Tenure In Office. Dr rrlnxlng of Germany declares that marriage prolongs life. This gives Ntrnlta to W htch an American I'rww- some smart bachelor an opportunity pes-tor Was Reduced in Mexico, Living In Mexico ia often a disas­ to rise and remark that marriage makes life seeiu long to a man.—Bos­ trous experieuce to the foreigner who ia ton Globe. uot acquainted wltb loealitlea aud cus­ Palliali of Ytllowtton« Park. Disorders incident to the human frame, toms. lu the case of John Baacou and I bls eoiuixiilou. an EngUsbuiau nauied Ilissaid tliat tire geyser» which hav« of which a majority are caused or pro­ Martlu llayea, their experience was niade Uria l'ark fanious, are graduali» de- moted by impure blood. such, but It Is also luteresting. In eon- cliiiing. Tin- bruì»» lo mimi ili» faci, tliat de. line is tire law ot thè World. Health la The remedy is simple. versatlou with Mr. Bascou that geutle- tire ntoat precinti» |xw«ew*i*»n ut tire world, Enter- man stated the follow ing to au and t*x> greal care cannot Ire given to il. Take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. In thè spring you »Inmld retrew your That this medicino radically and 1 prise nqiorter: “Not long ago I came up from Guate- «trength. revitalwe your bl.xxl and uerves effectively purifies the blood is known mala with au Kngli»limau uatued Mar­ witli lite be»t of all tneilicines, Hoaleller's Miontai'h Bitter». Il alno cure» •toniauh to every druggist, known to hundreds tin Hayes, aud we had three burros disordera Try it. of thousands of people who themselves laden with goods. We prixqwx'ted all or by their friend» have experienced along the line to Touelado, and stopped pig. as “I for oue week with au Indlau at Teliu- they wagon. its curative jwwers. antepec. While there we lewrued that bound for the butcher's. "I now reallxo The worst cases of scrofula, the in the district up to Tonelado there was that overeating tends to shorten lite." most agonizing sufferings from salt plenty of gold, as another Englisliumu —Indianapolis Press. rheum and other virulent blood dis­ had passed through there with 4N.OUO. Tables Turned eases, are conquered by it, while which he had ¡lauued out at a certain “The first time I tried to smoke a point somew here in the region of Mau cigarette it made me awfully sick. those cured of boils, pimples, dys­ Pablo, lu Oaxaca. We traced tlie gold "You are getting even now." peptic and bilious symptoms and that along the streams for sixty miles, and "I don't see how." tired feeling are numbered by millions. reached as far as San Miguel. We "Why now they make everybody else were very hungry by thia time, having siik when you smoke them.—The run short of provleloua, and. going •king. Will do you good. Begin to take lt today. across the mouuutlus. were told that we should be careful, as banditti were numerous. Soon after two men met us As It Seemed to Her, not far from San Miguel, and the both Mr. Clubman—I never was a jury­ man but once, and then the jury was bad rifles. They ordered us to halt, but I pulled a revolver and took their WONDERFUL CURE IN I STUBBORN CASE out all night. Mrs. Clubman—How you must have guns away from them aud marched OF RHEUMATISM. enjoyed it!—Boston Courier. them on in front of us. When we ar­ rived at San Miguel oue of them enter­ ed a complaint before the jese politico The BVIdenc» la Furnished by the Sec­ Kropa th. C atta i» and retary of the K««nl of Tra all right."—Harvard undertaking department."— Philadel Lampton. phia Record. In the Affirmative. Th« body of tn« latest ruyst«rl<>UN dlaappearanre having b«en found at the bottom of a < iv«‘k. we pauae long enough to aak whether the myntorlou« ; disappearance ought not to atop die appearing Philadelphia Inquirer. Supremely Restful. "I wonder if there's any lazier occu pation than Ashing'" "Well, yes—looking at people fisti ing."—Brooklyn Life. Theatrical Light. In the New South. Mercutio—Hammond considers him A federal gunboat has been ordered self a great theatrical light. to .Memphis for the special delectation Damon—That's right. About as light of the old Johnny rebs during theli llu, as I ever saw on the stage.—Boston approaching annual reunion "things has changed" sloes 18615' — Transcript. Louisville Times. TO Ct'RK A ||,|lr» and peculiar organic disturbance» ' Thoae thing« are known only to women, and the aid a man Would g|ve ia not at his command. I'o treat »MM piopetly It |a aary to know all about It, am| yu|i information, many Uiuea, canimt given by a woman to her family ( |lv. aiclan She caunnt tiring herself |„ tel! ererylhlng, and the phyaliian 1* M m it II rrnrriu. at a constant dloadvant age. Th'« I« why. fur the past twenty tl«<> yrsr«, thousand« of women have la-m filling thalr troubles to ua. arul <>o«au't Undo Henry llk< plum pudding’ •Mamma )<’*. but the doctor aon'l Id him Mt It Johnny If I was aa big as hint Id like tO »••o any doctor keep mo h..» I'm k eating II The gentleman who«« 1 lalni whole Florida Island, ba»*' I 11 Npanlah grant, has been nd* considered by the »uptetue *<»n I m * consoled by the tact that are numerous people who h..»<• sad defects in their titles bi realty, principally, however I matter of castles In Hpaln Balt Herald. Compensation. "Yas.” aald ..1» author, "»hen I our ti’.i .vi ) gala."—- Standard ■■a IW ii Eu Ttai» «if»»'“’* J» "• «»err •;* Ijixative BrtMntt-Qiiiiiine • • • IS» rsiat-'r real ewre« a ewM iw **•*• a»l Whit he had Hward. Tommy I’m glad I duu I Uve out I» North Dakota. Arthur— Why? Hash rh* dat heavy aiatrr «lour —Somerville Journal. Br'rr U llluima down! Hull th«? «tandiu* lotiraoinr fliira* («I In Even There! town; "Ml»» Vlnagree. they don't hat» th* E d d« prit»* la for dr deacon dat'll awing (reside* at Vassar College do they? dal ■¡■1er rutin'! "Don't they, though’ They mad« me buy pound after pound of almon! Don't you h«-eh de muele? butter» up« and aland and watch them l'otri«- en jure de ring! while they ate them." Chicago Tri Ain't die hallelula? bune. j < j * pa’inm ewing! Swing yo’ pa'turre swing) What Dar's de prix*- n louklu' Turn de rhlnibly ■helf al you! Itr'er William» he 1« mlasin', but he'll gli A Frosparous and Popular San Franc .R« dar, I be boun*! Institution. 11« gone tar git « derrick f«r ter «win» Wftk Amnag tbe ln«tUwtl.*n« dat stator roun'l froWtb •?>«! ds-trloirtll.il* «»f •*»' I The Allgemeiner iH-utachcr Sprach verein Is a German association to rn courage the simplification mid purity of the German language. flue of Its alms In to make trotli »¡token and writ ten German simpler, not only by using shorter mid less Involved sentence*, KBtl but by the elimination of the use of foreign words In the social. bUSllICS» Prap’t and aclentlflc worlds, The licndquiirt era of the iiKHoeliitloli are In Berlin mid there are branche» In Milon mi<| ninny part» of Anatri» ns well ns In London |1 oo. MACHINERY, FARM IMPLEMENTS, Etc, MITCHELL, LEWIS Í STAYER CO. First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. ¡ D« 0.00 and up. Irving D. Cook, w Im Ilves near Mouth llyron, recently rv|ialrcf Iron mot, * almrt pliwe was placed »<> that the ends of the rail. If they might Im called that, would not In dent the wnod. There were no «eetloli Imaaca In time* days, and handcar* were unknown. The fl ret ri’palr gang consisted of three men. w ln> carried a few »plki *, a ehl»> I. ail auger, a hand aaw, ele. In a liainllod luiaket. Th« few heavy tool», like • crow­ bar, mlxe mid aliovrl. were carried on the men'» »boulder*. The men worked a« they pleased, and during the Imt auiunier day* It waa no uncommon thing for the gang to a|M-nd hour* In the shade of Mr. Cook's augnr bush, ad Joining tin* track. Train* were InUro queiit. and a roadmnater'a pony waa uii known. Among the locomotive* Aral use*' for freight and passenger «er» lee were the l.oula Brooks. Whlttleaey, A»» Sprague mid No. 4. the Inal Ix-lng known a« the Iron Engine, lx*enu»e no Wtxxl was il»ixl In Its construction et ee|>t In the cab. T hese engine* Imd only one drive-w keel on each aide The Aral Fourth of July after the road was con­ structed and III rimtiliig order was ot>- aerved by the railroad company by Ar Ing a cannon from Hie rear platform of the la»t ear <>u apprimehliig station» The ¡m««euger ears were almrt ami tnueli like the Ixxly of a stage eoaeii Nome of these ¡*n»»ciig«-r car» had an upper «lory, and from thia upper deck Mr. Cook »aw Martin Van Buren climb down to ahak** hand» with a crowd wluu be wn« running for lhe preol deney. The conductor w ax then called a collector, mid ¡*a«»«xl along on llie out­ side of the ears on a runiilng Ixuird that extended the entire length of the ear The putting of naiiiea on engine» was discontinued twenty flvror thirty years ago. the last to run on the weatvru illvl ■on ta’lug the Dean Richmond, which waa ,Xo. 147. tlie Azariah Bmsly, Jaim-a Whitney. James II Kelley and Gen II If. Baxter Rochester De tins'rat and Chronicle. Don't you hash de music? Come en jinx de ring! Ain't dis hallelula? Nwing yo’ pa'tner»- «»Ing! —Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly, when Ferry • ¡f y«,,, buy ( heap »er.li yon can t be aure ‘ I ~ ako no chant *• get E«rry • brgler« ev«ry- wb<-r« »s'il ibera W rit« The Kind You Have Always Bought Rheumatism planting for 1901 Meed Annuel rnaneti free Two Big Pams amt u— you r« CANDY CATHARTIC Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taate (food Do Good, Wever Mlrken. Weaken, or Gripe. IQr, Write for free »ample, and txxyklet on health Addrets •UrllBf a»a»«4y <«m»a«r, Ik lea«** ■••lr*a1, law Varb. Mia Trai l*« War« tonal* wct«il Train« linn Hiitv Year« Aai*. M. J. WALSH Bless God. none kin «wing her! . ORCOOH. you gw lue ter do? RORTLAHD If yew haven't a r^aalar. healthy movement of the bowel« every day. you re tick, or will b« Keep year bowel« open, and be well. Force. In the«b*t/e<»f violent physic or pill poieon. la dangerous Tbe '«aitbe«t. eac1e»l. most perfect way uf beeping tbe •cwela clear and clean ie to take Il„w Lighting ■ Lamp with a Hnowball. l«*«h| • lluaii * •• <’*ltig' »• • platr iLi.tb •• • bu«in'«« • ! '* •s' a i-J •• s-Vrf •!■•• r.lu. at|..ua I |1..tltiltl.*i.. It I • It« urg«niaatitrti, i»«-«rlr f * • • '..Xi •?» irrmrly ps.fMilar «1'1 .uliifith ■ 1« ill th»« «ItM -f tl* ’* •*■»»•! " ’ • ' H.ltlhll !• «lltutlon« In whlrb • «11/ t«b«* i ’ I ltd l*w»t«at taa I* •ID*’ uf th«’ ”bl Trlln . ......................... •“ •a*’*? • >uglUy |»r«»grs **l»« re*«bll«l»i» ’ (loll with • drfililti »....................*u4 •“ s»t“* (hrtird «tfllu« In iiwHH’i tl»»n with remmrrrlsl .Sold «""1 * tbr n«tu*> «•< H«-«ld • 1« • , < hi *1 *i*•.ni < ’ .'.Ur ParlAc ' “ |a li. a. 1.1 t ■" '• Il •• , largr • ■ -------- htatif’.rd ,. bn*>wn — - »f Barb'll. f'r ‘ ' i • 1 ’ • , i •tudwnla from lb*» ft»ur In IHWU •»•r. r* cHinty “ in ' I’.lir-ni'» • tudrnt* III ÍI..I.I. i. - -- - lint rr|»r*«rlil*-d WrfW Ih’l N.trft , J1 • nd Vrntur« T:.- res’i.i.* “ ■< •' tb«t In It««? ■tndi'iil« . * ...'I lr.II • f .Il<.wing . Kl«f<« ..... U,... ..." Ifttrnl«, I.. r< «s-ntallv»’« frttm r«< It ,'„'i..?..i... i '. '*5; Ington, Ot- g- n. klont«n«, J, Arlioit«. k«n*>«. MlsreHirl. |■.■>H..l >*'»'• J«*r«ry, Vrriii<»hl. |MM) ■ t tlllr IIf « < •«!•* fl»«* IlnWnH«” I*1"1*’* < « iini I«, 4 Jatsntt . Vibtm Territory, Mtlu-rl« «ml mtn Etiritllnirut« were «1*» «•«•>•• NWtftlrli SB*|rn «slt.ifii 8 IM’’®’ It« l«rf<* |Jlf, Iteadf I «rm IttHlr of «I'lflihl "J ’ rmhlabl« forur. ■ > « f.trmltbi bii |»rww»llng . „.U, ,,t tire ...U.S.. .... '..„M .1 glGWlh of tl.r <>»«•■•- - ■ tn th« ronitnndlfig . ............ r ”'• * H graduatr«, who know wlim .f f.’ »„r lull li.r..nh’ I ain't (.on,e"‘;Vwo"’1 causing a violet I i I ii I h I i flame. When don’t think It’» worth while to the piece of potassium I» placed on the —• wick of a coal oil or alcohol lamp, the about It.”—Puck. flume produced by touching the ¡iotas alum with a lilt of snow, lie or wuter, “Russell” Compound will light the lamp. ENGINE Age al Wtilrti They Married. Royal iHTBonsgea nliuost Invariably marry young. Queen Victoria was not u here tosUy It is the Most Economical 21 nt the time of her marriage; the and i owrrful Tinpinr built Prince of Wnli*s was rather loss than ’ 22 when he married the bountiful Alex andrn. The King of Italy was 24 when Write us for full particular». he married his seventeen year old bride. The King of the Belgian* was IIrat mar rled al the ag* of IN. and the Emperor PORTLAND ana SPOKANE, of Germany waa 22 when lie married Um Empress, who Is a few months Ills senior. POULTRY NETTING. 4Z/ ' . L,7\ BLACK oi'TFLLO'* RUSSELL A CO., .................... ?""• * 4 6 • •• •• •• * •< •< * • << «• 4« H «... «I tt M •« ■ ............ |l SA ............................. .. I <7 ............................ »..to ........................... -. 4.11 .................... « W f 2"’*” Wlrt- "'»r«. «nd Iron Work. P°ila»L»Aho W,HE * ihon works 14» Fron« tat., Portland, Oragna. ^/SH ’'OIM CH* aw. yo}1 <> eepdr Y X, ___ * S I’lrnty of Itooin In Montana. Tlitiro nre nboiit ¡MMKio.otki aerfa of it 11 oi.t 11 >1i public lund yet rcinaltiliig In Montana. Tilt* dull inno boit a you aud th« sharp one skin* you. I w T hardest J STOR^j Tint NO SuaSTtTUTIS Ixuw.H^ lu. Çïrè; »>(.,? p„*ÇL- ‘ a. p. a. u ae. 1 MKN wrlllna <* a*««»»*»* ■Mil«« Itala pap«'- W