r ■ i KLAMATH VOL. REPUBLICAN * «*•**•' IV. KLAMATH LAltK FALLS, KLAMATH COUNTY, OHECJON, JULY 5 NtWS. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. s_____________ New York has u erise of yellow fever. I. came frmn Cube. . M « Steam Barge Foundered in Lake Erie. Fift«*eti hundr-'.l men ure now out nt NINE PERSUNS WERE DROWNF.H T USE TICKS FROM THE WIM8 th««' Ji Hugo stockyards. Au lnl>rMlla( Oelleetloa of t'-wo S' th« T*«> H»uit«pharua l*ru««ut»4 lu a CuB.000,000. At a tumult in Die Italian chamber of depuliee in Romo 20 deputies wcie injured. At Belgium tlm government has con- o*led to the Molallste tlm right la h.fl.l u> outings. leimlon telegiaph company objects lo a I'aciflc cable bocauoo II will hurl their '.-usiiKsa. The California miners who were re­ ported to have perished lu Hlberia, are alive ami well. The |«anui trust has been incorpor­ ated in New Jersey with a capitalisa­ tion of 030,000. Retail prices will advance in keep­ ing with tlioae of thu wholesale In the iron and »teeI trade. General Harrison Gray Olla aaya Ills iiamesake should have 60,000 uieu to route the Filipino«. Tlm crtlleei Chi ««Igo haw gi»no to I' io - lor in. Sooth Africa to prot«M't Aiuvriraii ilitercata m the Trahtraal. Drcyfut haa at laal I mgu himl*bod nearly |ltt(XX>. A (ierman company will build a Fan Francisco authorities liavj*\«- Covered counterfeit dies f»r stamping »melter in bhaala coun ty. (-al. Spain >iW» Id thu guulnat Vela«- certificates of identification as given at Hong Kong. They cut »1. important quea to Vatiesucla for Ifti'.QQQ frania. pait ill the Chinese smuggling scbemee. A strain flu« collapsed on a Miasis- drop proe|iects in England aud sippi river ateauiur scalding Ov« men, two fatally. France have improved. Fire in the freight yards at Toledo, O., did 0500,000 damage. Rich New Yorkers are on their way to Alaska to develop Ameiican mines A life size statue of solid gold will be Colorado's state exhibit at the Fails ex|s>sition. Rear-Admiral Hum|amn will re­ linquish command of the Ninth Atlan­ tic squadron in November. John Bull is said to lie in a luul pinch and Germany and France are no* far Iwhind. Tiiey all need American gold. The new French oabinet is being Well received. Two hostile groups have withdrawn their opposition and most journals are favorable. Af ar an abseii •« of six year« a Min- neafioiis man retunieil to slsml trial for grand larceny. Captain Ccgldan will -u to Puget sound after all, as coniuim lanl of the naval station at Bremerton. The navy department « Aguinaldo expects recognition after the next election. He has proclaimed Angeles, to come to Washington for a con fern nee In regard to affair« in tli« that the present administration of the United States will meet defeat and Fil­ Philippinee. ipino independence will follow. Since the announcement that al>out 10,000 volunteers were to lie mustered into the army service in the Philip­ pines, the president has lieen deluged with applications for commissions. At Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in the col­ lege boat ra.es, Pennsylvania four- oared and Cornell freshmen were Die winners. The eight-oared race was an exciting contest between the Ithacans and Columbia. The coroner'« investigation of tlm two negroes killed in th» Alabama race riot, found that they were shot down in cold blood, hut failed to bring to light the guilty parties. Railroad ticket agents in tlm entire territory w««t of Chicago will I ihvh their incomes materially increased after July I. After this date agurits will ruceive liliursl oouiinissions for «ellirig tickets over foreign or onrinect- itig lines. These commissions will run from 26 cent« l<> 04 p«r ticket, th« av­ erage being about 01. MINERS. 1 I !»««•• . Returning aohlieia aey all 1‘lilllppine news la ocn»«ir, passing steamers, ami brought Intr port. The dead arc: Captain John IL llraun, master, ol Cleveland. Lisaie Braun, wife uf Die master t 'levelatid. ltlaiicliard Braun, 3-year -dd eon. Mrs. Cora A. IIItch-«» k, a passenger, uf Cleveland. William Doyle, fireman, Cleveland. George H-dTron. seaman, Cleveland Frank Hipp, watchman, Cleveland. Two seamen, names nnlia trust plants, has resume» irn ngo. It linn ever s -icn been Hration The llrooktyn Itepetred. ns Miners’ Union dny, the ex- ,’ce. ft New York, July 1.—The cruiser the forenoon being similiir to Brooklyn, which was Injured off tlm ial tlm] Memorinl dny, whiln in Dm Buttery Decoration day, wna taken out .<1 the i Fourth of July spots are of tlm drydock nt the navy-yard today, they cl tliiiruiigiily repnired. Not a sovereign or ruling prince in Crts abso­ lutely falos. The re|>ort had lawn started by a merchant who bad supplies In sell sand be a recorder of danna Ki|a>rta from oilier rivers aro justas discouraging, (>t l.ftOU in’ll who rsttis hem proba­ bly hall bam mturnml; the remainder am hero waiting for the Ice to break up and for the hmm iIde arrival of a Veeaal to take them back to civilisation. Tliia country is cold and produces noth­ ing to sustain life. Of Die mon who am liore not ftu have means to got away and must, unless the United Htat«-s govornmenl sends ons of its trano|Mirls bole, dis of cold or starve. (hie half of the terrible suffering of the people In this district has not been told. The last nows received from Ihe states arrived on the steamer Grace Itollar, and the last papers are dated June 30, I Hut tVo do mil know if we belong to Hpain, Germany or tlis Uni­ teli Hiatos .Mr. Htono wished the fart of the ne­ cessity of governmental aid Impress») 11)401 the )wople until nm-eesary aid Is sent to dlsssrd Americans who were hoodwinked by 'die lmiis)