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About The Klamath news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1923-1942 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1941)
Juno 1941 THE NKWg AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN PINI and ISPLANADI Bring your ads to The Htrald nd News office, nd got the low Paid In 'Advance Rstes. Paid-in-Advance Ona day ..per word 2e Three daya ....per word 5e Week p-r word 7 Month ...... par word 20o GlaWJjjied A&ueSitLUn Section Till 'HON I am Phone In jour "want ads" for eonvanlenca ... by 12:00 noon (or regular clarification. Charge Rare Each day par word U Minimum charga 2Se Mall ordara eaah ( 34 TWO-ROOM partly furnlihtd apartment. Oarage. 112.80. 2330 Shasta way. 6 6 TWO-ROOM furnished apart, ment, 125 N. 0th. Phone 8303 41311 VACANCY J-ROOM furnished apartment. Marlon Apartment. 423tf FOUR ROOMS furnished. Elec trio range, refrigerator. Gar age. Phone S817. 125411 t BEDROOM APT., partly fur nished, near Ewauna Box Lo. Phone 3023. ISlf NICE APARTMENT, lurnlihed. Two bedrooms, electric range, refrigerator, hot and cold wa ter. Karaite. $32.50. Call S22T noon or alter A. 2061tf THREE AND 4 ROOM apert- menU. nicely furnished. In quire 2119 Applegate. 1410U TWOROOM APARTMENT Partly lurnlihed. Christ Huck 4(1(1 Mnln. 8-10 ta Houses for Rent FOR RENT Two-room house Inquire 1300 Wllford. 81 FOR RENT Small unfurnished house. IIS. Call 8018. 8 7 FOR RENT Four-room house. completely furnished. Trees, lawn and flowers. $30 month. Call after 2 p. m.. 1840 Wor. den avenue. 8-7 AVAILABLE JULY 1 Unfur. nlshed four-room house. 1730 Orexon. Phone 8380. 6 7 CLEAN three-room furnished Mtlai. WmuI ranffa. arrn ed r rch. Frlgtdalre. $27.50. 101 Pine. 66 FOUR-ROOM furnished house. 321 N. 6th. 6 5 FOR RENT Four-room unfur. nlshed house with stoves. New lv decorated. Close In. In null- 42 Pine. 6 6 FOR RENT Four-room unfur nlshed house, excellent condi tion. 436 Adams. 6 7 FOR RENT Clean four-room modern, furnished house. Paved street. 535. 2037 Lavey. 63 FOR LEASE Nicely furnished two bedroom home In Hot Springs. Phona 3869, after. noon, June 1st. o o BEAUTIFUL new unfurnished ilmmm hnnu Oaraffe. full basement, lawn. Available by June 8. $43.00. Phone 3534. 66 BACHELORS' CABINS 423 Willow. 6-5 FlVZ-ROOM HOUSE and lrrt ated acre. 123. Inquire at 4807 So. 6th St. 6-6 FOR RENT Three-room duplex furnished, garage, i block to bus and stores. Nice and clean. 2028 Reclamation. Phona 4493. 8-3 FOUR ROOM furnished house Adult. 601 Market. 6-6 CLEAN J-room furnished da nlex. Adults. 2023 Darrow. 69 COMPLETELY furnished two- bedroom house. Excellent lo cation. $35 mo. Phona 3782. 6-10 THREE ROOMS and bath, fur nished. Phone 7251. 6 6 2BEDROOM furnished house, available June 16. Adults. Phone 7.112. 6-10 26 Miscellaneous For Rent FOR RENT Storage space. 119 N. 8th. Phone 3UB3. O il FOR RENT OR SALE Modern grocery complete with equip ment. Inquire rear apartment, 2205 Wantlond after 6 p. m. 6-5 TOR RENT Store building with 23 ft. frontage at 912 Main. See Geo. R. Llndlcy, 1227 'Iain. 6-6 FOR RENT Building 40x50, suitable for storage or shop. Phona 3702. 603 So. 6th. B66U TRUCKS FOR RENT Move yourself, save I. Stiles' Bca con Service, 1201 East Main Phono 0031 fl-7mtf 30 Real Estate for Bala FOR SALE OR LEASE Service atation, garage and 2 acres on busy highway. Altamont Trail er Park, So. 6th St. 6 7 FOR SALE New two-bedroom house. Hardwood floor, attach ed garage. Inquire 2418 Knni. Phone 3084. 6-7 FOR SALE Store and lunch counter combined. Three-bedroom home, Mrs. Lola Beck. Phone 6330. Inqulro 2331 Gar. den. 8-7 EQUITY In new 4-room modern home and garage on acreage, with lawn and garden planted, for $200. 4316 Bartlctt Ave., off Summers lane. 6-9 14 Apartmanta For Rant Automotive 14 420 Main St. OPPOSITE THE ARMORY Special Low Cost Autos '29 Graham Sedan $40 '31 Chevrolet Coupe . . $4 '30 Ford Sedan $65 '34 Ford Sedan $136 '29 DeSoto Sedan $49 '34 Pontiac Sedan $95 '31 Chevrolet Sedan ... $72 '32 Ford Sedan $97 "30 Chevrolet Sedan ... $55 '31 Pontiac Sedan $55 "31 Pontiac Sedan $77 . '31 Hupmobile Sedan . . $15 '32 DeSoto Sedan .... $69 '29 Chevrolet Coupe . . $55 '30 Ford Sedan $45 Theso eon ore) oil in running order ond we will be ond truthfully exploin the condition of each unit. grant liberal credit terms to responsible purchasers. Earl Smith Pontiac 1420 Main Street 10 Real Estate for Bale Sea These Two brand new East Side homes now ready. Both have two bedrooms and batn. nara wood. paved street, heating sys tm with registers Installed In all rooms. Only $3,500 with lib eral terms. See CHILCOTE & SMITH Since 1909 -111 N. 9th St. Phone 4564 66 SUMMERS LANE Good half acre. Price $475 on easy terms. R. C. DALE 120 JS. 9th St Dial 6972 85 NEW 2-BEDROOM HOME on paving. Mills addition. $3850. Liberal terms. BARNHISEL AGENCY Phone 4193. 112 So. 8th 6-7 FOR SALE Five rooms and bath, garage, double lot Close In. Terms. 729 Willow. 6-6 FIVE-ROOM modern home. Close In. Small amount cash needed. 209 Mortimer street 6-9 FOR SALE Clean 8-room house near Pelican school. Will con sider trailer house In trade. Phone 4075. 6-6 FOUR-ROOM modern furnished house. Close In. Garage Phone 6353. 6-7 TWO-BEDROOM HOUSE Full basement, furnace, nice yard. Two blocks from Roosevelt school. Phone 5578 between 6 and 9 p. m. 6-7 FOR SALE Four-room house. Partly furnished. $100 down, $20 month. Full price $750. Stewart addition. Phone 5918. 6.7 FOR SALE Four rooms, mod ern, Eldorado and East Main. Close In. Ideal for railroad. Phone 4533. 4106U H ACRE, three-room house and bath, Cooler, chicken house. Nice place. $1500. Terms. Christ Huck, 408 Main. 6-10 FOR SALE Two houses. Must sell at once. Phone 7251. 6-6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four- room house, chicken house, garage, t acre. $250 down. 1518 Gary St. 6.6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Four- room modern plastered house, with some furniture. Just off Shasta way. Inquire 616 Com mercial. 6-6 FOR SALE Equity In grocery store, living quarters in rear. Stock, fixtures and property $3750. Write Box 1245, News Herald. 6-10 32 Real Estate Wanted WANTED Four rooms, partly furnished house. Close in. rhon7521. 6-5 34 Automotive FOR SALE Equity '34 Nash sedan. Good car. Win take older car, trailer, chickens, boat, furniture or what have you? Your payments $11.70. 1778 Etna St., Pleasant View. 6-5 AUTO REPAIRING Melhase Garage. 6-21 AutoasotWe 4 USED CAR DISPLAY 84 AutoaM-ee TRADE '36 Ford Sedan en later model Buick. No dealers. Phone 8344. 6-5 FOR SALE '36 Deluxe Ford Coupe. Radio, heater, fog Hints, driving light, new tires. Very clean. 32,000 miles. Owner, 2237 Orchard, after 7 p. m, 6 5 FOR SALE Equity In '37 Buick aedan, radio and hater, $75. 2520 So. 6th, Cabin No. 26. 8-5 FOR SALE 1930 Ford Coupe. Excellent condition. $90 cash. Inquire 614 Prescolt. 6-7 LIGHTS and BRAKES adjusted. Open evenings. Melhase Gar age. 6-21 FOR SALE '81 Model A. Fine condition. 4039 Shasta way, 6-10 FURNISHED HOUSE TRAILER In Klamath Falls, $118. K. M. Crandall, Box 1134, Lakevlew, Ore. 6-8 $ Miscellaneous Fee Sale DUPONT Dulux Marine Paints. F. R. Hauger, 515 Market. Phone 7221. 6-22 SHINGLES Red cedar No. 1 at saving. 2161 Orchard. 6-10 ROOSTERS FOR EATING Cheap. Phone 4580. Lewis Farms. 6-10 FOR SALE Piano. Reasonable, 1857 Ivory. 6-7 STOVES REPAIRED All parts stocked. Used furniture, stoves bought. OK Second Hand Store, 820 Klamath. Phone 8671. 6-SOmtf ROLLER SKATES with shoes. New $9.35. Learn to akate with Hammond Electric Organ. Poole's Rollerdrome, So, 6th. 6-12 SANDY LOAM TOP DIRT 3-yard truck load $2.50 deliv ered. Also real sandy fill dirt. Phone 5569. 6-11 FERTILIZER $2.00 YARD Sandy loam $1.50 2 yard load; aandy fill dirt 60c per yard. Roy Schmeck. Phone 6817. 6-20 FIX THAT RADIO Our bust. ness Is sound Conner Service Co., 2007 So. 6th. Phone 6878. Just south of viaduct 6-6tf RED OR GREY CINDERS for drlvewaya. Phone 4748 eve nings or Sundays. Howard Graham. 1512tf RED FRYERS Crystal's, Mer- rlll-Lakevlew Junction. 6-9 FOR SALE 60 Tractor, suit. able for logging purposes. Good condition. Priced right or will trade for feed barley. A. H. Patterson, Midland, Ore. 6-9 FOR SALE Three-piece walnut bedroom suite, other furniture. Phone 8249. 6-5 FOR SALE 1940 Sea King 3 h.p. twin outboard motor, used less than 30 hours, can't be told from new. Cheap for cash. Phone 7192 after 6. 6-5 LET ROBIN build your U ire nest. It'll be a BIRD. Rot In-Built Is best built Webfot Con struction Co., 1430 (lamath Ave. Phone 6613. Ltw, low monthly payments. 6-7 A-tometWe glod to demonstrote Furthermore, we will Open Evenings TRUCKS '39 Chevrolet H-Ton Panel This truck Is in perfect con dition. '37 CMC H-Ton Pickup L.W. B., reconditioned In our shop and priced to sell. '36 Chevrolet H-Ton Pickup Repainted and ready for work. '14 Chevrolet 1 H-Ton L.W.B, stake rack body. If you need truck, see this one. '33 Dodge H-Ton Pickup Good rubber and excellent motor. Model "A" Pickup Really worm twice wnat we ask. SEVERAL OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM H. E. Hauger The Place of Dependable Trucks 1330 Main Phone 5131 16 Miscellaneous Set Bate FOR SALE Flat-bottom boat and trailer. 1734 Crescent, 6-9 DRY PINE MILL BLOCKS 128 cu. ft., $3.50 delivered, $2.50 at mill. Phone 5852. 6-19mtf COLORED FRYERS and roast ers. Phone 8934. We deliver. 6-7 FOR SALE Fur Jacket at sac rifice; also damask draperies. Phone 4347. 6-7 MOVING? Call Klamath Falls Transfer and Storage, 101 Klamath Ave. Phono 5872. 7-4mtf FOR SALE. RENT OR TRADE Restaurant and store fix tures. Have 60 stools, 3 cash registers, 2 safes on hand now. Also will buy cash register, stools, safes, ate. Hap David, 2311 So. 6 th. 6-4 WASHED SAND and GRAVEL for concrete; also pit run. O. A. McCord. Dial 8433. 6-21 MODEX, the modern washable casin kalsomlne. Goeller's, 230 Main. 7-3 FRYERS AND FAT HENS Lewis Farms. Phone 4580. 6-10 BARGAINS In new and used furniture. Visit Upstairs Fur nlture Store, 9th and Main. 6-22mtt 40 To Exchange FOR TRADE Two-wheel trail er for late model radio. 2 Main. 6-6 42 Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED 3 or 4-room partly or furnished modern house or apartment. Quiet. Adults. News-Herald, Box 1829. 6-4 WANTED TO RENT for one year, 4 or 8-room house on or about June 15, Reference exchanged, News-Herald, Box 1816. 6-7 WANTED Boarders. Call at 133 N. 10th, Apt. 2. 6-7 WANTED Good Jersey cow, fresh, gentle, easy milker. State age and price. Box 126. Malln, Or. 6-9 WANT TO RENT Grand piano, for evening of June 15. V. Kalina, Malin. 4 Automotive Stop Chasing Rainbows OUR MONEY RAISING SALE CONTINUES-just a few more days! You Can Still Save $ 1 50 On Our Sale Prices! 65 GOOD USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM Don't Waste Time! Come In Right Now! A Small Deposit Will Protect You On Any Sale Price Car YfHMrf QrlflnaJ KsUInf SSet Tw CMn Sltph StocirrW rrtc D-iar-m's In.ti S JM 'pU6. Was Now K?? O 1940 Nash Sedan $995 $795 $265 $24 Original Black, Weather Eye, Excellent Condition O 1940 Plymouth Pickup 675 575 190 24 Original Black, Excellent Condition O 1940 Plymouth Pickup Original Green, Heater, Perfect O 1940 Pontiac Sedan 900 795 265 24' Original Black, Very Clean O 1940 DeSoto Sedan 1095 975 325 24 O.D.. Heater. Defroster. Exceptionally Clean O 1940 Studebaker Coupe 800 695 235 24 O.D, Radio. Heater. Defroster, New Tires O 1939 Plymouth Coupe 695 575 190 18 Original Green, Excellent Condition O 1939 DeSoto Coupe 900 775 260 18 O D.. Radio, Heater, Spot and Fog Lights, 5-Passenger O 1939 Chrysler Sedan 925 795 265 18 Radio, Heater, O.D., A Beauty O 1939 Plymouth Sedan ....... 775 695 235 18 Radio, Heater, Original Black 1937 DeSoto Sedon 1937 Ford Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1934 Pontioe Sedan 1937 DeSoto Sedan 1936 Terraplane Brougham 1935 Hupp Sedon 1934 Pontiac Sedan 1937 Plymouth Sedan 1936 Ford Tudor 1935 Plymouth 2-Door Sedan 1934 Ford Tudor 1937 DeSoto Coupe 1936 Chevrolet Panel 1935 Ford Coupe 1933 Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Plymouth Coupe 1936 DeSoto Sedan 1935 Ford Coupe 1932 Ford Victory 1937 Plymouth Tudor 1936 Plymouth Coupe 1935 Ford Sedan 1931 Buick Sedan 1937 Olds Tudor . 1936 Dodge Sedan 1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1931 Buick Coupe 1937 Olds Tudor 1936 Ford Tudor 1935 Plymouth Coupe 1930 Chrysler Sedan 1937 Buick Sedan 1936 Hudson Sedan 1935 DeSoto Sedan 1930 Ford Sedan 1937 Pontiac Sedan 1936 Ford Tudor 1935 Reo Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Coupe " 1937 Plymouth Sedon 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedon 1935 Olds Coupe 1929 Ford Tudor Open Til I I O'Clock Nites Twin Used Car Lots 1129-I 133 Main Next Elk Hotel Dj KA Fluid Drive DeSoto ouglas rlotor L.o. v- 42 Miscellaneous Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for hides, pelts, all kinds metal, radiators and batteries. STAR TRADING CO. 2012 So. 6th. Phone 7678 6-27 44 Livestock end Poultry FOR SALE Cheap. Pack or saddle horses; also one milk ing Shorthorn bulL At Na tional Stock Yards. 6-6 FOR SALE Heavy fryers. Rt. 3, Box 501, Merrill highway. R. H. Anderson. 6-6 NEW LOW PRICES on Jenks Superior Chicks and Poults. White Leghorns $7.95. Pullets $18. Cockerels $2. New Hamp shlres, Barred Rocks, Reds. Brown Leghorns $8.95. Buff Orpingtons $9.95. Bronze or Narragansett turkey poults $30-$35. 100 pullorum tested. Live delivery guaranteed. Free catalog. JENKS HATCHERY. Tangent, Oregon. 6-28 QUALITY CHICKS Hamp- shires and Rocks, $10.00 per 100 prepaid. Write for quan tity prices. Willson Hatchery. Grants Pass, Ore. 6-7 FOR SALE OR RENT 12 horses mares, some matched teams. 2321 Kane, off So. 6th. 6-5 FINE selection of registered milking Shorthorn bull calves from North wood Pride blood lines. Also extra fine pure bred Jersey heifer giving over three gallons milk per day, freshened with first calf April fifth. Otto Klum, Bly, Ore. 6-6 WE BUY LIVE POULTRY and rabbits of all kinds. Trulove's Market. Phone 4282. 919 East Main. 615mtf FARMERS ATTENTION High est prices paid for beef, veal, hogs and livestock. Call Klam ath Tacking Co. Phone 5361. Midland road. 6-31mtf WANTED Alive poultry of all kinds. Martin Produce. Phone S372. 6-8 Automotive COMPARE OUR CARSI COMPARE OUR PRICES! COMPARE OUR TERMS1 LIQUIDATING OUR ENTIRE STOCK . . . Most All Makes, Including Many Late Models No Reasonable Offer Refused! OSTENDORF MOTOR CO. llth at Klamath 46 Financial AUTO LOANS Borrow money on your car or refinance your present balance. Easy terms. Cash immediately. TRI-STATE ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION M-258 The Landry Co. Refinancing Phone 5612 313 Main 6-30mtf LOANS ON TOUR AUTOMOBILE Cash At Once! Tour Car N.M Kol tl Toll; raid Tot See Us Today Commercial Finance coaroRATioif IIS tnata th Jt IlamaUl talli Phoea ssm Monti $4 14 Automotive 34 USED CARS USED TRUCKS TRIPLE CHECKED! FOR DEPENDABILITY S APPEARANCE CONDITION PRICE Be sure and ask to see the certi fied description of any vehicle. We believe you are entitled to complete information the DE PENDABLE FACTS about the vehicle you buy. Buy With Confidence From o Dependable Dodge Dealer LOMBARD MOTORS DODGE-PLYMOUTH-DODGE JOB-RATED TRUCKS LOT 521 SOUTH SIXTH 46 Financial LOW COST Automobile Loans "Dinty" Moore To Finantf new or u4 Mr pnrcham ftefinanet preipnl coot met fJr Flnitntt p-rnonal ear Obtnin ullltioiinl money tkr Reduc p-ymeots A LOCAL COMPANY 12 Years Serving In Klamath Falls MOTOR Investment Co. 114 N. 7th Ph. 3325 Lie. M-275 6-30mU Automotive JACOBS-HOWELL USED CARS '40 Packard 6 Sedan All new tires and In fine condi tion $845 '39 Olds 6 Sedan $695 '38 Olds 6 Sedan $625 '37 Plymouth Sedan .$443 '37 Hudson 6 Sedan ...$395 37 Willys Sedan $245 '36 Packard 120 Sedan Ex ceptionally clean and In fine condition, $200 worth of new Royal Master 8-ply tires on this car $395 '36 Buick 40 Sedan Radio and heater $395 '36 Chevrolet Sedan New tires, new paint and A-l mechan ically $345 '36 Willys Sedan $135 '35 Pontiac Sedan Completely reconditioned, new rings, pins, inserts, tires, etc. J15 '35 Nash-LaFay. 6 Sedan $'95 '35 Dodge Sedan $265 '34 Ford Coupe $165 33 Chev. Sedan $135 '30 Chev. Coupe $ 45 '30 DeSoto Sedan .... 43 PACKARD-HUDSON 136 Main Across From Willard Hotel 46 Financial AUTO LOANS Refinance Or Cash On Your Car 1 to 18 months to repay. Consumers Credit Co. Dlv. of Paclflo Finance Corp. 724 Pine M-230 Ph. 6800 6-30mtf 40 Busineas Opportunities TO LEASE Small grocery store and lunch room on So. 6th St. Living quarters. Altamont Auto Camp. ' 6-7 FOR LEASE Service station, lunch room, living quarters. Apply Brimming Cup, Ash land highway. 6-7, ?--v-.