Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, April 04, 1901, Image 4

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    Tenure In Office.
Dr rrlnxlng of Germany declares
that marriage prolongs life. This gives
Ntrnlta to W htch an American I'rww-
some smart bachelor an opportunity
pes-tor Was Reduced in Mexico,
Living In Mexico ia often a disas­ to rise and remark that marriage
makes life seeiu long to a man.—Bos­
trous experieuce to the foreigner who ia
ton Globe.
uot acquainted wltb loealitlea aud cus­
Palliali of Ytllowtton« Park.
Disorders incident to the human frame, toms. lu the case of John Baacou and
I bls eoiuixiilou. an EngUsbuiau nauied
Ilissaid tliat tire geyser» which hav«
of which a majority are caused or pro­ Martlu llayea, their experience was niade
Uria l'ark fanious, are graduali» de-
moted by impure blood.
such, but It Is also luteresting. In eon- cliiiing. Tin- bruì»» lo mimi ili» faci, tliat
is tire law ot thè World. Health la
The remedy is simple.
versatlou with Mr. Bascou that geutle- tire ntoat precinti» |xw«ew*i*»n ut tire world,
man stated the follow ing to au
and t*x> greal care cannot Ire given to il.
Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla.
In thè spring you »Inmld retrew your
That this medicino radically and 1 prise nqiorter:
“Not long ago I came up from Guate- «trength. revitalwe your bl.xxl and uerves
effectively purifies the blood is known mala with au Kngli»limau uatued Mar­ witli lite be»t of all tneilicines, Hoaleller's
Miontai'h Bitter». Il alno cure» •toniauh
to every druggist, known to hundreds tin Hayes, aud we had three burros disordera Try it.
of thousands of people who themselves laden with goods. We prixqwx'ted all
or by their friend» have experienced along the line to Touelado, and stopped
pig. as
for oue week with au Indlau at Teliu- they
its curative jwwers.
antepec. While there we lewrued that bound for the butcher's. "I now reallxo
The worst cases of scrofula, the in the district up to Tonelado there was that overeating tends to shorten lite."
most agonizing sufferings from salt plenty of gold, as another Englisliumu —Indianapolis Press.
rheum and other virulent blood dis­ had passed through there with 4N.OUO.
Tables Turned
eases, are conquered by it, while which he had ¡lauued out at a certain
“The first time I tried to smoke a
made me awfully sick.
those cured of boils, pimples, dys­
Pablo, lu Oaxaca. We traced tlie gold
"You are getting even now."
peptic and bilious symptoms and that along the streams for sixty miles, and
"I don't see how."
tired feeling are numbered by millions. reached as far as San Miguel. We
"Why now they make everybody else
were very hungry by thia time, having siik when you smoke them.—The
run short of provleloua, and. going •king.
Will do you good. Begin to take lt today. across the mouuutlus. were told that
we should be careful, as banditti were
numerous. Soon after two men met us
As It Seemed to Her,
not far from San Miguel, and the both
Mr. Clubman—I never was a jury­
man but once, and then the jury was bad rifles. They ordered us to halt,
but I pulled a revolver and took their WONDERFUL CURE IN I STUBBORN CASE
out all night.
Mrs. Clubman—How you must have guns away from them aud marched
enjoyed it!—Boston Courier.
them on in front of us. When we ar­
rived at San Miguel oue of them enter­
ed a complaint before the jese politico The BVIdenc» la Furnished by the Sec­
Kropa th. C atta i» and
retary of the K««nl of Tra<to of
Ww». Off tha Ouid.
charging us with bolding them up. but
Laxsttr» Proni.Mjutnin» Tsb'et* cure a eold ita
Wellsburg, New York, aud
the Jese knew the men too well to list­
•ne day. No cure. No Par. Prtce2&cenu.
Cannot Ke Doubted.
en to their story, and the result Is one
Supremely Restful.
The popular secretary of the Wells­
of them Is still in Jail at that place.
”1 wonder If there's any lazier occu­
“When we left San Miguel we secur­ burg. N. Y.. board of trade is Mr. W.
pation than fishing.”
Dalton, and his statement to a re­
to where tlie
“Well, yes—looking at people fish ed a mozo to guide n
porter regarding one of the most Im­
Ing."—Brooklyn Life.
portant events of his lifecarries with it
but when we got there the mozo would the greatest weight. It is unusual fora
not stay, as It was known the English­ person to be afflicted from childhood
There are a great many remedies
but there It OM Ci RK ter •
man bad returned and died there. We with rheumatism out It is even
poor complexion: that is Garfield
found his skeleton, with the legs and wonderful that there is a remedy so
Tea, which cure» by purifying the
blood, thus removing the cau»e.
arms eaten off. and the mozo. being exactly suited to the tratment of this
fearful he would see the ghost of the stubborn disease that oue hundred
A Reminiscence.
doses were sufficient to eradicate
left us to ourselves, We went
"One time,” remarked Wragson
it in a case of twenty years' stand­
Tatters, "I got into a soft snap."
ing. The proof that such a remedy
“Did yer, honest?" inquired Perry Jacent woods. Along the stream we is within the reach of ail rheumatic
Patetick, “what was it?"
prospected for gold, and In two weeks sufferers is found in Mr. Dalton's own
"A poor ole watchdog dat hadn't no we found gold which went about 25 words. He says:
teeth left.”—Philadelphia Press.
"1 had been troubled with rheuma­
cents to the pan. We remained there
about six months, and all that time we tism all my life, even when a boy.
HOW! Ttll».’
It attacked me in the legs, arnii and
lived on monkey meat and green ba­ shoulders.
The pain In the latter
TV« offer One Hundred Doi lore Reward for any nanas. and both. too. without salt Just
was particularly severe. I. of course,
cue of Catarrh that can not b« cured by Hall's
took medicine for lt. but did not
Catarrh Cur-
F. J. CHENEY A CO . Props, Toledo, O. occasionally a fowl or two. and not a obtain permanent relief.
One day
We the under*.ened. bare known F. J. Cheney
lor tu« pa*t 15 rears, and believe him perfectly tortilla or common hot cake. A. ell. sir. about three years ago while reading
honorable in ail buain ss transactions and fin­ my partner. Martin Hayes of London. a newspaper, 1 saw an advertisement
ancial' - able to carry out any oUig'UOiu taada
’ Pink Pills for Pale
England, died four months after from of Dr,
by taelr Arm.
People and determined to give them
Watrr A TariX.
the privations suffered during that a trial, I had taken but three boxes
W ho eaalc DruaTlsts, Toledo,
time, and I don’t suppose his wife or of the pills when the trouble. which
WnaiM, K ikmam A Mxnvt!*,
W noleraie Drug lets, Toledo. O.
family ever heard of lt But we got had been my affliction from child-
Hall's Catarrh Cure is t ken n’ rnally. ac.ing
direc-y on tbe blood and m cous surfaces of some gold, all right, and monkey meat hood, entirely disappeared.
tbe syst m. Pri e 75c per bo de. bo.d by aL
"About a year later I had another
would have been all right for me. If we
driiy. isu. Testimonial* free.
Hail s Family Pul- r th best.
only had some salt—Chihuahua En­ attack of rheumatism which was
brought on by working In a damp
place. I remembered well what Dr.
Glad of It.
Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People
Mamma—Why are you ao quiet.
HE FEARED ONE-MAN POWER. had done for me, so I immediately
Robbie (aged six)—I was dess That Waa Why a Detroit Man Got Out purchased some. Strangely enough,
just three boxes again cured me, and
thinkin’ how glad I am Christmas
a Warrant for a Neighbor.
I have been entirely free from rheu­
doesn't come in the summertime.
After the applicant for a warrant had matism ever since. I have told a num­
Robbie—'Cause I wear such teeny- been admonished two or three times to ber of people about Dr. Williams'
weeny short socks In the summer stick to the text be was Induced to pre­ Pink Pills for Pale People, and they
sent his grievances In a connected man­ have taken them with most bene­
ficial results."
Dr. Williams' Ping Pills for Pale
the main thing we've got to guard People are sold by all dealers, or
against in this country is one-man pow­ will be sent postpaid on receipt of
Of Particular Interest to Thruhermen and
er. We've got it in the nation, we've price. 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
got lt in New York, we're got lt in 12.50, by Dr. Williams Medicine Co..
Schenectady. New York. Be sure
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania and it you get the genuine: substitutes never
largest dealers in machinery on the looka to me very much as though we cured anybody.
Look for the full
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con­ had lt In Detroit Do you believe in it name on every package.
siderable expense a neat and vary com­ judge?”
“Certainly not but what has that to
Jarring Mrs. Von B.
plete account book for up-to-date
Mrs. Von Blumer—My children have
thresbeimcn, etc. The books are tor do with the case?”
free distribution, and all people who
' “I’m coming to that I only wanted been to school now two terms and
want them should write immediately to get a general expression of principle have made scarcely any progress.
Mrs. Witherby—How sad! And it's
to Russell & Co., Portland, Ore.
from you. You are right judge; en­ such a good school, too!—Detroit
tirely right What Is wrong in nation­ Free Press.
Choice of Letters.
al, state or municipal government Is
"I think I shall adopt letters as a wrong to the end of the logical se-
Ths Rest Prescription tor Malaria
profession,” observed the party with
Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’, Tutele«,
quence, is It not?”
the bulging brow.
Chill Tonic. It Is simply Iron snd quinine In
“Yea, If I take your meaning.”
a tasteless form. No cure. No Pay. Price 50c.
"Typewriting or sign painting?" in­
“Oh, you've got my meaning, judge.
quired the sardonic person.—Balti­
more American.
One-man power Is wrong when lt gets
Officer of Gas Company—But don't
beyond the Individual, or the family, you know we can’t afford to give you
TOV KNOW WHAT TOC ARK TAKING say. Now, judge, we have one of these good gas at any such price as that?
Wlrenvou tak« Grove's Tutele«« Chill Tonic, obnoxious bosses up In our block. Yea,
Consumer—What are you giving US
6causa tbe formula is plainly printed on every
ttle ibowine that it is simuly Iron aud Qui- sir, precisely the sort of fellow we've now, hot air?—Chicago Tribune.
sine ill a taateieas form. No Core, No Pay. 50c. been condemning. He tells us all bow
The remarkable BHcrese of Garfield
to raise our children, makes them keep
Kitchen Necessities.
Tea, tbe gr^at IIKKK cure for Con­
st. pation and Rick Headache, la
"Cook, do we need any necessities quiet when be wants them to. dictates
due to its healthful action on
for the kitchen?"
to the women about the garbage, raises
ad the duteethg organa.
"Yes'm. I’d like a Roman chair, one ned If a dog barks, protests if anyone
of them Venishun lanterns an’ «same
Entitled to Half Rates.
more pillars fer th' cozy corner.”—In­ wakes him up by getting home late,
Beggar—Please give a poor old
dianapolis Journal.
blind man a dime!
sures all who bare any doctor but bis.
Citizen—Why, you can see out of
tells us when to trim our treea, and one eye.
"Well, then give me a nickel.”—
rushes to tbe Are marshal when any of
us want to make some slight Improve­ Chicago News.
"Now he knows better than you do
how I feel on thia one-man power busi­
ness and when he rushed over before
For Infant* and Children.
breakfast to tell me that tbe snow was
not properly cleaned from my walk, I
Scrofula is but a modified form of Blood just turned loose and kicked him half
Poison and Consumption. The parent the length of the block. He’ll be out
who is tainted by either will see in tha tomorrow and I want to get a warrant Signature of
child the same disease
for him as a one-man nuisance before
Strange Obstinacy.
manifesting itself in
he can get at me for assault and bat-
"It's funny how things work,' re-
the form of swollen
tery.”—Detroit Free Press.
maked the fluent man. "I have tried
glands of the neck and
everything for insomnia without the
throat, catarrh, weak
Where He Was Weak.
least relief. And the other evening
eyes, offensive sores
I merely mentioned a few of the ex­
and abscesses and of­
letter to which be had just painfully pedients I had tried, and every man |
tentimes white swell­
affixed his signature, and then cast a in the room was fast asleep before
ing -----
— »U1C
sure signs
I had got
through.”—Boston I
ßcrofula. There may
dubious glance at his wife.
be no external sign» for J '
r r
“Do you want to just run this over Transcript.
a long time, for the disease develops slowly before I send it to son James?” he In­
in some cases, but the poison is in the quired: and when Mrs. Jowders shook
blood and will break out at the first favor­
able opportunity. S. S. S. cures this wast­ her bead, he hastily folded the sheet,
ing destructive disease by first purifying which bore the marks of hours of
and building up the blood and stimulating toll, and thrust It Into an envelope,
and invigorating the whole system.
which he sealed with trembling expedi­
J. M. Seals, 115 Public Square. Nastaeilte.Tean., tion, and then leaned back In his chair
says : "Ten years ago my daughter fell «nd cut
her forehead. Prom thia wound th« gland« on with an air of relief.
the aide of her f«cc became xwollen ana burated.
"I was afenrd you’d want to read It,
»iwr of the best doctors here and elsewhere
attended her without any benefit. We decided and then most likely 'twould be all to
to try 8. S. •., and a few bottles cured her en­ do over again, mother, like the Inst
one,” he said. “But I’m glad James
makes new and pure
bkxxi to nourish and wrote he didn't mind a word mlsapelled
atrenjphen the body, here an’ there. There’s some things I
and is a positive and can do. but I never could seem to get a
seem to be the heritage of the
safe cure lor Scrofula. good purchase on the system of spell­
human family everywhere, vis:
It overcomes all forms of blood poison, ing, someway.
whether inherited or acquired, and no
“As I view lt,” continued Mr. Jow-
remedy so thoroughly and effectively
cleanse* the blood.
If you have any ders, “there’s some words you can spell
blood trouble, or your child has inherited by the looks, and some you can spell by
some blood taint, take 8. S. S. and get the sound; them I can most gen'lly
the blood in $ood condition and prevent manage. But when you come to spell­
the disease doing further damage.
ing by judgment and main stren’the,
Send for our free book and write our my chances are about as slim as they
physicians about your case. We make no
but there le one eure and
make ’em.”
Charge whatever for medical advice.
prompt cure for botta, »it:
Are 2400
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
Regard Peruna as Their Shield Against Coughs, Colds, Grip and
Ill Ri'tioriilly reply. ’Oh; ”“■ *
»pitting, or liny
my dear
symptom of catarrh '
ntailam. you may have t'litarih all th*
same. Catarrh is not always Io. »led
in the head
may have catarrh of
the lung«, or »tom-
at h. or liver, or kid­
ney» »nd especially
you may have catarrh
of the pelvic organ».”
The ductor went on
to »av: “I have been
preaching this •!<»•- b
trine (o' the ait fortv
year«, but there are a
vast multitude of
women who have tie
Catarrh may attack any organ of thu
body. Women are especially liable to
catarrh of the pelvic organa
I here
are one hundred cases of catarrh of
the pelvic organa to one of catarrh
of the head. Moat people think, be
cause they have not catarrh of ths
head, they have not catarrh at all
This 1» a great mistake, anil 1» the
cause of many cases of sickness and
Mrs. T Pelton 562 St Anthony ave
nue, St. Paul. Mlun.. wTltea "Perun*
Ires don» wonder»
for me.
It li»»
cured my headache
anil palpitation of
the heart:
built up my whole
I cheer­
fully recoin ntend
i'eruna to all »of­
ferer« afflicted with
catarrh. Mv moth­
er n never without
W hen
one 1» tired and
generally out of
Mr». T. Felton.
sort*, if Peruna 1«
taken ft Immediately remove» that
tired feeling."
factory results from the use of Peru
an. write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statement of your case
and he will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice grail».
Address Dr. Hartman. President of
Sanitarium. Colutn
bus, Ohio.
I te candidal« for
the I'reeideui v
Mrs. Belva A Loekwixxl. late candi­
date for the Presidency.
Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood, the emi­
nent barrister, of Washington, D. C .
Is the only woman who has ever
been a candidate for the presidency
of the United States. She is the best
known woman in America. As the
pioneer of her sex In the legal pro
fession she has gathered fame and
In a lett r to the Peruna
Medicine Company she nays:
ha\e ustd your Ptruna both
for myself and my mother. Mrs.
Hannah J. Hennett. now In ter
SSth year, and I find it an Inval­
uable remedy for cold, catarrh,
hay fever at d kindred diseases:
also a good tonic for feeble and
old people, or those run down,
and with nerves unstrung. ”
Yours truly,
Uelva A. Lock wood.
Peruna cures catarrh by removing
the cause. Inflamed mucous mem
Dr. Hartman. th<t compounder of
Peruna. once said, tn a lecture to
women: “A great number of women
consult me every year. I often have
occasion to say to these patients:
‘I fear you have catarrh, madam.'
Mrs. R«lvs
A. Lockwood
Too Previous.
Accommodating Old Man.
"See here!" exclaimed the shopper,
He—I askod you father's consent
excitedly, "there's a man just dropped by telephone .
dead in that bargain crush "
She—What was his answer?
"How inopportune!" cried the floor­
He—He »aid "I don't know who
walker. "We have not yet opened our you are. but lt > all right."—Harvard
undertaking department."— Philadel Lampton.
phia Record.
In the Affirmative.
Th« body of tn« latest ruyst«rl<>UN
dlaappearanre having b«en found at
the bottom of a < iv«‘k. we pauae long
enough to aak whether the myntorlou« ;
disappearance ought not to atop die
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Supremely Restful.
"I wonder if there's any lazier occu
pation than Ashing'"
"Well, yes—looking at people fisti
ing."—Brooklyn Life.
Theatrical Light.
In the New South.
Mercutio—Hammond considers him
A federal gunboat has been ordered
self a great theatrical light.
to .Memphis for the special delectation
Damon—That's right. About as light of the old Johnny rebs during theli
as I ever saw on the stage.—Boston approaching annual reunion
"things has changed" sloes 18615' —
Louisville Times.
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tableta. All
tniggisu rvl'iiul tin- nionr) if It (alls to cure.
K. W. Grove's signature 1, on each box. 2 <
Too T rue.
Nodd—How do you like your
country home?
Todd— It's a great place,
The Cruel Editor.
“There is one point to which I wish only drawback la that I < an t sell It
to call your attention," said the hu- —Harper's Bazaar.
“It isn't in any of these jokes you
For Catalogues
have brought In.
is it?" asked the ed
itor.—Somerville Journal.
And Brings You Nothing But a Bill
Friend—What is hope?
Poet—It is something that wakes
you up at 4 o'clock In the morning
when the postman doesn't come around
till 10.—Syracuse Herald.
A young man la considered eligible
these days who would have lacked 50
per cent of being in that list twenty
years ago.
A min dlslikes attention untll lt
about te be taken away from hlm.
St Jacobs Oil
Clro for
b Ixrk Box 146.
Bee Line Buggies
$66.00 AND UP
Northwest POULTRY News
If you kppp poultry «¡end 10c. for 3 mow.
trial to th»- Or Fitfi« 1er« '• ont h • y,
Mi». B, Port 1« d ,,r. Telia wh^r«
to get bent poultry In N.W. HamplRfre«»
' cwt unes oiirnis
111 I II I J ¡DAYTON FAWffiWf f 7 “
Why a Woman
to Abla to Halp Sloh Wont '< n
Wfntn Doo tora fall.
How gladly would men fly to w<x
uian'a aid dill they but understand a
woman's feeling«, trials, M-nail>||,|lr»
and peculiar organic disturbance»
Thoae thing« are known only to
women, and the aid a man Would g|ve
ia not at his command.
I'o treat »MM piopetly It |a
aary to know all about It, am| yu|i
information, many Uiuea, canimt
given by a woman to her family ( |lv.
She caunnt tiring herself |„
tel! ererylhlng, and the phyaliian 1*
M m
it II rrnrriu.
at a constant dloadvant age. Th'« I«
why. fur the past twenty tl«<> yrsr«,
thousand« of women have la-m
filling thalr troubles to ua. arul <><ir
advice has tirouglil liapplneaa and
health to countlcaa women in thr I s.
Mrs. Chappell, of Grant Park, III,
whoae portrait we publlah, ailriw» all
Buffering ig wouia-n to uae I.villa I! Piuk-
ham's Vegetable
Compound, __
«« ||
cured her of Inflaniinatloii o( Die o*»r¡r,
and womb ¡ alie, therefore. «¡H ak« fi, ta
knowledge, and her «xperlctice ought
tn give others coll Adener Addi m M, k
Plsililiaui'a laboratory, Lynn. M —
Would Not Submit.
Johnny l>o«au't Undo Henry llk<
plum pudding’
•Mamma )<’*. but the doctor aon'l
Id him Mt It
Johnny If I was aa big as hint Id
like tO »••o any doctor keep mo h..»
I'm k
eating II
The gentleman who«« 1 lalni
whole Florida Island, ba»*' I 11
Npanlah grant, has been nd*
considered by the »uptetue *<»n
I m * consoled by the tact that
are numerous people who h..»<•
sad defects in their titles bi
realty, principally, however I
matter of castles In Hpaln Balt
"Yas.” aald
..1» author, "»hen I
<rt atartred writing a aovrt I du I om
conaldarabla slurp over It '
“Oh* wall,” aiiTaltund tire critic
who had a nral way of di»xul«i::r ■
bittrr do»« ot aart aatb u i t'-r t?*
sugar coating of apparent fl-itt y.
“what la your io»» la >our ti’.i .vi )
gala."—- Standard
IW ii
Ttai» «if»»'“’* J» "• «»err
Ijixative BrtMntt-Qiiiiiine • • •
IS» rsiat-'r real ewre« a ewM iw **•*• a»l
Whit he had Hward.
Tommy I’m glad I duu I Uve out I»
North Dakota.
Arthur— Why?
Hash r<?m« Ileeren Williams he'll • In
Tommy—I have heard that the;
out, I I h - l»oun'!
have thraiitalng mat hit»,-» out there
But» <>h* dat heavy aiatrr «lour
—Somerville Journal.
Br'rr U llluima down!
Hull th«? «tandiu* lotiraoinr fliira* («I In
Even There!
they don't hat» th*
E d d« prit»* la for dr deacon dat'll awing
(reside* at Vassar College do they?
dal ■¡■1er rutin'!
"Don't they, though’ They mad«
me buy pound after pound of almon!
Don't you h«-eh de muele?
butter» up« and aland and watch them
l'otri«- en jure de ring!
while they ate them." Chicago Tri
Ain't die hallelula?
j < j * pa’inm
Swing yo’ pa'turre
Dar's de prix*- n louklu' Turn de rhlnibly
■helf al you!
Itr'er William» he 1« mlasin', but he'll gli A Frosparous and Popular San Franc .R«
dar, I be boun*!
11« gone tar git « derrick f«r ter «win»
Amnag tbe ln«tUwtl.*n«
dat stator roun'l
froWtb •?>«! ds-trloirtll.il* «»f •*»' I
The Allgemeiner iH-utachcr Sprach
verein Is a German association to rn
courage the simplification mid purity
of the German language. flue of Its
alms In to make trotli »¡token and writ
ten German simpler, not only by using
shorter mid less Involved sentence*,
KBtl but by the elimination of the use of
foreign words In the social. bUSllICS»
Prap’t and
aclentlflc worlds, The licndquiirt
era of the iiKHoeliitloli are In Berlin mid
there are branche» In Milon mi<| ninny
part» of Anatri» ns well ns In London
|1 oo.
First and Taylor Sts.
Portland, Oregon. ¡
Iron corner« on boding of all our lierin^y grid
Bee Line Buggies. He nd for Catalog,
■ n
Urform« In German Language.
D«tr<rtt. Mkh
HENNEY, $<>0.00 and up.
Irving D. Cook, w Im Ilves near Mouth
llyron, recently rv|ialrc<l n burn ou the
old Cook lioineateuil that waa built
many year» ago. In Inking out a grun
ary, some timber* found ’ll Ita coiiatrue-
tlon were re*ugiila<'d by Mr Cook u» *
part of the Ar*t old Xew York I'rlitial
RallrtMtd roadlnHl tliat waa built lu I'y-
rou. which wu« fur u tliiin the teriuluu*.
about »lily /ear* ago. Tlmae white
oak atleka were 3 by 4 lin in'», *« *ouud
as when Aral used, and were wlmt the
Aral «trap rail ««« niillcd or aplked ou
The Imprint of the two Indi Iron strap
1» plainly »evil. Mr. Cook'» recollectlou
of the early railroading la very clear.
*■ the road croaaea III» farm
11« says ties were Aral laid, »nd on
those were placed long atrlngera. which
were of any kind of tluiln*r Unit could
Im obtained from farmer* near by.
The*» alrlnger* were hewn on the upper
aide, aud on the under aide wer*
liutdied where they croaaml euch tie.
Ou these *trlnger* and running In tin»
same direction w hite oak »cantlluga
were fastened
Wlieu the end« of tin*
atrip» <>f Iron mot, * almrt pliwe was
placed »<> that the ends of the rail. If
they might Im called that, would not In
dent the wnod.
There were no «eetloli Imaaca In time*
days, and handcar* were unknown.
The fl ret ri’palr gang consisted of three
men. w ln> carried a few »plki *, a ehl»> I.
ail auger, a hand aaw, ele. In a liainllod
luiaket. Th« few heavy tool», like • crow­
bar, mlxe mid aliovrl. were carried on
the men'» »boulder*. The men worked
a« they pleased, and during the Imt
auiunier day* It waa no uncommon
thing for the gang to a|M-nd hour* In
the shade of Mr. Cook's augnr bush, ad
Joining tin* track. Train* were InUro
queiit. and a roadmnater'a pony waa uii
Among the locomotive* Aral use*'
for freight and passenger «er» lee were
the l.oula Brooks. Whlttleaey, A»»
Sprague mid No. 4. the Inal Ix-lng
known a« the Iron Engine, lx*enu»e no
Wtxxl was il»ixl In Its construction et
ee|>t In the cab. T hese engine* Imd only
one drive-w keel on each aide The Aral
Fourth of July after the road was con­
structed and III rimtiliig order was ot>-
aerved by the railroad company by Ar
Ing a cannon from Hie rear platform of
the la»t ear <>u apprimehliig station»
The ¡m««euger ears were almrt ami
tnueli like the Ixxly of a stage eoaeii
Nome of these ¡*n»»ciig«-r car» had an
upper «lory, and from thia upper deck
Mr. Cook »aw Martin Van Buren climb
down to ahak** hand» with a crowd
wluu be wn« running for lhe preol
deney. The conductor w ax then called
a collector, mid ¡*a«»«xl along on llie out­
side of the ears on a runiilng Ixuird that
extended the entire length of the ear
The putting of naiiiea on engine» was
discontinued twenty flvror thirty years
ago. the last to run on the weatvru illvl
■on ta’lug the Dean Richmond, which
waa ,Xo. 147. tlie Azariah Bmsly, Jaim-a
Whitney. James II Kelley and Gen II
If. Baxter Rochester De tins'rat and
Don't you hash de music?
Come en jinx de ring!
Ain't dis hallelula?
Nwing yo’ pa'tner»- «»Ing!
—Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly,
Ferry •
¡f y«,,,
buy ( heap »er.li yon can t
be aure
I ~ ako
no chant *•
get E«rry •
brgler« ev«ry-
wb<-r« »s'il ibera W rit«
The Kind You Have Always Bought
for 1901 Meed Annuel
rnaneti free
Two Big Pams
you r«
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taate (food Do Good,
Wever Mlrken. Weaken, or Gripe. IQr,
for free »ample, and txxyklet on health Addrets
•UrllBf a»a»«4y <«m»a«r, Ik lea«** ■••lr*a1, law Varb. Mia
Trai l*«
War« tonal* wct«il
Train« linn Hiitv Year« Aai*.
M. J. WALSH Bless God. none kin «wing her!
you gw lue ter do?
If yew haven't a r^aalar. healthy movement of the
bowel« every day. you re tick, or will b« Keep year
bowel« open, and be well. Force. In the«b*t/e<»f
violent physic or pill poieon. la dangerous
'«ai<M>tbe«t. eac1e»l. most perfect way uf beeping tbe
•cwela clear and clean ie to take
Lighting ■
with a Hnowball.
l«*«h| • lluaii * •• <’*ltig' »•
iLi.tb •• • bu«in'«« •
! '* •s' a i-J ••
s-Vrf •!■••
r.lu. at|..ua I |1..tltiltl.*i.. It I •
It« urg«niaatitrti, i»«-«rlr f
* • • '..Xi •?»
irrmrly ps.fMilar «1'1 .uliifith ■
1« ill th»« «ItM -f tl* ’* •*■»»•! " ’ • ' H.ltlhll !•
«lltutlon« In whlrb • «11/ t«b«* i
I ltd
l*w»t«at taa I*
•ID*’ uf th«’ ”bl Trlln
. .........................
•“ •a*’*?
• >uglUy |»r«»grs **l»« re*«bll«l»i»
(loll with • drfililti »....................*u4 •“ s»t“*
(hrtird «tfllu«
iiwHH’i tl»»n
with remmrrrlsl
.Sold «""1 *
tbr n«tu*> «•< H«-«ld • 1« •
!l.r.,•<«(>•.ni < ’
' “
|a li.
a. 1.1 t ■" '• Il
• ■ --------
bn*>wn —
- »f Barb'll. f'r ‘
' i • 1 ’
• , i
•tudwnla from lb*» ft»ur
In IHWU •»•r. r* cHinty
“ in ' I’.lir-ni'»
• tudrnt* III ÍI..I.I.
- -- -
lint rr|»r*«rlil*-d WrfW Ih’l N.trft ,
• nd Vrntur«
T:.- res’i.i.* “ ■< •'
tb«t In It««? ■tndi'iil«
* ...'I lr.II
f .Il<.wing . Kl«f<«
..... U,... ..."
Ifttrnl«, I..
r< «s-ntallv»’« frttm r«< It
,'„'i..?..i... i '<i>. '*5;
Ington, Ot- g- n. klont«n«,
Arlioit«. k«n*>«. MlsreHirl. |■.■>H..l >*'»'•
J«*r«ry, Vrriii<»hl.
|MM) ■ t tlllr IIf « < •«!•*
fl»«* IlnWnH«” I*1"1*’*
< « iini I«, 4 Jatsntt
Vibtm Territory, Mtlu-rl« «ml mtn
Etiritllnirut« were «1*» «•«•>••
«slt.ifii 8 IM’’®’
It« l«rf<*
|Jlf, Iteadf
I «rm IttHlr of «I'lflihl "J ’
forur. ■ > «
bii |»rww»llng
'..„M .1
glGWlh of tl.r <>»«•■•-
- ■
tn th« ronitnndlfig . ............ r ”'• *
graduatr«, who know wlim .f
»„r lull li.r..n<i..ll..i.
tbt- NO I»««« rstrtlogilf «nd ....... »
,.4 I’^t
Addru«. K
•tf«rt, Man Fran« !■<«•, <•'
When a Ninall piece of potassium, the
tut fit', irti roesotao ip,crios size of half u grain of corn, I» dropped
■•«' sr «town «
Into n tumblerful of wnt<-r, some of the
oxygen of the water leaves II» hydro
gen, owing to the Infenso heat which
His Philosophy.
Hhe_f wish I could bo «■ co“““1
chemical action produces, and com
-'i. the
bines with the metallic pot assi u ill M|b',Uf>h’ I ain't (.on,e"‘;Vwo"’1
causing a violet I i I ii I h I i flame. When
don’t think It’» worth while to
the piece of potassium I» placed on the
wick of a coal oil or alcohol lamp, the about It.”—Puck.
flume produced by touching the ¡iotas
alum with a lilt of snow, lie or wuter,
“Russell” Compound will light the lamp.
Age al Wtilrti They Married.
Royal iHTBonsgea nliuost Invariably
marry young. Queen Victoria was not
u here tosUy It is the Most Economical 21 nt the time of her marriage; the
and i owrrful Tinpinr built
Prince of Wnli*s was rather loss than
22 when he married the bountiful Alex
andrn. The King of Italy was 24 when
Write us for full particular».
he married his seventeen year old bride.
The King of the Belgian* was IIrat mar
rled al the ag* of IN. and the Emperor
of Germany waa 22 when lie married
Um Empress, who Is a few months Ills
4Z/ ' .
.................... ?""•
■ ............ |l SA
............................. .. I <7
............................ »..to
........................... -. 4.11
.................... « W
f 2"’*” Wlrt-
«nd Iron Work.
P°ila»L»Aho W,HE * ihon works
14» Fron« tat., Portland, Oragna.
aw. yo}1
<> eepdr Y
___ * S
I’lrnty of Itooin In Montana.
Tlitiro nre nboiit ¡MMKio.otki aerfa of
it 11 oi.t 11 >1i public lund yet rcinaltiliig
In Montana.
Tilt* dull inno boit a you aud th« sharp
one skin* you.
I w
Ixuw.H^ lu. Çïrè; »>(.,? p„*ÇL-
‘ a. p. a. u
ae. 1
MKN wrlllna <* a*««»»*»*
■Mil«« Itala pap«'-