Klamath republican. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1896-1914, July 06, 1899, Image 1

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* «*•**•'
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
New York has u erise of yellow fever.
I. came frmn Cube. .
M «
Steam Barge Foundered in
Lake Erie.
Fift«*eti hundr-'.l men ure now out nt
T USE TICKS FROM THE WIM8 th««' Ji Hugo stockyards.
Au lnl>rMlla( Oelleetloa of t'-wo S'
th« T*«> H»uit«pharua l*ru««ut»4
lu a CuB<lanaa«t Sunn.
Our sales abroad
doubled limv 1880.
have more Ilian
New Orleans will lurnlwh the Ural
two of the Spanish court stenogiapliers
Utis asked for.
A new sugar company organised in
Hau Franc is. o lias 0ft.tHK1.OOO to use In
Hawaiau isles.
line of the Prince Luigi partv panned
I nut 01,800 <n (our days' time al Cape
| Nome, Alaska.
Alter 38 ballots were taken, the Ken­
tucky Democrats Humiliated William
Goebel for governor.
A Jaiurnese vessel has arrived In
Ran Francisco and is said to have bu-
boule plague on larard.
Rioting has broken out afresh in
Cleveland. Seveial street cars were
demolished by the mob.
The government will uso a shell of
teiritic explosive power in the fall cam-
i paign in the Philippines.
The freight steamer Pawnee limned
near Cape lleniy, coast of Florida.
Her crew of 34 waa picked up.
The slap Selkirk went down on Ap*
teef, ill the Philippines, with a 0400,-
IMS I cargo. All hands were saved.
Sccretcry Alg-« j«fv<'nt»l a paraput,
but on a teat it proved worthies«.
llm writing paper trust h " lieen In-
oorpcirated, capitalised at 0J.‘>.000,000.
At a tumult in Die Italian chamber
of depuliee in Romo 20 deputies wcie
At Belgium tlm government has con-
o*led to the Molallste tlm right la h.fl.l
u> outings.
leimlon telegiaph company objects lo
a I'aciflc cable bocauoo II will hurl
their '.-usiiKsa.
The California miners who were re­
ported to have perished lu Hlberia, are
alive ami well.
The |«anui trust has been incorpor­
ated in New Jersey with a capitalisa­
tion of 030,000.
Retail prices will advance in keep­
ing with tlioae of thu wholesale In the
iron and »teeI trade.
General Harrison Gray Olla aaya Ills
iiamesake should have 60,000 uieu to
route the Filipino«.
Tlm crtlleei Chi ««Igo haw gi»no to I' io -
lor in. Sooth Africa to prot«M't Aiuvriraii
ilitercata m the Trahtraal.
Drcyfut haa at laal I mgu himl<s| hi
He waa taknn tn K«mnua.
when» hia rutritil ill tak«« place.
Th« United Stilt«-« con «tn I at Salva*
dor. inform« the »talc dcpartWtfiil that
yellow level baa madu ita appearance
Ths Chicago stockyards atrikeis have
Under «fircct orders from tli* proal»
been successful, and have I «turned f / dent, «very uerve ta atrainetl to got the
woik al an increase of 33 cents a day volonteer regiment! aw««y from tlm
The peace conference will lay aside Fliilippinee without a day'« delay.
diaaiinauient proposals. The Ruasiau
No colored regmienta will la* organ-
pro|s*aU were declared unacceptable. iivd fo? errvice in the Philippinet.
The 'varv.ty boat race was won by Any ci lion»* I men unlifitrl will he aw-
rpsuiiarlvania. with Wisconsin second. «igne«l to vacancica in the prnaonl col-
Twenty-seven thousand people were in oied leginirnta of the tegular army.
I attendance.
Heavy raina have done great damage
*eia«. It ia reliably atate«l that one
Vanderbilt has bought another roa/
ity of « i persona pvriehed. Tlm
in Ihe East, and the rumor ia l<eing re-
i vi'--l thal he 'ptende iwtaolrebing a k iuM in cotton and corn alone will
reach | I.UW), Ont,
■»«« tranaconiwas «tai line.
An asphait trnsff i,*’u'’tro. ‘the pav» f I.IMHI.OOJ will not cover tlm lose to
mg material output of Hie world, baa , railroad« and other property.
C'alifornia rc|<orle a profitable fruit
le-eii Incoprorsled In Nees- Jersey with
a capitalisation of |Jo,UOU,lXM).
Yellowstone has a new geyser, The
sine of the opening ia about the tama
as the famous Fountain geyser. Tha
Jlaption plays from Joo to 230 (eel
A lmira) Hampton baa b«*en granted a
month 'a leave of abaence.
The Itowey borne fund contribution«
have rea>*bod nearly |ltt(XX>.
A (ierman company will build a
Fan Francisco authorities liavj*\«-
Covered counterfeit dies f»r stamping »melter in bhaala coun ty. (-al.
Spain >iW» Id thu guulnat Vela«-
certificates of identification as given at
Hong Kong. They cut »1. important quea to Vatiesucla for Ifti'.QQQ frania.
pait ill the Chinese smuggling scbemee.
A strain flu« collapsed on a Miasis-
drop proe|iects in
England aud sippi river ateauiur scalding Ov« men,
two fatally.
France have improved.
Fire in the freight yards at Toledo,
O., did 0500,000 damage.
Rich New Yorkers are on their way
to Alaska to develop Ameiican mines
A life size statue of solid gold will
be Colorado's state exhibit at the Fails
Rear-Admiral Hum|amn
will re­
linquish command of the Ninth Atlan­
tic squadron in November.
John Bull is said to lie in a luul
pinch and Germany and France are no*
far Iwhind. Tiiey all need American
The new French oabinet is being
Well received.
Two hostile groups
have withdrawn their opposition and
most journals are favorable.
Af ar an abseii •« of six year« a Min-
neafioiis man retunieil to slsml trial
for grand larceny.
Captain Ccgldan will -u to Puget
sound after all, as coniuim lanl of the
naval station at Bremerton.
The navy department
<a received
Information that Admiral llcwny sailed
from Colombo for Port Raid.
Governor Jnrie», of Arkansas, hit«
iaauud a pioclamation In which h«
aaya thu iiujiortalion ot ininera must
Two Japan«»' sailors jumped from
tlm plague ship snehored al Han Fran-
ciaco, hoping to reach shorn, but wore
I row lied.
Tlm campaign will cease in tlm Phil­
ippines until the bad weather is ended.
Three hundred native Porto Ricans
Meanwhile Otis' force will I mi increased
have been enlisted in the pew battal­
ion authorized by the war deparment, to 40.000 men..
The «ecrutary of war has «ent a re-
and 11)0 more will Im taken.
quest to General H. G. Otie, at !«>«
Aguinaldo expects recognition after
the next election. He has proclaimed Angeles, to come to Washington for a
con fern nee In regard to affair« in tli«
that the present administration of the
United States will meet defeat and Fil­ Philippinee.
ipino independence will follow.
Since the announcement that al>out
10,000 volunteers were to lie mustered
into the army service in the Philip­
pines, the president has lieen deluged
with applications for commissions.
At Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in the col­
lege boat ra.es, Pennsylvania four-
oared and Cornell freshmen were Die
winners. The eight-oared race was an
exciting contest between the Ithacans
and Columbia.
The coroner'« investigation of tlm
two negroes killed in th» Alabama race
riot, found that they were shot down
in cold blood, hut failed to bring to
light the guilty parties.
Railroad ticket agents in tlm entire
territory w««t of Chicago will I ihvh
their incomes materially increased
after July I. After this date agurits
will ruceive liliursl oouiinissions for
«ellirig tickets over foreign or onrinect-
itig lines. These commissions will run
from 26 cent« l<> 04 p«r ticket, th« av­
erage being about 01.
I !»««••
. Returning aohlieia aey all 1‘lilllppine
news la ocn»«ir<xl.
Daniel F. Tiniann, former mayor of
New York, ia -lend.
Cleveland, July I. I ii a heavy north,
rust gala Iasi rilglrt, the steam burgs
Margaret tllwill, laden Willi stone fruit
Kelley's island for t'leveland, found
eml In Lak- Erie, off lairalrio. Nmi
|wrsolis were drown<-d. Four nivnilieii
of ths crow have l-oen piekml rip l>,
passing steamers, ami brought Intr
port. The dead arc:
Captain John IL llraun, master, ol
Lisaie Braun, wife uf Die master
t 'levelatid.
ltlaiicliard Braun, 3-year -dd eon.
Mrs. Cora A. IIItch-«» k, a passenger,
uf Cleveland.
William Doyle, fireman, Cleveland.
George H-dTron. seaman, Cleveland
Frank Hipp, watchman, Cleveland.
Two seamen, names nn<l addresser
From the reports of
tha Oilwll's cargo ol
while the vessel was labor lug In Dir
trough of the sea
Shortly before slo
went -loan the rudder chains partod
allowing her to fall otf .«to lire trough.
As Die helpless .-rail rose on the tup ol
a heavy sea. Die stone sCId to leeward,
the steamer llste<l heavily and sank.
The cabins cauie loose from the ba’gs
and float»l on the water, While the les
of the ship Went to Dio bottom.
The rescued momlM-rs of the crev
were floating on Din surface of leak-
Erie, clinging to bits of wrec kago
Their rescue was attended by exhll-l
lions of extreme heroism, for a lieav;
sen Was still tunning when Kiev wrrr
pick»l up. Captain Wi h-ughby, ol
the State of Ohlo. sighted the wteekags
about 6:16 this tnernlng, directly in
Discourse from Cleveland to Toledo
The big steamer imin»lialely put Intr
service her life saving crew, arid afte
sailing around the wreckage for an hou
and a half ihiyla was rew-tMal. II..fl
ron was thrown a line, but ha was too
weak to take hold uf It. and Went down
in the presence of a large crowd on
board the steamer. Seveial attempt«
were made logo! tlio yawl into ths
water, hut the sea waa atill ninnili«
high, ami the Work was «llrvliicly pur
Heffron's death
for he grabbed the I
courage.) by the crowd, made a su|-or-
huniHii effort to put the rope around
himself, but ho was too weak, and had
to give up llie desperate struggle wilt
Die waves. The leseue of Doyle was
effcvt«<l with difficulty. EijMirl lino
men walked up ami down Ilin steamer,
ami every time Die big 1 mm t sou Id 1.«
work»! near him a line would tw
thrown. Finally lie reached one, aim
quickly got it around his Ixafy, Hr
waa more dead than alive when laket
In. Captain Willougliby said lie div
not leave Dm spit till Im waa sure tha
no others remained on the wreckage.
Itow In 11*1(10-«
|.0 m I tn lllutltig
Brussels, July I.—The storm*of ver­
bosity was renewed in the chamber o!
h.puiti-a Imlay.
The socialists led a cheering crowd,
shouting "Vive In repnbliqun," to ths
park, where a conflict with gendaimes
occurred. Tlicnrw the tnoli prix-oeiloJ
to the public square, the aliope closing
a* the riotera ap|Minred.
The streets Wore filled by a ahoiitini
mob, which eventually gntherml It
front of the wnt ministry, whom gen
dfartnes with drawn aworda altemptml
to diape ran the rioters.
At Die concluaion of a great meeting
In the town hall tliia evening, thou-
senile attempted to crown the (rraml*
Place, in wliiob the town hall atnnda.
The gi'mlarmee charged with drawn
sworda, and the crowd retaliated with
atonea. bhota were tire.I on both sides.
Three pernona were wounded, and a pm
lice officer wan severely ntalibed with a
nhoemaker'n knife. Tim riotera on be­
ing dispersed, annum bled nt another
|Hilnt. A large crowd gntharod In th«
Rue Royals, tearing up the paving
stonea and lining these an miwnilaa.
Finally, the civic guard wan ordered
out Io relieve the |M>lia<i.
Ih-npite these attempts to nnpptesi
the distill bailees, rioting continued to
a lute hour, many pornona being in
jured. A tramway conductor teceived
two bnllet-wounila.
Ultimately ths
troops were called and 116 arrests wer«
made, many of tlioae taken Into cus­
tody being In poaseaai-m of revolver«.
The piildiu prosecutor, with hie entir«
atafT, reiiiainn on permanent duty al
tha Hotel de Ville. It In rumored thal
otic man who was wounded lias aim:«
A dispatch from Pekin says: (1. A.
Flitch«, interpreter of the French lega­
A Ht. Ixiuia police officer found con­
tion tiW -, has been struck by a China­
man. and is sobering from bruises. cealed in a dirty trunk and a valise a
The French minister demands a pulilio sum of money exceeding 016,000 fn
government bonds, gold ami bills <it
ipology from the (sung li yamen
Mr Thomas Lipton’s cup chullenger think that thia small fortune is tlm
•nanir.e k was launched at .Millwall, property of Mr«. Walbongar Waokerle,
.nglami*. As the »hamrock reached
an nged German woman who is now a
lidstream from the slips, a barge col-
patient at the city insane asylum.
I with her, silking the yacht's bow
At Wallace, Idaho, deputy sheriffs
e Die waterline, and making a lug
have posted notices forbidding tlie
A Pueblo, Colo., the Eilers smelt* public observance of July 11. This ia
tha ariniversnry of Die riot nt Gem,
I Vie of Ai> trust plants, has resume»
irn ngo. It linn ever s -icn been
The llrooktyn Itepetred.
ns Miners’ Union dny, the ex-
New York, July 1.—The cruiser
the forenoon being similiir to Brooklyn, which was Injured off tlm
ial tlm]
Memorinl dny, whiln in Dm Buttery Decoration day, wna taken out
.<1 the i
Fourth of July spots are of tlm drydock nt the navy-yard today,
they cl
tliiiruiigiily repnired.
Not a sovereign or ruling prince in C<ilor«<l Mohllrr« Nhoot »• Mnlnon Mmi
Europa failed to send Çjueen Victoria
MlH.tr Raw, Ils,»«.
Wlnnemiioca, Nev., July 1,—Tliia
,! Fpr 70 years Roswell Ih-ardsley line felicitations on her 80th birthday.
evening a a pec In I train containing com-
l»:< n laistmaster at North Lansing,
The flve-ton schooner Coke has sailed panlea L and M, of the Twenty-fifth
from Han Francisco for Manila, (lap- infantry, and company K, of Die Twen­
I ,N- Y.
ty-fourth, colored regiments, arrived in
William Whist, of Denver, was tain Fruiteli, the sole occupant of Dm Winnemucca. A number of the mon
itricken by death while praying that
loft the train nnd rnldo-l a neighbor Ing
m might join his wife, wire iiad died ippines in (JO days.
saloon. Tlioy wrecked Dm bar and
The exposition of natural and manu­
14 hours before,
Holo whnt liquor there wan in sight.
factured products at theeouDi will take
r 'Ihe elm tree at Fort Meigs, in Ohio,
Chris Doiss, the bartender, wan shot
place at the Gland (lenirai palace in
down by one of the soldiers. Thoe« I
n«y« fi mona by tlm campaign of Wil-
New York, commencing Ortober 28
who committed ths outrage then fled i
i«ni Henry Harrison against tlm In-
end ending December 1, 1890.
liana, has fallen.
to the train.
Ci, 1N1HL
1 k/1
Han Francisco, July I.-—The Asso
■ Istmi Press hue recaivml a h'tler from
Dr J H. Slinie, fritmidiy a well known
physician ol thia city, telling of the ail-
ml ion III the Kolaebun country. The
letter ia dntmi Kunnk river, Alaska,
monili id Mauneluek river, January I,
Dr, Rione aaya that 1,6UU men
lutiti 02OU passage money to Koisebuo
besides buying provisions, olollilng,
mining trails, etc., on |ho strength of
circuláis issued by certain transporta­
tion cum pun ms announcing "The rich­
est gold llidds In Alaska," anil offeilng
oilier Inducements to secure travel on
tlirlr lines.
The ciculars, writes Dr. Rione, were
malicious Ilea made out of whole cloth,
and no gold lias lureli found on Kotae-
line sound or either the Kowak, Noto-
ark or Selawik rivera, which (low into
Hothaui inlet, a part of Ilia sound, or
any of tiislr tributaries In anything
like paying quantities
lip to date
oilier laige rivera lieve bean prospected
with no rtault. One thousand hulea
w. re sunk this winter, some of them
.15 Isol deep, with no bedrock or uulur
luring attuek.
A isoli Novemlwr I a meli was started
lor Ilio Alasliook on re|airts being ra-
. rived of gold l«ing found in rnoimoos
quantitive, and lio|«lul pruafiecla. At­
tui journeying Iti days, oiiltlnw trails,
dragging heavily loaded simia with Die
Ho'riuometer registering from 4ft to HU
d. gim-s induw aero, wo readied lleaver
t Ity, a settlement consisting of seven
cabins, only to llirri the ro|M>rts abso­
lutely falos.
The re|>ort had lawn
started by a merchant who bad supplies
In sell sand be a recorder of danna
Ki|a>rta from oilier rivers aro justas
(>t l.ftOU in’ll who rsttis hem proba­
bly hall bam mturnml; the remainder
am hero waiting for the Ice to break up
and for the hmm iIde arrival of a Veeaal
to take them back to civilisation.
Tliia country is cold and produces noth­
ing to sustain life. Of Die mon who
am liore not ftu have means to got away
and must, unless the United Htat«-s
govornmenl sends ons of its trano|Mirls
bole, dis of cold or starve.
(hie half of the terrible suffering of
the people In this district has not been
told. The last nows received from Ihe
states arrived on the steamer Grace
Itollar, and the last papers are dated
June 30, I Hut
tVo do mil know if we
belong to Hpain, Germany or tlis Uni­
teli Hiatos
.Mr. Htono wished the fart of the ne­
cessity of governmental aid Impress»)
11)401 the )wople until nm-eesary aid Is
sent to dls<r>ssrd Americans who were
hoodwinked by 'die lmiis)<orlatiou com-
pan lee.
Jfniphysboro, III., July 8. — Al t*
¿'clock tliia morning, Conductor Wil­
liam Bryan's train on IheJohnaon City
brunch id the Illinois Central, bearing
41 negro minore (tom Pane, w.is shot
into by a crowd of minors al Lawuer,
In Williamson county. One negro wo­
man was killed by a bullet through her
heart. Thu negroes wore brought by
Hain T. Ilusli, superInltndeiil of the Hl.
lamia Illg Mu.l-ly mines, near Carters­
ville, to work in hla mine there, where
tbore Is tiow a strike.
l'h- miners, 60 In num Iter, wrre
armed with rifles and were hidden lit
the grass Irelrind the company depot.
Wlien the train alop|-ed the leader, nil
Italian, got oil ths platform ami ooni-
maiided the tiegroes to got out. Con*
Inter loted, l-ut waa
slopped by a revolver in his face, Tlm
train began to move ami the miners
l-ouro-l In a wilhorli.g fire Comluctor
Bryan yelled to the negroes to throw
lire usolves on tile floor.
Half a mile furliter on the negroes
wrre unloaded ami placed un.ler charge
of guards. They were then marclied
Io the mine.
Intonse excitement prevails In the
Carterville coal field, ami blrardy riots
ere rX|«-»'trd, as the foclltig lias boeri
Intense for weeks.
The lt«bels Ualherlee le
Manila, July 8. — A oollialou between
Dm two armi«« al Han Fernando •»■in«
inevitable «--oli. Tlm Insurgents ai«
activa all armimi thu town, and can bu
«celi working
in thu tronche» to
slreiigllmn ilmir faielliun. lia y and
nlglil forese are at Work.
Il la ««timate>l that 3,000 mm Were
•celi marching In tlm rua-l north of
tow n ynst»r<lay morning. The Aiiinri-
can» turne«! oul and mann»l thè de­
leitaos, «xp»«ctitig an atta, k
The «ol-
dlers slcrp In Ilmir clothee and break­
fast at 4 o'eiiK’k in tlm morniug. so a« tu
l«- icady for an anault,
Tlm conuniMlon of threo Spanish
nflleera who «nter<-«l tlm insurgenl litios
a forInIglit ago to link’ a linai attempi
tu arrange lor tlm rsloase .d thè H|iaii-
ish pnsormrs lieve imi returnnl. Their
Renerei Olla* SbelrfMe llaglmsnie Will long ahsorice has oc-«sc>n»l alami, bui
He rilled.
reporta conia to Manila tliat they were
Washington, July I.—The flrat vol­ rooeivnd by Aguinaldo at Tarlao ami
unteers to be ralsi -l fi r sctvic«-a in Dio •ntertaiiml hoepilably. Il is sai«! timi
1‘hllif'plliea will lie tlioae for the skele­ Aguiiialdu gavo a benqusl In tlmir
ton irglnmnls now being foimeil by honor, all tlm leadit-g familms of tlm
General (Ills
It la not liellevoal there rebel lea-h-ra of tlm prraenl cabinet at-
will l«e the least difficulty in obtaining tendilig, henee thè Hpatilarde In .Ma­
nila ho|Ht Dial Dio mistión of tlm oom-
Dmso men.
Il Is probable thal some time will missionnrs will I h « suocoeslul,
General (Ivonshiiie Is in thè hospital
elapoa before Dm tiiaq* of the provis­
ional army are sent to Manila, but, sutleiing froiu fever. General Grani
meanwhile, they will ho drilled and la cornili anding bis troupe on tlm coutil
tanghi marksmanship In camp. Il is III,-'.
c>limat««l that tliree months are re­
quired to make soldlets of lecrilila.
The oftl.ors ol the war dopaitmerit Alii«rlr«»na ltemrfHe»«1 by IlMVltig Hmm
Out t»f Atlln.
t link Dial a numtier of volunteers now
coming fióme will deslio to return to
Healtle, July 8,—Advices (mm Atlin
the 1'lillippines for a short service after mining district are to tlm effect that
they havo had an opixirlunlty to see Judge Irving, wbo waa sent into Dm
homo and friends. They srs regar-lod distrlot l>y the British Columbia gov­
as Dm most d-airalda for Dm regiments ernment to straighten out Dm tangle
lining organised by General Olia.
cnu«e<l hy tlm alien exolusinn act, Ims
arrived there and lina alieady ai-llled
That Mluell«»n in Frane»,
many disputes over looationa. He has
Lendini, July I. — A represciitalivo of decided tlml llmorgininl «takes, localetl
Ih» pre«« aaw Senator Depew Imlay. I «dore tlm passage of llie exclusion act,
Ila aald:
shall ataml, whether tha localora are
"1 Imre jtiat returned from Paria and Amcrioana or Canadians.
Brussels, wliern 1 picked up my arm.
Russ llomber, of Victoria, a 1st« ar­
who ia now thoroughly restored to rival, aaya: "Tlm condition of nffaiii
hi-allli, ami who embarks with ma Sat­ in Atlin ia very serious. Nearly 4,600
urday tor New York.
men are In the diatncl doing nothing
"Thu altuation In Parla, which la Many have run out of provisions and
equivalent to Franco, seems gradually money, (inly a few of Ihu claims are
lii'ionimg broader. All thia apaatnudic turning out well. I would not give over
upset, thia changing of mlninatera. Ilio 08,000 for the beat claim In tlm dis­
erica from tlm honaelo)« am surely trict. Whilu I nm a Canadian, 1 non-
hiving Ihe foundation of making mm ■ Ionin, in the strongest terms, tlm so-
■livid« off into tlioae cognate paitiea linn of Dm provincial government ill
which, well defined, will, in my opin­ keeping tlm nonntry cl--»«>d up. Amorl-
ion, yet raise Fruirne into and keop her naris should Im thankful that tliu alien
in tli« trout rank."
law kept them out. "
A Ko«irg«»gn0i
Paris, June 80.—Tlm notion for dam­
age Inoligli« liy Mum. Resal as a result
of tlm loas of I or husband by Dm aink»
Illg of the French line steamer Ln
Bourgogne in collision with the British
alilp Cromarlyshiro, Juno 4, 1898, off
Raids island, N. H., has resulted in a
verdict against llm company of loo.oou
Iraiica, llm plaintiff nt the same time
lieing debarred from claiming any
money lost wilh M. Renal wliicli may
I'fler I mi recovered. Tlm court found
tlm copmauy ren|M>iinihle for tliu acta of
tlm captain, who san d«o)arod to he al
fault in bringing lila ali ip to a stand­
still after the oolllaion, in losing tinm
in launching tlm boats, and in not
furnishing Dm passengers witli life-
Work on Ballon Trail.
Judging from tlm nninber of blasts
going off near Pyriiinid harbor Jack
Dalton must he doing extonniv« Work
on that end of Ilia trail.
Havana, July 8.—The oitixena of
Mntansas protesi agallisi rcstorlng tlm
l’cnmtery lo Mcleslastlual autholrle«.
Il Is niseiied by Ihose who aie purtlcu-
larly aulivo In ilmir npi-ositlon that
tlm oliuroh, titoligli alwaya ri-guiding
tini ceinetery as a Isa-llng «onere of In-
culli«, ha« Invariably tukeri ad-iuitag«
of Dm |M«ir In courieotion llmrnwilh.
oom|M-|ling tlmm lo pay eiorbltanl
«uiiis wlmti ruiitlng giave« fot their
dead, and Diari, at thè i-spiratlon of
tini torni«, releiitloaslv dloinlerrliig thè
rumatila ami llirowiiig tl.oin luto un-
coneectatml ground.
Hrlgadl«r-Gonoral Lee callud npori
tlm govsrnor-gensral tralay wilh n-garil 1
to futuro action agallisi tlio tbleve 'S
wlio bave recently creatoli so much
troulile In ili« districi of Guanajay.
Tlm pionipt meauros already taken
s«rv«<l to check thè outbreak of
thla-very, and II is noi ex|iectml Dial
timi« wlll ho mudi morn troiildo there,
Nevartheless General Lee wlslms to
take siepi that will be absolutely pro­
< lerniral flrookn lisa received a dee ree
drawn by He noi La Nula, societary of
juslio« Oli tlm advisory cabinet, liy III «
termi of wlliuh, for thè lime bvitlg,
citisene of lornign oountrles wlio desire
Ilio rrcognitlon of ohartera and llconsoa
aliali pi«acnt lo their diplomati': vepre»
•»illativo or consci all sudi documenta
for formai legaliaation.
Tlm |HMiple In Havana are deeply in­
ternateli in Ilio re|a>rtod dlsoovery of yel-
low favor «cium. Must of tliein doubt
ita effleacy, but tliev say they will give
It a fair trial If op|aitunity offora.
They bellore that if adminlslored in
minuto doeea il would noi harm Dir
Navnl llnartl K ■ |>rrio>«iita With
New York, July 8. — A dispatch to
the lleiald from Washington aaya:
lni|-ortant testa with thorite, a new
high eiploelve, are lieing conducted by
the board of ordnance an I fortifications
al the Sandy Hook proving grounda.
Little ia known at the war department
of tlm characteristics of the new explo-
aive. Il ia the invention of Profeeacr
Tuttle, of Oregon, whoasserts it ia per­
fectly aafe, and waa willing some
weeka ago to pul a red-hot |<oker in a
charge of thorite, declaring It could be
done without causing it to cxploile. fl
la belleied to have picric acid aa ita
liaae. Testa of the exploaive by the
Inventor are aald to have been very aat-
iefactory, and it may prove to lie the
material the army has been seeking.
Besides tho'ite, the ordnance depart­
ment of the army has Ireen experiment-
Ing with jovite, emmonsite and dry
and wet guncotton, paying more atten­
tion to tl e last named explosive than
to any other. Ho far none of them has
given the result« desired before adop­
tion for service use.
Captain William Crosier, military
attache of the American delegation to
The Hague oonfetenoe, waa instructed
several weeks ago to atop in England
on Ills way homo and ascertain if poevt»
Ide the Ingredients of liddito am) the
secret ol the fuse need by General Kitch-
riet’s army in the Soudan with aucli
«xcellent effect. It ia untrue that he
lias been directed to conliacl for any
quantity of the elploeive.
.Military oflioera in England have ap­
parently been unable to eecure all the
information concerning the explosive
the authorities would like to have. It
is recalled that emmenaile, discovered
in and uaed by France, waa kept a se­
cret, but tine government finally ob­
tained infoimation of its ingredients
and has been testing it for aome years
al Sandy llook.
Teals of jovite were made by the
army officials several years ago and
were not very successful. The navy
department has tested thorite with con­
siderable success, and if it continues to
Im satisfactory it may lie adopted by
the naval service.
Srrnm the
by llssd o*
Him His Life.
New York, July 8.—Charles M,
Murphy, of the Klugs Cminty Wheel­
men. Kale s mil« on a bicycle. pa<e-l
by a locomotive, in 67 4-6 seconds to­
day. His course wsa a two-mlle Ima'd
track on a siding of the I-ong l.laml
railway. Murphy followed an engine
and a day coach, th« latter lieirig pro­
vided with a hood, which acted as a
wind shield for the rider. The board
track was laid near .Maywood, L. I.,
ami extended fiom that station two
miles east, and was aa nearly perfect lo
a level a« ’kill could niuke il. Fully
8,000 |M-opk< suw Murphy make his dar­
ing tide.
Engineer Ham Booth had his hand
on the throttle of engine 74 when the
word was given to start al 6:10. The
engine started at a rapid rate, and be­
fore 400 yards had been traversed, was
running at a rale of more that! 50
mile« an Four. Murphy was keeping
well within th« hoorl. As they neared
Die l»-ginning of th« mile stretch. Die
pac« wan a mil« a minute, and a cloud
of duet obscured everything from llie
view of th« spectators, who lined tliu
banks on either side.
On entering tliis pace, which would
teat hie 3)ie»l, Murphy, in reply to a
query, ehout»J: "l’m all right, send
her along." but there was no necessity
fol his remark« ae to speed, aa the en-
ginner was «ending Die big «team fly«r
along at top spe»l. The quarter was
readied in 16 seconds, and the half in
2U 2-6. The lime for the three-quar­
ter« was 44. At th« finish, two of tlm
watches «liowed 67 4 6, one 67 8-5, an-
otlmr 6M and the flftli 67 3-4, which
was belli by Hheriff ('reamer. The
timers agree.) that Murphy had coveiwl
tlm distance in 67 4-6 seconds.
Those on the back platform who had
watdmd Murphy all through his won­
derful ride stated
tiial the rider's
handle bars had knocked againrt tlm
rubber buffet al least six times and
each tinm tlm concussion sent him back
fully six feet, but Murphy always had
strength enough to regain thia distance.
During tlm last quarter of a mile,
tlm rider covered the ground for the
greater part fully a wheel’s length out­
side of tlm hiHul, but aa Im passed Dm
finish he was clowe up. Just then two
strong men on I ma rd the train reaclmd
down and seised the rider hy either
arm and lifted him aboard the car in
safety. Their action undoubtedly saved
Murphy's life, because he was then in
such a weak condition that had he been
allowed to remain on the wheel ho
would liav« been nnabla to contiol it,
and a serious, if not fatal, accident
might have happened.
Murphy was carried to the front part
of tlm car ami laid oil a cot where a
physician ailministeted to him, and in
less than five minutes the cycliat was
able to converse with those around him.
M nrpby seemed dated at first, and
said, in answer lo queries ae to why he
fell back so many times: "1 did that
so that 1 might not eome in oontact
with tlm planks which were being torn
up in front of me."
Later on, howovei, he did n<
to tliia, but said: "Boy
wavs Dial I could do tL
I have done it, 1 aiu aa
are many otlieia. ”
Before Dm train had
Ion Murphy had regained Ilia normal
Murphy rode a 3H-inch wheel, geared
to 120, filf-inch crank hangers, and Dm
weight of tlm machine was 20 ‘g
Jfc.’ t
Joint l*«rlilr Coaet Tormlnal <'<> ih |>* h jr.
Tli« TrAiiavnwl 111tflculty.
Mrs. Smith worth llea«i-
New London, Conn., July 1.—Har­
vard won all the boat races today—
three vlctorioa over Yalo In three hours
— and the western sky glowed otinison
this ever Ing when the Harvard 'varsity
crew pull«d over the finish lino six and
a halt lenghls ahead of Yalo
eight years of defeat, the students of
Cambfldgu are tasting the swisets of
Washington, July 8.— Mrs. Emma D.
E. N. Houthwortli, thu authoress, died
nt her reshlenoo in thia city al H:80
o’clock tonight, and after an illnesa of
several Weeks. About a month ago
Mrs. Hoiithwoitli waa prostrated hy Die
heat, and Dm I nil rm ity of advanoud
ago, alm lining In her ?Uth year. Him
grow rapidly worae until, a few days
ainue, it waa aeen that death waa inev­
itable. Him waa attended by her sun,
Dr. Houthwortb.
* N«w
Paced by Locomotive, He Did
a Mile in 57 4-5 Seconds.
Tacoma, Wash,. July 2.—A special
from New York to llm Evening News
Governor Not to !!•» Riihject to Any of
to. I ay aaya: Negotiations wilich havo
t li • Tronty 1*ow«r«.
been pending for tlm past 90 days for
San Franoieoo, July 3.—The steam-
settlement of tlm terms (or n joint
■ hip Mariposa arrived fiom Australia,
terminal corporation for th« Pacific
via Hamon and Honolulu, today, nnd
coast have been piactioally concluded,
repoitn everything quiet lu Die 8a-
and the plan of organisation »greed
uionn inlands.
u|H>n. Tacoma will lie the center of
The commission lost no time in get­
the system, which will include vaiious
ting to work ami had an interview with
|Mirta on the navigable waters of tlm
the riavl kings, who agreed to surrend­
North Pacific coast, where tire steam­ er all arms and abandon their claims to
ship lines of tlm Pacific will be cen­ the thorne. The comtniaeion is now
Kmn««» tered.
engaged in writing its report.
W II err a. »!• W III Ile I i Ir.l
Active work in tlm carrying out of
Apia is to be governed by a council
Remine, Frano«, July 8.—Captain the project, which includin' tlm Great and mayor. The judicial and diplo­
Dreyfus line arrived here, lie waa Northern, Northern Paoitio, Burlington matic functions of the eonsuln will bo
landed al Ljuidoron, and was convoyed and Union Pacific systems, will lie at greatly rcsti ict«d and the supreme
by train to Brux, 13 kilometers from once begun.
court and one law is recognised as suf­
Reúno«, There Im enter»! a landau,
Anolliffr lllploiii a IIr ('rials.
ficient for the needs of Hainoa. Rev­
accompanied by the chief of the detec­
Washington, July 3.—Tlm negotia­ enue will lai raised by indirect taxation
tive« and prefect of the dopartmimt. tions in London Imiking to the arrange­ by means of increased customs duties,
and was driven to Rennes, where 3ft ment of a modus vivendi fixing tlm and the poll tax will ho abolished. A
gendaruma waited IDs entrance into the Alaskan boundary, have again nearly governor will be appointed who will
town. Ten of t I m « gendarmes entered a reached a crisis, tlm several confer­ not be the subject of any treaty pow­
wagon and followed tlm carriage. Tlm ences that have taken place recently er«. He will be aaaiated by a council
rest fol lowed on ( iki I. The party ar­ between Haliabury and Choate having of tbreo, one from each of the interest­
rived at tlm prison without incident.
been iliarnally diaap|Milnting in results. ed powers. Tliia council will legislate
A large crowd aaaeiiihled arid wit­
At momenta it ap|M<ar«d Dm details for the Hamoans and will bo aided by
nessed tim arrival in silence and with­ could ba oaaily arrarged, but It turns a email body of representative Samoans.
out manifestation.
out that thus" very details cannot be Consuls Rose and Maxae are passenger«
Women Lawyer« In Frunce.
agreed upon without the aacrifioea of on the Mariposa.
Soma of the rebels aie disatiafled
Paris, July 8.—The chamber of depu­ the Interests of many Amerioan min­
ties adopted a losnlution today iiutlior- ers, mainly those wlm am driven out with the procaluiation providing for a
ixing duly qualified woinon to pntctice of llm Atlin district by tlm severe and provisional government, sud havo de­
at tim bar.
clined to give up their rifles.
disoriminating Canadian laws.
Ilni VMrd Won Three.
In Portugsl married women retalo
their maiden uatuee.
W halli r»yi00»00t la l»al Inq uant IlamMlMa
A rat Tlirtiwn Bui.
Strikers Shoot Into Miner’s
Train Near Pana.
rishtlng M«C««fc Stacrtse.
Philadelphia, July 8. —Rev. Henry
London, July 3.—Tim Digger News,
tlm Boor organ In Ianulon, prints a li. McCook, 8« years of age, the em­
dispirteh from Johannesburg announc­ inent Presbyterian clergyman and
ing on reliable authority that the Scientist, and Mrs. Eleanor D. Abev
volksraad will be asked on Monday were married last Tuesday.
Dr. McCook belongs to the fighting
to oontirin an arrangement made by tlm
exocutive council and acceptable tn Dm McCook family. Dining the civil war
British government. Tim arrangement he aided in oiagnislng the Foity-llrst
grants a retroactive franchise to Uit- regiment Illinois volunteers and served
landers resident In tire Transveal bo- as Its chaplain. During the war wilh
lore 1890, who will be admitted to Spain he vlsited Cuba and did splendid
burgberslilp, with other modifications work in locating end marking th«
grave« of Amerioan eoldie».
in the naturaliaation lawa.