. the family has taken root lu America.
In Germany, too. the housewife still
-I kava taken l(«xxl'a Sprsapar Ila and toand
it reliable and giving perfect mu .faction. It believes that cracks on the top of the
take# away that tired fueling, give, .tiers) and loaf of bread Indicate the death of some
put. lb, blood tn »00.1 condition " Mis. KWIB one iu the household, or. perhaps, mis
Corox as. i.su loth ei.X. w , Waahlagtoa, D.C, fortune to a dear friend, while cracks
Woo«/'* Saeaaaaeln, pronf/»«, ro on th« lower side of the bread arv
•*e* *#,4 Aeeawi rfM aeomlM.
taken to indicate a birth.
As many of us know, our bakers
Quieting Suspicion.
“My dear,” said the Suspicions mark the sign of a cross u|x>u the
Wife, “this sealskin jacket you gave dough before placing It In the oven
me for Christmas has the odor of gaso­ The reason tor making this sign be­
come« plain when we know the origin
“Very likey,” answered the Crafty of the custom. Almost all our super­
Husband. “Butyou know Santa Claus stitions nlxiut bread date back to
old pagan days, though they have been
ia using an automobile now.”
Nevertheless, she had her doubts greatly modifled so as to conform to
August Pfslzgraf, of South
With the aucleut
about it, fearing he had puichased the Christian beliefs
Byron. Win . luotlwr of the young l.nly
garment second-hamled of a cleaner.—
nlvi«' portrait we here publish, wrote
was often invested with a religious
in January, 1800, aa.ving her «LiughUtr
Baltimore American.
h id suftc'.a.l for two rears with irrer
significance, ««specially the cakes of­
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow s Sooth­ fered te the gods and goddesses. These NOTHING LIKE THE FRESH AIR. ular menstruation— na«l lieadntlie all
the time, and pain in her aide, het
ing Syrup the be-t remedy to use tor tbeir cakes were prepared In a particular
It Won't Hurt Woman'« Completion strolled, and was generally mb orablc
children during the toethtug period.
way, aud after being uiarktxl with ths
in Any Weather.
She rreeived an answer promptly with
symbol of the deity lu whose honor
"New York women will continue to ndvice. aud uu<ler date of March. 1S99.
Sure Sign.
they were offered, they were sup|>osed
t te mother writes ngaio that I.ydla E
have to ruu to the complexion special­ Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cured
Jester—Bobeter has in him the mak­ to possess supernatural virtues.
ist«,“ said a physician, "until they--
ing of a great artist.
The old domestic practice was iikx II- lenrn to apprectat» fresh air better. her daughter of ail paius and irregu­
Jimson—What makes you think so?
fled when Christianity be«auie triumph­ The air need not necessarily be cold,
Nothing lathe worhl «x|uals Lydia 1»
Jester—Because he painted a picture
ant, and. in place of a pagan symbol, but It must be fresh. It should be re­ Pinkham's great nmdicin«« for regu­
recently, and when he looked at it,
the early Christian housewife not ouly membered that catching cold depends lating ivotuaa'a peculiar monthly
later, he couldn't tell what the sub­
use«l to make the sign of the cross
.« great deal more on stale air and
ject was.—Ohio State Journal.
when she Ix-gaii to knead the dough, , draughts than upon cold air. and the
but she mark««! that sign upon her lost i very worst colds are caught when one
CIT# Permanrutlr Cured. So fit» o.- nervouane®
Ano.her Keaton.
• IlW gftrr tirn lav« irei'flir Kiiee'f Greet Nervt before placing it in the oven.
is tired and goes out Into the air feel-
“1 thought liiffkins said he « an g
Xwrtor'r. Saud tor FR EE 9*4.00t rial bottle an I treat-
tea. Da. RHKuxa. Ltd Wl Arch St.. Philadelphia. Pa Simply because the s'gn of the cross Is i lug fagged
To avoid colds and keep ing to church this morning.”
the recoguized Christian protecting
one's bt-iilth be sure that the air la
“No. The minister a«ke<l billl to
mark against the attacks of evil spirits,
At the Peeks.
Let there be free ventilation. give his reasons for not going, and he
“Humph!'’ said Mrs. Henry Pe«k,
With care this can be secured without is staying at home to write them.”—
“this paper has a lot of alleged jokes marked with the . toss is sup]>o«ed to draughts or an oversupply of cold air. Cleveland Plain l>caler.
about women giving their husbands be wit< b proof, w ill bake all right, not
"I went into a living room a few
cigars for Christmas presents. I think crack across th«* top. etc.
What It* May ti«'< Meant
days ago The walls were bung with
Just as the .lows have Passover
that any woman who is fool enough to
Miss Smith—Tim doi t
pictures and the door with tapestries.
give her husband a box of those vile cakes, and other |x«>p!es have had spe­ Ibe windows were richly decorated that I'll never see forty,
things ought to—why,
where has cially prepared final for their rellgfors
a fit
with hangings and on the panes buug that he niesns that
festivals, ao Christians have cakes for
Henry gone?"
costly transparencies. But th»y were malady ?
our hot <*roaa buns
But Henry was out in the hall shak­ certain seasons
Miss Judson — Not at all; he
tightly closed, and though ths room
ing hands with himself.—Baltimore on Good Friday are simply modern
was neither too hot nor too cold. It that you’ll never get through
representatives of the cakes used at
was Intolerably close. When I Mcap- thirty-nine.
some old pagan f«*stival. lu days gone
Into the air I remember?«! having
A ah Tour Dealer Vor Allen'« Foot-Ea*a, by. the cakes and buns link ««I at Eas­
Cloit Call.
A powder. It Cure« Swollen. Sore. Hot, Callous, ter were support'd to possess great vlr- noticed a largo swelling upon the chin
an awful tinio when 1
Arhtng.xweatln» Feet and Ingrowing Nall«. Make*
of one of the two daughters. The
new nr light aboe* eaay. At all Drngglal* and shn* tue. Thus. It Is an old belief that the
refuse«! him.
»torea, 25 <-entA Accept No SilbMItule. Sample
observance of eating cross buns on
tree Addrm Allen B. Olmate.1, LeBoy, N. T.
Mamie—H ow <lo you mean?
Goo«l Friday insures, so to apeak, the other daughter had simply a wretche«!
Clara—Why, he took it in earnest,
house from Are for the coming year.
Fran« Lowtrt Rite# tor 'Phon**.
ami 1 had to explain that I didn’t
merely opening the window would
mean it.—Town Topics.
The minister of police and tele­ We still eat a certain kind of pancake
graphs, M. Millerand, announces a on Shrove Tuesday. The practice Is
Th« Neighborly Quality.
general reduction in the price of tele­ referr«*«! to in "Ail's Well That Ends
itely better health could they bare had
Mr«. Ascimi—Slut in a very neighbor-
phone service throughout France.
In Well." where the clown speaks of a
better air In which to sit and work. ly woman, isn’t she'.’
Paris the rates are reduced from ISO to •'pancake for Shrove Tuesday.” In
"No danger to the complexion nee<!
“Pericles" they are called "flapjacks”—
Mia. Snap]»'—¥<•«;
|60 per year.
he feared, even from tbs freezing air
Another reform is the reducing of
of winter. If proper precautions sre
the charge for pneumatic transmitted
In truth, to study the superstitions
taken, if I were a woman with a dell
messages from 10 to 6 cents.
about bread Is to take a wide lesson
A Pecuniary Fatigue.
«•ate skin before I went out on a very
in folk lore. These superstitions relate
cohl day 1 would rub a little cream
“fion't forget,” said the willing
Stop guessing! Try a certain cure for to the kneading trough, the oven, bak­
all painful ailments by getting at once a ers aud bread. For Instance, hi many Into my skin, and I would wear a veil worker, “that money talks.”
without dots, at least without dots
“Ye*," answerel Senator Soighnm, «
bottle of Hamlin's Wizard Oil.
parts of France the "arelie” or knead­
where the eye» came, and 1 would get little gb omy, “but I can’t help wishing
ing trough. Is more than a rude kitchen
The Red Paint
utensil; it Is often a pretty bit of furni­ one as thin as possible, so as not to you lovs woiihl select another phono
««•cagionai ly." — Washington
M Sebillot. who Ims I'ollected Interfere with my enjoyment of the graph
”8cuh a joke on Mr. Gaybov!
air. Then I would go out Into the Star.
were out on the balcony between the many of the superstitions of the
weather, sure that 1 would not be
dance«, and he got the sleeve of his coat French folk relative to bread, quotea
Al Mr. C. L'nderstandi.
roughly used. A healthy woman, tak-
all over red paint from one of the posts the story of a thief who entered the
Mrs. Crimson Iwak—Before abe «a*
lug such care of herself, may chap a
that were just painted.”
married, I un<ler«tand, she used to
Maud—And did you go near tha mit burglary, but refused to step on little an.l redden much, but the clear
dance for money.
the trough still containing the dough, pink and white or olive and red of her
now, I
believing that to do so would be an complexion will always show to ad
“No. Why?”
understand, if sb«« don't get money,
“Because you have red paint all over Impiety. This is similar to the Ameri­
she male'« her husband dance.—Yonk­
the back of your waist.”—Harlem Life. can story of two hungry burglars who
ers Statesman.
refused to satisfy their hunger with DAMAGES FOR MORPHINE HABIT
There is a great deal of satisfaction the meat which they found In a well- Curious Lawsuit Recently Tried In the
to the busy housewife in the thought stocked larder because it was Friday.
English Courts.
that she can »end to her grocer for a
A writer In one of our magazines
The English m#*di<'al journals con
certain brand of canned goods ami feel says that in Gottland the cross is still tain reports of a curious law suit
suro that she will be pleased with her signed before the oven tire is light<>d
which lias just been on trial In an En­
purchase. You can always have confi­ or the dough kneaded. This practice
The liability to disease is greatly
glish court. A nurse brought action
dence in the result if you ask for and Is very common In the country districts
le. sened when thebl«xxi is ia good con­
against her physician for alleged mal
insist upon Monopole canned goods. all over Europe. In Brittany the house­
dition. and the circulation healthy and
practice in prescribing morphine for
They are as pure and good as extreme wife makes the sign of the cross with
vigorous. For then all retuse matter
her In therapeutic doses, and thereby
is promptly carrietl out of the system ;
care and careful selection can make the right hand while she place» the
Inducing In her the morph hie habit.
left hand In the trough,
After the The doctor was accused of negligence otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
dough Is kneaded the lid of the trough and n desire to get rid «if a trtiuble — fermentation would take place, the
Needed Invention.
Is shut, an«! so Is the door; for If a some patient. It Is to the credit of blood become polluted and the consti­
The man who had reached the pina- cat should enter the room the bread the jury that, having beard the plain­ tution so weakened that a simple
cle of wealth by a sudflen spurt drew woukl not rise. Certain charms of in­ tiff's side of the case, they stopped the malady might result scniously.
A healthy, active circulation means
the typewriter salesman aside and vocations are used to cause the bread trial, ami expressed the opinion Hint
good digestion and 6trong, healthy
said: “Er—haven’t you some kind of to multiply Itself. Thus, the peasant
the action ought never to have lieeu nerves.
a machine that will help a man who housewife adjures the dough to Imi­
As a blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
has been careless with his spelling?”
tate the leaven, the wheat, the miller,
The case sugg<-«ts some rather curl
has no equal. It is the safest and best
“Oh, yes,” responde«! the salesman; and to rise. She would be very angry
ous reflections We do not doubt that remedy for old people and children
“here is one that will blur any word if any one should sing or whistle In the
some physicians are sometimes rather because it contains n* minerals, but is
when it is doubtful; all you have to do room while she Is making the loaf.
careless In prescribing such drugs as made exclusively of roots and herbs.
ia to press the key.”—Chicago Daily
In some parts of Europe the bake morphine and cocaine; but It would lie
No «>ther remedy so thoroughly and
oven Is almost a sacred object. In cer­ difficult to apportion the exact degree effectually cleanses the bl«xjd of im-
tain places of Brittany, for example, of responsibility and the exact amount
P’lritif5' Atthe
A Kaniai Obituary.
I It 1» dedicated with ceremonies; the of damages. If every morphine flend
it. "« same tune it builds
A Kansas editor wrote this obituary wood Is sprinkled with blessed water;
up the weak an«l de-
were to have redress in court from
notice: “He was born May 3, 1875, the proper heat Is attested by the melt!
kJroh. jB bilitatc«!, and reno-
every physician who had ever pre­
and therefore escaped this earth in time Ing of a bottle, and. Anally, an egg 1»
vates the entire sys­
scribed s dose of such drugs for him
to celebrate his 27th birthday in the broken for luck. Besides, there are
or her. The precedent established by tem . It cures permanently all manner
house of hi» eternal abode beyond the certain days on which bread must not
one such case would be rather dis­ of blood and skin troubles.
archin skies, leaving terrestrial land on be baked, as on Good Friday or during
Urbans, O wrltesi
to every doctor In active prac­ .. Tir-A,®'
Friday, March 19, 1902, at 9:30 p. m., the night of All Saint», when the
“ I had Ecssma <m my hand* and f»cp for
break out In Httlo
central time.
ghost» would be sure to eat It.—House­
whits piiatuls«, era*!« would fo. m mi l
that the plaintiff was a nurse, and drop
red and inflam­
hold Words.
knew well the dangerous effects of ed. Ths doctor* did mo no good. I iisod
alltho medicated«oapaan l ««Iven without
the drug which she continued taking benefit. 8. 8. 8. cured m*. and my «kin
of her own accord, should have been la *a dear and smooth a* any one'*.”
Mr«. Henry fîtegfried, of Ospo May, N.
Uow Mr. Payne Managed to Get o. enough to satisfy her lawyers that she J., nay* that twenty-one bottle* of tl. H. 8.
had no claims either In justice or In cured her of Ctncer of the breast. Doo-
a Committee.
tor* and friend* thought her ca*«> hope-
How much embarrassment a very law. Such remote consequences are
small deviation from the customary hardly to be appraised at a money
Bichard T. Gardner, Florence, n. O„
for year* with Boll«. Two bot­
paths of procedure can cause the one value, or to be ascribed to the fault of «uittorod
“ 1 have kept Ayer’s Cherry Pec­
tles ot 8. H. H. put hla blood In rood con­
who makes ft on the floor of the a physician who had merely given the dition and the Boil* disappear^«!.
toral in my house for a great many
years. It is the best medicine in
Send for our free book, and write
House of Representatives was lllus drug In therapeutic doses. I’hlladel
the world for coughs and colds.”
our physicians about your case.
trated one morning when Mr. Payne phis Medical Journal.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Duty
of Motherti
MftoAe//, Zewfs * **»*
■•»«Is, »Sek»'«*. I*01"4.
I'ortl»“. •"•
Victor Rakes
No OffKnse Intended.
A regular customer of a certain <•011
oempany drojiped Into the office of the
flrm one morning to make a complaint
“That coal you sold me for my funuiro
a few weeks ago,” he said. "Is th<
vent I have had In ten years. There'»
a great quantity of alate In It. and
what Isn't alate runs to clinkers."
"Sorry to hear It, Mr. Williams." »»Id
the man Inside the railing. “I'll make a
memorandum of It. Perhaps the com­
pany will give you a rebate on It.”
Taking a slip of paper, he wrote a
Wa want I»
X"" " ' ‘¡"J."'"’
few words on It and hung It on u hook.
JiiRt drop
n ,,,,e
The customer, happening to glance at
the slip of paper, saw this: "<J. 0.
J. A. FREEMAN. Cicnl. Ai«
Williams. B»«1 egg”
200 Usai w*“' ’‘"„-„nos,
"Ko I’m a bad egg. am I?" he nskeil.
Walter A. Wood and Minnie I a I^
reildenlug with Indignation.
"Oh, not at all, Mr. Williams,
lly explained the clerk. "That
Summer Résolutions
the egg coal we sold you turns
be bad."
And the customer reddened again,
hut not from Indignation.
W Keeley Cur»
Some mon arc so tnenn timt when
They attend n hnll gaum, they want to
»00 the home tonni heilten
like »Jjajjr boi, r«..|y for u„.
euaaia- (
niv» brtur .»U«r».ll<«n lh»n «»rl»IM*
Ih» tnarlirt «I «o»»hln< Ilk» Ih» I»«», •»
r«u«« th<’V «r»
■land •H>r*MOfi f-wh" ir«»n corner»
I rm H pii , bri»«-« on •hall*
growlh wh^rte. •rrpwwl rim«. •» P« •*"
to fewI «un» lital you ar* fHflnf
•y’« worth, »«k h»r • •'
••MiirhriiH (iifnmy) nu«y. "•n*
•n!«*o Ihrin.
Nome people go to great troubla to
acquire fooliabnoaa.
ff» Pa
■I km writing