Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, May 16, 1901, Image 4

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    *SumorT Feed
on Humors
Th* Sooner You Out Rid of Thom
the Better.
Tn the Spring there's an effort of
Nature to cleanse your system.
You know this by the pimples and
other eruptions on your face and body.
In the Spring, therefore, is the best
time to take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
For the quickest results.
But whenever taken, this great
medicine thoroughly cleanses the sys­
tem, gets into all Its nooks and cor­
ners, removes all humors and all
unhealthy accumulations.
** Hood's Sarsaparilla Is an excalltnt
blood purifier. We had a little boy with us
whose bands and face were broken out
with sores. We save him Hood'« Sarsapa­
rilla and the sores ewn disappeared."
J obs S cbwab , Nipomo, Cal.
Aocwpt No Subetltuto.
Poor Old Coal.
riwler Watsav
Strange acquaintance, are to be mad.
under water. H. l'belpa Wbltmarsh.
who for a time adopted the calling of
pearl-ttsher In Australian waters, tells
this story of meeting a submarine mon­
It was a muddy day. and everything
In consequent* looked blurred and ex­
In the yellow distance I
saw an Immense dark object moving
slowly toward me. As It came nearer,
I made out a central body with several
groat arms or feelers waving rhythmic­
ally. My heart was In my mouth.
1 felt sure It was an octopus. Then,
when I was about to sttr up the mud at
my feet, to avoid being seen, I discov­
ered that the enemy was nothing more
than a fellow diver. The feeler. I had
Imagined were bls arms, legs and lines.
A shadowy giant about twelve feet
hlgb. with buge hands and a head like
a small barrel, was approaching He
walked slowly, bts heavy boots raising
the mud behind him like a cloud of
dust, and his great central eye gleamed
darkly. Although 1 knew him to be a
man. It was with difficulty that I re
trained from taking to my heels At
sight of me. he. too. was startled; but
he quickly recovered, and we ebook
bands. Then we nodded, grinned,
showed each other tbs stat« of our
bags, and parted.
"Bulgey claims that he has more
social engagements than he can fill.
Does he really shine in society?”
The Steam I. ocohioi Ive Doomed.
"Oh, yes. Didn’t you ever see that
It is elsinied that a itliin a fi« » ears lhe
dress coat of his?
There was never •let-trie muter * ill complete y -iieplanl lhe
steam kx-oniolive, amt train» a ill liien rush
another so shinv as that.”
along at a snee«i of 100 miles an hour. To
travelers this will prove a great l- e.-int.
Simplicity In Funerals.
but no more so than Hosteller - Ntonuti li
Ritters, has proved a blessing to th«>»e «* no
The simplicity which marked the wish to regain their hrl.'h «pucklv The
ancient Jew ish burial ceremonies has Ritterscuredysnepsia.inibgestioti. t> ion»
much to commend it even to us. The iiess, malaria' lever ami ague, also im­
inexpensive coffin and the uniform proves the appetite and purii es the blotkl
linen shroud served to emphasise the
equality of all in death.
As things
Let me see, didn’t
are today the rich tax their brains to
invent new funeral fineries and the Strickland marry one of Old Smiley’s
poor impoverish themselves to keep girls”
Second Crony—Yea.
up with their wealthier neighbors.
First Crony—By the way, though,
isn’t Smiley dead”
Second Crony—He was the last
heard of him.
RvvoluGrtnurv HoliUer*«
Horne bv Munv Other-.
Baron Steuben, tlie bluff’ ol«l aoldler
of the Revolution, was greatly belove«l
by his men. He was enlle«! evi-rywher«
"The Baron," nml to on«* woninn. w ho
came to him asking |>ermissloii to nit me
her child for him. he said, "And what
will you call hint?" For. like all tith'd
personnges. he hail a profusion of
"Why," «al«! the woman. "I’ll call
bint Baron."
Baron he wits, ami «0 were tho other
namesakes. Ituleed. when th«* old sol­
dier was urged to lay aaltl« Ills title.
In the enthusiasm of the Freiieli Revo­
lution. he answered that It would be
of no use. Thor«* were too many Baron
Steuliens In exlatence.
One full grown namesake he ac­
quired under peculiar elrcuniatancen.
When be was one day Inspecting a
Connecticut regiment he found a fine-
looking sergeant. miuie«l Jonathan Ar­
nold. The baron had been one of the
court which hs«l unwillingly condemn­
ed Andre, and he detested the “wretch
who drew hint to death.” So he advised
the man to change his mime.
"Rut what name shall 1 take?” cried
“Any name you please." answensl
the baron. "Take mine. It’s at your
So Jonathan Arnold duly became
Jonathan Steuben, and under that
name fought bravely and well When
he returned to bls Conni'cticiit hottie,
after the war. he married, and bls son
was named after the old soldier. "Fred­
erick William." To lilni Baron Steuben
willed a farm, and Ftwlerlek William
Steulien. a good soldier In the War of
1S12. died in the service.
Marvel Watch of Oww«ww.
A manufacturing firm of Geneva,
Rw Itserlaud, has for many years been
making a specialty of complicated
timepieces and a watch placed on view
at the Taris exposition Is regarded by
them aa their highest achievement, lu
It they have overcome problems which
were before considered Inaolvable. ami
have succeeded lu retaining the size of
the watch within a convenient limit of
a pocket timepiece namely, twenty
llgnea, corresponding to the American
eighteen else.
But two of these
watches have ever been constructed.
One of these was purchased direct from
the workshop of the flrm to lie added to
the magnificent watch collection of A.
I'ontl, the celebrated amateur of Mllau,
This watch, which lias a perpetual
calendar indicating the days of the
mouths, the days of the week and the
phases of the moon, also possesses
separate small dials, upon which
shown automath-ally for a given
tilde the time of the rising of the
and the time of Its setting The
tleulty overcome here was great,
what comprises the merit of the piece
Is that. In connection with the mlnuli
baud, which shows the mean time (the
time w«> use). It carries another baud
which Indicates the aim’s time (the true
This hand, moving from the
center as do the bands showing the
mean time, constantly travels with
them and places Itself each «lay at mid
night lu the position It should occupy
In order to Indicate for that day the
difference between the mean and true
time. The variation Is very great, being
as much as fift«*en minutes In our di­
rection or the other. Thes«« dates are
April 15. June 15. Sept. 1 and Dec. 25.—
Jewelers* Circular.
City filler’» Advanta*..
"That then1 farm.” said the driver,
"on the off side, belongs to a feller
in town that runs it for his health."
“How doe. he get along?" uskisl
the drummer.
“Oh, ‘bout *• well’s the rest of us.
nlv he don’t have to buy no gold
s to come out loser, like we do.”
To Mother» of 'Machinery, Implements,
Large Faniilios
Farm Supplies, Etc.
In Vil« workaday world few wonieB
B,e so pl».«'«l Hi«' pbisi«’»'
is not .s.iiatiuitly demanded of them
their daily lif '
, .
We make a s|«ecial «p|*»l ••* nwlherx
of large famille» whose work I« u«'»'
.lone, and many "f wh«»'»
•offer for .lack of intelligent aid
»<> ».
........ young
.-‘«mg or "hl.
old. rich ■ r
s.r. we rxteml . ■ an invitation
..I . I . K ■ , . » f ll*I
u<*t l«'t
Oh. women !
Fseliiry. natila Creak, Mlrhlgan,
$26 • $30
Htaiit'h llviiar, Portland,
Hill I Ina of Niin>1riat
Hrtut for « atalogiir
Dunlop Mirri llima
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.,
hnl aiU Uy U»r «U.
To b* Pnwpvrou«, U m I I k
The g trairai mnn«v tnahrr. Fot prie««
and i alalo« »I» «r.
•Molila, or Util«
Advene« 1’hrr.lwr CoM Portland, 0»,
M. E. and K. T. Hay, TitKir, Wa»h.
fr«»M the manufatMtirar |»rh• in |(||| ''
JOHN POOLS, Ihtrtltind. Oregon. Huy
7 fa«l w hla, >O f*at |o iik
.. ..
F vol of Mortiteli Mtreet.
----- •»
lite lievt bargain« in
1 1.
Itiiilrra ami EttgiiiM,
All k I nil« of W lie aiul h.,u a. a
l*nni|«« «ul tiettaral PORTLAND WIRt A IHUH WOBga
ui betör« buying.
14« Frwas at.. I*>o«l-ai, o..gwe.
(’an givo you
Buggies, I’lowa,
Wiii liudl« ami
Machinery. t*«*
jmur lirea be
when • wen! of
advice nt tho tir-t approach of '" «>*
new. may till vour future year« witlt
healthy >>V Adilre« a letter to Mr-
Pinkham's Laboratory. Lynn Ma»»
ami von will not la* disappointed
•• When I began to tak»' Lyal* »•
Pinkham's Vegetable Contptmnd I wat
not abh* to «Io niv housework
I Mif
fered terribly at time of menstruation
Several doctöjr« told me they i-ouhl >1*
nothing for me Thanks to the I ink
ham advice am! me«!ieiite I am now
well, and cau do the work for eight I»
tha family.
•• I would recommend Lydia E T’tnlr
ham’s Vegetable Componti«! to all
mothers with large families
c«—t» Ran at it i «. Ludington. Mich
Chas. L. Mastick & Co.
79 ^»Xndr’o;egZ..0rt
Day luglioat matkrl i>«li«*.
Dealet« in l.atlier ami Fin«llt>g«.
Refer to Well«, Fargo A Co. Hauk, llortlati<l, Oregon,
(’on»ignm«iita «ulicilr.1
‘“Vroc.’.Jg’T,“ Anchor Clumps nnd Uprights.
Do Good to AIL
This •igasto'« 'S OB «v«ry box of th« <«aain«
Laxative Bro<no*Quinine T»bi.u
the rwMdy that care« • e»M la «M Bay
H« Incorrectcd ffimMlf.
“It was funny to hear that ntan
talk at the political meeting,” re­
marked Johnny. "He said ‘between
you and nte,’ all right enough, and
then he corrected himself and sa id
‘between you and I.’ ”
"You mean he incorrected him-
self," said Tommy severely.
I am sure Piso’s Cure for Consumption
saved my life three years ago.—Mas T h «
Rosais*. Maple street, Norwich, N. Y..
Feb 17, 1900
llii Task.
George—With the assurance of your
love I could conquer the world.
Grace—That will not he necessary.
All you have to do is to coqquer
Proving a Theory.
Yabdy— Do you think there
anything in the theory that business
worries can sometimes causes com­
r«nl R. du Clialllu has »nnottnc«*«!
plete loss of memory?
Slitterei! Twenty-five Years.
that he will go to Rtt«»la and gather
Mudge—Yes, I know that it works material for an Impartial book upon
D (’ . April I IMUS.
that way in my case. The more I the dominion of the Czar.
Dr. 8. It. Hartman, Columbu- Ohio.
borrow money, the more treacherous
Ida M. Tarbell has revlstM her “Na
My dear Doctor—It gives inc plea-
my memory becomes.
poleon,” which has reached a sale of tire to certify to the excellent curat iv<*
Continone iej.
100.000 copies, and will reissue It under qualities of your inclinine«, I'cruna
Cy Nick—You don’t catch me ty­ the title of "Napoleon ami Josephine.*
ing myself to any namby-pamby fe­
Edgar Fawcett lias written a new
male for life.
novel entltl«*d "New York." It chron
Miss Thrust—I dare say not. Mr. Icles many strung«* phases of life In
Nick—unless the woman was crazy that city and has a convict for a hero
Mr. Fawcett now lives In London.
"New Glimpses of Poe."’ by Prof
Janies A. Harrison of the f’nlverslty
of Virginia, will Include certain phases
of Poe’s life and character which. It Is
asserted, have been hitherto overlook
Beulah Marie Dlx, author of "Hugh
Gwyeth." has written a new novel of
early colonial life In New England,
which will shortly lie published under
the title of “The Making of Chrl-topher
From tht Journal, Kantat Ctly, Ma.
Following every epidemic of the
T. Edgar Pemberton han written a
Hon J. I' Rotkin.
grip there remains a trail of after volume concerning Bret Harte, which
(’(«ngn-SYinaii«*:-Large f <>iu Kantmi.
effects which are often worse than takes the form of a mild biography.
1 have I r '»* h atllirtcil
the trouble itself and which seem to Mr. Harte has contributed a letter l<
I* or !< *•'» i<»r a quart» mi a runtury
baffle all efforts of physicians. A the book an<1 inchlentally remark- that
I catarrh of th»* -ton meh and
specific, however, has been found much which Mr.
which not only will quickly restore about him shouhl
the health after an attack of grip atone
and expel the lingering germs, but,
The last literary worn undertaken
working through the blood will ren­
Alphonse Daudet. a play base<l on hit
der the system proof against the dis­
story, "La Petite Parolsse" lias Jnsi
ease. In hundreds of cases it has
been brought out in Paris. The play 1»
been shown that Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People have accomp­ both disgusting am! stuphl an I those
lished this result.
One of the many moat loyal to the author's memory re
recent cures is that of Mrs. J. B. gret that It shoul«! have la-en given tc
Shaw, of 2101 Bellefontain avenue, the public.
It will be remembered that Arthur
Kansas City, Mo., who says:
“When the grip was epidemic here Lawrence published some time ago a
I Mas one of its victims and the disease volume entitled "The Life Story I et
left me in a bad state. I formerly tern and Reminiscences of Sir Arthur
had an excellent memory, but after Sullivan," written with the composer**
the attack I could scarcely remem 1 st authority. He Is now at work on a
anything. I had severe pains in the complete biography, which will be on
top and back of my head and w - tlrely rewritten anil contain much new
dizzy by spells.
I would lie awa« k matter.
The Boston Boy’s Ranch.
until nearly morning and then fall
cattle ranch la-lonigng to
A Youthful Ruler.
into a sleep that was not restful. My
the children of some Boston people,
heart action was weak and I was a
has been named by them “Focus,”
victim of nervousness.
In fact my Patiala his little son. Ticca Sahib, be­
because it is where the sons raise
health was shattered by the attack of comes the nominal bead of alioiit two meat.
the grip and recovery seemed hope- million people.
TbI» small youth Is. In a sporting
•Zona th» Dough onO
“After being afflicted in this man­ sense at least, the worthy son of Ills
gforltB Off tho Oold.
run.- Tab et, cure a cold la
ner for several weeks, I happened to father, for although he Is only t«-n
□tie day. No cure. No Fay. Price 25 centa.
read an advertisement of Dr. Wil­ years of age he plays cricket well and
liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Is an excellent rifle-shot His father
Italiana call locusts “little horse«,
Thinking they might do me good, I was a famous sportsman, equally profi­ and the German term for these j>ests
began taking them at once. In three cient In cricket. In riding, polo playing is “hay horses.”
days I was much better and could and pig sticking, as the boar hunt Is
sleep like a child at night. After called.
Active man by larve manuta' turlng house;
In < a-h t-ald for l'Z dava trial; promotion
using a box of the pills my memory
The last notable achievement of the arxl |H-rmar>ent
j-olllon If satlsfaelory. A<1-
was restored and I felt greatly en­ Maharaja was making twenty-one dress G. B p. Co., *23 Chestnut Hl, Phllada.
I continued taking them runs In eight and a half minutes In the
until I had used three boxes and cricket match against the Bombay Par
Coal can be transported 1,000 miles
was in better health than I had enjoy­ sees. So It will be seen that little on the American lakes for 20 cents a
ed for several years.
Ticca Sahib has an illusirlous family ton.
“If a stamped envelope is sent fol record to emulate.
reply I will gladly answer all inquir­
ies relating to my case.”
New York to Philadelphia forSl.
The plans to connect New York nml
Suliscribed ami sworn to before nm Philadelphia by trolley by way of Soin
this 12th day of February, 1901
ervllle, N. J., are nthstit-lng. The
tracks of the Phllnd«-lph[a nml New
Notary Public. Jersey Railroad and the Phllii<l«-lpliin
At all druggists or direct from I)r. and Bristol Railroad will be u-«-«l
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady. Heavy tracks will be Inid. ami the < ars
N. Y.
Price 50 cents per box; 6 run at a high rate of speed. The single
boxes, |2.5O.
trip fare between Philadelphia nnd
New York, It Is said, will be $1. - New
A Mother’s Methods.
York Tribune.
“You see,” said the mother, “Tom­
my is so uncomplaining and yielding
The Superlative Degree.
that I always give him the first choice
In many forms
“Am I henpecked’/"
of everything.”
The baraaK<-«l husband was '-omniim
"As a lesson to Johnny?” asked the Ing with himself.
"No. It gives Johnny a chance to
His voice took on a tone of mingled
take it away from him.
Then both humiliation and desperation.
are satisfied.”
•*I am henbiisheled. that's what 1
am."—Baltimore American.
Ancient Roman Aqueduct.
makeup a large part of human
r ~~
Buffering. They come Ruddenly,
Ho He la.
Recent discovery in
but they go promptly by the
Mr. Ascitm -I hear your old minister • •
proves that the ancient aqueduct
which brought water from Bethlehem has gone in for ritualism.
Mr. Lochurcb (disgiiHtedlp Yes, he’s
through the Hinnah valley, was built
by the emperor Severus, 195 A. I). gone wrong, completely.
which Is a certain sure cure.
Mr. Ascum—How can you any that?
Inscriptions to that effect have been
He’s all rite now.- Philadelphia Press.
“To tumble into ‘grumble ditch i"
easy, but it is not so easy to get out
One way out is bv doing good to
As we have opportunity, «
let us do gin*! unto all men
Th« Army Drntuti.
Mothers will fin«! Mrs Winslow'« Booth
g Syrup the beat r-ine-ly to use tor th* r
Ihlreii during ills leetbliig |>erli>l.
Banana growing is a feature of fruit
Though it docs not meet with th«-
same success aa it does in tropical
regions the enterprise is said to 1»
making fair progress.
ever saw. professor?
Prof. Trotter—A woman, madam.
TakeLasao'e Broato QttlalBS Tablets.
! ruggiste ret un-I I ; r »„ i r . i r 11 ' • a t<>
Slipshod Work.
St. Peter—What’s the matter in
the recording angel’s department?
Spirit—Slipshod work.
They are
trying to find out who is to blame.
You let Mr. Greatman in yesterday,
didn't you?
“Yes; there wasn’t a thing against
him. ”
"Well, the recording angel has
got hold of an old newspaper printed
by the opposition party, and has
found all sorts of horrible things
about him”
■owl this :
V« effer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
MM of CotArrh that can no« bo curod by H<11 ■
baVtrrb CUT—
F. J. CilENEY A CO , Propa., Toledo. C
W« the nndersigned. have known F. J. Cheney
ttue paat 15 -ears, and believe him perfectly
I« -abl in all busin ss transactions and tin-
ancial «Ma to carry out any obligations mil«
ky taeir «rn».
Warr * Taraz.
Wbolesal. Druggist«, Toledo,
WaLniso. I'.iKHa« A Marvis,
W noUaala Drug i»ta, Toledo O.
nall'sCatarrh Cure I» t ken n- rnally.ac tag
dlree'lyon the blood and m coua surfaces
th« syat. nt. Pri e 75c per bo'da. tj.d by «L
WUg; 1st«. TasttBonl is free.
■all s Family FU1- r th gmu
Whistling • Si« la Iceland.
Whistling in Iceland is considered
aa much of a sin as profanity. There
•re some parts of the world where
those who whistle are fined and put
in jail. __________
In th« Sam* Fix.
Wife—This is a nice time to come
borne! I have not closed an eye all
Husband—D-do you think I did?
glVS F«nMu»ntlr Cured
Ko fit« «V nervoora««
rllB i/ler Srvt o«r'. u.e-'f t'r K h se • Grevi Hew«
■Mt««er Seed
for FBBK»J.««trUI b.*tle*Dd treat
E liks . Ltd..vai ÀrthSt.. rhiUdelrhl». Fa
Days of Rain.
It rains on an average of 208 days
in the year in Ireland, about 150 in
England, at Kezan about 90 days
and in Siberia only 60 days.
Our 1901 catalog contain* a full list
of everything needed for photographic
purpose*. The fullest line of amateur
good* in the west.
Kirk, Geary &
Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco.
Nad All the Marks.
Teacher— And how do you know,
my dear, that you have been christ­
Scholar—Please, mum, cause I got
the marks on me arm now, mum.
When year liver Is out of order 4o not
dose yourself with poisonous drugs
that harm and nev> r cure, but take Ger-
g.ldTaa, and 11 EK It remedy that CURES.
Tillman's Offer to Lecture.
Senator Tillman has received a flat­
tering offer to go on the lecture plat­
form, with full privilege to select his
An unmarried man goes twice as far
Necessary Apology,
own topic and discuss it in his own
The southerner is a capital
He—Newlywed is always talking In the road as a married man before be
meet« anyone who fells hint hl* duty.
atory teller and has a keen sense of about his wife’s money.
humor, both of which qualifications
She—That’s very strange.
A great ¡Bind 1» always a generous
would stand him in good stead as a
“Not so very.
You just ought to »«.
see her.”
You »011M b* aiirpriacl II you Vn»w
how IlttlM |i wUH >1 • oa| iou in fl a up
that oi l
for a-«n>«'
Atiihur • •tnp« •h«| I (»right« •n<1 *
p«ir of nur >• i ■
•n«l mat«* ) our •• <1
w |f« lettt r I ih I lit* • hew cilia
ASCH<>R D.M F. Ir*» aa •« h
•« 1
1« an alro i< that far mru a«rnatl
think that it ti.uat bw h gh prh«4
lan l, lh«?ufh
When von tails Grove'« Ta»t«b-» ‘ hill Tonic,
hr.-auw lhe lortn.il«la plans, «. r in 1--.1 ■ n «vary
tools «howlnr Iliat It la - tn' lrlronandUul-
nlu« in a taatclsM form. No Cut«, No Fay.
After-Effects Are Often Worse
i Than the Trouble Itself—How
A Traveler's Opinion.
They May Be Avoided and
Mrs. Quizzer (who wants to know
something)—Now what do you con­
Good Health Restored.
sider to be the most curious thing you
Tko Boat Proscription tor Malaria
thills and Fever is a battle of Grove’s Tasteless
Mill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine In
1 f-y—■— «^— No Cure. No Pay. Price SOc.
Sec Our Anchor Clamp
"I see that the r«s>rganixed army i«
to have 27 dentists
"That's a g«s*l thing
They II
keep the dog« ol war in a condition
to »how their teeth to the beet of «d
vantage.' ’
I'Uaar lm>< t ai*«i
Cattle, sheep and Ilog Tight.
W rii» for Frire« an t < • ta ofu«
Agent« " ani*«! >n
» vrf f TuWM
The Portland Anchor Pence Co.
74» Nkolal St.. PORTI. AND, Oregua.
g. w. Urvve'i slanature Ison ea< II b-'l
3 •
The now library at Athens is now
It was Iwgun 14 years
ago by Professor Ziller. of l»r«--»l«-ii
It has room for 4<M>,0*S) voltino ■
People eipr< t mu<*h from ».arfl. I«1 T*a.
• nd th«-Y ar-- i. • ’ - o
•tomach, Hwr and N»w. ! «1
r* ai»«l
cure* conitipatiuii an i ■;< • h< •<lach»*
A physician in Newburg, N Y , hail
a desjs-rate battle with a Newtounil
land dog weighing 201) pound*, finally
choking the d<>g to death.
If you arc a photographer atxi have
not received a copy of our 1*.M>| cuts
log you have inisaed a good tiling
Send for it at once. Kirk, Geary A
Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco
JtoABr jr ni-*-«ni too«-u« A«Tvr imo « iau .
cATAiO4ue> rate
JtiTw•ïfl f u'I L,r< of Gfirmsut» fiftj
_A w Towca co floaros mm » ,.
Mad* n<* «Ith
ant Mira« lini
» -in* mm I
R» »t - ä H.
Pori Und, Orrg n.
■. r. ». c.
BN. «rllla
Puffs under the eyes; red nose; pimple*
blotched, greasy face don’t mean hard drink«
ing always as much as it shows that there is
It is true, drink­
ing and over-eating overloads the stomach,
but failure to assist nature in regularly dis­
posing of the partially digested lumps of food
that are dumped into the bowels and allowed
to rot there, is what causes all the trouble.
CASCARETS will help nature help you, and
will keep the system from filling with poisons,
will clean out the sores that teil of the sys-
stem’s rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure
becomes unshapely, the breatn foul, eyes and
skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of
fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to
help nature you lay the foundation for Just
such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the
poisons out of the system and will regulate
you naturally
and without grip«,
gripe or pain. Start to-night one tablet keep it °P '?f
. / and
, C ,—
7 -' -----
a nraale »«J
_ <t
a week and help a the
liver clean
up the bowels,
and you will feel right, your blood will be rich,
face look clean, eye« bright. Get a 50c boz of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you are do »
cured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat is quickly and permanently
St Jacobs Oil
I iir*îs»rTÀïrs. ~
G> Beat Cough Byrup. Taste« Good. U
In time. Hold by druyglFta._
a e
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25a 50c
p«l>»« artel- ««Un«, Ile«?
“<»'»••• U..........Im pi. S,
• ■<1 dtrstn...,
larly you arn gBM| "J “r »’’’’«1« rf«»«1 < nsove r.gu-
peeple than ¡|| otR.r
»*'H* mor«
•t.rter for the < hr„nlr J|| *"
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•affkrlng that rom.
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Will never get well Zl«d K, w.it
b°w«l« rlaht. T«i*.
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